" " 1HI9PAPEB- iriiil 7"-'' 4 ' jOH. T. JAM - . .orroa AMD pjsorAiaroa. - i t uu 'KIFTIOSS, FOSTAGE PAID. k no riix months, S3 50 ; Three "josths.fl "! One month, 60 cent, oarer will be delivered by carriers, tf .barfs, to "7 P"t of the city, at the j,f ru, or W eena per ww. 4 jrtiiif rates low and liberal ' ' . gabteribers will please f eport inj and J failaTei to rire their papers regularly. jjyr Advertisements. THE GREAT RHEUIATISI, - Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache. Soreness of ihe Chest, Bout, Quins y, Sore Throat, Swell I trigs ana sprains, a urns ami Scalds, General Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted feei and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. Ko PrrrtioD on earth qu&Is St. Jacobs Oil M t tmfe, tun, simple and chtap Externul Xtme&j. A trial entails but the comparatively triltar outlay tf eO Ceals, aDd erery one suffer be ith pain cam hare cheap and poaiUte proof f Hi alaima. Ciractio&i in Beren XenguagM. BOLD BY ALL DB 7GGIST3 AITDDEALEHS IH MEDICUTE. A.VOGEIER & CO., - JDaltimore, 2Id.t XT. S. JL. CrUlldaw-ne to, OF arpeits AT REDUCED PRICES, will continue un til September 1st, . STRICTLY FOR CASH ! BtTcnl good patterns of BRUSSELS be low value. Reepectfully, R. M IVIcIntire. J0 PERSON'S : SCROPUIrA I ,i NEVER FAILS. ;. ; " ; It Will Curt if Fairly TcsteJ. .4 It tifes me much tileasnre to be able to eUat I have derived an effectual cure bt, 3,-wm the tlaa ofllrs. Joe Person's reX3of tht 'disease.1 I bad - suffered trom Scrofula for more than three years, 4 aid despaired of 'ever getting well; I u treated, during that time -by three very sarot pbysiciansjWlthout any good result. Uen went to th Katlnnal RnnHral Tnstl- v te, ml AUanta, Ga., and was treated there ore than two months, with no better re- rHSi -iiCiVa mamm ron 1 V uiuin my family physicians met with. t ter retaining lrom the Institute, I, was riTrtq ttrvTIrs.'Persbn'a remedy, and ead not used It" more than a week before I f OTeredita curative and healing proper Wa My sores soon began to hea' , and the dor of my skin chsageds tastaslbe sores Jed. 1 had not tlrought of ever getting ;j dl tjrtlo but tny. hopes increased, my low PWtednesfJlcd-' before' Xh . remedy, and I Ua&ow enjoying sJeudid health and am in . dapUjtf T1.8 rf medyia wild as a p ur l Wn, atd a, strong tosie ; It will . heal the atubborn sore in three weeks if taken i jefttlariy.-. iris my opinion that it should , Ukon bouie time after the sore U healed, JmnoTtlMj cause of its effect. It fhouid taken rtcularrr:bv all means.' for I have .- 4oa&e4aiea neglected it, from tuf jiressure of . 'dB.e53.lMid( In Tall cases louud" ' Ui&t the 5 lifelridy wtfle wuu'd comructicts to rc-4-focr4ie, and: for this alone it should be en revuWrly; until au effectual cure is : plted; 'yothlng shbufd prevent regu- u!L7 U the remedy and it should "wquut pre per. time, i would re MatfiAl- tn .all . Ki .w .n(T.n 4Wr rJfcnU-o all-. who- are , suffering from J:vnu tory it. ' It will surely cure you y u Kive It a fair test. ' I speak from expe- iT "dOt from hearsay. I am a grate-J - -pvut ui dire irura vdc use OI li. IDU It UJcr- niany aud lasting obHsraUons to t .Jf'-yeno forthe great relief rhaveob rrum ll uw-; uerers, try it aud be V!i U my adrke I am, re-petfullv, g-IUN.C, JAM3A.MOKi:l. nd stamp for7 testimonial of leinarkaMe tProby Mrs Joe Person, oS??' C. Sold by WM. H. GK Fraukliu GKEEN, AVilJ i b-cuw-riac VOL. V LOCAL NEWS. New Advertisements. "Misses Burr & James School .".J C Bo k neman Beef See at Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machines - C W Yates School Book Depository HEiNSBEROEROet the Beet The receipts of cotton at this. port to day foot up 63 bales. Boys amose themselves at the Market Dock by catching crabs.: Mayor Ttflth was ab4 tebold Court to 'day-and is at his post again. ScuppernoLg grapes are corning iu slowly, and the price is still hih. The fish market has beeu poorly sap plied for the past two or three dajs. f , . : I A baby elephant is expected before ong to join Old John Robinson's circus. I, - i i i j Study your interest. You can: now buy Cook Stoves at factory prices at JjlCOBt's. i Squire Millia, had one or two unim" jortant caes to-day which were dismiss ed upon payment of costs. . The, price of crude turpentine has ad vanced to $325 ter bbl bid for Soft, with an eighth off for Virgin. The steamship R cjylator crossed the bar .at 3 orclock .this af'ternron. I She will probably reach this city before night. The steamship signal is hoisted over the Signal office, which means that the Regulator has crossed the bnr bound up for this port. . , The store recently used by Messrs. Brown & Roddick as a 5 and 10 cents bazar. is to be converted into a beef mar ket by Mr.' W. J. Mott. ' . Mr. PMcGowan, of Raleigh, arrired here last night on a visit to his son, Capt. J. M. McGowan. Freshwater Terch, Trout and .Black fish liooks and Lines. . A full assort mcnt and lowest prices at Jagobi's. f : i - John Robinson's advertising car is in Charloite to-day and is expected to ar rive in this city on Friday. Look out for the circus bills, boys I Spirits turpentine i3 on , the boom; sales to day at 48 cents per gallon and possibly higher. Holders are now begin ning to expect 50 cents per gallon. There appears to be a scarcity of meal and hominy in this city.and the prices of 1 these articles nave aavancea at least zo i per cent, in tbe past two or three days, j Bteatlfr your homes bf'iuiur the N. m-r m . . j ; . j I x. rnamei rami, reauy nuitu uuu . war-1 rantp Sold onlv at Jacobi's. t T"- ""rf - . I -r. : jaxceueni. oeei may uu iouuu nuw -t Mr. John u. uornemann s marKei, on - . . - - i Market street, near Second. He makes I t street, near becond. lie masses ialty. of beeves from Dr. Bellamy's j pasturage, in Brunswick county. aspecii famous pastur The engines, boilers and smoke stick or ..the Clarendon Water Works have ! J .J 1 l. for arrived: and other machinery necessary for the completion of the works is ex- . a pectd ori the next rew x oris steamer. I . . w m m "L between ?stor i Tm Aueied me rfS IXt. SI. Dreyer, Avenue - 32nd and 33rd streets, Galveston . T 1 1 1 ! . MAvrea. i rk rara i i una n M' from all the pains with which l sunereci ti i lorover a year, ii removcu me um iu r mv r.nntracted sinews mstantaneouslv. I hevere pains in the bacK were curea in j r I five minutes by one application of the I Premiums Offered. The Xorlh Carolina Medical Journal offers a3 a premium for the best prepar- ed and complete herbarium of the medi- cinal plants of the State, the following I works.or their equivalent, in volumes the I successful competitor may choose: Cur- . ,.,Yr , Ti.t f j I 4 . t.s nooayrianis uu - Ind,genous Plants" m one voiumc- "Fluckiger and Hanbury's I'harmaco- rrr-iia " ono volnme: and '-Flora Amer- .wSntPnirinnalis oraSvstematic Ar .v.