IBIS F'iP afterseo. Saadayf TL2ABE 50TICK. W will bejlaJ to r talis en:t.3!cUva froTB our frlautf cn aay and all fvb'''U funeral It V?rrt bet r Aue of tie writer jcsjt itjt be fa tlal to the L'iltor, Coa.isujrloatlj?:fp.ajt be 1 Hn ci i'niy oae sid of be pao- 1 Fr?.-jis:!tle mtit be f t jl i4 And it U ere??X'y acd iru6aUriy aedf. ,..,,0 ro-KJi. ... ..rriilNS.lWTAGlS PAID, : ' . J;- tka. 1260 t Throe r-,14, One month, 60 oeats. .. v. .i;ara br eaxriars. A- f" MUsui nj part of tbe city, aitAe 13 eenU per we. ... I - .... '.nil liberal ce wiit oft". aiwajt enccn -flri will please T?ort any an r rfeivo their papera regularly; ill ' 1 ilHf & lETIE W , VOL: V ;WILmNGTbN, .N, C. SATURDAY AUGUST 20. 1881. NO. 196 J! SMli" THE GREAT FOR BHEDHATISM, harafgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, ; I Sicktcht, Soreness of the ) Chest, Soaf, Quins, Sore Throat, Swell- ' ingt and Sprains, Burns and t Scalds, Genera Bodily Pains, MK Ear and Headache, Frosted Fe$i end Ears, and all other . Pains and Aches. . 5a frprmrton on earth quale St. Jacobs Oil. a ieft rrt, simple and cheap Xxteraal Uij. 1 trial eoUiU but tha eomparatively riic t 50 fBta, and erery on uffer vita pais caa hare cheap and poiitiTe proof ifltickiaa, ' Dlnctioej ia ZUtm Language. , OLD SI ILL DBUG&I8T3 LSD DZALES A.V0GELER & CO., Baltimore, Md, 17. S. JL. 6arpeis:. I RE SiLLlSQ FREELY AND IflE A otect is to close out every piece. The Cjlei ire good and the prices are tellixc. If yeu wteh a bargain come at once. Tie PRICES GIVEN NOW, ARE TOR CUD. XATTIXG3 are selling very low, both raia White and Fancy Colors. i R. M. (Viclntire. "f H . , Ftar eopy ' " MRS. JOE PERSON'S REMEDY FOR SCR OPUIiA NEVER FAILS. It Will Curt if Fairly Tctted. . -. - . f "rmmemuch pleaaure to be able to fMUat I have derived an effectual cure ol wal from the use of Mrs. Joe Person's JMJ for that disease. I had suffered Scrofula for more than three years, Jw4dwpairedof ever getting well. ' I J lrtid during that time by three very fckjaklana, without any good result. wattothe National Surclcal InsU AUaata, Ga., and waa treated there tUatwomonthAf-wUh o better re my family physicians met with, "returning lrom the Institute, I was P'CMed to try Mrs.Pt-rson'a remedy, and jJJot used It morelhAXLA week before I rwtdlta curative and. healing proper 2" 7 sores soon tegaatb hea, and the uf a7 skin changed as fast as the sores I had not thought of i ever, getting Jl1! but my hopes Increased, my low Jlaefled before "tin remedy, and I r?,Joylng splendid health and am In rJpWta The remedy Is mild as a pur nd a strong tonic; U will heal the w, ' 5born sore In three weeks If taken Vtri h " u m7 opralbn that It should 900X9 time the sore Is healed, s; tt of m effects, v It should kwT 'egolarly by all meanafor 1 have ruaei nerlectd it'ftfrtm nrounwnf Sabi ln foubd that the l0p5!Tnide would commence to re- f4 for' one Jt. Ahould be SS atO"to effectual cure Is W mt nothing. should prevent regu t,tteeof thertmedj and it should JT1 proper time. I would re . to all who are suffering from tr,! fctry it. It will surely cure you aJjrjsttafalrteBV I speak from expe ty40 from hearsay. IamAgrate of cure from the use of it and rp! anT d Usting obligations to fr!2?.for Ue rat relief fhaveob-"M-iTi? U,u' 8ufferers,tryltandbe tSi I Tlce 1 am respectfully, ffi'N-C. JAMES A. MORRIS. mmmp lot testimonial of remarkable y?1 Mr; PeWonr'Ttanklln: Pi W bJ WM. H. GREEN, WuJ tn LOCAL NEWS. Nkw Adtjebtissxattta. 