TBIB PAPER . 8ndy f PKOrklKTUlW .-r unaTlflV.PAtn. Three ' ' ' Al 35: One month, 50 oenta. T "" ' be delirered by carriers, .... or io wu L 33b.eribri will please report any and Vw,rwto rewire their papers regularly. Advertisements THE GREAT FOR MATIS1 5 Hwralgfc, Cciziica, Lumbago, backache, Scrzoss or iho Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Sera Yiiroat, Swell ingsand Sprains, Hums and Scalds, Genera Bodily Pains, hath. Ear an i Headache, Frosted Feei and Ears, and all other Pains end Aches. So Preparation on earth equals St. Jacobs Oil. ti$afe,vre, simple and cheap External Jrmedr. A trial ontails but the coniparatirely p2iEf ontlar of oO Cents, and every one Biiffer fcg with pin can Lavo cheap and positiye proof ft in claims. Pinrtions in Eleven Languages. ECU) BT ALL DRUGGISTS AODEALEE3 IN MEDICINE. f A.V0GELER & CO., Baltimore, 2Id., XT. S. A. ipriIlWw-nw tcj (i TURKISH BATH" t C&s la box for 25 eents; nothing to fnual tliis article for the price. JC3T IX, A LARGE STOCK OF M dURTAIIS, uj xae pair and by the yard. - Samples sent to the country to reliable parties. Respectfully, 1 R. Pfl. RHcIntire. !fi i v I OM'S 114.. PI I -- t-m 2 KEMEDY FOR SOROFUL IL NEVER FAILS. v : It Will Cure if FaMy Teste ..J" me much pleasure to be able to teihit i have derived an effectual cure of oruia from the use of Mrs. Joe Person's reaedy for that disease. I bad suffered iMk bc1r?fula more than three years, J Had despaired of ever getUag well. I irea'd during that time by three very jauientphysieians.M-ithout any good result. J r went to the National SarIcal Insti an' tAUanta Ga.t and was treated there we than two months, with no better re Jr1 an mj fatuity physicians met with. jwr returning from the Institute, I was faied to try Mrs. Person'a remedy, and dJJJ Bot used il more than a week before I jered its curative and healing proper- - -xlysores6ooubeautohea, and the tv ? r 6kin chngd as fast as tbe sores e'i i had not thought of ever getting ivh ' hut my hopes increased, my low Redness fled before thi remedy, audi rJ? eDjviu? splendid health and am in spmts- Ibe remedy is mild as a pur- e and a strong tonic ; it will heal the tubborn sore in three weeks if taken nI J' is mJ opinion that it should U ,:rTe tbe cause of its effects. -v, uure oiLcr iuc sure is ucaicu, It should re-ularly W all means, for 1 have .tames u.fi r .v - r ir.! fnd iQ all cases found that the I tfrJTleady made would commence to re-f tkV and for It should be totaJJariy untU an effectual cure is WuV'u' Nothing should present regu WtiVIL ttuaeof the remedy and itshould itm. . Xht PrcPr time. I would re C?4, to U who are suffering from ifton JtottryiL ltwUI "re'y cure you f V, 11 a ,4ir test' 1 'P6 from expe fsi tyl 001 frora hearsay. lama prate :a nn i eut of cure froin tQe use of it and iir, p r many d laUrg obligaUons to tiadfr80nIforthe Z relief I haveob-'a- 1 u iX u?e Sufferers, try It and be iar,m a4vke 1 ara --espectfully, !'NC- James Alhioanu. 6mp for testimonial of lemarkable Vjhy Mrj. Joe Person, Franklin tW v ?Tia uy U. GREEN, Wil- ill RHED .7 r WW- VOL. V LOHAL NEWS. New Adveiitisements. E LEVY-Stalf-fed Be f , Prohibition Speaking Heinsbeeger Parloi Organs C W Yates Your Interest No City Court to-day. Magistrate's Row is exceedingly dull to-day. .. . . The Pros and anti Pros are getting wanned up on the question. The river still continues extreme! low, with do. arrivala-of steamers TrojH the upper Cape Fear. 1 - If a man's hair offends him let him cut it off. He need not have his head shin?. a led, though, unless it leaks. Now that they are making wine out of tomatoes, we fear that the bibulous propensities of the people will be greatly increased. Call at Jacobi's for Garden Hoes and Bakes, Shovels, Spades Axes, fcc. There you have the lowest prices. f The Prohibition Campaign Commit tee was in session at the Court House this morning, but we did not learn the result of the Committee's deliberations. Brig Grace Lathrop cleared at this port to-day for Aux Caynes, Hayti, with 4,409 feet lumber and 104,600 shingles, shipped by Messrs. Jas. H. Chadbonrn & Co. Judge D. L. Russell, of this city, and Hon. O. H. Docker?, of Richmond conn ty, will have a joint disenssion on prohi bit iotf at Shoe Heel, Robeson county, on next Tuesday. The young partridges are said -to be well grown for this