r i - - . " - , """ : " 1 - . -' ,--'-"-' :"i.;- - . - .. .. tflia PA FSB tubbed trery siternoota 89n.;t - . - OT v ; l ' ' - r ; j w U. r J a..--a-v mrroB iho fof-uj6to'b. -r 1-TION8. fOHTAGE PAID 4 4 . -.r 5 00 8iz montfea, SI ; Three l,,tha.tl 35; One month, 60 eents. Aa prr 'wiU be delivered byeArrieri, J -of,h4,j,lnany part of the city, at the ' ; i -tertiaiag rt loir and liberal " gtbasriberi will please report any and fdltr to receive their papers regsrarly ' Sin -y i: "iSil -5efr I d'V-C? I :05? THE GREAT FOR, RHEUMATISM 5 I Kauralqia, sciatica, Lumoaqo, mm A . m I Baektcfie, Soreness of. the Chest, Gaul. Quinsy. Sore Throat. Swell- jff fl7( Sprains, Burns ana. : ' . m am. I Sealas. uenerai aoaiiv : I rams, . . . ; '1 - fw, ffr and Headache, Frosted Fsmf una Far, ana alt athBf ' I ' -"" , . Pmn and Aches. " I rrntion on rth qniilf St. JiTOB8 On. j m rre, mitmple and cheap External . . . . . . A i KMlMj. A iruu anuiia put uia cumparmuTrij Irttinc ot!r of 60 Ccats, and erery one tnffer h wita pain caa aara cheap and poaitiT proof M tti lliimt. Siraetioai la Xlereo Language. SOLD BTAILDBTTGGISTS AITD DEALERS U MEDIOHfE, A. V0GELER & CO., Baltimore, 2Ia, XT. S. a9rUH-dv-BM te OP 9 AT REDUCED PRICES, Will continueua- til September 1st,' STRICTLY FOR GASH ! 8mral good patterns pf BRU53EL3 bc- low value. Respectfully,' . t il. ' R. rvJ. SVlclntire. t!RS,: J0 PERSONS ?i. .I.-) '- 1.-.;'. . . SGROFUL A KSVKR AILS. "'""",".'"'' j It W01 Cura,ii; Fairly Teste l.' It rires me much pleasure to be able to , ttttkat I haye 4ertve4Tf effectual cure.of, nnua n-om the-tt&e or Airs, voe rerson's Joedj for that disease, .1 iad suffered Scrofula for more than. three years, MtJMi despaired of ever,.gettiRK well. "I Utrtaiad doring'that time by three very B&isentnhvatMana wltinTifc nv trrwl rpsnlt.. . I ttea went to the National 8unrical Insti, Hits, at Atlanta, Oa., and was treated there art Uaa tA mAntha. with: no better re tk,aa jny family physicians met with. irom.thw-Instltute,' I was Mi-io. w try Airs, rerson s remeujr, auu d not ued it more than a week before I coTertdits curative and healing proper- My sores soon bejrauo-feeaf and the J0 of my skin change As ta&t as tbe sores 'tiled. I hnA nnt thno-ht rf ever petting ft. rvirledv 1 tZlt, 4ik1 a hroug tonic ;"It win heal the f - auiooern sxre luturee wceuu tKt-u BnM a v . s m. rTWuij. It b my opinion that' it should tUta soma time after thelsore Is : healed, - ramaf e the eause 6f Its effects . It should rv-ica reulsrly by til means, for I - hive retimes neglected iUfrom'the pressure of ' 6aess, and in: all cxea found that the 143rJde would f commence t re Mt and for. Ihla alone it should be rejrulariy until at "effectual cii re is WetttLZKohlasr should prereiit ' ry the ttse pr the remedy and- Kfehould ; tn. " the . prcber time. I wpuld re-nd- Ui-ft j who are' suffering from W ry: Jfc? i It Will surely , cure' you J live t a fall test, t I speak from "expe j08 aud not from hearsay. . I am a prate J ftiplent of a cure fromvthe use of it and ? eAdtr. many and lasting 'Obligations to f fwn Tor the, greit xljef ;I have ob- from Iu ujer Sufferers, try it and be TTi U my advice 1 aw, respectfully,- vajRrea, tf. -JAMES Ai MORHI. pea tart. ttamn fhr ttimnf 1 tavnarkahTp - t T . . 