1BI8F1FIB - if ...rinvS POHTAOK PAID, .c v) Six moats-, tl 50 ; Three i 16 : One month, 60 oenta. ' , will b. delivered byeaxriara, tr f ... n.,tof tbecity.atthe ..tat. or - T '""!:fitilnrlUbm .ttMflU Mr WN p1" report M7 Mi w rteeire their papers regularly. ttfth dvertisementB. THE GREAT FOR BHEUIATISM, Uunlgia, Sc.'itica, lumbago, Ixltcfid, Scrcress cf ihe Chost, forf, Quint, Soro Throat, Swell mt and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily Pains, JaU, Ear and Headqche, Frosted Fesi and Ears, and all other Pahs and Aches. jo fnfarmtioa on t ftrth equals St. Jacobs Oil ,Hf',r, timpl-e and cheap External A triil n tails but the comparatively t&4 itlf of 50 Cent!, and every one- Buffer tf ita pain caa baTe cheap and positive proof Dck&qi la Eleren Languages. KID SI ILL DRUGGISTS AHDDEALEES n MEDionns. 1V0GELER fc CO., Baltimore, 2TL, U. S. JL. prClW-Be to Brussels Carpets. JIHXGmT REDUCTION has caused Ma to mote nicely. If you wish a B AR iiuV cili iu the next few days. Some very sod styles to selwt from. Ruga to match try Carpet. ' Corsets Corsets- iii Hue vre are lully prepared to gite satisfaction. Bj tin pair and and by the yard, very cheap. Dress Goods and Trimmings U Specialty.) A jtxxl, fresh ashortmant. TCMWr BATH" SOAP, nAVE YOU TRIED IT ? : ' Respectfully, Rj iVi, IVJclntire. as. joe REMEDY FOR 80ROPUL iL NEVER FAILS. S Will Cnn if Fairly Teitef. it?6 ouch pleasure to be able to wSriTe derived -n effectual cure ol ftom the use of Mrs. Joe Person's jTjorthat disease. I had suffered k repaired of erer retUne- well. I j CTer Re'UHK wen. A VH Cllrin that tlm. Ktt Knvo. trm-r, I Jsir. . 4nwitaout an7 good result. lTpttothe NaUonal Snrcfpal Inati lKAUiiita- fJ v two months, with no better re nuly physicians met with. I idling irom the Institute, I was I inY7 erson'a remedy 'and SJr. it more than a week before I JWtta curative and healing proper Jwr2 80011 began to heal, and the V Yv1?11 cauged as fast as the sores Cv t4 not thought of ever pettinp- butniy hopes Increased; my low Tfied before thV remedy, and I l?!0! splendid health and am ia XSJ 'ug tonic-J -it will heal the f t 80re m wceks if taken V 11 m J opinioa.that Jt should time after hc sore is healed, .use of its effecte. It should .iSfJj by all means, for I have ,V,ywi it, from the presf urc of All cases fontiil that tlm all f a o m J . 1. A .1.- &V.?6 would commence to rc- Via for .1 t. v i i just ftr7 until an effectual cure is ttk tWng should prevent regu L4tv!0f tte remedy and it should CstUTtnPrcper time. I would re tatLS Wno 1116 offering from rnir1: I will -surely cure you NIJJ tesL I speak from eipe Ctr m heay. I am a grate L15? cure fTOm tb U8 of it and i1 WJ0'114 bating obliraUona to -- v. nuiei a nave ou- "use. Bufferers. trv It tnd h -avice. I am. resrjeetfnllv. Ktonr-- . JAal" A. MORRIS. c. r . ' J ' VU rUiTV "uc person, x ranjum, bJ.WiI. H. GREEN, Wil V C i ij 6-daw-nac c. TAIE 4LJ at iiie HI CURTAINS. r 4 1 - VOL. V WILAIINGTON, N. C MONDAY, AUGUST LO,CAL: NEWS. NW ApVKBTlSXaCXNTS. , PROT AGOBTIXI ExcUrtlOa ALTArrsa, Price fcCo 3ih, Bors asd Blinds L J Ottebbotjbo South Cardllna J L Boatwrioht "Pride of the Pantry Thzo J Ha-bbach Organs J W Ha bpib Outer Blackfish Grounds Bee ad Family Excursion : r Fob 8A.LX--A 12-Horse Boiler ; W E Datis & feox Salt Mullets , Tesant House Wanted C W Yatrs I A m Now Receivi g Hkixsbeboxb Great Economy. Hall & Prabsaxi We Offer See adrertisement of a house wanted in another column. Magistrates' Row looks melaneholy. Cause nothing doiag. 