1EI3 .PAPER. .... uAJTKJVPAll). i . ' ' ... u. month. 50 : Thre r' . , .l i5; ae month, 60 cents, lr t delivered bj carrier, -T- rtuh or 13 cents per wi. lTrtiHrrteflowMidUbeMl jrStteriber will pleaae report any and I VaTarM to recede their papers regularly. dvprtisements. THE GREAT FOR RHEUMATISM, Neuralgia, Sc'atica, Lumhcgo, fociacho, Scjonecsjof :!te Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Scro 7!.;oat,$well ings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General 3odify Pains, Tooih, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feei and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. K Preparation on earth equali St. Jacobs Oil. taftt sure, rimjJe and cheap External XMnaiT. A trial enUila but the comparatively thiior ootla of 50 Cwita, and every one nffer isf with pain can hayo cheap and positive proof C itidaima Pirtcttonf in Haven Language. BOLD BI ALL DRUGGISTS AHD DEALERS 15 MEDICISE. .: A. V0GELER & CO., 1 Baltimore, McL, V.S.JL,. wrillWsMiae to EXTRAORDINARY Inducement ill be offered for TEN DAYS, la remaining stock on hand of Brussels Carpets. Some twelve or fifteen stylefc. Uj object is to realize on these goods, and it the low price to he named, CASH DOWN will he required. Mattin&fs, White and Colored) very cheap. I 1M CURTAINS, Lambrequins, &c. Respectfully, R. M. TJlclntire. Uf MRS, JOE PERSON'S REMEDY FOR ' SCROFULA NEVER FAILS. " It WiU Curt if Fairly TetteJ. It gire me much pleasure to be able to jjute that I hate derived an, effectual cure of scrofula from the use of Mrs. Joe Person's roaedj for that disease. I had suffered won i Scrofula for more than three years, d had despaired of ever getting well. I w treated during that time by three very aaaeat physicians, without any good result, wea went to the National Surgical Insti atAUanta, Ga., and was treated there than two months, with no better re sult tfcaa ray family physicians met with. ftr maraing from the Institute, I was twuded to try Mrs. Person's remedy, and had not used it more than a week before I covered its curative and healing proper My sores soon began to hea, and the r0 of my skin changed as fast as the sores Ied. 1 had not thought of ever getting ' rj lia, but my hopes increased, my low PWtedneaafied before th remedy, and I oow enjoying splendid health and am in eplrita- The remedy is mild as a pur nd a strong tonic : it wUi heal the t stubborn sore ia three weeks if taken rly. It is my opinion that it should tn some time after the sore is healed, "move the cause of its effects. It should ilrea "RArlj by all means, for I have (jSD1 Qrl iQ All cases found that the J -wreadyrnade would commence to re-1 Sill kC0 Qd for this alone it should be ralarly until an effectual cure Is llrttr.eted Nothing should prevent regu jZfJJ ' the use of the remedy and it should n at the proper time. I would re l!Ddto all who are suffering from oWii.1 it. It will aurely cure you 11 r test. , I spea.k from expe (ur,1, nok from hearsay. I am a grate iai tpittt of from the use of it and Spader many and lasting obligations to Uf"tt for the great relief I have ob from iu use. - 8ufferers, try it and be toJ dvice I am, respectfully, 7?U N. C. JAilES a!mORI&. eap lUlnP for testimonial of remarkable tJPa by Mrm. Joe Person, Franklin N.C. iJyWaw-mac VOL. V . WILMINGTON. N. C, SATURDAY, AUGUST LOCAL NEWS. . " New Advektisemexts. M Judge "-Removal C VV Yates Your Inieret-t " IIejnsbskgeic ATiuirougli Cot.vktioii ; f ; " 1 7 , Pointed naiala, laced behind, are rr vived.: The reveuue cutter Colfax is id -port for supplies. Nointerment8 in Oakdale Cemetery daring the week. . ; . ' Carpets are bought by tlie yard but worn -4if 'the i'foot. Oolj three childrea interred in Pine Forest daring the past week. . Most approptiate duster for a bald headed man mohair of course. Religious summer resorts are never over crowded with good looking girls. - Only one interment in Bellerue ceme tery during the week, that of an adult, Can-a young lady who is everlastingly knitting her eyebrows, be call industri ous? InGermany there are 1,000,000 sur plus women, and in England there are 20,000 surpliced men. . Hon. J. B. Batchelor and wif?, of Ral eigh, are on a visit to their daughter, Mrs. Harry Loeb, in this city. . Will tlie majority against prohibition follow the example of the thermometer and get up among the nineties ? Spirits turpentine is booming to-day Sales 