,1118 FIFE .n.wa. ETS " T7 ..inNS.miTAUK PAID. R J nntks. 1260 ; Thrae , IS Uv ' ' 41 la ..te monta, 50 cents. will b delirered by carriers ..... artof tbeeitv.ntthe ,rrt low aad liberal 'JhLibers will please report any tad to waeirt their papers regularly. 4 hilar FOR RHEUIiIATISM, Keurafgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Bscktchs, Soreness of ihe Cftast, Goat, Quins, Sore Throat, ingt and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily Fains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Fttt and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. , y. Preparation en earth qufcli St. Jacobs Oit u "', turt, rim pie and chetop External Umttj. A trial entails but the coioparatiTely kftaf ontlM of 50 Oata, and every one suffer h vita pain can bare cheap and poaiUTa proof rftaekima. DinetioM In Err en Lang-oaf M. BOLD BT ILL DSXTGGI8TS AUD DEALERA 15 MEDIOUTE. A.VOGEUER & CO., Baltimore, ML, U. S. JL, aprC lMif-au to Brussels Carpets. rpHX GRIAT REDUCTION has caused UtmloaotenlcclT. If von wish & BAR GAIN till In the next few days. Some very food $trla to select from. Ruin to match rrorj Carpet. CorsetsCorsets. lathis Une we are iully prepared to glre at!sfaction. ME CURTAINS By the pair and and by the yard, very cheap. Dress Goods and Trimminers. ( A Specialty.) A food, fresh assortment. TOIIjn BATH" SOAP, HAVE YOU TRIED IT f Respectfully, R. HI. ftlclntire. IIS. JOE PERSON'S REMEDY FOR SCROFULA NEVER FAILS. . It Will Curt If Fairly Teste 1. It fires me much pleasure to be able to Jtaat I hare derived an effectual euro of croftla from the use of Mr. Joe Person's J1 for that disease. I had suffered a scrofula for more than three years, tf despaired of ever getting well. I treated during that time by three very keatphjjiciana.wlthout any good result. Jtea went to the National Surgical Insti JatlUanta, Ga., and waa treated there a two months, with no better re 13 bit family physicians met with, ttfcotifcig from the Institute, I was n2ded to try Mrs. Person's remedy, and J"4 not used it more than a week before I credits curative and healing proper - J sores soon began to hea', and the 201 my skin changed as fast as the sores JJ I had not thought of eer getting rj but my hopes Increased, my low Wttednefc.flea before th remedy, and I ow enjoying splendid health and am in spirits- The remedy Is mild as a pur 2. and a strong tonic : it will heal the bborn sore in three weeks if taken Iifny. It is my opinion that . it should some time after the sore is 1 healed, J jaote the cause of Its effieets. It ahiuid regularly by all means, for I have iSr0 neglected it, from the pressure of ta ln U c5ea foxvad that the wTady made would commence to rc JJJJ46. and for this alone it should be JJT Jtgularly until an effectual cure is iarSiir4 Nothing should prevent regu J2.a the use of the remedy and tUhould tJ0 the proper time. I would re jd to all who are suffering from tfZ1 to try it. It will surely cure you rPTsltafalrte8t. I speak from expe rJTzif0,4 Dt from hearsay. I am a grate- aSi X of cure from the 050 of 16 nd w aer many and lasting obligations to rertonrorthe great r?lief 1 haTeob JJ worn its use. Sufferers, try it aud be iS.1". Ticc I aim, respectfullr, JS.N.C. JAMES a!mORUI3. HjJ stamp for testimonial of i emarkable fy - ww-, A .a avi4 m Mm ssim m tau w H. GREEN, Wil, !:Adverti8einenTg. f giiil m 1 H 1 VOL V WILMINGTON, N. C. WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 17, 1881 NO. 193 LOCAL: NEWS. Nxw Adtxbtiskhknts. C.F Tatk I Am Now Receiving Hbimsbbkgkb Sheet Music No City Court to-day. The last summer month is half gone. -ore than The receipts of cotton at this port tt. Jay foot up 7 bales. Ex-Maror Fishblate is expected home from hit t.orthern trip to night. ' ' " Oar merchants are leaving for the north to purchase their Fall stocks. There were very fine rains, we under stand, in Hansom's township, Columbus county, on last Sunday afternoon. Nor. brig Ebtnezer cleared to day for Hamburg with 2,754 barrels rosin, ship ped by Messrs. Robinson k King. Beautify your homes by using the N. Y. EnamelPaint, ready mixed and war anted. Sold only at Jacobi's. t About two weeks more and th n conies the first of the months with an r when the delicious bivalves are considered sea sonable. JLt 7 o'clock this morning the lowest temperature recorded on the weather bulletin was at New York where the thermometer stood at 60 degrees. Study your interest.