THIS FA FSB . .n.nat. Siad4T f 41 J ..ISCR1PTIO8.'OSTAOIC PAID. fs CO Hi montha, 12 W ; Thr ' ,i 25 Oae month, 66 cent. w" r ,riH b delivered byaarrien, f.a, rate, low and liberal argabaeriberi will plane report any u4 i .iT0 their papers regularly. 1 MM .i'nr - - jfew Advertisements. f THE GREAT FOR RHEUMATISM, Heuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of the Chest, Gout, Quins, Sore Throat, Swott ing and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily Pains, Tooih, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feet and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. J Preparation on earth equal St. Jacobs Oil m i lafe, $ure, simple and cheap Ixterual limodj. A trial entail but the cumparatiTelj triflinc ootlay of 50 Ccntd, and eTery one auffer hf with pain can bare cheap and poaitiT proof 4 toclaima. Sirtctions in Sleren Lansrutfea. BOLD BY ILL DRUGGISTS Aim DEALERS IS MEDICHTE. A.V0GEUER & CO., Baltimore, Sfd., U 8. A iprfl 11 to OF AT REDL'CED PRICES, will continue ur til September Ut, STRICTLY FOR CASH iTeral good patterns of BRUSSELS 1 low value. Iiespcctfu'ly, R. Uf i9 M. Mcintire. MRS. JOE PERSON'S REMEDY FOR SCROFULA NEVER FAILS. It Will Cirt if F irly Tene3. It gives me much pleasure to be able to uai l nave derived an effectual cure ol onua from the use of Mrs. Joe Person's jeaedj for that disease. I had suffered from Scrofula for more than three years, c and had despaired of ever getting well. I m treated during that time by three very ttoentpb.jaicians,without any good resujt. Uiavwenttothe National Surgical Insti- atAtlanta, Ga., and was treated there than two months, with no better re nlttaan my family physicians met with. ner returning from the Institute, I was PSQAded to try Mrs. Person's remedy, and j" not used it more than aweek before I '"covered its curative and healing proper-r- My sores soon began to heal, and the tor of my skin changed as fast as the sores jed. I hid not thought of ever getting eil ajrain, but my hopes increased, my low PWtedneafled before thi remedy, audi anow eujoying splendid health and am in spiriu- The remedy is mild as p ur JTe,andaftrongtonic; it will heal the w rtobborn sore in three weeks if taken 2?!r,v' u u "7 opinion that it should J taken some Uino after the sore is healed, jo remove the cause of its effects. It should .-J regularly by all means, for; I have jomeame negioctei it. from the pressure of ij V 1 10 " CMe found that the ri6 aJ ready male wou'd commence to re- 5JN. aud for this alqne it should be regularly untU au effectual' cure is npieted. Nothing should preeit regu- use of 016 remedy nl it should ,Ten .the pn.per rime. I would re S!l? ,-who are suffering from Wl to rry it.; It wUM surely cure? you Jjiv it A lair test I apeak from expe wce aud not from hearsay. 1 am a grate J "opient of a cure from the use of it and VrLo r m3iy nd l"ting obligations to Person for the great relief f have ob a trom its use. Sufferers, try It and be is my a.lvW. I am, respectfully, Ml, N. C. JAMES A. MORRIS, eull" bUluP tor testimonial of temarkable Iftpird by .C. So too. Mrs Joe Person. Franklin ' tton, N. C. . tly 6-dAw-nac.d nn 7 4 i f f ; " VOL, V. WILMINGTON, N. C, FRfDA.Y SEPTEMBER" lebl NOl'Su? LOCAL NEWS. ... . . , i Nkw AlVEBTI3afNTS. . HxixsBZBGEB-Cash and 8hannon Duel Pbop Aoostini Dancing School V K IIeltok $ iOo Eeward W J Mott,-Butcher-" And Don't You Forget It." . ' . C W Yates School Book Depository AndatiU do increase in water in the i - nver. ; i 5;- : ' Only 15 bales of cotton - received here to-day. " " , Sheriff-Ward, of Pender county, ia in the city to-day. ' " " V Dry and dusty again and a little nm would be acceptable. r Provisions of all kinds . re advancing . . MM -I I I M - - but salaries remain at a sttndstill. Only 17 vegetable carts aud three