- THE DAILY REVIEW. JO.SH. T. JAMES, Editor & Prop'r WILMINGTON, N. 0. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST ?,US31. Entered at the PostoffiCe at Wilmington. N. C. as Second-Class Matter. . i' m WPWgt W It is probable that more than 300,000 Germans will come to the United States during the present year. Uidhat PasbVand others, convicted as accessory to the murder of the late Sal tan, bave.been sent to Arabia, to remain in exile for life. The last published work of Dfan Stan ley wa3 a criticism of the revised New Testament, which met with his approval, although he recognized difficulteis in the way of its adoption by' the churches. Frince has contributed but few citizens for ourshores. Last year she contribu. ted only 4,037 at Castle Garden. Her people, a3 a rule, are well to do at home, uud not since 1852 has there been any great influx of the volatile French. Another American custom, baggage checking, is likely soon td be. adopted in EDgland. The London and Northwestern railroad sent an emissary to report on our system It is assered that 35,000 pieces of lags-age were lost or stolen in 'England last y ar. The cotton crop of Georgia and Ala bama is exceedingly fine, and is said to be better than the crop of other cotton States. The national bureau says as the conclusion of its numerous reports that the crop as a whole is not as promising as was last year's crop at this time of the year. The run of salmon on the Fraser river surpasses all precedent or calculation. Steamers and rowboats laden to the guards with fish are arriving at the can neries faster than they can be packed, hands being scarce and labor high, caus mg many tish to, be thrown away. One steamer ha? just arrived with over 9,000 fine falinon. The statutes of Massachusetts are be- ins: elaborately revised. The work of codification wa3 done first by three able lawyers, and the result sent to specialists for criticism. A legislative committee next dealt with the mitter, followed by a second commttee. All that no wj remains to be done is the enactment tf the. work by the Legislature next November. - One thousand two hundred employes of the Old Colony Railroad have been ex amined for color blindness, incompliance. with the Massachusetts law, and over forty engineers, firemen, conductors and others have been dismissed because they have defective sight. Of this. number. is Conductor Cewan, who has taken tickets for 32 years and never had ah accident hippen to his train. Two prominent candidates for the seat on the Supreme Bench left vacant by the death of Judge Clifford are Chief Justice Gray and ex-Attorney General Devens, of Massachusetts. Judge Gray's chances are regarded as very favorable, although Judge Devens friends believe thathis experience as Attorney-General gives him a very good showing. There is no particular reason, however, why these , men should be more prominent than some others in connection with the appoint ment.' Even Hayes has a chance. A special from Chicago, to the New York Times states that the wheat mar ket is going through an experience that will result in a tight squeeze throughout August. It is estimated that the sales ,are 10,000,000 to 12.000,000 bushels in excess of the stock and receipts, and that a coterie of moneyed men have taken the contracts and propose holding unti the end of the month. It is intimated that Mr. John D. Rockfeller, of Cleve m land, Ohio, president of the Standard Oil Company, 13 the leading power on the long side. ' A New York correspondent writes : 'New buildiag enterprises- ia