season of the year. The early broods are said to be fully grown, and in the coveys cannot bo told from the old birds. The following are the readings of the thermometer to-day at the Signal office in this city:" 7 a. m., 73; 11 a. ra., 83; 3 p. m. 85. The maximum temperature to day was 85 degrees against 83 for the I same day last year. - J Mr. E. Levy will have at his stalls, J on Second street, between Market and Princess, to-morrow morning, some beau tiful stall-fed beer, some ot the same beef will also be found on Market street for sale by Mr. J. Borneman. Beautify your homes by nsing the N. Y. EnamelPaint, ready mixed and war anted. Sold only at Jacobi's. t The following temperatures are report- ed from stations on the Northern frontier Eastport 56, Burlington 64, Quebec 60, Montreal 6J, and Uuluth b7. I -r t a : r- xt f 1 j l l l.lgu, .uS iT gmuu ?8B- whero the weather is fair. The indications tero t nn wpRtnpr is iftir. rnp innipji.T.inna i are that fair weather will prevail in the Lake Regions, the Ohio Valley, Tennes see and the South Atlantic states. "Bucnupaltoa." New, quick, complete cure 4 days, urinary anections, smarting, trequent or difficult urination, kidney diseases. $1. Prusrsrists. Depot Jas. C. Munds. t Tiiermonistrical. The following temperatures to day, at 3 o'clock, are reported or- the weather bulletin issued this afternoon: Key West, 89; Punta Rassa, 82; Cedar I QfKRavnrmaV 7- nharlpatnn Rfii 1 ""J " - UU . w., , W 1 Charlotte, 83; Augusta, 91; Montgome I ry, 90: Pensacola, 92; Port Eads, 89; At- lanta, 83; Wilmington, 85.! Plain lliiarn. A passenger by the Carolina Central this afternoon asked. a gamm where he could get good, cheap, plain board. He was re i erred 10 aiessrs Aitauer, rnce &; Co., and now the passenger is looking around for the boy who sejnt him to a planingmili for good, cheap, plain board. I Well, von can't suit gome people, no mat- terwlat jou do. I . . 5 7- . 4, youthful color of the hair is furnished by 3 Parker s Hair Balsam, which is deserv-1 ediy popular from its : superior cleanli-1 netS. I 1 Bare Occurrence imiie, eacn way; j?ayettevuie xuuirou " I JX. ICW US YS UUVC, nmio tuguuiuugat k r 1 u m.i SmithTill. Cant. C. M. Harris caught -;k o tfixi lino wIiHa fisfcw fftrleach way; Richmond k Danville Rail cv it a KAr.i.t I it to the citv. and bv some sort of hocus- John Carroll rot hold of it and ' v I noens. ni c0, u in nnn fvmnrrA ' it I It nits ea 1 w & m w w w w a m is a very rare thing for a sea turUe to be caught with a hook and line. WILMINGTON, N. C, Unraallable. Unmailable matter . remains ia the po8toffice in this city addressed to: Green Bonds, Fayetteville, N. C; Joseph Gause, Broad street; Lane, second door to "Houston street; Naumberg, Kraus, Lauer fc Co., 657 and 659 Brod, N Y. For-Prehibition On Monday night next, commencing at 8 J- o'clock, Hon. D. L. Russell and Major Ja3..C. McRoe, the latter Presi dent of the' State Prohibition Conven tion, will speak in - front' of the City HalLv rrangenieisat?: been made by which round trip tickets, good to -re turn on Tuesday, will ba issued by the various railroads. If it is a fine night it is probable that many ladies will be present to hear the addresses. Prof. Cromwell, whose magnificent Art Illustrations are world-famed, says that he had some time ago suffered ex cruciating torments from rheumatism, and bad tried all kinds of medicines and so-called cures all without effect. He heard, however, of St. Jacobs Oil, and resolved to give it a trial, which he did, and its effect on him was almost magical. A complete cure was effected, and since then he had never suffered from rheuma tism. ' ; The President. ' The announcement, is made to-day that yesterday afternoon, immediately after the wound was dressed, as usual, the fever gradually subsided and has not since returned. He passed a good night and looked well this morning and ex pressed himself very cheerful, There are no rigors and have been none since the 25th inst A slight increase of tern perature was expected, as a matter o course, this atternoon. Returned Leaking. Haytien brig Dauphin, Captain Mortvn. which cleared at this port on Tuesday for Ponce, P.R., with a cargo of shingles and lumber, shipped by Messrs Northrop & Gumming, had pro ceeded only a lew miles down the river when she was found to be leaking. She