no am raoraiwoa. airrioNS. postage paid. CB9C.oo Six -ontha, SIM; Tb .diaany Prf theeity, at ill . - .a r" n. .nf HWi 0 ''!-7., rftUt low and liberal . ASriben will please retort aay and . : Alr pftpertrerttUrlT. ' l ya1r Advertisementa IfflOitJ fok RHEUMATISM, liurdgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, 'fttlicht, Sorenzss of ihe Chost, tort, Quint, Sere Throat, SwoU 'mas end Sprains, Burns and 1 ' Sevas, voneruj ooauj Pains, TnM, Ear and Headache, Frosted Fiti and Ears, and a!! other Polos and Aches, . , wt fiMmooa on crw qu ot. Jacobs vjii. M t Wrf rimpl oi thmap XxUraal j A trUl nttils but tb oompumtively ttfh MtUf o M Ceats, and ivj on toffer at vuk pa caa cheap an poaitlr proof CPITllL1)Itt&flI8TABI)DBAlEBg A.VOGELER fis CO., WfQ !Vdawu t OrusselG Carpets. rtGSlAT REDUCTION haa caused to moTc nicely. If you wish a BAR- QilH e&U la the naxt few day. Some very r4 rtrlee to lelect from. Rugs to match Ooroets CorsetG. Uii II aa we are lolly prepared to give - attraction. M CETAINS, 1; U pair aid and by the yard, very cheap. Dress Goods and'Trimminsrs. ' u '(A-Spcialty.) 1 ood, freuh asaortment. TOIIIH BATI1" SOAP, HAVE TOU TRIED IT f Repectfnllj,, n.T.T. TJlclntlre. DS, JOE PERSON'S Mil'jii RtHSDY FOK ' . . GCROPUL A NT?ER TAILS. ItTTUl Cwt if PIrly Teitef. " UTei me mnrV- rO mmm- tn ba abl a to that I hare deriyed an effectual cure of erorola from the use of Mrs. Joe Person's J1 for that disease.4 I had suffered i fcroftua foT more .than three years, 5 despaired of eyer gettia well. I 2Vate4 during that time by three very aitpby3claiia, without anygood result. wenttothe National Surgical Insti m, atltlanta, Ga., and was treated there Jttai two months, with no better re i '-Xaoiiijphjslclanaiaet with. rj. lis curatiyeanof healing proper-L- V oon bean to heat, and the LvS-rto1 chuitdasfastastbe sores I aadn6tthousht-ofeyer getting nia, bnj my hopes Increased, my low !J?iaeafle4 before lH "temedy. and I TV o jlnjr splandid health and am iu SvPWU The remedy Is mild as a pur VM4 strong tonic ; ft wlU heal the born sore la three weckalf taken T- It la my opinion that It ihould Wosoma time after the tore is healed, kSj116 CMae of itseffectfli rIt should t regularly by all means, lor, J hate acSlected It, from the pressure of Jg- af ta. all caaea Ibund that fhe JdjBad: wtuld commence to re i adlor this alone', it should "be -t2rly effectual cure Is! rCT . othUg.ehould preyent regn-' Ltte taa pf tU remedy and ItshonJd Proper me. I would re t 4 to all who are suffering from fcitry 11. ItwHl surety cure you flgJWttfairtesLo Iipeakfromexpe "nL , olroia hearsay; lama grate b curt from the use of it and Iiryna asuag ODiigauons to Sf!?.10 h great, relief I haye ob- nfZ ri ouaerera, try is ana De a. . . . tamp for testimonial of remarhablt by Mr JJoe Person, rranklin; ililll ; III --ijwtrning.irom the institute, l was i to trf, Mrs. Person's remedy, and ltT atvrnooa, H "-'rrrra " r rvr. : -' -.v .;-'.' 'r- ! ' r - I F II 1 . ' I - IV ri-. f. i-L' M L . . i TV rN M It II II A i - 4 nW'l hi O v i W .. . . 1 . ft YJ VQL. V WILMINGTON, N. C, FRIDAY AUGUST 12. 