- . - rangemenranu-uescnpuouui 1u.v.vWw. - of North Amer 'Pureh, two vol ,t ; P.K n . maj p.Ui.,s w - -r men must bo ucutly mounted on stout .a per t)x 14 "inches, (two or three cu c.u be putou a sheet when they hite p TheoSer i. inudo to members of the state Medical. Society, and to licentiates of the Board of Examiners who may not ..acuber. IKrbaria must be sent in ,.n iu ia Tuesdav ia May. 1832. at the !rtifrrJ.mpetjnir.. For further particu lars address Editor of the Jiuunw. , ica." By Frederick resorts visuea witu wreca. uu T Emily Tel fair, Bailie Townsen. amcs. night of fear and peril the streets lit I Malmda Telfair, L Taber, L P ?Tracy, -.-'.v..., Vv ' t,: , k . WILMINGTON, N. C. TUESDAY, AUG, UST To aare ui. Messrs M. F. Manning and H. C. Depew, of tie Mahn Opera Troupe, who have been spending the summer ; with Mr. -Manning's parent at Pine Grove, Wrigbtaville Sound, will leate for Nw York jon Friday to join their troupe which is-now practiciag in that city for tfiA annrnnrfiin fr lAaunn . ' J V ; it i Call at JACOBi's for Garden HoeB an-l Etakes, HhoTela, Spades, Axes. fet:.! '"Jf'her you hnvte the lowest prices. f A . ; "f . Sound Place Sold. ; r The old Dr.,Wright place on Wrights ville Sound, recently owned . by M K..F. A. Schutte, was sold" yesterday at auo- tion by Messrs. Cronly & Mjorri? for $4,600.' It was purchased by Messrs. Jas. Q. Chadbourn k Co., who have held a lien on some of the property. The sale was made- in the lace of a protest by Maj. D. J. Devane, Mr. Scbutie's attor ney. ' - , ; Waxhed Awai. . We neglected to mention .yesterday-- a fact of which we 4were aware ithehr that severe injuries were inflicted br.the storm to the beach below the breakwater at New Ialet, and between that point. and the mouth of the river, by the over flow and washing away of a part or the low sandy beach. The injury is not thought to be a very serious one, ho ever, and can probably be readily repair ed. 'Ihe government works remained intact. ' , - - i - Frobablx thf. Last. The excursion annorinced for Thurs day under, the auspices of Prof. Agos- tini will TkrAhfthlv Ka ihm lat nf ttiA Ra- . ..... 1 J son. In this connection it would not bd L . . . A. ... , . out of place ' to mention the fact that T . .r . . -, . . .. Prof. Asrostini is soon to leave this city U ... . . for new fields of labor. His reputation . - t . . J . as a teacher of the art terpsichorean is wll known throughout the South. He is - lw . a young gentleman of pleasant address, exceedingly courteous to every one and is exceedingly particular iu his training of pupils committed to his care. Our best wishes follow him wherever he goes. . 0 CHI Court. ; His Honor. Mavor Smith, presiding. Ella Martin, colored, charged with dis-1 a4- ga eiA ; wuo"Jr wuv, o sv, "I default of payment of fine was sent below jaT7a , for thirty days. , . Fanny Gore, "who sways the sceptre in the Hollow when the opportunity offers,'! an wh0 was released from the ' Guard1 House yesterday, having served;her pre-1 vioua sentence, was again arrested andj locked up Uatnuht. upoa the charge of A ioriirlatl o renrtnrT. Ipn flllTS lltinrmnn.l v4v .rr"w"r."V, , . J . r I ment was the sentence of the Uourtana I . . . . - - the temporarily dethroned queen again 1 -t . in the solitude of a cell upon o o nr0na . na - tnM anil. ,hftnf.M .ll 4 - 4kia ;iro. I loitea to 'mortat beings hv this wicked worli i . . .. bov was the next case " ; ; , -Z V on docket, charged with throwing stones in the public streets. Judgment was sus- in" V.Io naia and xlia WkntKfrtl peaded in this case and the "youthfal de- fendant dismissed with a reprimand. mmm - - ,i Caurrh of the Bladder. SUnging, smarUng irritation of the urinary passages, diseased discharges, cured by Suchupaiba. Druggists. Dept Jas.C.Munds. " . r1"" v' I efrtl.m c. m. , . . l , I ino auasirous storm m oavauuu, which mention was made in our local I columns yesterday, was mora severe even J man was ouuinea oy us. xesruay Savannah etrs devotes oversixcoldmns I ... . . . 