IBIS PA FEB rery aftra. W H r. i Ki MOB, ..,tiov4, prwTA.ME PAID. : u p . if0. : Tar a ., iH 4kUtt ed by carrier, 9 ' i- an crt of xMcltv. at the entKr pi in report any ni ,,.tn reeiTetbr Paprs"ulariy, V A dv-rtisements. Mi THE GREAT. FOR IHE1IATISM J hurafoia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Uhche, Scrsness of iho Chest, fat, Qums, Sore laroat, Swell-' fyi and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily Pains, rfJf, Ear and Headache, Frosted Fui and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. It fopantioB on earth qaala St. Jacobs On. h i nft, $urt, timpte and cheap External Imtj. A trial entail but the comparative j ks( outlay of 50 Cut), and erery one auffer l tuk pain can haro cheap and poaitire proof rfjhckani. Kndtai is EeTen Language. joliit alldxuggists aid dealees nr medicine. A.V0GELER & CO., SattimotVi ltd., XT. S. .A, tC1WwSM to EXTRAORDINARY imcemeat vill be offered for TEN Dili, la Kmtinlvg stock on hand of Brussels Carpet Some twelve or fifteen styles. Yjotd is to realize on these goods, and Se low prices to be named, CASH DOWN will be required. Mattinas, Mt and Colored, very cheap. CURTAIIS. Lambrequins, &c, Respectfully, R. M. Mclntire. 1 IHS. JOE PERSON'S REMEDY FOR SCROFULA NEVER FAILS. It Will Cure if Fairly Teste. Tv " measure 10 do aoie to CrrV hTe derived an effectual cure of .. rom the use of Mrs. Joe Person's TLir.that disease. I had suffered MbS ror more tD three years, W. ?11 of ew getting well. I during that time by three very juzP hJ8icins,without any good result. r:.muthe National Sureical InsU gTta two months, with no better family physicians met w ir re- wlth. CZ.lng from the Institute. I was i -MatO tTT Mr. Prnni nmMlr. m m i r. . . J Qea it more than weet before I W 2 curative and healing proper K. V "Ores soon beran to heat, and Mia J y kln changed as fast as the sores had not thought of ever getting Z: nopes increasea, my low STC thi remedy, and I CTeijojing splendid health and am In SJS?' wmedy is mild as apur Mli tXronS tonic ; it will heal the V.W t , ore iQ ree weeks If Uken 4iJ' my opinion that it should ome time after the sore is healed, tI.use of its effects. It should SJzJpfcdj by all mean, for I have Sv7B3:IeCted it fmm the. nrsM r ral, . cea found that the itik JL?V wou1d commence to re MtiiJ.for this alone it should be SnSv?11111 effectual cure Is Sfctt.,, sboul1 -prevent regu- llt thm j ituiUIUQ ; - Fi:r nine, .x "vrovaa re- rSu 2 . urcijr cure tou SjL'r1 IPekfroniepe C m I prate- ? 'aSri cur froca the use of It and IW(!7Wd lwUcS: obligationTto Su?' Sufferers, try it and be S. p for tesUmonlal of lemarkahle Mpg4 feS- Person, rranklin tWv y Wil. H. GREEN, Wil S,C iiyodaw-nac , ii ii ii izjs ; '1 a n n ml I vol: v ... . , , yew advebti.ements. Francis li. mitu, bupt--Viri ia ill 1 tary Iiittitutv i lC W YTES -Ytiur 1nicret Heiksbxro f.h--A Thbr' iijrt)' pou victf oil : Caatalonpes are scarce and high. Jlhe fish ruatket ia tolerablj welt sop- piied.; : 1 : ' ; " i' ; 1 - .it Only 5 bales f cotton receivedher to-dajv .,' : . k Prolubltiqa or baprohibitioD, the ther. mometer Is np among the nineties. - i i Study youi interest. You can now buy Cook Stoves at factory prices at Jacosi's. 1 I . t l Peaches are plentiful, but too high- priced for the majority of people. They sell for $1.00 per peck. Beautify your homes by using the N Y. EnamelPaint, ready mixed and war anted. Sold only at Jacobi's. t Hoops are again extensively worn by tha feminines, but of much more contract ei dimensions than our fathers and moth ers were accustomed to see. some thirty years sgo. -. All women speak well without teach ers or elocution or eloquence.: 1'riTi ledged to enchain attention or command silence, a glance is their exordium, a I smile their peroration. - - The following are the readings of the thermometer to-day at the Signal Office in this city: 7 a. m., 78; 11 a. m., 87; 3 p. m. 89. The maximum temperature to-day .was 89 degrees, against 83 for the same day last year. Two colored boys and one white boy were carried before the Mayor late yes terday evening for bathing in too public a place. His Honor gave them both a sharp reprimand