V 1HI8 P1FES f0lTOK ASP rKOFKlICTOR. ..,mONH.TAGEPAID bi moiitfefl, t2 50 j Three if ... I 36: rMT. 5 iw One month, 60 cents. 3 'r will be delivered by earriers, Ptof tbeeity.atthe V ' orU oenta per weal. !!eriberi will pleaaereport any and their paper regularly. yj iovv - Advertisements. . xr FOR RHEUMATISM, huralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Sichche, Soreness cf the. Chest, Sort, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swell- 4 jugs and Sprains, Burns and tocAfr, Genera 3odily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Fssi and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. Si Preparation on Mirth equals St. Jacobs Oil. visa ft, sure, simple and cheap External A trial entiiU but the comparatively tiftf outlay of 50 Cents, and every one suffer kf with ptiii can hate choap and positive piuot 4 iH cUitot. ftnctiotu in Eleven Languages. ECU) BY ALL DRUGGISTS AHD DEALERS IH MEDICINE, A.V0GELER & CO Baltimore, JUd., V. S. JL, crillWaT-mo to - Carpets ! - RE SELLING FREELY AND I HE is to close- out every piece. The rv.rt are good and Cue prices are telling. "you wiab a baraia come at once. The PRICES GIVEN NOW, ARE FOR cisn; MATTIXG3 are selling very low, both pto White aixl Fancy Color. -R..M.Mclntire.' r g 13 Mar ropy LOCAL NEWST 'w Advertisements. Iicurtion to the Sound . PofAgos:ixi Excursion . AtTtf FEB, I'mcE & CoSash- T)nor and Blinds ( ' L Boatwright "Pride of the Pantry" Hu & Peaksall We Oiler for Sale IT u UTTERBOr'nr. TrntTa Wnrltiw i f embricce Wrusox JfAxxixGParlor Concert CWYates School Book Depository ocssBESQEK-Star Parlor Or: rrra ti a Di Honor Mayor Smith has been con tohia bed by sickness since Satur-Jfteraoon.- TiSSBe paner rravata nrA trio Ifttpfit ionable craze. They have not yet, "w, struck Wilmington. r.Jno.D. Williams, of Farettoville Ia tte city on one of his rare visits. ' 4rc pleased tl s?f him lnoV inw sr lei a - h Closely Studvinir the nredietinna of at weather breeders, it may be set Mau irresisUble conclusion that, 7f launders, lightning may be look- viieroourg leit lor rew k tkis morning in the interest of his "ers. He will make a careful sur U 9 cIothin? fieWs and select only of goods and newest styles. m -Sol Bear leaves to-morrow for th &Dd Boston" markets, to lay in ... CQd winter stock of goods. He JPtes buying very largely this ut ue prepareu 10 iurnisn tomers w,i i i "erything. - , " rs-". Bailey Co. have placed gine a chime whistle of new Phica is intAmW in 4t, ilu ewllistIe resembles the old one . , Pbut has three Wwtini inter. h partments which produce a com 5oa of sounds. "4 o i ffii r i i - Z VOL. V WILMINGTON, N. C, MONDAY AUGUST "Vennor puts ua down for more hot weather this month: 2let sultry and I showery, (correct); 22d snltry and windy; (sultry but not windy to-day); 23 and 24 heat and windj 25 and 26 wind and rain; 27, 28 and 29 cooler weather; 30 and 31 pleasaat weather, cool nights, with indications of returning heat. Beautify- your homes by using theN. Y. Enamel Paint, ready mixed and war anted. Sold only at Jacobi's.I w f , .Three infallible means of forecasting the seasons: "If the corn husks are very thick, the winter will be colder than the summer. If the corn husks are very thin, the summer will be warmer than the winter. If the corn basks are neith er too thin nor too thick, the summer will be warm and the winter will be cold." "Buchupalba." New, quick,1 complete cure 4 days, urinary affections, smarting, frequent or difficult urination, kidney diseases. $1. Druggists. Depot Ja3. G. Munds. Forelsju Shipments. Norwegian barque A delhqim cleared to-day at this port for Hamburg, with 3,750 barrels rosin, shipped by Messis Paterson, Downing & Co.; and schoonep. W. B.. Maclcie cleared for Port au Prince, Hayti,with 25,000 shingles and 190,400 feet lumber, shipped by Messrs. E. Kidder & Sons. . i Food 'for 'the lira i fnd Neirrs that will invigorate the body without intoxicating is what we need in these dajs of rush and worry. Parker's Gin ger Tonic restores ' the vital energies soothes the nerves and brings good health