tais fipeb M .very afWoooa. BucT J A . mrviusa.yoaTJLGK paid; sf' t. oo riix oionths $2 60 f Three rh. Si 35 ; One moitn, 50 oentsv BJr will .d.UTorb7errie, partortheeity.ait. Sttberibe will pleawreport any an ' , - 'iTMto reeelTe tneir papers regularly. LOCAL NEWS. JfKW Advbbtisemexts. PBOf idbsriKi-Moolight Excursloa Pkof AoosTixi-Day Excursion iimfER, Prick tCo Saah, Doors acJ jBoatwright Seasonable Goods i H Kiso Notice johx'Robissoh Circus Proclamation bj the Governer Prodamatisn by Mayor Smith p o'Coxxob Wanted ...1 y W 8csrcr, D Carolina Lodge, -Ne 154, K r H . C W Yatzs School Book Depository Hxi'8BrBQKK-Great Economy ' OdIj W carts in market this morning. That was a refreshing rain which fel here this forenoon. The receipts of cotton at this port to &j foetnp 127 bales. ! 1 famished house is wanted by Mr. D. O'Connor. See ad v. Pravers for rain were offered in one or tfj of the city churches yeserday. Therezular meetiu of 0rolina Lodge Xa.434, K. of H., will be held this even-in?- . Prof. Agostini will give the last moon light excursion of the season to morrow ifeniug. Steamship Gulf Stream, Capt. In gram, is expected to sail hence for New York early to-morrow morning. The proceedings of the Board of Al dermen and Board of County Commis ilooers are too late for this issue. They will appear to morrow. T Builders and others Go to Jaco bi's for Sash, Blinds and Doors, Glass, ic You can get all sizes and at the loweit prices. t Nor. barque Stanley cleared to day lor Hamburg with 350 casks spirits and 1251 barrels rosin, shipped bj Messrs. H. Johnsen and E. G. Barker & Co. - Freshwater Perch, Trout and Black fish Hooks and Lines. A full assort ment and lowest prices at Jacobi's. t "Yesterday and to-day are classed as among the most uncomfortable of the ae&son, and yet the thermometer in this office registered only 88 at 1 o'clock. A gentleman who was in the southeast aectian of the city this forenoon says that the splendid rain we had here failed to reach that section, there being only a alight fprinkle there. Gen. James II. Lane leaves here this afternoon for his new field ot labor in Missouri. He goes hence to Richmond and from thence will ge to Holla, lie has our most sincere wishes for his future success. Maj. Jas. II. Iliil arrived here, accom panied by airs 11 ill, on last Saturday Eight, from Richmond, and is at Mrs Walker's. He has not yet recovered hut can walk a little. We trnst that he ill soon be entirely recovered. Study your interest. Toa .can now hay Cook Stoves at factory prices at JACosra. t We are sorry to learn of the continued disposition of His Honor, Mayor Smith. He is confined to his bed and is suffering TOtly with nervousness and indiges tion. Dr. Walker is in attendance and va hope to hear soon of his recovery. Call at Jacobi's for Garden Hoes and Bikes, Shovels, Spades, Axes, Ac There jot have the lowest prices. T Abandoned at Sea A full rigged ship was. reported en fridav last as water losreed and aban doned three miles East of the Ughtship "the Cape Fearcoast.1 t)n Saturday he was found ajthora on Frving Pan Shoxls, six miles this side of the Light p. Wreckers went off to her when It ascertained that she was named Lovitiana and that she was loaded with tber. Her cabin was stove in and part f her stern was gone. The alsra . I us buuglits and Alpha pulled on her and he aa gotten off and brought over the into the river this morning. We hve Dlt been able to ascertain where he as Irom and to what port she was Ooutul. : - UouiDi m thenouse. -A.k druggiaia lor "Hough on lUts." 1 dwus out rats, mice, bed bugs, roach J. vermin, flies, auis, insects. 