from otyr frit? o aaj aid ill rabjreU ; - .... .i T?s cf tia writer laart alvyi b fa - ml tS) ,5St, -OUTAGE PAID. ... wf K poamanI;tic2c:iJi fc written; ca only .t no r ' J36 ;Ua month, 66 oemti. 1' U ba delivered Dyaarriara, one aivle cf the l'x' 1 ' j 1 ' ' 'yr" . part or idbohj, ..r0. i and libera. And ie Li mpcjUliy and ptaUoal&rly vndr fMvf thtf t T.4Hmam ant atwaw. Uili.- VOL. V WILMINGTON; N. ., THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 1. 1881 Y y I " ' v - u.- unaja WUVil lTirill pi report ay tn the fr3itfrvL.sKjuite . 1 srr. -. . i . a m 1 - i s i ii - i - iii ii jb am.., ii if mm,!ii.ff. i - i ii i ii ii f rw 1 i - i i ail ii ii i i ill iv i rvi ii i 1 i i r ; i i 1 1 . i pj : m j n. m w . mj vw i ii. c . js . . i at .--ii ii : m ii ii . m u u- . tW' I I iff 2nf iilii FOB RHRUIflATISH. LOCA.L NEWS. NIT ADTEBflSEHKlTTS. " ;Db 0 BKSsos-kln Curt - WAHiKmf Catlett ape Fear Acad- " Hbsbt Sat age City Txes for 1881 8ec ad Hostetter8 Bittcra " ".r, lL f lcroiA. PjN5H am Vegetable Compound : Dk Bull's Googa 8yrap i I . r ; C W Tatkh-ScIiooI Book Depository . ( HKiKBBKBGKB-G'et the Beat :- " , .-K . ; , J ; , - Maglatrate8, Row-looks gloomy. , TMa moqtb has five Thursdays and five Prllays. MM j We lose 64 minutes of daylight this months. i1 , llice birds, oysters this month. uul f a mullets Tne receipts of cotton at this port to i day foot up 52 bales. Col. Jno. W. Gordon, of Richmond, is in the city on a brief risit. . . -'i I Turner's Almanac promises us change able weather, for to-morrow. The handsome , tfmrr. SciatlCS. LuiTlbaQO, htlichl, Soreness of the Chest, was erected yesterday Saui Quinsy, Sore liroaT,owou- dale uemetery. . ' ..j Burns and J : ''-L Ellerbrock monument aiteruuuu in Oak . TernoEittrical. : The folia wing temperatures to day, at 3 o'clock, are reported or 1 the weathei bulletin issued this afternoons I Oawlegtoi, Charlotte,',87; Aug Bta, 8&; .Montgomery, 86; Pensacnla. 86; iAtlanU, 83; Key West, 92; Cedar Keys. qo;. quxsi, juiaar po, jBcaaoBviue, oo; flaratfa,' ?86; 8anahj:83; Port Eada, 89; GalTeaton, 88ttndianol4 "1,83; Cor?i." cana, 95;"tfirmingtotf, 85. - ' OxuU Jos? Xrirr. ' H tiior Vaster, UiMi nTHrt or arrtvala ol vessels at this " ori ifuring'ibe mouth or Aug nit, just closed: ' ; , American -Steamew 5.' brigs 1. bar ques 1,- Bchoouerai 8; total American 15", tonnacre 6,692. ? i Wiirti Brisrii 3. baroues 11: totaf I o- foreign-, 14, tonnage 4,814. Total arri jals, American anrl foreign 29; total ton nage 11,506. " - - t - j Spirlia ami Kl ! Our report yesterday of the receipts of rosin and spirits was incorrect. fIt was made up on a miaapprehnsion of the actual facts and figures. We give it :4(i a. a 6.40 a. m 6;4l ft. o K)U . n mi ana oprum, JcflAft, Vmcrai boguj Tv'6 maila clooe and arrive at the Cit) Ndrth. t0 hrough ruailo. . . . .30 p. m. Nortbf rr U rougb and "wa . mailt. Mails fr tt N; O. R-ir'ad,. ' Rti - )i,(tupfed tht-rtt-. S ber :Oai y tot all poiuis HhiI t"raw &.iDrUfit-- ; ' - : Oita Fear River, ,Tutday a, , . ; , jjand Pridayfl-.i.ui K"O0p, .nv ayettevilie Via:Lum jerUn - , , diijwi Htciixit Suodav8.... 9:00 a. m. Ouaow C. rl and ;ntorrodi- ; te omVea,; every Monday mtl -Thurd i ..... 6.00 n. Smitbvi!'