was thereupon towed back to the city and is now lying at Messrs Northrop & Cumming's dock where the deck load is being discharged when it is hoped that the leak may be found. The pumps are kept going constantly night and day. The Betting World. The fact that a bet of $50 was made yes terday on 20,600 majority against prohi bition, as published by us, has excited much interest and attention. The Pros tave ciaimed that another bet bt a simi- lar nature was offered and refused and thft Antia Rtate to-dav that not onlv this nPn4ti.ii Kafa will hfk tftlrpn RTld that the Pros wiU accommodated with bets on 20,000 majority up xo &l,uuu. When this latter is made we will try and he on hand to record the particulars. As - , , , of DQ other trangac. tions than that recorded yesterday.. Freshwater Perch," Trout and Black- fish nooks and Lines. A full assort ment and lowest prices at J acobi's, f Cold Tea. As usually made, cold tea is an un. wholesome drink. The tea is made in the teapot, as usual, and then cooled therein, and perhaps allowed to stand in the teapot for many hours before being drank; by tnw process we lannin oi we tea leaves is extracted and the result is a 8troncr decoction ot tannin, lomase 11 " properly, the tea should be drawn the nsual length of time, say bve minutes for green tea, eight minutes for Oolong tea and fifteen minutes for English breakfast) then pour it off into a pitcher or other suitable vessel, allow it to become cool; then place it in the icechest. Good Templars The Grand Lodge of North Carolina Independent Order of Good Templars, will meet at Clayton on the 16th day of August next The following arrange- ments have been made with the various railroads : Raleigh & Gaston Railroad, cents per mile first class and 3 cents second class eacn way : Auannc n.u Railroad, six "cents per mile round trip ; Rf Knor-fl T?vonrVo llirM KnU VST a a - ixr.-. xrMk one 'are ruunu ixid s ticstciu - k . uarouna ittiiroaa, vnree cenw per nine, road. (S. C. Div.) round trip ticket tes. Enquire of Local Agents. The Subordinate ixwges win piease repor. w . ... A the names of those who will attend to . , J.T.Ellington, Clayton, N. O. This session will be an important one. iwiiw. FRIDAY, JULY 29, The Market Question- Committees from the Board of Audit and Finance and the Board of Aldermen met yesterday afternoon to consider the petition recently submitted to them by the Wilmington Market Company, but adjourned until this afternoon, when final cial action will probably be taken. "As there seems to ba considerable interest manifested in this matter, we publish herewith the prayer of the petitioners: TO THE HONORABLE, THE MAYOR AND BOARD OF ALDERMEN OP THE CITY OF WILMINGTON AND THE BOARD OF' AUDIT AND FINANCE OF SAID CITY : . Gentlemen : . . . ; V Your petitioners, the Wilmington Market Company, respectfully showeth : That, early in the year 1879 a number of the citizens of this City, induced by the very apparent want and necessity of a building proper, convenient and com fortable, for the purposes of public mar kets, and still further persuaded by the opinion and desires of a. large number 01 the citizens of said City, to wit, 2,000, as expressed.in a petition an nexed hereto signed by them and request ing the Board of Aldermen to aid and promote so laudable an enterprise, form ed a corporation for the purpose of pro curing eligible locations, and erectiDg thereon commodious andhandsome build ings, suitable and proper for public mar kets, the use and benent 01 which might accrue to the City without increasing the burden of taxation upon the citizens. . Upon the presentation of the said pe tion and certain proposals of your peti tioners to the Board of Aldermen, and after due consideration and negotiations, a contract was at last prepared and exe cuted between the City of Wilmington and 'your petitioners, providing among other things that if your petitioners would erect certain buildings for public markets, according to certain plans and specifications therein agreed upon, the said City wonld have, hold and use said buildings as' public markets, paying the consideration in said contract agreed up on for The same. ; Thereupon your petitioners, relying upon the said contract in good faith and in pursance thereof, purchased the land, and, at great expense and outlay of money, erected