this pap stctics. . . ti. ..... . ' . wm psgiaa to recstr eoaiauloiuca from our friends 0a eay sad all rxfcleets o g&S6ral!t3r)t tal h i&ta; cf taa wJtar mart always to far tdasi tfta Editor. liCoirntxicit'Gai nut T wrlttta' cm only oae elds of lis pspsr ' - , . T. : Tl- ,VH.XTAK PAID. no ... -cut. S3 50 ; Tor - ' :ti k, slivered toy carrier, .' r llJ " """" ' . ' ' it any pr ot tbe citT at flf is Matt per wMt iJi-J it is s-perlaDy and f-wicalxrly "aider stood ihit the Editor dost tot alwayi endorf rtet low and n&orai VOL. V WIL1VTOGTON, N. a, THURSDAY, AUGUST 4. 1881 NO 182 eriberi will plow wort any and lTe their ppr regularly. - - mr - - - i - . . - - - - - -.-I . j, Advertisements. LO V amis si ' New Advkrthemkxts j PIterson? L'owning At Co Ship Notice C W TATts Your Averesr -Hbinsbebgek A Tlior uh Conviction . . Baggage smasher ?.buy bfea. Circular, faus grow ia: popuUr Favor. Uoseeu happineai a kiss in the dark. Pointed toed shoes have-been revived. New: parasols are wonderfallv and THE GREAT FOR tlEUIiIATISM, lartlgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, lidtchi, Sorsr.ass of rho Chest, Quins, Sore 7 uroat, Swell- J P.niino Q iinn 9 rtnrl fat tnil vfji urn? Scalds, General Bodily Pains, Mf, Ear and Headache, Frosted fnt and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. fcfcpntkm on earth equals St. Jacobs Oil. ittfonM-e, timvle and cheap External 1-,-t- i trial entail but the oomparatirely KfiKMtUyof (0 Ceati, and ererjr one inffer h( na ila can hare cheap and posltire proof feidkM la Hattn Laa jTiaje. iisniLLr&vaGisTs ahddealebs 15 MEDICINE. AVOGELER fc CO., Baltimore, 2ZO., 17. . JL. EXTRAORDINARY iacemettU iBl be offered for TEN DAIS, In remaining stock on hand of Brussels Carpets. ttaetntlic or fifteen Btjlco. Jfotjeili to realize on these goods, and it3t low prices t be named, CASH DOWN will be required. Mat tines, Wiite and Colored, very cheap. ! CURTAINS J Lambrequins, &c. Respectfully R. M. r.lclntire. 'M, JOE PERSON'S KXMEDY FOR v T BOROF.U'Ia.A'; NEVER FAILS. a m Cnr9 if pairiy TeiteJ. W . hTe derived an effectual cure of !2Sf mtneu8eofMr8. Joe Person's uiZ,that d,9ease. I had suffered 'ah for more than three years, !r,a?plreJ of ver getting well. I 'a2v dttrinS that tlme y three very jaipnrsicians,wlthout any good resulU CVtothe National Surgical Inatl CJf111 Ga-, and was treated there rr mont&s; with no better re- umiiy pnysicians met witn. Cgrning irog the Institute, I was u s rcuirujr, auu svLruwa 11 mort than a week before I wwtta curative and healing proper ty V lores soon began to heal, and the 'i Vx. nged as fast as the sores J. v not thought of eter getting Cr; hut my hopes Increased, my low srDed before thi remedy, and I splendid health and am tn The remedy is mild as apur- VS1"101110 ? heal the t)orn sore In three weeks if taken ;r7- It is my opinion that it should e after the sore is healed, .orette cause of its effects. It should '"Srtfrly by all means, for I have neglected it, from the pressure of 'iiW0 ia 911 ceft found that the AjTry made, would commence to re rnl for this alone it should be Jylfrly until an effectual . cure is 4k1 oUlIDg 6hould prevent regu Jl,fns of the remedy and itshould w tie proper time, I would re rt 10 U who are suffering from f 5 & iU U wm ,urely cure you pre it a fair test. I speak from expe- I'UcSL1 rom hearsay. I am a grate iTf111 of cure from the use of it,and VpL mny and lasting obligations to rforthe grtat relief fhaveobr J" se. Sufferers, try it'and be ' i UTlce m respectfuirv vt''C. JAMES A. MORI&3. ttp for testimonial of lemarkable JfriTMa Joe Person. Franklin 5sJt by WAL H- OREEN, Wil tU - - tly 6-daw-nac Bright red umbrellas are now the thine for the seaside resorts. The receipts of cotton at this port to day, foot up 49 bales. r The sun of ingratitude ofteo sours the inilk of hdmaa kindness. But one trifling case for -the Mayor's consideration this morning. The churches have been very slimly attended during the heated term. Very little jewelry sho!d . be worn with 6ummer toilets; it is regarded as vulgar. The quickest way for a man ta prove himself insane' is to make a will that doesn't suit his relatives. At the watering places