,HIB PAFE 19 I r-T ,r .... j-rjoNK. POSTAGE PAID. 1 ,., 0; Six tacatba, ; iiiree . V A. a -. 1 Oaaaonu.wDBBa. 9 ttof the city, at the . 1T1.I UW -j m . or v- 1 1 Mft nr west. tobaeri" will pleasereport any and 5 tO ' eel K -r ----- r- V - pey Advertisements. in FOB RHEDHATISliI, Ksurafgia, Sciatica, Lumbago; iacitche, Soreness of the Chest; tout, Quins, Sore Throat, Swell- inas and Sprains, Burns and . 1 n i rt 1:1.. . Scaias, uenerai ouuuj Pains, ; Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted fett and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches, y rnTrtion on earth equals Sr. Jacobs Oil 1 tafe, rurt, rimple and cheap External IuhAj. A trial entail but the comparatively rAioc oatlay of 60 Centa, and erery one suffer- kit with pain caa haTe cheap and poaitiT proof 4 HieUima Ihneuoat in Keren Language. BOLDBTALLDBo'Q0I8T8 AHDDElLELa IS MEDIOHTE. A.V0GELER Sc CO., Baltimore, 2Zd, IT, 8. JL. iprUlldw-M to We Want You To Cnow It I ill SELLING BELOW REAL VALUE Tie Idea is to clo&e out all of the'goods on kind and put in an entirely new Etock. The prices given now will De the same un ffl September 1st. Will be pleased to quote price and think you can be suited. Respectfully, R. Nl. rclntire. im, JOE PERSON'S REMEDY FOR SCROFULA NEVER FAILS. ItWJl Cure if Fairly Tette 3.; It jives me much pleasure to be able to tiaatlhavc derived an effectuaTcure of Scrofula from the use of Mrs. Joe Person's ftaedy for that disease. I had suffered from Scrofula for more, than three years, Ml hd despaired of erer getting well. I Mtrea'd during that time by three very jatoent physicians, without any good result. Itlieawenttothe National Sureical Insti ttte. It Atlanta Ho ourl -ay a a trPfl.tAl thet-fi than two months, with no better re- w taitt my family physicians met wiin. returning irom the Instituted, I was rTOAied to tnr Mrs. Person's remtdv, and kd not used it more than a week before I oreredits curatWe and healing proper- My sores soon besran to hea. and the 5 of my skin changed as fast as the sores Jed. 1 had not thought of ever getting Van i -iCTin, but my hopes in ere as eu, my iow "Wt eniorintranlendid health and am in f4iplriU The remedy la mild as ; a p ur tvire, and a strong tonic : it will neai ine stubborn sore in three weeks If taken JplAiij. It is my opinion that it should iAken some time after the sore Is healed, faoTe the cause of Its effects. It should eame8 neglected it. from the pressure of '4ine6S- in n fonnd that the !lready made would commence to re- "we, and for this alone It sbouia De regularly until an effectual' cure Is JPlted. Nothing should prevent regu Jy is the use of the remedy and it should Uken at the proper time. I would re ?aiend to all who are suffering from JIa to try it. It will surely cure you fie it a fair tesL I speak from expe r and not from hciruT. I am a rrate- recipient of a cure from the use of It and ? ttnder many and lasting obligations to Kl1t for the g11 'clicf haveob from Its use. Sufferers, try it and be 5v my advicft. 1 am, respectfully, Ea,N.c. JAMES A. Mosiaa. Ump for testimonial of rcmarkaWe JttbyMrs.Joe Peraon, Franklin c- Sold by WM. II. GREEN, WUJ v. ly 6-dw-nac reoh e xf fCaTT 'UX 4B80&TMEMT GABDI3, 2j ad DoneetJe, Jan rseelvtd aad for,. JJJ 03LT QilNUINK HOME-MADS U the aitv. will Km fnnnif mn the eity, will ba found very VITr-r"1 m doors Boutn ok ttidZT9 00 stresV Also, tfati IArhH$i& is hUHLM 8 J UU it Utar t&oPottoCiea "JLjdLJCi .1 VOL. V . LOCAL NEWS. ............ NW ADVERTISEMENTS. C WtiTza-School Book Depository L P Thomas Lost or Stolen II ei nsbekoeb Always on hand No City Court to day. .The itorm sigDal still floi in the breeze. ; l) . ' , . vTVild ducks are1 already being brought into market. " ; t. T " The receipts of cotton at this port to day foot up 19 bales. "A ball dozen on the hair shell" will soon be the) popular demand. j Easterly winds don't seem to affectJ the mullet market,5 but all other kinds, of fish are scarce. Messrs. Dyer A Son, of this city, hare been awarded the contract for making the police uniforms. , t The almanac makers thought we would have changeable weather just about this time, and changeable it is. - The good man bears' with the faults of others very patiently; the Daa man Dears with his own in the same way. ;--. '1 ; . i - !