the upper part of the island continue active, and the amount of capital going into them is ; something astonishing:. Nothing is thought now of 5100,000 for a-'private residence anywhere near the park, and in a majority.of instances, at this moment, . the outlay averages nearer 150,000. .The demand for flits continues. One - wa3 commenced Saturday on the north- ' -we3t corner of One Hundred and Twen ty-fifth street and Sixth avenue, to cost $7-5,000, and contracts have been signed .'for a group of six, in Sixty-seventh ,- street, between Madison and .Fifth eve : nues, to cost $180,000 ; also tive more, in Forty-second street, near Seventh ave nue, to cost 5100,000. ' A safe and sure means at restoring the youthf ul color of the hair is furnished by I'oxker'd Hair Balsam, which is deserv- ed.y popular from its superior cleanli- nets. - -. , -v -, Judge Robertson " assumed official charge of tho New York Custom House on Monday last.. 'I ) Kentucky elected a Legislature on Monday. 1 he result is an overwhelming Democratic victory, although on a very light vote. The re-election of Senator Beck, we are glad to note, i3 said to be fully assured.' ' A fearful accident occurred at Mazat lw, Mexico, on Thursday last. The powder magazine exploded, bfowing up one entire square and burying many fam ilies beneath the ruins. About sixty bodies have been recovered. The tone of the official bulletins Is to the effect that the President is rapidly recovering. He rests well and eats well and is cheerful and hopeful and anxious to get out of bed. This the physicians hope to allow by the middle of the month. It wis just one month yesterday since he was wounded. Prrjudice Kills. "Eleven years our daughter suffered on a bed of misery under the care of sev eral of the best (and some of the worst; physicians, who gave her disease various names but no relief, ana now sne is re stored to us in good fiealth by as simple a remedy as Hop Bitters, that we bad poohed at for two years, before using it. We earnestly hope and pray that no one else will let their sick suffer as we did, on account of prejudice against so good a medicine as JLfop Bitters." The Tar ehts. Telegram. 'This is the most protracted funeral I ever attended." Koscoe Conking. The man who went to see the board fence retired when he heard the' fence rail and saw the plank walk Boston Transcript. , The Herald came out yesterday With the biff headline, "Thank God!'' and we thnntrht at first that General Butler O must be dead. Boston Post. A minister preaches on the question, "What is the Sabbath?" Around here thn Sabbath is the dav when you lie in bed longer in the morniag, and wrestle with vour collar button nntil it is too late to go to church. Lowell Citizen. , The Key to Ucalih. Have you found the , key, to perfect health -! nnd i strength? It is Kidney Wort, the onlv remedy that overcomes at once the inaction of the kidneys and bowels. It purifies the blood by cleans ing the system ot foul -humors and by giving strength to the liver, kidneys and bowels to per form their regular functions See displayed advertisement. , Porto Rico Molasses. 250 250 STRICTLY PRIME Porto Rico Molasses. For sale by Williams & Miirchlson, ang 1, " i i ', Corn, Flour, Bacon, 8000 1G00 Fl0UT al1 grades, Bores Smoked and D S Sides ;-V -i Coffee, Sugar, &vm 250 200 50 Bags Coffee, different rade?, .v.- - . . " Bbls Sugars. Granulated, Standard A, Extra C and C. Boxes Assorted Candy, Tubs Choice Leaf Lard, Bbls and Boxes Fresh Cakes, 100 75 rotasli, Lye, Soda, 100 Bo-es!Ba11 pota8h 200 01'81 36,3 100 Boxes au,i KesSoJ&' 1 30 Boxes 100 Half BbU sad Boxe9SDufl Dozed Buckets, . 