A GOOD-SIGHT. j t,r the evening falls, t:'.f "!aior rest. l-' . v tU tide will turn. , ,, i;ir t- the ctiild will learn. - .. . ..-.l-t.v the lin will cease. ' l i.'.u hours b-imst, . ' hi holy rf . will t'ie sea-u ind s roar, N.'l.i Wf l- shall He. , 1 i.in "J weep no more, 1 ;y Htfl-"V; For the Review. m- c ficers We Have Seen' tt . . - V uri;,.r that we may draw a truthful .j-tsiv ..f some ofli-ers wj h.ive s. ca it C.luttrly uece-sary i have witness "VYlI.t inimitable t'ara ;.clep;l "liorn ' t.s KuriiTii"' i i ir-oii ol-l ntc i , " t! ii- in ti- t.t wuea nivii were u..-i "-'1 '"i114 musUr atiJ J.ilr i"4""3 a cU'lv,lL the land. it.e lal" yo "s u certain IJlui) v.as t i-.-cL-t(r.MJral "! n h- reached home ( V-mU'-t 'i'1-", "'"'key fcoti- " ;'.r.trw;" touM uiily hive i.-eu uimiak j bv Jj-cue of the hyp- rion curhs ! -ctiti- !i as-un.e fcuch jrijjautic pru erti i i' gotnl wife deairvd to know it ts'iti.ilrt-n must still associate with 'rni.hjr s children, yc, .Ve.; ai;jl t. ' 3:x anxious to liod out v.hal . i.. .rr. N."nw ilnn'tvr.n know lli.ii ri: - 'v j . t 4 5 a h:iii ia her camp, ,vrhen the rwrl informed her that she was the a;d d old fool shejalwajs wa Now, i'iita aaJ Diogenes may have known .jsethiDgof that special philo.spphy to which their lives were devoted and their j.jcourtta rn iy have dissected the special a be lure them; Cicero aud Dewos thenc?, whose divine eloquence a:id admiring angels :o Ha o'er the balustrades ol heaven ia bewilderment and wonder, Day Late thrilled the Rorm . . .. t iu (jrccian b"SO!ii." llurn-t. li-.i..-, Vir t: pviJ, Kurinides auu . Lsl ol others ihobtLded eupplic.iLt knees lo the tune ful cine, may have understood something cf thf'&rs poetica.' but fate, stem ar biter of hum in destiny, Kt loose a jeJiku the hosts turned ioos9 from the eavtrus of the wind tb: siid, nil of the excellencies of philosophy, oratory and polite litera tare should be embodied in "some office holders we have seen." See their conse quential swapper : see the sliake they gire their Boetian heads ; and, ye gods.1 and little Lsnes ! stand irom unuer. gad has been hurled from Olympian heights, and consents to lend this sublu ciry sphere his mighty presence for . a Lxe. In a crowd his stentorian voice is heard like the rumble of distant thunder and he looks withine'ffable scorn down up ua the individual who has the temerity to painsay or deny one of his propositions. What was the use of the Ecumenical Council ? Why call the mighty prelates to Home ? It is all bosh about the infal libility of the Pope. The only infallable being' upon whose head the sun ever shone cpon whose head the sun will ever shine, ia ''some officeholders we hatfe seen." Naw, some folks, notwithstanding all t-attbey assume, might picture them as tie corporal did his wife, but then, of cocrse, dear Review, we know that they re entitled to as much consideration as the Autocrat of all the Russias. But. there, JJmust stop'this moralizing. r I took op my pen to say to yon that Pender is ablaze with prohibitory enthusiasm. It ii really surprising to see how our ranks are beis filed up; new converts daily, year, hourly, are enrolling their names