01 soua minion iyp io rrtwci. u ravages day the cannot Degm to give a ui 01 mB u13JO- . tppa Thft list, in its entire tv. would I . . i?- f i - j: I . . Th ( X b iBgCU UUtu I'llUOJ mvi wuv-i ukumj, .i.t .. mivevljr, . and was, accoramg io me exvs, - , ""-"Vir Vr V. f . . . ,ir I Ivn JLlcKov. G W McFarland. H ' hercest gaie ever Known mere. - N t ' Henrv Nixon, f- ' V i- - "T.-" -Ui!:MBob lonowmg ucuiuS, iMu -twt' ""'fKodgers. , ..r5,i '. indicate something 01 tne extent 01 we. disaster : "The city and suburbs ia the f ,nrrirhall the favorite trats trnnsTS -Stores ana oweiungei -- : . - siuicea lyow cub u-c.fc - strucUon on the island loss of life else-j where the wires down iaaU directioia news ftom the outside world." Per-ons calling footer, iu. aboye liat This news has not yet -gotten H??-? Mf general publication. In fact, although the storm occurred four days , wel nave not as yet louna wno sdjwbv iveto it, except fa.the SaTarhC s and Wflxaingtoa Hettxw. - I f AA'T'.V-l-,SVr-? ?viH t . ireiauve Aetos .J W.V7TT.cv- : ' " w .. T J T There bate. been, three arrests by the police to-dayfbr-rJrunkenness and disor deHy condrfci- One - ot the victims of John Barleycorn had. (o be hauled to the Guard U ouse on a dray. The t ranpges. orsare all now. gjfely under, locK and t . 1 - 1 1 m . Key una wiu.awaa tne Mayor 8 -pleasure 'unW td'triorrow morning at 8 o'clock. ' .V'. 'J-- - r . v .t , , . , , : ' 1 to.! fbe Brealdent. . , ''" The news from Washisgtoni City tor day is 'cheerfttj ; The' lmprovetnent in Uie condition , of the President- (w ain tained and the. hopes of the .nation ore hereby i growing stronger.5 lie. rested well last'Bigbt and continues to take his nourishment .with a relish. A few , days more aod, we trust to hear, of him on te rrtad toi recovery. j: ? . - f 1 '' ; ; . :, ; " ' The following clearances for foreign ports are reported "to-day: Br.' brig Emma, for St. George's, Grenada W. i I., with 108,951 feet lumber and 120000 shrogles, shipped 'by 'Messrs. "DeRnsset fc Co.; Br. barque $uie, for. JLjmburg (cleared August, 15th and; not before re ported) with 550 barrels rosin and 1,500 casks spirits turpentine. '-1 i':u ' ' , J Neir No. 8- " '''' The Wheeler, & "Wilson Sewing Ma chine Company are now turning out a machine which, gives general satisfac tion. It has been awarded several med als over all competitors, and it- is said that the machine has no superior. Mr. W. B. Orr, the agent in this'city, will be pleased to exhibit to any. one in, want of a good article. See his advertisement in another column. I Ifhn Tflof Dl. ..... , , . . . : . All that was mortal of the late i Major - . . : " . , - Poisson was this morning consigned, to iL , , , ' Ihe embrace of its mother earth in Oak- j , . m, a . dale Cemetery. The , funeral , services - , . , - .f ,, I..... . . 0, . ,r - . I Ambler, Rector of St. Paul's Episcopal v;v . uL-a . ' I Cllinrr.Vl . TOP It In IT flio Viaflfifn1" anvVim.lt, Pnnili and .f)fa fi.-i n 1 II T . , 4, i--A- i. t , . : " . : r 7 . fi- , f . f ( ; , . , Cm, fi"v?ulta of lbem. slept. The attendance was very large, eridencing the higH gard ia which the I ueceaseu was uem mrougnous ine-entire community, Messrs. F. W. Kerchner, I Wm, Calder, Jno. L. Boatwright. Jno. m V, o ."j rr . I Lm r"?"1 x" lwuw,ue . .auu I Burr were the pall-bearers. , i : - I I . i . : List of Letters. The following Is a list of the letters rtb 1 matnihg unclaimed ha tha City rostoffice yveanesaay, August ai: , . ; j Jr i -A. Characy Andrews, . A ; D Alston. . fTZZKSL Kif ..V t T o T T - n.iii- r t - . -n T XT T X -ni "i uesson, u ix? xrjiwu,, xjucy jDiacit, Mary Bowden, jMary Jiarnes. ? 