IBIS FAF every af"0' 8 aad are l- - ,, ... , ; - TTs win bspJad to receive- osatalraUca from xrzT friasds on mj aad all fubjsetf e Caeeral tsterett bni - Tfc paas of ite wrr cert always bt f Ocxjaswd(?atloa carl b writun t cmly oes !(! of tb paper. .. '; ' rn)slUej awl b avldd , i Aad i Li c ;rtIiy and psrikaiarlj tmdar rtood ihzi Hi EH:tJ .oj not alwayi esdon ' tae rirxi ot eorrefpcsbde&ts ualess so tat la the editorial ooltv&r. . .,1 A ..rnVM.TA(IE PAID r . .v. 4.0-ThrM . rr. mi to. mr ,ae month, 60 cents- b delivered by ewrierfi, 51.' er will . . ID i. .itf.ni - , tm low sad libern iberi will pie weport any ani itioir papers regularly. :ri rtei re VOL..V. ' WILMINGTON, N. C TUESDAY, AUGUST 9. 1881. NO. 186 illlllEi! FOB BHEUIflATISI, fcwffV'ff, Sciztica, Lurr.tcjo, Izlacfie, Screws cf ike Chest, fctf, Quins, Soro 1 facet, S well fat and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Sod1 Fains, y,lar and Headache, Frosted Ft'et and Ears, and all other Pains end Aches. fcrrwntinn ' rarth equals St. Jacobs Oil ,tnfr,irr, nhnple and cheap External )nr. i trial o tails but tLe"coaipuratiTe!jr rfj ictif of 50 ('rat, and every one suffer titk Mia can bare cheap and positive proof 'jatkina ftnctiou In EeTen Language. KUJBTiiLDRTJQGI3T3 AKDDEALEE3 15 MEDIClflii. JLVOGELER oS CO., Baltimore, 21 cL, 17. S. ,4. ifrClW-no ta EXTRAORDINAEY Wacements U1 be offered for TEN D1Y3, la remaining stock on hand of Brussels Carpets. Some twelve or fifteen styles. ajdtyct la to realize on these goods, and a" tie iow prices to be named, CASH DOWN will be required. r.lattinsfs; Wklt and Colored, very cheap. CURTAINS, Lambrequins, &c. Respectfully, . 1 R. M. EflcSntire. MRS. JOE PERSON'S REMEDY FOR - SCROFULA NEYER FAILS. It Will Cur if Fairly Teste?. filirea Ulat I Wa a f 7 Tor that disease. I bad suffered fcn,!T?fala for more than three years, w despaired of eTer cetUas well. I Zr? wring that time by three very physician without any-good result. "Atlanta, Ga., and -was treated there TUa ny family physicians met with. l4 to try Mrs. Person'a remedy, and Jot oaed it more than a week before I "eaits curative and healing proper- 71 . 1 not thought of ever getting fciSnf.' but tty hopes increased, my low fcTfled before th J remedy and I lnnepiendld health and am in 'llhe remedy is mild as a pur aja strong tonic : it will heal the V'ih Y11 Iq three wceka if taken l my opinion that It ahould 5l'0e time after the sore Is healed, f av w v. its vuvvig. A. duvuiu "Rwly by all means, for I have neglected it. from the pressure of 'is.'Z., u ia u cases found that the m J i - d .that the v-jmade would coi -vAujmaae -w-ould commence to re- 5 nSJff a ror 41011(5 should be JVJX uatil an effectual cure is SSU Kothlng should prevent regu li il5 of remedy and it should rruke prcpe 4to an. who rho are suffering from lJaB-,r,rj w "win surely cure you IS 2??JI,lr t?fit "Iipeak from expo- act from hearsay, .tofaeurefromt . lama gratc- t&euseoflt and klprfnJ nd lasting obligations to fcS.rthe &re4t relief 1 haveoV 5tlaVT. .use uiierers, try It and be J am, respecJtfuUyt rMvice. lam, respectfuUy, itziZl"''' JAMES A. MOKUIS. aip for testimonial of remarkable c J&' Jo Trinklin KLS ViL H. GREEN, WU I ME LO? -AL- NEWS. , . NLW AlVEttTI.-EHES4TS. C'V"T'Ar--I Am Now Kei-eivi z IlErssnEKiEK-Tbc tar Parlor rran Pkof Ag.htixi txcursiou Ptjx.ned Konx, Lebekmax & o Wai ted " Jas. B. Huggiks Notice Beatty -Organs IlOBAtE Waters Fiaoos and OrgaDS Dr VV' II Parker Know Thjf.