0 . Iff 1EI8 FAPKB .c unHTOKPAID. ..u 1 1T1U.," ' U 00 Hta-oata, $150; Three . . o mnntb. 50 seat. 1 i , will ba delivered by carriers, - IT 3T pr ' ' I u r1' . ... lnmr .r,d liberal XJriberf will please report any an pur Advertisements III THE GREAT if FOB BHEUIMTISM, huralgio, Sciatica, Lumbago, fjache, Soreness or iho Chest, fat, Quinsy, Soro Throat, Swell m and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily Pains, Hh, Ear and Headache, Frosted ftii and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. Mirth anala St. Jacobs Oil nfft.nrf, simple and cheap External ... . i tri.l ntAila but the comparatirelT test ootUy of 50 Ceati, and every ona auffer- r.i jia can haro cheap and positive proof taction ia EeTen Language. KUITALLDSUGOISTS AUDDEALEHS DJ KEDICrSE. 1V0GKLER & CO., Baltimore, ML, JJ. 8. As EXTRAORDINARY 'tfucemeata I11 be offered for TEN DATS, la remaining stock on hand of Brussels Carpets. Some twelve or fifteen styles. 1; object is to realize on these goods, and Ulie low prices to be named, CASH DOWN will be required. Mattmers, Tlite and Colored, yery cheap. LACE CDRTAINS, Lambrequins, &c, Kespectfully, R. M. r.lclntire. 'BrjorpsasoN's REMEDY FOR SCROFULA NEVER FAILS. It Will Cure if Fairly Teste Y ' Ji?KT?T.e much Pasure to be able to Wr i V uw n enectuai care oi OWUll from tha . o r t 5T i 1 dUease- 1 bad Buffered au.rr ur more inn inree years, dapAiredof ever getting well. I wtl daring that time by three very ?nentpbT8icians,wIthout any good result. tie xxauuua,i surgical insu "uAUanU, Ga,, and was treated there wan two months, with no better re Trr111 J famUy physician met with, returning irom the Institute, I was 40 try Person's remedy, and ot used it more than a week before I . -j-o turauve ana neaung proper S 5Y SOfes 800,1 began to heal, and the r w ny skin changed as fast as the sores JJJfc I had not thought of ever getting nin, but my hopes Increased, my low Jwafled before th remedy, and I fofj.ojing splendid health and am in 2JplriU-, The remedy is mild as apur- 'and a strong tonic; it will heal the rKabborn gore in three weeks if Uken k' 11 u mJ opinion that -it should rerwT. .v um ter tne sore is Healed, hTlTe e cause of its effects. It should MM .uivij Dj aii means, lor l nave neglected It, from the pressure of .r na in all cases found that the vw n uuiu l"l If II lllMlll-H iq J-f d for this alone it should be arly until an effectual cure is mT a V . iYvr uuiicg snould prevent rego akLeof the remedy and it should fcofaUt,?0 re suffering from CLJf.V7,11: Kwffl sorely oi?e . you Sl!0lrftom heareay. I am a prate- todS? 0f a cure from ibe use f " nl lxpr.rn7 and lasting obligations to irr the great relief f have ob Jttom its use. - Sufferers, try It and be t o J advice 1 am, respectfully, g??. N. C. , JAMES A. MORlilS. 5 KmP for testimonial of remarkable y?frs- Joe Person, Franklin k-U Sold by Wil. II. GREEN, Wil- 7 ,N,C- alJ Waw-nac VOL. V WILMINGTON, N. C, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 3. 1881. NO 181 LOG L NKWS. NEW ADVEttTIiEMSNTS. C W YxTk Tour Intere&t HeinsbeeoekA Thorough Cocvictio t JR 11 McTxtirk Extraordinary ! ' ' : ' No City Court io-day. bhutyour front doors, for, the sneak thieves are ubout. , . . Marriageable young men belong to the surplus population. ' We suppose a clap of thunder may be called & weather report. A man shoold never be contented with his lot until it is paid for. The receipts of cottoa at this port to day foot np only 11 bales. Next month is the first oyster month according to the "r" in September. The man who cannot whistle a tune usually does most of the whistling. A good wife is a good thing, but a bad husband beats even a good wife. "Matchless misery" has Jeen defined to be having a cigar and nothing to light it with.. New sweet potatoes have been in mar ket for Beveral days. They sell for $3 a bushel. i j t To Builders and others Go to Jaco- bi's for Sash, Blinds and Doors, . Glass, &c You can get all size? and at the lowest prices.'' . t - - ! Never call a man empty headed. Say he reminds you of a dilapidated contribu tion box. , Steamsbip Regulator, Capt. Doane, arrived here this morning from New York. (Study your interest. Xou can now buy Cook Stoves at factory prices at Jacob i's. f The red flag is a signal