1 Thos C McIi.hnnt Vaiuable Land for Sale J J oszph Dkxck Tuning and Repairing C W Yataa I Am Now Receiving ( HznrsBssaxR8heet Maslc Ij'3 leugtk 13 hour end 17 minute?. .' Onej interment ia Oikdale CemeUry this'weck-an AGttlt. - ' Sanaet to morrow Afternoon At 41 mia- nies past 6 o clock. . Two interment in Bellorae Cemetery ibiA' week, -both children, one of which waa a still-born infant. There were five interments in Pine Forest Cemetery (colored) this week-i- three adulta and two children. Rev. James W. Craig will conduct the 3ual Sabbath Afternoon open air services At Dandle j's Grore to-morrow afternoon at 5 o'clock - We are glad to learn that Mr. Harry Loeb, who has been quite sick foa seme firae past; is nearly1 recovered and hopes to be ont on Monday. . Freshwater, Perch, Trout and Black- fish Hooks ' and lines. A full assort ment and lowest prices at 'Jacobi'a. t M. London, Esq., 1ms returned to the city, after a month spent in the Switzer land of 'America, looking better than we haTe seen him look. for years. 1 i . To Builders and others Go to Jaco -bis for Sashi Blinds and Doors, Glass, fcc Yob can get all sizes and at the lowest'prices. t ii i - - i City Court. Caroline Franks and Laura Hull, col ored, were arraigned for being drnnk and disorderly on the sreets, last night. They were sent below for ten days. William "Washington, a colored youth arrested by Officer Howland last night with a pair of scales in his hand, on sus picion, is held for further investigation. R. H. Lovick, colored, arrested a few days ago for an affray with Jas. Wil liams, colored, gave security for his ap pearance on Monday, owing to the ab sence of Williams, who has not yet been arrested. . , ; A,-?,.',.'.' - .... Another case of affray furnished $2 for the city treasury. ' ' Sopreme Court . By the late act of the Legislature, sajs the News and . Observer, the ses sions of the Supreme Court will hereafter be held on the first Monday in February and the first Monday in October. The next term if the courts therefore, will be held oh the first Monday in October. The first week of the term has heretofore been devoted to the examination of applican t 8 to practice la w.and the, hearing ef ap peals from the first judicial district, twe dajs being allotted to the examination of the applicants. The; court, however having examined applicants the fint Monday In Jane last, . will not . have an examination in October. The next ex amination will be on the first Monday in February next. Appeals from the irst judicial district will be called, peremp torily, on Wednesday of the first week in October,' unless counsel on both sides of appeals from that district shall agree to argue an appeal on the first two days, in which case the court will hear any appeal thus agreed updn. - The several districts will be called in the following oderr First week, .first district; second and third weeks, second .district; fourth week third district? fifth week, fourth distrist sixth week, fifth district; seventh week sixth district; eighth- week, seventh dis trict; ninth week, eighth district; tenth. week, ninth "district. - , Htglstrate! Court. A CAse of willfil trespass waj.tried be fore a Justice of the peace this morning which involved the right or privileges of several persons to haul the seine in cer tain 'waters at Masenboro Ssind. The case was first summoded efore "Justice Millis, but npn the afidavit of some of the defendants was removed to Justice Harriss. Major W. O. Fergus was the plaintiff in the case. The eight defend ants are all fishermen who hare a habi tatian on the above named Sonnd. The Court decided Adversely to the plaintiff in the case, whereupon notice was served by Majsr Fergus of his intention .to Uke aa appeal when he was granted until Tuesday, the 22d inst, to reach a final conclosion in th9 Batter. Qaruriy tetinc. The third quarterly meeting for the present