and then allowed them to depart in peace. George "W Davids, Esq., of J the great Ink' rm of Thaddeus Davids & Co., 127 William street New York, says: I was suffering from the' pangs of rheumatic gout, (an inherited ailment), and St.; Ja cobs Oil cured me in twenty-four hours. The Tarboro southerner says: Capt John Barry, of Wilmington, is the con. tractor for the construction of the Hah fax and Scotland Neck Bailroad. He commenced work on 1st August with six tv hands and says he will finish in 60 days. - . ''Buchapalba.'' New, quick, complete cure 4 days, urinary affections, smarting, frequent or difficult urination, kidney diseases. $1. Druggists. Depot Jas. O. Munds. Weldon News says: J. W. Lynch, who heretofore has been irr theoffice of the Wilmington road at this place, has been transferred to the company's tele graph office at Wilmington, iind Mr. IS. M. Lockhart has been appointed by Judge Lynfh, the agent here, as clerk in his office. It is not .known whether this M A. A. is a permanent arrangement or nob though it is probable. Ylrslnia Military Instltate. We invite special attention to the ad vertisement of the "V irginia Military In stitute as it appears in this issue of the KaviKw. There are. many , facts of in terest in connection with this institute some of which we will' present "here: ..It was established more than forty years ago after the general plan of the United States Military Academy at W est Point. It is open to Cadets from evry State in the .Union. The graduate's "who are State Cadets of Virginia, are required bylaw to .teach in the State for two years after graduation. Over 1,209 Ca dets have graduated there, ot wliom over 250 have been killed in battle, a nd many have become distinguished as soldiers, as engineers, and in other professions. Three of its Professors we: re killed in bat tie Jackson, Rhodes an d Crntchiield M. P. Maury died while a Professor of this SchooL So high is : the repute of this School, that before the graduation of the class of this year, ei ery graduate was bespoken for service as Assistant Engineer by two eminent Chief Engin eers of great jailroads now und " structionv and. every yt.rari' "Uoir carried off with bis diploma insurance of immediate employment, at r salary of STfifn ft! no wr tnnnthj 1 8 CHiei CI the New York Siznal Sen pee'ilw p- plied tothe SnperinteHent nate of thisaa, at ; laj7 of Sl, per annum . f . . - la WILMINGTON, N. C, The Vote Yesterday. ; The following are the returns from the election yesterday as received by us. We give the home vote only in detail: first ward (Upper Divisiou). A gainst prohibition . . . . 344 For prohibition t. . . . 55 , Mjty against - . 2b9 i (Lower Di vision). Against prohibition V . .415 For prohibition - V 1 ;. . . 125 Majority against SECOND WARD. For prohibition . -,-, ; Against prohibition . . Mijority for . r ' THIRD WARD. For prohibition . Against prohibition . .. 290 147 139 8 180 148 Majority for . ,. ' FOURTH WARD. ' For prohibition . . - . Against prohibition ' '' . ' " ' ' Majority for - - ; FIFTH WARD. Againkt prohibition For prohibition ... Majerity against . . Total against . . Total for ... . Total majority against CAFK FEAR TOWNSHIP. Against prohibition For prohition . '.- Majority against 32 14 140 443 189 . 254 .1,629 . 843 . 78G . 17 15 . 158 Baleiqh, N. C.f Aug. 5, 1881. (Special to Daily Beview.) Partial returns from Buncombe, Cra ven, Cleveland, Cumberland, Franklin, Granville, Guilford, Halifax, Johnston, Lenoir, Mecklenburg, Northampton, New Hanover, Orange, Richmond, Vance. Wake and Wilkes show about twenty thousand majority against pro hibition. Wake three thousand majority against. M. HARNETT TOWNTHIP. Against Prohibition . r For Prohibition . . Majority against . FEDKRAL POINT. Against Prohibition . . 125 24 161 37 -For Prohibition . . Majority against . . 