' . m. v. 4C IHIB F1FEB tt- T. r i! ...nxr'oys. POSTAGE PAID. ' :'. . months. 2 50 : Three . UU v' ti 15- One month, 60 eenta, Jfl ri b delivered bj earrieTt, ..tnf tharitr. ittlm ,.v..re.inD7 " " '''r.te low and liberal criber. will please report any an - to reeeite their papers regularly. $d- Advertisements. THE GREAT no FOR J EHEDMATISI Isuralqia, Sciatica, Lumbcno, Itstsehe, Scrcness or ilic Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Soro Throat, Swell Inp and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, Genera Bodily Pains, frotf, Ear end Headache, Frosted Fssi and Ears, and all other Pains end Aches. x fcenition on rarth equals St. Jacobs Oil t$tfe,urr, shrtple and cheap Exteru.il LmIt. A trial entails but the comparatively rtac ontltT of oO Cent, and erery one enffer bf with fia can have cheap and positive proof 4 taelumi. Knctiou in Tie j en Language!. EL3BTA1LDBUGGIST3 AND DEALERS 15 MEDICINE. A.V0GELER fc CO., Baltimore, 2ZdL, V. S. -4. rC lWw-nao to NEW LACES, While and Cream colored. r 1 mt J A TILT llflEW. VOL. V WILMINGTON, N. C WEDNESDAY, JULY 20. 1881 NO. 169 LOCAL NEWS. New Advertisements. W. K IfuNTEK Local AdFree Lecture R P McDougall Carriage Manufactory Hall fc Peabsall Hay and Corn. H EixsBEBGEit-wNorth American Review C W Yates -TJann's Manifold Books The receipts of cotton at this port to day foot up 290 bales. Warm again. Tne thermometer reg istered V2 degrees in this office, to-day at 3 o'clock. Don't say anything about tb.3 hot weather oow. We all complained about the cold weather last winter; r ? ' " Rev. Dr. George Patterson's address for the month of August will be at the University of the South, Sewanee, Tenn. Many are putting away coal for the coming winter, although the thermome ter indicates a temperature when ice is more needed than fire. Lace Curtains, Iij&sanil br the yard, White and Ecru. Lace Lambrequins; And material for lining. The Prohibition campaign in Pender county commenced at Leesburg, to-day, with W. T. Bannerman. Ksa . G. A. Ramsey and others as speakers. n .I m It is more fashionable than ever for ladies to "go a-fishing" this summer. A8 very few women chew tobacco, they can hold the "worrums for bait" in their mouths much more conveniently than the average male angler. Our good friend of the Battle Ground will accept our thanks for the pleasant manner in which he speaks of our little paper. We are too modest to publish all be says but thank him none the less for his good wishes. It is well worth rising early these mornings to see Jnpiter and Venus in the eastern sky. Their size is. relatively speaking and as compared with that of the other stars visible, enormous, and their brightness intense. COR N 1 C Various styles. lAKrETs OIL CLOTnS MATTINGS. Attery reasonable prices. TUJ1WSH BATH SOAP ! Cakes for 25 cents; 'tis good and cheap Respectfully, R. IYJ. V.cin?ire. MRS. JOE PERSON'S REMEDY FOR - SOROPULA NEVER FAILS. It Will Cure if Pairly TetteJ. fives me mnh hicnm lu 4 rit I Lave derived an effectual cure oi ora! from the ue of Mrs. Joe Person's 2T? 7.that dise. I had suffered SScrofu i fr.r ,r. .1 .v. nd dired f ever pettinff well. I eSTf fc.duriD5 th.at time bv tnree very I " 1 "'p"',,tuswiiuout any cooa result. weat to the SMtm Sn rt'lral Tnst i " aQd was treated there two months, .with no better re- ... , --"s iui iue iiiutuuc, x was v, 1 " 11 j -urs. rerson rcuieay, auu -iB0t nsi i i 1. . " t A very interesting communication from Col. Lamb, relative to the con struction of Fort Fisher, appears on the second page of this issue, and to-morrow the same gentleman promises to give a history of the two defences made by the fort. Grand Chaplain. Rev. Geo. Patterson, D. D., was on Monday night installed as Grand Chap lain of the Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons in North Carolina. The cere- monv-was at St. John's Hall, in this citv. and the' installation was conducted BiTcr Hewt. Capt. Roberts reports a rise of fitteen i nebcin the upper Cape Fear on the shoals, near Fayetterille, and a rise of two feet in the lower Cape Fear below Cedar Creek. Captain R. also informed us that there had been a falling off of four inches tinco the rise, both in the up per and lower part of the river. , Study your interest. You can now buy Cook Stoves at factory prices at Jacob i's f 'Ibt S(amir Nutcniion The steamer D. Jfurchis0ri; Captain Roberts, armed here this morning from Fayetterille with a full cargo of naval stores. The JUurehisort has been under going repairs, being repainted and so forth, at Fayetteville for several weeks past! and this is her first.