and swearing eternal fealty to this right eous cause whose chief aim i3 for the pro tection cf the poor inebriate and to send sunshine upon the hearts of the neglected wife and child. Tender has donned her armor, has buckled on her trusty blade, and promises to bend her proud plume to ?o county ia the good old North State ia th:s preat, grand and glorious war wre against KiDg Alcohol. Bsrgaw, N. C, July :th, 1S3I. fonder on these Tmilis KiJney.AVort is nature's remedy for -.. auu nver diseases, piles and con "ipation. Sediment or mucous in the urino is a we md;cation ol disease. Take Kidney- Torpjj nver anJ kidneys poison the 'od. Kidney-Wort revives them and cleanses the ntom nad,ache bi";ou3 attacks, dizziness, rlZix-"ouiaPPete, are cured by Kid ... "1?fr Bacha, Mandrake, Stlllingia and ,i the bt medicines known are com-4 l- fu,1y in Packer's Ginger Tonjc as e 9rtet Biood Purifiar and the ,nH'Uan4StreBgthBgtorereTernscd.. UlllS.P?!1! Bheumallsm. Nearalgia,: PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM Th bnl and most oo atwrml i-Uir Lr'ry l-tvufom z a T O 3- r 3 !i f 2 ic"5 o 2. st2f Ba i Mna au diseases ot the atomacn, ffiltT1 Jtierl Kidneyt, Urinary Or8ia; tj , r,mU Complaints. J u wastin? away with Consumntlon er. f At?' the Tonic to-day. No matter what I JTl10 be il will surely help you. mKr581 ?'hi TcN,c cures dmakeiix.ess,: a"lt Family Medicine ever matte. enCireiyi i$CTT 31 fcl"erH Ginger Preparations and SffCiKi' nd comnM the test curative prop-" Wl tuT 5oc bottle of your dxuKtt. iwr5taiAU,e without our signature on outside LIrr Hivox & Co.. ChemUt. New York 0 c - - rt r - : 3 r -T- ; Z. ; p c ir " ho nisii clo-o and arrive; at thi riet Oillce us foiiows f-1 Northern thrcnchtnaila. ..530 -Northern ttrotih and niail3 Raleigh Mail for the N. O. Ii and routfefl"pnppl:el th frcm, iuchuiifj A. &N. O. Uailrtiad, at S.-utli'-rn m.:i:s lor a'l pilh houth. i!ai y... Western rniU (M3 I'yj.i.uU a. in. 40 a. m. ':45 p rr.. 9.00 a. m Mail t, r f 'r.r - i r ! I?rii: ... ten Mai Ik rr : Ah p. m. t'H bet wren Flo, r-i ce ' Fayet.-.ii:f. C'i ; ;,i : (I ill . V ct vJi.rlc-iton .... Jird 1:00 p. n via Lcmberton, t t-andays. 9.00 a in. 4:id interraetii- ':': .. every Monday e i '-Ti.'M a 1.... 6.00 a.m.. ..-.-v.' by Btearxi i":c : t Sue- . ' F.30 a. tn. ..' . f liil. Town ::rul Littl : - ,. cery iiou .rsLij as. 6:00 a. rn. i.'.'KN i-OIt DELIVEHY .' i throuiib and way 7:30 a. m. m ine v:uu p. Urk;iiiia Ucnrrii uauvay 4.00 p. in 8ti:up OSico open from 8 a. m. to 12 M., a no frum 2 to 6:30 p. m. Money Onitr bi.d IJti.stcr Department open eamo as t;tamp olfico. (Icnera't delivery open from 5:30 a. m. to 7:00 p. in,, and oa Sundays from 8:30 to 0:30 a. m .Starnj.a for sie in small quantitiej at i-,-rrl ry when stamp office ia rf 1. - -iKiV ;. U?',,r,! f--int' nUt-vt !: ies every ' " 1 1:C0 h. tu. K.vLiKi wn'o Ai'keciatk Klf.ganck and purity are csing l'arker's Hair JJal sam. It is the best article so'd for re storing gray hair to its original color, and beauty. Vow Aavertisemonts. DtTTT V 0KCAXS H btops, 5 Set & 14 3 3 a Ool 1 ;n Tongtw reds on1 . Adtrs.