1HI8P1PKB . aftrneoa. 8aiiTt f ...rj rriOKS.I'OeTAGK PAID. . i months. SJ50 s Three 'j 15; One month, 60 eeat. ..r i" bedeUvered byearriers, .U.r.ia r Prtof tbeeity.attta ,riy,oreBU per week. -oEt rtw low and liberal Hotieriberi will please report any and to Ttceire their papers regularly. $3w Advertisements. FOR 0IATISI, fsaralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Uchche, Soronoss of ihe Chest, tout, Quinsy, Sere Throat, Swell ings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily Pains, M, Ear and Headache, Frosted Foei and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. 5a Preparation on arth equals St. Jacobs Oil h i Ktft, ture, simple and cheap External tmt&j. A trial entails but the comparatiYely tr&4 entity of 50 Cents, and trery one suffer fe vita pain can hare cheap and positive proof tfihckiBiA, Knctiou In Zleren Languages. ICLHTALLDKTOGISTS ABD DEALEE3 IS HEDIGDTE. 1V0GELER t& CO., Baltimore, 210., XT, S. A aprQ lMsir4M to . ! if TURKISH BATH" I A 7 I Ola in boxfor 25 eents; nothing to eqwl this article for the price. JOT IS, A LARGE STOCK OF J Br the pair mi by the yard.' Samples ent to the country to reliable parties. Respectfully, R. M. r.lclntire. JOE PERSON'S REMEDY FOR SCROPULil NEVER FAILS. ' It Will Cnre if Fairly Teto1. Itgijesmemuch pleasure to be able to 4 sTv,Tk uave oenvea an effectual cure oi JWa from the use of Mrs. Joe Person's JJNJ for that disease. I bad suffered rf. scrofula for more than three years, tad dfcpaired of ever getting weU. I awied during that time by three very aaent physicians, without any good result, eawenttothe National Surgical InsU Atlanta, Ga.f and was treated there we than two months, with no better - re Jttan my f4mny physicians met with". Murnjpg from the Institute, I was fed to try Mrs. Verson's remedy, and not used it more than a week before I jeered its curaUvfrand healing proper ri, T 80 res soon began to heat, and the of my skin chatged as fast as the sores JJfw. I had not thought or ever getting HtTi r uul mv "opes increased, my low inesafled before tm remedy, and I "Win? splendid health and am la PiriU- The remedy is mild as a pur ao a ttrong tonic It will heal the ttuoborn sore in three weeks if taken Wuvf T lth mJ opinion that It should time after the sore Is healed, oove the cause of Its effects. It should "JSeil Itn v: i r. -m itsH 741-' UJ means, ior a nayv iSS neglected It, from the psessurebf iirr.Tr f"u m Mi cases found, that the 72 , Tor Jt should be Jarly until an" effectual "core la UfeVtV Nothing should prevent regu Jjia the use of the remedy and it should ciSLa P1 time, I would re hS aU vlx suffering from XL0, Ik Uwm tirely cuVe you giteltafairjeat. I speak from expe nd not from hearsay. I am a grate- pUfDt of a cure from the use of it and p " many and lasting obligations to "UTTjii - - VVIMUaVUVW M M K, ' orine great relief I have ob- from its n8e. Sufferers, try It and be l&SiFl 1 am respectfully, jgrtdl, N. C. JAMES AlMOKUIt ttC 6UmP for testimonial of remarkable c spared by Mrs. Joe Pprnn . . 'Pr.i.VMn w bj WM U' GREEN, Wil- SHICflSSfl 1 wg a . 1 TRADK MAKK m.'v . ..... ;amaisw P mi vuniouvu r VOL. V LUCAL NEWS, New AdyebtiVemkxts. Altatfei', Pkice fcCo Sah, Deors and Blinds i L, J OTTEttBOUau Enterniise va Leth argy - HKIHSBEBGKB-bOOl Bt ok OW Yates Your Interest Peof Aostixi Excursl n S D Wallace, Uash'r Dividend Notice See ad Hop Bitters Williams & Mukchison Molasses VWe . lose 59 minutes of daylight tkis month. - This month has . fire Mondays, five .. f ., . Tuesdays and five Wednesdays. v August, the last of the Summer months, steps to the front to-day. Regular meetings on Monday next of the Board of Aldermen and Board of County Commissioners. Capt K F. Thompson, of this city delivqred a prohibition speech at Smith ville, en Saturday night, to a fine audi ence. Hon. Daniel L. Bussell and Major James C. McBae if ill speak on prohibi tion, at the City Hall, tonight. "And don't you forget it 1" The Board of Directors of the Bank of New Hanover haye declared a semi-an nual dividend of 4 per cent, payable on and after the 5th inst. - The ladies of the Front Street M. E. unnrcn win gin an eiciraion lor cobi. ft fort on the steamer Passport tomorrov. The; promise a good time ts ererjbodj- Freshwater Perch, Trout and Black fish Hooks and lines. A full assort ment and lowest prices at Jacobi's. f The next of that delightful series of t !