PLEAS2 FOTICE. Wo will be g J ad to receive ecr-$u2lcaUca : from ott frieadi oa asy aad all rcbitcts o general lateral fcri Tte ctje of C: wriJsr nisi tlvujt b far nlshev! . tie Editor. ' 2Cocic:ttaiexii2s izzn b written' oe only ose jde of tha psp Aud it is ejdsllyaiid rS:cUrly uader itcod tbe Kvdc' nst always esdorf tha views o corroEj&dt at?, criesa so ttat la tfce editorial coian. Pot ..JAILT -f, wHIOMi. POSTAGE PAID. !- r fSOo Six monthB, $260 ; Three 't 125; One month, 69 cents, per will be delivered by carriers, "r.orl3MflttperWML ..rri low and lib'l Vr3oberiber will please report any ( "lnreI w raceire their papers regularly. 5ew-A dvertisements. 33 THE GREAT FOB RHEUMATISM, Hsuralgta, Sciatica, Lunhago, Sickache, Son r.ess of Hies Ohost, Scut, Quinsy, Core Threat, Swell hgs and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily Pains, Uoth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Fee, and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. No Preparation on earth cquali 6t. Jacobs Oil v safe, ture, simple and cheap Externn.1 Sfmedy. A trial entails but the comparatively tnSicg outlay of 50 Cents, and every one euffer ig with pain can have cheap and positive proof il iu claimi. Direction in Eleven Languages. BOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS 15 MEDICHTE. A.VOGEUSR fc CO., Baltimore, Hid., V. 8. A, pril Hdw-no to. NEW LACES, White and Cream colored. Lace Curtains, h pairs and by the yard, White and Ecru. Lace Lambrequins. And material for lining. CORNICE! Various styles. CARPETS OIL CLOTHS MATTINGS At very reasonable prices TURKISH BATH SOAP ! CCakea for 25 eents; 'tis good and cheap Respectfully, R. M. Mclntire. MRS. JOE PERSON'S REMEDY FOR SGROPULA NEVER FAILS. It Will Cure if Fairly Tested. It gives me much pleasure to be able to te that I have derived an effectual cure of rofulafromtheuseof Mrs. Joe Person's remedy for that disease. I had suffered iron i Scrofula for more than three years, had despaired of ever getting well. I ? '-ed duriug that time by three very 'auientphygicians.without any good result. Wen went to the National Surgical Insti at Atlanta, Ga., and was treated there re than two months, with no better re "Mthan my family physicians met with, p'returnjjfrom the Institute, I was IfcTd y AIrs. Person's remedy, and Mdtof pore than a week before I t-vA Uve and healing proper tl r v. ou began to hea', and the r of myicm changed as fast as the sores J ha1 cot thought of ever getting fVi 1, S.ai3 but my hopes increased, my low !ntedne$s flii h -a now enjoying splendid health and am iu . Br-. ' a?J a 6tronS nlc ; U will heal the ruriy. it is my opinon tliat It ghould n 801116 Ume after the sore is healed, U ?0Te the cause of effects. It should l3!25ca Rularly by all means, for I have itSn 8 Slectni it. from the pressure of (J-Jf8 nd in all cases found that the tt-r ymade wou'd commence to re uv5,?56' &d for this alone it should be comS Je?ttUr,y untiI an effectu&l cure is Ir, v othIn? should prevent regu theuse of the remedy and it should tQ ,W thc PrcP time. I would re Sc;,',. a tc &u w'o are suffering from !fioirtotry iu ItwUl 6urely cure ju give u a lair test. I speak from expe ?U rlf . not from hearsay. I am a grate a ?;ett of a cure from the use of it and P r man &nd lting obligations to Uirlw Q fr the great relief 1 have ob- tart UmP far tesUmonlal of remarkable Pre; ".paredbyMrs Joe Person, Franklin v M Ly WM U- GREEN, Wil VOL. V LOCAL NEWS. New Advertisements. S. Jewett Wilmington and Coast Turn pike Co 8. Jewett Big Reduction to Close Out IlEiN3BEKaEii New Testament C W Yates Hann's Manifold Books - Day's length 14 hours and 8 minutes. The moon changes nextTaesday raorn insr. . . The bluff game of. society is said to be flirtation. Field dasies are the favorites for belt bouquets. .PIWWMH IN fl Willi-- The receipts of cotton at this port to day foot up 63 bales. One interment