31 arpets -vnieane fled before tni remeuy, ana 1 ?0W enjoyiPKtTieodid heartfrand am.ln P4lTrfritf 'iie. rvirfedv U rnild aA a pur tJjarad by Mrs. Joe Person, Franklin Jr. C. Sold by WM. U. GREEN, Wil! JLJLljB .VOL.;"v;.; WILMINGTON, :N- LOCAL NEWS. f . . 'Adveetisemests. ; a U Northrop -Early Pears ; Ckoxlt. Morri3 Household and Kitch- pauriture at Auctioa 'CWTates-School Boole Depository Heinsbergeb Get the Best . Moving time is only. aiiH joi sorry.? , one month off", and t i - - Lcreaiis, ana pet them' neat. v Connoisseurs-and epicures"" of the deii ciQU8 bivtilves will soon begin to smack "SSwl tbeir 1P3 Fer tke8e Sreat delicacii-a. -iAW'-'' " Aftfr personal expert nc vvd a fair trial. Mrs.' Fred. W. tYeucb. No. 7 Gates street, S. Boston, writes : I have used Kt Jar.oha Oil fnr ojhui ,iu aujriuiu a ever iritu. ?The cargo of the British barqae Susie was shipped by. Messrs. Alex, fcjprunt & oon. N e neglected tonnention this yes terday. Mtlnny 3Un 1 ' care for nervous debility arid Weakness oCthe generative functions, 1 at drug . jgists Depot J. U. Munds ffl'' a4 J , woe lasiaayoi this ioug-to-De- rememoerea summer in tne vear or our Lord, One thousand and eight hundred and eighty - one, and "ain't 3 er gl.id V . ' 1 C1J . 7 ... J'" xuu cau uuw bn7 .Cook StOVCS at factory prices at JACOBI'S.; ,: , t Miss E. Karrar has t kcn the store corner of Front and Market streets, known as Exchange Corner, and is en gaged to-VJay in 'removing , her entire stock of milinery into tbis popular stand. Miss K. -expects in a short time, after her fall visit norib, to open a lanje arid varied assortment of millinery goods and fancy trimming?. " 1 , Freshwater Perch, Trout and Black fish Hooks and Lines. A fall assort ment and lowest prices at J aoobi's. t , Slidshipinan. . Cadet E. A. Anderson, of the Annap olis Naval Academy, is on a short fur lough home. Our joung townsman, we are glad to learn, has won some distinc. tion already in his profession and has taken a very good, stand in his class. I This information, it is hardly necessary to state, we nia not giean irom oar youDg nautical friend but we were told it by j one of hi3 personal friends and admirers. J RMn)iW vnnrh'nmpa bv nsin the N. J j J 0 V -FWmplPainf radv mixed and - war- Mnt SnW nnl triftt .TAr"OBT'fl. ; 1 1 rJiagisiraie s tourt- , J; F; Gilmore, colored, was tried by Justice Millis-this morning upon the charge of assault and battery with a deadly weapon upon the person of Isaiah Easten.- 5 The evidence Ideveloped the fact that the defendant had cutEasten with a'knife on the wrist. The Justice then bound 6ilmore over to the next term "of the Criminal Court in the sum of '$50- Bail was famished and defendant released. I " . ' I To UuUders ana others uo to uaco- fn. deli T?linr?a nml Dnnra. frlasJ). I i o ivl " ' ' 1 dcc..xuu 6ck I lowest prices. T A Fortunate Tailor. Mr. P. S. Kearney, a tailor in the house of Warner A Searles, ofVicks- burs-. Miss., has been the fortunate win- ru ir.i. ;f i I .n',a I ice ugures we give are wucu ivum vaio nerof halfthc capital prize in the Vu.l8Lu