eWTfl PIP . nv. PATH -,"' l 15- One month, 60 oeata, ill 0 uou- -rf ' ?"r ia,ny part of the city, at the -l'rlJwnw per week. " low and liberal 'TiT. their papers refcHUeriy. jfe Advertisements. FOB EHEUMATISM, i.HKtifnia. Sciatica. Lurr.hano, lichchi, Screr.oss of the C::csi, (jot, Quinsy, Soro Throat, Swell' mi and Sprains, Bums and Scalds, General Bodily Pains, M tar and Headache, Frosted lit and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. t, rmantta on ertb eqtiali St. Jacobs Orx mmfZtr, simple and ehrmp External tlitr I trial entails but th edSaparatirely rtit nilMj ot 50 Ceats, and trtry one suffer, krl pain can Uto cheap and poaitlT proof i iidalaia Bndwai la Eti LangTUjea. HSlTlILBSVaGISTS AHD DEALERS II MEDICINE. 1V0GELER & CO., Baltimore, 2IcL, V. 8. JL, lWiw-ow ta Spanish Laces la treat tariety. WHITE AND COLORED SPREADS1 Some re 1 1 birgaias. HEW - Of varioai itrlti. " Fine Embroidery. Ulsters & Suits 111 liiei. TIE TURKISH BATH SOAP Oil fral 7 the chsapeit and befits tat iff4(ttMforS5o). laipactfallj, R. T.l. r.lclntire. ill 11 IRS. JOE PERSON'S REMEDY FOR SCROFULA NEVER FAILS. It Will Crirf if Fairly Teste. lu? 1 ttTe dcrived an effectual cure erf irora me use of Mrs. Joe Person's Jwy for that disease. I had suffered tU despaired of erer rettlm well. I uanng mat ume by three very -aMphyldarui,wlthout any eood result. , ttltlaata, Ga., and was treated there nuin(iMA.w. in. . ia toy family physicians met with, tzj? from the Institute, I was fgJ? try Mrs. Person's remedy, and tn-Zlr ii more uian a week before I wreditacuratlTeand healing proper- rof toy ekia changed as fast as the sores Ihadnotthoucht of erer cettlner VKa, but my hopes Increased, my low J,Tjfiyliy? splendid health and am la tjt 7 remeay is mua as a pur- ' "TV wung wmc ; ltwm neai tne V?,1 t n la three weeks If taken Vuih!.1, " u J opinion that It should ciki uic Dure is ucoicu. aJJ fewlarly by all means, for I have C aeglected it. from the pressure of JtJJvJ f0 ia all cases found that the wjnoade would commence to ro ?d for this alone it should be JfJy untU an effectual cure Is hir hotlllnS should prevent regu tAu.ecf the remedy and It should TT " tie proper time, I would re W1? are suffering from J IU 11 surely cure you JgJ it a fair test. I speak from expe 51 rtcS0 r m hey- I m a jrrate- todT 0 cure fron the use of It and VpJL0?0 nd lasting obligations to VdSJtae great relief I have ob-VS- Sufferers, try it and be ttotfi I "i- I am, respectfully, 5 Rmp for testimonial of remarkable klG?1? Joe Person, Fnmklltt- Wv na Dy WM- H. GREEN, WU- iyWaw-mac Wanted 1 'O&EOW, I-JVE HUNDRED AND S-Tvir twe:Te months. Se! iitelworU five times the J 44rts PO BOX SBSfc . THEGREAT attfst fflUOEfll! r 1 VOL. V LOCAL NK.WS. New Advertisements. Altaffer, Price & Co Sash, Deors and Blinds L J Otter bourg Gigantic Ifforts J L Boatwriqht Thermometer 93 &eg Piior. Aoostini Moonlight Excursion. See ad Family Excursion. . R M MclKTUtx Spanish' Laces Hxik8beroer New Books C W Yates School Books The foundation wall of the new wing to the Court IIousp hasbceo finished and left to hardeu. The Second fresbyterian Church has been supplied with a large and very powerful organ. The instrument is said :to be a very elegant one and was pur chased from Mr. C. W. Yates. Mr. O. C. Mitchell, Bluff ton, Ind., says: bt. Jacobs Oil does all that is re commended for. It is the best remedy for severe pains that has ever been put upon the market. The Bads, of Pender. A correppondenfat Burgaw writes us that the Badical County Executive Com mitteeof Pende.r held a meeting there on Friday, at which there were eleven mag nates of the Republican party of Pender present, that a vote was taken on the action of their State Executive Com mittee, upon the prohibition question, which resulted in an endorsement of the State Committee's action eight voting for, and three against approving the Committee's course. Beautify your homes by using the N T. EcamelPaint, ready tailed and war anted. Sold only at Jacobi's. f City Court. Caroline Waters, colored, was ar raigned for disorderly ; conduct and fined $1, whicE she paid into the City Treasury, and departed from under the shadows of the