1,000 casks at 42 cents. Some body's paying for the whistle. Young ! if you intend to be the "arch itect of your-owu fortune," be very care ful about the foundation walls and the ground plan. Study your interest. You can now buy Cook Stoves at factory prices at Jacobi's. f The Register of Deeds issued three marriage licenses, all to colored couples, during the weelf. T"- .Too mrich ice water is said by physicaus to be greatly, deleterious, but with such weather as we have how can one abstain , ' It has been discovered that cats can't live at a greater elevation than 13.000 feet, therefore back sheds should be built 13,500 feet high. The Grand Jury have indicted the Mayor and Board of Aldermen for per mitting a nuisance in the matter of the market carts on the public streets. ; A handsome man or a handsome woman If not improved by a shabby or slattern ly attire; so the best abilities are shown to a disadvantage through a style marked bj illiteracies. ' : &?autify your homes by using the N Y. EnamelPaint, ready mixed and war anted. Sold only at Jacobi's. t There is no place like home .especially if it is the home of a pretty girl, where they keep a good fire during - cold weather in the parlor, and turn the gas down low to" save expenses. The 'receipts ot spirit' turpentine in this market to-day were unusually large, over one thousand casks being the quan tity received, as posted on the boards at the Produce Exchange. v A party of jubilant and oh-be-joyful Asti's were out on the streets on their own hook last night. They had a band, several torch lamps and a. flag, and were serenading the leading Anti-Prohibi tionists. Mr. M. Judge, merchant tailor, has re moved to the basement of the old Na tional Bank buildiug. His present es tablishment has been fitted up expressly for him. He guarantees satisfaction in every instance. To Builders and others Go to Jaco bi's for Sash, Blinds and Doors, Glass, &c You can get all sizes and at the lowest prices. 1 t Themoraetrlcal. The following temperatures to day, at 3 o'clock, are reported or the weather bulletin issued this afternoon: . Cedar Keys, 84; Key West, 80; Punta Rassa, 87 j Jacksonville, 85 ; Havana, 84; Savannah, 87 ; Charleston, 87 ; Char lotte, 89 ; Augusta, 90 ; Montgomery, 8S; PensacoJa, 78; Atlanta, 82; New Orleans, 81 ; Corsicana, 97 ; Galveston 11 1 Wei! Wetter!! Wettest!! !" We Should Smile." Raleigh, Acq 6th. 188 L. (special to bailt he view.) Up ta this date at 3 P. M. the major?, ty against prohibition .in forty, nine counties is near sixty thousand.' Every ouuty beard from has gone against the bill. Wake official,' four thousand one hun dred and 6ftj-oiie. against prohibition. ' 'T - i .nil ' A hC and sufe -means of restoring the yputhfuixjipr.pttbe,,hah' is furnished by Farker-'s Hnir Balsam, which is deserv ed ly popular fora its- superior cleanli ness. On ibe pacific Coast. The officers and crew of the ship Tuscarora, on the Pacific of which our townsman Major U. S. Coast, C. P. Bolles was draughtsman, has been trans ferred to the U.S. steamer Eanger The Sa Diego Union says the Ranger is an iron ship with all th e modern im provements for the comfort and conveni ence of the officers and crew. The short cruise she has just made was a very pleas, sant and interesting one. Those on board had opportunities of seeing the Pearl Fisheries of the California Gulf and coast of Mexico, and the great salt bed on Carman Island. Call at Jacobi's for Garden Hoes and Rakes, Shovels, Spades, Axes, &c. There y6u have the lowest prices. t A Cat on the Bail. G. P. Rourk, mail agent between this cityand Richmond, has a cat which he pets a great deal at his home and which always stays around the house. On Thursday morning, Rourk left home to make his run and the cat followed him to the car, on seeing her in the car he put her out and supposed he had left her be hind. Whence arrived at Weldon he discovered the cat on the truck of the car, having ridden all the way, a distance of 162 miles, in that position. She was taken off and provided with more com fortable qoarters. Freshwater Perch, Trout and Black- fish nooks and Lines. A full assor: ment and lowest prices at J acobi's. f The Planets In Aucnst. Daring August Saturn, Neptune (in visible to the naked eye), Jupiter, Mars, Venus, and Mercmry are morning stars, and Uranus the sole evening star The Ausrust moon fulls on the 9th. For nearly the first