DOT FRITZ?- , roa shly leedle raskel , P I'me droagh doc suatr. k?ffidZl" yoa t Here. eyes; .i me-eh. Frltwy- r sarbrUd? . rpciularmoakxey kiD" .rd. QOUKUi' pdne 'D gidM Ub iu-der mornln. 5T0D3(S Ata bed after dart. mutest von m utrr . wKiyonder louder he slugs i" J I J. Aar dirkeus mit some 1 Boeder dickens mit some voa na uo ail manner obdluies f i "Sa-r-fioly Moses! voVa d Xjlon-oo-a-ean mld a sceesri jfu h rfr dall oXTder cat! -fJJSoft in Aew YorK TeleSram. Waebiajt u V at Krai Kun mce. ...,,,rst Coileire, in the class of , re were to chains, who had ;t tber ever since they had first J college. They were fast friend firoabiehad ever disturbed their p. One was the son of rich pa a j i the other of a country minister. . Ar,ataA th rinh man' Knn l. -ortnatfri the rich man's son H iMJ 'Tit hnsiness with his father in New Sad took his friend with htm as his 1 A 1 n 4 A VM W AM AlillAIlt r ipened they both fell in love 1 ue ne ffirl. The flght -in the 1 of the employe was long and bitter, --tMBtinff hi3 position with thit o ijend, th3 difference in the advan- ffVr t.h woman, ha vip.ld. M K CUUiVl w.v, ' r - Jcd, with scarce a word of parting, tiaooe of explanation, he left New :mrtwent West. al I vear after ward found him in San h&ieo, aad he soon joined the gold ' fortune was varied at timt-s poor. Afterward in Sttiia he follow, d s.lver aud esi the silver traza s: uo.v Lo-Uvitle ..nt there. Tu re ha was jsaccesst'ul. i.i:. .umir n rii-ri mm he deter- ent ! oedwretaru Est for the first time-in -t four years. Yesterday as he got if the Southwestern train at Wilton, baud went to get on the main line aitbich was to carry him to Chicago, liijwhowas trying to tarn a seat atr ajted his attention. Stepping for id to help her, ho first looked .with ixder, thea joy, to see that it was the nan he had run away from so long '13,1 toman now past forty, but hand tose jet. Be talked , to ner timidly at Litud uncertain. When he learned that she was yet an- arid his questions came faster yet, d her present condition was soon known tikio. Her parents had died, and, de seeding on her own exertions for support. 6t had taught school, and ' at present iu principal of a school in Western ha. The old love . still lived in the liners heart, and he soon found that he ad not been entirely forgotten by her. Id make a long story short, it was a hap m looking couple who got off the train wiight looking for a minister, and a n-liifPier one which registered at the Sberaa House as Mr. and Mrs. Shear- bra, Lead ?i lie, Col. Haunted ile. A "Workinffman savs: "Debt, pover- tj and 8ufTerinfr haunted me for years, d by a sick family and large bills wMctoring, which did no good. I was ocpletely discouracred, until one vear ft by the advice of mv uastor. I Dro- ored Hop Bitters and commenced their , and iu one month we" were all well. and none ot ta have been sick a'chav amce-.andl want to say to all poor metfw Arm f i. ii v iammes wen a year with Hop Bitters for less than one doc wriTjsit will cost." Christian Advo cate. How to Get a Hnsband. The DTftnaii-A tJ: 1, - jvuusr iauica iiuire t iucj wua mate certain ot tneir wre. If so disposed they go into the awrehyard at midnight with some hemp Mia their hands, . which, after they J r0Qnd the church a certain Der of times, they scatter on eFther . j v-fciuu uuuiewara, repeauug certain charm. It is supposed that the W j Beea sing up ine - "I aviucu IUI LUG WIB" a