- You can now buy Cook Stoves at factory prices at Jacob i's. t Messrs Dyer Jk Son have leased the store South East corner of Front and Princess streets, which is now being pre pared for the reception of their stock of clothing and famishing goods. We take it back. It was Mr.rE. Lil ly who got the first bale of cotton last year, instead of Messrs. Williams & Mar chison,as stated by us yesterday. Messrs. W. & M. received the first bale year-be-fore-Iast. See Here. You are sick; well, there, is just one remedy that will cure you beyond possi bility of doubt. If it's Liver or Kidnev trouble, Consumption, Dyspepsia, Debil ity, Wells' Health Renewer is your hope. $1. Druggists. Uepot Jas. u. uunas. The following are" the readings of the thermometer to-day at the 'Signal Office in this city: 7 a. m., 67; 11 a. m., 76 3 p. m. 79. The maximum temperature to-day was 80 degrees, against 82 for the same day last year. Taermometrical'. The following temperatures to day, a 3 o'clock! are reported , or the weather bulletin issued this afternoon: Key West, 80; Cedar Keys, 84; Jack sonville, 82; Savannah, 80; Charleston 79; Charlotte, 83; Augusta, 84; Mont gomery, 68; Peneacolsv86; Atlanta, 83 Galveston, 89; Indianolaf 89; Wilming ton, 79. . r . : I Mr. J. il. Higgins. druggist, .German town Roai and Norris street, Philadel phia, says : , I can speak from ray own experience about the effects of St. Jacobs Oil." 'A few nights ago 1 naa an awiai attack of rheumatism in the right knee. 1 1 was so bad that 1 thought I would have to close up my store. I remember ed I had been selling a good deal of St. Jacobs Oil (cr rheumatism, and got my wife to bring me a bottle. , I had it ap Dlied with a llannel . cloth, saturating it completely, and alter atnorougnruDDing . .. . .. ! t 1 ' I began to led better, ana next morning, as true as 1 am telling it, the pain was all cone, and , from that time to this I hive had no trouble." Kxcursiunuti. An excursion party, numbering about one hundred persons, from Shoe Heel and Lumber ten, arrived in the city this afternoon. Part of the excursionists will visit the Sound to-night and nearly all cf them will go to Smithville to-mor row on the Fassport. Prof. Agostiai will have control of the music and danc ing and wo know our visiting friends will spend a pleasant day. A Social Stir ln West Cheater, Fa The effect of chance is so curious that the facts connected with other's success are read about with the greatest inter est. The event agitating the Quaker borough of West Cheater, Pa is the chance that fell upon Mr. Jesse . Webb, one of the beat known business men, the proprietor of alargejew elrvstore on Gay st. He was fortunate enough to hold half of ticket No. 78,112, the capital prixe in the drawing ef The Louisiana State Lottery, held at New Orleans on July 12th, winning $15,000. He sent by mail in " a registered letter one dollar, addressed to M.U .Dauphin at No. 212 Broad way. New York City. The next drawUUtei place Sept. 13.1 Knights f rjonor. The Grand Lodge of the Knights r Honor In this State will met t in Raleigh on the 23d. The grand officers and the committees on finance and on laws will meet' there on the 22d, Monday next. Col. J no. D. Taylor, D. G D-, ! Caro lina Lodge, No. 434. is the representai ive of the Lodge in this city, and wilt 1 are on Mondaj next. P. IX, II. P. Went, one of the committee on. laws, m ill pi-6--aWy Have on Sunday night u-s to b : iu Raleigh cn Mond4y. Rev. Dr. Patterson, of this city, who expected, to be at 8iwanee this montbnj has changed his plans.. He is now: at Augusta where he is in charge for a short time, say ten days, of $U Paul's churph. On-SatarcUy last he delivered the prayer at the laying of the corner stone of ihe new Masonic Temple in that. city. To wards the latter part of