1 Yesterday was almost insufferably warmanother hottest of the season, by the "way. 1 Vennor didn't guess very much out of the way this time, so far as this latitude is concerned. i A very refreshing rain, although therd was but little , ef it, fell here yesterdaT afternoon and last night. Messrs. W. . Davis fc Son are putting up their own mullets and can guarantee every .barrel to contain sound fat fish. See adv. in another column. Call at Jacobi's for Garden Hoes and Bakes, Shovels, Spades, Axes, fcc. There you have the lowest prices. ' t Schr..iTae Carttlon cleared at this port to-day for Port de Paix, Hayti, with 50,000 shingles and 80,705 feet lum ber, shinned bv Messrs James H. Chad- rr bourn 3c Co. The wind is from the East tday and th fttmosnhere' is conseauently much cooler. At 3 o'clock to-day thether. mometer in this office was ten degrees ooler than it was on Saturday. ' "Another excursion, under direction o "Rna f!orrmittee" is advertised to t air a nUrfi on the steamer Passport on Wednesday next, August 17th. Every thing in the power yt the Committee will be done to add to the comfort of the excursionists. See ad elsewhere. We all thought that it .was warm here in Wilmington on Saturday but it was pleasant weather, compared to what it was in Richmond: The State tens us iiat. in that eitv. on that day the ther- mnmfitftr in some 't)lace8 on the South side of Main street was as high as 106. Professor A gostini's next excursion will take place on Thursday, the 18th inst He promises a fine time and plenty of dancing for the excursionists. He oTwnva baa nlpoflant' excursions, and we J : r ' doubt not that, the approaching onrwil vie with any of its predecessors. The last trip of the season to the outer blackfish rocks will be made by the steamer Passport on Friday, the 19th inst . The steamer will stop at the Inlet to accommodate those persons who wish to get a day's sport at that place. City Co art Tw Va of drunkenness were dis charged by the Mayor this morning with a lecture, the victims having spent night or two in the Guard House to sober One affray between two mebnaiea in dividuals enriched the treasury $2 apiece or $4 in the aggregate. This wound up the proceedings and the Court adjourned- In ttarmss. Mr. T. M.( Emerson, late Assistant General Freight and Passenger Agent nf Wa A H&ntic Coast Line, with head quarters in this .city, has entered upon the discharge of the duties of his new position in Richmond, that of Assistant General Freight Agent of the". Chesa peake & Ohio Railway. A formal noti fication of his appointment as such has been made in circular lorm, xie succeeds Mr. K F. Kelly, who has been appointed General Western Freight and Passenger Agent of the same road. Freshwater Perch, Trout and Black fish Hooks and Lines. A fall assort ment and lowestprices at Jacobi'iI f " Mrs, Ann Dougherty, residing at 364 E street, South Boston, says she suffer ed for sixteen years with salt-rheum, without any benefit from ' the usual means, urud was quickly cured by the ap plication of St Jacobs Oil, the people's Seat remedy for rheomatisn and simi r ailments. .. ' - . Presldeat Gxrlleld. i nere is a growing uneasiness in re- gard to the condition of the President, which the billetin issued to-day has not served to alleviate. ;It says that be passed an uncomfortable night, u irri tation, of the stomach, which caused vomiting, taking place at 3 o'clock. He vomited again this morning. His j-ula is given-. atl8, temperature 10D.2, and ieapiration 20. A de.