in Bellevue Cemetery this week that of an infant. There have been two interments in Oakdale this week both ad alts. Freshwater Perch, Trout and Black fish Hooks and Lines. full assort ment and lowest prices at Jacobt'a. f Mr. AV. R. Hunter will spend to-morrow with the Suriday School scholars at Sraithville, but expects to be present in this city on the Sunday fol lowing. Two interments in Pine Forest (color ed) Cemetery -this week, one adult and one child. The Register of Deeds has issued ba one marriage license during the weeK, and that was to a colored couple. Dr. I. N. Carr, formerly of this city, but now of Tarboro passed through here to-day on his way to Asheville to attend the State Dental Convention, to be held in that city next week. Catarrh of the Bladder. Stinging, smarting irritation of the urinary passages, diseased discharges, cured by Buchupaiba. Draggists. Dept J as. U. Munds. There is unmailable matter in the Postofhce in this city addressed to Thay er.:Merriman & Co., No. 731 Arch sL, Pha.j Pa., and James Richardson, Jef ferson street , No. 1,400. ' The excursion given by Prof. Agostini yesterday to Smithville, on the Passport, the second of the series, was largely at tended and enjoyed in proportion. There were about two hundred and seventy-five personson board. It is said that sick headache can gen erally be relieved by soaking the feet in warm water, in which a spoonful of pow dered mustard has been stirred. Soak as long as possible, or till the water gets cool. It draws the blood from tke head. Quarterly meeting for Front Street M E. Church is in progress to-day and will continue to:morrow. Rev.Dr.Burkhead, P. E., presides. It is the last quarterly meeting which will be held previous to his departure for Europe, which is fixed for early in August. "The'Doctors Said I would never leave my bed That was threa ruou'bs ago, and now I weigh 190 piunds. I cannot write halt of wbatl want to sy, but Warner's afe Kidney aad Liver Core did it all," H. O. KOrjRK, Hah way. N. J. Unfavorable News. The news from the President to-day is not favorable. This was announced by bulletin datd f:30 P. M. Ue had a chill this forenoon and the discharge from the wound has been checked. It is feared that some internal abscess has formed, to which there is no-outlet. His poise is re ported at 125 and temperature at 104. Farther deveiopements will be anxiously awaited. Another Incident or the Storm. Five empty box cars which were stand ing on the track of the W. C. & A. R. R. last night, on a down grade, were moved by the force of the wind up this grade, distance of some fifty yards and around an exceedingly difficult curve, which tries the mettle of the yard engine when it seizes hold of a train to drag up the hill, on to apile of lumber loaded on an osher car near by; or, at least, one of the cars was driven half-way on to this lam. ber so that it will require the freight on the loaded car to be removed in order to extricate the two cars and get them in ship shape on Jhe track again. The Washington, D. -C., Star, wo notice refers to the case of Miss Harriet L. Dawson, the New York correspondent of the New Orleans Picayune, under the nom-de plume of uDritt, who was cured of very severe rheumatic pains in the bcfc by the use of at. Jacobs Oil. i WILMINGTON, N. C, SATURDAY, JULY THE STORM LIST SIGHT. Velocity of ihe Wind Nearly One Mile a Minute Trees and Telegraph Wires Laid Low Oar city and vicinity was visited last evening, shortly after 9 o'clock, by one of the severest gusts of wind, accompanied by one of the heaviest rain storms, for the short time it lasted, which has ever come under our observation daring oar life time residence here ia the city by the sea. The weather yesterday, as we all know in this vicinity; was intensely hot, the Signal Office reporting the max imum heigh th of the thermometer at 95 degrees. Bat the delicious cool sea