1HIB PA FEB if T. HliV - . WWTAUK PAID. IN ' One month, 60 oeut. k. liTered by carriers, "? p?Cr inr Prtof the city, at the " L or 13 cents per we .aw - f "ihri will pleaaereport any rStt . .e their paperi regularly. ...,rtV IDV - Advgrtisementfl. --TzfiSlfrl (HIT! TT &lffcif. 11 m irj Bill Ufaw. VOL. V 1 ItMINGTON, N. C, SATURDAY, JULY 16. 1881. NO. 166 LOG A L NEWS. Lec- Nkw Advertisements. WJI. R. Huxteb Local Ad Free ture Wil. ' Light Ixfaxtbt Grand Excur sion Hall & Pzausall Good Ner Butter Heinsberger New Summer Novels C W Yates School Books Dajs length 14 boars and If minutes. Mope lUln Late jei terday afternoon there was another hear fall of rain at this point, which continued into the night How far it extended into the interior of the State we are not aware bat we under stand that there was rain at Magnolia on the North and Whiteville on the South. We trust that it also extended up About the headwaters of the Cape Fear, where, they, tell us thai it is great- Icvd tea is more than ever the popular j lj needed. drink. I vm k r.i-hf !,. ' " . . I . . . . - The vegetable that young ladies like I , We regrcto learn of a terribly oif al most is to mate-oh! I ter which occurred yesterday, near Maflr- Sunset to-morrow afternoon at 14 min' nalia, daring the prevalence f the thun der storm. Mr. John Matthews and his for RHEUMATISM, geurafgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, jcfabi, Soreness of He Chozt, Cnuf. inas and Sprains, sums ur.u Fains, M, & cnd Headache, ft? feet end Ears, and all other Pains end Aches. , ?rrtrtion on with equals St. Jacobs Oit . ISEiure, simple aiid cheap External ?JLIlV A trial entails but the coaipa rati Tel y SintUr of CO Cents, and every one Buffer JJth pia can bare cheap ani poaiUre proof rfiticIaiiM. Krtctioni in Eleven Languages. SOLI) BY ALL DEUGGTST3 AND DEALEES IS MEDICINE. A.V0GELER & CO., Baltimore, JKd., XT. S. A, urill2hw-no to Spanish Laces In great variety. - WHITE AND COLORED "SPREADS' 8ome red bargain. NES57 Of various atylei. Fine Embroidery. Ulsters & Suits 1 All sixes. THE TURKISH BATH SOAP ImiiiDZ freely, tv-e cheapest and bolt In the urket, (6 cries for 25c). , Reepectfallj, R. M. IVlclntire. jy u utes past 7 o'clock. It will now soon be known what the harvest will pan out. The receipts of cotton at this port to day foot up 29 bales. It fceems that everybody must bare a slap at the mosquito. Ice dealers are rejoicing in the pros pect of a continued demand. and little Steamship Benefactor cleartd sailed for New York to-day. Yon can deceive your guileless wife but her father's wife never. Only one interment in Bellevue Ceme tery this week that of an adult. Rev. Dr. Bernheim returned to the city last night and will fill his popil to morrow. There were two interments in Pine Forest Cemetery this week both, child ren. . Tubular ribbons, woven double, with out evidence of a seam, are a novelty for bonnet strings. ' The favorite flower bonnet is made of rosea witnont iona?e. mixea wim uae jetted black lace. . The new style of bonnet may be pho. top-ranked bv slamming a rlpo tomato O i - w " against a board fence. There was only one marriage license leaned bv the Resrister of Deeds this week, that to a colored couple. mother, residing about one mile from the town, were struck by lightning and killed while one of Mr. Matthews' brothers was stunned by the same stroke. The house, we understand, was not set on fire. We have no particulars, the above meagre report being all we have been able to get. Call at Jacobi's for Garden Hoes and Bakes, Shovels, Spades, Axes, &c. There j yon have the lowest prices. t attention, Boys and Girls! free Sab bath School Lecture. Mr. Wm. R. Hunter, "The Children's Friend," will address the young people of this place this (Saturday) evening, 16th inst, at 8 o'clock, in the Front street M. E. Church. Subiect: The Bible and the Sabbath SchooL The public gen erally, Pastors, Parents, S. S. Superin tendents and Teachers particularly, are cordially invited to attend. The chil dren are requested to attend at 8 o'clock and. occupy the front seats to unite in sin r in a-. Come one! Come all! and greet "The Children's Friend" with larre audieace as at his visit here six teen years ago. It Beautify your homes by