1881. NO. 1S9 LOCAL: NEWS. y Nxw Adtsbtiskjctnts. ..HxursBiBOiB A Large, Full Stock. K of P Sec. 221, Endowment Rank C W Xatm I Am Now Receiyiog No Citj Court to-day. The receipts-of cotton at this "ptt ti- aay root up 13 bales. ; The nearer , the bang comes, to the eyt- orow the more rashionable is the nearer. Theman who gets meat angry at la newspaper squib is J usually the felToir who borrows tht paper in which he reads it. ' . : ' . Study your interest. lrou can uor buy Cook Stoves at factory prices at Jacob t's. t i - : ' i It is altogether unnecessary U soarcb the recks for the antediluvian man: he u here, andean be found in the store that don't advertise. h Rew-Dr. Bernheim returned to the city this morning from Mt. Pleasant, Cabarrus county, where he had place his son . ; - . i Section 221, Endowment 15auk, K.of P., will hold their regular meetiDgHhis eTening at Castle Hall, Bank of New Hanover building, at 8 o'clock. - - ii ! i a Freshwater Perch, Trout ami Black- fish Hooks and Lines. A full assort ment and lowest prices at J acobi'a. t The following are the readings of the thermometer toby at the Signal Office in this city: 7 a. m., SO; 11 a. m., 87: 3 p. m. 88. The maximum temperature to-day was 89 degrees,' against 80 for the game day last year. r A'eolored bov. Weslev Spencer by name, threw a rock and struck a small ' m a boy -on the head this morning, leaving a crash two or three inches long from which the claret flowed quite copiously Spencer was arrested and lodged in the Guard House. Mr. Alexander Morris, while residing at No. 192 AVashineton streer. Brook- lyn, last Spring, was stricken with severe rheumatism. His sufferings were of the most excruciatingly painful character, A friend recommended the great Ger man remedy, and he became thoroughly relieved after applying it several times He is now an earnest believer in the pow er of St. Jacobs Oil. J - I), antl D. A white man who was drunk and dis orderly on the corner of Front and Cas tle streets this morning was taken to the Guard House where he will sweat it out nntil'to-monow morning at 8 o'clock when the Mayor will interview him. Thermomitrlcal. The following temperatures today, at 3 o'clock, are reported or the weather bulletin issued this afternoon: . f ' . Key West, 92; Punta Rassa; '87; 7 Saw vannah, 91: Charleston, 89; Charlotte 95; Augu8ta,i 97; Montgomery, 94'; Pensacola, 88; Port Eads, 86; Jackson ville, 95; Wilmington, 88. , . To Builders and others Go to Jaco ii's for Sash, Blinds and Doors, Glass, c ' You can get all sizes and at the lowest prices, t Acts and Ordinances. Wd thank Mr. 3. (i. Hall for a copy of the "Acts of Assembly relating to the City of Wilmington, N.'C, from 1739 to 1881, inclusive, and the ordinances of the city in force on the Cth day of Junei 1881." This compilation was made by Mr. DuBrutz Cutlar and Mr? F.. H. Dar by, City Attorney, under direction of the Board of Aldermen. The: work, which' was done by Mr. -Ball, is an. every way a neat and creditable job. 1 - , . .i Y ' "-Brain AlferrcjK I -Well's Health Benewef.U greatest remedy on earth ier impotencev leanness, sexual debility, - Ae' $1 at- druggists. Depot Jas C. Mnnds. -l- - ; IheUfe.SaTlngSUtloa - From Lieutenant Chas. F.S,heemaker, TJ. S." Array we learflhat tne Xiife Bav, ing Statienrill be located at the North east end of Smit&xisiand, or3ald Head, which is as near the end of the Cape as it is prudent to piacit:There;rto be one building, "40x20'feet, erectedV:4 The Station is to be supplied with all modern life-saving apparatus and appliances and will be manned by a keeper and six men. Mr. D. Steinsqn, of New Bernewho Las - the contract for constructing the Station, accompanied Lieut' Shoemaker down- the river on yesterday and will pro ceed at once'with the work. i I - - ... - - 1 - The Sixth Street Bridge. Ihe bridge ou Sixth street which spans the railroad track has been under going thorough repairing and over hauling for some- weeks past. Most ot the.timbers were xottea and had to be re Pk-nonea, Hezekfah iteid, who has beesrd6iir'4he work, tells us I that The bridgejfiU be ready