windingheet. Another spe- , a iu obtainiig five bay leaves, Med at tKQ r -r iwur corners 01 uer Jf. and a fifth in the mid- . u0 waa ioriunate enouga to Sk her Iover 11 wa3 a 8Qre siSn he would bo married to her in the 5 of the year. Again, some, youoi; Pk would boil an egg hard aud, after ?oat the contents, fill the shell i k n ca&rn consisting in eating eiUnd salt on going to bed at -rat . ... . -.uuufc cuuer speaKing or drink 2'r it. A further method of divin ga as practiced in .the following way: JJ M7 wrote her lovers1 names upon J Pieces of paper, and, rolling them lie Rfyvpat lhem a tnb of water. t4t,raso to the surface was to fth.v.n7 J vaieaime, out, in ail her future husband. for the Brain ana Kerres St till , atmg is hat w need in these R Tnni wurry. xrarser a um flw restores the vital tJ! Derves and brinSS good nealth SC. o anything you can use. oee otner column. Popular Science Monthly. WtSlS. milk is food that should not oth VPi0QS draughts like beer .e-oi-us, wnicn diaer from it chem ict i cvoas.iaer the use of milk in Utii c FaJsioiogicai ingestion that eai??, that. the euckingbabe t it p T DJ lllue tnQ food Provieded 1 eaif0 small mouthful is secured Xl aad slawlj presented, to the IS e 1 1 j gastric xnucons surface, for primal digest ive : stages. 11 is inns , regularly - and gradually reduced to curd. and thenstam ach' is not oppressed vrith a lumper half- should bei regarded in the ase-bf the adult. Milk should be slowly takeh-in mouiniura.wai snori intervals, and thus it is ngtitly dealt with by the -eastric juice. If milk be taken after'othefibod it is almost sure to" burden the stomach and to cause discomfort ' and prolonged indigestion, and this for the. obvious rea son that there is insufficient digestive agency to dispose of-it..- And the better the quality of the milk, the more severe the discomfort w;ll be under these condi tions. ' Milk is insufficiently nsed in making simple puddings of such farinaceous foods as rice.v.tapioca and sago. Distaste for' these is engendered very often, I believe, because the uulk: is srinted,in making them, , or, poor, skimmed milk is used. Abundance c.nw -mpkshould be em ployed; and mof' milk-r-ereairi'shoald be added. when they are "takefi In Scot tish households . this matter ia utT derstood, and a distidctpudding-plate, like a small vSfup p'late.'is. used ' lor this coarse., ' Hie dry messes commonly gerv ed as milk puddings in England are ex- actly ri'ted to create ,disgu?t , for what should be a most excellent and .delicious part of a wholesome dinner for both chil dren and adults., A Testament BeYiser's Oololon. The eminent author, Prof.'Al O. Ken. drick, D JLI. D., who is professor of Hebrew, Latin and Gieek in.the Univer sity of Rochester, and was one of the revisers of the New Testament, in gener conversation with" a number of gentle men, a short time since, said: "I have received from the use of Warners's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure very marked benefit and I can most cordially recom mend it to others." lluchu Helmbuld at Long Branch. Duchu Uelmbold, who some vears ago created such a stir, is now at Long Branch making dukes, counts, &c. A correspond says: General Grant was to be the head and front of the aristocracy of the country, and the fallen Roscoe was to be made a real "lord" and even poor J'Me Too" was to have a title. . Pretty soon the dispenser of-all these srand