- - I excursions to Smithville and. the Forts, given under the management of Prof. Agostini, will take place on Thursday next, on th "i " i ... -No matter how indulgent a man may be, no matter how sweet a disposition he may have, he will feel considerably put out, if not totally wild, wbA he dip. covers that his wife has been driving nails into the wall with his razor strap. Nor. barque Liv cleared at this port to-day for London with 1,585 casks spir its, shipped by Messrs Alex. Sprunt & Son, and Nocw "barque Lyn cleared for Liverpool wUh 694 casks spirits and 1,000 barrels rosin, shipped by Messrs. Paterson,.7Jowning & Co. - -: ' " I met with an accident about two years ago, saf.d Mr. Jacob Foster, ofNewburgh, N. y ., by being thrown from a horse, andjb,roke my right fooV which was to all appearance cured in about three month's treatment by a skilful physician. Bu t with every change of the weather thf i most excruciating pains would appear an d increase from day to day, all reme dies failing to alleviate them. By the r dvice of friends I bought a bottle of St. I Jacobs Oil. With the application or the remedy relief came at once, and the use of two "bottles entirely freed me from all pain. ODcniiiR Address. On Saturday last Hon. A. M. Wad dell, "-of this city, received a telegram from Messrs. H. G. Cooper and A. Lan- dis -Committee, requesting him to deliver the address on the arrival of the first train, at Oxford, on the Oxford & Hender son 1, on the 16th inst. The Com mittue telegraphed that the invitation had been extended by the unanimous wishes of the citizens ' of Oxford, and CoL Waddell has signified his accept ance. ' Study your interre'st. You can now bny Cook Stoves at factory prices at -Jacobi's. t River News. The steamer A. P. Hurt, Captain Albert Worth, which left Fayetteville last Thursday, arrived .here yesterday morning at I o'cloci after a trip of five days. The Hurt leports the river still at its lowest stage. The North btaie is 13 miles from FayetUwille, tied up. The MurcJiison wds about 35 or 40 miles this side of .her 'destiiatfon. There have been no rains of conseqriience in the up country- although the Uwer part of the river has been visited with copious show PWL Tha TTurt left here this afternoon on the return trip. To Builders and others Go to Jaco bi's for Sash, Blind3 and Doors, Glass, ir Yna can rt all sizt. and at the MILT WILMINGTON, N. C, MONDAY, AUGUST 1. Bosrd or Magistrates and County CtBBlssloorn. 'Ihe Board of Magistrates for this county, according to previous announce ment, assembled in the Court House this morning, about 10:30 o'clock: The Chairman, Justice Jno.S. Janus, beinsr absent from the City, Justice O.O. Pars. ley, Jr.. upon motion of Justice John uowan, was called to-the chair. Seven teen Masristrates beinsr nrespnt Ant nf thirty-two, a quorum was declared to be ... O . present, and the meeting pronounced duly organized, after which the Chair- rain proceed to state the object of the meeting and read the law relating there to, calling the Magistrates, and Commis rioaers together aansally on the first Monday in August, for the purpose of levying taxes, and so forth. The Board f County Commissioners, who were present in joint convention, then through their Chairman, Commissioner H. A. Bagg, made their regular annual report, front which we make the following ex tract : Estimate of- expenses for the fiscal year ending in August, '82, $26,000. It is recommended in order to meet -i - . . tiese expenses that there be levied for the ensuing, fiscal year on property, for general expenses 25 cents, for Criminal Court 18 cents, bonded debt 15 cents hospital 5 cents; total on $100 val" nation of property, 63 cents; on polls, for general expenses 75 cents, Criminal