TtFAifcinz a Lonz Silence. . IIeadixg, Pa Aug. lAfter a death like trance of 1C9 consecutive days, John Gjomber, the widely known inmate -of the Lehigb county Hospital, has at .last broken silence, and in a connected and intelligent manner recited the story of his strangely afflicted life. His case has been commented on all over the country, and hundreds of physicians, from Maine to California, have written to Dr. Erdman.tbe attending physictan, for a fall history of the remarkable case. Gyumber has been called the "Hungari an Sleeper,' but his communication is in the SUvonic language, and the person with whom be conversed to-day for the first time in nearly six months is a Pol andcr, Frank Loskowiski. , Gyumber was first discovered in the barroom of a village ian not far Irom the hospital where he now is. This, was in February last. He entered the tavern apparently in the best of health Soon afterward'he was discovered asleep ou a chair ner the stove. Effoiti were made to lirouso him without avail. All the forco of the landlord and his friends cou!d not waken him. He- was taken to the county hospital and cired for. Days, eal,- and months passed, and the young foreigner gave no evidences of life. The rhvair.ians tried manv exDerimcnts with "a powerful galvanic battery, but the sup posed cataleptic Co oia not ue reisiuik td. J lis eyes were cldsed, and he was ap- . parently entirely unconscious. irange t say, he lost but little flesh. On Fri day, A pril 22, be opened his eyes for the first time since he went into the trance. Hi kent them' open in a vacant stare, - Int said nothing. a c ireful attendant .fed him milk and gruel through a tube. On Saturday. April 23, he jumped from a window nearly tweniy-six ieci irom the ground, but was not injured. On April 26 he again closed his eyes, and did not open them until May 20. The next day be clo?ed them, and did not open them until June 1. One day after ward he f poke one word when a visitor held a flower under nis nose. That was (be first word he had spoken during his long trance. From June 1 uutil July 31 l.e closed his eyes at night aud opened them by day, but always remaiued per fect y dumb Late last Light Loskowiki, the Pol .ander, went to Uyuinber's bedside and aluted himm Sl'avouic. (Jyumber sat up and replied. The nurse and attend uut wrea startled and amazed. Gyum b r's statement translated is as follows : . -I came to Amtrica about two years ao. L ft Castle Garden for Vrginia and was hired to a man named Porter uear Charlottesville. While there a fat i.fgro worn in put red pepper in my coffee, which nearly killed me. Other people tried to poison me. I bcame alarmed, and left for Iialtimore. There I. became giddy, and wandered into Pennsylvania. I went into a country hotel, sat down in the barroom, fell asleep, and that's all 1 know until a few weeks ago. ldd not feel anything during my sleep, and did not know anything that was going on. I don't know that I fell out of a window. I don't know that an abcess was cut out ii in v 1 1 t-r ii. lie m wr, a. iiuui u un t lu iui: u. knew anything until four weeks ago, and then I awoke jnst as if I was getting over a sleep. I am very glad to know that I am not in jail, as I first thought I was. I am quite weak, and want to co to work when I . am strong. My father and sister live in the old country. My two brothers died of brain fever. I don't know what got over me, unless it was the big dose ef red pepper that par alyzed my brain. The last four weeks I could go about