breeze which fanned oar heated cheeks all day abated in some degree the sever ity of the weather. At dark the breeze was delightful although the night was still quite warm, and the result of the heat of the day was seen by the quanti ty of electricity in the" sky, which was shown by frequent flashes of sheet light ning but unaccompanied by thunder, until about 9 o'clock or shortly thereaf ter when suddenly a roar of the mighty wind was heard, the noise resembling, very much the rumbling of a huge caravan traversing an immense bridge or stony road: Clouds upon clouds of dust filled the air and were blown into stores and dwellings and lights were extinguish ed inside and outside of houses. On the streets the lamps of the city were nearly all blown out at one gust Then came more vivid flashes of lightning, accom panied by deep, loud peals of thunder. Every one looked for a cyclone or hurri cane, and thought of the frightful disas ters which have occurred in the far Northwest recently and the damage done there to life and property from the fearfnl tornadoes. Amidst it all there was a temperance address being deliver ed to quite a respectable crowd of people by Mr. W. R. Hunter at the head of the eld market site. But in an instant all was darkness, the lights were blown out, hats were taken and carried high in the air, while dry goods boxes piled on the sidewalk (were taken up and carried from one point to another by ' the fearful wind, like so much chaff in the breeze. . The speaker's voice was hushed in a second and in less time than it has taken us to write it ev ery person in the crowd and on the stree darted with almost lightning speed for the nearest shelter of a house. But final ly the rain, the blessed rain, which seem ed to temper the wind down to a norma! current, came down in copious showers. the heavens seemed to open while the water descended in torrents and the wind lulled to a considerable extent Then i was that everybody's mind or body, or both, for that matter, felt decidedly more comfortable and easy. The gale lasted some tea or fifteen minutes, and had it extended to half an hour there is no tell ing what the extent of the damage migh have been. As it was, trees and fences were prostrated in all parts of the city. Bat among the shipping en the river we have heard of no damage, the old tars be ing forewarned by their barometers o what was coming, got out extra hawsers and secured themselves before the gale broke upon them in all its fury. There were several timber rafts which got loose and were driven to pieces on the river. At the Bounds, or between here and the Sounds, numerous trees of large size were felled to the ground by the violence of the wind. Some of the telegraph and telephone wires in the city were broken and thrown upon the ground. This was the case also with the wires of the Sig nal office between here and Smithville although we learn there was no damage done right - at Smithville. . The Signal Officer at this station informs us that the fary of the gale occurred about 9:32 p m., that the thermometer fell from 95 to 73, 22 degrees in fifteen or twenty min utes, and that for a period of five minutes the wind travelled at the rate of nearly one mile a minute. We are happy to say, however, and we may add that we feel thankful that we are able to say, that so far, we have heard of no loss of life. There was a fine audience present last night at the head of the old Market site to hear Mr. W. R. Hunter on the ub- ject of Prohibition but the storm came op and dispersed them before the speaker had concluded. Sunset to-morrow afternoon at 10 xoin ntes past 1 o'clock. For the Review, GIVE US A REST ! The war is overthe fight has been "fit." The Tanks" were victorious the ."Con feds" made to "git." The fight were stubborn -all behaved well; Slot only tke living, but those who tell. The former we'll honor from the depth of