rrr.a A rOJ-aUKTO. .... vvyfinc PAT IV. oo Hi month!, MM ; Three 'lias. Si "J One month, 50 oemte. will badeliverod by aarrien, law .i.turmart ar a4 StDHnoo" wr r u r i"lr papers regularly. "jVA d vertisementa. 1i .2 THECREAT Ml FOR RHEDI-lATiSLI, Kiuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of the Chest, 6out, Quinsy, Soro Throat, Swell' ingt and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily Pains, Twih, Ear and Headache, Frosted. Fesi and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. 5 Frvtwntion en frth qnals St. Jacobs Oil m t tmfe, rr, simple and cheap External itmtij. A trial entail bat th eompmmtlrmlj 4ic( oatlay of 60 Ceats, and rwry on auffer bf with pain cu bare cheap ana poaitiT proof af in claim. Dinctioiu la X3to LangnaffM. . BOLD BT ILL DSTy&QI8T8ADDEiXES3 15 MEDICHE, A.V0GELER, & CO., BalHtBon, JfcL, 17. 8. JL. crC lWaw-aae to .QarpeHsiT SELLING FREELT AND 1HK object is to clote out every pltce. The iij!ea are good and the prices are tkllijto. If jou wish a barraia come at once. The PRICES GIVEN NOW, ARE FOR C13H. MATTISG3 are selling: very low, both laia White tad Fancy Colon. R. M. Mclntire. mx 18 Ftar opy MRS. JOE PERSON'S REMEDY FORV SCROFULA NEVER FAILS. - 0 It Will Cnr if Fairly Teited. h frfes me much, pleasure to be able to Jtaatl hare derived an effectual core of fcrofola from the use of Mm. Joe Person' jwedy for that disease. I had suffered ton Scrofula for more than three years. 104 despaired of ever gettiag well. I treated during that time by three very ?fcatplrdcians,wlthout any good result. Jtteawenttothe NaUonal 8urgical InsU ", t Atlanta, Ga., and waa treated there tore Una two months, with no better re JWttaa my family physician met with. returning from the Institute, I was fiT11 to try Mrs. Person's remedy, and ' not used it more than a week before I jteredita curative and healing proper J orea toon began to heal, and the T?f mj aWu changed as fast as the sores JJ4. I had not thought of ever getting wi,r'ut mJ hopes Increased, my low rjw-fied before th remedy, and I !rJJw, enjoying splendid health and am In piriu- The remedy la mild as apnr JSVdltroa tonic; It will heal the r bborn sore in three weeks If taken It Is my opinion that It should to emeume after the sort is healed, JjaoTt the cause of 1U effects. It ahould ea regularly by all means, for I have l1116 neglected it, from the pressure of nd in all cases found that the Taymade would commence to re Jjand for this alone it should be J3 J2uUrl y unm an effectual cure is WaViVT Nothing should prevent regu bt takiLtte 080 f the remedy and it should proper time. I would re- read to all who ara nffHnw fVnm . ena to all who are suffering from ii in- . j wm luicir euro juu JlTeitafairtesL I speak from expo- I am a crate- plectof acurefromi cure from the use of it and jrnuny and lasting obligations to jfwiou for the great relief Ihaveob iromiuuse. 8ufferers, try It and be . am "PtrulIy, N. C. JAMES A. MOKKl! 8a&W EH cret7 tt4my for testimonial of remarkable i5Vr,Mrs."Joe Person, Franklin: smTv hy W1L II. GREEN, WD; m,3,'c . Jy 6-daw-sac - - - fc aawaMapaaaW T T ! 1 ai 'liiTi i n i aaii fa i". - .. - ... VOL. V LOCAL NEWS. New , Advkxtiskxkxts. J R MkLtov Notice : (! WVihT am 'r d-u. HxnrsBSBOxs-v8heet Music ObIj two bales of cotton rt here to day. August 20th (to-morrow) ii the time 'they saj" that rice birds fint sake their appearance, in these parts. S -" 1, ' v a M r. B. H. J. Abreas new store oa the corner of Front and Dock streets is rp idly approaching completion. i mm The next race between the yachts of the Carolina Yacht Club will prebablv take place on the 13th ot September. Beautify your home by using the Y. Enamel