and eat without help.but I I think I will soon be all right again." ' Tripoli and Tunis. London, Aug. 1. The Morning Post says: "W'c learn from Constantinople that in a conversation between the Grand Vizier and one of the Ambassadors, the former said that the Porte was prepar ing a note on affairs in Tripoli whicr would be, to afecrtain extent, an answeh to the despatch ol Karl Granville to Lord DuQerin, British Ambassador to Turkey, which instructed the latter to advise the Porte to exercise great prudence in not giving causes cf possible complaint to France. The note will point to the dan gers to which'the Turkish provinces are exposed, and to the necessity of taking immediate-steps for guaranteeing order. t lie X UI v. , niiuu M- t iiti liijy lUilb lit viii not shrink Irom fulfilling its duly, pro tests beforehand agaiusi any wrong in tcrpretation which France may give to measures which may . be deemed neces sary." - ( Uu X alio VJl 4 WtiU uuvu v vs vuw -Mr V Telegram says: "Three battalions of foot, one battalion of rifles, and two bat teries of artillery have left Toulon for Algeria." Paris. Aujr 1 A 'despatch to the Temps from Saida confirms the statment that divisions havo occurred among Chief Bou. Amena's followers, iiou Araena's position is critical, and the part he has played in Algeria may be regarded as finished, unless he can gain the cooDeration of two other powerful chiefs. Constantinople, Aug 1 Tho French Charge d' Affaires has had an audience with the Saltan and reassuring declara tions in regard toTripoli were exchanged. m m m Outrages on Spanish Colonists. Madrid, Aug i ine repiyoi aiims irr f'nmacho to M . Barthelemv St Hil- vrvt aire's last note declares .that the out rages ca the bpanish colonists in Algeria ana ice losses oi x reucu auujecuj uur ing the civil troubles in Spain and Cuba do,npt admit of analogy. In the latter case there. was time for flight, but the colonists at Saida, Algeria, were sur prised. The French Government, . it s.iys, by dismissing several , superior offi cers, has admitted mat tne precautions were insufficient. Sig. Camacho sug tasta that France 'mfcht levy contribu tions on tke Arabs to indemnify the Spaniards. . a' Dt d-Cuzs, Jloacncsv Hats, mice, ant3, flies, vermin, ruos tjuitoes insects,-fcc, cleared oat by llou-iU ou Puts." 15c. boxes at drug gists.," ' ' ' 1 (UROL!?. Kolr soman:- There lias' -been .re ceived in the Shoe Ileel market since d:i balUtotal to date 6,209 fx,! A terrible fire has been. raging Tor the last few days in the pine woods south of Shoe Heel, and has done, much damage to the timber on the bands of J. 0. McLean and others. Mt. Airy Post: The dry weather is becoming alarming in this section. It has been near three months since we had enough rain' to wet the, ground. Vege tation on upland is drying up. and it is not believed that with plenty of rain Irom now on there can b3 half a crop of corn made. Tobacco will be almost an entire failure. ' Raleigh Visitor: M J I M ills,, of the Oxford Orphan "Asylum, is rapidly improving. the engine on the Henderson Jand Oxford road, received serious damage to its machinery from some cause unknown which will necessi tate a su?pensien f operations on that road for a short wnile, Mrs Frances J D Miller, relict of the late Hon Henry IV Miil'pT. and danerhter of the late T D Devertux, Fq, died at the residence of T M Arcro. Kscu Her last illness was brief and her death unexpected. Her age was 65 years. Newbern Nut Shell: ' A very painful accident befel