Bsh carts in market this morning. The sea son is getting old. . The watermelon season is on its last legs. A few continue to arrive but they are small and. mostly n. g. f Study your interest You can now buy Cook Stoves at factory prices at Jacobi's. , f The moon is well on its secoua quarter and yet last night was the first fair night we have had since it changed. ' -- rf There were no , tomatoes to be. pur chased, in'market this morHing, ueithir from first hands nor hackster?. --Sol.. Haas,': Esq.; General, Freight Agent of the Associated Railways, is in the city to-day en a flying visit. The County Commissioners will hold their regular' (monthly meeting next Monday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. A safe and sure means of restoring the youthful color of tho hair is furnished by Parker's Hair Balsam, which is deserv edly popular from its superior cleanli nets. . : : ' ' " Steamship Gulf ' Stream, Capt. In gram, is expected to arrive here this af ternoon. She left New York at 3:30 p m. on Wednesday. . Don't Die In the House. Ask druggists for "Though on Rats.' It clears out rats, mice, bed-bugs, roach es, vermin, flies, auts, insects.- loc. per box. ;. ,i Si, , ., ' . i ' To remove substances ' from the eye, make a loop-Tjf bristle or - horsehair, in sert it under the lid, and then withdraw slowlvand carefully. This is said to be never failing.1 ! , The copper cap and arm of Ex-Shei;ff Paddison's turpentine distillery, at Bar giw, were stolen last night. There is no clue to the rascals but it is thought that they headed for this city. ' The Beard of Aldermen meet in regn- lar monthly session next Monday, the 5th instant, when business of considerable importance is likely to come up for t,he Board's consideration. A small screw steamer, the Deliglti, put in here last evening for coal and will leave this afternoon. She is from New York, bound for Charleston, at which point she is to be employed on the gov ernment works -in that harbor. Freshwater Perch, Trout and Black- fish Hooks and Lines. A full assort ment and lowest prices at Jacobi's. t ' i A very weak stomach which refuses to assimilate any other food may sometimes be taught to do its work proparly by . a diet of skimmed milk; one-half pint taken every four hours, with some lime-water if necessary, is the amount prescribed, i To cure bunions, use pulverized salt- petre and sweet oil. Obtain at a drug- gists's five or six cents' worth - of salt petre; put into a bbttie with sufficient olive oil to dissolve it, shake up well, and rub the infamed joints night and morn to ing, and more frequently if painfuL A French surgeon says the simple ele vation of a person's arm will stop bleed ing at the nose. He explains the laci physiologically, and declares it a positive remedy. It is certamly easy of triaL ur a strong solution of alum water, sniffed up the aostril, will cure "in most cases, without anything further., v Prof., Agostici has expressed his wil lingness to take charge of a dancing class in tnis . city," provided a" certain number ot scholars can be 'secured by the 9th inst. The list is at lr. Heins berger8. The Professor, as everybody knows, is thor oughly master of the art, and we trust thai the necessary number of names may be secured. i , ' UnnaUable ; unmatlable matter, addressed us fol lows, remains in the PostoSce in this city: Dick Johnson. White Hall. N j $ Miss oaran irewingxon j M. v. K. Wallcoll; Mesjrs. L. Weaterg trd & Co.. u.uor Z.436, fha Pa. ,- Tn mMnilit mainrloF .km nn h banished from Jour dwelling any mure quickly than should a Congh or Cold f any kind be driven from the system. Dr. Ball's Congh Syrap quietly yet positive ly places all Colds .under ita control. Price 2a c hb r r. Bark Air. John Nutt, formerly of this city. but who has bevri absent in