1H1S P1FIB dasdays f area $tm T. J A f ,D1''0 RtPTIONS.POSTAG.e PAID. ,CBW Six month., $i0 ; Th ,f fr, &a seats. , AND PKOJ-KIK ThrM ill t delivered byAarrier, tfl It tit r .,.h4re,n7 p. " - 13 oents per wesk. to. or isatoeriben wUl pleasereport any aai their racers reirnlarly. jfe- Advertisements, THE GREAT FOR RHEUMATISM, Keuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Sackache, Scraness of ihc Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Scro Ti.raat, Swell ings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, Genera Bodily ' Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feet and ' Ears, and- all other Pains and Aches. No PirpanUion on earth equals St. Jacobs Oil K i safe, Mure, simple and cheap External Snily. A trial entails but the comparatively inflwg ootly of 50 Cent, and totjt ona auffer fcg with pain can have cheap and poaitiTa proof t( its claim. Direction! in Eleven Language. ECLDBT ALL DRUGGISTS A2TDDEALEE3 IS UTiBTODfE. A.VOGEUER & CO., Baltimore, Md., V. 8. A, pril IWaw-om to WEOT LACES, "Wuite and Cream colored, Lace Curtains, h pairs and by the yard, White and Ecru. Lace Lambrequins And material for lining. CO R N I C Various styles. E CARrEIS OIL CLOTIIS MATTINGS At very reasonable prices. TURKISH BATH SOAP ! 8 Cakes for 25 ecnts; 'tis good and cheap Respectfully, R. M. Mclntire. Ji'j.9 MRS. JOE PERSON'S REMEDY FOR SCROFULA NEVER FAILS. It Will Cure if Fairly Teited. It gives me much pleasure to be able to Rate that I have derived an effectual cure of rorula from the use of Mrs. Joe Person's JHMdy for that disease. I had suffered ifora i Scrofula for more than three years, Md ha4 despaired of ever getting well. I w treated during that time by three very jmnentphysicians.without any good result. J wen went to the National Surgical Insti m at AtlaDtA Ga., and was treated there rare lhn two months, with no better re V1'1 my family physicians, met with. retting from the Institute, I was Ui T6y Mrs- Person's remedy, and 041 lU tied it more than a week before I tiVvf curative and healing proper enK 7Wrc soon began to heal, and the hi y skln CQaged as fast as the sores wf not thought of ever getting ilaeaia but m7 Copies increased, my low PMtedwwnea beforfthi remedy, and I a now enjoyine: splendid health and am In spirits- The remedy is mild as spur mVvdaEtronStonlc; 1111 heal the stubborn sore In three weeks if taken bSvV J' U is my opinion that I should iKcn some time after the sore is healed, be m Te the of its effects. It should i omS -Cn relarlT by all mean, for I have icTnl neSIecwd it, from the pressure of ad in all eases found that the readymade would commence to re uraae, &nl for this alone it should be aoS!?1 rl-y 1111111 &n effectual cure is UritVi. . .v NoUlinS should prevent regu . j lathe use of the remedy and it should tomr,l!niat Proper time. I would re SS ,nd,to a11 ho are suffering from Kon Jto.try,t wUl surely cure you Jou give it a fair lest. I speak from expe fu! r,1tn,d ofrom hearsay. I am a grate- am tar" of a cure from the 1186 of 11 ntl Mn v many and !sng obligations to Ui:le.Rr80a.for eat relief 1 bave ob f are-1 ; m its Sufferers, try it and be Ki-Vpri,my advice I am, respectfully, C J AMES a!mOKUI3. tlu sUmP for testimonial of remarkable prepared by Mrs. Joe Person, Franklin iBMnn v by WM IL GREEN. 11- ill lira VOL. V LOCAL NEWS. r. JEW Advkktisekents. f roxlt & MoHKis- Crockery at Auction Heutsbkruer New TesUmeut W R Huxtek Temperance Address C W YxtesH ana's Manifold Books No City Coart:to-day. Tall women coiffures. should not wear high Avoid the toy pistol with the blank cartridge. ' But little jewelry is now worn by la dies of f sh ion. The receipts of cotton at this port (o day foot op 26 bales. The sun now sets seven minutes ear Her than it did two weeks ago. - It is a difficult thing for a dog without a tail to show his master how much he thinks of him. The best medicine for a sick man is to back up against a mule. The animal will heel him. The man who Bmokes a cigarette in sults agood cigar and casts undeserved asperations upon a pipe. This has been one of the warmest days of the season, the thermometer in this office registering 97 at 3 o'clock. Freshwater Perch, Trout and Black- fish' Hooks and Lines. A fall assort ment and lowest prices at