for n?e by w-morro. - ; ,J k . .. Itetrlbuilve Sutifvm in luiler. f ytJim ife?Wt- wliabV authority thar?oog,tffai!Tiskling iiear Me-rea CreekVio .CumDia.; township,, Tender connty. was visited on, the ! evening of the 10th inst. by a 'party, of seven r eight young men of the TOmeneighbor- hcod, who brought will theinE papef re- Jtracti sg certain defamator , rthv k J it is alleged he had made reflecting upon, the character of yonng lady living in tb!er Vicing 1'hiJ ,iuoyao;'q ref npt to sign, whereupon they administered to him a severe . t flagellation., . He i ai signed a paper acknowledging having ci vuiateu the reports, .oat wnetiieru he evi traded them or not wo were unable to I r ascettoin. An intense excitement pre vails throughout the community," as the lady in question is of unblemished repu tat ion and is connected with the best families of the county by whom she is held iu high esteem. The people of Pender, an order-loving and law-abiding people, almost universally endorse the conduct of the .young men who thus avenged the outrage' upeu the young lady's fair fame. We deem it advisable to suppress all the names of the parties for the present. , The Picnic tt 'Spring Garden." The above-named place ii situated in the midst of a beautiful 'oak grove, in s sequestered spot, about three miles west erly from Rocky Point depot. It is just the place in which to have a picnic, "and don't you forget it ;'' and the peo ple of that vicinity know how Jto get one up, and you might as well remember that, too. Picnics are held there annual ly, and yesterday, the 11th inst., was the day appointed for that of. 1881. At an early hour the people .began to assem ble, and they continued to swell the throng, notwithstanding the fearful heat of the day, until there were nearly or Quite five hundred people presents "The grave ' and the 'gay, the young (some very) and Ihe middle-'age'd, (sqme more than that) gallant gentlemen and beauti fuMadies (a fact, by Jupiter,) were pres ent, and all as happy as it is the lot of mortals to be in such hot weather. Every conceivable vehicle was put in requisi. titn for the occasion, and where those were lackingpeople wacthed their chances and walked. .. " Every . township, in the county, . from the "rugged mountains o Point Caswell'.' to the surf-beaten shores of the boihd, was represented by its beauty and gallantry. New. Hanover also sent her quota to grace the occasion. We noticed that- Wilmington sent a delegation of her good-looking .eons and beautiful daughters (fact) to' enjoy the festivities, which they did ,mosf heartily. The harpers were there, which is sufficient to indicate that dancing was one of the features of the day. At about eleven o'clock the long table was loaded down from one end" to theJ other jstith melons and all who wished indulged in a watermelon feast ' An hour later dinner was spread upon iho uma t&bl nd tha company invited to partake, which they dldf.w arelsh.; We have attended many such gatherings and must eay(nth-: oat detriment to oXheVs, that the table at Spring Garden is entitled to the premiam for excellence, quantity and variety. Af-' ter dinner the male portion of the assem blage was called to order in a few appro priate remarks by Dr. Satchwell and a County Agricultural Club, was formed, the proceedings of which will be found in another column. The Committee of Ar rangements for the occasion did every; thing in their power for the comfort and pleasure of those present, and were en: tirely successfuL Towards evening the party began to disperse, and at night those who desired assembled in Gamberg's