Paint, ready mixed and war anted. Sold only at Jacobi's. t Eer. Dr. E. A. Yates, Pastor of Front Street M. K. Ohurch, in this city, preached in Einston last Scads j night. The first scupperaong grapes ( of -th - season were offered for sale en yesterday afternoon; They were held at ten cents per quart.' , j.; . ' a m a; I I The parsonage being built , by the con- gregatiom of Fifth Street r. E. Church. adjoining the .church edifice, is rapidly approaching1 completion. Soon the discharge of the ricefield guns will be heard around the city and the fat and juicy birds' ' will be offered for sale to epicures at spring chicken prices, which means big figures. "VTe regret to learn of (he death, at her home in Cleveland, Ohio, on yesterday, of the mother of Messrs A. and I. Shrier, of this city, We tender them our sym pathies in their bereavement. i , A Gharlottean. who is now at Mrs Cameron's place on Wrightsville Sound writes to the Charlotte Observer a cel- umn of rhapsodes relative to the enjoy- ment to be had on the coast at Wirghts- ville during the Summer months. Freshwater Perch, Trout 1 and Black fish Hooks and lines. A full assort ment and lowest prices at Jacobi's. t A flag is hereafter to be displayed at the Signal Station in this city whenever the New York steamers enter the river at Smithville. The banting is famished by Mr. 3ond, the Superintendent of the Steamship Lane. . An addition, 20x30, is being added to the session room of the First Presbyte rian Church. The new room is oa the east side of the building and will be used in connection with the session room for the Sunday School of the Ohorch. r The Calh$lic Mirror of this week says that althovgh announcement has : been made that ArchbishoD Gibbons, of Balti mtre, wonld take part in the' religious services at the inauguration of the York- town centenary celebration, it is highly nrobable t that he will be unable to be a ' present. , This is the latest: "Do you dance the onadrille?' "No. but I have a brother Bill from . Brazil who dances the quaa! rille on the window sill." Now, of this idiocy we have had a fill, and' hope the next paragraphic quill that prodaces anything so ill will be treated to a leaden pillone that will surely kill. Call at Jacobi's for Garden Hoes and Bakes, Shortls, Spades, Axes, Ac There yom have the lowest prices. t Convalescing;. We are glad U hear that Mr. John Dawson, one among our oldest citizens, as well as one of the eldest merchant in Wilmington, who has been confined to his house for the past two months from sickness, was yesterdsy taking a dri?e out on the Turnpike, j 1 Smtta'i Creek Btidge Thm KpMm nTp.r Smith's creek has been put in Urorough. order by Mr. Jno. F. Garrell, who has the contract for keeping it-in repair. Every timber in it is now solidj and the bridge presents quite a different apperance from what it did a short time ago. ' 1 Cambriideport (klaaa.) American Protes tant. , Mr. A. Bsyley, the .well-known drug gist, 617 Main street, this city, was the first to sell SL Jacobs Oil here. He in formed us yesterday that it was t he most potmlarrcnesfyhteTer sold, and that it could net fail to reach the people eTtrywhere, - t WILMINGTON, N. C.1 FRIDAY AUGUST 19. 1881. "' Pestal Csllnz- Uadsr the rulings of the Postoffice Departmeat, letters received at the post ofSce addressed to places that are net designated as postal statiens in the postal gaide,7 no natter hew evident the j iuten- fticarcf tti sender, fwill be, considered misdirected,! aoo. unless-' the address is cerrece4tWiU b9 sent to the dead l.