Soath Cafo lina for so i hp yers past, is in , the city. Ho h is received from Capt. Johnson the appointment of Agent and Operator at Abbotts burg, on the Carolina Central, . ... - - " .. . aaa. will go there m a day or two to take charge of that office. Glad to have him back in the neighborhood again. : pall at Jacobi's for Garden Hoes and Bakes, Shovels, Spades, Axes, fcc There! you have the lowest prices. t ll'tCtsirate'i Court. John Williams, alias Dummy, was ar raigned before a J ustice of the Peace this morning, charged with the larceny of a pistol from Rosa Brown, colored. The charge was sustained and also an additional charge of carrying a concealed weapon. The deiendant was committed - - - ia default of surety to the amount ofluients to tow the disabled schooner to $100 ia each case for his appearance at the next term of the Criminal Court. Beautify your homes by using the N, Y. EnamelPaint, ready mixed and war ranted. Sold only at Jacobi's. f Personal Mr. Geo. N. Harriss, who has for nearly five years past been on the staff of this paper as City Agent of the Daily - - Review, yesterday severed his connce-1 tion with the paper for the purpose of embarking in another business. It was with aiutual rerret that- the parting took place. Mr. Harriss is a gentleman. of energy, determination and excellent a a a mm m Dusiness quanncations ana tne imitors or the Review and all of the employes of the paper tender him their best wishes for success in his new field of labor. Taken 111 In the Guard House. Fanny Gore, the depraved white woman sometimes called the Queen of Paddy's fTaITaw w f.fcManMftnlv -ill in thai Goard?House last night, and had fre- qaent spasms, besides being threatened with convulsions. The cause of the sud- den attack is supposed to be the short I atannae-eof her rations of theardent.or thr frnnpnt Iikations of the noisonona I r - ' i staff which tha poor creature had taken I " 1 X before har incarcerttion. A colored wo . C A .Jiv- u.ia.wouucua,. WW same time, but who waa very taitbtui to I the sick woman by ministering to her I wants daring the night, was thismnrning rewarded for her fidelity in the cause of ham.nity.b7 receiring . dUcbarge from prison, in faccordance with an order to that effect from the Mayor. The sick I . , . il ? I woman naa one more spasm fcuiau,urmuK ni at thfi intrirftstinn of the citv nhvsi. 1 oo - y Kaan w MISUt, uu Biuv uu vuu j ue lodirincr nlace. near old tamp Lamb. ,te the iit, phjsicun w... see ,hu sne nas ine proper uicuiu-i t tcutiuu. . ii i 4: i Odd Fellows' Convent Ion. The Sovereign Ornd Lodge of the In dependent Order of Odd Fellows meets on September 19th, in annual convoca tion, in Cincinnati, Ohio. Many prom- inent members of the older from the dif- ferent States will be present. There is be erected a splendid monument to s ji 17aUaM Af uaa reiioiBBip vj v i Ohio, and this occasion, noaouoi, win De one OI tne greatest, gavucriugs m J X Af tA I in ti niatorv of American Odd v!. ar a. tion win Deoau iu penevb uu I the new rituals of the lodges and en campments. The Sovereign Grand Lodge legislates for the order in the United States, Germany, Canada, Peru, Chili, and other parts of South America, the Sandwich Islands, Australia, and wher ever the order exists. The highest office in the order is the Grand Sire, now held by a citizen of Georgia. The highest in a 8tate is Grand Patriarch, and next the Grand Master of the State Grand Lodge. I The Sovereign Grand Lodge works in the encampment degree, and a represen tative must be a Past Grand of a lodge and a member of the royal purple degree of the encampment. Rwww t J . City Court. : The tramp arrested yesterday npon the charge of drunkenness and other misbe- l : , ..... . M,,ur WB oniy case lor tne Mayor consideration this morning. His Honor gare the defendant his discharge upon condit iotl thftt liA Iaava fnvn vi thin iweniy-iour nonrs; if seen here alter If a m - a - f that time to be arrested and incarcerated in the City Prison for thirty days. The conditions were accepted and the tramp went marching on. Mule Boakd nf Pbaiuacy. " Dr.