-trip since she receired her summer suit. She now looks as neat as a pii. , : , " 1 Accidental Drowning, We learn there was a ease of acci dental drowning at Mr. John A. Mc Dowell, Jr's., landing, at Court House Falls, on the river, on Monday evening last. The victim was. a young 'colored man about' 20 .years ot age, whose name we could not learn, and the accident oc curred, it seems, by his own persistence in walking down the bluff to the falls af ter being cautioned against it. He fell over the falls into, the river and was not seen any more until his body was recov ered yesterday afternoon. Beautify- your homes by using the N Y. EnamelPaint, ready mixed and war anted. Sold only at Jacobi's. t Postponement. Announcement is made, by order of the Grand Master, that, as unexpected de lays have occurred in the work on the Oxford and Henderson Railroad, trans portation cannot be obtained daring the present month, and the corner-stone of the new bailding at the Orphan Asylum will not be laid on tho 27th inst. The order convening the Grand Lodge at Ox ford on that date is revoked. As soon as positive assurance is given that transpor tation on the Oxford and Henderson Railroad can bo furnished, another day will be appointed by the Grand Master and announcement made. To Builders and others Go to Jaco bi's for Sash, Blinds and Doors, Glass, &c You can get all sizes and at the lowest prices. f by Mr. H. H. Munson, Deputy Grand! High Priest. The Illustrated Scientific News. . The July issue of the Illustrated Scientific News teems with interesting A IlapDj Hit. I illustrated articles, a few of which are as A fortunate young red-headod farmer! fniinw? Th Dnhlwir Tpnhnn. Glass j a jt w-n r c . 1 j uaiacu aicxauucr iii iuuurucaji ui outlier-1 si jj . -n ., r villo. Tpnn..drw $50 ooo in th Jnne Grinding Machine; Ancient Pottery from drawing of The Louisiana State Lottery. Cyprus; Mechanical Larynx; Pleasure He immediately collected his money from I Car of the Davs of Louis XI V; Amateur M, A. Dauphin, New Orleans, La., and M.,t,.ni-M. n, remarkable Palmvra rncnmo1 Tlrtmi Wn r ttm w I Palmi llnnnna H'lQhoa- I I lnat.1fl.f.lAna PT, , 1 A. Ad UU mm mm mmij - By request, Mr. W. R. Hunter will I plaining the bursting of Fly Wheels; A return and lecture again to-morrow, velocipede Carnage. In addition to the Thursday, night in the First Baptist I numerous engravings, there is a large Antl-ProhibWon Meeting. Between 30 and 40 white people, and about 150 colored, assembled at the City Hall this afternoon to effect a per manent organization of the anti-prohibition is ts tor the approaching campaign. H. E. Scott, Esq., President of the Liquor Association, called the meeting to order. . On motion of H. Brunhild, Esq, a committee of five.'consistinsr ot C. P. Lockey, R. W. Nixon, Jno. Pleasant, J. F. Stalter and Geo. W. Davis .were ap. pointed by the hair upon permanent organization; After this committee re tired 'a committee of live, upon motion of N. Mayer, Esq., was appointed by the chair to draft resolutions expressive of the sen?e of the meeting on prohibition. The Chair appointed upon this commit tee N. Mayer, P. L. Bridgers, Jas. Lowery, Emanuel Nichols and Geo. Robinson. This Committee also retired to prepare the resolutions, when, upon motion of Captain J. M. McGowau, Geo.1 L. Mabson was invited to come forward and address the meeting, which invitation was accepted and Mabson ad dressed the meeting in a short but forci ble speech. He said nothing about pol itics but addressed himself to the ques tion at issue. On motion fE. F. Martin, T. M. Gardner, Esq., was requested to make a speech during the absence of the commit tee. 