HOLT MOME. irurvei luting to ever la.. IP lUK.me sua" perish.. K'r:Dlb,Se.ieudure forever. VrtapprWute the radiance our "doIy home is. and still more .fiiodinyeyeaandear, .hall B' be I'P8"?"- tonKae shall be loosed iffifraptnre to holy home for me angeUalDg and perform upon , c?n behold the beauty of beavl gone to prepare place for Je4tti Ob rW ua a believe Him. I he?eS that .Inner ment turn M7 iivwfrom tne power ofdarfcue wlea.ienma8ic i sweeter than honey and to b nIe?U diamond. Court er-Juurnal. . hear 'IN THE MORNING " .Do a see that joang lady ia whiti - nf thirtY-fiTe. w the uniform of iDClnr Colonel in the Confederate Lrri. The time was a summer night 6 the place, the hotel parlor in a Jl viWe of middle Tennessee. The 1 ili was a "hop" given in honor of S7eLoc"ofa dSuS-ent of "For , Covalrv." the daring riders whose "1 aS household words in Southern Lmes, from the s mountains of i ennessoe J the valley of the Miaiiaupp . I he roans lady referred to was a pretty, iracefal rirl, with dark, grey eyes, way SSofa dark reddish gold and the exquisite conplexion that so often ac- KBae?'' asked the Colonel's Fhatfc" Picton's sweetheart, Miss Garnett." , . ... "Not the eame one that saved his life iter Shiloh?" said Capt. B arclay. The Bame," rejoined Col. '4'erry. -She is a little creature to do such a thine, but she did. Yoa see, she was in the neighborhood at the time bf the bat tle, and somebody told her that Pictoh v.a killed. She went over the field and foand him, badly wounded through the langs, bit still alive. She sent a boj, that ihe had brought with her, to hunt up t surgeon, and she stayed by Picton. The boy found Dr. Cowan, and when thegot back. Miss Garnett had raised Pictou op, with bis hea4 pn her breast, w that he could breathe mp-e easily. Dr. Cowan examined :the wound without moving him, and told her that he was afraid it was hopeless, for the least mo tion, even laying him down again, might produce a fatal hemorrhage. If he could De kept perfectly quiet until morning aui the bleeding checked during the night he might have a bare chance of palling throogh. 'Well,' said the brave i;tU , , iV,a oVall Ha fcpnt Bn aict. for ikuc nuuiaui uo ou ' -i I will stay just here, and not let him move.' And, by George, she did; she never stirred all night, and in the morn ing they carried him to the nearest house, and she nursed him until he was out of danger." ..'',, "That's asweetheart worth having, said Capt Barclay, with a glance of ad miration at the subject of thir conversa- lion. Half an hour later Col. Terry was at Miii Garnett's side, receiving a warm greeting, that told that the two were fast friends. "Tell me of all ray friends in the old battalion' she Baid presently. - - "ilow many!" he asked , quizzically; "more than on??'' ' f - "1 meant what I said," she answered, with a merry laugh and a quick, bright blub; 4,I have heard from one of them very recently." "Does Charley know you. are here?"' asked the Colonel. "No; it is not a week since I left Mem phis. Will they join you here?" "They!' he repeated, inquiringly. r "Therestof the command 1 