Court 54 cents, bonded debt 45 cents, hospital 16 cents; total on each poll, $1.90. The State levy is as follows: For gen eral expenses -6 cents, asylums 11 cents, penitentiary 5 cents, bonded debt 6 cents, schools 12 cents. Total on $100 val mation, 40 cents, and on polls for annual expenses 84 cents, and for schools 37 cents. Total on polls for State 121 cents; aggregate for State and county on polls $3.12. At the conclusion, of Mr. Bagg's re port Justice Henry Nutt made a speech asking , of tha Chairgan of the Commis-. - SW . - and making the further inquiry as to what was the sources of revenue of the county. To this inquiry Mr. Bagg re plied by presenting the printed report of the County Commissioners from 1878 to 1881; showing a reduction from the ex penses of the previous Board under Re publican rule in 1878, when the expenses were over $41,000, to the report of 1880, when the expenses under the present Board were something over $24,000. Chairman Bagg farther stated that in that period they had paid off a floating debt of $9,010 and reduced the bonded debt from $60,010 to $29,000. Justice John Cowan then moved that the report of the County Commissioners be received and adopted. Motion car ried unanimously. Justice . D. Hall then, after a few appropriate remarks, in which he stated in complimentary terms his entire confi dence in the gentlemen composing the Board of County Commissioners, intro duced the following resolution: Resolved, That hereafter when a joint convention of the County Commissioners and Justices of the Peace shall be held for tho purpose of leving taxes or for any other purpose requiring the collection or disbursement of . money, the Board of County Commissioners cause to be prepared a detailed statement of what is required, so as to eiable the Justices to act intelligently when the convention as sembles. Said statement to be furnished to each Justice at least five days before the meeting of such convention. ' Commissioner Worth endorsed J ustice Hall's resolution and thought it a good idea which ought to be carried out. The resolution was then, upon motion, unani mously adopted, after which, upon mo tion of Justice King, the meeting ad journed, v Call at Jacobi's for Garden Hoes and Bakes, Shovels, Spades, Axes, &c. There yon have the lowest prices. t The Fir filer's Dinner. . Hon. A. M. Waddell has been invited to deliver the annual address before the Saapsen Comnty Agricultural Society on the occasion of the Farmer's Dinner, on the 18th inst. and has signified his ac ceptance, as follows: Wbiqhtstiixx Sotod, Julv 23d, 188L Gentlemen 1 have received your fa vcr of tho 18th inst. inviting me to ad dress tho Cxspscn County Agricultural Society ca tha occasiea of the "Farmer's Dinner1 ca the 18th August next, and in reply thereto, I have to say that it will give cs rkasure to accept the invi tation. With thanks fcr the courtesy I an, jezn truly, 7 A. II Waddell. Uezzn, W. A- Jcaxsox, JL YJ.JLxzr, Cera. IITIEW. The Board of Aldermen meet in regu lar monthiy session thi3 afternoon at 4 o'clock. The Board of Audit and Fi nance win .hold their regular monthly meeting at 5 o'clock this evening. . Criminal Court The August term of this Court, His Honor J udge Meares presiding, convened in the Court House at 11:30 this morn- ing. ' : The Grand J urors for the term were drawn and after being sworn in by the Clerk took their seats in the Jury box when' his Honor, delivered his usual charge. The names of the Jurors are as foL lows: E. J. Egan, foreman; Geo. W. Harper, W. T. Eilers, Wiley T. John son, Benj. Farrow, Sr., T. J. Herring, Simon F. Craig, W. W. Campen, J. fl. Hicks, T. A. Watson, J. Weill, J. C. Borneman, C. H. Alexander, J. G. Skipper, Jas. T. Moseley, Jr:, P. Heins berger, W. A.Eckles, Coleman Twining. The Jury after receiving the charge from, the Court returned to the Jury Room. , The following cases were then called State vs. Buck Hill, charged with re sisting an officer. Judgment suspended on payment of costs. State vs. Geo. Stocks, carrying con cealed weapon. Judgment suspended