- mi, fy Bteam i tuatt daily, it.xcept 8an- da?) I........ Mails-- for Eay Hill, Town Creek, Shailotte and Li.ttle ! River, 8 O , -very tMon j d&y and ThnrBi- at ' . " :' " OPKN FOB DKLIVKBT . Northern toxoGtiri and way I mails......... .......... .........7:30 a m. Southern Maila 7:00 p. m T ZidY7 AdvQrtt?rmnts. ! New Advorti?8eaioQt. . -. ... i Office cf rax Collector, , SHI LYDI1 L FlHHir.!, OF LYKH, KAS$., City of Wilmington, N. C. : : City ;fIVxH for 1SS1.; 14" THE 'TAX BOOK FOR 181 13 NOW in iu my handa for. the collection, of said Taxes.' 'ihe attentf n of Tax Paters' is ealled to the followii : dectiou of the General Tx Ordinance for the year 1831 : " fec H. Tle said Taxe on Real Estate audPeraonal Property nd Poll, ehail be due and payable on the Must Day 6f Septum bbr, 1W1, and the Collector of eaid Tjfies i authorized to receive and'rejiipt xor the same... .u . ..-..;; .-ii,tii,sl ri' 1 interest at the rate of Eight per cent, per pafii'pTibV bfetObertTsl. OJLJUl. Taxes' not c septl-3t Tax Uo.iectcr. c .. . . 8 ?0 a. n t Early Pears. -O ARLY B ARTLETT PEARS, , Choice IJjj Pippin Apples, Oranges, Lemons and tresh Candies, just recelvea at' ausf 31 i ( Water 8t. Store. Whealer &. Wilson F7 if- LYD1A EPINECHAKI'S VEGETABLE COIPOUITI); Is a Positive Cure Files A Hosauliot s WCraiBOQliJ, K- u,,.t?jVnt:KRAta- -ill casks spirits uQ4i Dimm nu. : ft T w " - - ' exports for the same period were JLr rtEar and Headache, Frosted dmi. and 56 -002 Lame as stamp office. fMf ff flr' anaau.uiuvr . . i gigtg rf f , . - r - s casks foreign, a total of, 83,125 casKs; ; .. Qenerai deUvery open from 6:30 .a., m correctly to day. The receipts for the ear endine Aujrust 31st, were 82,460 1 Uarolina Central Railway...... 4)0 p. ra -l : r i utju tiarrfkia rrin. 1 Nfamn i irnra ntien irom a w. lu. t r i r o e.on v. for H tloM Painful CowpUint mni Wi""c ItwiUcure entirely tle wont form ot Female Com Plaints, all ovarian trouble Inflammation and Ulcera tlon, rhUlnx ami Displacements, and conaeauent Spinal -VVeakneM, and la pai-Uculail aCapted to tLe Change 6f Ufe.. It-will dissolve Bnaetpc.tnroorsfromthaiiterwio an early stage of development. The tendency to can cerous humors there is checked very speedily by IU cse, t. .fintnens. flatulency. detroyall craTing hundred ladies who ; for stimulants, and relieves weakness or theftomach. T A...a T?loTtTif?. UCaUHCiirni ' ; NEW IMPROVED NO. 8, IS THE BEST aEWING MACHINE IN THE WORLD. So sav tha ' Judee6 at Philadelphia Centen nial. also over one Pains and Aches., ( witk jwo eaa have cheap 4 m two. jffKtwtii ia Eleven LangTiagea. KD BTiLLDETJGOISTS A1TD DEALEE3 KHEDICI5E. JLVOGELER & CO., Baltimore, MO., TT.S.A IprfllWaW-aM tfl 8:30 I v.i-.w io rvst MAflTTINE in the world at ThefbUowingare tbin,, uf.the f " .? S S t S ' 1 , . . Pnll and Ree them or Bena lor cuts anu i n Wnni Kiwinn1 mi v nt.hftr. The mm t 11 W -f . T Wl : ' ' rL 1 I I A a . f If I T TT1 I - i a i a. m., 4, " , " r" . r Personal. ue-'""'v " , ..... . , - , - i .1 stamps lor eaie in smaii q uunws t vuvt -w J 7 Freieht Agent ef the CnesapeaKe closed. ii. a thm in t.hft ritV Of Wilmington. We General Debility, Sleeplessness, lprckaloa and Ixii- have lust , received nf '"S6 K . I . I . .,,r.I llVitS VM. . v -V -kf J AU. A-1 m-. a 4- y-v I .n.l I'llffllA 11 ii IW II t M IHtIIIICIJIvIIIIJ v-. ' - latest improved JNO. O. OW. is luc uiuc -T,V ,rl,ncircumsUncesatin aAK am A ti ri nuKisj aj i. vbvwmj vm . . .VwTf thermometer at the Signal Office toay: -,ilimin eaa have cneap u I . . V i."o- r- . Maximum to-oay,oo, ngaiubw 01 date in 1880,-;. ' V . A white tramp, whd preteuds to hail Qhio Railroad,"now located at Richmond, from Montgomery, Alabama, was arrested ya., in the city on a short visit to his To guilders and others Go to Jaco- and carried to the Guard House to-day m frienda here. We are glad to see bi1s for Sash, Blinds and Doors, Glass, VJ t f... rrmVftnnefts and an indecent expos- f(.:pn(i w lookino- so fat and heartv. not- &c You can get all sizes andju tne best is always the cheapest. WHEELER & WILSON, Manufacturing Company, ' , Ev ins' Block, Princees, st., aug 30-d&w Wilmington, N. C. ure of his person. , . The case of the little colored Doy, Kl OF arpets Tin Artist, arrested for breaking a -win- bv the Mavor until ;7w m,icg. 'Thi.'wJthe only wgistered at the Parcell Home. withstanding the water famine in that I lowest pricea. beautiful city of hills, i Mr. J. T. Willey, proprietor of the Grand Central Hotel, Columbia, S. C, is Female School Tf -:m nf. ni 1 times and uniier all circumstances i harmony vith thlaws that Covern thoTcmnle "Tm. Tor inonireoi ihuju-jt r- Compound Is unsurpassed. E. TIXKHAil'S vrCETABtC COM POUXD Is prepared at 233 and 835 -Vetrn Avenue, Lynn, Mass. Trice SL Six bottles for C. Snt by mail in the form of pills, alsolntho form of lotenjes, on receipt of price, 81 P?r box for either. Mrs. Pinkiain freely answers all letters of inquiry. Send for pamph let. Address as above". -'ITcntion thU Paper. NofamCy fhouid bo without LTTIATV nl!JlA5r3 " LIVER. TILLS. They cure , constipation, , blliouti-ees, and torj'I Jity of iho livBr- 25 cent'' pr box' Soldby a" Xrossat. spt l-rfAw-n-ti. New Advertisements. CAPE FEAR ACADEMY. case for His Honor's consideration , this scarcely has the warm breath of Sum- WASHINGTON clTLETT, Principal; n merdied away, when Coughs and Colds, jas. W. MORRLS, a. M., Assistant, mE E m0rmpg-- - Srlnt couriers of dangerous dig- reljens MONDAY, OCTOBER 3d. It of- lofai. MIBSES BUBB k JA.MEP.........Pnncif al a1 1 KiiiTKr ra a : ' u on IT REDUCED PKICES, will cbntiaueuiy- til September 1st, Beautify ycr hame. b, nsing the K. USe .bo, them!. Dr. BSU's Congh sialaavanuge V -Rnnmpl Paint, ready mixed and wax Syrup always cures them, and mosllRParefullvtaue-ht. Discipline firm. Priees Pnt ila W;o enter ft rtbt ffvt ranted. Sold only atSTACOBi's. T l7 lou- The Cape Fear Academy. STRICTLY FOR GASH Mr "Rd. C. Cnllen.: Advance Agent of John Robinson circus; is in the city The ninth session of the Cape Fear The show is booked for this city 'on the Academy will open in this city onthc . . . . i. V- .vf xfnndsv. R.t Ur,nrlav in October, the 3rd of the 19th ID St.. IWO Tree lx u.vux u.v j- i uis. j ' moderate. German taught by a competent teacher Parents wiehiog to enter tneir ons will please do so at the beginning of the seseioa. sept sat-muu-xm nnnr, rmes some thrw weeks later nd month. CapL Washington Catiejt ia -Ve- another circus, Sells', is