t v Ti t r..Viff : iana State Lottery, 10,000. meiucKy number was 78,112. Mr. Kearney came from Memphis about six months ago. He is an excellent workman ana is cnar- itable and good natured in the extreme. His employers speak of him in unbound- ed terms of praise tand compliment, and are as much rejoiced at his streak of good fortune as the lucky man himself. Vicksburr, Miss., Herald, July 13. - ' ' City Court i Mayor Smith had three cases of drunk enncss and uisorderly conduct for his consideration thl3 morninsr; one was discharged and the other two were sent below for five hours, each. , Melvin Artist, a small colored boy, wa3 arraigned for throwing stone3 on Market street and breaking the window glass in Mr. Wra. Goodman's store. Ihe evidence did not sastain the charge and defendant was released. It transpired. however, upon the'trial that the same diminutive colored urchin who was be- fore the Mayor yesterday" for throwing stoaes iu the street was theguUty party in this instance.., Mayor Smith will in- to morrow morning. . I - . jUstrc J i il - lie Mi oi I r nrt-T.U i . Conp, October Oih ; Mr. A. Haight, the Advance Agent of Mr. W. 0. Coup's circus, is iu the city. V e were pleased to nv?et with the" old gentleman again. He is the clever est agent on - the road and his gc oial temperament and courteous mauoertt in for hini, a place in the esteem of ev'e'ry one ho meets. II e tells us that there are manknewattrctionrfto the Soow tni 2 car. 1 Kji iuia bkdw we uaic so 4 nouHe I-J'akjui-toother;' W. U; CoopM show is , the"' bigiif; iud grandest tkat ever visittd Ohit ajV. j1 : , To ay that tile vircus is tbe largest ever seeur does'utrt convey balf an idea it' completely a wans an preceding snows. w w, ivery. night Mr. Coup has turned away mulff- luaes 01 people. w w we repeat it, at the risk of becoming stale that 'Coup's is the best show- in the tjountry, if uot in the world. v Call at4 Jacobi's for Carden.lloes.aiid Rakes, HhoveXSpades, Axesjbcj There you have the lowest prices. j t ' For the Exposition T " ! . , , I.' t ...- .11. c-'-i- Daniel Shaw, Ea , Chairman of the Beard of Commissioners in Fender coui ty, has received the appointment from Mr. MGehee, Commissiouer at' Agriculr ture, as Commissioner freni this Senati- rial district, for the purpose of securing from this district, composed of the coun ties of New Hanover and Pender, a full display at the Atlanta Exposition. Mr. &haw is to associate with! him two agriculturalists from .the district, but these he has. not 'yet named, j It is desired that specimens or all ' leading staples, minerals .and: industries be ex hibited. The arGcles Jwill Te;forarded to lialeigh Iromuhe various districts in kthe State and Tromrihence conYeJe 9 Atlanta.. Mr. Shaw makes an earnest appeal for those who have articles; wor$y ol exhibition to submit them. -His post- office is Rocky Pofnt, N. C. V V j ' Pender, County Crop's; The report from the crops in Pender C0UDt7 is ito errftAvfirinir ' Uxaa o ffcd expected, in view of the longfdry! spel encountered 0 early in August' " Fortu nately, the early corn'' had- been i made before the drouth, was feltand has there fore suffered but