niPT.R lliLB Wa wlbg!ai! is roa!r ecsrrccloatioa from our firtaa at? ofl all rchJtJ t gaaeraUstfroet bet "Hi na of ti wr9t a wt al ayi b fa cished ft Siit'r. Ooiaxsataaf cut b4 written e enly on Aim of th papar. rroallti9 mcst be avoid! And it ij aerially vA U ialarlj ander stood that the Editx den not always endow " the views ot corrpoadenti nxdcu to stat in tie editorial eolaccr.! " i 35- One month, 60 cents. , will" b.dalivered by carrier, tv pirtof the city, at the . rT io and liberal VOL. V WILMINGT O ff C, MONDAY, AUGUST 8. 1881 NO. J85 . . - . f - X . ' ' ' - . - - " ' r . , ' ; - - - - - - ,3gA-: . - - - ' , Advertisements gpis ii fou IEUHATISM, hurufgia, Scizttca, Lumbago, litkchi, Sen k ess of ihe Chest, Suit, Quinsy, Sore Jimoat, Swell m and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily Pains, Jsdh, Ear and Headache,. Frosted ft$i and Ears, and all other . Pains and Aches. $, fitptntion on earth equali St. Jacobs Oil ,nii,if(, ghnple and cheap External Imtir. A trial entails but the comparatiYely fctif ovttev of 60 Cent, and erery o& iuffer fef vita pais can hara cheap and yoaitira proof d lad&ima Sinctiou ia Zlerea Lansnafes. HJJTAILDBc'QQISTS ANDDEALEEa 15 MEDICUTE. A. VOGELER fc CO., Baltimore, JtZd., V. S. A, rClWat EXTRAORDINARY IidactmenU IU be offered for, TEN P1T1 in remxlalDg stock om hand of ' Brussels Carpets. fiome twelve ot fifteen styles. I; abject is to realize on these goods, and sttlrfl low prices to be named, CASH DOWN will be required. r.latt.n&s. White and Colored, very cheap. I LACE CURTAIBIS, Lambrequins, &c Respectfully, R. r.1. T.lclntire. S JOE PERSON'S REMEDY FOR . SCROFULA NIYER FAILS. It Will Car- if Fairly Teste 3. m much pleasure to be able to ttt I hate derired an effectual cure of Wula from the use of Mrs. Joe Person's for that disease. I had suffered Pa i Scrofula for more than three years, J au despaired of erer getting well. I V ated daring that time by three very !atphTslcians,wlthout any good result. went to the-National Surtfcal InsU -, it lUaata, pa., and was treated there ia two months, with no better re TrS5' family physicians met with, rsturnlng from the Institute, I was 5ded to try Mrs. Person's remedy.'and Bw nsea It more than a week before I aiu curatlTQ and healing proper JT" y sores toon began to. heal t and the aj tkta. changed asifast as the sores T4, had not thought of erer getting tmi,,T bttt m7 hopes Increased, my low 2" Bed before th remedy, and I ow injoyins: splendid health and am In pirtts- The remedy is mild as apur te itrong tonic : it will heal the isL .m n three weeks if taken JT' It Is my opinion that it should u ZTa nt time after the sore Is healed, ESSJ tte of Its," effects.- ,Ifc should a regularly by all means,- for I hare neSlcted it, from the pressure of m 931 cMa found that the nfSltxay Kxade , would commence to re gaVaad for this alone it should be retnuariy until an effectual cure is ritVu.r Nothing should prevent regu- kt SS. . of U remedy and it should tter,u proper time. I would re jjwad to all who are suffering from WlV0.!17 lt- 11 M urely cure you lgdnot from hearsay. Iamagrate- BjaasCT" w cureirom the use or It and fgii m t . . - - piUmp for testimonial of remarkable fc4,- Jo Per. Franklin Tv WM H- GREEN, WU- fL7r" grrat nmei a naveoo rooiluuse. Sufferers, try it and be Ufcjradrfce lam,reSpectfuUy, LOCAL news: New AivkrtuemeSts. C W Yates I Am Now Receivi g HMirsBKBGKK--StatIonery Alex Spkuxt & Sjn stolen Pok Agostini Excursion AltaffbPuic &L"o Sai.h, Doors and Blinds ' L J OTTEKBounu, Tec, Sir J L BoATwmoHTTable Relishes ,. Arion Qcabtette Grand C'ncrt Hexrt Savage Licence Tax Notice , Davis & Sox Ice " W TJouxsox Removal W H Sxeblixo Notice Fall moon tomorrow afternoon at 33. A cirl with a silly beau on band has a toft thing. A man bewaih hia lot when it's three feet under water. Who will have the finest scuppernoog grapes this season? Singular . that' gas bills should be heavy and electric light. " Messrs. W. E. Davis & Son have re ceived another cargo of fine flint