not far behind. Principal of this school and he win be fcrend good patterns of BRUSSELS low value. Respectfully, ,. . R- U. iVIclntire. !. I k. "PpaP .TaH- W.Morris. It is V kow comes the Fall season, the glon- WMpeM fQrus to commend this . i nH i t - ...... . wnen mo ripe rpr. BtCttucuijr w . w oris autumn. grain is garnered, and all animated na ture begins to revive from the 'effects of the debilitating effects of a long and in. tensely hot Summer. JO? PERSON'S It has made its own record in the past and that is in everyway a favorable one. It is now one of the permanent institutionso f our citv. Captain Catlett is a gentle we 1 as cias- REVIEDY FOR o.j ;t0..t Yon. can now I mart nf scientinc. as wen rtLUUV . TVUI iuvvv. m . . " w- , . ' . . buy Cook Stoves at" factory prices at 8icai atuinments; and he- has in t.1-.V - - t k;a aPRsion eDistles of warm commen- w w VA tha nremiura list dation from some pf the most cultured v NEVER FAILS. r'' n: a iTf..;, ftf tkR Edtre hrentlemen here. iau parucuii IOr lUe iirob ouuuai I " .1 Af .(niiv nnmh Agricultural & Mechanical Fair regard to the terms a.a tuc y -.-v Association, which is to be held at lar wi 11 be furnished by him on application. It Will Cure if Fairly Tested. boro. November 8th, 9th, 16th and 11th. The list of premiums offered is large and attractive. Edgecombe is the centre ItriTmmr.r. rdA.Mirft to be able to ftf a fine arricultural country, and they HB?i!!?w ?.ni.?in"t should have a splendid fair -"imi uuui LUC UBC Ul JU1P. "v Kins Cotton. waedy for that disease. .. I had suffered from Scrofula for more than three years, W had despaired of ever VU tnliw Hnvtnff that ttmtt tSUnentnhTKfiana vithnut a.nT p-ood result. I Itteawenttothe National Surgical Insti Experts Forelsn. to, at Atlanta, Ga., and was treated there . ,.1-ared to-day for thaatwomonths, with no better re- Nor. brig Oltar cleared lo-oay or wit than mj family physician met with. Antwerp with 2,634 bbis rosin, shipped After returning lrom the Institute, I was r TatoMftn Downine & Co. Puded touy Mrs. Person's remedy, and by Messrs. Paterson, DQwnmg a. v I kd not used it more than a week before I an j schooner Walter E. Palmer ciearea : Jrr'" be PorW-Priace. HayU. w.tb oJor of my skin changed as fast as the sores I ff, lumber, shipped by Messrs ea. l had not thought or ever getting . Q aln, but my hopes Increased, my low der & aons- , Wtednes fled before th i remedy, and I Ooln" Sorth nowenjojinsjdendldhealtiiandam in . - Kr this even pirit' The remedv H mlia as a pur i Air. DR. C. W. BENSON, of Baltimore, Md I We eive above a correct likeness of Some slleht additions are to be made this well known ana succeami pnj"" to the receipt, and export, of th. T u "J-Jf" Biases and ihe DU published yesterday. A complete report of thQ skin and be now stands in the was not obtainable until to dy and hence hichest raDK, as authority on those spe 1 I 7 n. j I ' : ,tii Kk fnnnd the first cor rial and distressing diseases, in tne ii . T..oT'smr i arapn noes auu i ins ioiiuwiuk " i ... . - i- i v, . fiMA T0nffl. I uiibv18'"' I . r. , - , , i. .j, fnr wwfse ot his nracuce ne aiscovcicu uai, ttiBg weuTl Rakes, Shovels, Spades, Axes, &c. There rect publication wn.caoMu in