meiB," she replied, blushing again. M portion of it may, bu for that part that you are particularly interested iu. l cannot say. You know they ? are with the old General, and their, movements caa't be counted xm with any very great certainty." . , .., ".. "The? are thecdmets of the service," laid Miss Gaxne.lt.: ;Quite as erratic, at ail events." . ' "May I , have the 'pleasure of this d-ace!" said the CoIpaeV- fti ;.the bind track up a quadrille' "If know it is useless to ask you for a waits." I The dance over; !he led her to a chair, tad, after a moment's gay" badinage, was about to resign . his place ' in, favorj of Other claimants for her smiles, - when he aw a sndden ; ghastly pallor overspread her reatureaV ....... ' , ' "Miss AUpe yoa ir he .exclaim ed, anxiously. "Let me get ; you some It was scarcely' a ! moment before his retura, but even thenl-he . was shocked at her white, drawn face, t : , ,'. "Call my iitterl" she had said id an other gentleman with her, while Col. Terry had gone for the water, and both fcLucy, Uke me home," she whispered, tainUy,-! amdyioi." " 5 V Oh nn rfi-imiTM said her Bister, tenderly, -you will be well in the morn- Ug." r i . As qaickly as possible the carnage was called and the sick girl placed ih it, 4v... aM Snet RtArtinir CoL Terry wished them good night, expressmz uis Hopes that Miss Alice wom covered by' morning. She put out; her nana ;and, exerting ner strengvu, distinctly : , x ; , . . i : "Yes 1 shall be well in the morning'. Tell Charley her voice failed, nd, lifting herslim white hand, she loosened the flowers she wore at her breast and put them into the Colonel hand. Give ihese to him yes in the morning." Utr voice died away to a faint whisper, and her bead Itrll bak on her sifter's shoulder. The lady wha had acted as tbeir chaperon hastened to apply rtrstor tites and the carriage t rolled swiftfy away. iue nexi morning when Col. Terry -. aaivunc siier ue invalid he had no need to ask, for from the door loated the mournful insignia of death. Shocked beyond expression, the hardr iroldiej turned away, nnable then to even, offer ma :rvice84 ii they were needed- He weni again alter a while and aw Mrs. ameron, the hostess of the sisters' duri us rrom ner ne learned the Dneiaetaiis or Alice s death. ; Hr at- mca naa oen a sudden spasm otthe heart, and ahe had never rallied: She naa noi BpoKen but once; then: they caught her lover's name, and a repetition of the words, "in the morning." . - L. : Moor- Charley, who will tell him?'' groaned 'the Colonel when the lady's voice ceased. ' "You are his best frk-nd," she answer ed. "I think no ohe else could do it so gently.' 