28 The vote of Masonboro township has not been sent in. Yesterday up' to o'clock oniy 15 votes had been polled The State has undoubtedly gone againstjthe bill, and that by a very large majority. The returns seem to come in very slowly, as the followingf which we received from Raleigh at o'clock this afternoon would indicate. It is impossible to calculate as yet with any correctness, what the najority against the bill will really be. Raleigh, Aug. 5, 188L (SPECIAL TO AILT REVIEW.) Beturns thus far heard from,- nineteen counties, give anti-prohibition., majority of 35,000. To Builders and others Go to Jaco bi's for Saab, Blinds and - Doors, Glass, &c You can get all sizes and at the - - w lowest prices. t Honorary Aids to the Corernor. At the unveiling of the Caswell Mon ument, at Kinston, N. C, on Wednes day last, Capt. Gabrielson, Lieutenant Muager and Second Assistant Engineers Weber and Hall of the revenue cutter Colfax, acted as honorary aids on the Governor's staff by special invitsTtion of His Excellency, Gov. Jarvis. The officers of the cutter appeared in their uniforms and went from Beaufort in the special car which carried the Governor and his staff. Freshwater Perch, Trout and Black- fish Hooks and Lines. A. full assort ment and lowest prices at Jaooii'i- f Crlnlnal Court. The Court was engaged all the fore noon in trying the case of the State against K. Petersen, charged with as sault and battery. The Court sat until 2:15 this afternoon, at which time the case was given to the jury, and the Court took a recess until 3 o'clock. At lialf-past 2 o'clock the jury returned a verdict of guilty. At 3 'clock the regular docket was proceeded with and the case of William Williams and Henry Vefll, colored, charged witi larceny, was take&p and at the time of closing our report was still on trial. - -. 3 - i The ca of John ZIcKoy, colored charged with H&est, will probably be called fcr trial tliisaiklS053 if & P1 vioai case cf Williara anS dlspccsd cf ia tirre. - -S FRIDAY, AUGUST The Dental Association. Ashetille, N. C, July 29, 1SS1. Editor. Review: I Dear Sir Asheville is now filling up very rapidly with visitors Jrom almost all over the country, and the hotels are fast being filled. It would be impossible for one to judge any thing like accurate ly of the number of visitors. Every train and every stage that arrives here is loaded down with human freight. ,The day your correspondent came over here there were fifteen passengers on the stage, six ladies and nine gentlemen. The ride through country, over mountains and valleys, is to saj the Jeast enchanting, and North Carolina" should indeed be proud of ier beautiful scenery. Nature seems. -to have tried herself to see how beautiful and grand she could make Western North Carolina, and in addition to this, she furnishes us, with such pure and invigorating air; it infuses new life in us the moment we begin to inhale.it. To those of us who have been pent up at our homes away from the sea shore and mountains it is like "cold water to a thirsty soul." The N. C. Dental and Southern Den tal Association met here in joint session on Tuesday, July 26th, and a handsomer body of men never before graced the floors of the Court Housebuilding. Every Southern State, including Maryland and the District of Columbia, was represented. The meeting was haimonious and pleasant in the extreme, as well as being interesting and instructive. Several very carefully prepared papers on different, subjects pertaining to Dentistry were read and received high encomiums. Dr. J. D. Clarke, of Newbern, read a paper on Dental Chemistry, as also did Dr. I. N. Carr, now of Tarboro. Dr. E. L. Hun ter, of Enfield, N. C, read a very in structive paper on Operative Dentistry; Dr. Winkler, of Georgia, and Dr. Walk er, of Alabama, I believe, read . in teresting papers on Dental Hygiene. Dr. Chisldw, of Tuscaloosa, Alabama, and Dr. Isajh Simpson, of Charlotte, read papers on Dental Chemistry and Therapeutics, together with others whose names I cannot now recall, by whom papers on Dental Physiology and Pathology, Mechanical Dentistry &c, were read. All these were ordered printed,' and made-the property of the Society. On Thursday night a banquet was tendered the Southern Dental Associa tion by the North Carolina Association, and a more elegantly prepared , supper your correspondent never sat down to. Toasts were offered and 'responded to. Judge McKoy, of the Superior Court, who,was one of the invited guests at the request