of danger. If you doubt it, wave one in the face of a mad bull. ' 2 , Of some crops it is said that they don't amount to shucks. The peanut crop is exempt from such complaint. Beautify your homes by using the N. Y. EnamelPaint, ready mixed and war anted. Sold only at Jacobi's. t True bravery is shown by perform ing without - witness what one might be capable of doing before all the world. Men are guided less by conscience than by glory; and yet the shortest way to glory is to be guided by conscience. Has Eierjth Ing Failed Tod? Then try Warner's Safe Kindey Liver Care. . and Keflect upon your present blessings, of which every man has many; not on your past misfortunes, of which ererr man has some. The camnaiim closes to-nieht with a w - w speeches at various localities. To-mor. row the culminating efforts will be made at the polla! . ' When .your pocket book gets empty and everybody knows it, you can put all your friends in it, and it won't " budge out' worth a cent. The most fashionable artificial flowers . m i v worn witn cress costumes ior me nouse are' peonies in all their varying hues and bunches of white lilacs with white. Freshwater Perch, Trout and Black fish . llooks and lines. A fall assort meat arid lowest prices at Jacobi's. f The following are the readings of the thermometer to-day at the Signal Office in this city: 7 a. m., 77; 11 a. m., 87; 3 p. m. 90. The maximum temperature to-day was 90 degreesagainst 85 for the same day last year. Striped flannel in pale and blue and bright red is pretty for bathing dresses- The edge of the'blouse is bound with pale blue flannel, and there is a scarf of the, same color at the hips, with a bow o1 colored ribbons oa the left side. ' Keiularitj, Integrity and Punctuality . . Beget Confidence . Tbe regularity with which the draw logs of the Louisiana State Lottery Com pany take place invariably on the Second Tuesday of every month at New Or leans, La., and the .price of tickets is only two dollars, has become so general ly known, and confidence so well estab lished in its integrity of management, that it is hard to find a man . or woman who has not writte to M. A. Dauphin, New Orleans, La., Injtho hope of, receiv ing KICE CULTURE. lt KfTlrjl on the Cafe Fear The Old Farms Being Reclaimed Some ' Fizurrs and Facts. Daring the past three years a growing iuterest in rice culture has been mani fected in this section of the State, caused by the increased value of the cereal. Until recently .and since the close of the war, the cultivation of rice on the Cape' Fear ' lias ' been 'almost ' entirely; abandoned, bat very little, in , compari son to former .crops and the prod active ' capacity of the laadf, being raised for market and by far the larger part of the fields remaining idle. The reclamation of these fields was necessarily at first on a small scale, and as an experiment with the ' present sys. tern of labor. So well did the Vnew pio neers" succeed, that others were induced, by the result of the labors ofjthe "ex perimenters" to embark in the once lucra tive business. So rapidly has the inter est in rice planting increased that to-day more than .one-half of the rice lands on the river have been reclaimed and are now under a high state of cultivation. Among the most prominent rice planters on the river now are Mr. Jno. F. Garrell, who cultivates 252 acres; Navassa Guano Company, 260 acres; Mr. Sam'l F. Pot ter, 125 acres; Mr. Geo. W. Kidder, 75 acres; Mr. J. Dickson McRae, 150 acres; Mr. Francis M. Moore, 175 acres; Mr. Wm. Larkins, 50 acres; Capt. D. B. Mur chison, 230 acres; Col. S. L. Fremont, 200 acres; Dr. W. G. Curtis, 200 acres; Mr. W. Hankins, 100 acres; Mr. B. A. Hal lett, 50 acres; Mr. Calvin Grimes, 50 acres; Mr. B. B. Wood, 75 acres; Mr. A. W. Reiger,100 acres; Hon. D. L. Russell 100 acres, and about 400 acres cultivat ed by colored men whose names we could not ascertain, making a total of 2,592 acres of rice lands now under cultiva tion. It is thought that at least 125,000 bushels of superior rice will be made in this section this season; We are treat ing solely with lowland rice and have no included in our figures the rice crop o the uplands, which ( will probably reach 5,000 bushels. As this subject ot rice culture is . one of interest to oar