three eornered lace handkerchiefs are worn over the tops of straw bonnets. Change of air is often necessary for good health, but some of ns can't get it without going to the organgrinder. Picnicers can embrace the, male wasp with impunity -for naturalists as sure ns that it is only the female wa3ps that sting. The universal heart of a man blesses flowera. .He has wreathed them around the cradle, the "marriage altar and the tomb. Study your interest. You can now iucxory prices at t VujJOwllTJlUICT US" Jacobi's. The time to dance is just after stirring Hp a den of yellow-jackets. Parties attend ing pic-nics will do well to remember this. It was undoubtedly a very mean old bachelor who said that the disease which has the most terror f ora woman is the lock jaw. ' . Beautify your homes by using the N. Y. EnamelPaint, ready mixed and war anted. Sold only at'JAcoBi's. f He who is great in his own estimation, is like a man standing on a mountain; all men seem little to' him from above, and he, heaven' knows, looks little from below. Yesterday a couple of "colored anties who were rjracticiog what they preached, were throwtffrom a buggy and badly hurt. OnS of them had his skull ifrac tured. August Kbbinsoa and Lettuce Long were -before Justice Millis to-day, the first named party being airaigned upon a warrant sworn out by the last named party for assault and battery. Sentence of the court fiue and costs. To whom it may concern: My wife having suffered for years with severe rheumatism, and in that time tried all the different remedies without receiving Tiny relief, we at last resolved to give St. Jacobs UU a trial, xis use remofcu pain instantaneously, and one bottle has effected a complete cure. I liave recom mended it to several persons with , the same happy results. 1 John A. Mayer. &hamokint Pa. m m I llorts About Ulee-Kew Departure , A rice planter on the Cape Fear is try ing an experiment in rice culture this season which has never been tried before in this section and so far as we can ascer tain has been an unheard-of venture by rice planters in the country. He iAJ cul tivating about 12 acres of lowland or rice fields by plows, instead of in the old way, by hoes. His crop on the experi mental field is far enough advanced now to satisfy him that his venture will ter minate successfully and he is looking for an increased yield of the cereal for the plowed field. The cost of cultivation by plows is fully one-third less than by hoes. Sid Death. : Vr. H.irry Simmons, ofEaston, Ptnn.. ooe of the young gentlemen who came here with Dr. Cloud to Assist in laying the waterworks pipe, died this morning at the residence of 'Mrs. Macumber, cor ner of .Seventh and Chestnat streets, af ter an illness of eight weeks. The dis ease wbjch caused the young man's death was ' pronOunctd k typhoid malaria fever He was 23 years of age and was a meoal ber of the Order of Rechabites in this city. He came among ns few months ao perfect stranger, but by his" Taodef t behavior 'and -gentlemanly . bearing .-he 1 made many warm and true friends. He was exceedingly popular with his asso ciates and commanded the respect of all wbo knew him. He died in a strange land but surrounded by friends who deep, Ij grieve his early death. His Jather, who was summoned to his sick bed a week ago, was with him in lib last hours. His remains were escorted to Bellevue Cem etry this afternoon followed by a large number ot friends and the Hechabites of this city. Bis remains will be removed to the family bnrial groundjat Easton, Pennsylvania, in the fall. Peace to his ashes. "Bough oo Bats." The thing desired fouBd at last. Ask druggist for Bough on 1 Bats. It clears out rats, mice, roaches, flies, bedbugs, 15c. boxes. Criminal Court. The attention of the Court was occu pied the whole of the morning with the case of the State against Samnel An crum, charged with the larceny of chick ens. Verdict of the jury Guilty. The same defendant was tried and convicted on a similar charge yesterday, but as there was only one witness against him, the Solicitor preferred not to pray judg ment, and had same defendant tried on another charge of similar character to the one defendant was already