half of the month Saturn Jupiter, Mars, Venus, and Mercury rising in the order named will wend their way among the stars between mid night and 4 o'clock. When Mercury is lost in the sun's bright rays the moon takes on her wondrous rote, and, paying her respects inturn to Saturn, J upiter, and Mars,cxwpetes the show on the 20th, as she hatfgs:sBirby side with Venus fairest of the stars. . TerriDie Loss ofLlfe- Millions,of ; rats, mice, cats, bed-bugs, roaches, lose their lives by collision with "Rough on Rats." Sold by druggists, 15c. ' - . - ' Fashion Hotel. Bustles increase in size. Overdresses are shirred from belt to knee. Small Roman pearls are braided in the hair with fine effect. Seersucker dresses, trimmed with white Hamburg, have long-waisted jackets and very short, highly draped overskirt, also trimmed with the embroidery. For white dresses the fichu is almost indispensable, unless the throat is finish ed with a high ruff ; then it is cut in an oblong but very narrow surplice to the waist belt. , Cord trimmings on polonaises and overskirts are replaced by loops, which sometimes" extend down the whole length of the skirt, beginning under a large butterfly bow. Little frocks of scarlet surah with overdresses of English embroidery are worn by small toddlers just able to stand on their feet. The sash is tied very low, and is run through slits in the gown. A very handsome fabric designed for a wedding costume is heavy white satin, covered with raised Itaves and flowers while through the whole design are wheat heads woven of threads of pure gold. The price asked for this fabric is $45 a yard. . . Caurrh of the Bladder. Stinging, smarting irritation of the urinary passages, .diseased : discharges, cared bjBuchttpsiba. Draggists. Dept Jas.C.Uanc& AOILIDIY AT KLST0. Laying the Corne? Stone and Unvell ing the Monument Erected to the Meraorr or North Carolina'' First Governor, Diehard Cas well-Crops and the Business Outlook The Beautiful Town ofCinstun. Kixstox, N. C, Aug. 4th, 1831. Mr. Editor: Yesterday "was a d&y long . to be re membered, not only by the hospitable people of this 4 beauti fu 1 1 town, but by ejrery one present from various parts tf v 7-th- State.- On the eveninsr of the 2nd inst., the train from Goldsboro brought in His Excel lency, Gov. Jar vis, and staff. The Ral eigh Light Infantry acted as the escort of B is Excellency from Raleigh to this place. In addition to these on the same train, were Col, Wm. L. Saunders, Sec retary of State, Col. J. McLeod Tomer, General B. C. Manly and many others too numerous to mention. At night the Kinston and Raleigh bands with an immense concourse of citizens and the two military companies repaired to the quarters of His Excellen cy and gave him a serenade, as soon as music ceased, loud calls were sent up for Jarvis. When he appeared and made a most admirable address, thanking them for the distinguished honor done him. THE GALA DAY. ' From early dawn on the 3rd until mid day- thousands upon thousands were pouring in from every direction by rail road, and buggies, wagons,, carts, carri ages, and thousands on foot. The crowd has been variously estimated at from 6, 000 to 10,000. My own judgment is that there was at least 7,000 present, but I think that was the outside figure. About half-past 11 o'clock the proces sion was formed by the Chief Marshal, Col. ,W. W. Carraway, assisted by his Marshals, in the following order in front of Nunns Hotel : Kinston Rifles, Newbern Grays, Elm City Rifles, Raleigh Light Infantry and Goldsboro Rifles, the whole under com mand of Col. J. D. Hancock, as Colonel, with Gen. B. C. Manly a3 Brigade Com mander. After the military, came the Grand Lodge of Masons - and Masonic Fraternity, the Governor and his staff, in carriages ; the Orator, Hon. Z. B. Vance,1 and E. F. Cox, President of the Caswell JMemorial Association : State officers, Col: W. L. Saunders, Secretary of State, and Col.Th.os. ELenan, Atton- ney-General, in carriages t members of Congress; members of the officers of the U. S. revenue cutter Colax in carriages; J udiciary and members of Legislature in carriagesj'members of the Caswell Asso ciation; other civic organizations; citi zens generally. ; . - xi was a very imposing ana large pro j cession. There, were three fine brass bands, one from New Berne, one from Kinston and one from Goldsboro. Al rendered most excellent music, and while