-ell Moore's Butinesu, University Pee ad Hop Bifters " Parker's Ginger Tonic ' I'.exson's Capcine Porua Plotter i ' Bt-Hu4 ify-yonr home, by psing the N. Y. EnamelPaint, ready mixed and war- anted. Sold only at Jacobi's. t ... The second crop of canteloupes have made their, appearance, some of them are very fine. " Call at Jacobi's for Garden Hoes and Rakes, Shovels, Spades, Axes, fcc. There yon haye the lowest prices. t A new profession is the, "finger nail artist, and a woman at that. She guaran tees to beautify the nails, both as td shape and cojor. i IIorace Waters fc Co., ofNew'York now sell Pianos' aud Organs on installments in allpart3 of the couatry. . LMds IUYi Alderman Jas. 1. Huggins invites .bids for the erection of a belfry on the City Hall bailding and for removing the fire alarm bell from the New Market. Plans and specifications of the belfry can be seen at the Treasurer's office. See ad vertisement in another column. " Mr. A. J. Bandel., Ia Fayette .House. Washington, D. C, relates the following: I have suffered with rbeamatic pains in my chest for years, and have taken dur- .i ' n:cr - i. ..I: ; lng mai lime many uiucreui meuiciues, without any permanent relief.. Since trying tit, Jacobs Oil I have been en tirelv rid of all Dau). and have been so more than three weeks since my first ap plication of it. It acted like a charm irom the beginning. -.- s . '. ... iustpuned. .The excursion advertised by Prpjessor Agostini for Thursday has been , post poned until Friday, the boat having been previously chartered by Capt. R. P 1 addisen for his excursionists irom up the river, for Thursday, the 11th inst. See Here. You are sick; well, there is just , one remedy that will .cure you - beyond possi bility of doubt. "If it's Liver or Kidney trouble. Consumption, Dyspepsia, Debil itv. Wells' Health Renewer is.your hope. 1. Druggists. Uepot Jas. u. jwunas. Cily Coart. One more unfortunate wearied with so briety, became rashly importunate and committed a breach of propriety. It was Scip nill, again, who was found drunk and down last night.- He had a hearing before his Honor the Mayor thi3 morning and was sentenced to ten days imprison ment The Court then adjourned. " ; A Slate I? and at Yorktoivn. - Adjutant-General Jones has commis sioned Prof. Wi H. Neave, of Salisbury, to organize a State band to accompany the North Carolina brigade to York town, and Prof. Neave has issued a cir cular invoking the co operation of the bands and citizens of the State in the work befoie him- He sets forth that there is not a professional band In the State, as is the case in other States, but that he hopes by making judicious se lections from the amateur talent, com posicg the various bands in North Carolina, to organize one which will re flect J credit upon the State at the Oc tober Centenuial at Yorktown. Prof. Neave is said to be a musician of a high order of talent. . Messrs J. E. Willson, K flat cornet; D. B. Mitchell, B flat cornet; H. D. Burkheimer, 2nd B flat:. -Frank B. Lip- pitt. Tenor; S. G. Hall, Tsba, and Geo. D. Parsley, bass drum, of the Cornet Concert Club have consented to ac" company the State band to Yorktown. The above named gentlemen whose mu sical ability is well established ia this community, will be a valuable acquisi tion to Prof. Neave. They may be ac companied by other members of the Cor net Concert Club. To Builders and others Go to Jaco bi's for Saab, Blinds and Doors, Glass, &c Yoa can get all sizes and at the lowest prices. . ' ' . indications For the South Atlantic states slightly warmer. lair weainer, wtuua uku; southeasterly, stationary or lower press I " : ure. . .i . .- .--.i'' A Strange Ti&h. Yesterday morning while Mr. John Farrow was returning from the rocks off usonboro Inlet he discovered, about two hundred yards off shorej a fish with a very high black fin which he took for a porpoise, i ne nn seemca to get a scent, of the fish in Mr. Farrow' surf bp it and changed its course from the south wardjand bore hard down on the boat with -great speed. Mr. Farrow got an oar ready intending to give the fish a punch but as it xamg ulongside he discovered that it was a stranger to him and about tbe.;lengtu of his boat, which measures sixteen feet. He ordered the boat's crew to pull away from It as rapidly as possi ble. He describes the "stranger" as be ing about. 