the three-year old chiid of Mrs. N. Wilburnon Saturday night l he mother bad been using lye and un: thoughtedly bft a cup nearly full on a trunk within the child's reach, when tho little one, thinking it was water, and be coming thirsty, proceeded to take a drink. Fortunately, the first mouthful was suffi cient to convince the childof its mistake, and he spat it out before even a single drop had passed down his throat, which, we learn, would undoubtedly have result ed latallv. His mouth was terribly burned, however, and since that time he has been a very great sufferer. . Charlotte Observe: One hundred arid fifteen additional hands have been put to work on the Western North Carolina Uailroad beyond 'Ashcville. It is ex pected that th cars will reach Marshall in a few days. Mr E J Allen, the popular jewler of tho city, yesterday, through the city prohibition executive committee, presented the temperance orator, Luther Benson, with a handsome gold headed cane as a-mark of the appre ciation of his work in this city for the cause of nrohibitiou. It is said the tr-ue of Charlotte has beea better this summer than ever before. A railroad agent yesterday stated that the ship ments frm Charlotte" over bis road were 40 per cent larger than he had ever known during the summer months. A prominent business merchant said that his trade was increased one hundred per Cent over that for the same time last year. Areu;s and Observer : A protracted meeting is in progress at Samaria Bap tist chnrch, near this city, and i3' con ducted by Rev. W. R. Gwaltney. On Sunday last Sidney May, a young man, 17 .years of age, was drowned in Crenshaw's pond, Franklin county. He had been married just five weeks. -A telegram from Col. Walter Clark and A. W. Haywood, Esq., announces that those gSntlemen arrived safe at Queens town, Ireland. -Frora a gentleman who had just returned from a visit to the W. N. O. Railroad, we learn that work is progressing with great rapidity. Between 1,200 and 1,300 hands -are em ployed on the Paint Rock and Ducktown branches. Trains are now running on the Paint Rock line four .miles below Alexander's. Thfe cars will run into Marshal in thirty days.. Rapid work is being done on the bridge at Big Ivy. On the Ducktown line good and rapid work is beiag done, and twenty miles are being graded. Additional laborers are daily Demer employed, and tnere is nardiy a day in which twenty to thirty do not ar riye at Salisbury on their way up. TIIE MAILS. The mails clcwe and arrive a: tha City Ptt Oiii( as follows : Norjtluru through mai's .....5 JO p. m Nftrtbem tbrouga and w.y llalolgli O. JU A. iq Ma?i6 for tho N. O. RUrKd, nod romen Mit-p'ied thero- ffoa, includiUfc A. & N. G Hailiuad, at .M .M . 6.40 a.m. Stberu mails for all points ' 8outh, 'daily..... 7:46 p. m. VVeLern mails (C G It'y ) daily (ficept Sunday)...... 9 ;0D a m Mail tor Chora & Darling- ton.,.1... .... 7:45 p. m. Mi?s for points between Flo rvuev and Charleston 7:45 p m Fayetteville, and offices on Cape Foar IUvar, Tuesdays, abd Fridays...M..M 1:00 p. m. Fayettevitlo, via Lumberton, daily, exocpt Sundays...... 9: 00 a. m. Onslow ( U. .anJ Intermedi ate oiSces, every Monday and Thursday at....... ... 6.00 a. m- Smlthville ' mails, by steam - boit, daUy, (except Son days).... 8 30 a. n. Mails fcr Easy Hill. Town Greek, Shallotte and Little River, S. O., every Mon day and Thursday at 6:00 8. m. OPEN FOB DEMTKBT. Korthcrn throogh and way mails....... .......7:30 a. m. Southern Malls....... 