quicker than' anything you can use. Tribune. See ether column. llare Arrived. The ricebirds made their appearance in the ricefields about this city on Sat urday, the 20lh inst., according to a long-established custom among these liltle epicurean tidbits. What surprises us is, that they do not on some occasions come either a day ahead or a day after. How do they know which day is the 20th of August ? To Builders and others Go to Jaco bi's for Sash, Blinds and Doors, Glass, fcc. You can get all sizes and at the lowest prices. t Arrests Saturday Night- . Fanny Gore, the Queen of the Hollow, wasr arrested Saturday night .for disor derly conduct and is now meditating in the loneliaess of a cell upon the trials aad sorrows incident to a life of infamy aid disgrace. . s j , Aaron Jones, colored, was arrested and looked up Saturday, nigjit,, charged with an assault and battery upon Oscar Pe tirson, a lorwegiun sailor. Owing to the indisposition of the Mayor all of these cases, together with others continued from last week, were continued 'Over for trial until tomorrow. , That Eeirry The bids for erecting a belfry on the Cityilall cere opened onfSaturday lat by the. Committee but no award was made as .the mutter will be referred to the meeting of the Board of Aldermen next Monday evening. This action has been taken in deference to the sentiment of the community, there having been a strong opposition manifested to the pro posal on the part of many influential cit izens, as was expi eased in a communica tion to the Review published last Fri day. , - '.- Kunaway Accident, At a little before 2 o'clock to-day, as Mr. J. H. Strauss, doing bu3ines3 at the corner of Chestnut and Water street was returning from dinner,, driving his dray, on which were a number of empty butter firkins, the noise made by ths latter alarmed the horse, just as he was descending the hill leading from Front to Water streets. Some of the firkins fell off, and the horse, thereupon became totally unmanageable. Mr. Strauss was thrown down on the rocks, receiving some pretty severe cuts about the head, and the horse with the dray was brought up by slipping and falling on the pavement ia front of Mr, Strauss store. It is fortunate that he fell as he did, as thert were several old colored women,' huck sters, on the pavement, who were so paryzed by fear iS to be unable to move The horse fell almost at their feet Dr Buie was called ia and dressed Mr. S.'s wounds which, although painful, are not serious. The horse' legs were skinned by his slide on the pavement. HLMY- J.I . T-, . - . -,. , . - .. . - v & Visit to tht Poor Douse. We recently made a visit to the Coun ty Poor House, in company with the Sa. perintendent of Health, Dr. J. C Walker, and we confess - our surprise as well as gratification at the perfect order, system aod neatness which characterizes eeryingjcnjected with that institu tionv fWfr have heard mocJi praia be stowed jotheprft9ent very eftitsit-nt ourrintendcnt;f. for. pm (ecx -ut mu ageiqet?j.'nef? his advent into uflke. but the hult' has not btreu told. A i L-il ; to thu 4 me ol f hx uutoriunate auu per: sonat iuterview with the Superintendent hitnsel f is necessary . to si e, uuden tand and apirreciate the herculeau tasks which Superintendent Savage undertook on ihe lit day of January, aud has performed in. thei short period since that time. The institution, has now some thirty-five in mates, eight of whom are . white, the balance being all .colored. ' The two races are separate and .distinct, and the rooms and bedding of all , are in good condition ; in fact, the sleeping apart ments that came under our observation are the perfection of neatness and order Unfortunately for Mr. Savage, he has I been at" considerable expense in refitting cleaning ana repairing, ana maging oxner 1 . 