convicted on.." In thi, lo&fc nmrf -4ajQ there were seven witnesses, and alimrreed Brto the facts of the case, which proved t,u pris oner at the bar to be guilty. The evi dence furthermore developed the fact that Ancrum was a regular professional chicken thief, who after stealing the chickens,, hawked them about on the street in certain localities for sale. Sen tence ot the Court 4 years in State Penitentiary. State vs. Beverly Scott, charged with removing fence. On trial, His Honor, Judge Meares, sent for the Grand Jury this morning and gave them the following instructions about the carts that block up the corners of Front, Market and Second streets, at certain hours of the day during the week: 1st. -That when a market cart or other vehicle is stationed upon a public street to await customers or to myite custom it is an obstruction of the public high way; , and that when an empty cart or other vehicle is kept standing upon a Dublic street after the contents thereof have been sold or delivered it is an ob structibn'of the public highway; and that when a licensed huckster occupies a por tion of the sidewalk for the purpose of vending his vegetables or other articles it is an obstruction of the public high way; and in each and all of these in-J stances the parties onending are indict able for a nuisance. The public high way, however, may be temporarily ob structed for certain purposes. The raer chant may place his boxes of goods upon the sidewalks for such length of time on ly as may be necessary to transfer hia goods from the vehicle to his store and the law regulates his conduefctgrthe rule of reasonable time. So also the market cart or other vehicle is left free to .travel the public streets and to stop at private residences and elsewhere for the tem porary purposes of sale and delivery and like the merchant is regulated by the rule of reasonable time. 2nd. That it was not intended by the Legislature, in passing the 4Supple mentalAct,';(see chap. 216,Laws of 1S81) to encourage or to authorize nuisances to be committed upon the streets ot Wil mington. On the contrary, it was the declared intention of the act merely to allow certain vendors therein named to offer their goods for sale at all hours of the day and upon any of the streets or alleys of the city, and to prevent them from being forced to ell from the stalls of the Wilmington Market Com pany. 3d. l,t is the duty of the city authori ties to pass all such ordinances, and en farce the same, as mav be necessary to abate a nuisance of this kind and they 4 Blood Assault-The Assailant De fies the Law and Threatens Death tj any one who Attempts to Arrest Dim. Thi3 afternoon about 2 o'clock a white woman known as Joe Turner, who is a person of unenviable reputation, present. ed herself at the office of Justice Millis, on Princess street, at 1 the same time presenting a most pitiable appearance in her pison. Her long iron-gray hair hung loosely down over her shoulders, matted with, blood, while her face was bruised and bleeding, and : her clothes down to her waist'were stained and sa,tu ratedithjblood, all of which the woman declaredwas the work of J. P. Willett, her alleged husband. The two, man and wife,r the man and woman, keep what is called a sailor boarding hnnso. hut which hardlv deserves as resncctahla name as that, on Nutt street. The occasion of this fiendish conduct on the part of Willett in beating the wo man, we were unable to ascertain. But this much we did find out, that Justice Millis issued a warrant for the arrest of Willett and placed it in the bands of Officer Bryan, colored, for execution and that in attempting to execute the the warrant and make the - arrest the Officer was resisted and the law openly defied by Willett who barricaded his house and retreated to the second floor of his domicile, where he armed himself with axe and bludgeon, bowie knife, pis tol and shot gun, and swore death and eternal vengeance to any one who would dare attempt to invade his premises. The officer, who had summoned a posse to assist him in making the arrest, being unarmed deemed it prudent at this stage of the proceedings to returtf to the Mag istrate's office for further