nrizes concluded that his listeners must be en rolled in the American peerage, and pro ducing a pencil and some slips of dirty paper from this pockets, insisted that a number should write their names down for him, in order that their patents of nobility might be made out and forward ed to them. After a number of dukes and marquises had been created, the sad spectacle was brought to a sudden ter mination by the announcement that he thought it time some of the recipients of his bounty invited him to take a drink. Boars of laughter followed the request, and the crowd quickly dispersed. Miscellaneous. The Purest aud'Best Medicine ertr made, A combination of llona. Ttaebn. H7slMlr and lndcllonT "with nil tho best and most cui-a-tive Drotterties of ail other Bitters inn.kra ttu cm-At. lest Blood PurlQer. Liver I2priilanv. Hand Health Kestoilngr Agent on earth. Ho disease or ui nealtn can .possibly long: exist where Hop Bitters are used. 30 varied and nerf ect are their operations. Tktj gin new Ufa aad rigor to da ag-d aad IaAna. To all whose employments cause irreemlarityof Appetizer, Tonic and mild Stimulant. Hop BiUers 1 1 1.1 . 1 & . 1 . . . inreuiimiiiuiio ihww int JXICHting. . no matter wnas your zee liners or eymptoms are. what the disease or ailment U, use Hop Bitters Don't wait until you are sick, hut if you only feel bad or miserable, use the Bi tters at once. It may save your life. It has saved hundreds. $500 wffl be paid for acase they win not cure or help. Do rfot suffer nor let your friends suffer, but use and urge them to use Hop Bitters. Remember. Hop Bitters is no vfle, drngyed, drunk en nostrum, but the Purest and Best Medicine erer made; tne "Invalid's Friend and Hope,' and no person or family should be without t"". Get some tbla day. Hop Cough CckxIs the sweetest, safest and best. ask uniiaren. The Hop Pad tor Stomach, liver and Kid ney Is rape. I riar to ail others. Cures by absorption. Ask druggist. J Dt L C is tin absolute and irresistible cure for drunk enness, usa 01 opium, tobacco and narcotics: Sold by drugisU. I lop Bitten M fj. Co. Rochester, N.Y. Sf nd for Circular. S500 Reward. m WE WILL PAY THE ABOVE leward for any case of Liver Complatat, Dys pepsia, Sick Headache', Indigestion, ConstI pation or Costiveness we cannot cure with West's Vegetable Liver Pills, when the di rections are strictly complied with. They are purely Vegetable, and never fall to give satisfaction. Sugar coated. Large boxes, containing SO Pills, 25 cents. For sale by all Druggists, Beware ot counterfeits and imitations. The genuine manufactured only by JOHNC. WEST CO., "The Pill Ma kers," 131 & 1S3 W. Madison St., Chicago Free trial package sent by mall prepaid on receipt of a 3 cent stamp, mch 22-d&w lv SSUPPEPJOM! AND F1ootc5?s Wine jyjAlUrACTOaED B YVUiTlSVJtiL )Tifl Company, Woitdville, N. 0, Z . . ..',-. . rrieaf and jtmples oai application. Bend in ycur orders for th;bolidayf, Lliss E Karrer S AS JUST RECEIVED a beautiful as sortment of Evening and Millinery ers, Afternoon Hats and .Bonnets, Linen and Mohair Ulsters, Uuderwear and Children's lotbing, which will be sold at reduced prices. je9- PUH CELL HOUSE. CNDEB HKWj MANAGKHEIfT, WltUXMTOM, If. C . Dm Lt. PERRY- - Prop Late Proprietor Atlantis Hotel. First Class la Uu appoiataenU. Term I3.S0 to $3 per cay. , Ub 8 tt J A TRUE TONIC A TRUE TONIC A PERFECT STRENGTHENED A SURE REVIVER. IRON BITTERS are highly r , - , . . p