-, Daniel F Beaity, Washing ton . N J. j a 14,4w EY A Vi UATXNtf FRUIT. i l -.V 1-; i imirnved Alethous. i'.'M?, p:kr.s, r t fits and . a: ai io. AMERICAN FREE-' Ci an.bi-rsbur, i'a. Z2 Send to 'Z3 BUSIPrESS UNIVERSITY Atlanta, CJu. For lUastratea Circular. A 11-re actual Basin ca fckocl. JstaLlisliCd ttiaitj years. COLD MEDAL AWARDED THE AUTHOR. A new t pr(at .ModicaJ worK, warrant t-il t he best and cheap est, indispensable to every man, entitled "the Science of life." bound in finest French niusl in , embossed .full silt. 300 piiKes.oontains beautiful ntee! ensrravinsts. prescriptions, price only a1.25 rent by mail ; illustrated tampl, 6 c. ; Bend itlQW THfSELF. KEIt.'o.411uUinchst.no8ton. For Smithyiile. rjlIIE STEAMER TASSrOKT makes her regular trios for Sniithville, leaving wharf foot of Market street, at 'J.U0 A. M., except qi Saturdays, wen q will leave Smith ville at A. M., "and Wilmington at -i P.'M. - J W'HAIU'EK jelS-tf Eust Well Anger? Hust Weil Drills, timt Horse Power. mn BEST AND WIT RTJCnKrSFUL IJL Well borirr &z Pr-japectizi; Tools Maa nfcrared GAS PIPE SHAFTING and OotipIinKS Tha moet imrroved Burfico Attsjbnoeati. Oaaranteed t. n:r.he jro wells epywhere. Works much ffitcr end ysid half Vie labor of anr other toe! Amrer aLd Drill' vert br haai or horse power. Drills and Horse pie r.i.v) cajacity fo: 3,000 fet In use Qve.years and r: fvi:res. Made from best niat?risl cold for ha the price of o'.herr. au 27-Uw H ?a fr circular?. !t. .o?pb , Mo ST TUB MAILS. 1 AMONG THE LADIES Tlio urilliant, fascinating tints q Complexion for which ladies strive aro ehielly arti ficial, and all who will take tho trouble may seccre them. Ill eso roseate, bewitching hues follow the uso of Hasan's Mag nolia Balm a delicate, harm less andalways reliable article. Sold by all druggists. Tho Magnolia Balm conceals orery blemish, removes Shal lowness, Tan, Redness, Erup tions, all. evidences of excite ment and every imperfection. Its effects arc immediate and so natural that no hnman being can detect its application. " ' fi-111 .-:-Vv-'"-t je 27lm i -7-" 4 A TRUE TONIC I A PERFECT OTRENGTHENER.A SURE REVIVER. IItC. HITTERS aro LigLly recommended .for all diseases re quiring a certain and efficient tonic ; especially Indigestion, Dyzpepna, Inter railtait Feccrs, Want of Appetite, Loss cf Strength", Lash of Enercjy, etc. Enriches the blood, strengthens the muscles, and gives new life to the nerves. They act like a charm on the digestive organs, removing all dyspeptic symptoms, su'-h as Tasting tlc Food, Belching, Heat in tJe Stomach, Heartburn, etc. TIlO only Iron Preparation that Avill not blacken tho teeth or givo lieatlaolie. Sold by all drurrgists. Write for the ABC Book, S2 pp. cf useful and amusing reading scrU free. - - A - BROWN CIUDIiaVL CO., Baltimore, Md. Ifi :m 'I iiLI apl 1? nrmto OAROI.IVA ("KN'i KAIj RAII LOAD i 0!PAY. Ortica Oaaaa,AL Bcra&iBTaaoTv 11 w tiTxiingtouf a c, wane, 100 . . . tr. t j 1 r CHAJJGK OF SCHKDTXLK, ON AND AFTER Jane 5. 1881, the lol lotnfl: 8chednle will be operated cn t4 is Eilroad : PA3SESQEB, MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAIN. D aUr except Bundaja f Leare Wilrx)inton....M.9.4f A M Arrire at Charlotte at.... 6. 