little., Tills particular crop will yield- more than an 'average whiler-ihe' late corn iljjnpjtrealize! more than half of a crop;- The early corn is about tbree-lourths o the acreage plant ed and the late corn "about v oier-TQurtb. Cotton,1 we are sorry to 'ay , will -yield onl7 i'M :$PPn& it: t m. n 'i"A"iia:-1tr:j i ougu mis ia.mucnnen.tr tuau many other sections will be able to shefw; j pea nuts win proDapiy reauzo aoout. inree- fourths and potatoes from two-thirds to three-fourths. 1-. .p -j t 7il l il M-4 These estimates are famished us-by onetof the leading farmers in Pende? county, a gentleman wO'has made the subject a matter, of special research and enquiry. . - . ' - - fleceipts fcodxporti. Ihe cotton year closes : with to-day. We therefore present to our readers a lam maryoivne receipis auucAporus lur vue twelve months ending with toiAy as com- d with lhe same pericJddinglsit . . . , . s. " August 3i8t. ue aiso give-tne reccipu of naval stores at this port lor. the year bnt make no comparison as the naval stores year proper . closed. last April j at which time we reported the, receipts for preyious year. 1 v V.Wf r . .l-rsLliil uw icpi. ujr vu uV. vu-Uf Secretary of the Produce Exchange and are, therefore, official. ' " - . f - $ r r . , - v ViVfJ ending August 31, 1881. amount toJ19. 361 bales, as compared with 78,894 bales for the year ending with last August : rw.,OOOA aur. nr An uLR7 haW ' " . The exports for the same period were 49,952 bales, domestic, and 69,810. bales foreign, a total of al 19,762 bales; against .41,. 62 bales domestic and 36,586 foreign, a total of 78,348 bales last year; an. increase in exports this year of 8,190 bales domestic and 33,224 foreign, and a total increase for 1881 of 41,414 bales. For the year ending August 31st, 1881,' the receipts of rosin and spirits have been 109,676 casks spirits and 545,- 255 barrels rosin. For the tape period the exports of spirits have amounted to 36,619 casks domestic and 49,717 cass spirits, foreign, a total ; exports of spiriU of 86,336 casks.' In rcajtie.ports have been 52,920 barrels domestic jmd 086 barrela. vs. : . j il-'n miXvi!if - ! n th 701 ,0' ?nii5ttn:H i.- -. The receipts of cotton at this port to day footrtrp? y-bales." ' 4Df SV 9?-.: 1 . the Summer L. m. t 1 - " m . I 11 !''-. I inppins,; iqs03 farewell to-da?.. j jfe'tfofj, PhjarinicyJs in seisiaiiniuirigh.v: Dr. W4tH,! Jireen, oPthisiettyisf Chairmkri I . ."' r niM lifting te ireadines of (he tftwTrwaYer-at'tLe-SIgTiil'OiBce to day. 7 a.'n-V 12 ; j H arm?, - 80 3" p., o., 83 Maximum to-J t. 83aesinst 87 for. same We invite attention to the advertise- reiitip anction sale,, of furniture to morrow at Mr. E. H"k King's res;derice. Tnfuritnre s nearly new, ifairiood order and jweU preserved aq js( iscrupV iSc&fy pajp3argain may be haaV Exports -roreizn: Ger: ' 'baV&o Wihtfacht. cleared ; rat this port 1 to aajii for Rotterdam, with 1,650 cass 'pinfjpdlSip 'barrpls fUSih. .Williams: & MorchisGn, iund -Nor.- barque- AUeqra roVITarr.Hfi l.OOp casksjpints and 500 barrels rosin, sbippefl by Messrs E. G? Barker & lo., and:Jjbhnsen & Co. First of these aion-;' 7 f Si i,ni; t The , AntonyiEUis,' 'aid HachaWay combination ;are bokJfor- the Opera itouse in this city on next Vednay andJTIiursday evenings This is said to be. one of the best oa , the roadi A va riety of shows.