... riMRER SOSU. era e of Bleep liar &tfj$' "Code' will be fly and float, h where, falteD? the worlds remote, i"-ul bemw . M a white blush-rose, rcB, i hind liesl" mine. follow blm where he goes, "e ord- no 8lg0' cafe ye heavenly powers, biIfl nd vast and dim! , , 5 ."ILro g the nlfthf. lone hours, tulotrouulehi. . . hrx when the dawn antll break. zrtt .7natchlR bby charms, V Lad 1 his beauty wide awake. rThaxter. in St. Nicholas. " cnr means of restoring the iafe c0l(,r of the hair is furnished by n liAlam. which is dserv- Vful iiai. - . . . 1.. from its superior cicjuji- -i Marry furMunrj, Specially Miter Dollars. r.r!e Pleasant Batkinsis aixty and f gereaty-two. The other day a illS'iiid- "Uncle Pleasant, why in , vbief did yon marry a woman enough to be your mother?" rLe bov," he replied, with a deep "Iwasa wurkin' for Long John kun in Hanover when I was jeat and Sary Ann Mrs oclj daughter, was thirty if she "'iday AteTery quiltm she osed 5 me for her partner, and every ISlaid it peared like she war a court She aimme four pair cotton socks V.p of things, but still I didn't r notioaofher. Well, one Christ. when I was sortereah drinky, I L to tbe old woman's, and had hard fit down before Siry Ann brought iiome awect-pertato slJR cited I was ni'.Dstrous fond ot. vv ime irw eatin it 1 heard the Old woman tarsa-coaa tin silver dollars. Now, sir was do plwter lo tKe sealing, and a A3 stars fieo hud cracks in it as wide ibt finger. So, yon see. 1 could hear k regie of the money jest as well as if Ibibeen up thar, myself. When she i.i ..nntpd nine hundred and six 1 htd op to Sary Ann and popped the Ia coarse she said she'd have ne md the next Thursday we was mar ried. Now, what do you think I found ectthe next day? Why, that the old fscia didn't ha?e but thirty Mexican ddkt, and that she counted 'em. over cdorerjestto fool me. - Don't marry txaotey, boy, specially for silver dol ki." Daunted Me. A Yforkingman says: "Debt, pover ty md suffering haunted me for years, caused by a sick family . and large bills for doctoring, which did no good. I was completely discouraged, until one year io, by the ad rice of my pastor, I pro cared Hop Bitters and commenced their ue,ndin one month we were all well, id none of us have been sick a day ia.tnd I want to say to all poor men. I Toiaa Keep your iamuies wen jcai wiiiflop Bitters for less than one doc ill cost." Christian A.dvO' PLfladelphla Record Correspondence LITE SPKAGtE. ruhiniton's Ex Queen at the Sea-ihore-LiTlBZ a Dreamy, Secluded lire. Atuxtic City, july 22. Did you ever look upon a beaatiful face which told joa almtst as plainly as words that mental aoguish had bat added to its oeintj f " I contemplated such a counte caacein the parlor of theShelbourne to w'f ht Its owner was a lady rather in clined to be tall, but with a symmetrical form which lotted all the more attract ive for the extremely nlaia costume, black a color and almost seyere in its lack of trimming or other adornment. Her Woade hair.dresaed in the prevailing sea tia fashion ai English frizze covered tje forehead to within an inch or so. of tiedark bine eyes.and two flushed cheeks, mouth full f pearly teeth, lip3 like a rjw cherry and a short, round chin, com peted the picture. Bat there was some wjg in the face apart from its natural rfa which was calculated at once to r-m the attention of the observer. It an expression of indescribable mel Jcho!j and pain, as if the iron had en tered the ?oal of its owner and left there, l;t hate or JvindictiveneBS a look so KnUve, s appealing, that one might it to melt the hardest heart. , 0 is Eae" 1 heard tbe question "ifd twenty times inside of an hour, and Jh time the answer was returned: te (jhase Sprague." The former stresj of Canonchet has been the guest tieShelburne since Tuesday, and pro- 10 remain until the close of the f1400 A maid and two nurses, who Tli "tire charge of her threa children, flrU, the oldest being 12 and the gjtnot yet 3, comprise her retinue. noves about in a dreamy sort of way, om mingling with the other guests neing with tkem ia conversation, "ea when in the society of intimate gad, 8eTeral of whom are at the same fUhe sedulously avoids all references ' er domestic difficulties. I asked her if the sale of the Sprague estate, to ia the morning dispatches 'iucuce, jeoparaizea any 01 uer ji, and her mouth was open for -a r?Jhen Judge Tyner put in an inop Jaae appearance with a remark on the rJiUes, a popular subject, which in !?UJ changed the dria of the convex The Key to Health. 1 je you found the key to perfect wW vDd strength? It is Kidney- iu . only remedy. ; that 1 "ttc the inaction ef the ki overcomes kidneys and iattK kPurifies the blood by cleans 5u Xm ot foul humors and by 'Dgth.to the liver, kidneys and gjr1 perform their regular functions fliSfkyed advertisement. . mm THE. MAILS. Tbe malls close and arrive at the Cltr r m. it i . Northern'throrjgh malls;. . . ..630t VT iL il " t i . . . m; uuriuera mroug- way. . " s-K mails...:...;.-. 6;40 am. Rlelgh .6.40 a; m. ilaili for tbe C. Railroad, . and routes supplied there from, including A'. & N. Q. Jailroad, at.M... ,1..... 6;40 a.m. Southern mail' fen-.alt points booth, daiiv... 7:45 p Western mails (I) C R'y) daily i m. (except So Bday; .... 9K)0 Mail for Otieraw DarHusf- a m. ton. ........ ............. 746 p. m. ilails for j.oufi butween Flo rence and OharlfiJta : 7:45 p tu Fayeti2U), nnd tc? oc and Fri.l ivnM... MM) p. m. FayetteviUe' m UatwuD, daily, eot dmity ..... 9:0 . m. Onslow O. II nd iaf. r'TiJ. ate bffiijcs, every "'-71u'm ' and Thnradiy at...... ; . . . H 00 a.m Smith viltrt mails, by steam boit. dily, (except Sun i3ayj..?....r..:rr....';.,.....7" f,30 a. n, 11 i i. tur Easy fim; Town Crtt-fe. ih!iotie and Little " Biver, 0.f every M'on-.. dd and Thursday at......... 6:00 a. m. OPEN FOB DELIVERY. Northern through and way mails .........7:30 a m. Southern Malls..... 7:00 p. m Carolina Central Kail way 4 .00 p. m Stamp Omce open from 8 a. m. to 12 M., and from 2 to 5:30 p. m. Money Ordor and Register Department open same as stamp office. General delivery open from 6 :30 a. m vto 7:00 p. m., and ion Sundays from 8:30 to 9:30 a. m. Mails collected from street boxes every day at 4:00 p. m. Stamps for eale in small quantities at ganeral delivery when s anp office is Miscellaneous. he Purest and Best Xedielne ewr made. A combination of Hon. EbcTim. llantiralfo. and DaudrlloB, with nil the bent uiid uiost. cural uveproperuosor auoiiieri;.tt(.ra makes the Kreat eet Riood Purifier, liver lleeulmtor, and Life Alii iicnmi iwiiAiiui iivub tMUljli. No disease or III health can possibly lon ex.Vrt where Hop Bitters are Quad, so Tarkxi aiuI irft are their operations. Tkej 51 t aw UT aad vfgvr to tk aa4 aad taflrm. To all whose employments cause irregularity of the bowels or urinary organs, or who require an Appetiser, Tonic and mild Stimulant, Hop BiUers areinraluable without lntoxlcatlnc. Ko matter what your feelings or symptoms are. what the disease or ailment is, use Hop Bitters- a t wut unui yon w uce, out u you only feel d Or miserable, tree the Bittera at rami, li m. save your life. It has eared hundreds. 