'Squire .Gardner then came for ward, but, unlike the previous speaker, he trenched upon politics, concluding his remarks as soon as the committee on permanent organization returned. The committee on resolutions made their report first, but we are totally una ble, owing to lack of time and space, to furnish them our readers this afternoon. The committee on permanent organiza tion reported for permanent President, H. E. Scott ; Vice Presidents, H. Brun hild,Wrffliam Johnson, A. Weill, Elijah Hewlett, white, and Jas. A. Lowrey, J. C. Hill, bam'l. Oden, Jordan Nixon, Baalam u Waddell, Jos. Sbarplesa and David JJTosefey, colored ; Secretary, Gee L. Mabson, colored ; Assistant Secreta. ries, J. M. McGowan, Jno. Haar, Jr., white, and Geo. W. Robinson, Jno. H Brown, colored ; Sergeant-at-Arms, Jno. Steljes, white, and E. F. Martin, An thony Gales, colored. Both committee reports were unani mously adopted. Mr. Scott, permanent President, was addressing the meeting at the time we were compelled to close our report. Haunted 31 e. A Workingman says: "Debt, pover ty and suffering haunted me for years, caused by a sick family and large bills for doctoring, which did no good. I was completely discouraged,- until one year ago, by the advice of my pastor; I pro cured Hop Bitters and commenced their use, and in one month we were all well, and none of ns have been sick a day since; and. I nt to say to all poor men, you can keep your families well a year with Hop Bitters for less than one doc tor's visit 'will cost." Christian Advocate. ' ' Women are said to have stronger at tachments than men. It is evinced in little things. A man is often attached to an old hat; but did you ever know of a woman having an attachment for an old bonnet? New Adverticomento. HAY AMD CORE3. Eastern Hay, White and 3ixed Cornp FOR SALE LOW BY Hall & Pearsalk Jy 20 ifn Jtlinnallta jiuvjiuymvui New. quick, complete cure 4 days, urinary affections, smarting, frequent or difficult urination, kidney diseases. $1. Druggists. Depot Jas. C. Munds. Welcoming the Military. We unintentionally omitted to state yesterday, in our report of tho arrival here ot the Sumter Light Infantry, that Mr. Edward A. Oldham did the honors I O ' - I m ., TTT T T AX. AA-.r.c Church. Subject "The Importance, of number of interesting, useful and practi- iorxne w. a a., aeiiTenuK BUu,H3 I of welcome. Mr. Oldham was brief but -'0-- w O I uuw., vMb -w . . n3 it Regards the.Future of this Repub lic." The public are invited. It. v. y -'turauvc ana neanng proper xii f y 60011 ffan to hea' , and the . ..uiuti-u as istt 2vs iue ture e j ' . uw not thought of ever pettlnp n:o, but my hopes increased, my low efleJ before h remedy, and I Ww rt0JO-vili? H'lendid health and am in i5T. . , The remedy is mild as a pur iS? ttronS tonic ; it will, heal the TuSr i Mre Ia three eeks if tken -mt.J: U mv opinion that it thould or?an, ,?etime after the sore i healed, t UiT lhe cuse of its effects. It houid regularly by all means, for I have m ectcd it. from the pressure of 2!: na in all cases found that the jj- aymade would commence to re- iSJ!? ,for alone it should be dieted v y UnlU an ffectual cre s iitk othln? should prevent regu- Ukf n..e .I e of lhe remedy and it should IJai . , .Preptr time. I would re- ttry it, v .m a. ijir TfCT who are sufferiPir from It will turely cure yon "See In, J. IC51 1 peK irom espe- ir-rti?0trom he4"y. I am a -rate- uajr CUre rrom tDe use of ifc 'fi.P.J.y &xs& latinir obliaraUons to fiwf0rlhe ?rcat rclicf 1 liaveol-Urn-???' ?uir-rers' and be M v ;V"-V ' am respect! ully, 'ump tor testimonial of icinarkable J??1 cy?fr- Joe Treon, Franklin- 4 " H fm-rr There are some crimes ot so brutal and depraved a nature that they should never find publication in the columns of a newspaper. One of the most disgusting ef this class was heard to-day before Jus tice Millis. It is simply unfit for publi cation and even this remote reference to it may need an apology. Call at Jacobi's Tor Garden Hoes and Rakes, Shovels, Spades, Ares, &c. There you have the lowest prices. t City Court. A. L. Brown and Salem Beasley, who were arrested yesterday for an affray were arraigned before the Mayor this morning upon the foregoing charge. The first named defendant was fined $1.00, which he paid, and defendant released. mebts of popular science, lhis is one of the most elegantly printed and valua ble periodicals. Sold by all