upon payment of costs. The Court then adjourned until 3 o'clock this afternoon, at which time and during the remainder of the day some few unimportant cases were submitted and disposed of.' Board of County commissioners The Board of County Commissioners met this afternoonpresent : H, A. Bftf?. Chairman, and Commissioners Moore, Pearce, Montgomery and Worth. Bond of Nicholas Carras Constable of Harnett township, was accepted. . , The Treasurer submitted his jnonthl y report for July. General faJ sWB,io rena7" showing balance due Treasurer, $1,697.57. Educational fund, showing balance on hand, $7,878.53. Two bonds of $500 each, and 24 cou pons were destroyed in the presence of Board. The Treasurer was ordered to transfer $2,000 from general fund and place the same to the credit of special fund. The Register submitted his monthly report for July and exhibited the Treas urer's receipt for the amount of $6.65. The valuation of the real estate of 1 Di S. Sanders was reduced to $7,000. The Board was acting oh tax assess ments when our report closed. Beautify your homes by using the N. Y. EnamelPaint, ready mixed and war anted. Sold only at Jaco bi's. t The New Comet. The comet, whiclf is just beginning to mnira .ifaolf itioiKIa .Tift nalrprl ptta xeill s.on attract as much popular tatemt as it has already awakened in astronomical circles. As to the identity or the comet, mm . m . nothing has yet been definitely settled. - . .... ; - a roiessor btOnB thlQKS it is a return the comet of 1337. Professor Swift de. tects in the elements some resemblance to those Of the first comet of 1793 and i - 3 , - , the second comet of 1770. t Professor while in . a brief letter. Mr. Merriman calls attention to the close similarity between the elements of the new comet and those of the third comet in 1822. But all are agreed that the new visitor is certain to be prominen t and handsome although it may not j;ival that three. tailed comet which appeared the year i bef.ro the Norman Conquest of England, or Bailey's comet in 1456, which so ter- rifled Pope Calixtus in that he ordered the church bells to be Tung daily at noon and extra Ave Mario to be repeated by everybody. Slipped o n a Bind. Saturday evening between 7 and 8 o'clock, an elderlj' lady passrng down Market street slijiped on a cnteloupt rind in front of t'he Commercial Hotel and fell heavUr to the sidewalk. She 9T was conveyed to her home, complaining mcuh of Jher hip. It is to be hoped her injuries are not serious. Persons should be exceedingly careful about throwing canteioupe rinds and gTape hulls on the sidewalks. Files Si Hcsaoitoes. A 15c. box of "Eoush cn Eat3,f fr3l kec a horse free from flics, mosquitoes, rats and mice, the; entire eeassiu Drug- 1881. NO. 179 Nov.- A-atcatiwraent, Dividend Notice. rpnE DIRECTORS OF the ham: OF SEW HANOVEi: have ucc!ii-I a Semi Auuuij jjivtucuu oi fourierU'Ct., paya ble on and aftar August o. aug .. IX WALLACE, Cash'r r The Hex c Exclusion rjtO SMITHVILLE AND HE.-l'ORTS, under the auspices of Prof: AGOSTIXL on the Steamer PASSPORT, will take place on THURSDAY, AUGUST 4th. Italian Harp ers will furniah music for dancing. Far. 50 cents for the Round Trip: Children half price. au? 1-lt. Porto Rico Molasses 250 Sl'fclOTLY PRIME Porto Eico Molasses. For sale by . ' Williams & Murcliison, angl School Books LARGE AND COMPLETE STOCK A always on hand at REDUCED ITJfiP, liberal diiocunt to Teado s. Echoal rtatlcnsr Specialty. Orders from tha country rropeclfally flo- lieited. i i A fall Had of Staple Staioiitry always on hand, at , , aSIXSBEBOKR'3, Live Book and Mniie8tgifl aug 1 tout interest- gj.IYJS ME A GALli'lsJsruKiii ruu pur chase School Books and Sahool Stationery. I have a ful a apply of Toxt Books adapted by the State JBoara or jcaucauoa. an" Blates, Pencils, Pess, Holders, Ink, Craycn, Ac.', Ac. Pianos and Orgaus of the very - ... best make always cn hand. We waat your patronage and will co a:i we caa w w (business relations pleasant. ' Yates' Book Store. . angl ENTERPRISE rs. LETHARGY; TTDITOR REVIEW In your paper cf,a rttcentdete, ovr