15c per f 1 H in VOL. V WILMINGTON, N. C., MONDAY SEPTEMBER Lire on the Bail in a Palace Car. ! The P oilman palace car "City of War- cester" used by the Anthony, Ellis and Hathaway Company, arrived in this city on Saturday afternoon in charge of J. B. -fhiUips, Stewart, and Benj. H. Clough, porter of the company. The car was brought here in advance of the company ta have some slight repairs made and to change the gauge ot the trucks as the company is on its way South. The car is the same which was on exhibition at the Centeanial, and was used by Sarah Bernhardt on her trip through the South last spring. It. io fit tori n r in lonont ctvlo nif ?u supplied with all the modem conve niences and improvemeum. The rear platform is supplied wttu u Uundsoine railing and is enclosed with curtains. Oil the platform is a water tank, coal bin and refrigerator. In the rear eud of the coach is the culinary department, the appoint ments of which can hardly be surpassed. It 13 supplied with a very, large and handsome r- nge and next adjoining u the pautry wheie a portion oj the provision: are iu pt. t he crockery closets arc very rice ami cuuvt-::n ut and next adjoining It is the silver or plate closets. .1 he Saloon of the car is fitted up in elegant style. The fl;nr i covered with Brussels carpet, thre are elegant French plate glass inin s ju,tlie ends of the saloons, a grand upright pi.n-s aud easy chairs, tables etc , aud m the win dows are suspended, hi autriul cages in which are confined canary birds. The sides of the saloon are dtcorated with the photographs of the members of the troupe, twenty in number. In one end of the saloon is a beautiful piece of fur niture.which is always taken to be a cab inet writing desk but which in fact is a folding bed with mattras3 and springs, The car is heated with a Biker Heater which is in one end of the coach, by means of pipes running along; the side of the car near the floor. , Besides the kitchen, ; pantry,' crockery and plate closets and heaters, is a reading room, baggage' room, separate wah , room for the.ladies and gentlemen, , and umbrella and hat racks. In the saloon are three electric bell buttons which, when press' ed, calls up the steward, portsr and waiter, and the car is . lighted np by. two very pretty nickle plated lamp chandeliers. Under the coach are six lockers, .which are used to carry provisions, supplies, etc., for the troupe. The car has been fitted up with an eye single to comfort, , utility and economy. of space. All the furniture of the saloon can tpasily be folded np ; and, in addition to the numerous articles and apartments we have mentioned above, fifteen comfortable, beds are unfolded and spread out at night. The car is only 50 feet 10 inches in length, about he usual length of a Pullman coach, and the tronpe live comfortably in it while on the road. It is a model of neatness and presents the appearance of a nicely appointed home. The troupe will arrive in this city on Wednesday morning and gives their first performance here in the evening, commencing at 8 o'clock. The diagram for the sale of reserved seats for the performance was put on sale at Dyer's: this morning. Beautify your homes by using the N Y. Enamel Paint, ready mixed and war ranted. Sold only at Jacobi's. f The Governor s Proclamation. By reference to anr advertising col umns.it will be seen that His Excellency, Governor Jarvis, has issued a proclama tion inviting the people throughout the State to meet in their respective churches between the hours of 10 o'clock a. m. 1 and noon to-morrow, Tuesday, the 6th inst., to effer prayers for the recovery ot the President. The proclamation was sent from Baleigh yesterday by telegraph to the Mayor of this city, wilh a request to notify the different churches, but was not received at the Wilmington office until 9:45 p. m., which was too late for notice to be given from the churches in which services were held last night. His Honor, the Mayor, however, promptly notified the pasters of the enteral' congregations in the city this morning. Mr. E. H. King has no intention ef leaving Wilmington. He contends, as do we, that it is the finest climate in the world. - He will continue the work of the Wilmingto Djeing Establishment and-all who have patronized him know that he turns out none