city -prison. Hannah Sneed, another colored damsel, was charged with disorderly conduct She was fioed $3.50. She paid mp and left . "William. Kelley was next arraigned for disorderly conduct. In' his case indrment was suspeaded, and the Court a - then adjourned. Study your interest. You can now buy Cook Stores at factory prices at JaCOlt's. t TTilmlntfonlaDS Abroad. We notice by the Baltimore bun that OoL F. W. Kerchner, of this city, has been the recipient of a serenade during his visit to the Monumental city. The Sun says "Col. F. W. Kerchner, merchant of WilminetOB. IN. U., and W r - quarter-master general on the staff o Governor Jarris, is a guest at Guy's Hotel, and was serenaded last night by Wilson's Post Band, Professor Charles Weber, leader. Col. Kerchner is a Bal- timorean and a brother of Mr. Frederick Kerchner, executive of the eighteenth ward. He entertained the band after the serenade, at Bock's restaurant." The Atlantic Beview, published at Atlantic City, New Jersey, notices the arrival of our clever ex-mayor and family in that city, on Saturday last. The Review says: "Hon. S. H. Fishblate, ex- Mavor of Wilmington. N. C witn his wife and daughter, are at the States." A Gorgeous Cloud Picture. The following beautiful word panting from the Richmond State. The scene must have been a gorgeous one as rt described by the ediUr of oar Richmond exchange. Did any of our citizens witness the 8 ame beautiful phenomena or was it alone applicable' to our sister city on the North T Vpsterdav even in ir about 4 o clock a heavy and welcome rain fell, which for the Ume considerably cooiea me atmos phere. About 6$ o'clock there was an ntrir tparv rainfalL Just before this last storm the sky presented an appear ance at times startling in the grandeur of its beauty, and then grotesque as tne revolTing clouds assumed new shapes, some of them in the rapidity or their transformation appearing almost human in expression. No arctic auroras erer glowed more - brightly and with more golden light than did the sky at this time, its luminosity being so rich and vivid S3 to light the streets with a ruddy glow, imaging at times the shadows of persons who moved through what ap peared to be the streets of a golden city resting under a canopy ot sheeted brass, the saffron and vermillion fancies which curtained the horizon changing form and flashing from place to place under the grand dome. It was one of those be wildering electric phenomona which can not bedescribed. It brought out the whole city. WILMINGTON, N. C, Excursion on Wednesday. A grand family excursion will be given on Wedneaday on the Passport, under the management of our friends, -'the boss committee," Messrs. John W. Strauss, A. Adrian, H. A. Claymayer, John Haar, Jr., J. W. Gerdts and C. Von Kampen. Their presence en the boat will be a sufficient guarantee ot good behavior and the exclusion of objection able persons The committee will as usual, show. every attention to the ladies and children who go on the excursion. . Ladies who Appreciate Elegance and purity are rising' Parker's Hair Bal sam. It is the best article so'd for re storing gray hair to its original color and beauty. Maoniljrht Tuosdar Might. A moonlight excursion to Fort Fisher is advertised for 'luesday night by Professor Agostini. The Italian Band will furnish music for dancing. The boat will be illuminated with Chinese lantern8,and there will be quite a display of pyrotechnics on the boat at the Fort. Prof. Agostini proposes to make this excursion an event of the season and will spare no pains to make it a source of the greatest pleasure to those in attendance. The boat will leave her warf at 8 o'clock and return at 12 o'clock. Freshwater Perch, Trout and Black fish Hooks and Lines. A full assort ment and lowest prices at Jacobi's. f The State Treasurer's Opinion. A faw days ago Mr. R. F. Eyden asked for the opinion of the State Trea surer in reference to the purchase tax on liquor in the following language. "Are we required to pay a tax under the new law from January 1st or March 12 tH?" The new law alluded to requires liquor dealers to pay 5. per cent while the tax under the old act was 2j- per.. cent Ii