our heart. While the mem'ry of the latter will ne'er depart. Who fired the first shot and laid the first plan Seem 8 to have escaped the memory of man. Fort Fisbertt'ow built, commanded and fall. But to whom belongs the honor, can any one toll? Each one will his own story so vigorously state That they searce can tell what part any other did ta&e. Alas, for the dead, their ton trues are still. tWnlle the ltviog can bay what they will. 6l!aotly they sleep In their konored graves. ,While where the fort stood is washed by the waves. -The names of 'Fisher" ftnd "Whltlns" are indlssolubly joined. And none to displace them can ever be coined. The honor of buildinz you may divide to your liking, Bnt the glory of defence will cling ever to Whiting. If he was there without a command, If he was therewith no sword in his hand. His presence a thrill sent t!iro' each-heart That enthused every soldier to act nobly his part. And when the crash came in the thick of the fight. Wounded, he fell. In the enemies sight . And th words that he spoke while stretched on his cot By true Southern soldiers will ne'er be forgot. Nothing more could he have said, to add to his splendor. Than, "Lamb, when you die, the fort I'll never surrender " We fought for "our rights o'erpowered we fell; How bravely we battled the world knows well. And onr children will have nothing to turn from in shame. But as years grow upon them they'll honor onr name. Our enemies, even, will learn in their day To honor the foemen who held them at bay. It matters not now who built Fort Fisher ; Decide as you may will not alter the issue. Let the past be forgotten let the matter ''take a rest," Granting that all who were engaged did ineir very level Dest. "Cost ed." Death of Daiid Pigoti. We regret to learn of the sudden death, in Savannah, Georgia, last night, from the excessive heat of the weather 'of Mr. David Pigott, formerly and for the space of nearly thirty years a resident of this city. Mr. Pigott came here from .beautort. his native ulace. when quite a boy, and was first employed by the firm of Howard & Peden. wholesale and re tail grocers, in the building now occupied by Messrs. Cronly & Morris; after this he was successively engaged in business on his own account, except during the lour years ot war. when after serving a short time in the Wilmington Light In fantry at the Forts below, he entered the Treasury service and was em ployed in the Collector's office of this port until the final crash came. After the war he embarked in the produce bro kerage business, but eventually gave that up and for a long time was engaged in the wholesale and retail tobacco busi ness. But Dame Fortune, always fickle with those who think her most sure, final ly deserted him and left him without her aid or good will. A second time Mr. Pigott essayed to recuperate his finan - cial condition by embarking in 'the pro" duce brokerage business, but meeting with little success here he migrated to Savannah over a year ago, where we I learn he had about established himself in a good brokerage business. The deceased was something over fifty years of age, probably 53 or 54, He was a man of undoubted veracity upon all questions and was regarded as a person of the strictest integrity. His remains, we leara, will not be brought here, but will be interred at Savannah. May the sod rest lightly o'er him. Beautify your homes by using the N. Y. EnamelPaint, ready mixed and war anted. Sold only at Jacobi's. . f A Fortunate Tailor. Mr. P. S. Kearney, a tailor in the house of Warner & Searles of this city. has been the fortunate winner of half the capital prize in the Louisiana State Lot tery, 815,000, of which he received offi cial notification yesterday. The lucky number was 45,112. Mr. Kearnev. whose good luck in this instance has been so propitious ana unquestiened, came here fromMemphis about six months asro. since which time he