7 ; c n m t . T U I.! 1 TTil v ii . . 1 f1;. voiu, , xaizaoetn lZZX - ?., U i Kinnu vf i - iinn ifavr rnica n. i a oa iiaar r ;r?ryA"!lr;rVJr on, William Davis, Henry Davis, (dea- con),'C B DaVis, AidorDancey. - j ? 1 ..T li?rizzSUJ 3 Farmer,ij.-.B 'm.-m.. nJ; rr Ti: j fcMer oo, o ;t t lowers, Jno KUUU Franklin," Daniel Franks, Betsey Faisori. G Martha Graham. ';. H Janett Hall. Kisiah Hbwe ' Th ill i n HJanett Hall, Kisiah Howe, Philip "HTwriht Johnsb aa w ai 1 v a xaam ' . o r Harriett J ohnson, Ann Jones,- Miggie on Jfjph Jenkins, ucilla Johnson, Fannie Jordan, George Joes-w.ir v. J i- KWilham King, Ellen Key, Charlie 'Kellerr rirrHattie towery. iU IU5 AUU .4U.Ul.ll. AIMitUU M Hairnet Ann . Mack, Alexander Moore, Mary J McDonald, Chas'H M Andrew McGeary,'Josephine McC, c- Silvester-McfJIean. Thomas McKensie, I i-M.' T miS ?V"u": r M Mnl am' w-r - - v .Aiartna Moore, iarry Moseiy, Jennie W . . 7. . . . , t i " . Vy uffley, rortner Udens ; -It arv Peel. Clara Perrv. ? M - fFanuieBoyerlsrBeU feufin.liz Nancy Stewart, Preston iSpriggs. John Shaw, Isaac Stock, :Celia Stuart, FredenckSteiger, - Amanda. Bteeii AI- mira Smith. " ' 4 - jr- ' ' -V"-4 : Williams,, flichArAWiuianjsrohaWiI u n,' Wagoner;. SflSaa Webster. SusauWalker; AdoraavmUms, Eliza mn:Eaiyme Swm Deu let ju,a .Hi V..'E. E.EBINK, P. U. i 30. 183L NO. 204 rnmailablo. ; , Unmailable matter, addressed as fel lows, remains in the Po&toffice in this city: :v?, ;r ( .Mrs. J. Gibbons, 22 Price st, Savan nah, Ga. ; Dick Johnson, White nail, N. C. ' 1 whits envelope, with illegible address ; M r. ' B. B.' Wallcoll .' d vertiise me at i Beef! Beef! JOHN 'C. BORNEM ANha his Butchor Stand on Market St., North hide,: riyht aiound the corner from Second st., where he will be glad to supply bis friends and th$ public generally with the best of Beef, Muti ton, &c. Jubt received a supply, of Beef irom itr. ueiiamy's famous pasture in crunswicK county. aug 3(-tf Wheeler & Wilson NEW IMPROVED NO. 8, IS THE BEST HEWING MACHINE IN THE WORLD. So say,, the Judges at Philadelphia Centen nial, also over one hundred ladies who u?e them in the city of Wilmington. We have, just,, received largo . shipment of latest improved No. J 8, Now is the time to buy, the BEST MACHINE, .in the world at lowest possible price. - Call and" see them or 6end for cuts and price lists before buying any other. The best is always the cheapest j 1 ' . WHEELER & WILSON, , Maunfacturlng Company, : . Evms' Block, Princess St., . atrgSO-d&w ' Wilmington, N. C. Female School. MIBSEB BUBB A JAlIKP..:...n.Pr;nciiaIs' MBS. M. 8. CUSaiNO, Xus'clIsitxuQtrcM THE EIGHTEENTH Alf red AT, aers'on of this Hchool will oommwc oa Wedces dsy, October 6th,1 1831. atd clo-s about the third -WMir 'in Jann - - I bethirged onr from :de.tf e5M.bat UU expected thej wdl ..attend chnoi the ro- rented by ill heattb, 'br'rtm va' f omthe -j" dacthn msde ta-aii W6t pro. trscted ticweBs. ..T.h' SriSgt V,Z 5S5 UOI"OBM asttI-" Ir0 V j rlQ TteVchool of Made in b,ednct.-J bv Mr.M. Cnshiag. P.-.i!s ootside of tbe School, wishing t eater for ih's branch rf education, can fce accoma)cdtad with luita- hours by early appbettion I - A limited nn tuber of tordia? ecboTara can be rtc-ived in the family tf ae of the Prin- tor forihsr particulars see Piici-tK or I qaire for circulars SUZ 30 Will Continue A I . . - - bv.u5 yum my Du&mess, i aesire to state that I am I only seiiiog my household goods, and will I lnmini1A rnv hucinoci at ttiit nM n.l '" Trvn -Wilmington Dv'eing Establishment. i : w 3' Tfthnnnft onrl Qnn( P UWattO aHU eilUll OA A Boies Manufactured Tobacco.' n ' i ! ir -!'