river ice. Fault finding is a powerful weapon. It is'continuallj denting the temper of some one. " Women like balls and fasionable re sorts as a hunter likes a place where game abounds. The best drink to be had in hot weath er is said to be buttermilk with a little ginger in it. mm n o lady with any rennemen t will use her husband's meerschaum pipe to drive nails in the wall. Homely women look the best in big hats. We state this in the hope of see ing only small hats at the theatres. - Beautify your homes by using the N Y. EnamelPaint, ready mixed and war anted.' Sold only at Jacobi's. f parsley eaten with vinegar will re move the unpleasant effect of eating on- ions: so will a pinch of green tea. Man?;fps imagine that a girl takes an interest in his welfare, when in fact, she is only longing for his farewell. Rejoice, oh thou heart! ef the newspa per man, for Jb ashion Magazines say bustles larger than ever are to be worn. It seems that the canvassers have not gotten through counting the majoiity against prohibition in the western conzijj ties yet. Mr. R. H. Berry who has received the city contract for repairing the wharves of the docks, commenced work on the Princess street dock this morning. To Builders and others Go to Jaco xi's for Sash, Blinds and Doors, Glass, &c You can. get all sizes and at the lowest prices. t Would it not be well for the city au thorities to procure an air-tight odorless sink excavator for the use of the scaven gers or make the scavengers supply themselves with one! it is said that commoa kerosene placed or warts will remove them in a couple of weeks. It should be applied twice a day, and -if the - surface of the wart is hard and dry it should be scratch ed to promote the absorption of the oil No scar is left after the cure. A safe and sure means of restoring the youthful color of the hair is furnished by Parker's Bair Balsam, which is deserv edly popular from its superior cleanli ness, SoneCollard. 1 Mr. Jno. H. Savage, Superintendent of the county Poor House, has possibly the finest kitchen garden in this section of the State. He has raised some very large beets and cabbages, and now he comes to the front with a collard meas uring four feet ten inches in diameter and ten feet in circumference. Cincinnati Irish Citixen. Mr. Frank Letcher, No. 432$ West Fifth St., assures us that for a series of years he was prostrated with rheumatism until life became emphatically a burden. He had exhausted the advertised reme dies, and had lost all faith in the efficacy of any thing to afiord relief, when a friend, who had tested the virtue of the ol, made him a present of a bottle1, and t Frank's wonder and delight the first application afibrded sensible relief; be fore the bottle was exhausted the pains and aches had disappeared. He is & new man, and a walking advertisement of the infallibility of St. Jacobs OiL The Majority ! Stlmt. J us t ice Walker Meares, Chairman on the County Board of Canvassers, an nounced, from the Court House door, on Saturday, the majority against probition in this county to be 1,106 votes. Call at Jacobi'8 for Garden Hoes and Hakes, sihoveU, Spades, Axes, &c. There you have the lowest prices. t oi let Taken J. IK Willett, lias-French Pete,"j who committed ' munlereas assault urxn his wife on Thursday last and who after wards barred his doors and threatened dire vengeance, on .the oQcer whVweat to arrest him, has not yet been taken. It is thought that he has left the city. i . Left fl : i r. T. M. Emerson and family. took their- departure on the - northern bound train Saturday evening for their new home in Richmond, whither Mr. .Emer son goes to accept the position of As sistant General Freight and Passenger Agent of the Chesapeake and Ohio Bail road. St- Stephen's Xew Church. The new brick edifice now in the course of construction on the northeast corner of Fifth and Red Cross streets for St. Stephen's A. M.E. Church, Rev J. G. Frye, pastor, is fast approaching completion. Services will be held in the basement of the