'b ; ! can't' he replied, shakiaig his head, MI would -rather lace a battery. Why. yoa don't know, you can't think how his very life seems bound ' up'in hen and - ' J- ' a, I ., ( J now " They buried her next day; six of Pic torj's 'friends carried his dead love to her rav'e,-iand 'then came sadly baf k,' eacji quVstioning who would bear the tidings to the gallant satireur far away with the old brigade. ? - ? That night the order came to join the main command and by daylight the troops were miles away.' As they reach ed the vicinity of the appointed rendez vous, a desultory firing warned them of an approaching conflict. Presently they formed themselves in the midst t a por tion of the command, drawn up in a piece of - woods overlook;ng a 'sloping field, which on the opposite side rose to a sharp eminence, on the brow , of which was posted a Federal battery. , j Farther to the right the firing became sharper,' and 'soon- the roll of musketry swept all along" the line. i , "I say, Barclay," called Col. Terry, as that officer passed him, "have you seen Picton yet?' And, as Barclay shook; his head, he added: "Tell the boys not to let him know jet. Wait till this is over.1'" ( ' . .. '- "All right ; I'll tell them," answered Barclays as he rode away. VThe-old .General (will be wanting that battery the ;first thing., they know," said one of' the men, s a shell exploded over their heads'. - "iheyM,;beiuir keup1 it quiet." ;s 2" :-':A i Thari' whVt Sufjaeli yon?" headdejl. biting off a hngfc1 piece of "loug green :" 'thar go' the Mississippi boys no w. ' As hJ spoke i -a ,tawny 'cufiimn.' moved out of the woods "and swept-gallantly across the fields But as they reached the centre a murderous round of grape and canister tore through their ranks.and the column broke i a. confusion. Three times their: leader rallied them to the charge, and three times they were shat tered by the galling fire. ! vTell you what, boys," called out the long-legged private, who had before spoken, "thar's fnn comin' now ! Thai's Gans' bugle. The old regiment' want some oi the pie : , . He stooped and felt his saddle girth as he spoke, then straightened himself and waited for the command, for he was "one of the boys." The next moment there was a ringing cheer from the ranks as Gen. Forrest rode up. - t 'Boys," he exclaimed, pointing with his sword, "I want, that battery captured. One regiment, has tried, and couldi't take it. Now, I want you boys to do better than that. I am going to lead you, and I want you to follow me." 1 Another cheer was his answer, as the men fell into the ranks. ; ( "Charge f" and doHvh ' the slope We: the gallant "did regiment," never: falter ing as the grapeshot Swept through .the serried ranks, closing each: gap as it was made by the deadly fire ; on, on, ; follow ing the;lead of the tall fiugre at the head 6f the column, 'till theyode right1 over the1 death-dealing 'guns, "sab'ring the gunners there' and the woods gave back the ringing- echoes of the famous "rebel yell" as the Tictory was won. - - " "V6h1 Yes, but at fearful cost. That fatal slope was drenched with the blood of the Southland's bravest sons. After the charge Col. Terry foand himself face to face with Charley Pijton. "My God, how can 1 tell him ?" mut tered the Colonel to himself, as the gal lant young , fellow rode'toward him , hold ing but hid 'hand. I "It takes the 'old regiment' to do up things 'in style I" he said, grasping the Colonel's hand. "Say, Terry, did you see Miss Alice ? Coleman has just got back from Memphis, and he told me she had