- The capicityVtf Ithe Carolina Rice Mills is to be nearly doubled for the work of the Fall and .Winjer season. : Freshwater-Perch, Trout, and Black fisa'; Hooks ' and J-ipesl A fall assort mentand lowest prices at Jacobi's. ,f. It is the part of the true philosopher to enjoy the prospect of good to come rather than to grumble over pain that is past. Call at Jacobis for Garden Hoes and Rakes, Shovels, Spades, Axes, &c. There yom have the lowest prices. T J Ger. barque Madura was cleared yes terday for Hamburg with 3,826 barrels rosin, "shipped by Messrs. DeRosset & Co. At 3 o'clock this afternoon the wind blew here at the ' rate of 20 miles an hour. At Hatteras, at the same hour, the ve locity was 30 mile3. There was only about .05 of an inch of rainfall here this afternoon, 'lhis is gneiss work -but it will be found nearly correct. " The watermelon crop has stood by us noblv during the long dry spell but ai all things must have an end so the festive melon will soon be shelved. The following are the readings of the thermometer at the Signal Office to day: 7 a. m., 69; 11 a. m., 78;, 3 p. ra., 81i Maximum to-day, 81, agsinst 87 for same date in 1880. ? Nothing is easier than' fault-finding. No talent, no Belf-denial, no brains, ao character, are required to set up in the grumbling business. But those who aro moved by a genuine desire to do good have little time for murmuring or com plaint. . . - This city and section were visited this afternoon by a very refreshing rain. There was not enough water, however, to prove of any great benefit to the suf lering crops, although some good will undoubtedly result.- We live in hopes of more." j . i We acknowledge the receipt of a copy of the rules and regulations and sched ule of premiums for the third annual Fair of the 'North Carolina Industrial Association, which is tojbe held in Ral eigh on October 31st and November 1st, 2nd, 3nd, 4th and 5lh. 1 Study your interest. You can now buy Cook Stoves at factory prices at jACOBt's. t We were pleased to receive a visit this morning from Mr. Eddie A. Brown, formerly of this' city but now of Colum bia, S. C, at which place he is Agent or the Southern Express Company, who is here on a short visit to his friends and relatives. , ' ' :: The Greensboro Pafnofc comes to us this' week under the control of Capt J. B. Uussey, who has purchased the prop erty. Capt. Hussey is fotceful writer and. is thoroughly well informed on the current-topics of the day, amd is sure to make a success of the undertaking. He has our best wishes. j Donl Die In the House. Ask druggists for -Rough on Rats." It clears out rati, mice, bed-bmgs, roach es, vermin, flies, ants, Lasects. 15c per box, : . -TV . ', - - - s . " .... ..." WILMINGTON, N. C FRIDAY, AUGUST 1 Tat Back Leaking. , ': The American schooner TV. B. Mackie. Capt. Dawlinr, which cleared from this port last Monday, tbe22d inst. for Port au-Prince, Hay ti, with a cargo of lumber and; shingles by Messrs. E. K idder V - Sons, returned to this ci ty this mornjrinja leaking condition. She will have to discharge cargo in order to undergo repairs. Thescbooner . is con signed to' Messrs. G Barker & Co.1 Killed oacb whip- Officers Gafford andCapps, of the pb lice force, wer& takg v atroll' throngll" the woods near the city in the vicinity of Green's mill ponoj yesterday afternoon when they encountered a huge snake of the ceachwhip species. Officer Gafford, who carried a double barrelled shotgun on his shoulder at the time, immediately lowered his piece and fired. - H is snatce. ship was then measured and was found to be six feet long. l rire on the