500 wffl be paid for a case they win not rare or help. Dc Dot suiler nor let your f riendssuUer, but use and urge them to use Hop Bitters. Remember, Hop Bitters is no Tile, drncrsred, dronk en nostrum, but the Purest and Best Medicine erer Taade; the "InTalld'a FHend and Hep, aad no jersoa or family should be without them. - Get some thla day. ' Hop Couch Cues Is the sweetest, safest and best. Ask. Children. The Hop Pad for Stomach, Liver and Kidney Is rlor to all others. Cures by absorption. Ask druggist. 5 D. L C. Is an absnlute and irresistible cure f or drunk eaues, usa of opium, tobacco and narcotics: l Soul by dru-eUU. Hop Bitters Mfr. Co. RochetUr. N.T. Send for Circular. A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY TO WIN A FORTUNE. EIGHTH GRAND DIS TRIBUTION, CLASS II, AT NEW OR LEANS, TUESDAY, AUGUST 9th, 1S81 133th Monthly Drawing. ' Louisiana stats Loltery Company. Incorporated in 18C3 for 25 years by the Legislature for Educational and Charitable purposes with a capital of $1,000,000 to which a reserve fund of over $420,000 has since been added. By an .overwhelming popular vote Its franchise was made, a part of the present State Constitution adopted December 2d, A. D., 1879. Its Gkand Sixgle Ncmbbb Dbawings will take place monthly. It never scales or postpones. Look at the following Distribution: CAPITAL PRIZE $30,000. 100,000 TICKETS AT TWO DOLLARS EACH.'.HALF-TICKETS, ONE Dollar. LIST OF PRIZES. 1 Capital Prize - - 1 Capital Prize - 1 Capital Prize - 2 Prizes of $2,500 - . -5 Prizes of 1 000 - 20 Piizes of 500 - -100 Prizes of 100 -200 Prizes of 50 - - -500 Piiz'es of 20 -1000 Prizes of 10 - - , - $30,000 -10,000 5,000 5.000 . 5i000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 1 0 Approximation Prizes of $3002,700 9 Approximation Prizes of 2001,800 9 Approximation rrlzes 01 iuu 900 1S57 Prizes, amounting to - - $110,400 Responsible correepohdius agents wanted at all points, to whom liberal compensation will be paid. . , - j For further information, write clearly, ivln" full address". SeDd order by express or Registered Letter, or Money Order by mail, addressed oXLYto' ' ' ' M. A. OAUPfllN Nw Orleans, La or M. A. rAUPHlW.at . No. 212 Broadway, New Yor All our Grand Extraordinary Drawings are under the supervision and management of GENERALS G. T. BEAUREGARD and JUBAL A. EARLY. . IVolice to the Public. The public are hereby cautioned aoaixst SEXDING ANT MONET OR OkDKKS TO NUNES 4& CO., S3 Nassau St., Niw York CitT. They are flooding tie country with Bogus Circulars purporting to be of The Louisiana State Lottery Company, and are fraudulently representing themselves as Agents of The Louislaua State Lottery Com pany. They have no authority to sell the Tickets of this Company and we not its ajnts. M. A. DAUPHIN. Pres. Louisiana 8tate Lottery Co. New Orleans, La July 4, 1SS1. jr ta-wd-at-iwdaw FOR CELL HOUSE, CNDKR NEW MAKAGEMET, WltKIBflTOW, H. C B. L PEURY, - - PWP Lata Proprietor Atlaatlo Hotel. Fi?at Class in all itofappoifttmesta. TersJ tl.60 to 3 per Oar. lb 6tt b jr.. A TRUE TONIC A PERFECT STRgNGTHENER.A SURE REVIVER IRON BITTERS qtunng a certain and efficient tonic ; especially Indigestion Dyspepsia, Inler- Lie blood, strengthens the muscles, and gives new life to the nerves. They act SL- tjigve organs, removing all dyspeptic svrtmioms, s'a-h as Tasting the Food. Selchtng, Heat in tU Stomach, Heartburn, etl Tile only Iron Preparation that wiU not blacken tho teeth or -ivo headaie. Sold by all druggists.' Write for the A 15 C Boot, S2 pi of useful and amusing reading sent free, li liKOWX CHEMIC,I, CO., Baltimore, 3ItL Q J f apl 12 arm to WILMINGTON 4 WELDON &AILR0AD COHFAIT?, Qtrio ot QM"t. ooraiaxBvoax t WUwliiton, N. 0.