7:00 p. m Carolina Central Railway...... 4:00 p. m. Stamp Office open from 8 a. m. to 12 IL, and from 2 to 6:30 p. m. Money Order and Register Department open same as stamp office. General delivery open hoax 6:30 a. m. to 7)0 p. o, and on Saodays Irom 8:30 to 9:30 a, m Mails collected from street boxes every day at 4K30 p. m. Stamps for saie in small quantities at general delivery when slatap office Is dosed. . i :' i Call at Jacobus for Garden Hoe3 and Rakes, ShoTels, Spades, Axes, &c There conncnciAi rrnn.- ' ,s , . ; ". ; , August 34 -P M. " KFIIirTS TrJitl'KNTIXE-Jftuotod firm at 39 cents: Sales 100 casks at ttiat figure. ROSIN Quoted Ann at $177 for Strained and fl 85 for Good Strained, aa advance of 2 cents on yesterday's quotations, wllh sales as ofiered. " . ' , - - TAlt-Q,uotedfirmatS2.S5.per bbl of 2SJ lbs. Sales receipts at qnotatlou. OttnDiC TUKPKNTLNK Quotd Orm at 2t9 for Soft and Viiin with 10-j Jbls at-these' fl-.!.r. k. u:e alo of 150 o!'.s at $310. , ' . COTP-v Grlea..aboTe ..fhl'Ulnjf quoted iirui. Liower grade.- in ectcJ. "a lea rep tried. - Th following are the offisUl tju- t il ions: ..... fjow "MMliv , K.iddl .....m. ..- , 8 O ' 10 i. 11 11 ble .... .. .......... .... dpiritj Tarpentia...u.... cai 114 eaixc Tar SKIVED. Htvamer Ellzabetn. WUJUriaon,8niLlthYllle, tmr Paaaport, Harper, SnoithTllle, Master. ' " ' , '" ' . Steamship Regulator, Doan,New York, T Bond OLKARXD, Steamer Elizabeth, W i Lklnson,Smlth vllle, MawtiPr steamer Pasaport, Harper, SmtthTlUe, Mteamer Wave. Robeson. Fayetteville. Williams & Mnrchison Nor baruna Sosterk. Gnttorrasen, Bristol, J R Blossom fc Evans. JBxporu FOREIGN. BriKtol Nor barque Soaterk, 659 casks spirits, 1,850 bbla rosin. - A SPLENDID OPPOllTUNlTr TO WIN A FORTUNE. EIGHTH GRAND DIS TRIBUTION, CLAS3 H, AT NEW OR LEANS, TUESDAY, AUGUST Jth, 188L 135th Monthly Drawing. " Lfjuisi iia St b LoLry Miht Incorjoratel v 1 SOS for 25 years by the Leiblature lor and Charitable purposes with a capital ot $1.00X),000 to which a reserve fuud of over $420,000 has since beeu added. Jiy an overwhilraiug popular vote its franchise was made a part of the present State Constitution adopted December 2d, A. D., 1S79. .. Its Grand 'Single Numbeu Drawings will take place monthly. i It never scales or postpones. Look at the following. Distribution: , . CAPITAL PRIZE $30,000. o 100,000 TICKETS AT TWO DOLLAR8 ACH, HALF-TICKETS, ONE Dollar, t , ' LIST OF PRIZES. - 1 Capital Prize - ' - $30,000 " U Capital Prize - - - 10,O.K) . 1 Capital Prize - - - 5,000 2 Prizes of $2,500 - . 5,000 5 Prizes of 1 000 - - . - 5,000 ' 20Piizes of 500 - - - 10,000 100 Prizes of 100 - - - 10,000 200 Prizes of 50 - ' - - 10,000 500 Prizes of 20 - - - 10 000 1000 Prizes of 10 - - 10,000 APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 9 Approximation Prizes of $3002,700 9 Approximation Prizes of 2001,800 .9 Approximation Prizes of 100 900 1857 Prizes, amounting to - - $110,400 Responsible corresponding agents wanted at ail points, to whom liberal compensation will be paid. For lurther information, write clearly, giving full address. 