thereon handsome, con venient and commodious buildings, suit able for public markets and in strict com pliance with the plans and specifications selected by the Board of Aldermen, and tendered the " same to the City. And the Board of Aldermen, after a careful survey and examination of said build ings, duly received and approved the same as being according to contract. Then after and subsequent to the erec tion, completion and acceptance of said buildings by the City, legal objections being suggested to some of the pro vis ions of said contract, by the attorneys of the City, it was agreed by all parties that another and different contract should be entered into in reference to said mar ket,which was accordingly drawn and ex ecuted bv the .Board ot Aldermen and your petitioners on the 7th day of De cember, 1880, whereby your petitioners conveyed to the said City of Wilmington m fee simple (except the market in the Fifth Ward which was for a term o years) the said lands and premises with the improvements thereon and the City is now, and has been since the said 7th day of December, 1880, the legal owners and in possession thereof, subject how ever only to the condition that the City on its part would keep and perform cer tain covenants, agreements and stipula tions m said contract contained. The Board of Audit and Finance was re auested to endorse and approve the said contract and another petition annexed hereto, signed by a large number 01 citizens, rep resenting $2,735,000 of the taxable prop erty in said city, was presented to the Bord of Audit and Finance, earnestly requesting and urging said Board to en dorse and approve the contract last above mentioned. But a majority of the Board refused to endorse said contract for reas ons assigned in a communication to the Board of Aldermen; since which time the city, though exercising control over said buildings, has done nothing towards the performance of said contract, while your petitions have at all times been ready and willing to perform the same in good faith. Upon the foregoing fact your pe titions submit: that as they were induced to undertake the heavy expense of pur chasing lands and erecting thereon build ings suitable for public markets and did erect the same, in strict compliance with the plans and specifications prescribed by the city of Wilmington, and in pursuance of and relying upon the contract solemn ly entered into with said city and at the suggestion and request of a large num ber of citizens a strong equity at least exists in theirbehalf which should induce the authorities of the city to take some action which will relieve your petitioner from the heavy and grievous loss which must necessariiv result to them from a refusal on the part of the city so to do. as the buildings are totally unfit and can not be used for any other purpose than as CityJMarkes; where forej-our petition ers ask that your honorable bodies, the Mayor and Board of Aldermen and the Board of Audit and Finance, will duly consider of these matters and take such action in the premises as equity and good conscienc;shaJIJdictatefand your petition ers will in the same spirit entertain any proposition the city authorities may sub mit in this behalf. Signed J. E. Lttfttt. President Wilmington ilarkct Company.! NO. 177 Poverty may excuse a shabby coat, but it is no excure for shabby morals. The ' Comet" 13 the latest brand of whiskey. Terrible tails are told of its rapidity of action. The American Bible Society, since it8 formation sixty-one years ago, has issued 3S,882,811 copies of the Bible. Does the y-' nng man who persists in being a loafer eer reflect how much less it would cost to be a decent, respectable man? The word "syndicate" as used in large stock operations simply tncans "associa tion" or ''partnership." The original meaning of the word is "a council." Conundrum for the skeptics: If there is no devil, as you assert, who then is the father of flies? Several baldheaded men impatiently await your reply. Nature has written a letter of credit on some men s laces which 13 honored. whenever it is presented. On the other hand; it has hung out a placard on the faces 01 some, that the public might be ware of them. Haunted 21c. A Workingman says: ; "Debt, pover ty and suffering haunted mc for years, caused by a sick family and large bills