150 KeAm WraPPInS Paper, iioop iron. Nails, ' Hay, .Oats, Eandolph iams ana OQceungs. JFor sale low by jy25 ,WILLIAAISJ6IUKCHIS0N Th; posmopplitan T 3AK . 13 THE. PLACE WHERE YOU Jjcanffet the coolest, purest and most scientifically, mixed Summer Drinks to be found in, the , city. The very best Wines Champagnes an d Liquors! always on hand The best 5-ccnt Cigar that la made. Droft in ana coo ou. tt villi ja kkulJj. je 8 Proprietor. Keep Cool ! BOTTLED SWEET CHAMPAGNE CI DER on ice. A pure, healthy and re freshing beverage for Summer: not intoxl l Pure, Cold Soda Water on ice at the samcfplace, under the Rxvirw OClce at a. U. KOKTHKOP'S, , ' t SWater St, Store; : , WARN Is m e from a Pimple' Trppel lef of Bftt Value, nd Is a POSlTJf X Bm-rt for all the direa-ef that cause pjtfns in the lower pa t of th body fc Top;d Liet tevdathes Jtndl 1)1 zzi e-. Gravel, Malaria, d a 1 dlffcal ies of ih Rid- , Li er, and Uri ry Or-rans. Jor uhalf Disk Aecs, Mo h y lienor nations, aac mr njt iTrganiT, i hu no tqaU It re t r e be orjii8 f at haei the tlood, and be ce is be b-8 -loob k uRirtaa. l toe on y known r m t tha cures -sibt's Disbasb. 9 r DUbetei. os WANa's dam Piabkt&s For sale br D ngicistj and Delrs at $1.95 per bottle. Largest bottle ia tne market. Trv it. i I H H WAENER CO., jy 22-dAwnrmtc Bocheater ii Y mm DOES WHY? WONDERFUL CURES ! 3 Because it acts on the LITER, BOWELS rt and KIDNEYS at the same time. 4) Because it cleanses the system of the poison ous humors that develop? in Kidney and Uri nary Diseases, Biliousness, Jaundice, Consti pation, Piles, or in Eheumatism, Neuralgia, Nervous Disorders and Female Complaints. at"! SEE WHAT PEOPLE SAY t Enpene B. Stork, of Junction City, Kansas, says, Kidney-Wort cured him after regular Phy sicians bad-been trying for four years. Mrs. John Arnall. of Washington, Ohio, says her boy was given up to die by four prominent physicians and that he was afterwards cured by Kidney-Wort. M. M. B. Goodwin, hn editor In Chardon, Ohio, says he was riot eipeeted to live, being bloated Ij beyond belief, bu Kidney-Wort cured him. .."Anna jarreic or poutn saiem, n. x., says that seven years suffering from kidney troubles bejand other complications was ended by the use of &4 Kidney-Wort. " John B. Lawrence of Jackson, Tenn., suffered for years from liver and kidney troubles and after taking "barrels of- other medicines," Kidney-Wort made him well. Michael Coto of Montgomery Center, Vt., suffered eight years with kidney difficulty and was unable to work. Kidney-Wort made him " well as ever." j t PERMANENTLY CURES C2KIDNEY DISEASES, LIVER COMPLAINTS, Constipation and Piles.' " IWlt is pus up in iry ecetabie irorm in ' tin cans, one package of which makes six quarts I of medicine. Also in Liquid Form, yerv Con centrated, for those that cannot readily pre pareitk -- - - I3T It acta with equal efficiency in either form. GET IT AT THE DRUGGISTS. PRICE,. $1.90 ' WELLS, KICHAUDSON&o., Prop's, (Will send the dry post-paid.) ; BCnUKfiTOX, TT. n ID f Ginger,'Buehn, Mandraie,'St!Ilingia and many other thb best medicines known are com-4 f bined so skillfully in Parker s Ginger Tonic as 4 Jto make it the greatest Eiood Furrher and the Bost Ilealth And Strength Kestorer erer nsed. l' It cures Dyspepsia, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sleeplessness, and all diseases of the Stomach,. 