-poo lent fl. iog is begUoin ,to be uoticeiblo now whenever the smbject( is mentioned. '' sV!r. Sam'l H.. Joseph, advance, coo tradings agent of J ohn . BobiDsba't Cireat VTerld's Exposition and Electric Light Show," is in the city preparing for the coming of the circus. on -Monday; the 1 9th of SeptemVjer. The show is said to be as good as ever in" every re spect, having its ,r own special tram of cars, fifty .cages of animals, elephants, camels, etc. John Bobmson has always enjoyed a fine reputation, and we have no doubt but that he will filly sustain it this season. To Builders and othersGo to Jaco bi's for Sash, Blinds and Doers, Glass, Sec Yon can get all sizes and at the lowest prices. 1 t i Mutiny on Shipboard- W. J. Dyer and" James Curran, two refractory seamen, belonging on the British barque Live Oak, were arrested this morning at the request of the Brit ish Vice Consul, by Sergeant Davis and Officer Bryant, of the police force, and placed in the Guard House far safe keep ing. The charge against them is mutin ous conduct, refusing to obey the Cap tain's orders and perform duty. The men, per contra, claim that they have been "overworked and improperly fed. The Consul will no doubt investigate the case and do justice to all parties. Catarrh of the Bladder. ' Stinging, smarting irritation of the urinary passages, diseased discharges, cured by Buchupaiba. Dreggists. Dept Jas. O. Munds. A Water Spent at SmlihTllle. We learn from a friend up on the Pass port, this morning, that a large water spout formed in the harbor at Smith ville yesterday afternoon, about 4 o'clock, which was pronounced by Captain Morse and several other old pilots who saw it, to be the largest they had ever seen, either upon inland waters or out at sea. The huge phenomenon floated rapidly towards the banks, whither it was car ried by the wind prevailing at the time, and burst on the beach, just below Fort Caswell, near Piney .Point We have heard of no injury done to -anything or anyone by the immense volume of water which must have escaped when the thing broke on the beach. 1 It is extremely fortunate that the wind took it touan un inhabited part of the land, instead of blowing it over the town or village ; oth erwise great damage might have been done to life and property. Two smaller water spcuts formed immediately after the larger one broke, but only lasted a very short time, when they broke also and the water contained in them mingled with its natural element in the bay again Editob Bsrrjrw: Dear Sir Will yea please call the attention of our nervous, timid health authorities to the work bow going on at the foot of Dock street, where they are digging up ballast and mud that hss lain there for years and hauling up rotten logs and leaving all exposed to this hot August sun, when a cleanjvestel declared perfectly healthy is refused even permis sion to come ud the river because about a month ago she anchored within a mile and a half of a healthy West India Is land and the Captain spent one day on shore? I could say more but this will do low; remainder after awhile. Yours, watxb btbibt. Conplicafed Dlseasej. A' "prominent gentleman in Cerro Gordo County. Iowa, writes us that he finds Kidney-Wort to be the best remedy htt ever knew for a complication or diseases. It is the specific action which it has en the liver, kidneys and bowels. which gives it such curative power, and