the month he ex pects to go to Athens, Ga., in behalf of the University of the South ' and will , ... j ... i - probably pass the month of September in Atlanta. Another BlchaoBd, The second bale of new cotton was received here this morning by Mr. E.P. Covington on the passenger train of the Carolina Central. It is from Mr. Chas. E. Smith, of Lanrinburg, Richmond county. This makes the second Rich mond in the field. This second bale weighed 505 pounds and was pick ed oat of the field on Monday, re ceived in this city n Wedesday, and sold to Mr. Edmund'Lilly this afternoon at 12 cents per pound. The cotton was classed middling. Call at Jacobi'm for Garden Hoes and Rakes. Shovels. S cades. Axes. &c. There you have the lowest prices., t ' - - " " T A Fair Wilolnfftonlaa it Atlantic City Mrs. Daniel Kahnweiler, of this city, who is now stopping at Atlantic City, N. J., sany at a concert in Congress Hall, in that place, a few evenings ago. The Atlantic Review lays in its notice of the concert: "Mrs. Kahnweillsr. of Wilmington, N. C, sang Millard's so prane solo, "Send Down Thy Blessing, also Millard's solo "The Return," each winning deserving aDDlanst. her beauti- nl voice and admirable method delight - ing all."' ' TlirnftwfFln!iftf lf TTalinwpiW in thiidty will' donbUess be pleased to fearnof the impression she made in At Iantic City,1 where she baa been for the past month, having in charge her sister, Miss Miriam Greenwald, whe haa been quite sick fer the past three months. We are pleased to know that lliss Green-1 waid is rapidly recovering her health. To Builders and others Go to Jaco bi's for Sash, Blinds and Doors, Glass, &a Yon can get all sixes and at the lowest prices. t Wlimlngionlans in Georgia. We find in the Waycross (Ga.) Re Porter. article in which two WUmi.r tomans who nave won prominence in mm railroad circles in Georgia are mentioned. Mr. Henrv S. Haines and Capt. H. M. Drane are the geatlemen alluded to, the latter having been appointed Assistant to the former who, as many of our readers are well aware, has been for many years General Manager of the Savannah, .Flor ida and Western Railway. Wtclip here from the Reporter: 1 We understand that CoL Henry M. Drane. who was Superintendent of the construction of the Waycross A Jackson ville Short Line, aad since its completion has been citing his attention to other interests of the company, has received the appointment of Special Assistant to the General Manager of the Savan nah, Florida A Western Railway, which is. indeed, a very responsible position, one. in our opinion, upon woun ium mantle of responsibility coma not nave fallen more deservedly, for be is a bora railroad man. In addition. CoL Drane has also in charre. so we learn, the general and in some particulars ine anuuis 01 ine xave uasi ana sawannee nver nurwu. CoL H. 3. Haines. General Manager of the S. F. k W. railway, has shown his usual aptness and ability in this appoint meat, for his labors had become so great, so responsible and so arduous, that as sistance had become an absolute neeessi- ;v to the carrying on of the stupendous interest now upon his shoulders, and wisely did he select CoL Drane, who has had some thirty years experience in rail roading, daring which time he has filled with ability Tery many impoitant posi tions, to assist bin, and who will doubt less be found very useful to the Interest ie now represent!. Tacht Races. On Monday last a challrnge race was nailed over the VV 1 ightsTiile course be tween the yachts Frolic, sai ed by Cap t. Chas. Worth.and Gltde. s uled by Capt. Norwood ' Gile?, Ihe Glide neing the challenged boat. The wind Was dne e mt and was blow ing fn-sh. ihe fullowiug is the starting time of the yachU: . Glide lh . . 32in . . 30s Frolic f lh 33na . . 20s The retire race was railed by both i yachts. without a single tack, the boats coming in ar follow?: : Glide : 3h . . 8m . . 55s Frolic 3h . . 10m. . 