8end order by express or Registered Letter, or Money Order by mail, addressed only to M. A. DAUPIIlPr Niw Orleans, La or M. A. No. 212 Broadway, New Yora All our Grand Extraordinary Drawings are under the supervision and management of GENERALS ii. T. BEAUREGARD and JUBAL A. EARLY. Notice to the Public. The public are hereby cautioned against SENDING ANT MONEY OB ORDERS TO NUNES & CO., S3 Nassau St., New York City. They are flooding the country with Bogus Circulars "purporting to be of The Jouisiana State Lottery. Company,' and arc fraudulently representing themselves as Agents of The Louisiaua State Lottery Com pany. They have no authority to sell the Tickets of this Company and are not its agents. M.A.DAUPHIN. Pres. Louisiana State Lottery Co. -New Orleans, La., July 4, 1831. jj 12-ired-saWwdaw ; HAY AND COR Eastern Hay, White and f ROixed Corn, FOR SALE LOW BY Hall Sc Pearsall. Your Interest. ; Q.ITB MS I CALL BKFOS YOU pnr chafe Behool Booxi and School BUtionery, I hart a fa'l avpply of Text Book adaptad 0j the 8UU Board f Edaeilioa. AUo BlaUa, Peadli,Peti, Boldtrt, lak, Crtycn, 4c'4 1c Fiarnct and Orgatf of lh yvtj best make alwayi on hand. TT wait tobt patroaa' and wQ no all wa eia to suit bmiisean!aU6si peauat. T": '".. Utt of Yesicli Otct 50 tcss In r Port Aug 3 "1C81- : -. -; BARKS. , Nor feoesK-rk, 306 tons, Gnstomsen, ;: - .n- - "-Ileids & Co Br 4 uie. 3 17 v .-s, Krr, 0 1 llehane Ger l raeas 2&J Maswick, . K Pccli m Westermann BRIGS." 1 ,!i irt a Lain- y, - K G Barker & Co Nor ttfcr, .8 .ii , K hi.., . CP . r ' n .ft 2il l "-i'V, " -r-x irut A c5ou Sf.r '.U'm-z . !i l us, Lu Jnaaid, II nU & Co Hf 's.l. A Co Am Ha io A A Juys 19 t i s, GtisWuld, Nrihicpi& Cumulng A in Mi'v Bear, 147 tons, ClMkdwick, Geo Hazxias&Co Am J no A Uiifiia, 405 tons, Foster, Geo Harxiss & Co Am Florence N Tuwerr 175 tons, Adams, I EG Barker & Co Am Siaui, 51 tons, Bragg, s i i: v Geo Hairiss A Co for this Port rxoxa Fdreica Forts '. . ' BARKS. . Nor Adelheim, 234 tons, Knudsen, sail" ed 'from Barrow, May 12 - Nor Uen, 375 tons, Pettersen, sailed from Antwerp, July 15 Nor Allegra, 214 tons, Johnsen, sailed from Newport, E, June 7 Nor Eidsiva, 454 tons, Gundersen, at Newport, E, May 26 . Swd Frithjof, 575 tons, ForseH, sailed trom Havre, June 30 s Br Live Oak, 332 tons, Stillwell, sailed from Liverpool, June 2 Ger Madura, 441 tons, Schutz, sailed from Havre, June 4 Nor Stanley, 474 tons, Gahrsen, sailed from Hamburg, June 3 Nor Turist, 306 tonsr,at Newport, BBlGSi Br Economy, 416 tons, Smith, sailed from Hamburg, May 29 a? o .a U uuvuaa 37 Court Place, LOUISVILLE, l(Y., X regularly educated and legally qualified phjaicikn and tba moot successful, a hi practice will prove. SASES. , , M Spermatorrltea and , Impotency, a the result of telf-abuM in youth, aezual excenes in ma turer yean, or other causes, and producing some or the fol lowing effects: Nerrouraess, Seminal KmiaioD, (sight emis sions by dreams), Dimness of Bight, Defective Memory, Phy sical Decay, Pimples on Pace, Aversion to Society of Females; Confusion of Ideas, Lost of Sexual Power, Ac., rendering ' marriage improper or unhappy, are thoroughly and perma nently cured. SYPHIL IS Pl7 n en" tirely erarticstej from the system; . GoXtOXThea, GLEET, Stricture, Orchitis, Hernia, (ot Rupture), Piles and other private diseases quickly cured. It is self-evident that a phy sidan whopays special attention to a eertain class or diseases, and treating thousands annu ally, acquires great skill. . Physicians knowing this fact often recommend persons to my care, When it is Inconvenient to visit the city for treatment, medicines can te sent privately and safely by mail or express anywhere. x Cures Guaranteed Inall Casejs nsulteUonsptnonany "or by letter free and Invited. Charges reasonable and correspondence strictly con firioBtiii, X. PRIVATE COUNSEXOR Of 300 pages, sent to any address, aecurery sealed, for thirty (30) cents. Should be resd by all. Address as above. Office houn from A. M. to 8 P. M". gUBdajs, 3 to a P. is. JJ25-dW - - mm 2 . -Bg'sBsta . 