medical practice, e by three very . th lowest prices. t the twelve months ending with, not on, & combination of Celery and Chamo- anrnal 31. t I mi in the Sharje 01 X-UIS. i.utrv mc uku Tfce to'ul reiptof cotUn .re 119," by the profession at Urge and constant tir.4Mt TiSb..... .gainst 78.894 for the previous &S It isth. year, an increase vuw joai u. 1 rpgnjt cf his own experience in pracuc. i ans; 59 The following! is a report 01 weex-jTliey 'are a 8ure cure lor tne ionowiog m behireed only f mm dta r" e- trat rer bat it is expected they wIl attcd th ci iLs re- r of ih s-s 10a cnl8 ntn-r :sir - ented by ill health, or ra t' 1 om ttse city. Dtdactirn msda in t!: ctf ut'pro trected tickncBB. The courses of fcutrucfo 1 m'h o s a fcere- totr". thDrouirh and st siriuTc, chciIi rceiYiD iadivida&l atttLti tf oi tin Piin- cinsls. The School of Mauc 'ill b) dacted by &iri if. H. CosLini?. Fu Hi "futc-ica ot tLe! School, wishing tt enter fo- the brAnch f education, can te accuiacdttd wun suita Wj hours y esrly application A limited number of to,,oitiE'ecbo,a-o cm' be rfc ivedin the fami'y t.f one cf tha run eiDals. ! for forth jr parti 'ulais. eeo rnncirtis or ia q lire for tircalara ru? Will Continue. A S MANY PERSONS nAVBUJSKlVJSU V' the impretsio.n that I am going to quit my business, I desire to state that 1 am only sellio my household goods, and will J continue my business at my om ttana. J Xi. llm iVJ-iU, k Wilmington Dyeing Establishment. aqg 2.3t , , , Get the Best TJIA.S03 AND OKUANii 1 h Star Parlor Organ ird Je 1 c't ri-oJ, Tens and buty o" Jlm?(a?e on urpaueL Ih-y are equalled by few snd exce!led by n it). FuPy warr anted t ation. Vo paiaa s ?ed to show ll and iMni( 6 beioro par ere HSII8RKaGr5V3, -Liv Rook and UnilHu rf ; V.",W 1 4 1PM Fcr the' Crhs, C:lds,' HoaiseiKS, Bronchitis,. Crc-jp, : Asthma,- Ir.fiUon-s., VThwping-, Ccuph; Irxipient -. Ccnnnpticn : and for the relief of Consiunptivo . Persons in advanced etacs Co. mo Disen.33. " 2?rico 25 Ccnt.-J. ' For Salo b-&ll Druist?;.: u - sept i.4ibrci t) aw'-i . rci crnTcn . 2tl ktbl.UJll.l i Uml i In quili j of roflsl ittrts of cotton for eachmonth of the 8pecial diseases, and are worthy of a trial School liOOk Dtp )MtOry, th 130,846 porw oi coiiuu bv all intelligent sufferers. They are ,.v K Kid- jear as recorded on the books of the y to cure sick headache, -a LL TEB b OK8 ADOPTtD BY.THE Produce Exchange: I L rrnnn he&dache. dyspeptic headache. September 8.196 domestic and 1,444 neuraigi8f paralysis, sleeplessness, dys foreign, total of 9,640 bales. , pepsia and nervousness, and vuli cure any October 7.066 . domestic and 12,129 case. i r.ntR tWrandaftrongtonic: UwlU heal , the inff for the Northern markets, where he f . ft toUi ef 19,195 bales. I not. 106 North Eutaw SL. SoSff ullffiS S fit ahoSS iroes to lay in his Fall and Winter stock NoYember4,490 domestic and 13,601 Baltimore, Md. By mail, two boxes for JUkeu some time after the-sore ia healed, of foot wear. He thinks that he will foreigllf total of 18,098 bales. S4Srf-S"ft?f'SS! bny more largely thU season than erer Deeember8,537 domestic and 27.984 . " J J " ... - : V near v It I ... a, rm ""aeame negiecte-l lUfrom the pressure oi i before, and as ne pays casu j . I