building on Sunday next. A little over one year ago the old frame building was torn down and the new brick one has since been erect ed. It is a lasting monument to the credit ot St. Stephen's congregation. News About the Eiter. Private telegrams received here from Fayetteville to day state that there are indications of an early rise in the river. What this may mean the receivers of the despatches are at a loss to deter, mine. They think it probable, however, that the ambiguous wording may mean there have been recent rains in the up country Chatham county and beyond. Possibly though, the senders of the tele grams are only surmising because they saw a heavy bank of clouds in the direc tien in which the rain is so badly need ed. At any rate we will wait and see. Skinny Hen X Wells' Health Renewer. Absolute cure for nervous debility and Weakness of the generative functions, $1 at drug-1 gists. Depot J. C. Munds. l Bis Mistake. The impression which seems to prevail in the minds of SOmO TJeonlO that Mr. Harding Johnson, of this, city, has re moved to New York city is an erroneous onp. Mr. Snhnaon has two branch houses, one in Savannah and cne in New York city, but still lives in this city which is his headquarters..He hss no idea of discontinuing his business here or raovinsr away. He is ndw in New York looking after the business there and ex- nentji tn retnrn home in a few days. His family is and have been for the past two months spending the summer in Srcith villt. ' t look out for Sudden Chaoses of weather, and guard against them by using Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure. Sad Death. Cheslev Calhoun Bellamy, a young gentleman of great promise, died kfcHhe residence of his father, Dr. J no. DrBei. Iamy, yesterday morning at 4 o'clock af ter a short but painful illness. On Wed nesday morning last he was taken with billieus fever and on Saturday, conges tive set in seriously affecting his brain. The deceased was 21 years and 10 months old. For the past five years he has been away from the city, part of the time at school but for 'the past three years he has been a student at Davidson College and had just entered the senior class. Deceased was universally popular with his college mates, and had on Be vera! occasions been elected by them to the highest offices in their gift in the college secret and debating societies. He pes. sesed a mind that was particularly bright and active, and his future was full of promise. His death is a severe blow to bis aged parents and devoted brothers I and sisters. We tender them our sin. cerest sympathies. The following unmailable matter lies in the poetoSce in this city for want oi the revenuerequired by the governments Hr. ll. a Hewitt, Stump Sound, N. O; Mr. W..HV UcDade, Fleaingtcn, N.C. The following are the readings of the thermometer to-day at the Signal Ofiict inthiiity: 7 a. m., 75; 11 a. m., 83; 3 p. m. 82. The maximum temperature to-day was 83 degrees, against 84 for the same day last year. Thermometrical. The following temperatures to day, at 3 o'clock, are reported or the weather bulletin issued this afternoon: Cedir Keys, 87; Key West, 90; Punta Rassa, $0- Jacksonville, ; 84 ; Havana, 84 ; Savannah, 86 ; Charleston, 89 ; Char lotte, 86; Augusta) 88 ; Pensacola, 86 ; Atlanta, 86. County Commissioners The Board 'of County Commissioners mat in adjourned session this afternoon. Present H. A. Bagg, Chairman, and Commissioners Worth, Montgomery Pearce and Moore. In accordance with an act passed by the last Legislature, the fiscal year of the county will end on the 30th of No vember, instead of August 31st, as for merly. "Petition of J.I. Carter was referred to the Chairman of the Board with power to act. It was ordered that the Clerk of the Soperier Court be allowed to move part of the records of his office to the Court Rocm while the repairs to his office are going on. The Board then adjoarced until the first Monday in September. Criminal Court. The August term of this Court came to a close this morning. The