-uer oQoo. . Persons sending letters, esjciuily importaQt. eaesoannat be paroculr bt the addreM, giviuir the correct name olllie postoffice. diaie nd ceunly. when nectsAiry. ; ; Htrtckrfct fib p attsl' We n'gret to learn of the .serious ill- ness of the venerable- Mis. Stewart, of Smithville. - S be as stricken with par alysis oa Sunday last her, right side be. iog entirely useless. Her daughter, Mrs- Warren , of this ciij7' was telegraphed for on Sunday . aight. Mrs.; Stewart's condition was a little more favorable yes terday, but a second stroke is apprehend ed which will, it is feared, carry bsr off. fit' ". t r rtL 1 " " " I ' '' rtne is new in we bow year oi nen age North tad 8a b Ex-Mayor Fishblate, who returned to this city with his family a yesterday from.' Atlantic City, New Jersey, speaks in the highest terms of the people he met and avers that the South has . recently made many warm friends at the North on account of the expressions of her heartfelt sympathies over the attempted assassination of President Garfield. Mr. Fishblate is lond in praise of Messrs Brown & Wool per, proprietors of the United States Hotel, at Atlantic City, and of their assistants, Messrs .Whitney, Hayden and Chase, and is advisinsr all his friends, when they go to Atlantic City, to stop at the United States Hotel if they wish to be the recipients of gen tlemanly attendtien .'and a -good old Southern welcome. Cat by a Circular Saw. A youag lad, some 12 or 15 yearsof age, met with an accident at Messrs. Altaffer, Price & Co', pissing mill this morning, by which he received a severe gash ea the right leg, just above the knee joint. The youth's name is Alex ander Kershaw. He is an apprentice to Messrs. Altaffer, Price & Co., and this aorning,awhiIe engaged in shoving some lathing on a table to which a circular saw was attached, involuntarily raised his knee or leg while, standing at the Ripple table, as it is called, and the eaw which projects under the table, being in full motion at the time, cut a gash at least six inches in length, and an inch or possibly more in depth, across the leg. The iajured,lad was immediately removed to the yard office, where medical attend ance,hich had been summoned, reached him and the proper remedies were applied The young sufferer was then conveyed to his home, on Second street, in a buggy, where we learn at last accounts he was doing as well as could be expected. " I To Builders and others Go to Jaco bi's for Sash, Blinds and Doers, Glass, ate Yoa can get ' all sizes and at the lowest prices. t Coon Is Coiaiiff. We learn by a letter to this paper from Mr. W. O. Crura, General Manager of the Advertising department of Coup's Show, that they will ha in this city on or avbout October 9th. Mr. Oram says: "Mr.' W.O. Coap's'New Great Show, which is said to be fully three times larger than erer, consists of three circus companies, using four circus and hippo drome rings, nine bands of music, a grand menagerie of rare wild animals, a splen did muxsura, requiring a dozen steam en gines to operate the different features, and a magnificent Paris hippodrome, with a race track forty feet wide and nearly half a mile round, employing near It two hundred artists, and a tribe of Indians, who will take part in an excit intr romantic . wild-wood herse back drama, entitled "An Indian's chase for a wife." Both in i the three circuses and hippodrome, many of the acts are entirely new, and are the theme of universal ad miration and praise, by the public and the press. Among these are the Indians the Zulus, the Hying La Lu, the dashing Gerald in e, etc , whose wonderful feats and performances have no parallel in the annals of the stage or the ring." Don't Ele la tttOfcse- Aakdrufrists for "Bouh oa Bats.10 It clears out rats, Bice, bed bugs, roach es vermin, flics, ants, insects. 