but the best work. ! New Loeonotlvea Two magnificent engines were recived here last .week for the Wilmington, Co umbia fc Augusta R. R., and one more is expected in a day r two. They are rom the Rogers Locomotive Works, at Paterson, N. J , are of great power and are fitted with all recent improvements, with 16 inch cylinders, 2 inch stroke and 5 feet wheels. They are for freight ser vice, and are just like the twe locomo Ives recently pnt on that road for fast mail service. A -strirurT. raitlini? voice and a con J ww - stant disposition to expectorate, indicate incinient throat trouble of dangerous ten dency. Use Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup ?n good time, and De savea iiiun.trounie , nA-i auu buuvj .u wi w i.gB'v A Strike for Higher Wages. rwn i ii !! J tli. I ine laoorers ou me ugmers uu un mo ciiy water woras siruca. m-uajr ui u . i I. r . ..A. I vance in wiires. I he former deJiandeu - 1 to ceuua pr u,jr nu.uucc, - j ceded them. The Utter demanded 65 1 cents advance, which wus refused. Dr. - Cloud, we understand, has sent North for while laborers to take the place of those who have struck and he is conn-1 dent that he will get them. The strike did not extend to the mill hands, as was rennrtd this forenoon. ' . iu.Murfuir. In accerdaoce with the Governor's su 'eestion services will be held to-mor- b ; iko I?;pa Rant at Fran t Street M. l"T '"w ..- 1 r - tL, r iith al. St., ai. uames anu vac ocu- ... m n n. r t III CI ond Presbyterian Churches. In all or . 1 those named, with but two exceptions, the hour fixed is 11 o'clock. The excep tions are the Second Presbyterian and ih a Tifith Street M. E. Churches, the desitrnated hour in these chnrches being - - . rwt 1 1 .1.1 1 10 o'clock, l nese are au tnas nave no tified us previous to our close bat as personal notmcation was maae oy capw dnwitn to white ana coiorea. we pre- snmft that everv Church in the city, whose pastor Is here, will be open 10- morrow tor ine purpose luuicaueu. Capt D. R. Murchison has returned liV o visit tn fTiA mnnnt.aina. The AshevUle Citizen speaks of his visit to a place owned by him on the Yancey side of Black Mountain which for the sake of the fine hunting and fish Stedman who has not yet returned to the city. 1 , Hew Advertisements PROCLAMATION BY THE GOVERNOR.. Raleigh, N C, Sept. 4th, 1881. I, THOMAS J. JARVIS, Governor of North Carolina, do issue this my proc lamation to the people of the , State, to assamble their respective places ot wonhip on Tuesday,' September 6 th, A. D. 1881, between the hoars of, ten and aojn, to unite with the people of other States in prayer to Almighty God for the recovery of the President. Done, at our City of Raleigh, this the fourth day of September, in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-one, and in the year of Amen can Independence the one hundred and sixth. THOMAS J. JARVIS, Governor. Hay oi 's Office. City of Wilmington. H- C 1 Scotember 5th, 1881. Pursuant to the Proclamation made by his Excellency, the Governor of the State . ,. ... .1 vvil of North Carolina, the citizens or WU- iiuDxou 4v usn j - 1 . . . (l. ship in this city to-morrow, between the hours specified in the Proclamation and .. . A aimiVM Ond that unite m prayer to Almighty uod, mas the life of President Garfield may u . . .. . f.t! spared to we people 01 uu. wu;. Wil L-SillTU. 5 iiaycx. 1 n: 1i y m W JLU; H A V, :ll I' i V V o Now Advertwaemeat - Wanted. FURNISHED HOUdEor partly fur nished must contain not less than G rooms. Apply to seyt5-lt D. O'CONNOR. ' No. 434. or H. A REGULAR MKITING of this Lod?e will be held this (Mondavi Evenios, September 5 th, at 8 o'clock! . Gbo. "SJ Habbiss, RepO ter. sept5-lt 1 i , Dajr Excursion irsiim wKAT.uji jiAuuKaiuw, unaer trie auptjices of Prof. Acostinl wtil talc a ph.ee KR1DA V, epiemher 9th, l$8l . Italil . a Ti'lrtja .'Ului.ta ilhll1rri 5LS orite iii nari-ers vrii' mrimn raueic lor aancin? - - 1 ki-ilT ur . " " T DESIRK TO iNFriRM" tUK - PPBLI' I thAtl hveaio pre- r t or future iatution o- leavtug Wilmingto: . t tm a fixture. So tetd H. KING. WiicniutouvDjcin E&tabiihmciit, TTnl, ml f- T?Vnn 4Ayi H.UWUU5UW Auuipivu. IT AST MUvitLtlutL J. JlC-U KolUiN OI tuO II. season wm taKe place iuesaay . veiling, I September6th, 1S31, under the auspices of I D e . ..1 UA. Loot. hAurltof I Bt". 