Hall at Bocky Point to indulge in a so cial dance, where we left them at nine o'clock. The ladies and gentlemen from Wilmington desire to express their pro found thanks to all concerned fer the un alloyed pleasure the ctaiioa tCbrded them, . ' ' , Call at Jacobi's for Garden Hoes and Bakes, SbvetySpadcf, JUes;&c; There you have the lowest prices - - t ' tTnmailabie unmailablei:matten? remains in tke Post Office in this cify addressed a3 fol lows: - ; Miis M. E. Mott Rocky Point, N.C.; Miss Aqdie Ward, St. Francis Academy. corner Chaste and Forest streets:-Mr- JafnW lT. Vr. William?, Box 131, Pitts, N. C; J.,W Blackinan, 'Lumberton,-N. r J u 'i . t 4 Keir Lodger Mr. N. Jacobi, Deputy t Grand Com- manderfcOf hisjeity, left here last" Tues- jif tejcopn Jor,Fayt te vttlehicli puice, pa ijV.eunesaay mgni, nc insiiiuieu a new lodge Aof the . American Legion of Order. The , new lodge is known as La Favette - Lodsre. the number not vet being assigned. and there are 41rchartr members. W. C. Troy, Esq., is Regcnjt: A safe and sure means of restoring the youthful color of the hair. is furnished tjy farkers Hair tfalsara, which 13 deserv edly popular from its superior cleanli- ne&s. . ... ! . Death of a linuia Ht Oiozen ui oi- , Tty 'coaatyVt' '.'.T." , ') . ; LWe, regret to learn that Hi . II. Sand- ImJ Esqj, of Onslow county died at the residence of his brother, in that county, on the evening of Sunday, the 7th. inst. Mr. Sandhn was known throughout On slow and the "adjoining counties as a" gen tleman of probrity and integrity. His influence for good was . commanding and his loss will be seriously felt and deeply, deplored by all who knew him. His dis ease was dropsy. j : Beautify your homes by using the N Y. EnamelPaint, ready mixed and war anted. Sold only at Ja corn's. f . - v A Dinner Lost. ! Our friends from Point Caswell, who went down on the Passport yesterday, were taken to sea some two or three miles by Captain Harper, and would have enjoyed the trip very much but for the accident which deprived the party of their dinner. It seems that the excur sionists, consisting of some fifteen or twenty persons, had improvised a sort of table on the upoer deck, and had spread out finite a temntiner reDast. when juit i a ' as they were about to do justice to the viands, a wave lifted the boat and gave the 'steamer a sudden lurch, which capsized J people and "things too. ;The table aijd contept?,5which a few moments before looked so tempting, were now sea tered over the; deck, mingled with broken crockery and upset "chairs, as well as sev eral upset ' people. The incident disap pointed a few of the hungry ' ones but afforded - a ffood deal of amusement for the whole party, v -. . . - ALong Branch at Dome. We read frequently about the bevy of vonnir ladies and srentlemen OU the Beach at Long Branch, enjoying the de lightful surf bathing there, and of the im mense crowds at Coney Island,' Atlantic City and Newport, and at last the idea has occurred to a few enterprising genL tlemen in this city to start a first-class hotel at the ocean-side, nearer at home than any of the above named places, and we are. happy to know that the idea or project -aoout to assume laagxuio a - . i . i x :l i form. Mine host -of the Purcell, Mr B L. Perry, we understand, is active in the matter and we are glad to hear that he is seconded by a few kindred spirits whd propose raising a joint stock company and building & large first-class " hotel hi$ the beach, about 14 miles, from Wilmingj ton, right at the head of the sound and in full view, of the bay or sound-and the? mighty, broad Atlantic