using the N Y. EnamelPaint, ready mixed and war anted. Sold only at Jaoobx's. t A Double Runaway: A horse belonging to Mr. K. E. Heide took fright at the corner of Front and Market streets yesterdays afternoon" and dashed off towards the rirer. The driver in trying tereixrth& air corner of Water street, turned short and threw the bneev over. The horse was There were three interments in Oak dale this week all adults one of which pit ;ft mother taggy, and Mr. Heide was brought here for interment. I started to his Summer residence at "Ap- The laziest man is the furniture deal-1 pleton." The animal went along, rery er he keeps chairs and lounges about I quietly for about a block, when he dash- lall tie time. MRS. J0 FSRSGM'S REMEDY FOR SCROFULA NEVER FAILS. It WU1 Cure if Fairly Tested. It rives me much pleasure td be able to UUthat I have derived an effectual cure of Scrofula from the use of Mrs. Joe Person's remedy for that disease. I had suffered from Scrofula Vor more than three years, had despaired of . ever getting well. I tt treated durintr that time by three very tfflinent physicians, without, any good result. Ithenwenttothe National Surgical Insti tate, at Atlanta, Ga., and was treated there more than two months, with bo better re ultthan my family physicians met with. After returning Jrorn the dnslitute, I was pervaded to try Mrs. Persoos remedy, and had not used it more than a week before I covered its curative and healing proper- My sores soon begau to heal, and the rof my skin changed as fastastbe sores i. l nad not thought oi ever getting but mv linnpa Increased. IDV low Ifafcednea fled before th remedy, and I now enjoyin? splendid health and am In Epmts The remedy is mutt as a pui Wive, and a strong tonic ; it will heal the stubbom sore in three weeks if taken j'pkriy. It is my opinion that it should ktaken some tim aftr the sore is healed. J remote the cause of its effects. It shouid l Uten repularly by all means, for I have JOttetimes neglected it. from the pressure of e?. and in all cases found that the already made would commence to re- rysie, and for tbis alone it should be lcn resTilirlv nntii an offer. tna.1 cure is fP'eted. Nothing should nreventje'ru- lathe nsAnf thoromplT and 'it should Jkenatthe proper time.' I would re end to all who are suffering from 'ulatotry it. It will surelv cure you JOUeive it a fair Ce fn.4 Dot from hearsay. 1 am a grate-1 Large fans and sun umbrellas are all f tip raoro inst now DroDerlv tot the uw o - sun justifies wsuch. ed off again, and Mr. Heide, after fatile efforts to check him, . jumped oat and the animal left the buggy hanging to a tree near the corner of Third and Orange streets. Fortunately, neither Mr. H. We understand that there has been no nor his driver were hurt. in nt Florence since last Atril and w. thprft ia much suffering in " conse quence amonsf the farmers. Freshwater Perch. Trout and Black- fish Hooks and Lines. 'A full assort Study your interest. ' Yon can now bny Cook Stoves at factory prices at Jacosi's. t recinierit. rf "Qdcr many and lasting obligations to a for the great relief l naveoo- ii my advice. I am, respectfully, JJell, N. C. JAMES A. MOKUIS. sump for testimonial of remarkable Frankllnr Jy 6-diw-nac JPred by Mrs. Joe Person. S c: Sold by WM. U. GREEN, WU T Por Smithviile. fiE STEAMER TASSrORT makes her IboTr , , Ior suuthviile, leaving Ta,LLrket street at 9-00 A- M., lT.T:aJ8' when fhe will leave r!v 4'i0'A. M., and Wilmingl X. wharf except leave Smith ilminffton at 4 raeut and lowest prices at J acobi's. t IIi3 Honor, Mayor Smith, will make bv the seaside at Smithviire, and Alderman Iluggins will be Mayor pro tern until Col. Smith's re turn. The present comet, which has about played out, will be succeeded by another, the date of whose .arrival the astrono mers fix at July 29, and its disappear ance at November 12. Flenry King, colored, was arraigned before acting Mayor 'Hoggins this morning upon the charge of assault and battery, but the evidence was deemed insufficient by the Court to convict and the defendant was discharged. Quiucy, (111.) Herald. In our observation, the most reliable pain racker in existence is rheumatism; but better. yet St. Jacobs Oil is the most decided rheumatism searcher and curef