it was difficult to say which was the best, I must in all candor eay the New Berne Cornet Band carried off the laurels. It is one of the finest bands in the State. When the procession arrived at the monument the military were' halted, stacked arms and were dismissed on ac count of the intense heat of the sun. The Grand Lodge of Masons and the subordinate Lodges present formed a cir cle around the monument, when Mr. E. F. Cox oa behalf of the Caswell Asso ciation, in a few well-timed remarks re quested Grand Master Grainger to lay the corner stone. Grand Mas ter Grainger before commencing the ceremonies. replied to Mr. CoxJ in a short but yery beautiful ad dress, when the ceremonies were com mencea ana tne corner stone was laid according to Masonic usage me line 01 marcn was tnen tanen up and tne immense concourse 01 peo ple repaired to the Court House Green, whero the stand was erected and beautifully decorated and arranged by the fair daughters of Kinston, and where they were to hear the silver ton gue orator and true statesman, Gov. Zebulon B. Vance. The President of the Association in a more chaste and beautiful speech (a copy of which i3 in the Kinston paper of the 4th) intro duced our distinguished Senator. .It It woufd be folly in me to attempt a description of it further than to say it was perfectly magnificent, and aa it is published in fall in the Kinston Journal doubtless all will read it who have the opportunity, and a paper of so much real historic worth ought to be published in full in every paper loNorthCarohna.that her sons may file it away as a matter of history, relative to the first Governor of the State and as a gem 'from the mind of one of her most fifted and best beloved sons. The procession wa3 re-formed compos ed of the Masonic Fraternity and citi zens and again repaired to the monument when it was unveiled to the vast assem blage. lhe President of tbo Associa tion then read the grand old doxology "rraise uoa irom wnora all Jileasings cow," &c alter wmcp. the Benediction was pronounced by the Rev. Mr. Haogh- ton and the vast multitude dispersed with thanks to the good people of Kins ton for the generous hospitality and noble work they had achieved. THE MOXOtKXT. I venture the assertion, that the design of this work andthesuperior workmanshiD of it far surpasses anything of the kindj ever " erected in xtorta .Carolina, and equal ta any J have ever eses fcnjirhere i . . -.-. . ....... . .--....--..'.., 6. 1881. NO. 14 else. It is built of granite from the James nver, in Virginia, and was design ed by Mr. D, Mcx enammof Washing ton City, D. C, and reflects great credit, on him as' a master ot .his art. As a full description has been publisned, I will not attempt it here, as doubtless your readers have already seen the ac count of it. Mr. McMenamia has, just cause to be proud of .this, masterpiece of work.and it w ill doubtless redound to his credit financially.4 1 hope'it will be the means of his obtaining work of a similar character in the State. KIXSTOX. This is my first visit here. It i3 one of the very prettiest towns in the State, with beautiful, well shaded streets, and by far the . handsomest Court House to be found in the State. There are also many handsome residences and stores, with improvaments going on daily in the erection of new brick stores. . ; - s the crops:. Since my last letter to you from Tar boro I have been to Greenville, Wash ington and New Berne, all , through Edgecembe, Pitt, Beaufort, Craven, this county and Wayne. The crops in these different localities are splendid except in a very few places tvbere it has been injured by the long drought. Large quantities of rice will be raised this sea son in Beaufort, reaching as high, it is estimated, as 200,000 boshels, farmers everywhere are jubilant about the future of their crops. 