it is the thousand of cures which it is performing which gives it its great celebrity. Liquid (very concentrated) or dry. coin act eucicuuy. x. n. Journal and Courier. , Quarterly Meetlnxs. Wilmington District, Methodist K. Church, South. Third round. WhiteviUe, at Whiteville, . . Aug 13-14 Cokesbury, at Bethel, . . . Aug 13-U Topsail, at Bethany, ... .Aug 20-21 Clinton, at Salem. . ...... . Aug 20 21 Onslow, at Swansboro, . . bept Coharie, at Averysboro, . . bcP-"10 1a 19. BcaxBXAD, r. xs. - -j -, . I . - 1 .t a V f . f , i it".".; " V- , Cer. Nws aaa ! ver. pniBtttcEirnrAL associa1 TMH. 8T1TI The Senlen at Ke vbern- B-iame ! of Proerrd t leciiun r.f Oficerr, He -The Sew L w Prt Tih Highly liOREHEAD CiTT, AugUSt l 1681 J .V. The second annual meeting- of the Nor.h s Carolina JhirmaceuUcal Assopr ciation, at Newbern, ,, eidcd yesterday. The attendance was (very good, about one hundred, including 41 newiy-elected members. Dr.v Wolfe, of Baltimore, presented his credentials as a delegate from the Mary land Uollege or A'aarmacy. J hese were received and he was accorded the privi- leges or tne noor, : Mr. K. Y- Zoeller, of TarborO, was re quested to aid the secretary iu bis duties. 1 he medical prolession were Invited to attend the various sessions of the meet iog. The reports of the elective officers and the various committees were read. with the exception of the committee on education, which was continued, another year. These reports showed the assuci ation to be in a flourishing condition. The board of pharmacy showed in their report thnt the pharmacy law. which re cently passed the Legislature through the influence of this society, was well re- ceived by the druggists throughout the State,and in good faith, so that there can be no doubt but that its beneficial effects. will soon be felt by the' public, in the systematic and restricted sale of poi sons and strict accountability for the purity of all medinical preparations sold, and in the regulation requiring compe tent parties to dispense the prescriptions of physicians. ' 1 I A number of papers on professional topics were read, andelicted considerable interest and discussion. r ! - jl telegram ot congratulation was re ceived from the Wisconsin Pharmaceuti cal Association, which is in session. Trrvf P W 'Rfnixl nf KU Vstr .... . a we w AWUIVIU vt Al vn AViBi was unanimously elected an honorary member. . , ' , i 1 . Dr. Wolfe, of Baltimore, made - some excellent remarks, and congratulated the association upon the work it bad accom plished in so short a time, and npon its auspicious tuture. The following officers were elected for: the ensuing year : '. ProairUk.t, . J. Uiosdale, of JFayette- ville ; vice presidents, Wm. Simpson, of Kaleigh, a. hi. Meadows, of JNewbern, and V. O. Thompson, of Winston; sec retary, T. O. Smith, of Charlotte ; treas urer, John S. Pescud, of Kaleigh. Committees wereappointed and elected AV4AV no Executive Committee A. S.Lee, of! ruueigu, n. ain, oi uoiasDoro; o. u. Smith, of Winston : F. H. Hancock, of Newbernj J. CMnnds, of Wilmington; G. A. Thomas, of Warrenton : T. C. Smith, of Charlotte. i business committee w. o. rorter, of Greensboro: C. K. Gallagher, . of Washington j . loraen Mace, oi iean - ioru - : . Committee on Papers and Queries- E n. jaeauuwa, ui wcwuern ; o. j. muaus, of Wilmington: E. V. Zoeller,; of Tar- boro." ? - Acicg wmswiiH imiiut u. the American Pharmaceutical Associa- tion at Kansas City, Mo., were chosen as follows: a. u. smith, or Winston; w. C. Porter, of Greensboro ; E. H. Mead- OW8, of iNewbernj 1. V. Crawford, of Oxford: H. B. Home, of Fa vetteville. The members-elect, from whom the Governor is to appoint one to fill the va- cancy in the board of pharmacy, when one shall occur, after June next, are: A. 8. Lee, of Baleigb; John Tail, of Morgan ton: J. H. Hill, of Goldsboro; A. W. Rowland, of Wilson; L. B. Wriston, of Charlotte. Mr. S. H. Smith, of Winston, wa3 ap pointed as local secretary. The association adjourned on the 10 th inst, at 2 p. m., to meet again in Wins ton on the 2d Wednesday in August, 1882. An excursion having been tendered the association by the Newbern druggists to this place, the association has availed it self thereof and is now, enjoying the ocean breezes. An extensive exhibit of ar tides apper tainingtothe profession was tastefully displayed at Newbern, in a large hall se cured for the purpose The occaeion was a profitable one to the profession, and all the delegates found good and pleasure in it. The many courtesies shown are not the least pleasing features, forNewbern's hospital ity has been definitely ascertained. Deles ate. Bxsj F. GaAiToar, Stobt B Ladd Balbzst E. Faxjtx, Late Oommiasloner ot Patents. FAII1& QRAFTOfJ a UDDJ Atlorneyt-aiyLaw and Solicitors of Acaer! can and Foreign Patents. 412 Fifth Street.' Washington, D. 0 Practice patent law in all its branches In tho Patent Office, and In the Supremo and CSrcnit Oocrts of the Unired States, Paaphlst teat free ca receipt of stamp ferpcstsZV Ki23 15. 1881. NO. 191 New , AdTartiisaaiQat. For Sale. A 12 HORSE BOILER, la, general good order. Locomotive Shape.'- Will 4 be sol 1! low. , Enquire pf . F. McMlLLAN, or ' ug 15-lt ; H ART, BAILEY fc Ca Salt Twlulle 1VTO. I MULLETS ARRIVING DAILY, packed by us, and guaranteed ali o. K. . 80LID AND CLEAR ICE. .Special price? aug 15 It - - -W.E. DAVIS & BOX. House Wanted. A 'SMALL HOUSE Containing four or five rooms within 5 or 10 miuutes eay walk to Po$tofflce., 131 A ddress, stating terms, TENANT. aug!5 1wk f.O.Box213. -T t 1 1 11 aa aw ' ' ' Prof. Aeostini 'YT'ILLGITETnS NEXT EXCURSION toomithviUe and the Forts,1 on THURS DAY NEXT, August ;llth; .The Italian Harper's will furnish music for dancing; Fae, 50 cents for the Round Trio: Children half price. !; . aug 15-lt a. tjVit tsv Outer BlaCKllfih KOCtS ! STEAMER "PASSPORT" will make her last trip, for the. season to the above Mshing Grounds, on FRIDAY, the, 19th inst,, leaving at 5 Aj M., sharp.. The Steam er win stop at tne "inlet" to accommodate those who may wish to have a day's fishing at that point. J. W, HARPER. : aag lfr-it Family Excursidnl ON WEDNESDAY, AUGUST, 17, 1SS1, on 8teamer Passport. f ' Ams .Excursion will oe under the man agement ef Messrs. J. W. Strauss, Alrich Adrian. H. A.'Glamfcver. John ITaar. Jr.. J. W. Gerdts, C. VonKampen and FV W Ortman, : " . ,:..! The Boat will stop at the Various noints on the river and the Forts. ' The Committee reserve the risrht to er elude all objectionable persons. ; jmo spirituous liquor allowed On the boat. Refreshments at city prices. , A Btrmguana will furnish Music. ' The Boat will leave at 814 o'clock; i be had of the Committee and on coaxal' ? aug 15-lt 1 : . ' 4 11 South Carolina. Copy cf oaa pido Ietter f rom; - J . ,y aa Enter priiine: Han i - .., -jj FACTS THAT FUfifilSH FOOD FOR 1 . ! INlJUUrll. . ... , v v.,x 1 Dove's Dipor, S. C Au. 2, 188 i. - - - : i UOUIS J- .tteeboubo, -Ksq., i Men's Wear