re sponse he received the following. North Carolina, . Treasury Department, Raleigh, July 8th 1881 XVUDOLFH Jb Jj.TPKX J-SQ. - . THmingtonf NtQ,. . . '".'DiabT "She In answer to you' en quiry I express the opinion that youf pay tax on purchases under the former revenue act to March 12 th 1881, and un der the present act since that date. The Attorney-General concurs in this opinion. Tery Respectfully, J. M, Worth, State Treasurer, per D. W. Bain, Chief Clerk. A Single Stone from a running brook slew the giant Go liath, and millions of noble men since that ume nave died from a single stone in the bladder, which Warner's Safe Kidney and Liter Cure would have dissolved and carried away. i Bit of Fowl Doings. Jl short time ago Samuel Ancrum, colored, who hails from Charleston, got in arrears for his board and left the wo man, Betsey Nixon, whom he was board ing with, in the lurch. She balanced her books and charged the absconder's board to profit and loss. On Thursday night Ancrum thought he would like to open another account with her, akd rob bed her of seven large fat hens and a rooster. Ancrum offered the fowls for sale, representing that he was from the country, that he had rasied the chickens and as he was anxious to sell out and go home, he would take a nominal price for them. He found a purchaser in one Mosely who thought he had "struck ile," and who held the chickens until Saturday for a big market and high a -a a a it ' price. uid Aunt ueisy mougn was on the war path for those chickens, and when she ran up with them she gave a yell which would shake a Comanche Indian out of his boots, and immediately commenced to caress her lost darlings ot the feathery tribe. It is useless to say Mosely did'nt sell those chickeas, but he very soon found the thief, who was arrested and carried before J. C. Hill, J. T. The prisoner first said in court that he had bought the chickens, but afterwards acknowledge he stole them. He had a valise in which were some clothes, a shirt among the number, which was identified by the own er and which the thief ackowledged he stole also. By the Ume the trial was over the old woman was at boiling heat, and Ancrum felt very positive of what she would do, if she could but only get hold of him, and paid but little attention to the wrath to coxae. He was coamitted to jail in default of bond. Brain it Kerre Well's Health Benewer, greatest remedy on earth tor impotence, leanaew, remedy on earu xor impotence, leanann, sexual debility, c $1, at dnggistf. Depot JuC.lIcidx, MONDAY, JULY 11. V Conn! j toiamlisioneri. - The Board of County Commissioners met in adjourned session this afternoon. Present H. A. Bagg chairman and Com missioner's Moore,Pearce, Montgomery and Worth. The 1 following changes were made in poll holders for the ensuing August election. First Ward Upper Division Henry Thomas in place of J. O. Nixon. Lower Division John n. Brown in ploce of Jas. A. Lowry. Second AVard -Wash McNeil in place of Chas. Mallett. Capt. Jas. M. McGowan j was granted license to retail spirituous liquors from July 1st 1881. The Treasurer submitted his monthly report for the month of June, showing balance on hand $22,314.06. Special fund showing balance due Treasurer $589.39. School fund showing balance on hand $7,925.81. The Register submitted his report for fees received from marriage licenses for the month of June, and exhibited a le ceipt for the same for the amount cf $22 80. The Chairman reported that the Fi nance Committee had awarded the con tract of tinning the roof of the Poor Housreto Messrs. Parker & Taylor at $350, and the contract- for building the addition to the Court House to Messrs, B. D. Morrell & Son at $2,297. Mr. N. Carr was appointed constable for Harnett township. Judy Burgwyn was permitted to list her taxes in Cape Fear township. The following is the venire of jurors to serve at the August term of the Criminal Court : Coleman Twining, George W Harper, W A French, W T Eilers, H M Ford, E J Eagan, W A Eckle, W T Johnson, John Litgen, T J Herring, Benj Farrow, Sr., JG Wright, John W Duls, S F Craig, W W Campens, A Shrier, T A. Watson, J Weill, J C Borne man, S,G Northrop, C H Alexander, R F