'Bowels, Lungs, Liver, Kidneys, Urinary Organs f and all Female Compfafnts. . ' If you are wasting away with Consumption or, any disease, use the 1 onic to-aay. jNom,atterwnat your symptoms may be, it will surely help you. ' ', Remember! ' This Tonic cures drunkenness,, is the Best Family Medicine ever made entirely, different from Bitters, Ginger Preparations and other Tonics, and combines the best curative prop-J ertiesof all.' Buy a 50c. bottle of your druggist.. None genuine without our signature on outside Wrapper. HiscOX & Co.. Chemists. New York. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM may l-ttwat-nrm The best and most ccK LOVELY COMPLEXIONS POSSIBLE -TO ALI What Nature denies to'maiiy Art; secures to all., Hagans Magnolia Balm dispels every blemish, J overcomes . Eedness, Freckles; Sallofrness,lXough ness,' Tan, Eruptions and Blotches, and removes all evi dences of heat and excitement. The Magnolia Balm imparts the most delicate and natural complexionalt tints no detec tion being possible.to-the clos est observation: . Under these cirenmstances'a faulty complexion is iittle short of a crime. Magnolia iBalm sold everywhere Costs only 75 cents, with fulldirections.' Fresh Everv Dav s - . - - - J WISE iBBOaTMEKT OF OAJTDIXS, French and Domettio, Jt reeelred and for til. j' THB OKLTi GSSUINI HOME-MADE day, fresh and msU tbree doon Bonth o' the FoetoCee on fieooad itreet. JUo; SuU HiscollancoTifl DC AT TV'S OUG1KS 17 Stow, 5 Sfit 4 i I Golden Tongue le&Js onK $65. Addrea?, Daniel F Beatty, Washing. ton,N J. Jy 12 4 w Yot Illustrated Circular. A lime acta! Business bchooi. j8tabiihed twenty years. - - -COLD MEDAL AWARDED THE AUTH0V a new a Kro&t Maaicw r otk. - warrr.td the bestand cheap est, indupensnble to eTerr nsB. entitled "the Science et life." bound in finest French muslin, embossed, full silt, 300 I p&ses,cntins beautiful steel ensra vine. 125 prescription. price only sent Dymau: , illustrated sample, 6 c. ; send 1 lllHU P.,W MIL tml fnstituteor Dr. Wrl.PiB- KYSELF. KB,Ko.4Bul&ach8t.Boatos, Culicura, the Great Skin 1 Cure. itching: and Scaly Diseases H limorft of tholQcalp and , Skin Permanently i Cured. 9 " - Catieu' remedies are for lale br all 6 ru tffUB. frieecf Ontienra a Medicloal Jellj, mall boxei. 60c; lar e boxe, f 1 Uvtlcur Heaolvent, the new Blood Pn ifier, SI per bottle. Cuticara Medicinal Toilet 8oap,25e Onticnra Medicinal charing Hoap,"16c:in bars for barbers and lar?e consumers, 60c, t rincipal depot. WEtKS OTTKH, ; Boston, Mass : AH mailed free cn receipt o pries. jy lYETOnEMlNOWH Any person to be seriously ill without a weak stomach or inactire lirer or kidneys ? And when these organs are ia good condition , do fou not find . their , possessor enjoying good health? Pabkbb's 1ihgsr Tomio always reeulatea these important organs, aed never fails to mace the blood rich aad purej, and to strengthen U very part of the system; It has cured bunre s o 5eBpniring InraHds. - - : , your n i.hT.. a"..nt it. . iT 13-w . :E ASTERN :EXTENKIN; OC" : - CHESAPEAKE & OHIO RAILWAY, : . ... Office of Chief Ek31neeu, EiciiMOND,A"a., July 25, . 1881.. i ' . ' ' ' - yATEDTV0 THOUSAND Laborers to work on the C. '& O. 'Railway, between Richmond and Newport ews- Can report to J. J. Gordon at Richmond, or to W. A . Wescott at Newport News. i Payments mde njonthlylTat the rate of One,DoHar and Twenty-fire cents for twelve (12) hours work. 1 i " " ' 1 Any experieneed foreman who will bring a gang of inot less than twenty (20) trood laborers, can haye a position as foreman at fifty ($50) 1 dollars per month, and in addi tion thereto," shall receive ' one dollar for each laborer who w'ill stay to put in thirty days work. . Necessary supplies furnished on the line t Richmond retail prices. , J. 8. MORRISON, J. J. GORDON, Chief Engineer. ' Supt. Construction. jy 27-lw, . . :' 1 . .. 