- Hum tv.DumDtr "J "srin er abidance 1 artists, athletes ; and ; a" nhe troupe of tranied dogs.giye it a pleasing vane bv. x ucj ptayeu in xvicnmonu .mis weekand to large - lchisea,i.The!y will uuiu bug utauiaiib icaouu iu uuisuiiy unu we aro sure tnat tney will do :well here Foal Plsy Suspected; Oa Monday night i last a colored man name, oi . i-&rry . wno . worss in n ricefield near, this city reported toCoro ner Hewlett thatajwhile mahj apparently a sailor, had been foundi drowned near mnuth of Alligator Cio. nrnriS- mile and a half. below Market Dock. 'lis reported the same fact again last night, and the Coroner who had not gone to the spot yesterday, because of a ; want of jurisdiction, under the recent law, conferred ':with Chairman Bagg, of the Board of Commissioners, who directed him to go to the spot and exercise his discretion, according to such developments as might be made, as to whether the body should be brought, to this .side of the river and an inquest held' Coroner Hewlett thereupon secured the assistance of Messrs. W. H. Jamesand Jno. Watson and got a boat andiwent to the place but; tho body had been ; re moved and there 'was no trace left of it! The stake and the rope by means . of which it was secured were found ' but the body war gone; i f.w 3 Tbere jjsw 'considerable my steryj at tached to t' the ; affair - and ; there? are rumors 6tf foul - play. . Policemanj John r-m 'ma 1 ! - it! -U. ruveretb,wniie on amy mis morning,' was out hunting in that locality and ; we un derstand that some of the colored people whom he met toia mm tnat taey;. exam ined the body and that there -was. a pis tor shot behind the ear and several deep cuts in the side. They say that the body was there yesterday afternoon. W e do not know of any one who has been miss- iDgof lato- but it is said that enquiries were made' at the Goard House last Monday for a sailor whowas missing from on board one of XLk fessels in port. - 4 a.-. . . ,-. . . 2- . r - A nafa &nd sure means of restoring the youthful color of the hair is furnished by Parker's Hair BalsaiS which is deserv- COiy popular irom iu mpenur cieauu t i r : t i: nets. : t o- THh X b(-j LAURINBURQ EHTERPRISE 8 THE BEST MEDIUM throngV whle to ad ex tbe 1 all and Winter Ooods among the people cf Robaon, , Elchxsond ail "Aa- on eoantias, ia Jfortb Carolina, and la the bordar chanties of Somth Carolina. The Enterprise has a larfe and iaeTeasac eirea Latioa in the Pes Dee and Cape Tear sections f this Btate, having obtained a .large circs latlon In the latter daring the six months It as published in ' jTsyatttviUe before its re . - . .. J ""' ovAlto LejninhsrgA smd In.the sjratr witluntUisrtieWaUonthsW I Advcrtiseae&ti will be , hssrted by . the tacmtk, crsttterj ear at lesscaable rates - Auxess. jAvirrvse a U S - i . ! H Early Pears, A Gi URTHROP'S. a si I Water $U 8tore. HOUSE Hti D AND KITCHEfi FURKI ' TU AT AUCTIQfl, l j ' 0"T TOMORROW, f'ureday)', Septem ber 1st, at lO o'clock, A. M'., at the re Ideoce of