JAcoBfs. f Br. barque Oreala cleared at -this port to day for Glasgow, with 1,714 bar rels rosin, shipped by Alez. t Sprnnt & Son. The steamship Regulator. Captain Doane, cleared at the Custom House to day and will sail at 3 o'clock to morrow morning with a full . cargo. Beautify your homes by using the N. Y. EnamelPaint, ready mixed and war anted. Sold only at Jacobi's. f rrt " a j 1 j.neneaio ine uay nas oeen very much tempered by the fine breeze which has prevailed all day long, such a breeze as is unknown in some other localities. The August term of the Criminal Court for New Hanover county convenes on the first Monday in August, which in this instance happens to be the first day of the month; so the regular August term of this Court commences one week from Monday next. Mr. Byerly, a gentleman well known here to the crockery trade, is in the city now with twenty crates of ware, which will be sold by Messrs. Cronly & Morris at auction on Monday next. Those who have attended these sales on previous oc casions know that bargains are to be had. Tbe Heat To-Day. The Signat Officer at this station re ports the maximum heat hero to day at 95 degrees. In Charleston, Savannah, Augusta, Corsicana, Texas, and several other Southern cities the thermometer registered overlOO degrees. Wilmington forever in the Summer time ! Dry Earth as a Disinfectant. The following is taken from Good Health: Dirt is so cheap that hardly any one appreciates its weaun, at least very few know its value as a disinfectant. Dry earth is really one of the most ex cellent of all disinfectants, and possesses another advantage in that it can always be obtained in any quantity without money and without price. Its very cheapness-is, perhaps, one reason why it is so ittle esteemed and employed. The char acter of the earth used is however, not J a matter, of consequence. Coarse sand and moist earth are valueless. To be effective the earth must be fine and dry. Dry, powdered clay is perhaps best of all.' Dust from the road is excellent. Dry coal ashes are also very excellent. By the free use of dry earth, sinks, stables, and similar sources of foul gases and disease-producing germs may be kept in a perfectly wholesome condition. The application of the earth, once a week once a month, or two or three times in the course of the summer, is not, however, sufficient. To be effective, it should be applied daily, and when the matter to be disinfected is large in quanity, several times a day. v A good supply of fine, dry earth should be kept constaatly on hand, conveniently near to the place where it is to be used. When so good a disinfectant is so near, no one can have any excuse for tolerating a bad smell npon his premises. WILMINGTON, N. C ; I Ami Prohibition. We understand, from a gentleman who was present, that there was a large at tendance yesterday at an anti-prohibition pic-nic and barbacue at Bivenbark'8 Mills, in Pender couaty. Both white and colored were out in force and speeches were made by Messrs. H. E.Scott, J. W. Madden and S H. BelL There was, our informant states, bat one prohibitionist on the ground. At night there was a gathering at Rocky Point, which was ad dressed by Judge Watts and Air. H. E. Scott. At Home and Abroad. The August n amber of this excellent periodical is at hand. Dr. Wood writes the opening article.'which is a continua tion of the paper begun in the previous issued, entitled "North Carolina as a Field for 'Naturalists." Mr. Norwood Giles continues to talk about "Some Birds that I Have Seen;" Dr. Bernheim publishes more of his Trans-Atlantic Notes of Travel, and Miss Lisette Bern heim gives us Chapters IX and X of her serial, "Oceanside." There are a nam ber of other articles which go to make up the sum total of a very interesting issue. Government Steam Yacht. A little steam yacht called the Net tle arrived in our waters this morning about 10 o'clock from Fernandina, Fla. which port sheleft day before yesterday (Wednesday) morning at half past 5 o'clock, and but for the boilers, being out of repairs the Captain thinks he would have made this port yesterday afternoon, whither she has come to coal up. The Nettle is a government dispatch boat and plies around the light houses. She was bnilt some two years ago in New York, but since that