instructions and to inquire into the law upon this sub ject. "All this occurred about, or short ly before, 3 o'clock, and at 15 minutes past 4 o'clock, the time - of ..thi-'"mU;"cr' there had been : nv A-rther . attempt to P. S.Since the above was written we learn that the officer returned with his posse, entered the house and made a thorough search but could not find Wil let he had absconded and gone no one knows whither. T;e Election. The electioa to-day pissed oft very quietly in this city, and without any dis turbance, so far as we could ascertain; As we go to press before the polls are closed we are not able to report f ho re sult to-day. ' . The .' utut Rpgutla. : The regular August regatta of the Carolina Yacht Club was expected to take place to morrow over the Wrights ville Course, but for some reason the an nouncement was not made in reason and the race has been postponed. No time has as yet been decided --upon but it is thought that the race will take pluce on or about the 18th inst. Ger. brig Seina cleared to-day for Port-au-Prince, Hayti, with 21, "32 shin gles and 112 507 feet lumber, shipjed by Messrs. E. Kidder & Sons. A d vert Ir emon ta. A THOROUGH CONVICTION- jr i:a .iJ4.cui; a YOftCUGH CON ti ti ni- ibe miid i.f ,ict psopU that the W.i! LI UCK TI 1.YJ3 asd S?AB PAV- L'll 00TwT3 a-tha ncet cetirahlelnitrc nt in ihs ra xo dr. Ia tho impor nsp iDtJ ot , t.'ijou and DOHA blLli') t cy on in H'-f- re of all. They are f.lasos. rirrf y , i0 red and used by Leadirg- ,; g t h world, and erary par ch a thoroath'y conviaeed tJt he or qv i, Jrtiho b4t. . ... puds sutioi thoT toi nr iAh ' Gail tni rariycur feleotUat v , &nz 3 LlyeBookasd ilailo Store. CECAR PACKf?:0 CHESTS 1. Quarterly Mectins. Wilmington District, Methodist ('hurch, South. Third rouud. Whiteville, at Whiteville, . . Aug 13-14 Cokesbury, at Bethel, . . Aug 13.14 Topsail, at Bethany, .... Aug 20-21 Clinton, at Salem, . . . . Aug 20-21 Onslow, at Swansboro, . . Sept 10-11 Coharie, at Averysboro, . . . SeptlT-lS Jj. S. BUKKIIEAD, P. l'l. Hew AdvertissQinent. Ship Notice. AliL PERSONS arp hereby cautioned and forewarned against ci editing or harboring any of the crew of the British barque LIVE OAK, Capt. Stil- well, as no debts of their contracting will be paid by Master or PATERSON, DOWNING & CO., aug 4 Consignees Your Interest. QIVE ME A CLL r. ;FOIiE YOU pur chase Bchool licoia &nd School Stationery. adapted . Also t., . j. aJT I abate a nuisance ok inis uoa n vncj When the crop is gathered hrashea folly empowered by Uw to do so. If out be has promised to give -us an article on the cultivation of rice by ) plows, com paring the cost of raising an the yield. It his experiment turns out a happily as he expects it will, the crlitiratioa of the Cape Fear ricefields&iU be much easier and at a less cost. V theTe neglected to discharge this hieiilT Amporiani auiy wa anTenkblo the Uw and should be m- dieted. ' i Call at JJ? Bakei Shovels, Sjpes,AY f you hare the lowest prices. v t Major HHPs Condition. We regret exceedingly to learn that a letter and telegram have both been re ceived in this city to-day, from Mrs. Jas. H. Hill, at Richmond, containing the unpleasant tidings that her husband, Maj, Hill who received severe injuries on the head by a fall the other day is worse, and that his condition has been very unfavorable since Tuesday last, at which time he became unconscious, and has remained so up io the date of the hour at which .the intelligence above mentioned was dispatched to this city We do earnestly hope, however, that there mav vet be a change for the bet. ter, and that our former esteemed fellow townsman may still be spared to his fam ily and friends. Hefr Hanoier Tent. At the regular, meeting of New Han over Tent, No. 57, Independent Order of Bechabites, held night before last, the following officers were duly installed for the ensuing term: P. Ol RL. M. Guttenberg. S J.M.Newton. C. BT. E. Skipper. D. B E. W. Price. Treasurer Ira Skipper , F. S Henry Barnett. B. S M. A. Black, i : Levite W. H. Begister. O. G. P. Teboa. The Medical Journal. The July number of that excellent publication, the North Carlzha Medi cal Journal, has been some days at hand. It