Langdon, J G Skipper, J F Mosely Jr., E. Bishop, ? Heinsberger, O F W Bissenger,D Pratt, H P West and J H Hicks. The meeting then adjourned. Call at Jacobi's for Garden Hoes and Rakes, Shovels, Spades, Axes, &c. There you have the lowest prices. t To Prevent sonilroko. Dr. Edward O. Mann, of New York' gives the following hints: tor the preven tion of sunstroke : To avoid sunstroke, exercise in hot weather should be very moderate, the clothing should be thin and loose, and abundance of cold water should be drank. Workmen and soldiers should understand that as soon as they cease to perspire while working or marching in the hot sun, they are in dan. gerof sunstroke, and they should im mediately drink water freely and copi ously, to afford matter for cutaneous transpiration, and also keep the skin and clothing wet with water. Impending sunstroke may often be warded off by these simple measures. Beside the cessa tion of perspiration, the pupils of the eyes are apt to be contracted, and there is a great frequency of micturition. If there is marked exhaustion with a weak pulse, resulting from the cold water application, we should administer . stimulants. The free use of water, however, both externally and in ternally, by those exposed to the direct ays of the sun, is the best prophylactic against sunstroke, and laborers or sol diers, and others who adopt this measure, washing their hands and faces, as well a8 drinking copiously of water every time tjieycome within reach of it, will gen erally enjoy perfect immunity from sun stroke. Straw hats should be worn, ven tilated at the top, and the crown of the hat filled with green leaves or wet sponge. It is better to wear thin flannel shirts, in order not to chook perspiration. , We may expose ourselves for a long time in the hot sun, and work or sleep in a heated room, and enjoy perfect immunity from sunstroke if we keep our skin and cloth ing wet with water. The shipments foreign to-day amount to 944 casks spirits and 1,700 barrels rosin, shipped by Messrs. Paterson Downing . & Co., on board German barque Hermann Behrent tot Bristol, England. More People Die from diseased kidneys than of consump tion. but not one fatal case in a thous and would occur if Warner's Safe KidTJ ney and liver Cure was taken in tizse B j aU i-jeans try it NO. 163 FUNERAL. NOTICE. The friends and acquaintances ci Mr. and Mrs. James B. Williamson, are respectfully invited to attend the funeral of the former from their residence on Fifth street,between Ann and Nun streets, to morrow (Tuesday) morning, at 9 o'clock. miuuiunwji... cm) , imwimmsm New Advertisements. Moonlicrht Excursion. "jpROF. AGOST1XI will give a Moonlight Excursion on the Steamer Passport, Tues day Evening, July 12th, to Fort Fisher. Italian Band for Dancing and other music onboard. Leave at S oV.ock. Return at 12. Fare for Kound Trip 50 ceEts. Lady and Gentlemen 75 cente. jy llrlt Family. Excursion, QN WEDNESDAY, JULY 13th, ON THE STEAMER PASSPORT. This Excursion will be under the man?e ment of Messrs. John W. Straus, Alexan der Adrian, II A. Ulameyer, John llaar, Jr., J. W. Gerdts and C. Von Kampen, The Foat will stop at the various points on the River, the Forts, and o to Sea. The Committee reserve the rirht to ex clude all objectionable persons. o spmtuous liquor nllowed on board. Refreshments at city prices. - A String Band will furnish Music. The Boat will leave atS o'clock. Tickets 50c; Children and Servants 25c; to be had of the Committee and onboard. jyint GIGANTIC EFFORTS ARE NOW BEING MADE - TO CLOSE OUT EVERY DOLLAR'S WORTH OF OUR BALANCES IN SPRING & SUMMER CLOTHING, &Gi For Ten Days Middlesex Blue Flannel Suits, extra sizes, $12.50, - Our famous Brown Cheviots reduced to $11.00. Our lieht Dunbar Plaid Suits $11.00. Suits formerly sold for $15.00, reduced to S12.50. Alpacca; Frock Coats, best quality, $4. We Intend making our semi annual Visit to the Northern markets earlier than usual. The stock we usually carry will be doubled this fall, hence all 6prc room is necessary. Bargains will be offered in Men's Fur nishings, Umbrellas,' Trunks and Valises. Orders by mail .promptly attended to. The same advantage given to all. f3T Mention this advertisement. I. J. OtTERBOURO 5 22. 