( Hay 14, 181. f CHANOE Or riOHKDULE. ' ON AND AF.TER May; 15th, 18sl, at 6.40 P if,' Passenger Train oa the Ti -minjrton A Weldoa - Railroad will run b follows J ' .f DAY MAIL AND EXPHB33 TRAIN, dally" - Nog. 47 North and 48 Soutb, ' Ltare WiiHiIogtoa', Front St Dapot ltMIMIMtMH(llIHIMIl(Hm 9 40 AM Arrive at Weidonau:.... i2 60 P M Leave- Weldoa....i A 3 30PM ArrlT0 at Wilmington, Front 8C Depot a Ww. 9 45 P li Fait Through Mail and PaBenjrer Tra ip Daily No. 45 North and 40 Boutfc. Leave Wilmington, Front 8t. Depot at.....M.......M 6.15 P Arrive atWeldon 1.26 A M Leave WeldonM....M 6.15 P M Arrive at Wilmington, front L Denote 11.25 PJM Train No 40 South will it op only at Kooky Mount. Wilaon, Goldiboro and Magnolia. Trains on Tarboro Branoh Koad leare Rocky Mount for Tarboro at 7.40 P M daily and Tuesday, Thursday and tiaturc ay at 6:0C A M. lUturning, leave Tarboro at 9.60 A M daily, and Monday, Wednesday ant Friday at 8:30 P Mi Train No. 47 makei olose eonneetion at Weldon for all pointa North dailr. All rail via Richmond, and daily ezoept Sunday via Bar Line. Train No 43 runs daily and makes joloie eonneetion for all points North via Jblch mond and Washington. - All trains run solid between Wilmington and Washington, and bare Pullman -Palace Weepers Attached. ; - ' x. u j .: JOHN r. DIVINE, OTiaraJ'aact.5 A. POPE, Gn'l Pasa. Aent may. 18 ELEGANT JEWELRY CHEAP. To Introduce our new styles and influence trade we make the followlne-unparalleled offers for a short time V The Berlin Packet eontalns a gold plated watch chain, agate hawl pin, la&y'a ele gant set jewelry, sea bean cuff buttona. coral neck lace, set of agate studs, gt10jjlate band ring, collar button,' key ' ria,-' pocket , book, imitation silk handkerchief, pen, pencil, -comic envelopes and visiting eards. -All these mailed to yon for 35c. in stamps; 4 packets -for S1.0U. 'Tie lot can be re tailed at from 2 to $5.00.-1 - -- The Itoyal Casket Contains one superb amethyst nng.elegaal oorahbrouch set in "box, anoy neck lace.jcor.al sleeve' battens, engraved gold plate bracelets, rosescarf pingeld plated lady's set, gold plate sleeve buttons, heavy gold plate studs, lovely cameo sirf -pin, p train Parisian diamond stud. Malteoa nw wi tlx Pv dlamon d centr. bean ti fu 1 jet sleeve buttons, plated. colLar.outton, plated link watch chain, plain gold plate ring, nobby cameo rfng, Maltese- ear-rings with P. diamond settings, gents' full comb, amethyst set, lady's full plated set with, white stone settings, jet aad cameo scarf pin, eng. gold plate sleeve buttons. The whole of this magnificent collection sent secure by mail for ft, 2 for fl.70, 4 for $3. This lot can be retailed easily at from S5 to 110. Address, N. Y. JEWELRY CO., Atlanta ,Ga. . Thb Atlanta Globe: says : "This company la perfectly reliable, and the amount they give for your money is astounding." ftb-261aw-sat-wly : ENLARGE AND DEVELOP THE FORM. If shrunk wholly .or in part from nature or dis ease. Advice free.