gone on a visit to some friends in C ." But as he spoke he suddenly put hit hand to his side. "I am shot," he gasped faintly. It was true. A stray bullet had struck him in the side, and CoL Terry caught him as he reeled in his saddle, and rode with him to the field hospital. . . When the surgeon examined his wound he shook his head doubtfully. "I know a nurse worth twenty doc tors," whispered Picton, with a smile. "Terry, can't you fetch her to mi ? V .Through the night the Colonel stayedl with him. Once he waked and repeated the question he asked just before he was hot. "I saw her, yes," the Colonel answered huskily. "Sue sent you some flowers." The blue eyes lighted up with a tender glow, and Picton held out his hand. ; Silently CoL Terry .took from his breast-pocket the withered, flowers, a spray of ivy and a half-opened rose and laid them in the Outstretched hand. Then the wounded -man slept." -But in a couple of hours heawoke, much worse, and the" 6Urgeon 1 in hia 'rounds told the bronzed watcher-that the end was yery near.'1 -"':'', 'l " "Terry !'' and the Colonel bent his head to catch the faint accents. "Pm dying. I wouldn't . mind only poor Alice! Tell her gently, please she loves me. you know and I ob,- Terry 1 it is hard to . leave her. My poor dar- iimr'V V For a moment the Colonel could not answer. Then, choking back a sob, he said, slowly and distinctly : "Charley, Alice is waiting for yoa. Yon are not leaving, her, bur goin to her." ; J"v' ' - r f 'V. jq -v. - - ; - A bewildered troubled look came into the wistful blue eyes. -.'"Don't ytxannderiUnd me, Charley? She. is,. deadWVY buried her there in C- a I conJdn'Jlitell yon before, dear old boy : But: now you-will be with her before yon have time to grieve after her She died jwitb -'your i name on her lips, murmaringof meeting in the morning.' " "iHe understood now; and a smile ol re lier fluted across his pale lips "Dear girv ne murmured. ! am so glad she win not have this grief to bear." Ibeo he slept again, and the hours passed on until the eastern sky brighten ed wnn me solemn dawn of light. "Terry !' The-word was but the faint est whisper, bat the watcher insumly oeoi nig neaa to listen. alf 4 I . T . m xi, ia morning," came the lamt gasp ing accents, and again the white- lids drooped oyer the blue eyes. Five ten minutes passed. Then Col. Terry iirted the dead hands and crossed them over the pulseless breast, reverently covered the still-white f24, and turned away. , rlis two friends had met. once more "in the morning" of a fadeless djy. It h impossible for a woumn afier a faithfui course ofitreattneot with Lydta E.Piukham's Vegetable Compound, to continue to suffer ,w4h a wak;uess of the uterus. Kucloae-a- stamp to Mrs .Lydiu E. I'lnkham, t233 Western Avenue, Lynn, Mass , for her pamphlets. ill 1 Tli "'' One reason why .people .do not visit stores that do not advertise,' is because they do not wish to disturb the boy who is reading a novel behind the counter. 