at the ' samo time. The sound can be usedty parties' who will indulge in beating orsaiUngnnd' fishing, while the surf bathers will have as fine a beach to enjoy that delightfal sport as any on the coast, and only few yards distant from the hotel. To make the undertaking a success it will be neccessary to have a "rail road a narrow gauge will suit all practical pur poses and that, we understand, Hon. B. B. Bridgers, president, of the W. k W. and W., C. & A. Bailroadi, thinks there will be no .difficulty in i getting, The site, as before mentioned, . is'at tne headwaters of the Sound, -near ' old Camp Wyatt, and about fire or six miles from Fort Fisher, somewhere near the position occupied by General Bragg while be gazed upon the bombardment of Frot Fisher by 600 large calibre naval guns while a heavy assaulting column of Jhe e&emy charged upon the heroic gar risen. So the place wfll rave a historic interest ui'wtll as being resort for plesssrev . : Personal.;; The Atlantic Review ot the 9th, inst., published at Atlantic City; New Jersey, says: "Quite an ovation was tendered to ex-Mayor Fishblate and family,' cf Wil-'j miDgtoD, ...C., on their departure from the United States Hotel. :. Ilia many friends expressed their sincere regrets at his leaving . tlirnu .The Mayor -intends returning next season. He carries away with him thobe3t wishes of a lirc num. ber 'of friends, whose acquaintance, te made during his stay "here." - : There was a crood 'attendance iunin porMo-day. "Hisjexcursions are popular, both with the young and old folks, and are always well patronized. Fender Agricultural Association. A meeting of the, citizens of Pender county; was held at Spring Garden on Thursday, August 11th, for, the purpose ; organizing an AgriQultural Associa tion. ... .. .. i . ; he meet ing' was called to order by calling Mr. James Westbrook . to the Chair, and appointing Mr. George; E. Shepard Secretary. ihe following preamble "and resolu tions were then submitted, and were unanimously adopted : ' ' i , ' i wdereas,' Ihe citizens of Pender are eminently socialacd progressive, and, whereas, picnics and public basket re unions haye become established institu tions in our young and prosperous county therefore, a Mesolved,rTh&t in order to encourage these feelings and sentiments, the farm, ers and industrial people of our county every township of the county being here represented- hereby organize themselves into a "County Agricultural Associa tion," whose object shall be the improve ment of agriculture . and of social life among the people of all the townships. : Resolved, That we will hold an annual picnic and basket re-union. , . ? . Resolved, : That in order , to. carry out these purposesjan Executive Committee shall be appointed , by the President of thfs meeting, who shall meet and Teport a constitution and bye laws and recom mend permanent officers. .""',,: . Resolved, That the farmers and indus trial citizens, of every township are earn estly roquoatod to mwt nml - ovganizo auxiliary, clubs. : Short speeches .were made by Maj. C. VV.McUlammy and Dr. W. U. Murphy, alter which the Chairman announced the following Executive Committee: ' 1 J. L. Foy, Geo. E. Shepard, Maj. C. W. McClammy, Isaac Shepard, K: T. Williams, John Bannerman, Jr., Dr. E. Porter, James Durham, D. H; Arm strong, John J. Moore, Dr. W. C. Mur phy, Tate Collins, Col. J. D. Powers, E. M.Johnson, J. E Kivenbark, W . W. Larkins, J. W. Herring, D. W. Bordeaux, T. H. W. M"clntire, G. W. Herring, A. C. Ward, Jasper Corbett, James Coi Iviq, Dr. J. F. Simpson. Food for the Braia and Ifcrtcs . that will invigorate tha body without intoxicating is what we need in these days of rush and worry. Parker's Gin ger Tonic restores the vital, energies, soothes the nerves and brings good health quicker than anything you can use.