ever discovered. It has our signature to its worth. Struck by lightning Yesterday afternoon, during the preva lence of the storm, a house on the corner of Ninth and Castle streets, occupied by Ben Smith, colored, yras struck by light ning and was badly damaged. The roof was torn up and the chimney cut half in the electric fluid. The bricks of 111V . the chimney were thrown into the room in which Smith and his wife and five child ren were sitting, but, strange to say, not one of them was hurt. Catarrh of the Bladder. smartine irritation of the urinary passages, diseased discharges, cured bvAnchupaiba., Dmggists. Dept mvlac for Bricku. Some four or five years ago a lighter loaded with brick was sank at Messrs Kerchner&Calder Bros'. wharr, near the foot of Mulberry ltreet, and daring the last few days several white meja have undertaken the job, "on their ownhook," of getting up these bricks. They have adopted a primitive method. Running a long pole down by a timber raft moor ed there they dive to the bottom, remain ing under the water about one minute and return with one arm fall of jjriekA while the hand of the other arnf. ttelpa them in their ascent up by the pole: The first day they went down they got np about 800 in one hoar and at this time the pile has swelled to goodly pro portions. Fearful Haioc On Thursday a terrible thunder and lightning storm passed : over Goldsboro and vicinity. - Two colored persons were killed at Goldsboro by the electric fluid and one man, twe .chickens and a dog at Dudley's, twenty miles this side of Goldsboro. The lightning is said to have been very severe and was almost inces sant. We could not ascertain the names of the unfortunate people. The Second Grand. The second grand family excursion of the WUmington Light Infantry will take place on the steamer Passprt nn Tues day next, on.the occasion of the visit of the Sumter Light Infantry. There will be mosicand refreshments on board and all the Committee, Messrs. Thos. C. James, Frank L. Meares, E. A. Oldham, J. P. Thomas and R. H. Beery, promise to do all that isjpossible to conduce to the comfort of those whojmay attend, and we think that they may be trusted to do it. Death er Bev. Mr. Torrentine. Rev. Morgan , C. Turrentine, of the Alabama Conference of the M. E. church) died in this city last evening at the resi dence of his son, Mr. John R. Turrentine, at the advanced age of 81 years. This Venerable man ot God had literal ly given his entire life to the service of his Master, for at 17 years of age he was converted, at 18 he preached his first ser mon and at 19 he joined the S. C. Confer w J J. ence. ne naa servea at various points in the country throughout .his long and useful life and was at one time on the borders, preaching to the Indians. At the time of his death he was a member of the Alabama Conference. The fune ral services took place this afternoon. . An Oil Acquaintance. Our readers will recollect the colored individial, calling himself Joseph Thorn- as, wno intestea tms city several years ago and who mystified the legal frater nity by the ease with which he appar ently removed his heart from the.left to therigfrt siae oi! m wxJt w.rt.i& :. pulsations at will, and who carried "with him an inch-thick bar of solid iron which he would-bend and straighten again by irneated blows On -f his arm. It will also be remembered that he was filthv and dirty and that m the proceeds of his exhibitions almost invariably went for whiskey. The same individual has tamed np recently in Kansas City, where he claims to be a Zulu. The claim is disallowed, however, as there is plainly too much of the Ethi opian about him. The doctors in Kansas City ascribe to him two hearts, separate and distinct, which he can move about at will, and two complete and fully devel oped sets of ribs twenty-two on each side, with one set placed within the other, but so situated as to be moved up or down at will. What is wanted now is a goodhotel QoOd K G1V Butter. a n 'ii 1 1 y . mi .PiL. iV I at omunviiie. n win pay : .m iuia mtiu is no doubt. And a little more rain this afternoon. PLSABSU0TX02. Wt will te (lad to reeelv eonmsnleatlon from err frUnds cn aay and all' subjscts o sersrai Lauren w Tia cua of tit wriitf mxii always be far