5a fSa-Sjta mm Health is Wealth ! DR. E. C. WESTS Nibvb and Bkaik Treatment : a specific for Hysteria, Dizziness, Convulsions, Nervous Headache, Mental Depression, Loss of Memory, Impo tency,. Premature Old Age, caused by over exert! on, excesses, or . ever-lndulence, which leads to misery, decay and death. One box will cure recent cases. Each box contains one month's treatment. One dol lar a box, or six boxes for five dollars; sent by mall prepaid on receipt of price. ' We guarantee six ooxes to cure any case. With each order received by us for six boxes, ac companied with five dollars, we will send the purchaser our written agreement to re turn tne money if the treatment does not euQ a cure. Guarantees Issued by WM. II. GREEK, Drucreist. ( successor to Green & Planner) Wilmington, N. C. - Orders by win ruceive prompi attention. ' roch 23-dAw-ly it THE STATE." - - 1 V O WP8 sv&d r?tors larxrt birc?4tW. Xnjeapest Pubeortvm. T i'Jy eiiC lti- o now ornoOu. I Ihecnlr Me'nn. jrarir KicbmondJ atrif WeMt per annnrt.'. for sriMimit ooism frsM. ! 1 SCHUTTE'S t" - - - SEA-SIDE PARK HOTEL ! Wrightsville Sound - - , if T8 NOW Oniv FOli -THE nirrtwinti 01 guests , , ; ',' ' tF The UUe U supjri.ed fJi the prc- dacss of the Sour.di ind Sa. '. ' ' . Transient and rcirilar boarders taken at reasonable ratri.-'-- ' ' - -, . 0 ss tt 3 a ? 3 I I I 1 1 I 111 1 I' II -ii III ' i 1 iiiiiv j m , aw t 111 w.r . :. i, :.-;,-' !J JA-.,: t- - i TV k' ' w: lfalarla ti an Unset n Vaporous Poison, spreading diM8 and death in n ny localities, for which qninina Is n fteonine Mttidote, bat for the eiieets of which ; HosW ter's Htomach bitten only a thorough remsiv, bnt a reliable preventive). To this faet there is an everwhtelming' array of testi mony extending over a period of thirty year, ail disorders of the liver, at oma h and b iweUaralso eenqaered by h Bittersv Iror sale by all IrtsfcUU and xealera - ' . . Keneradly, , . aujrnrm HEW GOODS 2 IEEE DELICIOUS PEACHES AND TOMATOES I All varieties of Cbcice Preterves in otic and .two ponnd Canty, the bwt in the market. Oar elegant Faicily Flour, Pair 61 3 'tV Htneur 7 Pig Hj in, V ;r?e aL- fa t Hi rip THIS and Small SLotdders," ParcLed Jara and Igxuijra Coffee, i . . .' -. .. ' i These oods tue all . freeh" this week , Oar prices ; and quality cf goods 'frill convince you if you "will try ns. . Try the prepared Souftis'; For sale at CEO. MYERS1 feb 11 77os. 11 n& 11 8ostb f root.U THe TJrd versity ' OF " ........ Worth ; Carolina. TVpEXT SESSION WILL BEGIN v -J-l- AUGUST 25th, 18SU Combines the advantages of the old. Cur riculum, with spe clal and extended instnje tlon according to the University system. , Connected with, it are schools of LAW, oi MEDICINE, and of PHARMACY. Special facilities given for practical studies, v such as Analytical and - Agrlcultnral Chemistry, Land Surveyingr, Drawing, Book-Keeping, Business, Lai.v, Phonography, &c, - Expenses, Including tuition and room rent, $185 to t J3Q -per annum. ; Address.wcatalOTeandpciilara;, , . KEMP Jp. BATTLE, LL. D.f , g C, July U 'President. BZSJ. P . QiATTOll, t BtC3T B Ladd Lata CoainiariaaeT cx PatcaU. Attorneyst-Xawaad Soil ktors cf Aaali ca ted Pen lrn P at-nts. 412 Fifth EtrecL ; i t?km c D CC ifv C3F"tI-'ii all; !tatn:bc3 la tia Pat OZc- . ,11, 14' a Atnorica Jit u. u , t briraf 1 of rood vV wMllr?, dlSiiawUM , Saertia2, f(" lopp testae. ani T. f . act justtce tc f ii, d iVtv. J11 al r jear. ,1, t X "' ilLMlRK s.'