- W. II., Greeny Chairman of the Stater Board of Pharmacy, who has been in-R.ileigh this week in attendance on the meetings of the Board, returned here nrght-before-la8t. From him we learn that "270 applications for registration were passed upon aud that certificates will be issued to all such as soon as they can be made out. There was only one applicant for examination under the Pharmacy Act passed by the last Legis- lature, Mr. D. S. Carraway, of Wilson, who passed a satisfactory examination I and was made a Licentiate of Pharmacy. A Good Haul on one Trip. The schooner A. Heaton, bound fram New York to Charleston with limestone rock, became disabled in the storm of last week and lost her rudder. The Cap tain then soughtTprotection under Cape Fear. The steam tug Blanche, o I At A. A. A. I lUiS por, went out ana maue arrange- I Charleston for $1,000. This was accom I plished, and the Blanche was on her way back to this port when she fell in with the schooner Haitie if. Lollis from Jacksonville, Fla., for New York with cargo of lumber, abandoned at sea. The I Captain of the Blanche then towed the J second disabled vessel safely into Char I lesten harbor, the crew having previous - I lj been picked up and taken to Savan- i uah by the steamship Juniata. I Thal Beltry Asaln. I Editor Review ; I read the article I in vour caper of Friday. 19th inst.. and I was much pleased to think there was meone would ask the Board of I aav vwuwtwv wu w 4 WVlUbiVU V a j putting a belfry on the City Hall, and I giving such good reasons why it should not be done. I am glad the article came out so opportunely, for it set oar citizens to thinking and expressing themselves against such an act of architectural van dalism. and I therefore hone that the question will forever rest with this Board I of Aldermen, and all future Boards, of ever placing anything upon the roof it If j Understand aright it was sue- Igested to place the belfry on the City Hall to save a few hundred dollars Hav the finances of the city come to amaK a a OS nar hAev. in nnf A . mill ""J' " "! v rr:"TVu1 wi qo an act iiiuu win certainiv mar tne k.i. r tka kniMmi Uaniaa tnt . T V. DUO UUllUiUt. UUClUtJ the chances of doing an injury to so valu-1 ftble a Piece of property that in our citi- I ens nave lasen Bacn a just pnae idi cuo uac .ao.u Batu just uuuc Now, I will ask the question: Have the Board of Aldermen the right to commit such an act ? Ihey have the legal right perhaps, and the courts m ail probability w:""'u ! M" "!c lUCJf :r ritrht in rnmmit an nntrafrp nnnn ihm of 0 faHg!?t"cl.lf1,t It has been suggested that if the bell must e movea ana ine nnances oi me city are in such a condition that it cannot build a I .1If Bnbsr.rintion b tkPn n r u ,.o t . 1 1 iui iuc uuiuu9c jl uaie ucaiu several Mnlamon oa ua M BnU.;k hi,u.n,ii,u b-j ua kuv nuiuu ouuouiuc uenrjr or TT 11; -o - r- I unite in protesting against anvthin? unite in protesting against anything being done that is calculated to destroy its elegant proportions or its majestic j granrtpnr. X. Sevr York Letter. The needs of the Grand Union Hote reouire the services af one hnndrerl and fifty employees, and it not unfreqnently happens that some of them are afflicted rheumatism, neuralgia, etc. 'Jhe ivit;ffiU iciict buu n uuw iuciir tooro are reached: Xxw Yokk, Feb. 8, 1881. .1 T 1 - .1 M. 1 A A 1 -x am nappy io say uai several oi tne employees of the Grand Union Hotel have been entirely cured of rheumatism, Jacobs Oil. J. F. Shaw, Proprietor. &CHU SEA-SIDE PARK HOTEL! WrishfcrviUelSoiind i - JS NOW;OPEN FOR THE RECEPTION of guests. , H7" The table la supplied with the pro uc&s of the 8ounds and Sea. Transient and regularX.boarders taken at reasonable rates. 