16 feet long with a $lack body, high fins and a head shaped: like a catfish's, on each side of the eyes 'were smellers." The fish played around among the fleet of fish boats which .were coming in about.that time and all the fishermen aver that they have never seen anything like it before and do not know the name of it. . Study your interest. ! You ' can now buy Cook Stoves at factory prices at Jacobi's. ' f " Board or Aldermen. The Board of-.Aldermen met in ad journed session yesterday afternoon, at 3:30 o'clock ; present His Honor-Mayor Smith, and Aldermen Bowden, Huggins, Alderman, Chadbourn, Worth, Northrop, Telfair, Sampson aud Willis. The committee on Finance reported in reference to Jno. S. McEachern's appli cation for damages to hay, caused by the overflow of a drain on July 1st, but made no recommendation, simply giving a statement of facts connected with the case. Alderman Chadbourn moved to allow Mr. McEachern to withdraw his applica tion. Carried. By request of the' Finance committee, they were granted further time to report on the petition from parties who .have paid the assessment made against them on the Belgian block pavemenon Front street. ' ; The comntiitee ou Fire Department submitted two plans for putting a belfry on the City Hall one drawn by B. D Morreli and one by Henry Taylor. The plan drawn by Mr. Morreli was adopted, and the committee was instructed to ad vertise for bids and have the work dene at a cost not exceeding $300. The committee on Sanitary matters re ported progress. The committee on Lights was granted further time on petition for a lamp in front of the Second Baptist Church. The committee on Streets and Whax ves reported progress in reference to cer tain wharves and bridges and were grant ed further time on removing house of Jno." A. Barker. " Petition from sundry citizens in refer- ence to suppressing a house of ill fame on the southeast corner of Eighth and Dock streets, was, on motion, referred to the Chief of Police with instruction! to no tify the owner of the property that th nuisance must be abated. ' A petition from .sundry citizens and newsdealers wa3 presented, asking that Messrs. C. M. Harris and S. Jewett be allowed to keep open their places of bus iness until 10 o'clock on Sunday morn ings." ' . . ' . ; Alderman Sampson moved that the newsdealers be allowed to keep their places of business open until 10 o'clock on Sunday mornings. Motion lost. - The ayes and nays were called and re sulted as follows:' Ajes Aldermen Alderman, Bowden, Chadbourn and Sampson. 4. Nays The Mayor and Aldermen Huggins, Worth, Northrop, Telfair and Willis.- C. A communication from Mr. F. H. Darby, City Attorney, enclosing a final statement of all back taxes collected by him from May 31st, 1879, to August 8th, 1881, showing the amount of 24,050.03 to have been collected was received and referred to Finance Committee for ex amination. A communication from the Board of Audit and Finance, confirming certain contracts, and also ono in reference to the proposed Hospital, was received and read .. . . - ': "; " Sundry reports were received, read and ordered on file. The Board ten ad; journed. .September mullets and oysters arc slowly but'surelj creeping on deck. . - - - - . ; . One r Two Mlitak.es. It is not often that we attempt au ex planation regarding typographical errors, , but yesterday's issue contained several which we think demand some little explanation. We have a typo in this office who commenced learning the art of printing by taking the place of the Printer's Devil, and yesterday he seemed not to have fprgotten hisv early calling and played the devil with everything we wrote. In the editorial column under the head of "General Bragg's at tack "on Fort Fisher" we wrote "no other alternative put to capitulate," and yet it appeared in print "no other attention hut to capitulate." Again in the local column Mr. Harding Johnson's name was spelt with, an S, his surname we mean, notwithstanding the fact that it was written correctly in the copy and corrected in the proof. Another glaring mistake was in another local, article where the adjective congestive was made by the printer to take the place of the noun congestion, even after it had been corrected by the proof reader. "When the ct is away the mice will play." Our editor-in chief being absent the typo evidently does notstand as much in awe of his; representative as he would of the editor himself in propria: persona. list of Letters. . The following is a list of tho letters re maining unclaimed in tlw City I'ostofiice Wednesday, Augu 8 1 10: 4 A- S H Armstrong. B H Washington Bryant, Ida Brant ing, care Lizzie Owens'; Sallie Betts, Nellie Bishop, Polly Betts, iPhebe Bow den, Eliza Bland, Mary Jane Bryant, Marv Bowden, John T Beck, James W Barker, Florence Ballard, Agnice Bryant liishop Uesente, Ann 11 Byrd, Rev T Black, Thomas Bird. Winnie Beatty. C A E Carter, A H Crowell & Son, Caroline Cavin (col), Elizabeth Chap man, Esstillar Cobbs, E H Caudle, John Crowell, James W Cox,.PlattD Cowan, P M Craig, Brown Clobey, S A Cripper. D ChasDonely, Nelson Davis, .Mary Ann Dozia, Sarah lAnn'Dentton. , E William Ellaby, Eliza Eddy , Fr-Senpber, Faison' ;r Sil v Franif, Litura Franks, Isacc Fnlmore. ! ' ; t G Thos Garrell, Gabe Gay (col). H Beverly Haskins, Charles Hon esty, C C Habinett, Grace Hall (col), Betty Hooper, Lizzie Hays, Mattie Has kett, Polly Hendersnn, Nathan Barker, Rachel Huggins, Silva Hersen, Sarah J Harriss, Silva Herring (2). T H Hocrens. Silva Hooper, Willie Hardwick. J Angeline Johnson, Andrew Jack son (engineer), Alexander Jones, Georgia J ohnson, Johma Jackson, John J ohnikin, Lizzie Jones (2), Louis Johnson, Ned J ones, T M Jonnerson, William James. K Kate Kennedey, Polly Korniggie, Mary Korneggie, J D Kelley. L Carrie Lucas, C Lennie, J . H Lewis, LauraJLee, Thomas Lovick, Mar cus Lewis. M Annie Moore, (2), Anthony Mil ler, Dealia Alerntt, James H Mintz, C A May, Jane Melvin, (2),lEveline Mer rick, Ella Marting, Gertrude Morris, Elizabeth Mitchell, John Martin, Jor den Mitchell, Leney Mosely, Mary Mc Lean, M E McKenzie, M C Martin, Thomas J McDuffie, Patience Merrick, Thomas McFarling. N John Nicholson. O Lizzie Owens. P Elizabeth A Phayer, Emma Potts, Ellen Parker, E G Polly, Junius F Per ry, Isaac Parmer, Jerry Patterson, Susan Pope, Phifer Ac Stepens, ' Libby Parm- lee, Samuel Potter, WilliamJPhilpot, W H Payne, Delia Piggott, Carter Pea man. R Laura Rutledge, (col), J A Rat- cliff, Gabriel Reaves, Genia Robbins, C W. Kusowlds, Mary Roacha. S Robert Sweet, R N Street, W H Swindle, Sarah M Sellers, Sarah Samp son, Sarah anearatt, Liousia J smith, Lucy Skipper, J C Saloman, J B Serry, J M Spooner, J W Swain, Jennie Stamp, Joshua Sloan, John S Sellers, Josephine Stuart. John H Small, John Stubbs, Mattie Sulevan, Frank Snede ker, FSSingletary, Fred RScott,EU-i zabeth biddleton, V lrginia Shaw. T I Smith, Delia Smith, Charlie Soon, C S Saylen, James Subera. , T-r-Smith Tkomas, Travis Tharr. So phia Towers, C W Taylor. W T G WUlis, Robert Whellon. Robert Williams, Robert F White. Mur phy "Ward, (2), Emanuel Williams, Lou Williams, ixtta A Wright, Leo Wilson. James Welton, (2), Jon E Wood, Joe Walker, John Warthman, Jessie Wocd ard, Hagar Wielden, Henry Wilk. EUza Williams, August Wherhaben, Buttom Williams. SHIP LETTERS. Ande-Styremond Henrik Fergerscn. barque Edvind Lidyyei, Capt Ilwin W Ferris, str dredge K V White. , Persons calling for letters in above list willleaso say ."advertiaedw; if not claim el in 30 days will be sent to dead letter Office, Washington, D. C. ; : . . v - BRINK, P. M. Wu'iningtca, New, Hanvxr Coojs?j Grand Lnds. The colored Odd Fellows of North Carolina will hold their Grand Lodge meeting in this cily to-morrow. Many delegates and excursionists have already arrived, and a much larger number Is ex pecied to-morrow. A safe and sure means of restoring the youthful col. r of the hair is furnished by Parker's II air Balsam, which is deserv edly popular from its superior cleanli nets. 1 Hie E. V. White.