Mr. K. H. King, Market, between Second and Third etreets, , we, will cell the Furniture therein contained, new aud u oruer, vizi une Parlar Sett, 'Walnut Din-In- Table, China Preps, Dinner aud Tea Setts complete, Cooking 8toves and Uten flls, seven carpets, I hairs, Crib,;.vattresfces, &c, &c. CROIVLY & MORK1S, aug31-lt' Auctioneers. Wheeler & Wilson NEW IMPROVED NO. 8, IS THE BEST SEWING MACHINE IN THE WORLD. So say the Judges at Philadelphia Centen nial ,' also over N oue hundred,; ladies ' who use them in the city of Wilmington. We have . just s- received large shipment of latest improved No 8. Now is .the time to buy the BEST MACHINE iu the world at lowest possible price;' ' ' : , i Call and 6ee. them or 6end for cuts and price li$ts before buying any other. 'Xbe best is always the cheapebt. - "" WHEELER & WILSON, , Manufacturing Company, ; . Evans' Block, Princess St., aug30vdA-.v Wilmington, N. C. Female Schooh MISSES BtraR A JAHIP.........rr:nclals MBS M. B. CUBmiro; Mu8'clIrBttU3t?ea THB.EWatKKSTa.AJINDAL F.t.a'on of this School will commiccs oaWeda daj, Octobar. 6th, I8S1. atd do 3 abyat the third wee's In June IS 82. , Pupils who enter tfter tbe fit ca nth i'l be charged on! j frcia d&td rf entrance, but it is fiBfiflttd thrr frill aticud eviincA -ir:o r. taWCee of l he sts i oa unffs oiherr ins er veniea u ill uaaic.i or reoc,.. i ooxmc city. Deduction nisda in til cirea of ro tr acted icknesa. ( r . . -The coursea of introctioa vTill ba be her? toier, tharoujrh and cjBicuiAtJc, erch c".iit receiving Individual atttiti n fro a ti Piin oipala.- .. j. . : . The School of Mmic ill bo ex dad ted b Sivb1 II. H Cushiocr. v Pui-iiu r.utsidn o. iLe School, wishing t enter for 'th a brtnoh t f ecneaton, can teacconsacdjttU vilh euiia- ma nov-s nyeariy appicicn . I A limited number of Coarflintf icbolartf cm bs.rcciiyed in the family tf one cf th Prin cipals.' J'. t For foTiharpartlculaiseee Pi ic cicala, or inqtufsforeircalara. ' so; 0 Will Continue. Q .i 1)8. MANY PERSONS HAVE DERIVED J.- the impression that I am going to quit my business, I desire .to state that I am only Selliog my household goods, aEd Avill continue my business at my old etand . I .t : ' 1 i E. H. KINO, ; ; i -Wilmington Dyeing Establishment, .aag 2d 3 s - - ... - - -; Tobacco and Snuf. a- ft - .-- - QQ -Boxes Manufactured Tobacco." 1 2orarr'els Snuff J DUPOMT'S POWDER. .. Ducting,, Bin e jpeer and Rice Bird Powder i Tor sale at bottom prices by' ' " J Hall f a PearsaM .AUg 29 . -f r-M .... et ihp Best JlAOi AND OROAITi. , 1 ho 8 ar Parlor Orgenj t nd Wteslc c Pianoj, ' ''i In qaslity of Tens sal beauty of Jint are nn nrpoiied. Th'y are ejaallfd by few and excelled by none. Fntty warante J to gite entire a atiafaetion . No pa'nt S3re1 ti ihow job my stock Call and extmire bafore por- cnasLng exaewnere At - HKIWS'RURGLL.. aug 39 Lire Book and M oio Htc r 85CO Revard. TTrB WILL PAT THIS ABiVi reArd for sat ease cf lirer Conplslnt; Dja pepala, Biek Beadsche. ladireiticn. Totati pation or Coat Yea ea we eaanpt a re vita Wet fa TegcUhle Lirer Pills, wbeathedi reetlons are aUictlr ecmolifd wita: lhev are paxrely. Vegetable, Atd never fall to fin a auai action