-' Describe case and send stamp to P. De Im Co., Atlanta, Ga." No humbug. High est reference.- Correspondence confidential. feb 2-la w-iat-wly SEEDS THAT SURPRISE! THE IAvRMEBS"BOiTANZA." iraxixe a'new vegetable from .A., differing frSm an"thVgTver frownk re. delicioas raw or otwikwl Seed sent bjrmail Jcts. a paper, feoya an of jVpanalf oead half pea: said by chem ists to be the rirhest human nod known, fine der plant, also. Heed 15cts paper Cuban Oiioon Watermelon, lust imported, largest vnei ever grown U. S.. firm, luscious, crisp and sugary bJst to keep 'or bip 23 c. a Wjr BMKla. 6 naners for tl. Very scarce, l-oe-ot-wooa Mumelon. largest known. 8 to 3 feet long-fine oaalitv. early and proline, 15 ct. lrr-.Y"AX fflato. richest flavor, early P& "feyj; on ii vi in everv wav.lScts. a paper, w nue rcy p UanCorn 'iftom T the Nile.' -ields immeiJ8e& in the South where other corn 1'-." for table or stock, 20 ct. a paper. To cts. a found. TWWnte one plant fete a cow two days: 10 to 12 ft. high 15 et" a paper. Cuzro Cm. grains 1 in-lone. fn broad- SeeVl will brine fab.i Ions Pncejr, 15 uperVAll the above sent for ?1. 3 of each for fi Address C. R. CJIf.BF.RT A CO. AtlanUi. Ga. Reference: Hon. W. L. Calhoun. Mayor of AtlantA. feb 26-:aw-?at-wly ust Well Auffpr, Eust Well Drills, Rust Horse Power. rTlHR'BEST AND M08TBUCCT83FUL L Well boring aad Prospecting Tools Man ufactured. - ' OAS PIPE SHAPTLNO and Couplings. Tbe mod improved Bvfaee Attachments Guaranteed to make good wells anywhere. Works much faster aad with half the labor of any other tools. Auger and Drills work by hand or horse power. DriUsaad Horse power have.capamty .for 2,000 fret. Iu us years and bo failures. Made from beat material and sold for W the price of others. Bead for eirevlara. aa H-lydJkw BL Joeepb, lfo xz si: CAROLINA ''CENTRAL KAilEOAD COMPANY. Orvioa GaaamAL Bvraaiw.iiuni( . Wilmington, N. a, Jure 4,.18tl. j 3 Change of Schkdulf rV AND AFTER June 6. 1881, i KS losing Schedule will te oeiated i t ia Railroad : PA8ESGKR, MAIL AND XPKE3b TRAIN. Daily except Sunday a Leave Wilmington.,.......9.4R A M Arrive at Charlotte at.... 6. 45 P M Leave Charlotte atM..M..6.C0 a M Arrive at Wilmington at. 3. 25 P M So 1 No 2 Trains Nos 1 and 2 stop at regular stations only, and pointa designated In the Compa ny's Time Table. These trains make closa connection at Charlotte with trains Nos. X and 4 for Cleve land Springs and ail points on fcbelby Di vision. Passenger and freight. Laave Wilmington at. 6:30 P M Arrive at Hamlet atmM.. 1:28 A M " atOharlottaat.M. 8:C0 A & Leave Charlotte at...Mm.7:30 P fe Arrive at Ban,letaL...M. 1:23 A M " at Wilmington at 9:30 A M No. 6 is daily except Sunday, bat no eonneetion ftr Ralevhon Saturday No. 8 is daily except Saturday SHELBY DIVISION, Pa 8SENGER,M A IL EXPRESS AND FB EIGHT. w 7 Leave Charlotte at...... .7;00 P a 'X Arrive at Shelby aU.......10:30 P U wn a 7 Leave Shelby at.M.HM..MM( 6:00 A M f" Arrive at Charlotte at.... 9:30 A M Trains N oa 6 and 6 make close eonneotioa a Hamlet to and from Raleigh, except as above. Through Bleeping Cars between Baleigb and Charlotte. Trains No. 1 and 2 make eonneetion at Charlotte with A., T. & O. K. R., arriving at Statesville same evening, and connecting thare with W. N. C. R. K, for Asheville and all points on WiN (J.R.B, Trains Nos 3 and 4 connect c'cr?ly with Chester & Lenior at Lincoln ton. Yi 11. OHNHON. Je 7 General 8uperl9tsident Gen'I Suo'ts Office WILMINGTON, COLUMBIA AND AU; GCSTA BAILSOAD CO: Wilmington, N. C, May 14, U8U XOHANGE OF SCHEDULE ON AND AFTER May 15th, 1S81, at 1.05 P M, tbe following Passenger Schedule will be run on this road SIGHT EXPRESS TRAINS (Daily). Nos. 48 West and 47 East. Leave Wilmington. 