certain ana emcient tonic ; especially IvdigtstimC DyspctmcL Into- 'Fevers, Ward of Appelile. Loss of Strength, Lark of Energy, & HEnriches tne wood, strengthens the muscles, and gives new life to the nerves. They act like a charm on the digestive organs, removing all dyspeptic symptoms, su-h as Tasting the Food, Belching, Heat in the Stomach, Heartburn, tic. TllOOIllv Iron Preparation that wiU hot blacken the teeth or ivo headache. Sold by all druggists. Write for the A B C Book. S2 prx of ""ujiu ictuiiij; stru jrcCm BKOWN CHEMICAL CO., BaltimorerMd. pi 12-Brmta. WiLMINSTCN & WELOO . - . : , - uailhoad cotiPAinr, Owwiamuw Qmu'l partAimrmmoimi;. I WtlBttBKtOB.'ir. a. Mat IV1881.' I ' CHANGE OFv SOBKDifl ON AND AFTER May ; 15ta, -181, It 6.10 P ii, Passenger Traio 2 oa the : V ii. caington M Weldoo Bailroad will run aa follows-"-! j ' - i DAT MA (LAND EX PRESS TRAIN, d ail j; j . Noe. 47 North-arid 48 Soth, Leave Wilmington, Front St. Depot 40 AM Arrive at WeldoaaC.r..MMM... 12 60 P M Leave Weldon... 3 30 PM iuTWeatWtlmtnKton, Front St. ; DepOt itwiyMnwiBiiiiiimiii 9 45 P U Fast Through Mail and Pa-sen er Train ; Daily Nos. 4J -North and 40 Boath. Leave Wilmington, Front 8t.? : DepOt tuUMMIHnVl,W.M.IMM.M 6.25 P M Arrive atweldooM. 1.25 A M Leave Welaon..7...M....M.M.......M. .15 P M Arrive at Wilmington, iront at- ' . Depot... ...... n mhm li.36 Pat Train No 40 South will stop only it Rocxy Mount. Wilson, XJoldsboro and Maenolia. : Trains on Tarboro BranebTBoad leave Rocky Mount for Tarboro at 7.40 P..M daily and Tuesday, Thursday and Satarc ay at 6tu A M. Returning; leave Tarboro ' at ; 9.50 A M daily, and Monday, . Wednesday ant Friday at 8:30 P Mi . ' Train No. 47 makes close connection at Weldon for all points North dailr. , All r ail via Richmond, and daily except Sanday via Bay Line. , . . Train No 43 runs daily and makes jclois connection for all points North via .Rich mond and Washington. - - --- -- - , - All trains rn solid between Wilmington and Washington, and bare Pullman Palacf 8Ieepers Attached. .... i ; ...i . JOHN DIVIITE, GeneraPjSunt. A. POPE, Gen'l Pass. AgeUt , mar 18 ELEGANT JEWELRY CHEAP. 'To Introduce our'new styles and Influence trade we make the following unparalleled offers for a short time : " The Berlin Packet contains a gold plated watch chain, agate shawl pin, lady's ele gant set jewelry, sea bean cuff buttons, coral neck lace, set of agate studs, gold plate band ring, collar button, key ring, pocket book, Imitation silk handkerchief, pen. peneU, comic envelopes and visiting cards . All these mailed to yeu for 35c. in stamps ; 4 packets for f 1.00. . The lot can be re tailed at from f2 to $5.00.- - -The Royal Casket contains one superb amethyst ring, elegant coral brouch set in box, fancy neck lace, coral sleeve -buttons, engraved gold plate bracelets, rose scarf pin, geld plated lady 's set, gold plate sleeve buttons, heavy gold plate studs, lovely cameo scarf pin, genuine Parisian diamond stud, Maltese cross with JEVdiamond oenter. beautiful Jet sleeve buttons, .plated collar button, plated fink watch chain, plain -gold plate ring, nobby cameo ring, Maltese ear-rings with P. .diamond settings, genu full comb, amethyst set, lady's full plated set with white stone settings, jet and cameo scarf pin, eng- gold plate sleeve buttons. The whole of this magnificent collection sent secure by mail for SI, 7 for 1.70, 4 for S3. This lot can be retailed easily at from t5 to $10. Address, N. Y. JEWELRY CO.. Atlanta, Ga. TnK Atlanta Globe says : " This company Is perfectly reliable, and the amount they give for your money is astounding." feb-261 aw-iat-wlx ENLARGE AND DEVELOP: THE FORM. If shrunk wholly or In part from- nature or dis ease. Advice free.. Describe case and send stamp to P. De L. Co., Atlanta, Ga. No hrfmbug.': High est reference. Correspondence confidential. feb 2 S-la w-Jtt-wly. . " SEEDS THAT SURPRISE! ; .THE PARMEB?