Sound. Yesterday merning, "about 10 o'clock, the kitchen attached to the. residence of Mr. Howell Cobb, at "Summer. Rest,'! lust North of Wrights ville Sound, was consumed by fire. The kitchen was en tirely consumed and the residence badly scorched. No one lives in the house, but X a - colored man who has charge of the premises stayed in the kitchen. It is thought that after he cooked his break fast he left some fire in the fireplace and went off, and that the high wind Which prevailed blew the fireout1ntb the room and set fire to the bedding. We eould not learn whether, the building was in sured. , - - - s Food for the Brain aad Xerres that will invigorate the body without intoxicating is what we need in these daja of rush and worry.- 'Parker's Gin ger Tonic restoret the vital energies, soothes the nerves and brings good health quicker than anything you can use. Tribune, see our jOinmn. SotJead ,r The. Clinton, correspondent of the Goldaboro Messenger ays that the col ored man who was sh at .Lane's Mill, near Clinton, a.few.Ca ago, by Dr. Stevens, wasn't muca hurt, after all. The report of tho shoot!ngrit will be re membered, was published in the Review, We stated, on the strength of the infor mation furnished us, that, tho man was mortally wounded, but are glad to know that the affair was not so serious as re ported tons. ' -'Z ' '.' Beautify your homes by using the N. Y. EnamelPaint, ready mixed and war anted. Sold enly at Jacobi's. f The Monument to Capt- Ellerbreck. The monument to be erected to the memory of Capt. Ellerbrock is completed acd will be placed in position in Oakdale Cemetery to-morrow or on Monday. It was made in this city by Mr. John Maun der, and is ot the handsomest Italian marble. It is composed of seven pieces, the final being a beautiful ura, as fol lows: Bottom base, second base, dye, flint, column, cap and urn. The monu ment with its base stands twelve feet high. On the face of the dye is the fol lowing inscription: "The citizeas of Wilmington, the sev eral Fire Companies and the Christian Association of St. Paul's Eranglical Lutheran Church have erected this mon ument to the memory of Capt. Wo. A. Ellerbrock, a native of . Hambu rg, Ger many, who lost his life in doing service at a fire corner of Front and Dock streets, April 11th, 1880. Aged 24 years and 24 days " On the reverse side of the dye is a dog in a crouching position and just above it the following inscription: "Faithful unto Death." It will be remembered that Capt EU lerbrock's faithful dog died by his side, apparently aware of the impending dan ger, for when the remains of the unfor tunate young man were exhumed Irom under the debris of the fallen walls the sagacious dog was found by his master's side with a piece of bis coat in his mouth, which was evidence to every one's mind that the dog tried to pull his master out from the building. . . To Builders and others Go to Jaco bi's for Sash, Blinds and l)oors, Glass, tc Yoa can get all sixes and at the lowest prices. . , . . 'S .1 t Wo are indebted to Capt. J.T. Pat rick, Secretary of the Dixie Agricultural and Mechanical Association; for an in vitation to be present at the Fair to .be Uld in Wadesboro, October 17th; 18th, 19th, 201a, 21st and 22d. - 1 i Tos llacbr Pjay. i Iewis Green andJohn H. Giles, two colored youths got into a play and then an altercation on South Water street this morning which resulted in their being taken -to the Guard noose under arrest. They were bailed out. - however, , shortly afterwards and will-be interviewed by thVMyor in the mornincr. Mr.lA. P. Vhite, 335 VW. Monroe street, Chicago, informs Bs;"ri have bad ncA'ARian to thorn ni?hW teat the Qualities of St. "Jacobs Oil upon'myself and my family, abd;have found it the best and mot ffotiTe remedy the hind ever known. - In an aggravated case or swoi len joints, where inflammation was caus ing intense suffering, its power was es neciallv remarkable and not onlv brought relief