'lly Tormented Back.' is the exclsmationToNnore:tbaQ one poor hard-working man and woman. Do you Know wny u acnes:- ii is oecause your kidneys : are. , overtasked end need strengthening, and your. system needs to be cleansed of bad humors. Kidney Wort is the medicine yoa need. "It acts like a charm," says a well known physi cian, "I never knew it to fail." Liquid or dry sold by Dm jgists. Boston Fust. . a' awv OXOSXACZZ Thoueh Sb alien lnc Every Joint Tf An'd fiber with fever .aud aene, or b.lli us remittent, the system yet t freed from th taalisnaat virus witi Hoite ter'a Btom- ach tmters. rr- tct toe rystem against ii with t till beneficent antispasm d c, hit his forihermore a eupreme remedy f t liver complaint, c 31 itipalin. Hrtpepaia, debility,' rheumatism, kidney troubles and other ail ments. i. : . ' : For sale by all Pm2its and Deieis generAlIy. . seat I-dw " a- - 37 Conrt Place touiSVn.LEj.KY., ' A rrolavrir d!ftiea and legiUr ttaUlSl1)liyiicUit ud tte moat auooMif ul. u his practice 01 VT--1 r Cures: till to: Nlly an TE. CHRONIC and SEXUAXi lilb- ASS. - v" " ' ( Spormatorrli- and Impolcndy, u th of feir-avbiu la youth, Nml H turr run, or othtr cane, aad producing tome f th fol xrwioc ffot:HrTOnMa,- Seminal Ralio, (night dooi lr dreamiH Diae or Hiftt, DeoUT. Uetaorr. Phy icalDeoay.PlinpWtcrn.Faee, A Tersion to Socirtj of Femalu, CvaraaW oMaUaa, Laiaf ,Saanal POw, c. rendeiiag Birrian impiper or aahappr, are tboreogUy and perma SloayTurei SYPHJaJL IS ate.y "" ltrelyitTadetarbSa jrtem; Qonorraea, GLEET. 8tritire, OechitU, Hernia, (or Kupturej, pTlei and otTer prirate ditwuce quickly rured. Mm wlMvUeat that a pay ricUn vfae pays (pedal atteatloa toaeertainelanofdijeaaee, and treating taenaaada aano. aUy. aoqairM great skill. Pbyiacieaa knowing thta faet often rweeiaiend permoM to my eare. When it i inconrenint te rlsit tke city tor treatment, medicine can' De nt priTatcIr and safely by mail er ezprese anywhere. Cores Guaranteed in all Casea 'ScjuluiiS.aSSonany or br letter . free and inritcd. Charges leaeonable and eorrespondence strictly conSdxnliil A PRIVATE COUNSELOR Of 10O Baaea, seat te any address, securely sealed, far thirty XnL7T; Should be read br aiL Address a abere. OnetTheurs freant A. M. to 8 P. Sandaya, a to A P. M. jy lavdaw Floreston Coloarne TWav-Ka rrerraat ad Ilir'all rerfeBMa J , ii 1 aaSiouablr. Bold hy dvs'er.ia Drep it Pcrfam. err. lcnatnre of fliacez ak C.. J Y n rery bottle. All Farmers, Mothers, bu-mcss Meo, lecba "fcs, &c., who are tired out by work or worry, and 'all who are miserable with Dyspepsia, Kheum-. tiim, NeuraJgia, or BSwel, Kidney or Liver Com 'plaints, you can beinTigorat. d and cured by osing k lfyou anj wasting away tth Cojumpuon, Uis-j sipation or any weakness, yoa wifl find rarker'si Ginger Tonic the treatcst Blood Fertilizer and the 'Beit Health A StreaptliBettorer yovCaaViH land tar superior to Bitters and other Tonics, as lt "builds up the system, but never intoxicates. 