has been in the em ploy cf Warner A Searles. He is an excellent workman, quiet, unobtrusive and industrious, and is charitable and good natured in the extreme. His em ployers speak of him in unbounded terms of praise and compliment, and are almost as macu rejoiced at nis sireaK 01 gooa t- J 1 . . m f fortune as tbe lucky man himself. With his fellow workmen he is very Txmul&r, and they, like Messrs. Warner & Searles, are pleased with his good fortune. Suc cess to him, say we- Ftci-sottr, Hiss., Herald, July 13. To Builders aad others Go to Jaco bi's for Sash, Blinds and Doors, Glass, tz. You caa get all sizes audatthe lowest price. f 23, 1881. NO. 172 strange but True It is a strange bat very singular fact, that it should take one Alderman and then still another Alderman to make one Juayorpro ttm. let such is the case. Mayor Smith having Lied him to Smithville yesterday morniDg, Alder man Alderman will belhe acting Mayor until His Hon r returns on Monday to the city. Xolos by iheWay. The Floral Fair at Wadesboro, given under the acspices of the Dixie Agricul tural Association, .came to a close on Thursday. The Fair was a success and came fully up to the' expectations of its friends and projectors. The exhibits were numerous and meretorious and the mana gers paid especial attention to procuring a variety of arr.asement3 for the lar:re number of visitors who were drawa thither by the Fair. Thome's Come ly Company gave two dramatic perform ances each day ia the building oa tbe groucds, playing comedy pieces. The glass ball shooting and tournament were the features of the day. At night the coronation ball took place in a very large and spacious hall. Misslna McCall was crowned Queen of Love and Beauty and well and gracefully did she carry the hon ors bestowed upen her. The ball was a perfect success and was immensely enjoy ed by the young folks in attendance. Thursday's attendance at the Fair was very large and all seemed to enjoy them selves. Miss Ina McCall, "the little Southron," as she has been named by our Northern brethren, whom a great many of our citizens will remember crave such, excel- lent recitations in this city a short time since, read at Crowley's Hall on Thurs day evening to a fall house. Her versa tility of talent is remarkable, and by her most pleasing readings and modest, lady like demeanor, she won many new friends. She has sufficient stage mannerism, but nothing pertaining to "shoddyism" Xr "snydeism." She is destined, we think, to fill an exalted position in the profes sion which she has adopted. The crops between ? Wilmington and Laurinburg look very well, but every, thing beyond Laurinburg is burnt up. We are told that there has been but one rain in the Pee Dee section since April. Vegetables, cantaloupes and me Ions are luxuries there, which have to be import ed from Wilmington. It is predicted that not one-half a crop will be made in Richmond, Anson and Union counties and in the border counties in South Carolina. Call at Jacobi's for Garden Hoes and Rakes, Shovels, Spades, Axes, &c. There you have the lowest prices. t Church services. Worship in the various churches of tha lcity to-morrow as follows,: ST. JAMES' PABISH, Corner Third and Market streets, Rev. A. A. Watson, D. D., Rector. Sixth Sunday after Trinity July 4th. Celebration az 7 a- m. Sunday School at 9:30 a. m. Morning Prayer at 11 occlock. Evening Prayer at 6 o'clock. FIBST PBEEBTTEEIAJT CHUECH, corner Third and Urange streets, nev. J. U. Wilson, D. D., pastor. Services ( at 11 a. m. Sabbath School 3 p. m. Lcc ture cn Thursday night at 8:30 o'clock; FTJ&ST BAPTIST CHUECH, corner of Market and Fifth streets. Rev J. B. Taylor, Pastor. Sunday School at 0:30 a.m. Services at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Brooklyn Sunday School at 4 p. in Yonng Men'a Prayer Meeting Tuesday night at 8 o'clock. Church Prayer Meeting Thursday night at 8 