conference year for the Topsail Circuit Methodist E. Church. Southwill be. held tjDsj to-day and to-morrow at ethamy Church on - laynle Grove SouhoXi'Inlte- necessary absvboc eft he Presiding Kl3erbe pastor of the Ctr cul KeTrTHnll,' will be A.ipu-d bjRev.y;iBiCBnd: of this citj Study, your r interest Yon tau uir buy , Cook Stops' at fariurr prict t JacobiV.. i - -( tw v, ; rffsttita) We were glad to receive a call toda from au old acquaintance, Mr. Josepb lisnck, who has jost arrived here for at few weeks stay. Mr.' Oenck has been very ill since we saw him last, having been stricken with a very severe attaca of typhoid fever in Columbia. It was re ported herevat one time .that the attack had had a fatal termin ttioo, a report which we were unqualifiedly glad jto find was false. T t Sunday fcchol ConTenlfon;J I be foarth annual meeting ol toe North Carolina Sunday School Associa tion will be held this year in the Mora vian church, at Salem, N. C, and con tinue two days, September 1 and 2. All persons actively engaged or interested in the Sunday school work are considered delegates. Among those, expected are President Battle, ef the University of North Carolina; Mr. E. Payson Porter, Philadelphia, Pa., Statistical Secretary oUhe International Sunday School AssV ciatien; Rev. L. O. Yuss, Newbern, if. C; Gen. Robert Yance, Asheville, N. O., and Maj. Robert Bingham, of Bing ham's School. The object of gathering the Sunday school woikers is to consoli date the efforts of alL denominations to devise the' best; ways and means to im prove the present methods of teaching, and suggest such plans as will make the Sunday school profitable and pleasant for scholars, teachers and parents. Call at Jacobi'b for Garden Hoes and Rakes, Shovels, Spades, Axes, fcc. There you have the lowest prices. t Whv Can Explain? Mr. u. a. Register writes us of some curious developments in connection with the digging eut of his.' well, at White ville Depot, yesterday. As the water bad (Ailed, in consequence of the long dry spell, he put tome hands at werk;to dig it deeper. At the depth of 20 feet they came upon a bed of coals, which proved to be one foot deep ; then they struck a lot of timber, which was very soft and decayed, and which was about 2 feet in depth, andafter that they struck a bed of rotting vegetation, mixed with pine straw and pise bursJ which appeared as though they might have drifted together daring a long ago watery period,and finally, at a depth of 30 feet.thsy came upon a piece of timber, apparently hard and solid and of a species of wood which does not grow anywhtre in this section and which ne one who has seen it as yet can classify. The bark is thin and fine and the wood is very near a light yellow color. Who can explain these things? We suggest that Mr. Register send a piece of this wood to the Agricultural Museum at Raleigh. , Yes, sir, it is all that it is claimed to be, said Capt. JAck McLean, of Norfolk, Ya. I have tried it, and have advised and witnessed its trial on others. I tell you its effects are simply wonderful. had been suffering a great deal for over a month with very severe pains, contract ed from a cold. . I first experienced the pain in my aide and from its peculiar na ture, I thought thAt it might be the pre- momupn oi panuysia. mj meuoa were fearful; but after it shifted about, shoot 1 . 