of Dr. Carr, responded to to toast the to North Carolina,offered by Dr.Ford, of Macon, Georgia. It was done in his usual nappy manner, and elicited great applause. Toast "The Ladies of North Carolina," was responded to by Dr. K. Fmley Hunt, , of Washington City, in a very happy manner. The Press, was responded to by Mr. Fur- man, of the Asheville Citizen, in very pleasing and happy manner. Many other toasts were offersd and responded to by the different members of the Asso ciation present, but time does not permit of. a more extended letter. . , At half-past one ' that night all left the spacious din ing hall to seek old Morpheus. Long livefthe North Carolina and Southern Dental Associations,and may their meet ings at Salem, N. C, and Baltimore, Md', respectively, next year, be as pleas ant and instructive as they were her. I than't I Take a Blue Pill? ' No. don't take it and run the risk of mercurial poisons, but when billions and constipated get a package of the cele brated Kidney Wort, and it will speedily cure you. It is nature's great remedy for constipation, and for all kidney and liver diseases. It acts promptly on these exeat organs and so restores health. strength and vigor. It is put up in liqnid and dry form, acting with equal eilicien- cy. Price $1. See ad v. Personal. - We are pleased to learn that our good friend, Mr. Bernard Whiting, formerly of this city, has-been appointed to the responsible position of agent of the Car olina Central Bailroad at- the thriving little town of Shoe Heel. He i3 a young gentleman of much railroad experience Mver yews. The steamer North State arrived here this morning from a point five or six miles this side of Fayetteville. The river is still reported at its lowest ebb. The Hurt is below Fayetteville some eight or ten miles, the Murchison at a point known as the Old Ferry and the Wave was passed at Kelley's Cove yesterday. '. Cnmailable . UnmaOable matter remains in the post- office in this city adJressed to Andrew McSwais. ; United States Hotel, Long Branch, N. J; E. Wes eotty Goldsboro, N. C; Mrs. - Geo. W. Hard wick, care Geo. W. Hard wick, Fall Biver, Mass.; Grace Haywood, South Gardner .N. C.; Mary Tart, MarlboN- ongh county, S. C; Harriet Brown, No. 519 10 ave? David Graham, Alboro, 5. 1881. NO. 183 The 3larket Carl Xulsance. , The charge of nisITonor Judge Mcarcs to the Grand Jury on yesterday which was published in our last issue relative to the market cart and huckster nuisance, meets with very 'general commendation. We were told by Market, street merchants that the nuisance alluded to was detri mental to their business. It is to. be hoped that the nuisance will be abated, even if it has to be done by the county courts instead of the city authorities, whose duty it is to regulate ail such matters.' . Call at Jacobi's for Garden Hoes and Rakes, Shovels, Spades, Axes, &cv-There you have the lowest prices. ; f We regret to learn that Dr. W. J, H. Bellamy has been confined to his bed by sickness for several days past, but are pleased to know that he - is improving and expects to be on the streets again in a day or two. ,. " A safe and sure means of restoring the youthful color of the hair is furnished by Parker's Hair Balsam, which is deserv edly popular from its, superior cleanli ness. New Advertissemont. FRESH SUPPLY OF STATIONERY. ! 200 Boxes ENVELOPES, All 6izes at very Low Trices, ry p Keams Commercial Note Paper, Reams Letter Cap Paper, 1 Cjry eams Foolscap Paper, QQ'Boxes Papeteries, All sizes, styles and prices, Just received at HEINSBERGER'S, aug 5 LiVe Book and Music Store VIRGINIA MILITARY INSTITUTE Lexington i Va. CI TJPPLIES. BY A WELL ARRANGED CURRICULUM, full studies for an AC A. .... - . ; .. DEMIC DEGREE, aud makes txsl ; Jro vision forthe special instruction of the CIVIL AND MINING ENGINEER, CHEM IST, GEOLOGIST and other INDUSTRIAL pursuits. The Supenntendent nas been un able to meet the demand for graduates, up on remunerative oilers, as Engineers. ; Address FRANCIS IT. SMITH, au 5-3 td m-w-fri-&w3t Sup't f.p A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY ' TO WIN A FORTUNE. EIGHTH GRAND DIS TRIBUTION, CLASS H, AT NEW OI LEANS, TUESDAY, AUGUST Dth, lSSl 135th Monthly Drawing. Louisiana Stats Lottery Compa ry. Incorporated in 1SG3 for 23 years by the Legislature for Educational and Charitable purposeswith a capital of 1.000,000 -to which a reserve fund of over 120,000 has since been added. " By an ovenvhelming popular vote Its franchise was made a part of the present State Constitution adopted December 2d, A.D., 1879. Its Gkajtd Sixole Numdeb DeAwixcs will take place monthly. It' never scales or postpones, Look at the following Distribution; CAPITAL PRIZE $30,000. 