tie signature oi Qcarulua," appears an article, objecting in a pnmmul sensation created on 1 i I m. ik v.itiRtpMt.MlMMl bv the armT Of S3S"mSSS Men's Wear Depot. While the writer of ea:d a m. w waWTTira iiiinn waiww w- - - j i ?z:rz:tA in th bisinecs bv the I proprietor of the Iron Front Store, but ratb- I ' th.Annlritr vet he holds itaihis iol hat the public thorougiifare ought not to be barred by the hundreds or people I nborVs Men's Wear Dep March of rare Bansains fa Cloth!nff ad ur. I niahlnir Goods. As an old and retired me - I M,,Mfld of a practical experi- nee of over thirty year 3, I JPjicalU rale tout correspoadeat out of order, and " riomT delight in the energy aad ipuit I whieb naa . preaonxmc Man' Wear Depot daring its four years' ex istence in our midst. .Let the good wcr go cm lu J. O'il tne people oi nuuiaai,. it- ..tiiflrafttorilv lor the past tro weeks, iWely they can find the same blessing daring tha ramaniog six weeks of your Granl snl Successful Cost Hale. Let the spriags o: duii neis expand; block the streets, close them mp entirely ifyoa lixe; i m wtm wo mu. and soul, who posaesaes the snat to rush ba i ... whila others are langnuhiag. Jt s long ouero-urg Twelve and fifteen Dcl'ars, best British Half Hese at tie, finest Linen .Collars 12c. ele mt White Lawn Ties 15c per dozee, Linen uaffa, 2te per pir, Fepperelt Jen Drawers KOc. and Usnoine .Linen iianaxercajei ai i km wm ran inst count on the old man etaal injr'wilh a firm shoulder to the wheel ot Ka- ersTT SJaa ti as is cm, ajaxu.h mo v- - n A mA ?'lnr. Let tha XlaO 01 iceponviw-v nuu . Grand Cost dale continue. zoars, c , 1 THREE HCOKK ADTKN. aug SCDPPE AND jyjASUFAClUKED BY WBIliikIal4 Wis Ccxapany, WaitdvLLl?, N. C, Fxieet tad aosIas caiippUcatiosi Btrd la jeer ctCzt Cot thelcllisjj, RN0N6 I PLSAEH -OTicr, : 7o wUI b!ad to rslra eaacxalcttjoa frea rar frfaadj ca cay aad all nSJ-eta"o C5ejallrtsr3rt fc3t Tta cane ef tha writer n trt a! way bs f ar rpomiaoaiejktlaci cast U wrlttra ca only oas aids of th pxpw. FsrjKKiaUtI; mzi: be avoided Atd It is e-jerfally tad partSoaltxly usfler ttood ttat Iktitdoas not alwayi.eEdort tha viaw j ot corroypsidea v. calco to rtat 1 la tha editorial oolsrtiej. ' - v. A d vcrtiscmcata. Ship Notice. 4 LL PERSONS are hereby j-t XJL cautioned RJnst Iaibor- i:ur or trusting any of the crew --X , ofthe.Ur. Baroue SIIATK i v,aji. iverr, as no debU nf the inc will bj paid by either the Captain or jy iio-3t Consignees Prohibition. D.'L: !:US3ELL. .... . . - . ' s ud iTA J. JA3. C. ilcHAT, Prciidentcf the State TtlIMLou Convcc - tion, w ill rpcak from ILo steps of' the CITY" II ALL, MONDAY NIGHT, Aug. '1st ; At ?.C0 o'clock, on rnODIBIlTOX. Let cvtr-bol)-attend. The railroads will iasuc "round trip" tickcU from all station, good to rrturn Au-U5t 2A. AT OMR ViPP All whodftire to hear the ablest discustioh U1 campaigs tiiouiii not UU to be prea ent jy-2t EXCURSION FOR COMFODT. rpdE LADIES OF FRONT ST. M. E. CitURCII proiose an EXCURSION, on bteamcr Vport, down thi River to 8"iith ville nd the Forts, on NEXT TUESDAY, the 2d of August. No pains will bo ' spared to make thb trip one of pleasure ana rest for those who aeire a day out of the city; Fare for round trip 50 cents. - 1 . jy2;s-2t . .. RE3 CEDAR PACKIKQ CHESTS SASH. DOOHS AFiD BUNDS, i ' - BRACKETS, MOULDING, LUMBEKAc; ALL SIZES WINDOW GLASS, I ' ALTAFFER, PRICE & CO'S.. Factory: Foet Walnut Office: Nutt, near Red Cross a HAY A&DXSOR.rJ... Eastern May, White and FOR SALE LOW BY . E-Sall & Peasrsall- jy 20 OF THE antry 9? It is chimod by tho ManufattircifJ , of this celebrated brand of ; Triple Purified Floim Mado from "Yhito Flint Wheat, I 1 xnat it produces OAE TIIXBD , 31IORE BREAD to tho, Barrel than ordinary Straight Flour, Avhilo it costs but Jittlo more. It is the FINEST FLOUR MANUFACTURED By tho Latest and Most Ap- proved Method, and gives you PURE WHITE LUSCIOUS LOAYES; BISCUIT AfaO PASTHY. I liavo it FRESH at' all timer, in Barrels, Half Barrel?, and on Be tail for tboso who wish to try ih Send a samplo order to 10. L BOATlVfliGilT, lowest prices. ; . .