1 5 , -ll necessary improvements to the grounds and buildings, which the county does not reimburse him for ; consequently,' the first year of the new management, has not been very remunerative. The grounds are all enclosed with substantial fences, and the enclosed part, with the exception of the yard, is under cultivation. Many of these fences Mr. Savage erected him self, while he has used lime, in the shape of whitewash, in almost every direction. The inmates all presented a neat and tidy appearance, as well as a well satis fied air. 1 he insane , department bears the same evidence of 'good order ' and cleanlineess that the other departments do. There is one thing, however, con nected with v .thu - last named department which Superintendent Savage informs us needs attention be fore the severity of winter is upon us. We refer to the facilities for heating the apartments where the lunatics are some times forcibly confined, which the Super intendent says are now insufficient. It frequently happens that these unfortu nates become uncontrollable and have to be placed in straight jackets and if the room is not sufficiently heated, by means of a good heater the lunatics may suffer, because they -frequently throw, all the covering off, besides tearing their clothes in shreds. We respectfully suggest to our Board of County : Commissioners . a careful consideration of the matter! We think another matter worthy of consid eration, too, and that is the way of ap pointing a Superintendent. When a good man is found to take charge of the place he ought to be kept in that position as long as he is willing to remain. The present way of allowing the lowest bid der to get the office we think decidedly wrong; one man might bid ten cents a day for every inmate and then half starve the poor unfortunates to'make a profit out of his position. We think the presen1 manager is the right man in the right place. Call at Jacobi's for Garden Hoes and Rakes, Shovels, Spades, Axes, &c. There you have the lowest prices. t Homicide in Sampson. We learn ; frota'genlleinan from Sampson county, now in the .city, "f of a homicide whicb occiirred on Saturday last near Clinton. Dr. Stevens, a young man who has but recently received his medical diploma, was fishing with some others in a pond near Clinton when a difficulty arose between him and a colored man, whose name our , informant could not give" us." Thedispute waxed warm and the latter party seized a fence rail and advanced towards his adversary as though to strike him with it. Dr. Ste vens thereupon drew a pistol from his pocket and warned the other not to ad vance upon him. The warning was un heeded and he was again told that if he did not stop where : he was he (Stevens) would fire upon him. The man with the rail continued to advance, however, when Dr. Stevens fired and the man fell mor tally wounded. These are all of the par ticulars we could glean from our inform ant. Mrs. Qaabach, a lad v residing at No. 103 Fourth Place, New York, states that she was subject to frequent attacks of headache, aid used St. Jacobs Oil with great satisfaction. It relieved her when nothing else would, . Review. To-Horrow Sight The Arion Quartette Club will, by r quest, give a parlor concert at Capt. Mann tag's place, Pine Grove, Wrights ville Sound, to-morrow evening. The wagonette will leave Capt. Soulherland's stabh-s at 6:30 o'clock. This is a favor able opportunity for an evening of pleas ure, good music and a-fine supper which will be rich in Sound fare. i " l : ' ' A .Turnover . Yt-fctrrday afternoon, s a geutleman and lady .were eoming from , the Sound on tbet turnpike, in a baggy, one side of the shaft of the buggy became detached and struck the horse on t he cgs, which So badly frightened the animal that he dashed off Before tie could be reined in he fan the front wheel of- the buggy on the wheels of another and capsized the buggy to which he was attached, throw ing the occupants out. We are pleased to know .that they were not seriously hurt. The "Muilet U au 9 Putting ou ".-.tjle 9 Two new passenger cars for the At lantic Railroad were brought down to Goldsboro to day. They are very hand some; have the Janney coupler and plat form, automatic air brakes and all the "modern improvements." The cars are lettered as follows: Midland North Carolina Railway, A. and N. C. Division. They were built at the Delaware car works, and in their bright new dress of canary colored paint m ake a happy con trast with the dingy old cars now on the Hue. 