-4Bp!rANZA.,' . Maxixe. a new vegetable :CreS.:A, differing from anything ever grown here, delicious rawor cookedyseed'sent by mail aHjtsu-a--paper, boya Bean of Japan, nair oean na u j lsts to be the richest human food known.! ne iiX-. VTior,. okn. sd- 15 cts. a paper. Cuban Qu-een Watermelon, ,1ns, , itnportedl variety MJsar crown in U . o. ail m, auo-s- - tury best to keep or ship. 25 cte. a paper of2o 87 parsforl. Very scarce. IOK-of-Wood Muikmelon. largest known. 2 to 3 feet long-fine auality. early anB prolific, 15 cU. ,PJPr--Vi5" Tomato, richest flavor early, P"fl-Srf?ifcT panald in every way, 15 rts. a paper, white t-gyp-Sfi SrDe(lrc?n tn'e Nileields Immense l"th?thwhereothercofa inr WDie or bbh;., vi. , , . - n; ... r,. ni.nt foodimonw two days: 10 to 12 ft. high X in. a nflivr All the Address C B.OILBEBT CO. Atlanta, a. Reference: Hon. W. L. Calhoun. iVlayor Atlanta, feb 26-law-iat-wly of Rust Well Auger. Rust We 1 Brills. Rust Horse Power. THR'BEST AND M03T'8U0C88FUL Well boring and Prospecting Tools Hea- nfactared. GAS PIPE SHAFTIKG and Couplings. The most Improved Surface Attachments. Guaranteed to make good wells anywhere. Works much faster and with half the labor of any other tools. Auger ana imus work by hana or horse power. Drills ana none power have capacity zor 2,000 feet. In tise years and no failorea. Made frcm beet material and sold for haif the price of others. Send for eirealara. aa 37-lyoAw BL Joseph, Mo . 15 cts. a paper, ciwo .wn, broad. Seed will bring fabulous prices, 15 cts. " . i V. . 1 n Innir above sent for si, 3 oi eacn ior recommended for all diseases j - . iw u viitwia it- CAROLINA CJIK'iliAL KAIJ LOAD COMPANY. Omci Gucsait 8vriTfrrr, i Wilmington, K.O., Jane 4,lbtl. j 3 Change of ScmrorjLB.; : ON AND AFTER June 5, 1301, '-tie fol lowing Bohednle will re operated cn tr is Railroad : Passenger, MAIL AND FXPKKf r TRAIN. Daily except Bauds-s fl-eave W ilroington. ......... 9.4 A M (Arrive at Charlotte at.. ..0.45 1' M Leave Charlotte at.....6.00 a M Arrive at Wilmicgtou at. 3. 25 P M no l No a Trains Nos 1 and 2 stop at regular stations only, and points designated in the Compa ny's Time Table. These trains make close connection at Charlotte with trains Nos. 3 and 4 for Cleve land Springs and all points on Shelby Di vision. PASSENGER AND FREIGflr. Leave Wilmington at .... 6:30 P L Arrive at Hamiet at.M.M. 1:26 A M " at Charlotte at.... 8:00 A M 1 Leave Charlotte at. 7:30 P M Arrive at Hamletat..... 1:28 A M J " at Wilminarton at 9:30 A V No 6 ffe 6 No. 5 is daily except Sunday, bat so connection ftr Raleigh on Saturday No. 9 is daily except Saturday, 8HELBY D1VIBION, Pjt SSFNGEBjMAIL EXPRESS AND FS EIGHT. wM (Leave Charlotte atM...MMM7:C0 P h a o' a' ( Arrive at Shelby aU....10:30 P U m i Leave Shelby at xeeeeesieefj 6:00 A M a0m i Arrive at Charlotte at-.... 