15c per box. ... The President. The news from Washington City to day is to the effect that the President is better, fie slept well last night and has retained the nourishment administered to him. - His condition in ireneral seems to be as satisfactory as could be expected under the circumstances. , Magistrate's Court Hannah Gray. co!ored, was arraigned before Justice Millis this morning at the instance of and upon the affidavit of Jane Gray,, for assault and battery upon the latter named person. Case dismissed upon payment of costs. lhe case of the four sailors arrested at Burgaw, upon a warrant issued by Jus tice McQoigg, charging them with larce ny, was continued, owing to the sicknfss of one of the prosecuting witnesses. ' Tb I'lcht Infantry At the regular meeting of the Wil- mington Light Infantry, held last even ing at the Armory, it was unanimously decided that the Company attend the Yorktown Centennial. Mr. Geo. W. Doyle was last night; elected ' Junior Second Lieutenant to fill a vacancy caus ed recently by the promotion of Mr. R. B. Beery as Second Lieutenant. Capt. N. F. Thompson was elected Secretary and Treasurer. ! Clfy Court , Two nautical individuals were first on the docket this morning, charged with an affray. One was fined $1 the other being absent, on account of sicknes, his case was continued. Alice Hall, colored, an old offender, was arrested last night, at 12 o'clock, for being drunk and disorderly, and this morning arraigned upon the above named charge. The sentence of the Court was ten days in the C. P. Candas Dunston, colored, for being drunk and disorderly at the Carolina Central Railroad this morning, about 1 oclock,was ordered t pay a fine of $2.50 or be locked up for fire days. This finished the proceedings, and the court adjourned. To the ISnrviYors of the Capture ot 5 Fort Fisher. W r TT v .a . My uomraaes : Having lost the re ports giving the forces at Fort Fisher in detail, I am anxious to obtain accurate mtermation as to now tne iuuu men. which constituted the total ftrce present during the engagement, was made up. I append a list of the organizations in the iert and would thank any commis sioned or non-commissioned officer or pri vate, to inform me by postal card or let ter, the number of men present with his company in the fort during the fight : 36th North Carolina RegimentCom pany A, Capt. Murphy; Co. B, Capt. Capt. Dudley ;Co. E, Capt. Powell ; Co! Munn : Co. U, Capt. Braddy ; Co. D. F, Capt. Hunter; Co. G, Capt. Swain ; Co. H, Capt. Patterson; Co. I, Capt. Melvin: Co. K. Cant. BroOks. i 40th N. C. Regiment. Capt. Mc- Brvde's Co.: CaDt. Lane's Co.: CaDt. Clarke's CO. 3d N. C. Battalion. Co. C, Capt Sut- ton. 10th N. C. Battalion Capt Shaw's Co.; Capt. Welch's Co ; Capt. McCor- mick s Co. of McRae 8 Battalion. Capt. Adams' Battery N. C. Light Artillery. i Capt. vanbenthuysen s Company C. S. Marines. Detachment of C. S. Sailors under Lieut. Roby. Portions of 21st and 25th south Caro lina Regiments. Wsc. Lamb, Late Colonel Cemd'g Fort Fisher. Norfolk, Va. Religious and i secular newspapers of North Carolina will please copy. ruudy your interest, x ou can now buy Cook Stoves at factory prices at Jacobi's. f A Protest. Editor Review: I see by a resolu tion at the last meeting of the Board of Aldermen they have decided to erect a belfry on the City HalL I am satisfied that the gentlemen composing the Board nave nothing bat the welfare of Wilmington at heart and will do noth ing bnt what they think is for its best interest, but 1 da not think that they have considered l the effect that it will have as to its looks and the injury that may be done to the building. I know that all good citizens feel and take