Deoot. ' Wilmington, N. C; Dear Sir-Goods amountlDg to forty-eight ., j. : dollars and seventy-five cents, (43.75.) re- . -A ' ceived Ex?rcf a8 Per t(-xm c' a ' h The Suit and FurnishJugs are entirely sat Is I factory, giving more reals pleasure in the way ef quality and fit than any garments previously worn. I will take pleasure in recommending you to my country friends, believing you competent to uo better for them than were thev to buv in person. l shall in future give you my orders m 1 preference to selecting: goods myself, your aeaimrs in this case haying inspired me with the utmost confidence In your ability and williDgnefsto de the right thiog, - Very respectiuliy, your, e.y A. BvREID, Manufacturer of Naval Stores, and Dealer in General Merchandise, aug 15 Dove's Pepotj S. C. We, Offer Boxts D. 8. fiIDKS: Bags CO'FtV, "v " i- '. i .1 Bdls COTTON T2E3, ; 75 200 1500 200 Bolls Not. 1xi asd 2 BaIa. Hal! & Pearsal! aag 15 Great Economy. rpfli BLOTTER WRITING PAD. ' , .. WHAT 15 IT T It is a sew method t putting up all li adi ef Writing Paper, wh'ch kstpt tisna tceeti er, elsan, smaota, and ready f r lam. ciate It Is a Fad of Wrltia' Paper, the oj mt- ers orwniea is a tue thtet of the best Elot- tlag Paper aad the bottosa a stiiT board. The sheets are looiely fAtteaedla the 1 ai. It keeps the paper a wars rnDcth. caa. ! free frosa dust, aad is always there wbvn. 1 waaied. . , , fto Waste-GreatEr.&OBT Oreat Cczxt alesee For sale as- - HIjrSBESGR'S. aag IS UrtBocXaad Made Store ufimt listtnj Illq PLSl8fiffOTICX; T. Jvr will b gJad to reeslvs eoauivalcatloi froa our ftfeods o amy and all'taSftils s ffaiBtarstt but'- 4 The ftvusf the wrtUr boaI always t f eishi to the Editor ,. batwritteaoa c aly oas side of the paper. - , u -j Personalities mut be avoUei And it Is sspeelAlly and partfeulaxly ttlsr ifc6d thai the) EltvdoVaot always eaiori the Tiw ot oomrpoz Jats. utless'so tut ha t ildiioftal oolumw. 71 c . New - Advertisemontsi AUTO H A TIC OA3lNKT-PLAt A5T c yr fi ot ' , Ill-ttud catalogue iidJPhIa, . nflii MO Gttl?&2lM CHEtTJ HASH, C008S A HD BUNDS, BKACKET3, aiOULDING, LUMBER, &cc ; ALL SIZES ' WINDOW GLAS3. AT ALTAFFER, PBICE & COU Factory: Foot Walnut st. Office: , Nutt, near Rod Cross s S1 OF THE 23j 23. "t 37". 99 Bj a. strict- and impartial compari : ' son!vith other leading in this cifcj, Iho celebrated "Vkde of tho Pantry.' 1 Cornet out preeminently, ahead. (tT - invito acomparison with, any '... .- - . " ' i Flour in tliainarkot." .', It makes tho best' BrAftr . It lnakos the best Bolls, - ! li makes the beat Biscuit ' ' EVERY' HOUSEKEEPEB ' . Wh'd desires tho WTiitestVond Sweetest Bread should not fail to send for a sample. - r . ' ....... f . ,'' y All : I h9k' 'ia for you to tryhis . . .- ' i, , . Ti1 w r . t. ' ' ' . l . FLOUR' once, anfl if you do not find it superior to any you liaro used you can return it and . I jwill refund your" money. A fresh loi.jiifit arrived FRESHAND SWEET; For sale by JNfli.: & OQATWRIGHTV ;rst & la W. Front Ut angi5 ' I Am Beceivirig 4 ; VEiTLAKdi: STOCK cf tot foiow.' lag g3odi . . .. .-.t. ' ' " J BLANSI B0OK3. 5 ,; 1 Jf . SCHOOL r OOld. : ' ,1 t - SCHOOL BTATlOERr, , n ! . , PAPER Affl SYRLQPtr'a " - . Paa AHU PZSUIL. i v IK AWiMUCILiat' i'ez&qwUts. tPT Pehool Boekj aicpld 1 by the huw. Hoard cf daeatkn. .r. r..- aaxJi O W TATa Red; Rust Proof - Seed Elye. Seed Rye. A fVLL SUrPLT JV3J RECEIVED. - ' And for sale by - & Son, ,.C'l: to

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