9:30 A M Trains Nos 5 and 6 make close connection a HOdet to and from Raleigh, except as above.. . ' , Through Sleeping Cars between Raletgb and Charlotte. Trains No. 1 and 2 make connection at Charlotte with A.,T. & O. K. R., arriving at Btatesville same evening, and connecting there with W. N. O. R, R. for Asheville and all points on W.N. C. R. R. Trains Nos 3 and 4 connect cJore1!? with Chester A- Lenior at Lincoln ton. V: Q. JOLLN80IT, Je 7 General Raoerintendect mm Gen'l Sup'ts Office WILMINGTOF. COLUMBIA AND' AU; GUST A RAILROAD CO. Wilmington, IT. C. May 14, 11. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE ON AND AFTER May 15th, 1881, at 1.05 P M, the following Passenger Schedule will be run on this road FIGHT EXPRESS TRAINS (Daily). Nos. 48 West and 47 East. Leave WiImInsrtonM.MM..MMMMM.. 10 05 P M Leave Florence..... 2 43 A Ji Arrive at C C and A Jonction.. 6.45 A M Arrive atColnmbia.M.M.M..MM.M... 00 A M Leave Columbia. ...lO 00 P M Leave C C and k A Junction ..10 20 P M Leave; FloreneeM.M.M. 3 00 A'M Arrive at Wilmington. 6 20 A M Nisht Mail and Passkhsxb Tbain, Dailt. No. 40 Wist. Ann Dat Mail and Pas SKMGaa Train. IN o. 43 East. Leave Wilminfirton atM..'MMMMM.ll 45 P M Arrive at Florence eeeMettttMM 3 15AM Leave FlorenceM.....MM 1 05 P M Arrive at Wilmin trton ......... 6 C6 P M Train No 43 stops at all Stations No 40 stops only at Flemington, WMte- VI le, rair mull ana Marion. Passengers for Columbia, and all points on G. A C. R. RM C, O. A A. R. R. &UtIont, Aiken Junction, ana ail points beyond, snoma tare 48 nignt express. . Separate Pullman Sleepers for CharlestoE and for Augusta on train 47 All trains run solid between Charleston and Wilmington! JOB DIYIJTK, General Be?. A. POPE, Gen'l Pass. Agent mty 15 SCHUTTE'S J SEA-SIDE PARK 1 HOTEL! Wrights ville Sound JS NOW OPEN FOR THE P.ECEPTION of guests. l" The table is supplied with the pro- 1 duc&s of the Sounds and Sea. Transient and regular boarders taken at reasonable rates. P. A. SCHUTTE, Proprietor JeiMf For Sale or Exchange DESIRABLE RESIDENCE with four rooms aad kitchen and good well of water and excellent gatdeo, for sale or exchange for property in Wilmington. Tor partia la-s apply at THIS OFFICE, Jyi-tf THE DAILY Wm JOSH. 1. JA TvTjEg EDITOK AND PTJBLISHEK Is;pr.baBliecl Everv -AiTemcori itui c uys excepted.) At tho following rale?, postage paid Oce Year . . 'J Thiee Monti s.. 3 2L One Mod th TLo psper will bo cTeliTcrcd carriers, frao r ch'nrpe, ir any part of the city at the ubove rutes, 13 cents per week. Tho Daily" Review is new in fourth year of its existence, is per manently established, with a largo and steadily increasing subscrip tion list, and presents to merchants and others' a most desirable medi um for advertising inii WMJGTON J0H1AL. iiOSH. T, aT-AJIVCES, Ib pubh'shed EVERY FRIDAY, ' At the following rates : OneKear; ..2 Six 3 lonths Thn 30 Months...... he rnii5Gro3r jocesal drca tea largi Uy in ihe adjo ning cenn- tie 3 as wt U as in the Wcf tern tic ns of tlie Stato anC presents cq nailed f icilitiea to merchants mi iking tr own what' they have KTrTie foUowicg tjTiouaets repreecntv wholesale prices k&htaUj. In making op all orders hiither prijea hare to be charged. BAGUiNO Staccai -'MAwh ...... .,..... ....... 13 1M . 11X0 or o G & 13 Q O BACON aorth Caroliafi, UUUB, V -S... ...... ............ Western bar clod Hams. .......... Sboniders.. ....... ' Cry Saltci Phonlders. Ti E. wee Pffcoaq iitxa, .......... Aw Ycrk,tac. taw. r LVHWAX-.'SJ Ei.... 1 7 f5 .0 CO (a) 12 rs lu fcKICHfc Wiiciintot tZi U O 8 00 Ili o rt . ern . .... BUTTEJi N ,vtL Ctrui'ta la Northern, V CA NDLLti-Speria V Tallow, Zj Ad-rtDtiiiV 614 Ctf o o e Q (J Ncrihc-rn 1'a.ev ttate. Ii fc, . 14 14 10 V o .... Eio, V-.- Iaeujr&, CORf JdLAt 16 a OOTT02 TILS J New "5? fce'd 1 60 $3 BOMECTIC Fbcelir rt -4 y jtrCM. I em. V berth O 1 03 CO 0 CO LJ to Fi OUIi-Fi-e. y bMi. 0 Ct 4 & c LxtraCw 4- t tbl. Cj j 2 V T U; ill... i O 8 25 cse cc c?io tu ioo CO fc? 6 CC .(D 6 25 3 75 t 6 CO 0 O70 CO CO it to CO C67 CC i40 CO HiO CO taiUr-Vl'i. , v; tti....X3 CO ' -Ho. 1, V l-i bU! d lb ftrierel, !;c. fcb'u...l2 tC -fi- ' V Vi tfci t W yrLerl, No. a i L,. ,CC CO , l-'ullei y I. I 3 H f. 0. heirir-, Ve 5 50 Drj Ct d, l V tKTlLli?B- 5 truvitn UtssC, 2CS0,2?-.C0 CO .Otrt'lliia itrJtr " tO (.') Hz,tiix Our:t " tc CC 00 t- iLpk-f Lic-r.urtj " Cu CU HhiLn'r J'ho.-rI-.te " CJ CO VVfiidc I hc5", " CJ CO rJpviatid (icito CO CO CLLtV li .4 9 GKAIN GorD.storecebi- 50 QU CO If o ucm, cargo, ) 56 f 3 by Corn,yeI., W bnitti. CO vo 4 10 Oats.'W bni iroi. aiDEB Greea, j O Dry, .!..... flA Lcstera, ? 10oOs...i North RiTcr. Tj 1 cms- l u U 20 HOOP IRON-V ton. 0 00 4285 CO Hr" v ortiera V - nxo 12 North Carolina & E....M. l'JliQ 13 LJMbbl l iO -U 125 LUMBER-r-Citj Sbsp staff, reeawed, Vft.18 CO 021 CO Roughedgeplsnk, "Uft.18 C3 C5l CO West India cargo, aocora- ' lag to reality, y M ft...l3 00 CIS CO Drerodoorirg,ceaon8d.l5 CO Q2i CO ScaEtlinf- ard board-, com mon, M ft 12 00 Q14 MOLASSES Juba,hfcdgl SJ (j 39 Cuba, bbls., gsl..w..., 41 y 43 Vl Bgar hows, fchds. f gal. 2$ f - . , " bblf.Vgal... HQ CO V' Orleans Choicsbbls. V (raL 00 Q CO ' FAILS Cut, 20dto4d, k'gbcsls 0 3 25 OILS Kerosene, gal...... 11 & Lard, W ....... 5 Linseed, V ?L.......W. 63 0 Rosin, p gaL............ 55 f? PEANUTS f? bnahel . CO O 0 , POTATOES-Swcot, bna. 00 Q 50 Norern, V bbl..... 3 25 O S 60 PORK Northern,city ra 3SS.17 10 &18 00 Thin, t? bbL CO 00 00 00 Prime, bbl (extra). M....C0 CO QOO CO Rump, V bbl. ................CO CO O00 00 EICE-Csrolina. S b....... XO 7 Rough, p bnhel.....M...... 75 O 1 25 SAQS-Cotry, y . j X w. ix or tho V "....MM.M.Mt.M. Hemp...,.,.. i,,,. M anilla SUGAR-Cnba, V E.. P Porto Rico, 1 A Coffee, 7 B " i-).......,.,. Ex C1- 7 S'liMiHHiiHmm . Cruihed t ... SALT Alum, p rack Liverpool, saer,w.M.. American sack Marshal's fine, p eaek.. Cadis " sack 13XO UXO xa 100 10i V u o a r o CO 70 75 00 V CO o SOAP Northern, y iXO SHINGLES Contract, C 00 o o Common, V ii..M..... 2 CO BTAVE3 W. O. bfcL V M.12 50 -.9 ? .00 CO TALLOW 6 TIMBER Shipping y M.14 00 Mill, extra per 21 ............10 00 Mill, prime per H.......... 10 CO Hill, fair per 8 00 Common, per 2f.........M5 CO Inferior to Ordirary.per M 4 CO WHISKEY-NortL'n,pergl 1 J5 IorthCaroir.a,pergal... 2 CO WOOL Unwa&Jbed,pertJ. 50 Washed, xc-r 2.... 25 Bnrrr vrocl. per 2.... 10 ci 00 ceo 00 CI CO C16 CO 014 00 012 00 a & o G 2 10 49 AT THE 00 1 00 XI HAVING YCUR PRifiTIHO . D0fi ELSEVHRE ! CO Salfsfsctic-n Giiciraiiieed I per tin- for for piiLS-TLVO; . CAJ.Li CLLT I22CCIED cr;-tmca;;ct!i!t ctt tf tict fyttunn totbta b7-Tr.5ii'-rei cf pcttsge. - E. B. 'WAEECCK Carrtr Cl-ettast ard T? iter firteS 02ce EtvIew.BiILiiag 13 8 14 IK CO to I CO 31 IB L3 iu 15 15 11 80 lb 10 7JK 1 70 1 CO 7 1 10 CO t'O to CO 25 75 14 72 70 CO iiX 7i 11 40 15 10 CO 00 00 X l& 00 . CO CO 1 35 CO IX T 10 2 15 CO CO CO CO CO 20 12 we X

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