a pride in the noble structure and would be morti fied to see it marred br a common belflry placed upon it. It has been justly re marked by strangers stopping and pass ing through our city that our City Hall is one oi we grandest ana nanasomest bmldinrs in the whole South; that we I enzht to bo proud of it; that the concep- Uon was fcrrand, and the execution good iuallitsdeUils. A community of citi- zees is cenerally judged of their intelli-lasd efaadr of tbeaoldfor. wTwMow aad rtace and caltivation by their taste inohac;vavy61dlrsbeul4 havaittokeep architecture nd fine arts. Educa-I tion and cmlture in architecture, scalp- tCT9 zd fine arts go band u hand.i NO. 195 Therefore, I hope, before final action is taken that the Mayor and Aldermen will reconsider their resolution of their last meeting. The gentlemen who composed the Building Committee who had charge of the construction of the buildioc, Messrs. Alfred Martin and S. D. Wal lace, for the city, and Messrs. Donald McRae and Edward Savage for the Thai; an Association, considered the propriety of building un .observatory on the build ing that a b ll might be placed in it, bat after a consultation with the Superin tendent it was their unanimous opinion that it would be destructive to the build ing. And every Board of AldVrmen from then to the present time have con sidered the matter and after consultation have refused to place the bell upon the building. In the construction there were put in ventilators, iu the fshape of dor mer windows, and theymadethe buildicg look so much like a stable or factory or a cross-road school hense, that the build ing committee ordered the Superinten dent to have them removed. XX. , Our Traveling Correspondent. Greexsboko, N. C, Aug. 16th, ISal. Editor Daily Review: lu my last from Kinston I gave you a report of the crops in Eastern North Carolina. Since then I have been as far West as Winston. I regret to say that from Goldsboro to Winston the crops along this lite of route have been almost, if not entirely, destroyed by the drought. The tobacco crap, particularly in this section and near Winston, has been al most entirely destroyed, and in the im mediate neighborhood of Winston and Salem they had no rain from May until about ten days ago. The drought has been distressing. While there is not a great abundance of fruit this season, yet there is enough to supply home con sumption with very fine peaches, pears, plums and other fruits. Winston. This flourishing town is still improv ing, and each year large tobacco ware houses and factories are being built. The Pace warehouse is said to be the largest and most coaimodioas one in the South, while Brown's, the Piedmont and others, are very large and get their full share of business. It is a sight well worth seeing to a "sand fiddler" to visit these large tobacco manufatories. The hotels in Winston are as good us can be found anywhere in the State, supplied as they are by a superabundance of everything to tempt the appetite. In addition to the other improvements in Winston the authorities are now con structing a reservoir and layicg pipes for their water works. They are a go ahead community, j GREENSBORO. This town too continues to improve yearly in handsome stores and private dwellings. Dr., Benbow, of the famous Benbow House, has again opened his splendid hotel, having refurnished it from basement to attic with new and elegant furniture. There is a neatness about this hotel unsurpassed by any I have ever seen in the bed rooms ixnd dining room, with every possible attention, and it is like being at home to be in the lienbow House. Let the travelling pub lic visit this house and the Central and Merchant's at