14s The race is said to have been one of the prettiest ever made ovc r the coarse, the yachts keeping pretty close together do ing the entire time. The regular August regatta vf the Carolina Yacht Club was sailed on yes terday. The wind was heavy from the Northeast and the. boats found consider able difficulty in obtaining crews and ballast and for that reason the 'Restless did not go in the raco. There being no member ol the Club in the Flirt who could sail her, Capt. McKoy having been I taken with a chili on going over tt the course, she did not enter the race for the prize, but Mr. Flowers, of the crew, begged that his boat be timod and that he would tail the count after the race had been started. The yachts started in the following order: , Glide 2h . . 15m . . 00s Frolic 2h . . 15m . . 45s Ripple . . 2h . . 18m . . 12s Flirt . . 2h . , 18m . . 42s The . Flirt' regular start, according w ine rules, was l minute ana o"U seconas had of tko '-B'JRP I Wll . ... .t. i - Ano nilUT6 posiuons 01 ine yacnis 1 competing tor the prizes were unchanged I until eu tha first tack up the banks bnnelf abentlnidway, the Rippte went head of ,th , Frolic . Thn was leading the race handsomely, oat Hied when opposite the starting point by rea son of tho crew reaching out to pick up one of their men who had fallen over board. . While the Glide was being bailed out she was passed by the Ripple and Frolic, but she started out after the yachts leading her, overtook and passed J Fylic. At the finis tht yachts came I ioiiowmg oraer I . . dh . . OSm . . OS . ' V ' Frolic, . . 4h . . 2m . . On I The Ripple beat the Glide 6 minutes I and 13 seconds and the Flirt 37 seconds! giving the Flirt the time allowance of 1 J minute and 30 secsnds. The champion flag was awarded to the I Ripple and the prize in the second class to the Glide, Food for the Brain and Hertes that will invigorate the body without intoxicating is what we need in these dats of rush and worry, Parker's Gin ger Tonic restores the vital energies, soothes the nerves and brings good health VS'Z DM- Exchange Corner. We understand that Miss E. Karrar has leased the store at Exchange Corner, recently occupied by Capt.N. IL Sprant, and will open her stock of millinery there about the 15th of September. She will go North in few days to make Fall pur chases and the ladies may expect to see many new and pretty things very soon. The President. The news from the President to-day is rather more encouraging. He passed a comfortable night.sleepiog well and with oat farther vomiting. The enema ta are retained and the general symptoms are better. His condition if pronounced bet ter that! it was at this time yesterday and the fears of many have been therefore somewhat allayed. His pulse this morn ing was 110, temperature 98.3 and res piration 18. The Illerbrock Monument. The beautiful monument which is te be erected, to the memory of Capt. W. A. Ellerbrock, who lost his life something more than a year ago at a fire on South Front street, will be ready for delivery in the course ef two or three weeks. The base and body of the monument are com plete and work is being pushed forward on the shaft which is to surmount them. It iscf fine Italian marble and the work Is beirg dose here at heme, at Mr. Maun. drr'erixrbla yard. Alarm of Fire. The generalfire alarm was sounded in the Ihird fire district to-day about 1 o'clock, which called the fire department out, but it was soon discovered there" was no need for the engines, the flames having liecn eztingushed through the friendly aid of a few neighbors. The scene of the threatened conflagration was on Fifih, betweea Priucess aad Chestnut streets, in a house occupied by colored people upon the premises of Mrs. J. L. Keen. The fire took place on the roof of the aforesaid building, 'and was caused by a spark from the chimney. The blaze was quite large at one time, but for the prompt succor offered by Mr. Charles Klein and a few other persons, there might have been a serious conflagration. The damage, however, was slight fiihi iHAILiS. The mails close and arrive,. at the City PovtOdioe as follows: Northern through malls 530 p. m. Northern through and . way njilb.... 5:40 a. m. Raleigh .5.40 a.m. Mails for the N . O. Railroad, . and routes supplied there- from, including A. & N. O. - Railroad, at 5;40 a. m. Southern mails for all points South, daily... 