for doctoring, which did no good. I was completely discouraged, until one year ago, by the advice of my pastor, I pro cured Hop Bitters and commenced their use, and in one month, we were all well, and none of us have been sick a day since; and I want to say to all poor men, you can keep your families well a year with Hop Bitters for less than one doc tor's visit will cost." Christian Advo cate, rm New Advertisements. Stall-fed Beef, J WILL HAVE THE FATTEST STALL FED BEEF to-morrow morniDg at my Stall on Second, between Market and l iiucess streets, that the citizens have seen for the last two years. Please call early. Also, half of the same Beef on Market street for sale by J. Borneman. Respectfully, jy 29-lt E. LEVY. Prohibition. JJ ON. D. L. RUSSELL, . and MA J. JAS. C; McRAE, President of the State Prohibition Conven tion, will speak from the step3 of the CITTHALL, MONDAY NIGHT, Aug. 1st, At S.30 o'clock, on PROHIBITION. Let everybody attend. The railroads will issue "round trip" tickets from all stations, good to return August 2d, AT ONE FARE. All who desire to hear the ablest discustion of the campaign should not fail to be pres ent, jy 29-2t Parlor Organ 5- "TJ"NEQrjALLED DURABILITY:. Tieir prosperity ii based not alcne upon thair Ez tarnal Beauty, or their Unrivalled Power, Great Bange,Vried Melody, aad Exclusiro, Original Attachments. These, indeed, are exalted attributes and powerful recommenda tions. In materials and mechanism all tny Organs stand preeminent fcr their las tic g character. They are reliable, durable, and dj not "keep the word of premise to the ear and break it U tie hope." Warranted for fire years. Ko pains spared t" show you my stock, r.n .v, .... i . HELEJ8BiKGBB.'8. I IT 23 Lira Boot acd Uniis 8tors I ules for Sale. gEVERAL GOOD ilULES FOI SALE and a few sorry ones. jy2Sliw D. L.TUSSELL. RED CEDAR PACKING CHESTS sash, doors a:;dbi:hds BRACKETS, MOULDING, LUMHEE, Ac ALL .'8IZES WINDOW GLASS, AT ALTAFFER, P2ICE & CO' Factorv: Office: N'utt, near Red Crow r Foot Walnut et. Notice. ANNUAL MEETING OF THE rpuE JUSTICES OFTHE PEACE AND THE 1881. COUNTY COMMISSIONERS for New Han over county,for tbe purpose oi levying taxes and transacting such other business as may be brought before them, will be held at the Court House on MONDAY, AUGUST 1st, 1S31, at 10 o'clock, A. AL JOHN COT7AN, Eect'y yCtues-fri PL2ASK ITOTXCE. . , We win be glad to receive eozaxsxlditfsa frora o?r frieaiso asy and all rob tarts r ysaeral interact fevt -. 4 of the writer miiaJ eys be far f Ocatscafeatioas ttrtb wrtva ea only oa ti4s of the pip,. . "Fereooalitteg mvstte avilletf Aad tt U especially aad iwjtlealariy ud er stood ti.t ta XviltTjdr v act always endori the views ot corresposdtt ualess w aiat ia the editorial columns. Advertisements. Fi .Family Teao Imported- Being Eorrr w t f -miliar -with tlio Selection f X flatter my self I have Iho mctt t Selyt Assortment of Gunpowders, Imperialp, . TouDg Hyson, Natural JapanF, And Black Teas ever brought to Wilmington. These Teas ara bought only from the Importers, and are not only "genuine, but tlio very FINEST OF THEIR KIND I - ' - - Send for Sample. . John L, Hoatwriffhtj 11 & 13 Forth Front St." Fresh Roasted. . Fresh Ground Java, Laguayra and Rio Coffees. I grind my Coffees every hour during the day, so can guarantee freslincss. JNO. 1. SOATWHIGflT, :- - - ' JVos. lI S3 -lV.;Frout St '. Itr 25 Cora; Flour, Bacon. 3000 Busbel3 C0IW 1 GOO Bbls Floa, e 200 Soxes SmokeianaD sis:ae offeo, Sugar, &c 250. c'offec, dI5ercnt gr1 Bbls Sugars, Granulated, OvJU Standard A, Extra O and C. gQ Boxes A&fiorted Candy, 100 Tubs 0110106 Lcaf LartI' r I Bbl3 and Boxes Fresh Cakes, Potasli, Lye, Soda. 2QQ Boxea Ball Potash, 200 Bozes Lje'2 00 20X68 and sd, : QQ Half Bbla cad Boxes Sauif, - " Dozen Backets, -JgQ Reams Wrapping Paper, Hoop Iron, Nails, Hay, Oats, EaodoIpV Yarns and Sheetings. ;iforftalelow by jyi WUJ.lAl3MUECniS0N Your Interest- QVTE MB A C1LL B5F013 YOU p- CDajeEcLol looks and Sthcol Btatiorery, IhaTeafulstpplyof Text Botkj ai?:ed by the Bute Beard of Fdacitioi. A!f9 SlAttf, Pencil, Pers Eoers, It, Cttjtv, &2.tt.c. Pianos aid Orjars of the very but isake alirays cn taad. Tfe wait yosr patroiaje asd wul uo all wecaa tozaike buiireu re!nIozs Yates' Boo!: Stores Itity 6-dw-nac

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