1881 THU SUN. BALTIMORE 1881. i Published Daily, Except -Sunday.;" Renowned as the rreshest and Host Batistactory of all If ews- papers. - Low in Price Compact in form Independent in Expression, Conservative In ' Tone. The career of THE SDK. from l earlies beginning, has been characterized by a pro greesive spini ana an original ana enectlve enterprise to tnese characteristics it stead fatiy adheres, . f Covering as it does tbevbata 5H of news paper endeavor, its ertry. i awber is a eom plete renex of tae rpi.-it h times aaO. the activities and evon s vt thrf rjv. ren t events it ttev tra -.a j n subjects - of public intern t, with thtr vieV'rniy 'of -'arrlT. ing at rigi i reauiD auo com er Tin jt tae gen era! welfare . its consultant jnttg lty iathor ougmy mown ana nnaerstod,' AS A FlitttT-GLASc N;v hPAPER. THB 8UJI is adapted to the r eels or all and enjoys a world .wide coa tet c. The extent and variety nj 'Tjf W Local Reports.' their cdrefnl ccuraeV and avoidance of prune c oocaitot?- striking learare, accej'ianio u ii at noa ana Abroad. ' ITf CoHIt; ONDtNOis. i . oreUm and domcBtio, isunsurpasd in ex celleDca ard f r c-bibtess . . ITH WAHHINO f UN BtJHfcATJ covers all the pha&es cf political infuroiation t'snspiring at toe National Capival, with proper cote and ecmicent. Unexcelled in the past, it wiil be maintained at the "highest standard in the future.. THE MABKET AND STOCK REPORTS cf THE SVH are collected and compiled with the utmost care, and may be taken as safe guides by all who desire to obtain the latest and most trustworthy information on these important topics. ' ln short. TUB feOIC will eon tinntrt tain the high tepntation Jt has scquired ss an enteTrising, accurate and weii edited newspaper; alwajs ready to dd to Its facill ties for collecting news whinerer, necessary to meet the iucressinff demaodW -f ihm tfm and tomaintain the hieh andeii 4nrhlch its large irea eiewu j v cretsing : el. culstir n giTM Tidece'i""' -.r.--; lVai of t n'-serfptfcn fj if ail CsS U, - .... idvax.ee.-. , .... , One Yirvfo;tga mftlade'..... fix Months poiap' jidutfeJi. U;'S 00 7breoBthsy pct?e ioclad d : Two Pontes,' pcetge'rnetntteoi.-; -f ir One !onth, postage -included .-J! &0 Address. . , .'-.T A4. A8ELL CO.,libliilers," 7 " : .-dub iron lisuidin", - fcb!3 TOTofin niccollancoun. ThVattention of Honjekeepers, farmeri and others is called to i uable Preparation . . - 6 boT FOR VHITEWASIIING AND It costs less In comparison than COMMON or plaster. It can be used conveniently and taoiuj.Bf nd lor ail purposes tn which sand and lime are employed. 'lSllH coi a at wnoiesaie, Dy the oarret, ana in smaller paekaees. at the w..'. S In Barrels, White..; f 2.00JlwoSioW,llfMtor - prices: i x v - .. i,oo;.:r.: oo . . - J In Good Buekets.OX Gals 1 White 60 . f UO , ' CfWCT.Bui wmm ' - Advances made enCocsifimments of Lumber or Ties, and qaick sa! t. itumoer sent to eut oy uaesirto. 7 to 10th wrapper on All lis fc5 M!1! c.l..' . T THE $1. BALTIMORE WEEKLY SM $1. -. . f ,. .' . - ' ... , ..t -t . 