'We hope this first instalment is an earnest of many other improvements that Mr. Best will introduce upon the line of the road he has leased, and an assurance that the proposed road from Goldsboro to Salisbury will be built. Freshwater Perch, Trout and Black- fish Hooks and Lines. A full assort ment and lowest prices at Jacobj's. f The Midland C. l gentleman in this city who came down on the North Carolina R. R. on Saturday last met and was introduced to Mr. W. J. Best, who was then on his way from Raleigh to Morehead. Mr. Best stated that he was then on his way to Morehead for the purpose of meetiDg the engineers who have been out on the survey of the proposed Midland R. R., between Goldsboro and Salisbury, and that at this meeting estimates were to be submitted relative to the cost of con struction, fcc, and that work on the road would certainly be begun on or about the first of October. Be was uncertain then whether the road would be begun at one end only of the line or at both ends simultaneously, but this point would be decided at the meeting. When spoken to in regard to the Western N. C. R. R. he was very reticent. Wlli Leave Uf. General Jas. H. Lane, who has made his residence in Wilmington for the past twelve months, trying to teach the younar idea' how to shoot, (having di rected the sires of these same young ideas where to shoot, in the time not very long Sv)uwi uceuppuiuiuiucuinu iuo a i l. i-3 . u : : an Missouri, and has accepted the Profes-j sorship of Mathematics in that institu-1 and worthy compatriot and fellow suffer er in the war for Southern Independence j upon his good fortune, but at the same time we deplore bis loss in our commu nity most sincerely. As a gentleman of refinement and culture General Lane will be an addition to any community, while his devotion to the cause we air loved so dearly in the South and his particular and noble vindication of the North Carolina troops from the foul aspersions of one Walter H. Taylor has endeared him to North Carolinixns everywhere. As a teacher, General Lane has filled the full measure of all that was expected of him. As an evidence cf his success in this re- spect. his foil school aslwell as the num-l ber and character of the scholars bear ample testimony. General Lane takes I .. , 4 4 , . -, , I his departure lor his new field of labor I early in September, and we know that the I good wishes or all of fcis Old comrades and friends hereabouts, as well as many ot his . M , , . . : , new acquaintances made during his snort residence in this city, will follow him to his sew home. Study your interest, loucannow buy Cook Stoves at factory prices at jACOSfo f 22. 1881. NO. 197 MAHIUKt). STANLEr -1UUNCY At Whitcville, N. C, on the liight of Amrust 11th, at th; Methodic (Ubun-h, by Hev. J J.t'sruon, Mr. JOHN C). STANLEY ojfttie above town, to Miss LODCILLK UUAUSCY,of tiii-city. Ho caids. Prcf Aarostsni W .TILL GIVE UIS MXr EXlUHSION to Cmilhvi'.le and the Forts, on the Steamer Passport, on -THURSDAY NKXI Augurt 25th. Tbe lulian Ifarptrs -wilt furuish music for danctuij. Fa e, 50 ceuts for tbo Kound Trip; Children half price. aus22-lt THE AEIOU QUARTETTE. BY RF QUEST, WILL GIVE A PARLOR Concert at PINE fiROVE, Writfhte ville Sound, TUESDAY EVENING, Aug. li ii. Other amateur tinkers will be in at tendance and take part. The Wagonette w ill leave Southerland's Stables about 30 P. M., in order to take down any persons who wish to attend. aug2d-lt ED. WILSON MANNING. Ex urion to the Sound. iJHERE WILL BE AN EXCURSION TO the "Seaside", on Wednesday, August 24th, 1S31. 