.20 1 i DUPOHT'S P0VDER. ' v' orale at bottom prtcos by - , -p.' rv ! Hall & PearsalL Get the Best : TplA IkBOS ASD ORGANS. ' ' . 1hea:arParor 0iai '"' Vwv..v vx' f t ivvv v aa ui'iv:j qaality of 'Tens sat 1 besutj of Tin!j are un arpaued, . Thty ere equalled by few and excelled by'sone. . Fully ."warranted t gite entire ratisfscUsa; ,Xo palai s parol toshow joa mj stock, Qallsad enxiae Larep-ar- chuiag eliewhere At ' AUgl9 Live Book and Keria i??r re 1 CS sf U 1 1 -s r 7 SEA-SIDE PARK " H ITEL'i r'tWrifflitsriirc'Sbnud' ... . . v . ... : . -TS HOW OPElV FOIi THE REGEI'TIO!! i. i. The table ia rnpiiied withthe pro ducss of the Sounds and Sea. 1 ! ! ' I ' j Transient and regular ."boarders takea'it ; . jProprittcr TLSASS 50TIOE, ' ; W vtU btf lad to reoslve toamulcatlca from our friends oa amy aad all nbUete r ceaeralt&terett but Tie nice of the writer necrt alwayt be f Bished to the Editor. OomninnlraUonj nut be wrlktea' m tnlj oae side of the paper. Personalities erst be avoided And it b eepeeially and particularly usd ex stood that the Editudoee not alwsyi eedori the views of eorrwpoa dents, unless so sat in th, editorial eolans. - 4 Vew: Advertisements. MEW ere JUST RECEIVED -a new tup ply cf 'ow Mackerel tliis jear cat h in Barrels, Half Barrels end Kits- 1 ' ' For sale in quantities to tuit all. John I. Eoatwright, 11 and 13 North Front St aug 29 MARTINIQUE LIME JUICE, A Delicious Beverage for Summer ' use, alto, THE MARrifilQUE rUKCH AKD CORDIALS. Theso Goods come highly recom mended and should bo tried to bo appreciated. 22 & ia IV. Front Si ScIiodI iiooic Dcpoatoix, LL 112 liCOKS AEOPrD BY TUB b:;e Bcsrclof Eiccitloa c:e en deposit it my Eto-ej TeatLora ad rchilcra ill find it to tLcir xstircEi io call before partha:lsg elf wLo.e. Lcrge ttcck f L;cis tnl Gentle mos lise L:talijco-v jctiocvircd. ? n 23 w o w YATrs; i RE0 CESAR PACXifiQ CHESTS SASH5 DOOns AHO BLIHDSf BRACKETS, .MOULDING, I.U3irEI,'itc ALL SIZES WINDOW GLASS, Al " . ALTAFFEK, PRICE & CO'S. Factory: Foot Walnut 6t. Office: Nutt, near Ked Qroa s The Landmark, I'DELIofJED AT I STATES VI LLF, IREDSLL CO., b O. j8 tLe Letdinr r'rrir'la vrt-rn r-orli, aj crefr ia morth " oUcs. , Otr- It is ih o3'J;Q0c;A'i4 Tsper tnb.'Iibed I'edeil cruBtT on of ih tn weaj.hfo t couaties ia (ha r at4 and has at tained a Ireer local circus tic n lhaa any paf er erer heretofore jufclieatdinthaconatj Its ci.culatpn la Alexander, Wlfkei,, AIfgnany, Yad'in, Davis tnd Ireddl, Is larger than taat of ny two payers ia tie titate comhired; atd is rapidly scqairicg sf stm,cfoihoI4 in Forsythe, tfarrj. fecwen an 1 we 1 Urn ifecxlsaburg. Itiathjpsli ppriaCSiern2fotth Csr el n; that eviU j a "Hular Caaraxairr AR'ixi. axd lr ttcs krnnt conmnilw hr.,im kl pspls. Vn ter tLU sjratem a rapldlr increas Hg cirCT3Jiii,n Is u.e revalt, kallag the Landiaixk, ' J'. 4 i 'i-S-liia L'cei AimtCiUz Xejiia ia West t era orth Cirouz. ''' A'iJi? -.- "LlSbilAEK.", : Slatrsvtle, C t r rcsh Every Dav A 7IN2 tzonzzirr cy oasdieo, ?xnciil Ozesila, jart' renvoi asdfer Ti:?, C:"Y tetUiE IltJIIE-lIALB ndy La the city, fc5E.i eri rr sUyJrAia aadawt.it, tjr3 dfora rio-itlj of. tr icatoiKe oa b&yaud itrtet. AUn. ""cte Zr s.JrtfX As. tT. 11 JZ.V t.Vsr Hssj tit TcitcCca Hack

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