1 have never seen faner cotton and corn. Washington and New. Berne . have greatly improved since my last visit, to them six years ago, and a good business this Fall is, looked for. . I have made my letter longer than I at first intended but could not well avoid it and tell all I had to say. Will write you from the Western part of the State, whither I go in a few days. Correspondent. An exchange says: The young lady who, when at home, is too warm to exert her self to use a fan, will now dance for three hours at a hop, and then declare it to be "just splendid." The following are the readings of the thermometer to-day at the Signal Office in this city: 7 a. m., 79; 11 a. m., 86; 3 p. m. 86. The maximum temperature to-day was 87 degrees, against 82 for' the same day last year. 1 We regret exceedingly to hear of the very serious illness of Mr. Chesly C. Bel lamy, at the residence of hi3 father, Dr. John D. Bellamy His life is despaired of. He is a young man about 22 years of age, and is at home now on a short vocation We trust that there may yet be a change in his conditioa for the bet ter. ItisXoiSo. A rumor was in circulation a few day? ago to the effect that Mr. W. P. Popes of Topsail Sound, had become overheated and after drinking a large quantity of ice water, died before medical aid could be summoned. WeJmetjMr. Pope this af ternoon and must unhesitatingly say that he was the most'animated corpse we ever saw. Why he was talking peasants and foz hounds until you couldn't rest I Criminal Coort. This Court met at the regular ' hoL'X this morniDg, his Honor Judge Mcaresf presiding, and Mr. Solicitor Moore rep resenting the State. The following cases were disposed of: State vs. John McCoy, charged with I lUSk. VyUUtlliUCU UUIU lit A I Willi VI the Court for the State. Defendant put under a $200 bond for his appearance. State vs. Sam'l Cower, larceny. Con- tinned. State vs. Aramj-nta Taylor, Nol pros. State vs. J. W.. White, charged with aasanlt and battery. Not guilty. S tate ys. J. T. Eden3, charged with obstructing streots. Motion to nuash. Motion overrulf d. Plea ia abatement. Plea overruled! State vs. Miyor W. L. Smith, et a!. Permitting ncisancc. Contin ued. Shan't I Taie a Blue Pill ? No., don't take it and run flhe risk of mercurial poisons, but when 'nilliouj and constipated get a package f fif the cele b rated Kidney Wort, and it - rill speedily cure von. It ! for constipation, and for all i ki5nelr and liver diseases. It acts prompy.tly on these great organs and so restona. health, strength and vigor. It is pntji o p in liquid and dry form, acting with equ al efficien cy. PriceSL See adv. , . t " ' i " 1 i ii mt 1 1 i im XTo Aavertissfitnont I rJl. Judifce, r jyrEECfiAjrr tailoi has TciaoTcd to 7atiMial Ban k bafldi?- Eepalriag and tSeanlcg done o short uotlce and at reafeifcle fi rares. &r 8AHirAcno XT xria tegJad to rerdrt eos:cx!:xt!ra Croa our trltaCa ca y zi all rsb;ccta general tatmst bnl Y& saz& of ih writer cvaxS always bt fsr tlsld to ih Editor. " -: Ooxoac&Iej'Jcni Etrt h iitta' oa only PsnoaailtiM sasti b aroUod AJ It Is erpetdaDj aad p srtlecdarly zziex stood that tb E&vn dvi sot always eaicrs tha views ot eorr?cr.lttt, uxJsm so itat la the editorial eoluscsr,! Vexr Advertisements. 'x Ship Kotice. A LI, PER3-JXS are hereby -TV. 1 cautiocetl and frtTcwarncd agaiaft cieditiig or harboriug any of the " crew of the British barque LIVE OAK, Uapt. Stil- wtli, as no debts- of. their contracting be paid ty Master or , , Will 1A PK1i"v nnwvrvn v aug 4 Consignees FRESH MJ'PIY'CF SfATIOMERT I onn Doi " rvF.topEs, &JJ. "1 at very rf u 70 50 Eeims Commercial Note Taper, Reams Letter Cap Paper, Reams Foolscap Taper, 200 Boxes ra?ctcrics' 11 sl.6s, styles and prices, " Just received at IIEINSBERGER'S, aug 5 Live "Book and Music Store DELICIOUS PEACHES AND TOilATOES J All varieties of Choice Preserves in ono and two pound Cans, the bast in the market. Cur elegant Family Flour,? Parole d Honour PigHame, .Breakfast Strips and Small Slioulderg,' Parched Jaya and Lnguayra Qottco, Tliesa gocds aie oil fresh fhia week Our prices and quality of goods Trill convinco you if you Trill try us. S Try the prepared Soupg. ' - r Sox sale at fsb U Sos. II aad 13 South Trod BU SCHUTTE'S SEA-SIDE PMK HOTEL i AVrisIitsviUclSounil . J3 NOW OPES FOR THE RECZPTIOIT of guests. 137" The table is S3;;llcd with tLc pro; duces of the SousJs aud Sea. Transient and regular boarders ttl.ei: at reasonable rates. F. A SCHDTTE, - . Proj-rleloJ -tf Your interests QIV MS A CXIL BEf TOj; ptr chaia Bcboo! Boots aad Bzhool QtaUozcry0 Iharoaralfspplycf Tezt Batki adapted ty ths StaU Board of L'dacitloi. A!i v. t- I . .... .. ... .. . I . SlatsfPecellsPers Uoldtrr, JtJr, Cajcu. r . - ... kc:s Ae. . liasof atd Orais cX it y j btfk mats always on htzi. TT wa-t ytzr . ... , . ' . ., .. ,- patroEAfo aad will o all wt esa to rzita bxtlzha reltioS p'enaat. ' 2 j Indianola, 91. . ' ; c

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