13 AB GOOD A FAMILY PArEB AS If "BUSHED IN THI8 COU5TBY. . The Original and Heiected Ptris are full of interest ar d constitute choice family esd inir. Its lyrical pieces are also of a high order -f Kierit .besides these merits it is a ooturofveiaaj of ' TH "5 OF THT5 WEf K, well collated ard of in&nite varieiv. ' All fresh recurrences at home ard abroad find a, place in , its. columns The bright and graphic letters of the srecia. correspondents of THE HON at the capitals of Europe, io California and elsewhere, are published in the Weekly, , and, in addition to describing the e?urse,of political events, will give, the gossip uJ tbe day and the drift of events. The WAMtilCro BUttEAU- pr THE HON will keep, the readers., of the Weekly' well infrmd in respect to everything f la terest, ioJiticailv and social' y, .transpiring at that point. - W batever besides, ' that is se rious or joyous, that tencs to give a spioa of vsriety, will be supplied to make the' Weekly attractive. . . . ... .. -; : , ... . i . IT3 MARKET AND FINANCIAL lE POBTB are brought down to the latest hour of- pub lication, and every pains taken to make tnem trustworthy, , ...... t r - j AGRICULTURAL MATTERS are not neglect d, and the farmer will find In the eoluuins devoted to this subject many valuable bints and suggestions, bound edi torial discuBsions always. have place in the Weekly: and, with its stories ana other Iieht literature, its well-written letters from places at home ana abroad, its political and general news and gossip, and its excellent Market and Financial Reports, THE BALTIMORE WEEKLY HUN commends itself to all who desire to have a thoroughly good paper at a very low price - - lerms of tiubserintion Invariably. Cash in Advance. one uouar per x ear tor one copy, or any number oroopiea - ' . - -INCREASED PREMIUM COPIES TO GETTERS UP OF CLUBS. , v ' The following liberal Premium Copies are' given to inose wno get up uiudb lorthe ALTIMORE WEEKLY HON r F1YB COPIE8............$5S00 With one extra copy of the Weekly - Bun one yeara TUT- COPIES tssssfesatesesssiaseesH $10 00 With an extra copy of the Weekly 8nn one year, and one copy of the Daily Bun three months, FIFTEEN COPIES....fl5 00 : With an extra oopy, of the Weekly , Sun one year, and one copy of the Dailr 8un si: months. TWENTY COPiES-.. . $20 00 W ith n extra copy , of the W ekiy - Sun one year, aad one copy of ' the Daily Bun nine months. THIRTY COPIES $30 00 With an extra copy of the Weekly . . Sun, and one copy of the Daily 8nnone year ' - . " For full terms and prem'um conies to getter up of Clubs, see prospectus in THE isUN, Daily and Weekly, and in the BAL TIMOKBHUN ALHA AO for 1881 a valu able publication of seventy-two pages, free to all subscribers to the BALTIMORE 8DS. Daily and Weekly. ' The saieet method of transmit fwnA by mail is by draft, ebeek or Postqfiioe mon ey order. No deviation. Address A. B. A BELL A CO., Bun Iron Building, Baltimore. 2Id' feb 17- UUniNBURG1 E.ITEIIIBE JB THE BEST UEDIUII 'through whlo to advertise Fall and Winter Goods among '. - - - , . . . . 1 . , . ... the people of Robeson, Richmond and An ton counties, is Xorin Carolina, and in tha border counties of 8onfli' CaroUna. The teriiehuii large and laereaslng circu lation in the Pee Dee and Cape Fear lectionJ SWkayiag obtaloed large circV lation In the latter during the six 'mon'thi It was published in' Fay etisviUe; before ; iti r. 2-tsfa "rr ? m months. ; ..:,; , Advertisennits will be 'Inserted 4 by -a, quarter and yean at 1 easosatle rates, i xutza$ H..J. UcDUrilL, gh. HsvisssVw ws'' w jmmm WBSBSBS Md -mmmmr , . J 7 , Zm3 rwrn u m n iff i- uhh Mfni s- III: rllll lf ft g t' ' ; ju'y 1-eod-lm A4 Tsi, ALL SAKITARY PURPOSES - ;v7HlTEWASe or V- . ; econc micallv io mUa miid5? wWiot r CPntS atO.. Itae andl oiber Hi."i Sk . Bill, t-- RB7ARI For an cms of TfoV l . "m nc. or ISsmJi.. core. Allays the H hiitg, uhnnm th- 5 - La Jjl j