24, 26 ahd 28 N. Front St- JrU New Books. TTAPFY-GO-LUCKY Another edition of J-JL this splendid new novel, br the author of "Butledee". which produced so remark able a sensation and had such an enormous ale many years ago. This new no7eI, like "Missy," Is even better than "Kutledjje," and ia having a tremendous sale, trice, fl.SO. A WIFE'S T RAGED Y. Another intense ly interesting new novel, by May Agoei Fleming, author of "Gay EarHcourf $ Wife," ma Wonderful Woman," etc. Price, $ 1 60. BAD BOY'S FIKaT READER The rich est Burlesque on the old'fuhiontd School Book ever published. Fall cf pic tares. Price li cents. For sale at HEINSBEKGER'S. jyll ' Lire Book and Music Store School Books. A FULL STOCK ALWAYS OS HAND, Headquarters for Text Books adopted' by the State Board cf Education. Liberal dis count to Teachers ' OSGA5S ForChureh. School aud Par lor me. Fiaoosofthe best make always on hand at C. W. Yales' Book Store, Grand Excursion C1MTTHVILLE AND f O BLACKFISH GROUNDS, THURSDAY. JULY 14. 1881. For the benefit of New Hanover Tent, Nc. 67, L O- of Rechabites. The Steamer Passport will leave her wharf on the above dare, at S o'clock, for Smith- Tille ahd the Frta and to the fclackhsL Grounds. i The Committee reserve the rlht to ex dude aU objectionable prsns. The bes Ljsider will be preserved. ro fi'intuou3 taJfiuors allowed on board. - Refreshments at city prices. Music by Italian Harpers aua DanciDgr. Tickets for the round trip 50c, Children 2c c, can be procured from Committee, any member of the Order, at News SUinis and the Book Store. Committee Thomas E. Skipper, Wm. Richardson, P. Teboa. jy 7-Gt pJJj.-mon-wed For Sale or Excliaiiere DEMISABLE EEilDENCii wi h fanr rooms and kitchen and good well of water aad excellent ardea, for sala cr ex chases for property la Wilmington. Fcr pitim- lart apply at THI3 OFJICZ. jya- 1881. PLEASE ZTOTIC2. Tfe win berlad to rtsdn from oar fricads oa air tad aU fslfsstl general lateral bat i Tha caaa of the writer sssl always ttfcr ubfce4 to tat Editor. OommmJeatlons ruut b wrUtaa ca oalj one aide of tha papa. i PemjaaUtles mast t avoided - And itUeeiecIaaadpsTtleularljcaiar stood that the Editrvdoes not always odors the views ot oorrespoadenta, wnTaai so stat ia the editorial columns.' New Advortjgomonto. Thermometer 98 Deg. THIS DISAGREEABLES epell of weather being upon us, and tho question or tha day being how to keep cool, I would advise my nu merous friends and customers to try something from my carefully selected assortment of CLARETS. RHINE WINES, , . ORANGE WINE, . AND OTHER LIQUORS. To which, if lea ba nJrlAr!. And some of those ! . Fine Lemono9 Of which I have just received a aeTI invbice, I feel sure the happy r3 suit will be accomplished. TRY THE RECEIPT;! Also a fresh supply of Limp's Laser Beer Just received. The best in use JNO. L. BOATIVRIGIIT, Ios. 11 N. Front Ot Jy ii - " i -. : REO CEDAR PACKING CHESTS, SASH. DOORS AND BUNDSj BRACKETS, MOtTLDING, LUMBEBAcf ALL SIZES WINDOW GLASS, y ALTAFFER, PRICE & OOU Factory: Office: Foot Walnut sti Nntt, near RedCress a GREAT REDUCTIOII IM PRICESIOF SPRING GOODO: TWO HUNDRED CASSIMERE PANTO ONE HUNDRED MARSEILLES VEST5 i For sale very low by Sol. Bear & Broai Heettti.'of Mees of lis UjiiTBliltr. THERE WILL BE A 5IEETTNG OF tha Trustees of the UniTersity of North Car olina, in the ExecutiTe Office, in alehrh. mn TUESDAY, the 19th July 188l7 it o'clock, P. M., at which a Professor of NaU ural History will be chosen In the place of Dr. F. W. bimonds, resigned on accouat of til health. Applications should be address, ed to PRESIDENT BATTLE, jy7-diw2w Chapel HOI, N. C. COMMERCIAL HOTEL; WILiUNQTOK, N O. Larc Sample Rooma f or ial Trarelers; pHK PiiOPRIKTOa hiTlnx taoroajal renorated this Houe aad faralaked It tztlx iyaew, Is prepared ta girt to tae travaSaj '1 .V a ' fiww mx w , vcBTnuaanat ox a .TZE37 CUSSoHortU U U located is thtirsry atxe cf the bulo i part of the dry, fec!rg coirealeat to the priae al tmslaan aoasa Pcto2, Cirtca JIoiw, City Aall tx4 C3ZT UCZK. . ...... ,S3- A FlrsOlaa Bar aai r22xrficc3 ecscected with this Hotel, CAT3 C3 YHX DAY; C3t22 r. a, ccauTTr,- ' s f