1 JR A. SCHUTTE, Jetf i Proprietor - THE MAILS. l.he mall close and amve at the Cltv i..-.ov P. ui. s Northern thronch : aai tf&v u, miu 6:40 a. hi. K4icigb . ........ 5.40 a. m. Maila for the N. C. Railroad, . ,, ( , and rout-. supptiel thera- " from, including A. A N. 0. ' j ; Rii.ruad, at. .......... 6;40 a', w 8.ntbern msi-s for all points ouuiu. uai'v... :n n Weateru mViiK (0 OR'y) daily r (except Sunday )...,.. ..... 9:00 Mil for O aera w & Darlibg- on. ......... 7:4fi Malls for points between Flo- p. ru. u. Fayettev ilje, and offices on Cape Fear Ri?er, Tuesda6, . . and Fridays 1..... ......... 1:00 py'm. Fayetteville, via Lumberton, 4 daily, except Snndays:.:... 9:0') a. m. Onslow O. H. and intermedi ; ate offices, every. Monday aud Thursday at. ...... . . J 6.00 a. m. Scnithvllle mails, by 'steam- 5 boat, daily, (except Sun- I days)...;...... ................. 8.30 a. n. Mails for Easy flill, Town Creek, Shallotte and Little River, S O , every Mon day and Thursday at..:...... 6:00 a. m. OPEN FOB DXLIVEBT.. j : Northern through and way v f ! mails........ ......1. .7:30 a m. Southern Mails:........ ......... "7:00 p. m. Carolina Central Railway...... 4:00 p. m. Stamp Office open from 8 a. no. to 12 M., and from 2 to 6:30 p. m. Money Order and Register Department opeD f same as Btamp office. Oeceral delivery open from 5 :30 a. m . to 7:00 p. m., aud on Sundays from 8:30 to 9:30 a. m Mails collected from street boxes every day at 4:00 p. m. Stamps, for sale in small quantities at general doil very when stamp office U closed. To Builders and others Go to J a co- bi's for Sash, Blinds and Doors, Giass, &c. You can get all sizes and at the 1 lowest prices. ., f New Advertifiement.1. 'tend Don't You Forget It." y VV ILL) OPEN TO-MORHOT, ( ?atur- JL "ay; at my new quarters, (formciiv the 5 and lOcents store) Cornered and Market! streets. I shall endeavor to keep the( befet meats ine iyiarKet anoras. (Jail aud Eee me Reepectfully, ' ' W.J.MOTT, sept2-lt Butcher Prof. Afifostinj AVISTG BEEN REPEATEDLY RE quested to open his Dancing School In scholars are left at P. Heinsberxrer's LivJ I Book store before Fridy of next week; that Lll8 011 which he iQds leaving Terms, $10 'per session ot twenty-four 16s I t i " . unb, payauie in aayance. tept't I m w ewa rd T WILL PAT THE ABOVE REWARD to a any Butcher in the city of Wilmington ' 1st. That will have as much meat- ; 2nd. That will have as good a quality. S'd. A 8 large An assortment, i 4th. And give as much meat for as small amount of money as I will on Saturday. iftJEfK to-morrow, time for opening. ThreCdisin- terestea gentlemen to be the judges. - Respectfully, J. R.iMELTON. Successor to Butcher ComDanv. ai j ui , T nr , , -'. V1U 3uiuu, pi. vv . corner w ana jwarKet sta Sept 2-1 1 v Star COpy - Cash ahd Shannon Due!. rT E B. C. CASH. Pan; Met form. Pic 25 ettt, i The Seaside Library, LAKOE !jOiK alreyr f-a baid; new oa-' recVva a lr. Anv rt ia et ci c c be ordered t a rtj iLott notice, - A . aiLNHiilvH'.if;;;' 4.T i pt 1 Lfts Uoftk and Ki!i -tcre' Beef eei i JOHN C. BORVEMAN ha Lis Butcher Stand on Market St.; North tide, rUht aiound the corner from iJertd hf., whrc he will be glad to supply Li fil-nds a:il the public generally with the bet of Beef, ilut ton, Ac Jut received a supply , or, Beef from Dr. Bellamy's frraoua . pasture ia Brunswick county. ang 3C-monfiri-lm. SCUPPSMOSI and; i VII ' iNtfl is yvororoj k li e 41-4AW t - FLSASS 50TI0X. 5 i w tll be glad to reeslvt tomasBslcatioa troa oar friandj ca aty aad all fublet Kouexv iciervti' Ml T9 carat of tif'wrlWr mmi siwty b r nlahejAo the Editor. t , CoMMCTlffatiotts cmrt b wrltte: ea o nly oa aid of the papw. - - -w . . i .t ' - .jJmmm, i Fanoaalttlas moil U avoids - -ifid-, j. lad It lm especially and pcrUeularly uador flood thar th JEdiVw does noi always endors the vlewi of eofrwriWdeTitrl urJoa so ttat w we eaitriai eoITf't1'., '. . - .