7:45 p. m. Western malls (C CR'y) daily (except Sunday). 9;00 a m. Mail for Gneraw & Darling ton M 7:45 p. m. Malls for points between Flo rence and Charleston 7:45 p m FayettevlIIe, and offices on Cape Fear River, Tuesdays, and Fridays.......... ........ 1,00 p. m. FayettevlIIe, via Lumberton, daily, except Sundays...... 9:00 a. m. Onslow O. H. and intermedi- - ate offices, every Monday and Thursday at..... 6.00 a. m. Smithville mails, by steam boat, daily, (except Sun days)... ...M 8.80 a. n. Mails ; for Easy Hill, Town Greek, Shallotte and Little River, S. O., every Mon day and Thursday at 6:00 a. m. OPEN FOB DELIVERY. Northern throagh and way mails....... .............7:30 a. m. Southern Mails.... 7:00 p. m Carolina Central Railway...... 4:00 p. m Stamp Office open from 8 a. m. to 12 M., and from 2 to 5:30 p. m Money Ordor and Register Department open same as stamp office. General delivery open from 5:80 a. m. to 7:00 p. m., and on Sundays from 8:30 to v:3i) a. m. Mails collected from street boxes every day at 4:00 p. m. Stamps for sale ln small quantities at ganeral delivery when stamp office la closed. New Ad vertuse men t Sheet Music, QRADLL'S EMPTF, BABT'B GONE. A very popu'ar Soa, by Harry Kennedy. PJceiOj. For s . le it HEl83K3aEIi'S Great Economy. rjV3 BUT YODa SCHCOL BOOhH, Blank I fcooks, 8chol stationery, Ac , at HSlNSHBRaKR'a anglT Lire Book and Mtuie Htrrr Wanted, A . GOOD, RELIABLE, EXPERIENCED Clerkfor a Commissary Store la the coua try. pp!y by letter for three days. ; tug l(3t P. O. BOX 571. 23a IE JL TEX 1M HBIT CUitED. A Certain and Sure Cure. Ltrc-e reduction m prices, a. tnai bottle free. Also papers and circulars exn'alninP' mode ..... ... - ' of treatment, with testimonial of cure, sent iree. MKS.J.A. DKOLLINf? E't, (formerly Mrs. Dr. 8. B. Collins.) La forte, Ind. Box 10 38. Mention thi paper. bit 10-i mr m.w We Offer 75 Boxes D4 8. SIDES, 200 Af C07Pj!' 150t) BdI,0OTT0N TIKS' ' 200 EollaSouix d2 2,Tj. " Hall Cl Pearcall. arl . PLEA5R K0TICT2. VT wtU beg.'sd to rscjlre onxottttloa froa os? frUnd cn any aa J all iah;et 1 geasral lakresi tat ; Ta taas of Mtm wrIUr nvt alwavt be fa alshed to the E4!tcr. OoscacnJestlocaaut be wrltua b c sly osa sli of the papr. Ptrecti ali ties mcstb aToidstf Aud It U enUl;y and ;.rii clarly nrder tool that the Edit d-e a-t always r dora the iwt ji oorrMw d-nt$t orlrM so stat v. House Wanted. A SMALT. HOUSE Ccrtilnirg -,-m. iunr ur utt nUDS I'.Cl.l A or i minutes ay walk to PocH-Clcc. Addrcs,Utiug terra, TEXAN IV u,'!51k r.U.BoxSUJ. RE3 CEn ?a:tna shsts SASH, CnOfiS A 0 BUNDS, BRACKETa, vlOULDIXO, LUMBER, &c ALL SIZES WINDOW OLA S3, AT ALTAFFER, PRICE A COU Factory: Foot Walnut st. Office: Nutt, near Red Cross s 3ES. I JO 3ES OF THE 99 By a strict and impartial compari son with other leading in this city, the celebrated 1 Pride of tho Pantry.'1 Comes out preeminently ahead. I invite a comparison with imv Flour in the market" It mates the best Bread, It makes tho best Rolls, It makes the beat Biscuit.' EVERY HOUSEKEEPER Who desires tho Whitest and Sweetest Bread should not fail to send for a sample.' AH I ask is for you to try this FLOUR once, and if you do not find it superior to anv vnn ria-rA j w used you can return it and I Trill refund your money. A freah lot just arrived FRESH AND S WEET. For salo by I 1 1 i:) IV. Front 1 1 1 5 I Am Receivinfj YE2Y LA It iE QTOCK. cf tDt fo:!ow- IgroJs: BLlK BOOKH. fO HtL rOOKH, rfOaOI, 9TAT10NEBT, Pi PR XD EXVLGP. -PiH fti ptjsj.. .. IK ASU MUCfLAOff, Aa, Ae , As. Pewfqia'iers lt Fchol Boiks alopUd by the uto B'a-d f Ttfncatlf n. PIANU& atd OiQiH.t alirays oakaad 15 C W YATES Cjkij. F. Grurrox, Btozt B Lato Halbzet E. Paoz; Late Commlaei9a-r ciPatcats. PAIKL GRAFT0?! & UD0 Attorneys- t-Lw and Sell ci torn of Amer - can and Foreign Patents 412 Fifth Street. Washington, D CS Practice patent law in all Itsbranehta In the Patent OSce, and in the Supremo and CSrcuit Courts of tte United States, Pamphlet scat free cn rooefpt of ttann forposU9,S?2 aais P

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