people, inasmuch, as i is the revival ol an .ance-detwift enter prise and one which brinsrs and retains a revenue .to our city, we have pu our selves to some trouble to examine into the matter. On yesterday we visit ed Mr. John F. GarreU's rice fields at the "Sans Souci" and "Hanaper" plan tations on Smith's Creek and the North East river. In 1878 Mr. Garrell com menced the cultivation of rice as an ex periment, on 22 acres at the "Sans Souci" plantation, and succeeded so ad mirably that in the fall he purchased the "Hanaper" farm, and reclaimed 150 acres in the former tract and 100 acres in the latter, making a total of 250 acres Subsequently he purchased the "Traponte" farm and lately the "Thorn- bury" tract. The lands of "Sans Souci," "Hanaper," "Traponte" and "Thornbury" join each other and the lour farms nave been thrown into one plantation of 1,200 acres. He has now 250 acres planted in rice and his crop is laid by and the rice is heading up nicely. His more advanced fields are a marvel of agricultural beauty. The rice is from four to five feet high and looks as strong and rank as it is pos sible for vegetation to be. His ' dams, flood-gates', etc., are in excellent condi tion and he confidently expects an aver age yield of 50 bushels of rice to the acre or a total yield of 12,500 bushels. Different fields were, of course, planted at different periods in order that all of his immense crop would not ripen at the same time, in the busy season he em ploys something over 100 hands and has employed regularly 25 hands, besides hisoverseer, Mr. W. T. Bray, and his two assistants. This winter, if the sea son is favorable, Mr. Garrell proposes to reclaim 233 acres of his rice: lands, which are now idle, and have them in a state of cultivation next year, making then a total of 499 acres planted ' in rice, lie intended reclaiming one hun dred and eight acres on the Traponte" tract a part of the 233 acres last winter, but the weather was so severe that the hands could not work in the old fields. Besides rice planting, he has turned his attention to the cultivation of corn and cotton, and has 50 acres of as fine-looking cotton, and 50 acres of as pretty-IookTsg corn ai ens would wish to re;- - His ccttca is cov about Traist high and the rows are very nearly closed up. The cotton is boiled up Bicely, and some will soon be open? On the cotton the bulk of the " fertilizer used by him was rice straw. We are told that there are very few fertilizers on the market equal to rice straw for cotton, and none to excel it. ' We understand that Mr Francis M. Moore's stand of cotton were manured with rice straw, and that his, like Mr. G'a., is as pretty as one could desire to see. "Mr. Garrell has also tried the growing, of hay. Last year, on 15 acres of uplands, he got 67,000 pounds of native crab grass- hay, which he avers, when, prorly cured, is equal to the best quality of Eastern hay brought to this market, and that it is eaten with as much relish by stock. He is now engaged in building two large, substantial barns for the stowing of his crop, in addition to the one he has at present. The one now nearly completed is 125 feet long by 36 feet wide and has two well pitched star riesy The other to be built, the frame of which is being gotten out, is to be 100 feet long'by 60 feet wide, and will be two stories and a jump high. It will take 110,00 feet of lumber to build the last barn mentioned. Smith's Creek makes up within twenty yards of the site of the barns, which are on a 'bluff, and the lum ber is carried up the creek to the farm The rice, cotton and corn crops, as we said before, look very fine, and are kept in excellent condition by the overseer, Mr. Bray, who seems to understand his business, and attends to it. We have entered into details in this matter to shew what can be done on our rice lands when energy, pluck and determination three essential requisites are brought to bear. We wish that we could give aji outline of the doings of all the planters on the river, and hope that 1 others will be induced to embark in the business and help bring the rice of the old Cape Fear up to the exalted standard of ante helium days. We thank Mr. G. for his courtesy to us m giving the interesting facts related above. f V Gone Foreign The foreign shipments from this port to day numbered 650 casks spirits and 1,850 barrels of rosin, on board the Nor. barque Sosterk, Capt. Guttorrnsen, for Bristol, England,'all of which was ship ped by Messrs. J. K. Blossom & Evans. Thprnionietrical. The following temperatures to day, at 3 o'clock, are reported or the weather bulletin (issued this afternoon: . Key West, ,90; Cedar Keys, 91; Punta Rassa, 81; Jacksonville, ; 87; Savannah. 