5M 'cl and$itii. Htomc & Cn.,Oieimu.N. Y.j PARKKITS HAKl BAXrSABI aX 8- b-tat trm Besnevc DeadreJ pweeataBaldar BattoieaOalec. Tobacco and Snuft 2QQ Boxes Manufactured Tobacco. CjQ BtJtTel 8nuff. DUPOJirS POVDEff. Ducking, Rifle. Deer and Rice Bird Powder for sale at bottom prices py Hall & PearoalL ! a 1 : A.TRUE TCNie A PERFECT STRrTNrsTMrMrw? a SURZ REVIVER are : hllj : recmmend for nl dl re- napfiil and amrairtg-reading free. . ; , K oltimorc, 7 Id, ' BROWN. CHE3IICAI. CO., 6 miraarne -si M X&W g WHaiajctoti, ?f. O., May 14, itdl. chaojge or aoikicDuii jJON AND AFTER May "15t', 18'., ti 6.46 P lit,! Paeaehifer Tfaxnii W ttie V, u minzton a W ei mu Uiiitosd will- run s follow.-; : . . . rr - DAY M AIL A.NI) TKAJA, oi j ' ' Nos. 7 North and 4$ Boutbi Leave VTUsilngtoa, Front St. Depot 40 A to Arrive at Weldonat. , I t bo t h Leae Weldon. ............. ..m....,. ,3 39 F td Arrive at Wilmiartot, Front 1U . OepOt lMimiimiMKMmHml 45 t tL Fast Throogh Mail and Panen?er Tti-Jij Daily Nos. 43 North and40boutt. Leave WUmiiiton, Front 8t. Depot at....... i arrive at WeldonM...raM...M.M..MM 1.25 A M Leave Weldon HM.MM..M.M 6.15 P il Arrive at Wilmington, t rout fet. ' Depot..... 11.25 P H jky Mount for Tarooru t 7.10, P 1 6h.il l Ta8day,Thare ly 4nd Jitarc c f fA TraiNo40 Soatb. will stop only at Uocly ilount, Vilaop, Ooldsboro and Map.li .-u Traius on Xarlx-ro Hrwih Hoed S jsv Jock Aid AM. lietumiDe. loa-s Tarbra t 8.6r A M-daily, and douaay, . h Friday at g:30 P Ai Train So. 47 makes cic-a ori&dctioa af Weldon for all poiota N or fh. daily. A.Uraii ria Richmond, and dnllj orcepl tiuaday via Bar Line. Train No '43 run" -i;if fttd maie? elnse connection fur all point Nortn .via Kiaii mond and WahinU u . . All traica 'run uoH l betrreen Wiltdiagtoa and Washington, and bars VuIIwkti yilzu Sleepers Attached, JOHN F. OIVI3T&, Geaoral Saot. A. PUPK, Gen'l Pass. Ant tnar 8 8500 Reward. WF. WIiL PAY TBK ABOViS reward fur av care of Lrver Complaint, Dys pepsia, Sick Headache, Iudigettion, t ossti paiion or Cost venets we eaunot eur witu Wet' Vcgf table Liver Hi's, when the ai ieotlons are strictly complied with. They ar purely Veae table, and never fail to give istiifi.c:ion Baear coated. Large boxes, ocn(ainicg3 till, 25 ceita. or dale fcy all Draggists. Ueware of counterfeits and imitations, ibe genuine manufactured only by JOHN O WBHT A CO., "The Pill tu rners," 131 A 1E3 W Ma'.ison 8t, Chicago free trial package s at by mail prepaid ob receipt of a Scent stamp. mch 23-dAwly RJEWj EiOackerel JUST RECEIVED a new sup ply of New Mackerel this year's cat h in Barrels, Half Barrels and Kits For sale in quantities to suit all. John L. Boalwrightf 11 and 13 North Front St aug 19 MARTINIQUE LIME JUICE. A Delicicns Beverage for Summer use, also, THE MARTINIQUE PUNCH AND CORDIALS. These Goods come highly recom- 1 ' -i mended and should be tried to bd appreciated inn ! JllUl OnATI'fOimiT i.1 UUH I II lilUII I I(wl IV & idj&lllf rontJSt Gen'l SuD'te OfTicea U.MlsfGTOB. OOLUltBIA a D AU; !TtTA BAIL SO AD 00. , W llralagtoa, H. a. Hay 14, U8U CHANGE OP BCHEDULS ON AND AFTEH May 15th, 1881, tt I OS V M, the following PaMesger Bchtdule, will be run on this road . JT1GHT EXPRESS TBAL5B (Daily). Nos. 48 West and 47 Ea. t. Leave WllmgtonMMM!M.M.M.M.. 10 C5 P h Leave Florenee...rm..M Arrive at C C and A JuQction..... 5.5 A t Arrive atOohraibi". Leave. Columbia. 