10 Leave Florence MetMt esMtSMSfeeeee ' Arrive at C C and A Junction...... 5. Arrive at Columbia.M..MM.MM.M... 6 Leave Columbia.M..M.M...WM.M.,M.10 Leave O G and A A Junction.. 10 05P U 4)A ia Ah A W 00 AM OOP M 20P M 00 A'fc 20 A M Leave Florence INtMIIHIINtlMINNI II Arrive at Wilmington.. Night Mail and Passknqkb Tbain, Daily, o. 40 West, akd Dat Mail asd Pas- khokb Train, ro. 43 ast. Leave Wilmington atM.MMMM..ll 45 Arrive at Florence........... 3 16 Leave Florence.. M 1 05 Arrive at Wilmington 6 05 P M A M P M P 14 Trait Jfo 43 stops at all Strtions No 40 stops only at Flemington, White vi le, Fair Bluff and Marion. Passengers for Columbia, and all points on 0.4G.B. R., O., a & A. R. R. Stations, Aiken Jarction, and all pointa beyond, should take 48 Night Express Separate Pullman 81eepers for Charleston and for Augusta on train 47 All trains run solid between Charleston and Wilmingtom , JOHN P. DIYT2TE, General Bvpt A. POPA Gen'I Paea. A g rati - mil 15 8500 Reward. WE WILL PAT THE ABOVE reward for any case of Liver Complaint, Dys pepsia, Sick Headache, Indigestion, Consti pation or Cottiveness we cannot cure with West's Vegetable Liver Pills, when the di rections are strictly complied with. They are purely Vegetable, and never fail to give satisfaction. Sugar coated. .Large boxes, containing 30 Pills, 25 cents. For sale by all Druggist. Beware ot counterfeits and Imitations. The genuine manufactured only by JOHN C. WEST & CO., "The Pill Ma kers," 181 & 1S3 W. Madison St., Chicago Free trial package eent by mail prepaid on receipt of a 3 cent stamp, mch 23-dfcw lv TJliss E. Karrer SAS JUST RECEIVED a Beautiful as aortment of Evening and Millinery ere, Afternoon Hate and Bonnets, Linen and Mohair Ulster. Underwear and Children's Clothing, which will be sold at reduced prices. je 9 For Sale or Exchange DESIRABLE RESIDENCE with four 100 mi and kitchen and good well of water and excellent garden, for sale or exchange for property . in .'Wilmington. Per parti sn lajf gJXi.t 7 : Tflia OFFICE. THE daily mm JOSH, T. JTVtE3 EDITOR AND PUBLISHER Is pubiisboil Every Aitemcon Si.c-tiaye excepted.) At the following ratecv, postage paid : One Year. ... .-. . So Six MouiLa. 2 Thiee Months...,. 1 One Month ! 5 'The paper will be deirureti carriers, frie -f cbargo, ir any part or the ity at the ubove rates,;: 13 cents per week. The Daily' Review is now in fourth year of its existence, is per manently established, with a large and eteadiJy increasing snbscrip tion list, and presents to merchants and othersa"mo3t desirable medi um Icr adverlicmg' rlxxJb WILMINGTON JOURNAL. Is published EVERY FR SB AY. At tho following latcs : One Year. . ". S2 00 Six Months..... l 00 Three Montba.'. ...... .'.7 60 Tex Wn"ir jsgto3 joue: al circn-J tea iargely in tho adjo n ing coun ties as well as in the We fttern per -i Hons of tho State and presents nn eqnalled faci lities to merch ants for making knoi .n what ' they '. bavo for v ' v- ; . .. rale X3r. Tho fc3ov2g qaoucocj represents wholecxle prices gsneraily. -In xratingup all orders hube'prioaahave toba charged. BAGGING r" fct&iidar4..w,.WM UXQ is BACOX.NorUi Carcnaa, ShotJrr,V r tier'. j ld tl ...... ... . aiacMrt Dry QaltvH' 9XO a fchpalderf, V 2. . BAKEELS piriu Turpeatiae oeccna. natc, co .......... Y, cew 1 f 5 ' 20 o 1 CO 0 00 ikivh Milclagton,VJa 7 00 o 8 00 -.