3 ing through my body in a most lnieraal ly tormenting mAnner, I knew thAt it was rheumatism, and I sought remedies of different kinds, without effect,, until I chAnced to see the Advertisement of St. Jacobs Oil, and read of its woAderfel cures, when I resolved to give it a trial Securing a bottle of the Oil, I applied it to the parts anected, and that night i had the first good night's rest that I had since the commencement ef my at tack. I gave twe other applications and became perfectly cured not suffering from rheumatism since and that has been two months ago. The Register of Deeds has issued two marriages licenses during the week one to a white and one to a colored couple. Brain Kmej Well's Health Renewer. greatest remedy on earth tor impotence, leanness, sexual debility, Ac $1, at druggists. Depot Jas C. Hands. i Again. Postpond The case of the four seamen commit ted to Jail by Justice McQuigg. day-be fore-yesterday, upon the charge of larce ny, and which was continued from yes terday until thi morning, at 10 o'clock, waa again continued this nvru ingrowing tn the unreadiness 'of the'rr.iaecution to proceed to trial.- 1 Since the above Wag in type the case was en trial, defendants discharged and the prosecutors required to py the costs- V. - I a. the Early Morale;. ; : JAMKajly,rer8 Jlhis memitig tell ns that I the view in the Eastern heavens, just previous to daybreak, was beautiful in the extreme. ,The atmosphere was unu sually clear, every star seeming to shine with an added lustre. The moon and Venus, the morning star, rose not very far apart and added much to the specta cle. Yenus shone almo&tas brightly as the -moon, and appeared nearly twice4 as ig! owing in great part -perhaps to the purity of the atmosphere, as our in foTmant had ever before seen it. - Such a tight is worth turning out of bed before day to witness: We Recollect Him. - AVe find in a recent issue of the Phila delphia i?ccord an account of the ar rest of Col. Lewis J. Shearman, along with a man named Williams, on the charge of uttering counterfeit, money. Shearman will be remembered by many of our readers as being a resident of thi8 city for some years previous to the war, during which time he was one of the pro prietors of the Globe Saloon, in Granite Row, on South Front street. Previous to his arrest as a ' counterfeiter he had been engaged in several nefarious trans actions at the North for one of which he was arrested and sent to the Penitentia ry for five years. It was while in prison that he became acquainted with his coun terfeit confederate, Williams. , tThe ecord publishes a lengthy ac count of Shearman's life which in some particulars only, so far as relates to his residencs here, are correct. It is a sort of dime novel history. He appeared in Wilmington when a young man and re"! mained here for thirteen years, (we con dense from the Eec9rd), where he amass- j ed considerable property. At the out break of the war he was sent for to go to Richmond when it was proposed to him to join a secret organization to fire on Fort Sumter and so precipitate a war. This he declined to do and was fired up on and wounded and then escaped North where by some means he became Lieuten ant-Colonel of a regiment in the Sixth Army Corps. . Soon after securing this position he was selected as a spy to be sent South.' His peculiar qualifications for this position according to the Record were "the address of a gentleman, the coolness and self-possession of a stage villain at a weeklv salarv. and a cheek a r . ... inai wouia snaiier ine nooi or an army mule." Shearman first went to Rich. raand where he managed to ingratiate himself with Hon. Judah P. Benjamin, the Confederate Secretary of State, and from him obtained a passport under the name of John A. Taylor, who was the father of Col. John D. Taylor of this city and a prominent citizen of Wilmington He paraded ,the streets of Richmond with a pocketful of blank passports, probably stolen, which he nsed in sending his agents off North. He