79; Charleston; 85; Charlotte, "3; An J gusta, 89; Montgomery, 76; Atlanta, 85; Pensacola, 98; WiimiDgton, 90. The River lands- We understand that there was not so much corn planted this year in the fa mous prolific Bladen county river lands as there was last rear. This is a pity as there has thus far been no overflow and the crops are nearly all made. What there is, however, is looking extremely well. ' , :-PLSAS TOXICS. ; trCl baglid b rzczlrt eeramrxlcstlca frora err frindx h sty and all fabkeii e gcssr&l&terat but' - - ' . raas cf thewrfcr matihra bsfsr niffcd3 t. Editor, . :" "c, "v'' J: - CoajsaiiaUcri r.ut b wrlttea'tfa enly tua stta el t p t?sff .-." ' ;- TenTTiilltieaassibsaToari Acd it is wfvsrianj and rtfclarly urder tood that tie Eiir doa. not always esdors the views ct corr:potdau, ualets to stat f ' ia thd edllorUl eolscsB.? , JldvertiPGraontF. A TKOnOOQ!! CONVIGTIOHe JT HAS DSCUHZ A TnOSOUQII CON- Tlcti:n ia ;ha mlads cf mcst psopla (tat tha WiiBEI-OCK rilN03 ad STAR PAC LOR OROjffl af ratrfetU-ablalnitrs-zuants ia ihj w .u dj. 1 th'a impor tBtp i$u ot r if,, v POH and DU&a BIL1C t ey raid ia acv-, re of all.. They are m!qdobi ri?e J! rf red and atad by Leadiojr s!nai i t til rtrib world, aad erdry purchiaer . thoroughly conriaced tbat be or ahe bthe belt. ; , ;x No pains oosrei t) ibov'-TQl mjr stock. Call tnd make ytur i election at liSISSBESGES'S. , Lire Book and ilBiioStora Afloat Again and Cleared. The steamer Waye, of the Express bteamboat Line, came ofi the Marine Railway yesterday, where she has been undergoing repairs for the past ten days, and cleared for Fayettevill with a full freight this p. m. But when she will reach her destination, with the present low water, is more than the Captain or agents can tell. , i Brain Kerre Well's Health Renewer, greatest remedy on earth for impotence, leanness, sexual debility, &c $1, at druggists. Depot Jas C. Munds. Pic Klc at Rocky Point. The good citizens in and around Rocky Point will have a pic nic on Thursday, the 11 inst., at the Moore, of Gamberg Place, on Spring Garden. It is only two or three miles from Rocky Point depot. A large attendance is ex pected. All net specially invited are re quested by the Committee of Arrange ments to take basket dinners with them. The committee consists of Messrs. Rob ert I. Durham, Patrick Duncan, W. W. Miller and J. D. BelL A nice time will certainly be the result of this social gath ering A band of music will enliven the occasion. Dancing will add to the pleas ures of the day and will be continued at night. We return thanks for a special invitation to be present. Change or polling Place. The polls for the voters of the Second Ward in this city will be Held to-morrow at the office of Justice Harriss, one door East of the Court House. This is neces sitated from the fact that the August term of the Criminal Court , for the county is in session and the Grand Jury Room, which is the place in which the polls are usually held, will be occupied by the Grand Jury. P. S. Since the above wa3 in type we learn that fearing there might be some little hitch about removing the polL wg place without the 30 days' notice re quired by law, the Chairman of the County Commissioners has concluded to order the polls held in the Register of Deeds office, in the Court House build ing. The approach to the polls will be on Princess street and the ballot boxes will be in the window fronting .on that street and immediately under the County Commissioners' room, which ia on the second floor. 