foreiffa. a total 01 u. uu iu mi wuuu :v.. -i ....v..., hn win De auie R"u i q';r rinmpsiic sou ni 1 1 ik iiuiuiaovoi i i .i.nuai v a . w w w - . ... . ii mf . luia jfclieadjuiade ttnuid commence to re- "yMe, and fur this alone it snouia do Uke reeulrly until an eHectual cure is Jplrted. Nothbag should pre ent regu U the use of the remedy an 1 It should Uken at tb proper time. . I would re mmcud to all who are suffering from SfTrfuU to try it. It will surely cure you u sriTe it a tair test. I apeak from expe- and not from hearsay. l am a grata rrcipieut of a cure from the use of It and uotler manT and lasting oblleations to Pcroou for the great relief f have ob fr. in Its use . Sufferers, try it and be "i, is my lTiej 1 am, respectruiiy, 4TflL v. u. J ME3 A. MOKltlS. ud kUuiu for testimonial of remarkable I parad by Atra Joe Person, rranklia . C Sold by Wai. U. GREEN. JYU 'taPon,N.U. . ly.C-daw-nac raii.imorc, mu. " 51, or six boxes for $2.50 to any address. DR. C; VV. BENSONrS7 Jj hrs customers the benefit of his bargains. Hwill bo absent about two weeks. 1 Tornpike to Haianbaro ; .r iiw..ui m kna tliat a IDOTC- " u ?rr:.Li,. ma. tw i. foreign, a total of 1274 bales, February 4,170 domestic and 4,536 foreign, a total of 8.706 bales. March 3,382 domestic and; 2,761 for- M M (4 H Si m Ar;n rvf the tnrnDike road IOr W3 CUUH"6..v - , from the main stem at the Masonboro turnout to ilsonboro Sound. From the character of the gentlemen engaged, in this enterprise we feel assured that work soon begin, and this underlain uc Anril 2.586 domestic, none ioreign. May 1,822 domestic, none foreign. June 2.187 domestic, none foreign i July 1,811 domestic, none foreign. August 859 domestic Dae niga Grand total, 50,033 domestic auu n o u pi la Warrarrfd toCura j ECZEMA, TETTERS, HUMORS, INFLAnttATION MILIC CRUST, ALL ROUGH SCALY KRUITIOII, DISEASES OF HAIR AND SCALP, SCROFULA ULCERS, PIMPLES A TENDER ITCHIIICSonanrrt.orth body. nBtkoara,wa rmoTM taa and fraeklM. and & th BXST tetStA flutin ia Tr V0XXBU. Zlecaatly X P two bottlea la ona packac. matting of both CI S (4 3 DBiea. State Board of 'EducitB a-en deposit t . . f i a my 8to e Tech3xs aid sch ilsrs Ui naa ii to tUir Iwtircsi iacal! before pni h i ing elie whe;e. Lores stock f Ladies' mi vtcn maJ fiaa Btatij:e V ju ;ie:triv.3. ? PIA IffOS and Cii ?ASaayi cBhaii aagJ9 .q.w'TiaTiB: i RED CEDAR PJIC.IHQ CHESTS SASH, -D03HS A.N0 BUHDSj BRACKETS, MOULDlNti, LCMU tlK " icfc all sizes window glas - at . ALTAPFfcB, PU1CK igp'o. ffoot Walnut st. JSLutt, near Red Crosy.s jThousli In, Every Joint fih.r Ih favar ird arr;- or bUH-is reioitteat. tha ijstem nny yet te free .from tb ia:iirEaa: virus witi licjts'.tei'a .rtom- ich-Bitters. Fr-tect tbe rystcra " nUb tiii beneSceat antUpssmod ll'h Js far hft'EDcre a u;reai9 wmedy..f r lirer plaint, CDS etlprn, t!fT? imatkxn, fcidaey MQittba t.l othar ad- rheo -yor talc by all rrs?rehti d Desls ' &:sar dly .4, Fresh A, Casdjr fci tha citjv'will la" V 4 nv dsy, frta&.asd ar;;, U:rt dwri b uta cC tr e Vcsta Aft ft-vrd treat. Al o, &i,M 6r Sair or SschantTe iina a1 kiithea ar J good, f water .ta axtsiiaat jrrde-i. fu- ai cr eichsua r property ia Wilxirft'i. tr raUaa u a apWiJl:' ta;?orjc jj6-tf , . 1 termination.