. ie S3 ' I, f CLYDE'S -AND- VJilrrff aton. rj, c, S'err chip tine. essVi ...... RE ULATOI;, . C APT. DQANE, WILL S ATUIlDAYi July ci, Bhlppew eta rely tpci XU rr;r j lailinff of Steamers uadvertwi, For rrelght Eajeasati tpplj t ; i ' rilOS. 12. BOND, Bap't, i isEO. O. EO Vnf.OLTDS CO., ' " rV ib Broad y; n9t jn.1l hlBE WORID fcr lfSl win b D.t j 1, aod cheapest teweiper )Btlihd la tu ItgHeh tongue oonitber tide of lb itiizti iih rew fireefe turpttgicjf say ernb fer lraruftettired even b toe M Co.. iii eew ctd Bueq-oiUedtypoyraphioal aijild. sem facilities cf til sorts, i&d;Ua )':.. orjftiijxed v telearapHa ,-T eorrec(!tt:i throotijout th world ibn ttat of tr? c'!f AEaericn joeniiaT,!! he Woais for KA .svfibrd its re.dert duly a eoxsplete, ecni! ed and' t.miwcrtljt" record of sJUirrcit vrenu Z t :,;., "... .: i . - In MFf4 VlaatcsWijA t'., Titisf IU Dtj Zb crld niceu tod Utpt pieofritk tn ir.efttrg:-'d6vPtCBmi0 tjttp d Utt sitf, uijf.-Trh K.1 tb Ulepboit, on tl tnfie Attention ef bw&esi Keo. ' Its dkilr cable lettt ri from Uniun Vrki the 1 Id World to ttebreiiffU ubtei cf Cj yew , v In its Vail Btrect Gmip id In ltewf Invef xtsrtl taken trpetber wito its sretrtu candid and absoJotfi! isfuU Ficdi) Article, the World daily crucnti locri vailed pictore cottljofus unceosditbt of tbe ZDoldttidisras ecterprwei b wtkb the rrfveoturoas and iciire-peofle cf tiii conrvtr iaveet tbeir MTisri, bvt !m of ill the f uctogtirijj irfloeaeej ejertf d cpi tic enterpriser by the t pccclationi tt& tie rp uiators of tfce Stock Ize&aage, iNn jman' wfco owns ior expeeti tj tts n iatoref t ia an j corporate property eiii"; to tniss for a niogle dajti inforttiLoa ir iftd exeluiiraly fciren ta i Th WfrM, 1 1 ocly as to the natural sad JejiUfffi c - of atlcirs affectinr stock valoca, tt.- to .tie plais, cbeinei td eccl- ' which are Itcf intij nillsg snd tiii--; ia and out cf Wall street to a&d Talaea,'-"-" The World contains alio etery -7 -freehest. faHett aad moit iniUtcUTi bc-; cf eventbiag new rand JntemftrU" realms of art, of Iterators sua of wJ.L i it is the accredited prf aa of U ot the Union, and the aecuraey asd ol'lti fprtiBir eoliiniBi. eoveria m u" T C rfocs forms of tthletic tmvit-zaX v- -htre anttlpl5ed sraon el of Uj mend it to the 'iking jrtxertaca t . -out the country. f . j lAstbeonlymeopoIlita ttcmlwjcr pubUshed in tbe Blfn Ur:; msintaius, an wuirsrvicz e-X " .-. enduricjt great nrsnciplei of h. faith in JoUUctflre World fcr 121 0 -J found, wbere for ths l WtK emoeratic priociph t absolat!y fci rJ ; t of atl porsoas, cliquey aad faC-oni r-- rne xezaccratie parir. ptople mm . in Dailr m ticsaays, one j-r thaii three ?onth, tl mwt , , The suncay w orw, rr,: ; , j-.,: The VLrVTM.irJ Ceviewi and ' Ccllee Circtl- -i 1: viifWS a rear.' Te Vw l , 3 extra eopy tor clsb cf tea,th M - of twenty-five.: rr.--eii:l ' J The Cecily WcrldJe, , . year To dub Mjzfjfu club cf-tesUe e2;7- " w . . aesj-. .Adre ; daolM i5"th case between JcscI.---.. . . Keddy, the uadcxsiel j, , , auction for cash. at the Co.Jv on Atnt,li,ftlJcc ,a ; . line or vvooKcr. ,,.s. rr In rne xseaccraiio pan. -, .he World will tr i Un: 'on ajrsicst sectlcnaltot lf TtV the . wise of rood fOTernBeci - ' , SSi la alfits foVfVr' irainst tuonODOITia a --- . , months, three inonihi,f3. r- ;DailT, without Scn4J,f;,n i .TrZlL'v. three ms. ; Bpeciaen nutrber ; ., Terms-Cash iarU-iy u v of Wocster ana Mcof'rVj WcitS3 feet, thenceorar. p . East S3 feet, thence c. ; ' ycu hive the torest prices. 1