- The steam dredge.boat '":E. Y. While commenced work on Snow March Chan nel on Saturday last. For one or two days, her machinery and engines being new,shedid not accomplish much; but to day everything is working as nicely as possible. Much good work is expected of the dredge and there is every pospect that she will come fully up to expectations. Excnrslonists. About one hundred and fifty excur sionists from Point Caswell and the vi cinity of Black River are expected to arrive in this city to-morrow afternoon about 4 o'clock on the steamer John Dawson. They will spend the night at the Sound and on the beach, and on Thursday will indulge in an excursion down the "river on the steamer Passport. We wish them a pleasant time. Look out for Sudden Changes of weather, and guard against them by using Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure. - Heady for Use. The repairs to the steamer Governor WortH have been completed and she is now ready for use. She is intended strictly as a freight boat and by the re moval of her cabin accommodations she draws about four, inches less water. The Worth will not be put on the river now on account of the extreme low wa ter and because at the presents stage of the river the channel is not wide enough for her. v . Major Hill's Condition. - Richmond we regret to learn that Major Jas. H. Hill's condition is still consider ed critical and that it is only at inter vals that he is perfectly rational. At oth er intervals and for the most of the time our informant says the unfortunate gen tleman is unconscious, His physicians have s trong hopes, however, -tf his ulti mate recovery, but they persistently interdict anything like noise or compa, ny in the sick man's room, and enjoin the most perfect quietude at all times. V Another Fast Horse. The desire for fa3t horses has1 increas ed so much of late years that Wilming ton has several three minute horses, and one or two which can make a mile In lit tle less time. Capt. H. O. Brock, our Chief of Police, has caught the fever and has now at Currie's Btable3 a very -fast horse known as Tanner. The animal is not particularly pretty but his chief qualities are wind and good bottom. He is carafullyjstabled in a box stall on the left hand side of the southern end o the stable. The animal, it is thought, will be driven by Capt. Brock at the fall and winter raxes whAch are to take place at the rac'j track :near this city on Capt. Southerlind's model faTm. Somethinx Xew to Hhcd the Sun. 'We noticrj several of our wharf rats have taken an extra precaution to guard ag9 inst the powerful rays of the eun by purchasing and wearing" some thing kriown as. Ray's Sun Shatie, but which Vj our eyes, looks more like & bug gy top on a small scale, which can. be lowered or raised to suit the convenience. The arrangement has steel or metal r ods of some kind which are fastened abent me Eecs:. snouioers and waif 'iim a."i vantages claimed over an umbrella is that the protection is afforded by mean s ol the rods referred to, without employ ment of the hands, which are left free to perform their regular vocation, In these days of frequent freaks of tho elec tric fluid, we should think the wearers of these new fangled tsun shades held out a special inyitation to a flash of lightning to alight and make a minute examina-- tion or investigation of the new arrange--1 The tpUpmng are th t readings of thtt thermometer to-day at ; the Signal Officl in this citys 7 a.m., 8; 11 a. jn' 87; 3 p. q. 83. The in? jtintna tmpcratarc to-day wai 83 dcrtcs agak5t84 lor thf eas daj lost ycttrv -r : f:; - I The Excursion To. Xtent. Lovers of nicslc should not fail to at tend thd moonlight excursion Ott tho ras$io-t to-night under the auspices, of the Arian Quartette Club. The boat will leave her : wharf at 8:30. Messrs 1. F. Manning and n. C. Depew, of the the Mahn Opera Troupe will be of tho party. . 