came.to Wilming ton to see about his "property," ana was here arrested and held in jail for three weeks, when he was released and sue ceeded in securing a survey of the harbor and approaches to the bar and fortifica tions on the river. He was again ar rested and escaped again by bribing one of the officers of the jail. The next night he was at sea in an open boat. He was caught in a storm and carried out sixty miles, where he was picked up by the Federal gunboat Moniicelo. He soon after sent his maps to Generals Grant and Butler by whom he was highly complimented. The maps were prepared by the Coast Survey and each bore the imprint, "Prepared from information furnished by L. J Shearman." The Record goes on to tell us that at the close of the war Shearman again returned to the South when a movement was made to elect him Mayor of Wilmington, aa honor which he flatly refused. He tried to regain his I "nMMrthetftilMl IT thmn I w iiHuuMuauuwHwr tuoe m 1 the Secret Service as a detective. It is aotrpU letraafter all Uiiithitl C9 saouia oricg ipm penji?auary. 1 Harm cf Fire The alarm of fire this afternoon, about 1 o'clock, proceeded from the houses cor ner of Third and Walnut streets, occu pied in the upper story by Chirl s Mai lett, Sr., colored, and family, and on the first floor by Mr. William Ottersen, as a grocery store. The cau35 of the fire is attributed t a spark from the chimney which caught : he shingle roof and blazed up right smartly f r a while. By the speedy efforts, however, of a few persons near at hand, the flames were soon ex tinguished with.a few buckets of water that were passed up to those persons who had climbed to the roof. The fire de partment turned out promptly but their assistance was not needed. Church services Worship in the various churches of the city to-morrow as follows : i ST. JAMES PARISH, Corner Third and Market streets, Rev. A. A. Watson, D. D., Rector. '1 enth Sunday after Trir.i y ug. 21st. Celebration at 7 a rn. h .i day fcchool at 9:30 a. m. tfo nin: i Prayer at 11 o'ekek. Evening Pra) er at 6 o'clock at. john's church, Comer Third and Red Cross sts. Rev. Thomas D. Pitta, Rector. Tenth Sunday after Trinity Ang. 21st. Eaily Celebra tion at 7.30 a m, ilorniog Prater acd sermon at 11 o'clock. Evening Prayer at 0 o'clock. ST. rAUlS KVANO. LUTHERAN CHUECH, Corner Sixth and Market streets, Rev. G. D. Beraheim, 1). D. pastor. Sunday School at 9:30 a. m. English servics 11a. m. No service at nig -t. S2C0SI PBttSBYTEBIAJT ItCHUCII, Cor Four h and Campbell streets. Ilev, C. M. Payne, Pastor. Sarvicet at 11 a. m. None at night. Sabbath School at 5 p: m. Prayer Meeting Wednesday at 8 p. in FIRST BAPTIST CnUECH, corner of Market and Fifth streets. Rev J. B. Taylor, Pastor. Sunday School at 8:30 a. m. Services at 11 a. m., conducted by Eev. W. T. Jones Brooklyn Sundav School at 4 p. in. Young Hen'a Prayer Meeting Tuesday night at 8 o'clock. Church Prayer Meeting Thursd&y night at 8 o'clock. " Beautify your homes by using the N. Y. Enamel Paint, ready mixed and war anted. Sold only at Jacobi's. f I The receipts of cotton at this port U- day foot up 24 bales. DIED. SHRIEK At Cleveland,' . Ohio, Aurua ISth, 1881, Mrs. DORA. SHR1ER, relist of Samuel Shrier, aged 83 years. New Advertisements. TUNING AND REPAIRING. TOSEPII DENCK. from CoInmDla. S. C fj will remain In Wilmington a tew weeks He Is prepared to tune and repair Piano?, Mslodlan8, Reed and Pips Organs. Orders left at Mr. Helnsbereer's Book Store will meet with prompt attention. "! aug-0 Ct Valuable Land for Sale, TT7ILL BE BOLD AT PUBLIC Aceticn I VV atthsCoartHotae door in tha citrcf Wllssiar t' n, en Wadnetday the 9 h da cf Vovember, 1811, at 12 11 . fun en dispoted cf at rivateale2prvloufly,ltBat valuable tract Of land ktown as OAlLc; HaYK Kg, iltaa- tsd on the ITsWUB and the ftorth East Bivar, alas ml!ei frem the city t f Wlliainjf t'B. cektaU,i-r e'cht handrfd acres, cf whies aix baadred are cleartd and la a ro state for cultivation. Tbeae laada are smi aolv adaeud to the growth of cotten. eer; potatees, peaavta, Ae , a!iD for trucking on a lane icaie ana tupmr tr.e produce to Northern znarketa, a de pot beiaa: on tbe place. Large qmanti ties if beat Marl ant Fh'-apoa'e aock aad rreat abindaoee of Swamp Muck ea tbe laad. lb istproraaaat oonaiitof twj oos fortable dwelliazi. eisnl arable nusea frr laboreif, stables lor twenty ma tt, gin ton e aad ample barni and abacs. Tceealdiatci wil' be aold en eay term?. Adjoining t' ls tract are tbe Iacs f tbe Tinejard Compaiv, contain in sice hca dred acd sevrntv acrri, cf which abuttwo bmndred are e.ea ed. wblcn ean be ben. hi lz desired with theabive fei"ribed tract. For tartber partin!ari ecqulre true n deralgned, wh will at any time thow t pieuuea to amy oae QscirioK j-arouisa. TMOd. C. JifllLaKriNr, t at for DB.T. D- kiOGG. aug 20-lawdAw-iat tdi A tu s Ncr 3 Keep Cool TIOTTLED SWEET CHAMPAGNE CI- Jj DER on ice. A pure, healthy and re- freshfng beverage lor Bummer; not intoxi CAtlner. Pure, Cold Soda Water on ice at the same'place, under tbe Rrvrrw Oflce at c. U. JiOKTUKOP'S, Water &U Store, 0AYADD TAYLOR. Poet & Traveller, baid : L take great pleasure In r cm- mendine to pareiiU the Academy cf 2ir. Swlthin a fchortlidgt.,' HOfle .'FERHANOO WOOD, M. C. Said (18S0) : "I cheerfully consent to the 7 Mm reference. Aiy boys Alter tnetr vacauoQ. . For new IBostrated Circular sddress civenG V,', oa 1IF m 1 1 w ir Mm z w m rrw ww w ere r it mues lrom rails, aug ll'SmdAw 2:Iiscoliancou3 House Wanted. 1 . A -SMALMIOUE rmti?r.!r- 1 four or llvo n oma vitf;iri tt or h minute ay waik to l'twu ill . u,'15 1uk r. o. lk.xSl. H BIT i .ED. A ertairi at irn Curt. Lrge reduction 11 pi ices. ; r i t Mottle tree. , Also p-p.jr0 uictrcularsexpalnlngmode f treatment, -Hith testimonial or cure, acut tree. .MllS. J. A. DKOLLINdKK, formerly Mrs. Dr. S. 13. . Collins.) La i orto, Ind. Box UJ3. MenUoa tLh paper 16-lmdAw - REO CEOAR PACKING CHEST5 SASH, DOORS ABO-BLINDS j BRACKETSMOULDING, LUilBEK, Ac - ALL 8IZE3 WINDOW GLVSS.I AT ALTAFFER, PRICE & COU ''Factory: Foot Walnut 6t. Office: Nult, near Ked Cross s Sheet Music. QSADLE'3 EilPTF, BAQY'B GONE. A very poplar 8obx, by Ilsrry Keaaedy. Pi ice 10 1. For s .?e tt nEIX33KS0H'S Great Economy. rp3 BUT YOU?. SCHOOL BGOK?,lS!snk tioctd, Fch 10I Stticiijry, Ac at im?raBERoi;n'3, Live Uook asd Alniio Btorr. &vz 17 I Am Eccsivingr- VE IY L AH 113 STOCK cf Us fjUcw- BLINK El'OKtf. 8CBOOL hOi)!1 H, SCHOOL m'ATlOSKUY, 'r?:n asd envtlopeX I'WH AMi PK(JIL 1MK AN'J AIUCFLiUt, , &o , ic. L'e-vq-iarlcra f. r rchiol Ba.kg adopted ly tie .-Ute li-a-d f L.rucatkn. I'fANOi nlwAjg rn hand O W VA'IKa .3; 15 0 IH6hinsQ3m STRICTLY PRIME ?OiiO For Eale by tv Mnrclifson, angl , Corn, Fiour, Bumi, 8000 ELihiLi con; 1 G00 Bt,s nour' aI1 r44l'3 20CJ Boic StnolICJai,3 0 S"?I Ies Cofieo, Sugar, &c. 250 Ba Coffee differcnt .Ttet Bb8 Sur5 ranuUtod, &)VJ b'tamUrd A, Extra CandC 50 ZtA Aesorua CanJy 1 ( J 0 Tubs Cholce Lcaf Lar J ry BLU ami Bores Freah CaUs, rot:ish,"Ly. Scda. JQQ Boxes Ball Potash, 200 Boxfs tye 100 Doxta Iid-Kcf Scm3' IgQesSoap, 100 HaIf Blls 4131 Boxc Sat Dozen Buckets, 150 WrrplDPapr ?.P. IT.V 2' nay.Oat, EAnJornh For tale low by jy " WILUAM3 a iTURCHLSON PUR CELL HOUSE, uDE'a asw kasaosscejt WitaiteTi, W.'C. L.u PoprlV.r AtlactU Hotel. FLnt Class la all Jo'idc latent, t...... 250 M tilth t-M 12.10 t ja per flay. kbAL