newsdealers. Published by Munn & Co., 37 Park Row, New York. Not tho Man . Sheriff Driscoll, of Jefferson county, Ga., arrived here this morning to idenli- to the point. He said: Capt. Delgar and Gentlemen of the Sumter Laqht Infantry. To every officer and private of your honorable command, 1 extend, in benait of the citizens ot! Wilmington and the members of our own Light Infantry 0 1 corps, -a most nearly welcome, coupiea with a desire that your presence in our midst and your annual encampment at Fort Johnson may be attended with the m lut 4 MlnamM. Monlt i'n 4ia jnlii fvtliA mm hnhuiDMn Arrested as one I r . . r j a. j of the murderers of Mr. Nath. Cornwall, ot Bartow, Ga., an account of which has been published by us. It will be re membered that the party arrested on m m suspicion denied that he was the man and claimed persistently that his name was J. H. Williams, that be was from Lenoir county, and that he came here in search of work. These assertions have been confirmed, to a certain ex tent, Sheriff Discoil, alter a careful scrutiny, Btating that Williams is not vation of now friendships and the forma tion of new associations. The latch-string of the CapeTear peo ple always hang's outside to every South era soldier lad c lad in historic grey, with in whose woof its woven a beautiful story of noble, sufficient and undying patriot ism; out wnen mat grey envelopes me forms of the s ons of our nearest and dear est sister tr.e Palmetto State then do we feet constrained to not sim ply lexv outside the latch string of our hospitality, but to open wide the door and giving their hands a he artv Carolinian miD bid tbem enter and become our iruests. I CARRIAGE MANUFACTORY. fjpHE UNDERSIGNED, Surviving part ner of McDougall & Williamson, begs leave to say that he will continue the business of Carriage Manufacturing, Repairing, Horse shoeing, etc., at the old stand on Chestnut, between Front and Water streets. All persons indebted to the old firm will settle with the undersigned, and all claims against the same will be presented to him for payment. R. P. McDOTJGALL jy 20-3t . A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY TO WIN A FORTUNE. EIGHTH GRAND DIS TRIBUTION, i CLASS H, AT NEW OR LEANS, TUESDAY, AUGUST 0th, 1SS1 135th Monthly Drawing. imM. St tte Lottery Company. incorporated in 1863 for 25 years by the Legislature for Educational and Charitable purposes with a capital of f 1.000,000 to which a reserve fund of over $420,000 has since been added. By an ovemhelmlng popular vote its franchise was made a part of the present State Constitution adopted December 2d, A. D., 1879. Its Grand Single NujiBEa Dbawinos will take place monthly. It never scales or postpones. Look at the following Distribution: CAPITAL PRIZE $30,000. 100,000 TICKETS AT TWO DOLLARS EACH, HALF-TICKETS, ONE Dollar. ' LIST OF PRIZES. 1 Capital Prize - - -1 Capital Prize - - 1 Capital Prize - 2 Prizes of $2,500 - 5 Prizes of 1,000 - . 20 Prizes of 500 - - -100 Prizes of 100 -200 Prizes of 50 - - -500 Prizes of 26- 1000 Prizes of 10 - APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 9 Approximation Prizes of $3002,700 y Approximation Prizes of tiOO l,b00 9 Approximation Prizes of 100 900 $30,000 10,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 r ' ; P1EA8S ffOTXOS. v ' Wo will be f fad to rcelvo ocamculeattoa from our frlaa oa y and all tubjets o ffsaeraliatorect bu ,.: v" c of U wxiutt nxrt always bo fir ntsfcd h Editnr t- ; ' ... ?L.Coaix&Bltlofe nut b vrittea oa oaly oaa sido of the pajxr PrrK&UtiM most be avoided Atd it is rf osially and paraoalariy under stood that ti KJitudc-. ooi alwsyi esdort the rievsot ecrr&rpoede&u, TuilfM o ttat in the editorial colntaaf. New Advertisements. NORTH "AHERICAH REVIEW, pa' AU'rj-T, TITiI Jadre Blatk ard larersoli'i Pi caicn. 