45 P 11 Leave Charlotte at-....6.C0 A M r rive at W-ilmlnpton at. 3. 25 P M So 1 So 2 Trains Nos I and 2 eton at regular station on'v. and points designated in 4e Oomp" nj's Time Table . Tbse trains make dosa 'connection at Charlotte with trains Nob. 3 and 4 for Cleve land Springs and all points on tibelby Di vision. PABSENGER AND FREIGHT. 1 Leave Wilmington at. 6:30 P No & Arrire at Hamlet at...... 1:28 A j " .at Charlotte at.. 8:00 A Leave Charlotte st...MM.7:30 P Arrive atB an.letat.M.M. 1:25 A at Wilmington at 9:30 A M Id tJ Id 11 5e 6 No. 5 is daily except Band ay, bet no connection for Raleigh on Saturday , 2o. 6 is daily exeopt Hatarday, SHELBY DIVISION, PJ.8SJj.NGER.il AIL FXPRE83 AND FREIGHT. ar Leere Charlotte at 7:00 PI j" Arrive at Shelby at.MM.10:30 P M . V Leave Shelby at.M.MMMMM 6:00 A M Bo. c J ArriT8 at Charlotte at.... 9.30 A 11 Trains Nos 6 and 6 make close conneotiom At lUuilet to and from Raleigh, except as above- Throah SJd'-'picg Cars between Raleigh and Pharb;t3. Trains No. 1 and 2 make connection at Charlotte with A , T. & O.K. R., arriving at btatesville eame evening, and connWting tnre with W. N. C. R, H. tor A 8hevilleand all prints on W N C R. R. Irairs Nos 3 and 4 connect cJosely with Chester & Leniir at Lin cola ton. fi.ij. vUHNBOJT.Egi je 7 f3arftrtatat4mt 1881 MB SON. 'BALTIMORE 1881. Published Daily, Except Bunaay. 'Reno?sned8 the Freshest and Most Satisfactory of all News- papers. Low in Price Compact in Form. Indep'endint ia Exrwsion, Oonserrativejin Tone. The creer cf THE 8UN, from Us earlies beginning, has been characteriied by a pro gressive spirit and an original and effective enterprise. To these characteristics it stead fastly adheres. Covering as it does thewhole field of news paper endeavor, its every number is a com plete reflex of the spirit cf the times and the activities and events of the day. THE SDN expressei its opinions on cur rent events as they arise and on subjects of public intereft, with the view only of arriv ing at rigtt results and conserving the gen eral welfare. Its consistent integrity is thor oughly known and understood, A8 A KIK8T-CLASS NEWSPAPER, THE BUN 13 adanted to the needs ot all and enj"ys a world wide confidence. Xhe extent and variety of THE SDN'S local Reports, their careful ccuracy and voiaance of pruriency, constitute a striking feature, acceptable both at home and abroad. ITS COBRftHrONDKNOE. oreign and domestic, is unsnrpasred In ex cellence and freshness ITS WASHINGTON BDRS.AU covers all the phases of political information transpiring at the National Capital, with proper note and comment. Unexcelled in the past, it will be maintained at the highest standard in the future. THE MAKKET AND 8T0CK REPORTS with the tmoet care, and may be taken as safe guides by all who desire tOvpbtaintbe latest and most trustworthy informal jn on these important topics. In short, THE h ON will continue to main tain the high reputation it has acquired as an enterprising, accurate and well-edited newspaper, always ready to add to its facili ties for collecting news whenever necessary to meet the increasing demands of the time, and to maintain the high confidence of which its large and steadily increasing circulation srives evidence. Terms cf Subscription by Mall Cfrf?a In Advance. - Oca Year. DCtfUze includei....,w.....