time has been on duty in Louisiana and Texas. She 18 tons burthen, has a foremast upon which she carries sail; is commanded by Capt. William Lewis, who has a crew of five or six men, and is now en route to Portsmouth, Ya.. where she-baa been ordered to report. Studv vour interest. You can now buy Cook Stoves at factory prices a Jacobi's. t Tilt and Tournament- We learn from a friend who was pres ent at Wadesboro during the progress o the Iir there on the 20th and 21st in stant,that the tournament was participatf ed in by a number of young gentlemen on Wednesday. The successful knigh was Mr. James A. Leak, Jr., who crowned as Queen of Love and Beauty Miss Ina McCall, the fair elocutionis who our readers will remember visited Wilmington something over a month ago and gave several recitations at the Opera House. The next successful knigh was Dr. Huntley, whom our informan thinks crowned Miss Alice Leak as firs Maid of Honor. Oof particulars are rather meacrre. but we have given our readers the benefit of what, Information we have obtained. Wilmington was represented on the occasion in the person of Mr. John H. Daniel; who rode as the night of the Cape Fear. We hope our Wadesboro friends have made a success of their Fair. Call at Jacobi's for Garden Hoes and Rakes, Shovels, Spades, Axes, &c There you have the lowest prices. f Tried and Committed John McKoy, colored, arrested for a nameless crime a few days ago, had a preliminary examination in the Court House before a Justice of the Jfeace to- dav which lasted from 10 o'clock this morning an til half past 1 o'clock this af w ternoon. The case seemed to excite a good deal of interest among the colored population and the Court room was filled with this class of people. The State was well represented by Mr. Solicitor Moore and the defence equally well rep resented by M. Bellamy, Esq. At the conclusion of the examination CoL Moore made a few remarks and Mr. Bellamy followed him in a short speech. The Magistrate then announced that the de fendant would be held for trial until the next term of the Criminal Court, which begins on the first day ot Aagastnext. The commitment papers were then made out and the prisoner remanded to jail un til the time above specified. To Builders and others Go to Jaco bi's for Sash, Blinds and Doors, Glass, &c Yoa can get all sixes ancJat the lowest prices. t :llfllli0 RIDAY, JULY 22, Crops Easiness Outlook Railroad Schemes Prohibition, tc, &c Tahboro, N. C., July 20th, 1881. Editor Daily Review: The crops in Edgecombe are as fine as in any previous , year since the war, though rain is wanted in many parts of the county for the. corn crop. Every way it looks favorable for a splendid crop season and a good business in the fall. The large number of "commercial trav ellers' you meet" everywhere say that they look for a better business this' Fall than they have had in twelve years All along my route Irbra Wilmington, mer chants and farmers, are in the very best spirits," and old North Carolina will roll up a staving business this year. Tbitif a thriving;, thrifty town. Im provements are going on all the time in the line of fine, large, commodious brick stores, that would do credit to any city. There are two very handsome stores in course of construction now, being built by one of Tarboro's most enterprising citizens, Judge Howard j one of which will be occupied by our mutukl friend, Capt. S. S.Nash, who you will; I 'am sure, be glad to hear, as well as his num erous friends in Wilmington, is doing a hne business. The good people of Tarboro have been recently approached about a railroad from Tarboro to Raleigh, a distance of about 50 miles, through a fine section of the State, and then continuing it to Wil liamston, on the Roanoke river, which would make the entire distance from Raleigh to Williamston not exceeding 85 miles. If this road is built, it would draw off an immense business from the N. C. R. R. and W. & W. R. R., and also from the R. & G. R. R. If you will look at the map, you will Bee that from Raleigh to Norfolk or Portsmouth it is about 173 miles. From Raleigh to Morehead City it is about 169 miles, against 85 miles from Raleigh to Wil liamston, via Wilson and Tarboro! The road from Tarboro to Raleigh could be easily graded, passing, as it . would, graded from Tarboro to Williamston, and about six miles of the iron and cross ties are laid. It is believecl by parties who have had experience in railroad building that it would not exceed $10,- 000 per mile, including rolling stock. This would certainly be a grand scheme for the section of country through which it would nass. as well as the towns of Tarboro. Wilson and Williamston. "Old T!ll - i 'I 1 1 I &J:LST: BUVJQVv ill luiiiuaun . jlk ao wchqtcu jj many that both Norfolk and Baltimore would subscribe largely to this proposed railroad, as both would have a fair slice of the immense business the road would carry to Williamston. Prohibition will in all probability be carried in the town of Taaboro, but will be defeated in the county of Edgecombe by a large majority. Wilson county and Halifax will also pass a heavy vote against it. Tarboro once had the reputation of being badly off for hotels but this' can no longer be said of her, for the Tarboro House is as good as any hotel in North Carolina to-day, the table being supplied most abundantly with everything this hne country produces, and the weary traveller will find every comfort here. ' The weather is intensely hot to-day, but we have a good breeze now and then to cool us off, and fair prospects of a ram this evening, lar River is so low that boats cannot run from Greenville here. Will write you trom "Juittie Washington," as it called, of anything! interesting. Cobbzspoxdxxt. See Here. You are sick; well, there is just one remedy that will cure you beyond possi-' bility of doubt; - If it's Liver or Kidney trouble, Consumption, Dyspepsia, Debil ity, Wells' Health Renewer is your hope. $1. Druggists. Depot J as. U. Munds. The steamer Wave, Captain Robeson, and the steamer A. P. Hurt, Captain Worth, both arrived here on their regu lar trips to-day ,and they report the river still falling, with about 25 inches of water on the Shoals. Josenh A. Bonham. Esq.. the well- known layer, 117 South Seventh street, Philadelphia, Pa., thus relates his ex perience: "About two weexs ago 1 was seized with what the doctors called mus- cular rheumatism in my right leg. The leg below the knee was swollen until I J couia aaraiy si&ua upon iu x naa seen St. Jacobs Oil advertised, and I sent to the drug store near my bouse, on the corner of Nineteenth and Master streets, for a bottle ot it. 1 rubbed my leg with it that night and in a short time the pain seemed to go away. Next morning the swelling had shifted from under the ankle to the upper part !of the knee. I applied the Oft again and the swelling in a short tune went away, leaving a very slight pain. I didn t use any more Oil, as I thought the attack was all over. About a week later it appeared again in the same place. The leg swelled so badly that, after coming down town and walking several squares, 1 gave com ple tely out. I went home intending to try some irrencn medicine, but x forgot to get it, and having a part of this bottle of SL Jacobs Oil in the house yet I tried it again,' bathing the limb thorough y. When I rot up in the morning pain and the' swelling were both almost gone, and after one more application 1 was as well as ever, and frora that time to this I haven't been troubled." NO. 171 New Advertisements, in. CKONIjY, Aucf ionccr. BY CRONLY & MORRIS. JABGE HALE OF CROCKERY WARE, a tfo. 16 Market sirejt, cn i!cnJ;y text 20 ORATES YELLOW, WHIT 7 Q 5AN1TE, EOGKlNOr VI,C. C W lUE, Ac Iht ait en tie- . .ha trade is called to this ale as the goods w.ll b 8)!d without re serve. A v jy 21 It TEMPERANCE ADDRESS. jy R". HUNTER; formerly State Temperance-Lecturer of North Carolina, will speak at the corner of Front and Market streets to-night. , The public are invited. jy22-lt Wew Testament QY OUR LOSD JESU CHRIST. Ths rid ai.d New Versions eowparsd. Ti Atria ed tnttf thi Oreek. Betnjr the Version set forlh A. D. 1C11. Compared with the most Ancient Authorities, and Seviied A. D. 1321. Tcgothef with Kiag James Version Arranged on oppoiite and corresponding pages. For sale at HEINSBESQER'B. Livo Book and Mnsio Store jT22 Rfiiss E. ECarrer AS JUST RECEIVED a beautiful as sortment of Evening and Millinery Flowers, Afternoon Hats and Bonnets, Linen and Mohair Ulsters, Uuderwear and Children's Clothing, which will be sold at