100 - All perpwr leare thtir ll.. jT 19 ,iiVD H TtLXQBAPH i i"K Z'ij wJl pleMe II15SD&0E'8. Live Hook and Soilo Store f?A3Si, D99SS CE0A.1 PACXIKG CHESTS r,?;n nirvmo BRACKETS, MOULDING, LUMBER, dc . ALL SIZES WINDOW GLASS, AT ALTAFFER, PRICE & CO'S. Factory: Foot Walnut sL OClce: Nutt, near Red Cross st Hann's Manifold Books RE JUST THE THING for Baleisen and others who de:ire a qiick aad ptrfect copy of their orders and letters at oae wri tisg. Every article ia tho School Book, Blank Bock aad Statiascry line always on hand lhe calibrated "Decker Brc Pia nos, and Geo. Wcod's Parlor Orcans alwajf In stock, C. W. Yates' Book 8tore jy ia riiehd DURING THIS HEATED term to furnisli my friends with fresh and palatable Groceries, euch as Tho last named party was fined $5.00 or rive days, and in default of payment the man, Obadiah Ross, whom he is alter. again extend to you, rentlemen, the was sent below. This ended the- pro I The resemblance, though, between the! wanneit greetings of the Cape Fear peo- rPAdinfr and the Court adiourned. I two. as stated by Sheriff Driscoll, is Ple- ti.(ln'ni i. a A art m Kn t t Via ab1 I The rervonse was delivered by Cant, vn Ono ftf f ho fth!st I I i ...... . . lawvers of the state, Col. bamuel A. U: J, i ' t i, k- I ofT,.u tVroA iA. ;ffAn in thm I be referred to the three former occasions . ......... . . . r V J L M XL. A certify that I sunered very rnucn trom height. So near is the resemblance 1 po wuica ue nau nwuiepicMu w rheumatism and -neuralgia during" the I 4Ytt ff" yyriall tht haA Im I thank thelajrht Infantry for their expres- f Mifyi'l met theprifoner waking ia th ttrtetf aiou of good wiU .nd aabonnded hospital JLlTclA J- t should h. claid :iBdhedaso.giaWithffli,f..fia. eluded to try it; more as an experiment I him as his man at once and without creasea grasincauon, ana in Denau oi bj than with any hope or good results. 1 1 ae8itation. Of course Mr. William was company no would extend tnanxa to me can with great pleasure commend it to j WUmingtoa Light Infantry for their others, for the reason that it cured me. ouco J i,- w Col. Taylor, by the way, was at one time I Roasting ?ars told as low as 10 cents ZTCv. Tr Awl " rostmastef at Cumberland, mo. , ldozcn ia thicket thilBSI . 1So7 Prizes, amountlngto - - $110,400 liesponsible corresponding ace nts wanted ai au points, to wnom llDeral com pensation wm De paid. For further information, write clearly giving full address. Send order by express or Registered Letter, or Money Order by man, aaoressea only to . M. A. DAUPHlIf Naw Orleaxj La or M. A. DA UP II lit .at No. 212 Broadway, Sew Torn All our Grand Extraordlnarv Drawlinrs are under tne supervision arid management ofUOEKALS G. T. BEAUREGARD and JUBAL A. EARLY. Notice to the Public. The public are hereby cautioned against BElsuiXii X5I jIOSET OK ORDERS TO NUNES & CO., S3 Nassau St., Nkw York Citt. They arc flooding the country with Bogus Oibcclaes purporting to be of The Louisiana State Lottery Company, and are fraudulently representing themselves as Agents of The Louisiana State Lottery Com pany, xney nave no authority to sell the Tickets of this Company ami aie not it agents. M. A. DAUPHIN. Pres. Louisiana State lottery Co. New Orleans, La., July 4, jy H-wed-eat-twdaw Heettiz or Itetf es of the Uuirersity. TIERE WILL BE A MEETING OF the Trustees of the Universitv of North Car olina, in the Executive Offlce.in Raleigh, on TUESDAY, the 19th Julv. 1S81. at 414 o'clock, P. M at which a Professor of Nat ural History will be chosen In the place of Dr. F. W. fcimonds. resiimed on account of 111 health. Application should be address ed to PRESIDENT BATTLE. jy7-dw2w ChjipelHill, X. C. will tempt tho mo3t fastidious, and bo within the reach of the moat lmrnble, I Offer this Week Lemons, Oranges, Canned Peaches and- Pears, Pineapples and Cherries, Shaker and Gordon & Dilworth's Preserves, Wm. Underwood & Co's Dcyilled Meats, Crosse & Blackwell's PickleEj Canned Beef and Tongue, Cheese, very fine quality. Excellent Sweet Butter ! 30 CENTS PESPQUKD I Small Sugar Cured Hams and ' Breakfast Strip?, Special Brands. Pronounced by all who use them the. finest in tho city. These goods are perfectly fresh being received daily per Bailroad and Steamers. JNO, L BOATlVrtiBHlY Ko. 11 Sc 13 IV. Front St The Cosmopolitan BAP. 13 THE PLACE . WHERE YOU can get 1 he coolest, purest and most scientiCcAlIy mixed hammer Drink to be found In the citr. The rerv Lett iVhn Champagne an c Liquors always oo hand The btt 5-4.-nt Ci3;ar that Ja made. Dron In andccolioa". JOHN CAF.ROLL. J iPrcptictOT. i ' A - -

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