hut a permanent cure. It gives me pleasure to inns testify to its merits. Unmailable Un mailable matter, addressed as fol lows, remains in the Postoffice in this A white envelope, no a'ddrcss; Mrs. Martha Thornton. Harrison. Squire, Mass.; Mral Adaline "fMonroe, Bladen borough.N C; Mrs.Jane Harrison, Simp son's Turnout, S.'C.; "EdwaroV Tucker, No. 3, SUnd Hope Place. ' I The Fresldeat. The news from Washington CiCy ; in rifereace to the condition, of the Presi dent is distressinr. It is evidemt that the end is Tery near. The nourishment he takes does not seem to give him strength, and there is but one conclusion at hand, and that is that he is sinking rapidly. The latest information this afternooa is to the effect that his condi tion is very alarming. We are prepared at any moment hear of his death, i The Fire at Lumberton. Mr. J. McD Frenchj of the firm of B. Godwin A Co., Lumberton, the sufferers by the recent fire in that place, was in the city to day, and from him we learn that the fire was undoubtedly the work off an inoondiary. Th goods burned in the warehouse had been ' unloaded from the train only a few hours before and were to hate been shortly removed to their store up town. We earnestly hope that tho villains who perpetrated this act of arson may be caught and re ceive the punishment provided bylaw for all such characters. I Mr. Geo. R. Dyer becomes Business Manager of the Opera House during the season soon to open, and we under stand that the box sheet for performances will bo at Messrs. Dyer & Son's clothing store. The stream of travel bow tends to the North, composed mainly of merchants from points South of us en route for the Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York markets. ' All the men who get up early are poor and unknown. No man gets up with the lark unless his necessities compel him to do so. The great and the rich lie abed in the morning. Warner s Safe Klndey and Liver Care TilC MAILS. - The mails closo and arrive at the City Pot Office as follows : 1 ' N"ortheru tbrongh mails. ... .,630 p. m. Northern tiuough and way , maiU... o:i0 a. m. Kaleu;b..;......U..... ...6:40 a. m. Mails for the N. C. Railroad, and routes supplied there from, including A. &N, O. Railroad, at ........ a 6:40 a.m. Southern mails for all points 1 - Sooth, daily 7:46 p. m. Western mails (C C B'y) daily (exceptSanday)...... ..... 9.00 a. m Mail for Oheraw & Darling "ton......... 7;46 p. m. Malls for points between Flo- ' renceand Charleston.......... 7:45p m TajetteviSle, - and omcet on j S Capo- Fear River, Tuesdays, and,' Friday s.....M.. L00 p. m. Fayettevilfei. via Lumberton, ... daily, except Sundays...... 9:00 a. m. Onslow O. H. and intermedl- 1 ate offices, every Monday and Thursday at.......... G. W a. m. Smith vllle mails, by steam boat, daily, (except Sun- . . days)...........i....M.w. 8, 80 a. n Malls., for Easy flill. Town Greek, Shallotte and Littla - River, 8. O., eyery Mon day and Thursday at 6:00 a. m. orxa rox dkltvmt. Korthern through and way oiaUeM.M..M. . . . ....7 0 a. m. Southern Mails M 7.00 p. m. Carolina Central Railway.... 4KK) p. m. - Stamp Office open from 8 a. m. to 12 M., and from 2 to 60 p. m. Money Order and Register . Jpartoent open fame as stamp office. , v - " General deUyeryopea from 60 a. ra. to 70 p. nu. and on Ssndaya from CUS0 to 90 a, Be J 26. ISSl NO. 201 New Advortimonts. Lost or Stolen; TWO HOUNDS, answeiing the follow lng description: Black and l an Bitch, medium in size, named "Utlte", Red i itch, with white face, fiine enonth old. rathn 6maU iu size, named "Alice". . A literal reward will be pa'd for th ir re covery, or for information as to their where abouts. L. P; THOMAS. At P. L. Bri leers & Co's, Wholesale aug 26 2t ai.d KtUil Qrocerf, Front St. Always on Hand 4 L i 1 Q 4 &TO( K V? tilt Poors," " -"v ' " I f ctool Bockj, Statiorey, ic , ac , Standard Isk, Carter's Ifc, David's Ink fr.t ? Cnnintr Tr.V. in amall battlAH. half