100,000 TICKETS AT TWO DOLLARS r EACHjJHALF-TICKETS, ONE Dollar. LIST OF PRIZES. 1 Capital Prize $no,ooo - 10,0-X) . - - 5,000 1 Capital Prize 1 Capital Prize a rrizes or f a,500 - - - 5,0( 5 Prizes of 1,000 - - - .1,000 20 Prizes of -500 - - - 10,000 100 Prizes Of .100 - - - 10,000 200 Prizes of fk) - - . - - 10,000 ooo frizes or ; 'M - - - lo.ooo 1000 Prizes of 10 - - - ' . 10.000 APPROXIil ATIOX PR IZES. 9 Approximation Prizes of $ :iO0 3,700 9 Approximation Prizes of 2001,800 9 Approximation Prizes of 100 IKK) lSo7 Prizes, amounting to - - , $110,400 jiesponsiDie corresponainsr agents wanted a i &u pomxa, 10 wnom UDerai compensation will be paid. For further information, "write clearlv. Saving full address. 8end csrtler bv express or Registered Letter, or Miinev Order hv mail, addreesed oxlt to? ' M. A. DAUPHIN New Orioacj. La or aim a I'AUrHin . a Mo. 212 Broadway, Hew Yor All our Grand Extraordinary Drawing are under the supervision and ma na?ement of GENERALS li- T. BEAUREG AKD and JCBAL A. EARLY. IVotico to the Public. The public are hereby cjitmoxn against BEXDIWO AXT MOTtET OS OB DEKS TO NUNES & CO., Si Nassau St., N xrrf Yoek Citt. They are flooding the country with Boors Cibcclaes purjKJrtinj; to be of The Louisiana 8tate Lottery Company, and are TKArDixxTXTrepresentlmj the mselves aa Agents of The Louielaua State Lottery Com pany. They have no authority to eell the Tickets of this Company and sae not 4ts amenta. M. A- DAUli'IUN. - 7 - Pres. Louisiana State Lot itery C'o Ne4 Orleans, La '.Jnrj4, jy IJfrwed-ffiWwdaw 1 1 M.. mil I YmVni fiT "PTTr "jslli bgld ta reserve 02;niaxlcat:ca from eta- friaadj pa kay azd all iib!t ,t . KirallsVr?t bst . ' ' ;- , r caa cf tie rw vxiti afay b tt n!fbd Editor.'- v . ,. , ' ItCoasicuiIoitiot sca: vrt!ten caly oao ei4s af the ppf. , Fera!!tW raist bo vo'.41 . A&-1 li is e-CML'y nzS y..ucilarly cader rtoo4 th.t ti l KSEV does ret alwtyi etdon , the jitwi cvzte rpjz de?t, nlef3 to ttat la tfee editorial eoiacrr. ; J '0 T'cv Advertisements. Ship PJctice jAlcA LL PERSONS re kt iiitioced aiul !" warned ' i ceu!ui!r or nart-orinc 7 -ri any of the crew of th British y.'vla barque LIVE OAK, Capt. 6U1- -" -wtli, as no debts of their contracting will be paul t v Master or rATEKON,' DOWSIXO & CO., . . Consignees RED CElArl r'ACirtu CHESTS ' , SASH liu-JilS ASP BUNDS j - ' - - - , - i ' . , BRACKETS, MOULDING, LUMBERAcf . ALL SIZES WINDOW GLASS; , : "v " . at . : : : t-; ALTAPI r:R,:PRICE & COU Factory: Foot Walnut st. Odea: 5utt, near Red Cross m'sim mumr n'. DELICIOUS' "PEACHES AND TOMATOES All varieties of Choice Preserves in one and two pound Cons, tho' best in tbo market. Parbb u' Honour Pig Ham X'reakfaat Strips and Small Shoulders, Parch od -Jftra and Ljiguayia Coffe?, ; Tlicco good.! m o all frcsli fhis wcelij Onr prices and qualily. ct goods will convince yen if you Trill try U3. Try tlio prepared Soups. For sale at .GEO. SyiYERSV feb 14 Vas. II and 1) Bootli FrcistLBtt SOHUTTE?S SEA-SIDE PARK ii HOTEL!' WrightsviUc Sound JS .NOW OPEN FOR TOE RECEPTICK ofgnefttsi; . -ST" The table is supplied with the proV -ducss of the Sounds:and Sea. Transient and . regular boarders taken at reaaonablc rates. J' : ;F. A. SCflDTTK, Proprietor, je2-tf Your Interests :QXT& ME A CAIL BS702S T0Upr cfcaia School 2oo5 aal Sihool Butioaary. 1 I hiTt a fa l apy !y of Txt Backs aJspicd " Ij iha Stata Board of Edocitloa. Alsa 8Ita., Pere U, Vez TLoltttz, Isk, Crsycs , Ac:dv? Fiaacs aid Orass of ths yJ bifi make alwiys ca taad. TTe wat your patroasja and wUl ao all wa ctj to xzxlo NEW GOODS I

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