--. . EARLT ' B A RTtlTT pfciftfl Choice I Ht plo Ai plee, 'Oranges i-emona nd I rcsh Candies, juarecilvcxl at - d. U. -NORXHROIVS, ;augolt, VVater St, Stor. ; Otice 'cfytzx Cdllcctor.t r ' v. City cf w'.lni'rgton, IT, fj. City r.x "i)tz lSSl mHE T X B:OK Ft H ISM IS NOW in X. in mj hiidB for tb'e collection of said Taxes.:'-' ' - - f ,. ?:? iij'i.I '1 he attention of Tax Pavers Ia callM t.n the folio vtin Sectloa. of sthe t e aeral 'J"ax ordinance for the year 1SS1 Vtl't t Sec 5. The 6ald Taxes on Real Esta and Personal Propertvarid Poll, shall be dun and payable on tne f irst Dat or eptem . Baa, 1881, and the Collector; of said TaiM is authorized to receive and reiiipt ior the same. " ' . Interest at the rate of Eiaht per cent ner annum shall be charced on all Taxes not paw prior to October 1st, 1SS1. .. HERY SAVAGE, ecpt 1-St ; Tax Collector. Wheeler &. Wilson t? NEW IMPROVED Trr-k.u' s 13 1 11K -KA arOKWlNU MACHINE .; INT11K WOULDi So I I'M Phllade nhla enten- i,r Dial, also over one. hundred ladies who ue them in the city of Wilmington. Wo have Just: received larro . shipment of atcst improved No. 8. jN'ow Is the time to buy the BEST MACHINE In the world at owet possible price. Call and see them or send for cuts and price lists' before buying any othc-. The best is always the cheapest. WHEELER & WILSON, Manufacturing Company, ' Evins Block, Princcfs et., aug SO-dA'.v . ; WilmiEgton, X. C. Fcrnale School NIBSES BDBi A JlLlXP........inclp4li Mf,a. it, B.CCniKG, Kus cillrairucUtM T17 E ElOfl T F K T n A 7 AD s L Re38:oa of this Hahml viii cosm Jtca oi Wd4noa. day, Octobsr fiih, 18 il aid c!oa about lb tbi'd wee's in Jaie H82, - ' ' Pacila wlo entir nft-rthe firt mcrtb will bechtrged only from date of entrance, bat It is expected they will attend ichool the re minder of tha 8rs ion nnlcs otherwise pr voatad by ill heait. or rernoval from tho citr. Dfdactk n mtdd la all caeos of pro tie cted I'ck&eea. TLj cnufies of icttrocfoa will b here totta, hjroQjjh aad sjstemat'c, ech caild receiviDg individual aUct ti t. fioai il. Piin- ' cip'lf. - .' . : The Fchool of Mniic ill ba pord&sted bv Urs.M, 8 Casbiog. Putila outside e tbe School, wishing t enter for th's branoh f educat'on, can teaccomm cdted with luita tl hours by early appliciticn. ' Y A limited naiiber of CbrJiair fcboIa'B ctn be rfc.ived ia tha fami'y tf oze cf tho Piin elpala. ...... For forth ar particular eeo rrinclcaln. T i&q lire for circulars $ur 0 Will Continue. AS, MANY PERSONS HAVE DERIVED the Imprefcsion that I am going to quit iny business, I desire to state that I am on'y selling my household goods, and will continue my business at riiy old stand . E.II.'KINO, , V'ilrsington Dyeing Establishment, ass 3 1 ; - i School iJooIc Depository I A LL 7 UK IijCK3 AUOFTED BY THE ota'e l:card or .Liucitlon are cn deposit at mr Fto e; Tetthera and :cb.jlrill flad it to tbclr ijtvrcet fo call before purtha lagelfe whe e. Lore stook f Lsf'ies' ml Gentle meuV Fico taLia:e y frutre'eivvd. , Fli XJS aid Uiiii!a?riyaoi htnl ; J9 , , ; o w jatzb: RED PACKtSa CHESTS SASH, DOBSS MD BUNDS. BRACKETS, MOULDING,, LUilBERAc A1JL SIZES TVTNDO"VV"CLAS3,J . - ' . . ). .:- 'ATL: , AlrAFF:ii, IT.ICK ijCO.j. Factor.": ."Office.'. Kf t. wr itl CroM 4-m ' mA r y t . Oay A it frcic) i .i '-u-i' y ':r.4 td fr if.DU ' ' !; '2 tret V i4fl r'fiii;8ittiwtw- War .! .1 A 1, .'t a ti " Ll Ki 1 rt A ITLE li2 ilDiLSCZ wIJi fjur to-ou aaJ ; 513:1 aid good wall of waUr nsexeib9tA J;-. ftr or excaaoza ?ar prprt m w Jii-jct a. Fur parti u " - -