4 The OakGrove will be free for all. Music will be furnished by the Harpers Amusement for all, such as sailing, fishing, bathinfirtind dancing. Wagonettes will leave corner 4lh and Mar ket at 8.30 A, M. and 6 30 P.M. Return ingleave the Sound at 4 30 and 11.80 P. M. Fare for the Round Trip 50 cents, aug 22-3t School Book Depository, LL THE BOOKS ADOPTED BY THE State Board of Education are cn deposit at my Store: Teachers and scholars Mill find it to their iatajest to call be'oe purchasing else where. Lorge stock cf Ladies' ani Cen'le mea'a Fine 8tatioceryjuit received. HASOS and ORGANS alwaji on hand. aujf22 O W YATEB. Star Parlor Organs. JJAVJB GREAT POWER, SWEETNESB ofloBe, atd in every i expect Superior In. atrumenis. Facte reaeomb'e. Teimsfivor" able, at HEISTS BESOEJVd School Books. A LARGE AKD COMPLFT3 BTCCK alwavi on band at Reduced Prices. lib raldis:eust toTeccbera, at HEIK8BEKQi,KM aug 22 Live Book and Moio Htcre We Offer for Salev gQQ Bbla FLOUR, all grade?, gQQ Bags COFFfK, JQQ Bbl BUGAR, a 1 graiot, : 175 Bc2ea atd Caddie5 TOB-cco, 'J B xcB Darham Lozz Cut Eirokicg D TUBA.COO, rA Tieicas Suar Cured -TAilB, fiTcr UU rgol to 8 pounds, Koi2aud2K li Bagging, 8oip, Siarcb, Can d lea, Potaeh,;Lre, Nail , Coticn Tk8.Ac Hall & Pearsall I " TRiTH U1RTHY pC DCMCSLf- BRAKCE- TT'IRBTOTTFRBOURG j ABIH1Y TO Seady i!aJe Clothing asJ FnT.LLicg G-ioia than any fcoofe ia thi city. Pecond IkeiapiJatd perpeiati jrrrwth oi ottero -nr. e troe a lac- wLuh u sell ing cabl e eo meat, and an toner worthy cf m . : . .... exjmpiinc uon. mi-c if at utterooir, veins jcvrgin vet'i. u better cicultsO to make C3c:d ie- ieciion a regards atvle, color,! fio:h, t)aa an o!der penos. who t at lallj adberet to KtTC latinary time ptiaeilet. Ottrbon'ga Ul iMngexperieEcjcfnftei:n Tca-t h ta m3e him aa adept i far as qaa ity ani curabiii y m.rm MBMrn d fourth 1 hat TJtta burg being ealiSd to par cash flow, for cterr cclir' wra th Northern tnannfaeturra),is Io better qual ified tt aeli Cloth ia; i left gure mod t fStt rreater advaourea th in ihcu wuo art not una qaa ified. Fifth Ottvrlocrg elalmf to have (and the eomuo tv coincide), the lareat aedbit adapud buPeiag for hia builceaa in orth of room todpiay atoek. fibr ht4 ii seivei by th niM ,hvJ .onmrDiv thrown on groia by ueleaa abew window otter bo arg atoek ttanua the tit of a tot ty fo? op 'tL f,rNew York; will be gene ob tnoath. a fctcfo e naqaaaee ia itaelf, bat of get iaportaae. to a aer.palo.1 trade, aa ha. 1 1 darote that naa m 1 lnf th of time to the t r- onai aaperrlaion of the Baaafactare Into ClothJtr of Lia imported fit CKtLi aa i Caa iaeres. rJen'c Vlear Depot 22. 24, 26 and 28 IT. Front t FLEA8B 50T1CE. We IU bt g?a4 to nealvs eottainatcatSoa from oar friaoda on aiy aii.all rsb'stcti Csaerai lnierert bat Te tana ef tie writer xcrt alvayt ba fa aJhlo the Editor, I CossMrcleatlosa awt be wilmn oo c tly oae fiia of the paper. - : PersoaaUIIet scit fct avoUei And it la efpe!ai!y and paft4.larly ua&ai toad that the Eiit-ids oot aiwiys etdrrt the rieif t ot crrio d(at, , naU m ibitsi iath editorial :e?&t.," ' or TCK ,.. 1 .... S3 By a strict and impmtial coin pari Bon with other leading in this city, tho celtbrated Prido of the Pdllty,,, ' ' '.; . S r ..... - - Comes out preeminently ahead. "I invito a comparison with sny Flour in the market." It makes the best Bread, It makes tho best KoIIf, It makes the best Biscuit. EVERY HOUSEKEEPER Who desires the Whitest and Sweetest Bread should not fail to send fr a sample. ! ( . All I ask is for you to trjr this FLOTJB once, and if yon do not find it Eupeiior to any you have used you can return it and I will refund your money. A fresh lot just arrirea'7 FRESH AND SWEET. For sa!o by ,.. , :pa-.l JNOr-LBOATWRIGHT,' la N. Front Ht aog 22 C0 CEOAf! . PASX1KQ. CirlESTS DOOfiS im BUKBS. BRACKETSMOULDING, LUitBEie, Ac ALL SIZZ3 'VLNiioV QLASi, AT. ALTAFFJSR, PlUCK.QOU if Factory: Foot Walnut st. .ut, near liod Cross a TBNIKQ AMD MPAlRim. JOSEPH DEXCK; from CVIlimH4,, S. C, t will remain la VV ilmlnton a-. lew! rcekt. He la prepared to tunc and repair JJJanos, Mdodians, Reed and Hpe Oinl. Orderi -eft at Mr. IJtimberger'a Bock -Store ulll meet with prompt attention. au$40 St Porto Rico Holaeij'es. STKICTLY FRlMBr rorrd Eico MolaGdef. 7 (! For sale by Wiiliiimi & Mnrclilson. PUHGEtl HOUSE, r.XDSS 5SW llfKAOSJfSXX;- D. LaU Proprietor Atlaatta Hotsl Pint Claaa In all Ita'an 12.60 VUftt flay. ' . Jab8.tt 250