reduced prices. ; je 9 For Smithvilie. fJlHE STEAMER PASSPORT makes her regular trips for Smithvilie, leaving wharf foot of Market 6treet, at 9.00 A. M., except on Saturdays, when she will leave Smith t-7Jao. A. M., and Wilmington at P.M.. J "W HARPER je 13 tf NEW GOODS I DELICIOUS PEACHES AND TOMATOES I All .varieties of Choice Preserves in one and two pound Cans, the best in the market. Our elegant Family Flour, Parole d' Honeurl PigHams, JBreakfast Strips and Small Shoulders, Parched'Java and Laguayra Coffee, These goods ai e all fresh this week J Our prices land quality of goods will convince you if you will try us. Try the prepared Soups, For sale at GEO. RSYERSV fab 1 Hoi. 11 ul H Boath'FroB&Stl Heeflm or Mees of the DniTonity. nrUIERE WILL BE A MEETING OF the I Trustees of the University of North Car olina, in the Executive Office, In Raleigh, on TUESDAY, the 19th July, lMl, at 4$ o'clock, P. at which a Professor of Nat ural History will be chosen in the place of Dr. F. W. feimonds, resigned on account of IH health. Applications ahould be address ed to PRESIDENT BATTLE, jy7-daw2w . Chapel Hill, X. C; 1881. THIS WEEK ; v ' FLSASSffCTXCE. - .' v . . . . - , - W wClhsglid torccslre eoffimualcatlca from ozr friends on ar.y tad all rabbet general latarexl fcntT The carxe cf tie writer cert ltry t far tiahed to u' Kilter. COotysafijtiocui aast be written'- ca only one aid cf ths pspr- PersauEiltiea rant fce avoliod And It Is wpeei&Uy and psrile alar ly under stood that the Sditu does net always endori the riswso! ccrr?jrondrt unless so slat la tae editorial larr. TJow iidvertieenieiito. CARNAGE MANUFACTORY. rjIIE UNDERSIGNED, Surviving part ner of McDougill, Williamson, begs leave , tosaj that he will continue the business of Carriage Manufacturing, Kopaiiipg, Horfe- v Shoeiog, etc:, at the old Und on Chestnut between Front unl Water rtrects. - 1 All person? i . Jebted to ' the old firm wil 1 tettle with the ULders'gncd, and all clalma i - - .. : ;..-. i - against the same will be presented to him for payment. :. jy co st R. P. ilcDOUGALL. l orn, JSacoii, Molasses. 275 Boxes Smoked and D S.Sldca O ZL( llkds and Tierces' JOJ, New Crop Cuba JQQ BLIs New Orleans Molasses, Just received and for sale low by WILLIAMS & MURCUISONJ ' Flour, Sugar, Coffee, &c 1000 13113 Flour, all grades, - or; !50 Bbls Sugars, Granulated, A Extr . kj auat, 50;BblsNew Orleans Suar, . C50 Bags Coffee, different Vadcs, 125 Boxes Assorted Candy, J 1C0 Tubs Choice Leaf Lard 75 Bbls and Boxes Lemon Cakos,"J 375 Boxes Lye and Potash, 200 Boxes Soap, 75 Boxes andlEgs Soda, 100 Boxe3 and Half Bbls Snuff, Shot, Buckets, Paper, Spice. Pepper, Gin' ger. Hoop Iron, &c Kandolph Sheetings, .For sale bv feb 28 WILLIAMS & MUP.CHISON Tlie Xriaivexsfir ;op ' Morth OaroHna. "TVTEXT SESSION WILL BEG IN AUGUST 25th, 1SS1. - - Combines the advantages of the old Cur riculum, with special and extended instruc-. tion according to the University system. Connected with it are schools of LAW. or MEDICINE, and of .PHARMACY. Special facilities given for practical studies, such as Analytical and Agricultural Chemistry. Business, Law, Phonography, &c. ujjg-,jLfra-wiDg, xJooK-A.eepini Expenses, including tuition and room rent, $185 to $230 per annum. Address, for catalogue and particulars. ' 'KEMP P. UATTL1S, LL. !.; ' Fhap,eJ oIIU1' N C' Jul u Trident. July 13-2w, HAY AND QGREtf. Eastern Hay, 'White and Sixed Corn, FOPw SALE LOW BY Hall & PearsalJ. iy 20 Harm's Manifold Books BE JCSTTHIS THL.G for BaJeiicen and others who de:ire a q:ick ard perfect copy of ticir orders and letters at oao'wrU Usff. Every article ia the Fchool Book, Blank Bock and Statiose'j line always on hand. Ths ctUbreiei "Becker Broi."Pia nos, asd Geo. Wood's Ytxlor Orjaxs always In stock.) G; W. Yates' Book store, RED CEDAR PACftlL'G CHESTS SASH, DOORS MB BUNDS, BEACKETS, MOULDING, LUMBEB&c. ALL SIZE3 WLVDOW GLAS3, AT ALTAFEER, VR1CE k CO'S. Facto FootWi OSce: aim inut et. utt, near Ked Cross it The Cosmopolitan BAr. 13 THE PLACE WHERE TOU eanffet the coolest. nnr-t , ficientiilcally mixed fiammer Drinks to Le ine very test Wint SifSl8?? Uors alifajB on hand The best 5-centCi'rar that U in and cool off. JOHN f?A!PrSr. i ft . -mwuu JeS - mcprietor. . i t

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