4 " The rmonii trlcal. ' ' The folio w ing temperatures to-day,' at 3 o'clock, are reported or" the weather . bulletin issued this afternoon: : .Key,We8t, 83 ; Havana, 81 $ Punta Rassa, T8; Cedar Keys, 85; Savannah, 88; Charleston, 90; Charlotte, 87 ; Augusta, 83 ;v Montgomery, 89 ; Atlanta, 9; Wilmington, 83. Now Advorticomonts. Wanteds JS EXPERIENCED Traveling Salesman to bell Furniahing Goods on commission Address, giving references, ' ; KOnN, LEBERMAN & CO., 20 North Sd st., PhUadelphia, Pa. g J)-ot-tuea-thurs-sat au: Notice. BID3 FOR ERECTING A BELFRY ON the City Hall building, and removing bellfronr. New Market Ilouse to same, in accordance with a plan and specifications to be seen at City Trcasuiei-'s office, will fco re ceived until 13 o'clock, M.f Ausrust 20th, . JAS, B. HUGGINS, for Committee. aug9-3t cod-nac Star copy Postponed. J)ROF. AGOSTINI'3 NEXT Excursion on the Steamer Passport, to Smlthvillo and the Forts, has been postponed from Thurs day August 11th, to FKIUAT, August 12th. . The Italian Harpers will furnish music for dancing. Fare, 50 cents for the Round Trip; Children half price. auff -lt The JStar rarlor Organ. JZCUALITY OF TCR AND BEAUTY of fiaiih is tzuurraeaed. Elegant and At traoiive Cases of zsozt Mrdern Deilri, tz' &rJ3 fcd cottaiairg Aciitns which are acksowl edged as EQUALED BY FEW and IXCSL LED BY KONF. : Fally warraiJe i to r,iv nlir. fatlafactlon. , IU'itiated Uatblca. farcished oa appli cation. Piicei Sea;onablA Term i Favorable. For tale at ' JiKlXBBEROEQ'S. sua: 9 Live Book and Moiio Store BCATTV'8 ORGANS. 17 Stops, 5 Set CM 5 5 I Golden Tongue reeds en' v $85. Address, Daniel F Beatty, Washing ton, NJ. aug 8 4w PIANOS & 80LD ON INSTALL-: nDHRUO I f m4ts "d shipped to al UliUMriO i w parts of the coantry. Prices Low and terms ot payment easy, Head for Catalogue. HoRAOfi WATaliS A CO., Usnafaetnrers and dealer, 828 Broadway, New York. , aag 8-4w GOLD MEDAL AWARDED THE' AUTHOR. warranted tho brstandchMp eat, indivnnnsabU to rerr man, ntitled utb Sci'nc f 1 jf.." bonnd In fint Jt'r.orti xnoalin, emboatAd.f ull rilt. 3CW pwca,enntainKbMtUaJtt4 eturrarins. 135 prttacriptiona, pric only f 1.25 nt by mail t illnstrarM AirpJe, Sc.; m1 Dow, Ad'lrfsa P.aiyvJr ilel- - 11QW THISELF. xxa,A'o.4Bol&Bca3t.lioctoa. Send ta . I or iaii3tratea Circular. A lhre kcIojU Evtfrwti Kchool. JutaUished twenty yeoru cure all diseases cf the Btomtcb, Bowels, Hlood, l ivr, Kidney and Urinary Org ati, Nerrouiaew, Sleeplisawi, aad erpcciaJly FeniaU Conplainta. Ask your drarciat for Hop Bitters at d try tben before ycu sleep. Tic hoothis. 8endf.rcircn!ar - hop Bitters M'f'jc Co, Jiochcstcr, N Y srd Toronto, Ont aaTHH HAVE YOU EVER KNOWN Any person to be f eriousl j ill without weak stooaeh or la active liver or liliere T Atd when these organs are la good condition cn yaaBot Crd .their pos etsar ecjoyinif. jcood health ? Patnta's iiisoia Toaio always refrulates tbee iaiportaat or jrass. aid never falls to mate tbe blocd rich ad pare, sai to reogtbea every part of theryitem. Itkas oaredJbqndrejs of det psiris tnraiids. Ask oar neighbor about it. . suff8-4w Beisob's Cajcins ftfas Piaster. , Far Laaio Back, EhWma'Jja, KUatr AfTtc tif, caJ ac See -end paias geterally. It is thenarivallid remeay aajrlKw Stolen. c t3 LASr FRIDAY UIQUT, I.-oa H- litmi.Wiaaiaxtoawbton wUitwo rzja mm W1 r Wm HOP in B HrraacreV t QiaraaUcansar Baltb TflU,0.f E TaWLBJAT. ZS reward wlil be'vaidfoi'the boat ami aistnilfr anl eonnctura i u uucn , ..." ,

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