1. - Sensible Hen. Mr. Robert Simpson. Foreman HiVh- 1 1 T T" . ' JT-0 um atvu x canary iv 15 as ton- iiaas.. recenuy reiaiea the following: Wo have useaoi. wacos uu in our foundry, and nave never seen anything to equal it. Many cures of bruises, sprains, eta, have uwa cuecicu py ana one ox our men was cured of a severe case of rheumatism by the use of the remedy. It can be high- y recommended. XiVerv time a fman frets hurt now, he purchases St Jacobs Oil and ot course uses it with prime success. ' The neighbors of an ill tempered woman Y are zzia to be alzacst invariablv crthdnr intekvie3ff3cfafatsre tate; v' I) Bice Birds. August 20th is the time set apart for the coming of rice bird3. We are told that one might walk through a rice field on the morning of the 20th and not see a bird but in the afternoon or the fol lowing morning thousands could be seen. They come and go suddenly and unan nounced. There is considerable mystery attached to both the appearance and dis appearance of tho "sweet little birds" but there is none at all about them when served up on the table, swimmin their owii fat; ; 1 ' ' ' in Heavy Weights at Dinners Seven gentlemen took dinner at the Purcell House to-day whose aggregate weights amount to 1,879 pounds; The largest kicked the beam at 317 and the smallest at 225. These gentlemen hap pened to eat at the same time, but we do not want it understood that there was a preconcerted movement on the 4 part of the fat men against Mr. Perry, the pro prietor. His loss, "over . and above in surance" is estimated at S5. Notice rjAUE ATTENTION OF LIQUOR DEAL era is directed to Sections 149 and:' ICOl . Chapter 02, Battle's Revisal. In accordance therewith I hereby give notice that all Bar Rooms and places wheie intoxicating liquors are sold, must be choscd at C o'clock P. M . on Wednesday, August Sd and remain closed until 0 o'clock, A. M., Friday, Au WM. L. SMITE, ) Mayor gust 5th RED CEDAR PACKING CHESTS SASHj BOORS AKDlBUNDS 5 5 RACKETS MOULDING, LUMBER," Ac; ALL SIZES WINDOW. GLASS, ; ' AT ALTAFFER," PRICE &CO'S. Factory: Foot Walnut st. Office: Nutt, near Red Cross s Dividend Notice. the bank; of a ScmiJ Annual Dividend of Four Per Cent., paya ble on and after August 5w TJMIE DIRECTORS OF J . t NEW 'HANOVER have declared Kidney Complaints of all descriptions are relieved at once, and speedily cured by Kidney-Wort. .It setms intended by nature for the cure of all diseases of the kidneys caused by weakness and debility. Its great tonic powers are especially directed to the re moyal of this clas3 of diseases. We know of persons that ' have 4 suffered for thirty years that have been permanently cured by taking Kidney Wort a short time. Try it, either liquid or dry. Swi. 4 Aug Ui S. D. WALLACE, Cash'r Pis is I ea for Sale. . . ." - ' gEVERAL GOOD MULES FOR SALE and a fevv sorry ones. y 2S-1W D. L. RUSSELL. 6 OF THE It is claimed by tho Hanufacturcra of this celebrated brand of i ? i . r n? . - Made from Whito Flint Wheat, while it costs .Criminal ConrL The Criminal Court met this morning at the usual hour. His Honor Judge Meares presiding, and Solieitor Moore That it produces at his post. The following cases were disposed oft ' State vs. Tony Ryan and Wm. Dad ley. Affray. Verdict Not gailty. State vs. Sam'L Ancrum. Larceny. Guilty. ' The case of John McKoy has been set for Friday, tho 5th inst. The Grand Jury failed to find a true bill on the first charge against McKoy. There being no further business before the Court, an adjournment was taken until to-morrow morning, the Court hav ing caught up with the Grand Jury. Quarterly Meetings. Wilmington District, - Methodist F. Church, South. Third round. Whiteviller at Whiteville, . . Aug 13-14 Cokesbury, at Bethel, . , Aug 13-14 Topsail, at Bethany, . . . Aug 20-21 Clinton, at Salem,' . . .Ajig20-21 Onslow, at Swansboro, .Sept 10-11 Coharie, at Averys boro, . . .Sept 17-18 L.S. BCRKHEAD, P. H. For the first time thi3 week the wind is from tho South, a nd the atmosphere is therefore wanner in consequence. PUR CELL HOUSE, HEW I L4.2AGEIIE57, WiLKIBSTC & N. C. U. PEttEY. - - , - Prop ' IdaialProprietor Atlartis Hotel. ' Fifit Class ta all io;i noiitxestx. Tcra :ita tyV?3 pr cay. b.t2 ONE THIRD MORE BREAD to tho Barrel than ordinary S traight Honr, butjittlo - more.. It is the' FifiESTi FLOUR MAHUFACTUHED By tho Latest and Most Ap f . proved Method, and gives you PURE VHITE LUSCIOUS LOAVES0 BISCUIT A!JD PASTRY. I have it FRESH at all lime?, i$ Barrels, Half Birrel?, and on Ec tiil forthoEO who wish to try it? Bend a? araplo order to JKO. L. BOAranieni, ily:3 X