$8 00 Six Months, postage included.......... 3 00 Thriu Mnntha. DOItlffB iECludedM.M.M. 1 DO Two Montbs, postage iacludedM..-M. 1 50 On Month, coataf e includeL......... 60 Address A. 8. ABELL' A CO.. Publishers, Bun Iron Building, feb 18 Baltimore. Md r?THE STATE." RI C B M 0ND,5 V A. CHAMBERLATNB A BEIRNE, Owners -and Editors tarresi circulation. Cheapest 8ubecfp tlen Priee, Lowest Advertising Bates. ptT Daily ci reflation now over i,iw. Ite only aiternoon paper la Riehmond. Bubscriptioa price Daily, $5.50 .peran bid; Weekly, $1 per. aanmau Bend for specimen o?iea free. Gj7 MLMINBTOH .& WELOBH UAILEOAD Owwicm of 0111 otrPBaxaTavcasT Wlhxinjrton, H. (J., ilay 14, lt'SL CHANGE Or BOHEDULF'. ON AND AFTER May 15th, 181, it 6.40' P M, Passetieer Trains on the Ti' roirjpton A Welaon Kailrccd will ran is follows J DA MAIL AND EXFRE83 TSAIiN, dailj Moa. 47 Norta tnd 48 Bouth," . Leave Wiimictoc, front St. Depot at f6 40 A Arrire at Wcldon at 12 60 3 30 9 45 P a PM P H Lei ve Weldon.... Arrive at Wilmington, Front Bt. Deyot at Fast Throof h Kail and Passenger Tra?z Daily Nos. 4i North and 40 South. Leave Wilmington, Front St. Depot st C.25 P JA Arrive atWeldon.................,,. 1.25 A M Leave Weldon 6.15 P il Arrive at Wilmington, Jbrcntfct. Derot 11.25 P M Train No 40 South will stop only at Rocky Mount, Wilson, Goldsboro and Magnolia. Trains on Tarboro BranohKoad leave Rocky Mount for Tarboro at 7.40 P M daily and Tuesday, Thursday and daturc ay at 5:00 A M. Returning, leave Tarboro at 9.50 A M daily, . and Monday. Wednesday anc Friday at 8:30 P M Train No. 47 -makes close connection at Weldon for all points North daUV, All r ail via Richmond, and daily except Sunday via Bay Line. Train No 43 runs daily and makes close connection for all points North via Rich mond and Washington. All trains run solid between Wilmington and Washington, and have Pullman Palace Bleepers Attached. . JOHN F. DIVIDE, General Bttpt. A. POPE, Gen'l Pass. Agent may 18 Gen'l Sup-to Office WILMIflrOTOff. COLUMBIA AND; AU; GUSTA RAILROAD CO. Wilmington, If. O., May 14, 1881a OHANQEOF SCHEDULE ' ON AND AFTER May 15th, 1881, at 1.05 P M, the following Passenger Bchedule i a xL j Will oe run on iuia roaa SIGHT EXPRESS TBADTS (Daily). Nos. 48 Weflt and 47 East. Leave Wilmington. 10 05 PM Leave iFlorence Arrive at C C and A Junction...... 6.45 A M ArrivetColumbia.M..Mm.HM.M... 6 CO A M Leave Columbia. w.Hm.HmHHH.10 OOP M Leave C Cand A A JuncUon.........l0 20P,M Leave Florence.......................... 2 00 A'M Arrive at Wilmington 6 20 AM NiflHT Mail and Passknoes Train, Daily, No. 40 West, asd Day Mail and Pas- 8KSQER Train, No. 43 East. Leave Wilmington atM....MMM...ll 45 P M Arrive at Florence..................... 