A Arch PhU' Pa VAVTlSxifl' -KtT contaim his mi rt-Tr tMnt dniists and country & tores aaa l"le tf one Dollar THE CIRCULATlOg of ftb . : V newspaper has iaeresisd Wllt year - It contaUis all th"kS ttt the Daily Herald, and is LraJSf . V departments. The 'Wj embraces special ters ofthegl.be. dlipstcbsi" froa ail Ddsrthekea4of MEEICAK NEWS are given thaTelegraplfc Deipski.rfi. week from all part, of the ture alone makes , v;,a : THE WEEKLY HERALD 7 ' the mrst valuable chrortcls is iuL - f r", Se, cbit Every week Yib! a ;faithfnl leport of , 7 ; ,' - ' ' - v?, v.!.. rOUTICAL NEWS' embracing complete ui eenprshm! i:iTl?.lrm Muff reports of the speeches cf ealaeat pollfldw " on the aaeetion of the hour - r THE FARM DEPABTWEST ! orths Weekly ' Bersld" gives : the Jatert wen as themeft practical iagKtiPti h ducoveriesrelatirg to thedatlesof er, hints for raising Cattle, Posltry. Oriiri JreeB, Vegstsblet., Ac, Aa,fwiti nmfA for keeping boiidingi atd faMrlPr m repair. This is uppeireTff i tj t t,j. edited department," widely coj ei; i sfer tlx ; head of . . .-, TJTEH01!E, giving lecelpfs for frnctlral lt,r.Utiti making clothing sad forkeeplcjtso witbtb latest fsehion - at the lovtit pries Irey lem of cooking or economy cnggeeteil I tl is department is prsctictlly tested by a perts before pnbliestlon Letteri frouej Paris acd London corrwportfesUostLifrj Utot fashions The Boms Dersrt t oftV Week ly Per aid will save the booMwif mtti 1 than one hundred tinjesrprift of tbt it per The interests of ; ' , SKILLED LALOR ' . . ' ' - . . ',-;; ', .' are looke d after, atd evertiticf MtfarY mechanics and labor Sarisgli tvtlCj' corded There Is a page oeroted to tli& latest pb ases of the ouiaeM inarkri, toy. Merchandise, Ac, Ac. A valsabhifit:.ti, found In th- specially reported prba 1-, conditions of , . ' vi rj THE 1'KODUCE MARK IT. Sporting News at home ud find, k gether with a 8tory every vek,kBraa by some eminent divise, Llterarj, li-si. Dramatic, Personal and Sea Kotei Tim I' no paper in the world wkich eoctilai much news matter every week sithi Herald, which is lent, postage free, fcrC y Dollar 1 on cad subseiibe at saiusik ' The Uew York Heiali 1 . "... . ,,: V - '" in a weekly fonr, ' ;- : One Dollar a Year : . .Addrect,. . Nexr Yorlk Herald J Broadway and Ano Btrest,e T dew II - "rt ! . : " THE DEST PAPER TBI IT I -.Beanully Hlttitoaedca j AUO UblCUUUb . h 1 THE SOlEilTIFIC AKkBlOAJ W l.rnm rtrm.M Xt mMt Si?!", , I Bixteen Pages, printed in the most Wtf-T style, profusely Illustratea WIa T" f?-1 gravugs, reprssesung w ' uri tions and the most recent il?'t7i) Arts and tJciences; IsclnJiBf X,z' terestisg Facts in AgTieultarBortt---J the Home, Health, lleiical I Science, WaturaJ Hiitory, O'n my. The mos tTalaable praeticaj rft eminent wnzers ia au u ------ . . will be found in the Bcissti2e iff, Terms, $3 tO per JjWi which includes postage. VJl& dealers Remit by postal order toKJ i CO., Publishers, 37 ParkRovJ, i PATENTS.&f AliERIOAfl, Hems. A--t itofs of American and Fcni-r. f had 54 years experenee, dJST,f. largest estabUihaent fa thjrwW. ' areobtaiaed on the best notice is made in toe c-"- :VJ all Inventions patsntbrouga4. r with the name aad residence i ov r f By the Immense cireulfttoB i7t , ie attention is directed wtbsi - Eew patent, and falet or t f eiriJyefiected.. . C:'? An person w'-f u. ascsrtsxa whether a patent can protiii r by writing to xiaxa VTv. Pit fea our fiand Book about the r; f stl- Fstents 1 aveeis, "jrrr. rrt and how procured, U - advances on toTtioni. , Paper or coseernisg fi rrf 1 ' fcMll' B;