Winston and they will not complain longer ef bad hotels in North Carolina, inadvertantly i nave negieci edte mention the McAdoo House here which deserves to beclassed A No. 1. Tno Benbow and McAdoo buildings would add credit in pointtof architecture to any city, and they are presided over bJ Kentlemen who "know bow to keep a hotel". It is gratifying to see our North Carolina towns improving so rapidly. Correspondent. New Advertisements. Notice, HA.VINC of W. AVINO , BOUGHT OUT TI1E iotcrc. J. Mott, in the Butchers' Cora- pany, neretolore Mott x Melton, 1 shal continue the Dusinees at the old stand, cor ner 2nd and Market. Will , have on band to-morrow amd for the next two weeks very fine Beef, Mutton and. Lamb, and every thins: in the Butcher line, and always the best the market affords. Customers of the old firm please take notice. Pass Books furnished monthly customer?. ' ausr l-lt Respectfully, J, K MELTON. Wanted. )--. A GOOD, RELIABLE, EXPERIENCED Clerk for a Commissary Store In the coun try. App!y by letter for three tUys. ! augloSt P.p. BOX 571.- Keep Cool X)OTTLED SWEET CHAMPAGNE CI JLJ vrn on ice. a pure, nealtny ana re freshing beverage for Summer: not Intoxi catine. V Pure, Cold Soda Water oa Ice at the sajaejplace, under the Ernrw Office at. B. G. KORTHItOP'S, America Tfl AW WflflT P a It VfifPV tint true J. Monthly JooruaL pmbliahai at Waihia toH D C , la brimful of food thLcgs tJr ibt cif,!iLleliZ,or " Voldir- , , JZZZ a1,rXV.0;!J51"l! 4. fx. t-, v7 TwaaTv-rnrs Cans a mi9 hu.uZZ?? nn Jess. WaaMartonD ' n. - , m 1 FLEA BE NOTICE. We will be glad lo receive so mni nutrition from our frUods oa aay and all nbti t fattaraliaterwt baa T&e'&aaa of the writer ewt alwayy b fa aUned lo tie Editor. , I Oommuaieatioaj cast be .written r a only oat ddA of the papar. PenonaUties mast be avoided And It U eereetany and ptrtkulariy uodr rtood that the Edrfcwdcea BCt'alwiyt esdon tae riewiot eorrwpotdentj, unless so slat !b tb dttrial oolo-p-. Miscellaneous House Wanted. A SMALL IIOUE Containing T Ta Jour or lire room i ---V SMALL IIOUE Containing Jour or live rooms wlt in .n lu mluutes eay walk to loroR!te. -auarce.4, ftatiug terms, TLX ANT, ug io iwk r.0. 10X313. H .BIT. UltED. l ertatu u. ure Cure. Laicge reduction iu pi ices, a tilal bottle free. Also papers nd ctrcularaexpTatnlnjr mode ur treatment, with ttimonlala of cure, sent free. MliS. J. A. DROLLING Ek, ( Formerly Mrs. Dr.-8.-B. Collins,) La toire, Ind. Box 103S. Mention thi paper ac 16-imrtAw 1 RED CEDAR PACXWQ CH53T3 1 SASH, DOORS AfJD BUNDS, BRACKETS, MOCLDIKO, LUMBER, ic ALL SIZES WINDOW GLASS, x AT ALTAFFKU, PRICE & CO'S. Factory: Foot Walaut st. ' Office: Nutt, near Ked Cres s Sheet EV3usiCa QttiDLL'd EMPTY, BABY'S G02IE. A very rpi'ar Son;, by Harry Keotedy. Pi ice 40 1. HEINS3KHG'Q Great Economy. rpi BUY YOU ft BCacJOL BOOK?, Blank Lock?, Scli 1 Ftatlrc ry, Ac, at to Moot a4 Wof'c htor. V YK .Y i.A. i: BL K HC if) ' Oir S, :?ATli;;Y( AM' t'J. MJILt Ac, Ao , Ao, t.U i , 1 & 1 o w A?: Fiarfco liico iilolasaei STRICTLY PRIME Porto liico luolasser. . i ! For rale by WiiUanii & Murclifsoii. ane l , Corn Flour, Uacoii; gQQQ Bushels CORN, 1 GOO BfJla Flour' aU radc5 1 200 Bares SmokedanaD ssici Coffee, Sugar, &cm 250 Ba mcrcnt iradei, Q ( f Bbls Surs, Granulated, s&yJvJ Standard A, Extra C and C Boxes Assorted Candy, 2(JQ Tu Choice Ixaf Lard, 'YQ 15 Ws and Boxes Fresh Cakes, Potash,!, Soda; 100 Loxml:iVotuh 5Q Box" S04?. 00 n2fBbU Ma Bozcs Saus Dozen Bucket, 150 f23 Wr?plEff rpcr, , , tor eale low by jf WILLIAMS X MCECTH30N PUB CELL HOUSE, D50Ca SEW 2IAJAOEME5T, WlIKHSTOJI, IfC. i Di I. PJEUIIV, - . vtov Lau Proprietor AtUt'a Ho!,- f J1.W Miferci,, ;tb.tT 250 rk m kMBha ! -i i i