o'clock. ST. PAUL'S EVAHO. LUTHEBAjy CHXTiCn, Corner Sixth and Market streets, Rev. G. D. Bernheim, I). D. pastor. Sunday School at 9:30 a. m. Preparatory service (English) at 10:30 a. ra. English servico and Communion at 11 a. m. 2o &;rvice at nlfr t CHBISTS CHUECH (COXGBEOATIOXAI.), on iun, oetween jj'itu ana revui. Rev. D. D. Dodge, Paaior. Preachinz at 11 a. m. and 8 p. ra. i asurs Bible CI ss at 12i p. ra. Prayer and Praise Meeting Wednesday at 8 p. m. Socday School at o p. m. SEC03TD PRESBYTERIAN KCHCCII, Cor Four h and Campbell streets. Rev C. AI. rayne, 1'aator. fcarvic?8 at 11 a. m. and c:lo p. in- is abb th School at o p. m. I'rayer Aieeucg v eaneauay at tiio p. m. Seats free j-BOST CTBEKr M. K. CHTECH. (SOl'THV corner Front and V alnut streets, Rev. J2. A. Yates. D D-, pastor. Services at 11 a. m. and 8 p.m. Sunday School at 3 p. m. , W. M. Parker, sup'U Christian As sociation meets Tuesday evenings after the first and third Sandays in each month. Prayer Meeting and Preaching Wednesday 1 e venings at o o'ciocic FIFTH 8TEEET Ji. B CHUECH (SOUTH,) on Fifth, between Kun and Church streeta. Rev. T.P. Ricaod, pastor. Services at 11 a. m, and 8 p. m. Sabbath School at 9 a.m. Prayer Meetisz Thursday ere &teg at o o'doci. I'ow Advertisements. BIG REDUCTIOfJ TO CLOSE OUT ! H A.VIXG RESOLVED TO GIVE Ul the Book and' Stationery business, I will, until all is cleared cut, c Her all of my Book and Stationery 5trck at Bargains in any quantities. 8. JEWETT. W;iiE?tr 1 Cls! Terete -Co. QN AND A F f K JULY 23d, 1SS1, cither end of a Ticket will be -good cither way'on the Turrj.lkclload, or will I'c-gcod' for a plea urc diive to the Second Toll House ami rctun. S. JEWETT, k c'y and Treasurer jy si-l t Sew Testament Th t axd I-eff Veraio'.a cotorared. Tr&tifli'ed c ut f -.hs Greek I'e'nz tbo Vcritos sit for h A. D. 1611. Gmja ed with hs nijit Ancient Authorities ard ! eriicd A. D. 1?S1. Ttjctier ith K3E James' Veriioa Arranged 03 oppoiita enl orre-pctdirfc pa- For B! 19 It UKINHBLrtGEE.. Lire Book and iJniio titers j?22 GARnSAGE MANUFACTORY' rpnE UNDERSIGNED, Surviving part ner of McDougall tt Williamson, begs leavo to say that he will continue the business o f Carriage Manufacturing-, Rcpalrlog, Ilorec Shoeing, etc., at the old stand on Chestnut between Front and Water streets. All persons indebted to the old 'firm will settle with the undersigned, aiid all claims against the same will be presented to him for payment. R. P. McDOUGALL. jy ',)-Ct GorHj Bacon, Molasses, 10 000 Buha Prkac wtitc C0R2,ir Boxes Smoked and D S.Slde s QP-in nhdsand Tierces; OtJVjr New Crop CubaJ -j QQ Bbls New Orleans Molasecs, J ust received and for sale low by , willlms & iiuKcmsoNj '.; Flour, Sugar, CoiTco, &c. ! 1000 Bbls Flour, all grades, 250 Bbls Sucars, Granulated, A Extrj GandC, 50;BblsNew Orleans Suar, , 3G0 Bags Coffee, different grades,' 125 Boxes Assorted Candy,' f ' 100 Tubs Choice Leaf Lard1 73 Bbls and Boxes Lemon Cakc,jJ 75 Boxes Lye and Potash . 200 Boxes Soap, 75 Boxes and Kcs Soda, 100 Boxes cad Half Bbls Snuff,; Shot, Bncket?, Paper, Spice, Pepper, Gin J ger. liop Iron, k Randolph cheetings, For sale by feb23 WILLIAMS A MUP.CHISON Hann's Manifold Books RE JUST THE THING for Ha'eixen and others who 2eire a qalck aid perfect copy of their orders acd letters at ose wrl Uij. Every article i a the School Bock, Blank Bock and Stiticrerj li9 always cn hind. Ihe calibrated "Decier Broz."Pi- no, aad Geo. Wood's Vexlor Craci a! way . - in stock. IT 18 For Smithville. rjiIIE STEAMER PASSPORT makes her regular trips, for Smithville, leavlcg wharf foot of Market street, at 0.00 A; M.. fjcent on Saturdiy?, when the w!IJ leave Smith vJie at 7;J A. M.. and WiinAnn t' P. M. .J W IlAhPElt je IS tf RED CEDAR PACXISQ CHESTS SASH. DOORS AND BUNDS, 7 BSACKETS,IOCXDING, LUMBER, &c ALL SLZES WINDOW GLASS. : ALTAFFEB, PBJCE & COU Factory: OHlce: Wutt, near Ikd Cro-; a Foot Walnut st. i