3 15 A M Leave Florence 1 05 P H Arrive at Wilmington 6 C5 P M Train foi" store at all Stations No 40 ctops only at Flemington, White vi le, Fair Bluff and Marion. Passengers for Columbia, and all points oa G. A C. R. R., 0., O. A A. R. R. tationr, Aiken Jonction, and all points beyond, should take 48 Night Express. Separate Pullm&n Sleepers for Charleston and for Angutta on train 47 All trains run solid between Charleston and Wilmingtom JOHST DIYINE, Gestral Bapt.T' A. POPE, Gen'l Paas. Agents may 15 THUi' LAUMNBURG ENTERPRISE J J8 THE BE8T MEDIUM through which to advertise Fall and Winter Goods among the people cf Bobeson, Richmond and An son counties, in North Carolina, and in the border counties cf 8outh Carolina. Tb Enterprise has a large and increasing .circu lation in the Pee Dee and Cape Fear factions of thu State, having obtained a l7ge circu lation in -tatter during the bjc 'months it was published in Fayettevill'j before its re moval to Laurinburg, axtd in the former within the last few months. I Advertisements will be Inserted by the month, quarter and. year at reeaouable rates. Addreea, H. I. McDUFJrIE, Laari-v-irr. N C Fresh Evorv Dav JlTISS ASSORTMENT OF CANDIES, French and Domestic, just received and for THE OffLY GENUINE HOME-MADE Candy in the city, will be found every day, fresh and sweet, three doors : South of the ioctooe.a Beeo&d street Also. Nuts Raiaina.'J'ruit. Ae. G. E. JETZi L 3aaC Hear the Portoc THE DAILY JOSH, 0?. JAMES REVIEW, EDITOR AND PUBLISHER Is published Eh TfTi"-"Tr -t -r c; r Sundays excepted.) At tbo 'following5' rater, i O SL. ICBtage paid : GnoTGar,,.. ... Six Aloutiic. 2 CO Thiee Months, e....t.,.,...rl 11 One Month................ Tho paper will fce delivered carriers, free of charge, in any of the city" at the tbore rates, 3centa per week. The Daily EEViEvy'is now in fourth year of its existence, is maneiitly establiiahed, with a largo and steadily increasing subscript tion list, and presents to merchants and others a most dearablo'medi- nrn for advertising ixib W1LIINBT0H HffliL J OSH. T; JJ-AJaVIES, Is published EVERY FRIDAY, At tho following rates : One Yearf... ;.V S2 Six Montiis;VeVe . .... .3. .... 1 ! Three Mcnths7VV. Tub WrxEJOTps uoubsal circu tea largelyvin tho adjo ningcoTm ties as well as in the Western per tions erf the'Stateanc?. presents un equ8Tied ladlitiea to mercifintslfox mak? jig known what they have for T" Tie folloVin? auotaturct renreaaatJ ,whclet!$ price geae rally - In making p an orders kig&ar prims hare to be charged. DAG'JINO Stasiard.., 126 11X9 BACOX Nrtrth Carolina. EhocJders, ? JX....MW. 6 O Bides, VE 70 Western Snxked i---. ' 13 - 0 hides, ) 25 10 e Sfcouidsrs... 7Wt DryHaltwl v bides, 2..... XO rhouJdert, V Ev.... O UiZKT LiTeweschUi.... XViO BABRKLSSr ifita Tcrfentiae Seer,J Hand, :i5l: .......... Q 10 S-cht York.cac". atv,. 1 f 5 O 0 00 Lv-riWAX "9 r? r. io o ai liilCSS Wlusiigioia.vil 1 CO & 8 CO horh am ...... CO r)U(n -r v i t . '.s j ortt Ctroiisa 2 12 Srrthcrn, V 2. 25 OltDLlB-Sprt Vl 25 CI 9 O o o V r... to fcicrthern Yi iitixy treas State. XJ'L.. 14 ii JO 25 Wa uio, y 13 16 0 CORN liliAb t3 bushel.... 10 f a o COTTOIi TIES New V tdl 1 60 1 Pieced 1 35 DOMESTIC Sbec-iicf:, 4-4 yird.... Yarn, benea ..... 1 03 FI OCR rice. V btl w 0 00 cper, Kortitrc, ? bbl.M 6 60 Lrtrad bhU. 6 00 Familv " V hbL. 7 0 ci;y X:ii:::Hcp8r bbi 7 00 Family 9 bbl. 7 60 Ex. Family bbU. 8 00 FS!I idi.cS:erel, Ho. 1, X? bbl..18 00 No. 1, y 4 bbl..... 8 75 Vr.tkerel, Xo. 2, bbUM.H 60 No. 2, y K.bbl-....,.ww 6 00 Mackerol, No. 3 y bbL.OO 00 Mullets, V bbI.Ma.MMCMMM 3 60 N. C. Herring, Vkeg.,.M 6 60 Dry Cod, y tb ...... 