tsarar. e?atl. Largo tsi. eontaiAiagSi riUf, JZi ca ta. l&raai tj ell Drergists. Beware of emnteifeiu a9 laltAtieBS. - The genuine mienfsctared qsIj JJJdVUM u wwi OU,fThe 1'iltfcA kerf," 181 4 13 ,W JUo H'.tjuesjo Free trial package tnl by nil prepaid oa receipt of a 3 cent i'ta ; ceh 23-dlwlr A DE3IRAHLK SEilDtlfCE wi h fjar X A. rooms and kitchen atd good w U f wstr end eaceireat gadea. for ssie or exchtsgs for property lAlWiiminrt-ia. Fcr par Hia- lav e apply.at ' THIS CTfJ C2. EARLY. BARTLETT PEA R3, Choice Pirpia 'A " pi eg, Qrknes, Lemons and rrvsh Candies, just received at I , J - FLSABS B OT10E. ;fT will he gld toreeslvt coscnatatloa frtm otrr fria!j on aij asd ail fa&jecti i feraltettrst1 bat , IT Ban of thiwrfr c1 aJwayt U U lUd to h Editor. OotcattlsttloBj aiait fct jwrtttca' oa e nly oasddaofih papa. " Prtonailti must b aroLied And It Is espedally sci 'partlemUrly Mder stand that the Edit does not always ecdort the views ol oorrapoedenU, uxJms so ttat a the editorial eolmon. '..,: W-w Adyertucment. a'ckereS ! JUST KECE1 LD - a new tun. ply of Kcw Mackerel tliia vcar's atwh in BarroJe; Half Pan els rnd KitS. - " - 1 For sale in quantities to kuit all. John L. Eoatwright, 11 and 13 North Front St. aug 29 i ' MARTINIQUE LIME JUICE, A Delicious Beverage for Summer use, also,' ; THE MARTINIQUE PUKCH AND CORDIALS TLcso Qcbds comohigluy rcconi' lneiided and slionld bo iried to bo appreciated. , 1 Jin i crvyhmrsl, ios. ai 5c 1 3 -Front St firs IP- Scliool L'oolc Bipoatory, A-iL'THfi'liOOLS ADOPrfD BY TDU aia.'e Board of i'ccatton are cn deposit at iiiy gtore: Teachers and rdoJara find It to t! tiri;trcfii to call tefore purtha'ing elie La;e. Lcre atock (f Lcclfs' tnl Gntle mei's rine fcutiose'y juatiecelvd. PIi"T33 aaI OS JANi jaa oa h,al . .au!9 OWYATIS; e REO CEDAfJ PACRiriG CHESTS SASH, DOORS 'AH BL!DS, BR.CKETS, ' MOULDING, LUMBEli, Ac, . ALL SIZ E3 WLN'DO W GLASS, . ' . 1 ' ' ; .'.AT '.'- . . ALTAFPEH, PPJCE &C0'S. , Factory: Foot Walnut st. OCIc: Nutt, near Ked Cross's rhe Landmark, ' . rCBLISHED AT - states vilt.b, ihedell cd., n. c.. . la tie Leiizs 'ev sparer ia.Wcitara JToiti Car- o'ica. It is tbn oblf PemocrA'13 Paper pnb'khtd in Iedeil count one of ihe. largest and waJh!e t counties Is the Mate-aftd has at tsiaed a larger. Jocal cireulttlcn lhaa any F;er trtr her etofoie j ubliahtdia th) county Its circulation Ii Akxiocter, Vi'kss.Atbr. AUtgaanf, Yad'ia. Uarie and Iredell, ! larger than fat of any two parer la Ue Sta'.e ombired; and Li rapidly acquirlrg etK.n; f. othoU in a'oraytfae, aJurrj". Kowta an t wetUrn Mecklenburg. . . , . It iethscclj paper ia Wettern-2ro:th Car oXnv that esiloja a Bu1ar Caaratsirr A gtnt and ii tic a kept coeatantly before tie pjrpl-j. fn fcr tLia aratem A Tankflv Inemaa Jsg cireulatf5.i ia the retalr. "eating the Laniaurk, . ' t , . . , S.?h? rca'l Adrartljisg iTeiiam la Weit ' era North Carolins, '-. '.'. t, ' cutcsriae,jr cs Jk rittZ A5S03TaENT CA3D1Z3, IVtr-cai'i ; 'r";et;ic, Jatt reoelrel sxd fcr tuj? oLTcn;crr:;n noiiE-iiArii! Casiy Iti - the eitr. vlU tc-iA !y;rwh and tweet, thrc5 cLop! Hccth cf axc Hvxr tU Ic;tZc5 ; (

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