l nJjhe4 tin Editor. - ' - I r.CozjyaarisaUcas cut ba written' cn caly oaosiieof Cepcpar. . , YTzaallCet nasi bs avoided - Ar i ii L crpttltZlj and f cj&cularly under kd thtt tie Fditnrdoes noi alwayi'endors the views ct ccrrtcsdfMi, uxdecs to stat in tt ed!trrfi eoltisar. Ttow AdvsrtisoniGntF. The agony of the laundrywoman is amusing to witness white maslin dress es are universally worn. Croquet dor.'t seem to be as popular m tf It il lL as lormeny, L ie -an oiner games, iuu novelty has departed. Somebody observes , that " when six young iaasit aown to tais aooui a hew dress Dattern a Email boy with a tin horn is a refuge for the weary. The hair of the red haired girl i3 trans muted to auburn, or golden, when she becomes .a voung lady: the read headed boy remains rea-neaaea as long as ne ives. F A good old' lady from the country on seeing soda water lor the iirst time oe- clared that she"cou!dn't imagine how they ever poured it into the bottle so as to make it stay till they could get the cork in." The market was well supplied to-day with everything in the vegetable line, we believe, except roasting ears. Wa termelons and canteloupes were plenti ful in supply but high in price. A; good watermelon sold for from 23 to T0 cents and rantelonnes at 50 cents to SI a doz- en. ' Hcu.vr ! ruTTfiit, ; it . &vt H ars, r ie lo. ' J Hall & Pearsail- uixi fi Unimex . ju o v e Tj the r uchffs, 'i.uyit, LEr.T a:;d hand, LD ASTRAY, And for Sila at IlElXSBERQSR'fl fy 18 Lira Dook and Muilo Store lit M orris, If. Y.,is Besponsible for the following valuable statement from Mrs. M. C. Arnold: "Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure has done me -wonders ef erood for catarrh of the bladder and female weakness.' In Bodily reril. Two fishing boats, loaded with stur- geon, ana eacn wnn iwo me wmuu, were caught in the sharp squall yester day afternoon when about three miles below the city. For awhile it was "pull Dick, pullTtevil," with the chances de cidedly in favor of the latter gentleman The men say that hailstones as large as a walnut fell and that it was only bythe most strenuous efforts that they kept from going to the bottom. Their boats were heavily loaded, otherwise they say that the wind mast have lifted them bodily from the water. As it was they began to fill rapidly and the only re source left was for the men to jump over board and endeavor to steady them with one hand while they bailed - with the other, which they did. To Builders and others Go to Jaco jfi for Sash, Blinds and Doors, Glass, Ac Yoi can get all sizes and at the lowest prices. School Books. FULL STOCK ALWAYS ODf HAND, Headquarters for Text Books adoptsd by th3Stat Board cf Edwalbn. Liberal dii count to Teachers TlAlf OS For Church, Bthool aTid Ptr- The President's Condition; The condition of the President has im . . . .nvpd crt W.ifedlv that it is announced lor use. Tiazcs of tta L ess mato aifraja ca - j - - i to-day that hereafter bulletins will be is- hand at sued only at morning and at night. It C. W. YatesVBook Store, jy n is stated 'that he passed a very com for- 4-nKla ii"lf loaf, ninrh t- that. His iemnera- tuua u J A . , 1 1 I f Tl T - I T - -t -7- ture and pulse are getter tnan tncy r I Tie Ulll V tJ i;itv were yesterday; that more solid food has hP.rn allowed him and that tho indica tions are all favorable. . OF North Carolina. A Market House on Wheels. Suite a commotion was created on TVTEXT SESSION "VyiLL BEGIN c f- AUGUST 25th, 18S1. . Uombmcs tne auvanwica ui uto v. . ... 1 a .n 1 A.I fiatpnr nr "w Df mnnW tnfl Hmall hovs this riculum, vvitn special auu - iu.aiA.cu i"v.A w - -I tinn according to tnc univereu y Bjotviu. ri . - tr . cfe of some kind, which had the-appear ance of one 'of the old street cars resur rected from the fire at' the street car stables, where it was partially destroyed by fire some year or so ago. The strange-looking conveyance was run ning on wooden wheels and be- in? drawn by one poor os. It halted in the old market square and backed around, when it was discovered that there was a sort of counter or shelf at one end, from which it was said that some butcher proposed to retail beef. WilmiDgton certainly enjoys a vanety.of QCiQ.g jjflg different modelled marKei nouses. I wfTrTiTcftd