10 CO P fe Leave G O and k A Junoticn.....lO 20 P Leave Florence.. " wV Ja, ii Arrive t Wilialngtoa..',.... 6 S0AJl Night Mail ahd PAssKsaxa Tbain, Daily, Ao- 40 ' Wjst, afd Dav Mail and Pau- BE FOE 1 EAI9, ho, 43 EATT. Leave Wilrniagton at 11 45 P 1 Arrive at i Florence 3 15 A Leave Florence................ 1 05 P V. Arrive at Wilmington...... 6 C5 P Train fr 4i stocs at all mtrtiotfl Ne 40 stops only at FJemicgtc-n, Wtll: vi le, Fair Bluff and Marion. Pawengers for Colufb'.a, and tV r-cZw : G.4C.R. R., 0., C A A.. Ii. IL Vt ti-u Aiken Jorctioa, and all poititi fctiya-', should take 48 Night xpie', pepaTate Pullnj&D 8icepars for CI;.1- : aad'frr Augtifta on tr.in 47. ' . All tiirip run solid beswea Chl-v and Wiinirjirtotif . 'JiiUH.e. 'OXVIirE.v3U,!. rtijii A. TOPr, Gsu'l Pa s i,?-.t- inty 15 iiftrc Gaaai r;.n-is '- , ' ynivivgi; Ju-c 4, 1 e. o' cted ca Uo 1 No 2 fc-TPUESB .JUS A 41 to 6 h ON AM) AFTEB Jc?e low it ? R'jhedulo w11 fis Railroad s '. PASiESOKR, W.IL AM'. TitAI.s. Daily eveert f Leave WilaJnctor (Arrive at Charl- ttc at....fi.45 P l Leave Cfaariotta atM....M..0.O a M arrive at Wilailagtno at. 3. 25 P 41 Trains Nos 1 and 2 stor at regular station only, and points designated . iu the Cor p ny's Time Table. These trains make close connection at Charlotte with trains Nof. 3 and 4 for Cleve land Springs and all points on Shelby Di vision. " PAFBFNCER AND FBEIGUf., Leava Wilmington at.... 6:30 F K V Arrive at Haxalet at.M.M. 1:20 A ' at Charlotte aU.. 8:C0 A Lesve Charlotte at.....7:30 F V Arrive at Bau.Iett,...M. 1:25 A h j 4t at Wilmington at 9:30 A L5 No. 5 Is daily exeept Bundav, bat' BO connection ftr Raleigh oa Saturday No. 6 is dally exeept Saturday, SHELBY DIVISION. PJ SSENGEBMAIL . EXPRESS AND Ft EIGHT. iraav Charlotte at.....7.C0 P 1 ,! ' f Arrive at Shelby aU..M...10.30 P M w-a 1 Leave Shelby at.M.MM... S:00 A II "0, ,J Arrive at Charlotte atw 9.30 A fc Traius Nos & and 8 make close onnecti?a at Hamlet to ted frnm Haleigh, except a? above- : Through Sleeping Cars betveea H&!elgt and CharlMt, Trains No. 1 and 2 mile eccrtctl n at Charlotte with A , T. A O H. K., a riving at tsta'eavtale ane eveoicg, aul cwvetiafr tbare with W. N. O. U. K. for AsheiHe and all point on W N O. R. B. Tralri Nos 3 and 4 conrect c?cfAly with Chester A Xetior at LitcC'lntcr. Vi U. JOrl3f5, e 7 Oetsar.! 8nreTlwnflCt SCHUTTE'S SEA-SIDE PARK HOTEL! Wrighlvi!le 9o;infl JS NOWOPEN FOR T1IE r.ECLPTION of gueats. , t" The table l supplied v. Hh the pro uca of the Soonda and Sea. Transient and regular boarders taken at reasonable rates. F. A. SGflUTTE, Je !Hf . i - Proprittor SCBPPEEN8NS I XSD ' ' ' -jf a,urau;rtjc.aa-. iiit iv Wiaa Compeiay, WhiteTiii-, J. U -Priee aad aaasplea a' "ap jklicati j . . liexd ia year ordsrs Ht U lebc.jr s The faliowlng qrzotatio&s represents wholeeale priees generally. Iz snaking up til orders hihepri9a have to bs eharged. BAOUISO. t'tuiiirl.MmmMIM,1Mm a .., ih t - 7- 8AUON Norta Carolina, ShoUders, t. Hides, v Ht. Werseru Sasoked baas.. Sboaiders.. Dry Sai.d Sidas, y a . She aiders. "O fi SKtFUe weigh t.