7 lEKflLlZERS Peruvian Guano, 2C00as.C0 00 Carolina Fertiliser " " 00 00 Ntvtii a Guano, " " 00 00 Complete Mannre " CO 00 Wtanns Phorphate " 00 00 Wtndo Phorphate, " " CO 00 Wilcox, Gibb Co., ma nipulated Guano. ...m..CO CO GLUE 2 ......,. 9 a O O o o o o o 00 25 CO OAS o o o 0 0 O & o GRA.Kf Corotore," 5C&i Corn, cargo, y 66 &fmH( Corn,yeh, y bushel... Oats, y bushel. ... Pe&f.eow, y brubL... IIIDES-Green, y.E ... Dry, y S)........,...M...,aM HAi Eastern, V 100 lbs. 1 North Rivar, 1C0 lbs.... I HOOP IRON y ton.Mtm 60 LARD Northern V &..... North Carolina V b.M.M. LIME Pbbl 1 LUMBER OitviUain ca'wd 70 68 00 65 70 4 10 20 1C by part o o CD O 35 120 20 o x or Ship stuff, res awed, '-yilft.lff 00 Koughedge plank. Mfj.15 00 - West India eargo, aocord- ing to ouality, y M ft...l3 00 -Dro&eedooring,seasoned.l5 00 Scantling and boards, com mon, y m ft....M... ..n oo OH 00 C19 00 016 Q25 OH O o 0 0 o 0 3 O O O MOLASSES Cuba,hhdgl Cuba,bbls.,gsJ Sugar house, nhds. y gal. " bblS.iral. 3d 41 25 the 25 Orleans Choice bale, y gaL HAILS Cut, 20dto4d,TSkIgJba CO Bii uiiiD kerosene, y gai....M Lard, y esl ................... 10 per - .(6 60 25 eo oo Rosin, V gai.M.M.....M.MM PEANDTS y bneheL... POTATOES Sweet, y bus. Iri?h, Northern, bbLw. 1 FORK Northern, city mea.17 Thin. bbL........L ...00 o o e 25 60 2 Ol8 00 00 O00 00 coo oo coo 00 Prime, V bbl(extra).....M00 00 BICE Carolina, y Bough, y bushel............. RAGS Country, y a . City, ??;....... ROPEr-...........,....M.. Xi67JQpaa sMeeeaeeeeaeee 2iftnillftteeeeeeeest SUGAR Cuba, y Ib.... Porto Rico, y A Coffee, y Ib........ 6X0 76 Ol 1 IX 13MO JXO loxo icio A5 " XS Q.. o o 0 47 O O O a O " V fi).. Ex Qy B eeeeeeeee Cruehed y SALT Alum, y sack.., Liverpool, y saek....MM.. American y sack ....MM..M Marshal's fine, y eackMM. Cadix V saek..........M.MM. BOAP Northern, V SHINGLES Contract, yli 00 70 75 00 CO 4X0 00 o 7 2 DO STAVES W. O. bbU yU.U 60 R O hhd. W E. CO CO eee CIS 00 coo 00 TALLOW V 13 6 o 00 Ci 00 014 00 OllCO 49 8 00 TIMBER Shipping y M.14 00 Miil, extra per M.;,.........10 CO Mill, prime per M.M.MM..M10 CO Mill, fair per M 8 00 Common, per MM i.....5 00 Inferiorto Ordinary,per M 4 CO WHISKEY North'n, per gl 1 15 North Caroina, per gal ... 2 CO WOOL Unwashed, per 20 Washed, uer ?s , T 25 Burry wool, per 10 V O o o o o o 7 6 6 1 ft 'Twrarr wmrnmuM m mm 1 . AT THE LOWEST PEICES 1 ASCERTAIN m PRICEC DEFORE HA VI KG YOUR CPRIMT1S0 DQ?E ELSEVHRRE I oo 00 60 Salisfaction Guaranteed I PSINTOO CARETUIXTiEJJICXTXD or perecca reildlrg crt of tie eltj ttd'eca tothem byjmsil free of pcitagc : ' F. B. WASaCOX", - Corner Chetaut,'aai2Wtcr Btreeti 0Cci;ETlrr.BtJ:dJaa cell is 13 . 8 14 UK m CO 18 S3 4 'IO.. 15 16 11 30 n 20 L 70 I 10 T t 10 00 to 60 00 25 76 25 036 CO O10 60 O00 CO O 6 60 O 6 25 O 3 75 O 8 00 O 0 O70 00 Oi0 CO . oo co OCT CC O40 CO 040 00 00 14 T2 70 to 7b 11 40 IS 00 13 25 1 CO 00 89 41 00 00 25 B0 60 60 T 25 1 10 00 00 00 8 8 00 00 00 35 00 ' & 76 CO 00 00 60 CO 28 12

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