-I JJ L' TTLJi.N crth Caroilra a rthcrn.Ib CANDLLS-yperu; Tallow, ? 2:' Z JZZ Adamantust, ; Korthori Yt.'i ijt i Dairy crei.-. "9 , Btate, J ; ZQJ.7?-'? Lauyra, y COR 5ikAL Kn,KT to 4114 Cf O. 18 U S3 V 40 12 25 25 10 o o 14 14 10 o 25 16 To t) a O COTTON TIES I New bdl 1 f0 iFieeed M 1 is DOMESTIC V Sheetirjf, 4-4 p yard. r,'" V fcar.eb . 1 03 FLOUR Fine, p bbl 0 00 Super, Aorthcra, bfcLM 6 10 0 T a 1 10 O 4 00 0 txtra do " tb hhi. t 00 60 O Fsmil bbl 7 8 CO 7 25 7 74 8 25 Uitv IIIlliX-SaDer 71 hhl 00 o o 0 r lamLybbLM 7 60 WSH- Ei-rait:i:VbbIw 8 CO Mackerel, No. 1, y bbl..18 00 . y,Hrhbu 8 " CO OS8 00 O10 60 OOO OO O 6 60 0 6 25 O 3 71 9 6 00 o 0 O70 CO C40 CO G10 CO 067 00 CIO CO &4C CO tu ? DC,J m.... 6 00 Mackerel, No. 3 V tbL.,00 00 Mullets. fy Vbl 3 60 N. C. Herring, Vkeg M 6 60 Drv Cod. 7S Ih 60 B KKTIHZEKS-. ' PsruvianGctno p20002s.CO CO 25 astii a tiuano, Coniplete ilaaure " Whann's Phosphate Wando Phonfcata. 00 00 " 0 00 " 00 CO m nri 50 vt iicox, uioo a Co., cia ninulated Orinn M m 645 00 GLDlfi 1 E ............. ..."IH 9 U uaijx CJoru,etore, V 6fl s 70 by worn, cargo. 53 CorneL, bushel.... OatstusTcl......: Peas. COW. bnrhnl 19 03 65 :o 4 10 30 ElDLS-GreS2,VD J. p o o HAY Easurn. XI IOoVvT North River; K inn ik. 10 ?y.V x"u.- to so xo ess co North Carolina 6fi nuti -n v. vi ....... jw m.- HHi?b" 1 io a 1 25 or XiUauJitii--tnty steam sa'wd , Bb2pstuff,resawed,.r?iift.l8 00 21 00 Rough e4ge plank, VMft.18 CO C19 CO W tit India eargo, aeeord- ing to quality, y Mft...l3 CO 18 00 Dressed floor unseasoned. 15 00 all 00 Scantlinfr and board, cnm. ,n;5.5L24 ..13 00 C9U O o aiuiiAooa--uuba.hhd i&ffl Guba,bb!s.,9gaj ZOO. Bagar houie, hhds. gal. 31 41 25 2 tho o o k;Orleani Choice bbla. V ral. 00 OILS Keroeene, gaL.. 11 laaza, y tU Linseed, v? gal....M..w.M Rosin, V gal . PEANUTS-V busteL POTATOES Swact. -a? h. 60 25 CO o U 60 C 2 60 Ol8 CO coo CO COO CO CO FOKK Northern, oitym Ma. 17 to Thin, V bbl .......00 00 Prime, p bbi( extra) 00 CO Rump, A bbl 00 00 COO 00 mua Carolina, p ttougn, bushei..... BAGS Country, V Li 75 o X 'M....M..MM..M.a oiwl- W.M......,M,, ...... ,H,emjp- - - Manilla...... , . FAoo, V It A- Coffee, y ft . u y a.............. C- " V E Crushed lb M SALT Alum, eackw.M Liverpool, sack........... American Jj? sack Marshal's fine, sack. Cadia V sack...!......... 1 lO.te O o (J 49 O 00 70 75 CO CO SOAP Northern. lb SilINOLE3-Coatraet,v5 00 O 7 60 O 2 75 4118 00 C7C0 09 o oo 4916 00 014 00 012 CO O 9 CO V 7 CO O 6 00 49 6 00 e 2 60 O CO O 28 O 12 STAVEd W. O. bbL V M.12 K0 . ...00 CO TALLOW E) M 6 TiBER-Shippi3g c? Mill, extra per 21 io 00 Mill, prime perM..Mio 00 Mill, fair per M. 8 CO Ccmmcn, per M ....5 00 Inferior to Ordinary.perM 4 CO WH18KEY-North'n,pergl 1 25 WUULi Unwashed, per 2. 20 Washed. xer a tJ, 25 Bnrrv wool, per Ib.M,. 10 AT THB LOWEST PEICES ! HAVIKG - YOUR PRIHTIKO DONE ELSEVHRHE I JGB'lllIOTG! Satisfaction Guaranteed I pHLNTISOCABZiULLY IJECDTXD cr;perscni;xei!d3tg ctt tf aeeiij tit an to'them by mail free ef pcitsge.2 eWAfiLOCS, . Ccntr Cttititt s r i ITater Ctreeii OCca EsvIew.CtUllag 13 8 14 CO 21 r 10 15 13 11 30 13 20 1 TO 1 tO ' 6 CO 8 60 14 73 70 to 67K WW k 11 1 40 1 15 29 42 CO 00 25 7 25 V 10 CO CO 00 00 00 00 35 00

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