presents the usual excellent variety of reading matter for the benefit of the pro fession. There are many articles, too, notaJtdy the opening paper, the valedic tory delivered at Asheyille last J une by the retiring president of the State Medi cal Society, Dr. B. B. Haywood, that will be read with interest by many out side the pale of the profession. The present number is the fir st of the eighth volume. Published by ; Dr. Thos. F. Wood, in this city, at $2 a year. The following are th'3 readings of the thermometer to-day at the Signal Office in this city: -7 a. m-, 79$ 11 a. m., 88; 3 p. el 89. The ma ximum temperature to-day was 89 dszpvis, against 83 for the earns day last year . I haveafu'lflcpply of Text Bocka 81ater, Penc Is, Pesa-Holders, Ink, Crayor, Ac.'. Ac. Pianos and Ornate of the yery biBt m'ae alwayi on hand. We wast your patronage and will uo all we can to make business reltiocs p'easant. Yates' Book Store; j D0D-;3 A!iO BUNDS, UIIACKET3, MOULDING, LUMBER,' &ck ALL SIZES WINDOW GLASS,; ' AT . -.' : . ALTAFFER,PBICB "& CO'S. Factory: Foot Walnut st. Office: . Nutt, near Kcd Cross a ividend Notice. rp.IIE DIRECTORS OF THE BANK OF i)W HANOVER have declared a Scmi Annual Dividend of i our ler tent., paya ble on and aftsr August 5. aug l-3t S. D. WALLACE, Cash'r If fil-IIIiDI A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY TO WIN A FORTUNE. EIGHTH GRAND DIS TRIBUTION, CLASS H, AT NEW OR LEANS, TUESDAY, AUGUST Oth, 1SS1 135th Monthly Drawing. 2 , Liisiana State Loiter? Coisa u. Incorporated in 1S63 for 25 years by the Legislature for Educational and Charitable purposes with a capital of S 1.000, 000 to which a reserve fund of over $120,000 has since been added. Bv an overwhelming popular vote Its franchise was made a part of the present (State Constitution adopted December Jd, A. D., 1879. Its Grand i Single Number Drawings will take place monthly. It never scales or postpones Look at the following Distribution: CAPITAL PRIZE j$30 ,000. , J 1 on nnn TTCKETS AT TWO DOLLARS ! EACn,IHALF-TTCKET3, ONE Dollar. - LI3T OF PRIZES. - ' 30,000 - - 10,000 . . 5,000 5,000 5,000 - ' 10,000 - 1 10.000 lojooo - 10,000 - i - 10,000 APPROXniATION PRIZES. 9 Approximation Prizes of $300 2,700 9 Approximation Prizes of 200 lySOO 9 Approximation Prizes of 100 900 DELICIOUS PEACHES AND TOMATOES I All varictiss of Choice Preserves in bno and two pound Cm?, the bast in tbo markc 1 Capital Prize 1 Capital Prize 1 Capital Prize 2 Prizes of $2,500 -5 Prizes of 1,000 20 Prizes of , 500 10Q Prizes of ? 100 200 Prizes of , 50 500 Prizes of 20 1000 Prizes of 10 Oar elegant Family Flour, Parole d Honeur PiHams .UreaHasfc Strip3 . and Small Shoulders, rtarched Java and Lnnayra Cofloe; 1 ,i ThesD gocds aio'fall iresli tills weclr' Oar prices and quality of good.3 TriiionTlsca you if yoti will IS 57 Prizes, amounting to - - $110,400 i Responsible corresponding agents wanted at : tfl points, to whom liberal compensation wil I be paid. F Or lurther Information, write cieany, 0vl ng fnll address. Send order by express or . Keistered Letter, or Money Order by mail,, addressed only to Bl. A. DAUPIJLV Nair Orleans, La or UvA Ho. SLVZ Broadway, New Yorn. All mr Orand Extraordinary Drawing are u rfi'er the supervision and management of Gl tNERALS G- T. BEAUREGARD and JUB. ti A- EARLY. IITolicc to tlie Public. Th e ratlic are hereby cactioxeo agaist awn ivr. IVT TWO!": OH KDEB3 TO NUN Y& & COmS3Nas-ac St., New York r.rrr Thpv are floodin ir the country with Boot rs Circulars purporting to be of The Loui jiana SUte Lottery Company, and are raAi rotTLEXTLT represvnUn themselves as a m it Af The Lomtdaua State Lottery Com pany They hare no autJaority to sell the frt nf thl rinmnanr attd are not lis acei it. 31. A. DAUPHIN, a- Pres. Louisiana State Lottery Cot Orleans, La July 4, JSS1, jrf'H ' rWwdiP . ' M V try uj Try tha' prepared Soups. For sale at DYERS'. fb li Nos. II tad 13 Soitb FrcaCBU l4 um iff B SOHU- SEA-SIQE Wrfehtsvilic Sound J3 NOVTOPEN FOR THE P.ECEPTI02I JL of guests. ; . 3T The taMe li tupllcd wiih tLe pro docss of tas Sounds and Sea. . Transient and regular boarders taica at reasouablc rates. F. A. SCntTTTE, Je 2-tf , lro?r!ttcr ' i-