following persons, all colored, were sentenced as follows: Sam'l Ancrum, larceny, 4 years in the penitentiary. William A. Williams, larceny, 4 years in the penitentiary. Philip Turner, larceny, 3 years in the penitentiary. ajock ueDerry, assault ana battery, 3 months in County House of Correction. SoL Moore, carrying concealed weap ons, 2 months in County House of Cor rection. Mary Stuart, assault and battery, 2 months in County House of Correction. Other persons who were convicted of assault and battery were punished by fines. Deputy Sheriff Dan'l Howard will ' n- iho , , 4ll - af leave on or about Thursday the 11th inst. with the three prisoners for the Pen. - Mr. Savage, the Superintendent of the House of Correction, will take his "birds" out to morrow. Study your interest. You can now buy Cook Stoves at factory' prices at Jacobi's. t 1 Coraplaiut igainst Sailor Boarding llonse Banners. Complaint from the masters of vessels now held at quarantine station near the mouth of the river about the utter and reckless disregard of the quarantine laws on the part of the sailor boarding house runners who infest this port,and who, while the captain and crew of a ship which chances to sail from a South American or other extreme southern port after a stated season is compelled by virtue of the quarantine regulations of the port to remain at the quarantine station a cer tain number of days without communi cation with the shore, steal on board their vessel and not onl steal their men away, but steal the prop erty of .the vessel abo. Captain Morrice of the Br. brig re, at quarantine, had to lower his boat on Friday night last to savo one of these same characters from drowning. The boat of the boarding house run ler having capsizedjwhile sneakingalong side of the brig in the darkness of the nigh t for the purpose the Captain thought and subsequent 1 events developed the correctness of the surmise of stealing someoftne Tramote's crew. To show L the grateful appreciation in which the runner held the kindness of the Ca ptain for saving his life, two of the sailors w were afterwards induced to1 desf j-t and in doing so stole a fine large yi.wl boat belonging to the brig. Naturally enough the Captain asks why he shoal d be so rigidly quarantined and no wutch kept on those from the shore. By tall means we think there ought to be a police or guard boat at the quarantine ' ground to I watch such manoeuvres add prevent any eemmnnication whatever from, either side while vessels are anchored at quaran tine. ' - Freshwater Perch, Trout and Black fish Hooks and lanes. A full assort ment and lowest prices at Jacobi's. t Uiy Court. Ilia Honor Mayor Smith held a short levee this morning. James M." King, charged with being drunk and, disorderly ly, was fined $1, and Wm. Gause, color ed, also charged with drunkenness and very disorderly conduct, was fined $2. Both paid up and departed. Now Ad. vertis seman t Yes, Sir. nm-E HAVE MET .WITH GREAT SUC- cess. in our Closing-Out Sale. Our promise was made to the public that they should have for a limited time, the benefit of our COsl PRICES. We have kept our word and the result Is a sweeping business. Yes, madam, you can fend your boy around. We have yet some few bargaios left in Dress Suits. Underwear, Iseekwear, Hosiery, etc. Our extra sizes in Middlesex Blue Flannel Suits sold well at $12.50. Only a few re main on our counters to be disposed of. Out of a lot of thirty only four of those Nobby Brown Cheviots are now on the market. Cost Price $11.00. Our Collar and Cuff business has been im mense. Four years ago Otterbourg struck the death blow to the old price 25 cents, and sold the best goods three for 50 cents. Now we ai e running the best Collar, any style, at 124 cents. We have sold completely out of those elegant White Lawn'Ties, but to keep the wheel turniog,- have ordered a few gross. These Ties will arrive fey Express Wednes day morning, and will be lurnishcd to our trade ior 15 cents per dozen. We made a big drive in British Half Hose at 25 