with it are schools of JLAW, 01 Special facilities given for practical studies, -euch as Analytical and Aexicultural Chemistry, Lan.I Survey ing,DrawInjr,Book-Kceping, Business, Law, Phonography, &c. Expenses, including' tuition and room rent, S 185 to 2o0 per annum. Address, for eatalosruc and particulars. KEMP P. BATTLE, LL. D., Cliapel Hill, N. C, July 1. President, july lS-2w SOHUTT.E'S::--: PABK HOTEL I DIED. Wriglitsville Sound Tho Sumter Light Infantry. We understand that a letter was re ceived here to-day from Capt. Delgar, of the Sumter Light Infantry, wh erein it is stated that there will probably not be many excursionists from Sumter to ac company the Light Infantry of that town. to Wilmineton and Smithviile next Tuesday, owing to tho fact that the use of the vacant officers' auarters at Fort Johnson has beeri denied them by the War Departmen't. It was intended to quarter the lydies and children who might acconvjany the party in those buildings but., these intentions have been' frustrated. , Capt. Delgar has, however, written to Secretary Lincoln and it is possible t) oat the decision may be revers ed beforr , the company leaves Sumterr which v e trust may be the case. Gen. Wade Hampton, we are sorry to learn, willu ot accompany the excursionists. Tue Sumter Light Infantry will bo re ceived here by the Wilmington Light In fantry who will do all they can to make tfaeir trip a pleasant one. They will all 1 go down the river together on the Pass- aort on Tuesdav and the Cor net Concert Club, who have been invited, will accompany them, discoursing some of their excellent se lections on the way. There will, we trust, also be a large delegation of ladies and gentlemen from this city. All may rely upon it that good order will surely be preserved and that no intoxicating liq- 1 nors will be allowed on board. TURRENTINE In this city, Friday even- lmr, July 15th, 181, at the residence 01 hia BOH, Air. JOnn rw. xurreuuuc, vxxo MORGAN C. TURRENTINE, of tho Alaba ma Conference of the M. E, Church South, aged 81 years. His life was faithfully spent in the ser vice of the Lord. As he lived, so he died; thus adding another, trophy to the blessed Redeemer's cross, and leaving his bereaved children comforted with the assurance that "their loss la his gain." "Servant of God, well done 1 j Rest from thy loved employ ; 1 The battle fought, the victory won, Enter thy Master's joy." Com Columbus, GaM and Montgomery, Ala., papers please copy. New Advertisements. JS NOW OPEN FOR TIIE RECEPTION of guests JSjrjThe table i3 supplied jith the'pro ductsf the'Sousds and Sea. Transient and jc'gular boarders tiken at reasonable rates. . . je2-tf F. A. SCflUTTE, Proprietor SECOND GRAND FAMILY EXCURSION OP THE VIL LIGHT INFANTRY 1 ON THE STEAMER PASSPORT, TUESDAY, J uly IQtb. the occasion of the VISIT OF THE SUMTER .MILITARY. The best f order will bo preserved. No cTrfHtnnTi lionora allowed on board, rie-1 rfimmtji at citv nrices. Music by the Harpers. The Cornet Concert Club will also be ia attendance. .. .. , , J Rhrht reserved to exclude oojecuoimu persons. - " 0. Tickets 50c: Children and Servants 2-k, to be had at News Stands nd Book Stores. Committee Tnos. u.Jame, t. a.. i Edward A. Oldham, J. P. Thomas RES CACXIuG CHESTS BASH, DOOHS AHD BUNDS: BRACKETS, MOULDING, LUMDER,'&c ALL SIZES WINDOTV. GLASS, AT ALTAFFER, - PKICE -iCO'S. Factory: Foot Walnut -ti. Office: Nutt, near RedCrosa pi AND Msetiaz M Trustees tf lis Uniyersity. THERE WILL BE A MEETING OF the Trustees of the University of North Car- , Oliul, 111 me iictuuii; vuK.fu .a..u, TUKSDAY, the 10th July. at 4- o'clock, P. 31., at which a rroiwsor or at-i ural IIietory will tc cnosen in ine piacc 01 Dr. F. W. Simonds, resigned on account of ill health. Application should be audress- eU to rnttOkux t. uaih. jy 7-dAw2w Chapel lllli,r..- 2?loOTers Wins r Keep Cool TAWnrACTrrfiED "BY WHITSVItL 1Y1 . - Tle Compaay, vVhltorjOla, N- C. PrioM aad tMnplM oa a ppUcatioc. Hesd ia jot orders tor the hclidt jt d7-iwtr BOTTLED SWEET CHAMPAGNE CI DER on ice. A pure, healthy and rr- . 1 vn ta. iiT"npr- villi, iiiiiii." catinar. . XST Pure. Cold Soda Water on ice at.tho game place, under the' Rtvirw Office at - S. tf. NORTH HOP'S, v kWatcr et, etors; ; Jas. C, Munds.