plntB, intsquarts at a EDUCTION. At HEIN8nEnOER'8. ! aujr 16 v Book and Mario 8 tore KEV YOHK & WILMINGTON STEAMSHIP CO. SEMI-WEEKLY LINE. ! ' . era M - STEAMERS . WILL SAIL FROM NEW YORK five:y WEDNESDAY and BATURDAT, I at 3 o'c ock, P. M. ; REGUlaTQB....... ..Saturday, August 27th QULF STREAM... w"edacidj, Aagust-Slst BENEFACTOR.. .......Saturday, Eept'r 3d REQULATOB......Wedc6.day, Bjpt'r 7th Throagh Bills Ladiag ted Lowes Tkrcuffh Kataa cuaranteed to ana from Poists in North and Eouth Cirolini. tor freight Eiigagecisats sp? Ijf TnOS. 13. BOND, Sup'i, Wttmlngtra, ' Q, THC'V Q. EG2R, Flight Arol, 15 Broadway,1 San fori. WH. P.OLTDB A CO., Gea'l Agent.'. aag25-tf Porto Rico Molasses. 250 , STRICTLY PRIME Porto Hico (Molasses. For sale by Williann & MnrchisonJ We Offer for Sale gQQ Bbla FLOUR, all grades, 2QQ Bag COFFfF, 100 Bbli8UOAR:l rJe, 175 Boxes a&d Caddlei TOBACCO, 1 ry fr B xea Dorhaoa hong CotHicoxi:c ID tobacco, Cf Tlarce 8uar Cared AM3, svr )J K T to 8 founds, -ItotSandSK II Bagriair, Soap, Starch, Candles, Potash, Lye, ""Natl , Cotton Ties do. Hall & Pearsail aus;2a School Hook Dtp jafory LL THE BJOK3 ADOPrI BY TEE State Board af Educitioa are n depr ait at i t - my Stotei Teachers and zth As.n will fiai it to their iAterest to call be lore pur. h na sir ii . ...... where. Lore stock f Licit s' an i Gea) msa's Fine Statist e y ju.tresiv-d. FllYOj ani O I ;i!f Uj$ ox htil . ar iO W TATfBi The Cosmopolitan BAR 13 TOE PLACE WHERE TOU can get the coolest, purest and most scientifically mixed Summer Drinks to be found in the city. The very, best Wines Champagnes and Liquors always on hand itha best 5-ccntj Cigar that Is' made. 1 Drop n and cool oS. JOHX CARROLL, ) ; vFropdetor. ii r a KW HI XvX mm 250 ruuss soticf. i wCltg?ad to rtcalrs eca.kaUcm froia rzT TriKiid ca ajty aid all rabVots i ersJlslerort tut ;: , . Ts nxue cf Ua wdter xerl sireyt be ft attW to tho xaitor. 4 " -r;,r 2CS3l2CS2iatIO BUt b Wllt0 f Ollf oas aids of tie rap' : . . - .i : ,-- ' ; . ; ' rm&al!tii tacit be a jM2 , .vi And It Ls sral)y aadajIlaily nziir ft'jod that tba EJitro dci zyt alwajt fiocrs the ri-r$ pt ctmpo; Jca nVa so rial . OF'TEK By a strict aritT iinpaitial conipari - - Bon yrith othexv leading in this city, tho celebrated "rrido of tho Pantry.5 ' . . ' ' . ,i Comes out preeminently ahead 0 "I invite a comparison with any Flour in the market." ' 4 It makes tho best BreaJ, It makes the best Holis, It makes tho best Biscuif. EVERY HOUSEKEEPER Who Jdesires tho Whitest and Sweetest Bread should not fail to - 'I . i , send for a sample. All I ask is for you to try thia ..- - - , FLOUR once, and if you do not find it superior to any you hare : ;.i .... !:.:..:'. , a.-.. used you can return it and T Tfill refund your money, v .'..,";." '. A fresh lot just arrived " , . j FRESH AND SWEET; For gale by-, : i jno, i. ooATwiiiir, RTo. U &, 18 IV. -Front St ; Th Or:x Land mark;; rDBLItliED ATf . STATE BVILLF, IKEDEL' CO., "MS. " C, v - lath ' - Leidin r:ewapa;tr ui W'ettsrn orih Cr- It ia the otl remora'io Faar ub Uhsd in Iredell c uMy cue of the largeat and wealibie t countl la th 1 tate -acd ha at taioed a larger local circuti'-n haa any paper erer aereiofaie j utfljitd ft ihs count ' - ' i ,n'i In 4 Ita ci'cu'.at'oa in Alexander, X'l'kAf, lias, Ailrgaaay, Yad in, Uarie and itedtli, is larger tbaa t at '.' .nytw'o pa era id the mate combi'ed; ac4 ia ra.tiJ. acquirioe a at. - n t othoH in Ko tTthej rJurrj, Kcwan an i wee Urn Meckleoborg, 'x .-n'j It iathcQlr pper ia Western'orth Car olina that eaplAa a Kegular' Caara'aeiBjf airtnVand la ttna kopt conitantlj bef ta the people. Tnier thia sjatemPa tapiJly i acre a ing- ci real ad is tue reiulfmaaiog'the ga-Tha Beat idTertLbg lTeiiaai'faeit era 2Co;tk Carolina- Addrrts, " - f ARaC, RED CEDAR PAC)C!HQ CHESTS SASH, DOOBS MD BLIKDS, BRACKETS, MOULDING, LUiTBEBAc ALL SIZES WINDOW GLASS, ! " AT y ALTAFFEB, PRICE PICO'S. k Factory: OSes: 1 root Walnitt f J nvXtt bear Kcd Crocs a