cents, and delighted our patrons with 50 cents Linen Handkerchiefs at 25 cents ; plenty on hand. Fair notice is given that owing to the un precedented rush on our stock, two weeks of the advertised eight will be withdrawn, leaving about twenty-one days wherein to make your chances good. We go North about the 20th inst., to pur chase Tall and Winter stock. Our head will be level on that score; never fear. Like John Wanamaker, the great clothier of Philadelphia, Otterbourg is becoming fa mous. as the leading Clothier of Wilmington North Carolina, . Men's Wear Depot 22 24, 26 and 28 N. Front St u2 8 Large, Fat, Juicy NO. 1 MACKEREL, This year's Catch. NEW Ferris Small Choice Pig Hams, Ferris Breakfast Strips Ferris' Selected Beef Tongue? Tlieao goods aro of the finest quality, received fre3h per every Steamer, and each separate piece is guaranteed sonnd and sweet, John L , Boatwriglit, 1 . 11 & 13 North Front St. Fresh Peaches. 1 I am receiving cUily consign 1 jments, of Peaches, and am selling 1 them in any quantity.' Send your orders to JNO. I B0ATIVR1GHT, z it TABLE RELISHES Nor Advertisements. G ra, rs d Co n ce rt ! VOCAL AND INSTRUMENTAL I JinE ARION QUARTETTE, assisted by some of the best Amateur Musical Talent of the city, ill give a GRAND VOCAL AND INSTRUMENTAL .CONCERT, on TUES-. DAY EVENIVQ AUGUST Cth, on the ; Steamer Pssp-rt. Boat will kave at S.30 aud return at 11 .SO Tickets, 50 ; cenU for the round'tiWfor sale at lUinsberger's and Yates'. No tick ets will be sold at the Boat. aug -lt Treasnrex'a OCIce, Cily cf Wilmington, Hi C. THE LICENSE TAX FOR AUGUST IS , nast, (lllf. All narltx. m . .- til please call up aud settle. . i HENRY SAVAGE, August Cth, lvSl. Tas;"CoUector. au o-l t . : J-EW CARGO JUSTRECEIVED . ; SOLID AND CLEAR. SPECIAL RATES AT v INDEPENDENT ICE DOUSE ' . gTauS-lt DAVIS & SON . Prof. Aaostini 7-ILL GIVE HIS NEXT EXCURSION to Smithvillc and the Forts, on the Steamer Passport, on THURSDAY NEXT, August. 11th. The Italian narpers will furnish music for dancing. Fare, 50 cents fur the Round Trip; Children half price, aug 8-lt '. ' ' ; NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS TO TEL EPHONIC EXCHANGE. P LEASE ADD TO YOUB LIST the fol lowing Htations ISo. C3 A. fl. Vaabokkelen I7n!on Diatillcry. No.l54 : " Office Water at. No. f5 Keeidecee. W li BTERLINO, &ng 8-lt Manager - - Stolen. c , QN LJL3T iiUDAY NI9UT, from Er Bri "Tramorl",- at Q israUne naar Sxsiih ville, ONE YaWL DjXT. $5 reward will be paid for th boii an! $20 adcitienal fjr the arrest en t. conviction f the Runner from Wimiagtcn tth'j stole it with two mea bslongiag 10 biW r?sa'. ALEX. bPRUNT k PON, au8tf Agents and Goniigoees.' Removedf WT. JailNSON & CO., Upholitsri, Vaper Ubuwtb, e'.c., hare rem ted to tha 8tore in Onnij'g ow, oa Peoand be . twen Market ard Princess streett, lately oc espied by liaokias & Bates. Orders filled promptly and sat faction guaranteed la every particular. Repairing dcne!t short notice. , aag8-lt I Am Beceiving A. VEST LAR ,B the foUctr Log geods; BLANK BOOKS,1 SCHOOL rOOXH, i 80HOOL STATIONERY, PAPER AND ENVKLGFZ3, PK1T8 AND PKCiL, INK AND MUCILAGE, Ac., Ac , &c, 1 Headquartars fnr Hchaol Books adopt 0 by the btate Board of Educaticn. PIANOS and OaGANd always onbad aa 8 C W YATJCtf ' i Stationeryi gCHOOL BOOK3-A OOMPLETJC Otccl a!wcyson hand. SCHOOL STATIONERY A Bpiclali Inks, Pens, Peneils, WrHInff Paper, Pea Bolder!, Crayon, Ac, 4c, Ae. Headquarters for School Books adopted bj the Stits Board cf Edccilitn. A full f?p plj always oa hand at HEINBBEBGER'C anz8 Lire Book and lluria Btoxa RED CEDAR PACKIHQ CHESTS SASH, DOORS AHD BUNDS) BRACKETS, MOULDING, LUilSEBAf i ' ... - 1 ALL SIZES WINDOW GIJIS3, ; , I..' .- AT Af.TAFFK,:PBICE ii CO'3. Factory: e Foot Walnut st. Nutt, near Red Croes R3 Judee, jJEECflANT TATLOR, has remaTed to tho basement of tho old National Bank bcildins. Kcpalxin and Cleanlc done on thort acrtico axd at rcasoiaLIc fibres, " & SATISFACTION GUAKAIiTEID. ? t?io-2t r "I

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