- Tribune. See other column. New Advertisement. Sea 221, Mowient "Bant I, cf p. mUE MEMBERS ARE HEREBY notified that Regular Meeting will be held THIS EVENING, at Castlellall, (Bank New Han over Building), at is o'clock. " - . JOHN L. DUDLEY,' . aug 12-lt .. . Sec. and Tieas. j A lare, Full Stock fW BLANK BOOKS AND ENVELOPES ofali eizafSijlM andPriees. J : : ; V; S WAITING PAPES, v Legal Cap, Foolsssp, BiU Cap, Letter and CottucerciaJ Jfoie- ; " 1 1 -, SCHOOL BOOKS. HEADQUAliTfiRS for 8G3O0L B00K8 adopted rty the BTATJS BOARD OV KDU- UAti'jx. a c jmpiete i oek always oa haiii nEIlfSBESOER'S. anrl2 Lire Book and AIaic Btora Proposals, -pOR FURNISHING UNIFORMS for the Jfolice Force will be received until the 15tb Inst, r For specifications apply at my office WM.L.SMTI1I, r . t vMayor &n io-3t ';I"Am Beceiviiig A" TJB2T LAR1E BTOCK of tie fUw - - - ... lag goods; ; BLANC BOOKS, 80B0OL bOOKS, BOHOOL BTATlOKBr, PIPES AND EN VLCPE , 1SK AHD IfUCILAGf, . ; j- a &c g&c Deadqzartara for School' Bosks adopt uj vbo ouw oomxm oi jmncancn. 1 a O XT TATEi, pleads iron cs. i VTe win be clad to reoelva ecmnrsakatioa fro-a our frfaads cm axy axi all suhets e Tie axae of tie writer cart alwsyi he fa CasaxasaiaatioasBiurtha wrlttaa on only ese dde of ths paper 1 rersoaaliaes xaust be avoSCed rr And it is esTesfaDj'and prrticslarly cudar Joo4 iiat tis Editor doj aol always endors t.'a -rieyTsnl coTTirtzdzU, unices so stat in tlic edltorlil eclunv;' : ; Ken? ildvortiiKmontg. 3AYAH0 TAYLQ. To & Traveller, waw ; .i tLe gtvjic pamre in rccom me! (!.n; toptretitith.j cidcmy of Mr. . SiUaa C tlior.liJe.,' ; , - !ie t iay ii&mr ai rcfr:i.c3. iiy boys w:li returning -mi- ffjr.tliilt- fflnHhvi arer their la-,: , . Fvr ItA" in;,! ( I mUi. mAA-m MMllllN i SH )'vi"I.l!l4R- a ir arvard (f. - fy Grkdua MMU tw 9 11 milrs ir t f hila. ; an n-9 SOHUTTE'S - PfllHt HOTEL I Wriglitsvillc Sound . , JS NOW OPEN FOR THE RECEPTION of guests. t" The table Is supplied with the pro ducss of the Sounds and Sea. Transient and regular .boarders taken at reasonableratce. - F. A. SCHUTTE, ' Proprietor JeS-tf RED CEDAR PACKING CHESTS SASH. DOORS AliD BLINDS, BRACKETS, MOULDING, LUMBER, Acf . ALL SIZES WINDOW GLASS, V AT ALTAFFER, PUICE & GO'S. Factory: Foot Walnut st. Office: Nutt, near Red Cross s Porto Hico Holasses. STRICTLY PPJME , Porto Eico Molasseri t- For sale b Wiiilams & Mnrclilsoir. ' angl Keep Cool ! BOTTLED SWEET'S JHAMPAGNE' CI DER on Ice. A pure,'healthy and re freshing beverage for Summer; 'not intoxl catlne. -. - . - 4 t&f Pure, Cold Soda Water on Ice at the same place, under the Review Office at ' S, G. NORTHROP'S, ' ' SWater St, Store; seuF?SRHQH i m. ... and; Plowc3?siWinc ! jANDFACTURED BY WHITEVri,!. Wine Compaaj, WhltevUIe, H. O. Prices and siBspIei oa applies tloai ; Serd ia your crfiers for the hcUdajs. ddo 7dAw:tf 8000 BnheIsC0 j QQQ Bbls nonr, aU gries, 20 0 180103 Siaokc"1 111(1 D -i,ley CdiTeo Sugar, &c 250 Ba, Co2i;e different grade, Onfi Bb!s Sogers, Granulated, oliU Standard A, Extra C and Ci gQ BoxeaAaeorted Candy, 100 Tab8 ChcAce LanI' ' , Jq Z)19 and Boxes Fresh CalCJ,3 JQQ Boxes Ball Potash i 200 Coxcs L JQQ Half BbUaia Boxes Sniff, 4- -y'g Dpza Buckets, , , VJqQ Eearas Wrapping Paper, , Soop Iron; 'Trails; Hay, Oats, lEaalolth i&rns ana eneeCnps. oraaielow by iS 55 i WILLIAMS JCMURUII20N 250 HPS ZSO

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