- HA UkKLS uiu Turyc. dne naeor.a Lima, eac . New York,eaek, cvIH... 1 t.J5WAA If O 150 12Jtr 03 O 6 0 I - 13 10 C ViQ o 0 13 .ii lo II. 14 10 25 To MO faiilCKS Wilaaikgton,v.ii 7 CO i orntra ............ ... fl D TT FJw N orth Carolina & Northern,' Ib... .. OaNDLfcaBpnr V 2 T allow, V t . . aderaastiie. V-... . vlJAKSt- , i Sioriieri a , ry , ... Dairy er. iit . fj & .,- T " ......... . alio, aX ..... ... . Lajtyra, i ..... ...... CORN NtAL btahfcl.. COTTON TIES J New V bdl 1 CO (Pieeed . I 25 D0HE8TI0 Sheeting, 4-4 p yard... Tarn, p bunch 1 00 FLO UK Fire. ? bbU 0 00 baper, Northern, V bbl. 6 60 Kztrado " Family " V Utj laULLxBuper " FarcUy jrxtia-. alaekerel, No. 1, y bbU.18 00 No. 1, V K bbl 6 76 Maakerel, No. 3, V bbL...11 60 Ko. 2, VKbbl 6 CO Mackerel. No. 3 y LLL.CO CO Mullets, V tbl.. 3 IQ w N. C. Herrir.f, Vhtg.... 6 13 Dry Cod, V o... 7 truvis it ii rur c, 20CO 2-.C0 CO t'arlica t'L-rvilu.! ' " CO 00 ft? 0 ? 13 13 14 2S 1 5C 0 (K 11 9 O o Q U ie & 1 60 47 10 li 15 11. 30 11 Tw bbU. 6 00 :bL.. .. 7 60 bbL.. 7 00 bbL.. 7 CO f bbL 8 CO O ft 0 C te r.:cu I'tfcrj .U!bh t.A' . i 6l ( . Li. G J A J Cc'catori e ts.ii '.1...... , Pf8, rr 1:.. ; , JJ : hi r Otcr,, '-. i: , Dry, V 1 a 1' aVu 'Li.... 1 rn.. ...... CC " C3 It) " to ca t: A- 3 9 .0 J . I'J ; u a V 7 J 10 4 CU 6 tb 6 60 e s go U 1 25 O 7 75 u 8 :5 Q3S C3 &10 6U t'CO (0 IV 6 tO & C 25 t 3 75 Tf fi bit U 0 C70 0J e3 co .40 CO t-40 (C t 40 CO (? 11V a r v , 1 't'"r, L- i. - j . . ... j . : t . i -v i I CO u 7u C'J 67ji 7- 11 0 - l-j'." 1 : .' i' ft L'OLAMKUr- tJuta,Lhd V'(l - Vi t, Ills., J i ii 1, tbls.Vi-ftl... I (:i ( C ':s tt i n n ts co 35 0 -CO 25 , IJL6 CJnt. SOd t. 4d. 2 k'a- Lr :a i f v jr f bird, y iil Eciia, V gi; .M i :-:andtM v bi hi , I LTATOLS Sact, W la. - - - . w 1 j r . 1 'J . N oi thcra,ci;y 17 10 -ILis, V fcbl.......,.,..vM.C0 CO i'riie, ? tbl(b:aa......C0 00 llcrcp, V bbl............C0 00 UiUL Ctrolina, t,...., Bon2h. r?basLeL... UAQB-CowDtry. ! Zt scr-...M . w leinp....M m.,..,..m..m. f Manilla... ...... GUGiR Cubs, p B... Porto Eieo, V A- Cotic-, ?. 15 " V c v JXil UV E..... f1r.iif av V ar..M...M...., SALT Alum, V sack, Lierpool,Jr saek....., Arr.enean y saek Karsb&i's Cne, V ck.... Cadix V sok...... BOAP North'.rt. rV t SHINGLES Contraa.1. T. Common, V . . CO HTAVPt W. O. bbL XI kill M HOhbd.p E. 0C CO TALLOW y lb . 5 TIMBER Shipping y M.H 00 Mi l, extra per 4l....M....10 CO Mill, prim per CO iUli.fair per M. 8 03 Common, per M. 5 00 Inferior to Ordlnsry.perM 4 CO WHlBXElf-Northn,perl 1 25 North Caroina, per jral. J CO WOOL Unwashed, per 2ba. 20 Waehed. xer , .,, 25 Burrv wool. Der E.M. 10 O a o v if if ro 43 3 CO 5 ro to a NIMtMIMIM 75 9 2 t!8 C J e;oo oo GOO 0) , 7 1 1-5. 0 0 O o t9 V fP i9 CO o 6 0U O CO 70 75 00 25 10 00 IX) 00 Hi- 00 00 35 00 7 &( 2 75 f?18 CO tco co O w QIS OJ Uli 00 012 00 0 00 O T CO O 5 CO O 6 00 o 1 to o 00 U 55 a ii JOB PRINTHS ! AT. THE LOWEST-PRICES'! H.VIKG YCUH FRIttTIKO DOfcE ELSEWK2Rt!:. Satis faction Guaranlecd I pU:. riSa CASLi L?L.y aXICLTS Iii cr jtrttzs leiucitf cit cf tierity ttdro 3 4ici b attll .'re cf j-i?f?. r Corsur Che-titt srf uu Ofie fikTinr Ptfldl? ff