7" vUOt 1 at 8 o'clocK. return at halt past 11 o ciock I . . . , 1 iicBets, su cents. sepi 0-11, Seasonable Goods. On the arrival of each New York Steamer, 1 1 1 Will be found at my Store a fresh strop! Y of fjn bbQfifeS- 1 . Apples, Potatoes, And such other goods of this kind as can be brought from tlie North 1 . . ern "Markets. 1 I also receive each week a fresh 1 supply of the choicest Family Supplies of all descriptions. (jj0 fear 0f 6Ter getting Stale I Qods), rhich I will take pleasure in dispensing to the public JNO, 1. S0ATWHI6HT, Son. 11 Sc 13 IV. Front St CAPE FEAR ACADEMY. WASHINGTON CATLETT, Principal; JAS. W. MORKI3, A. M., Aselstant, reuena MU.NUAr. wjtvb&k. xa. is or fers special advantages for young men pro ptVing for buaineaa or CoUegeTYouDg pu- moderate, uerman laugni vj cumpeicnfc will please do so at the beginning of I ine session. sept -uHriui i KrOT. AfiLOSlini TTAVISG BEEN REPEATEDLY RE- M quc6td to hU Dxncinr 5001 in , J-. - HeJaer. Oe I roak store uion s ridav ox next weeai. uuta bVin the dy on which he Intends leaving I tor tne oouui. I Tenna, $10 per session ot twenty-four lea- 1 k pjauw i -I 5. 1881 NO. 209 New Adortiaonicnt. THE ACKOWLSDGE BIO gOW WHrh?ne:ton--Oh Only J T HE BIGGEST 0? 11 OMJOHl: 8 1 . . ' . ' l.. "'j' " TT,:-T. v .. T ir-m-txr t GREAT World's TO MY MANY FRIENDS : 1 , - During a period of over fifty year 3 I have annually presented to my friendi and the public the expositions which bear my name. ..I jiave steadily, improved, year by year, my organizationadding to its merits and increasing its dimension?, nnlil it has assumed such vast proportions as to entitle it to the name of . : THE ON MOeiDAYs SEPTE SABER '19th, I will exhibit at Wilminpftcn an uccqualled rJanafrcric au uarivallc! Cicciu.' ,Tho . . r . , ' .. .- l!f. li. i-P .11 : . t.r..i 1 MecagCne eniDra.CC3 oyer liny ucuo un u:ul x.i riio, Vi Juriiii jH.au ti curiou3'in the Zoological Kingdom.'' . ' 1 Amonir the EDecialtica to ba witnessed will be THE WOXDERFUIflLOTiI. the ONLY HORN drove LIV T 8( I1 only one ever on exhibition; THE GIANT OX larger thin an elcplutt TUK SILVER ANTELOPE ever 00 exhibition;. THE LARGEST DOUJJLE ED RHINOCEROS ever witnessed; THE WHITE POL R BEAR: a of B ACTRIAN CAMELS; a. herd 01 LARGE ELEPHANTS; a frroup of ING GIRAFFES; a school of SE A. LIU.Nrt; a HUMA.N (JAN NON DALE. hese are notable EXTRA FEATURES, exhibited with MY SHOW ONLYin Jdition to five hundred other specimens', inukiuff my collection tlio LAROESIIIN rxrr. WHTJT.n (I rrns is as it has a hrava ben- " IH K V kiIV T?I".Q'I AM -VI S Jl..MM J M- UV I " J w m . mt Mf mK.J M Pnotrfliinnf orlrorf iapfl will ho exhibited. I Vlll in rifrsnn Vl-iit ihiq f fftr find nil points South at which my Great Show exhibits. , I will care for the comfort ot my patrons, and allow no more tickets to be sold tlian I have phce ta accommodato' the holders. 1 . . - , )? ; ., I pledge the reputation which fifty -six years of managerial career has gained 'for' me which I hold of greater valuo than all my wealth that I will keep every promise herein enumerated. , . Admission as usual. Reduced rates on all Railroads. , - h Mi j ' , ,' ' .1 Very respectfully,... . . , sept 5,12, 15, 17 " JOHK ROBlKSON, . School Uook pepohitoryJ I LL the books aioiied by tse State Board cf Education a-e n depceit at mj Sto e; T6&chars aad cch !&r0 ill Cad it ...... 1 , ' ; ' I to their i: Ureal to' calf before purth icg elts where. Lorg;e stock f Latioe n l Oen'le mea's Tice Sta'ate-y just rectirsd. . Pli an! 01 f A.N Wtja bnl . s pt5 O W TATf h; RED CEOAR PACK.aa CHESTS SASH3 DOORS AHD BUNOS BRACKETS, MOUIJ)ni'G,:LUMBEIi, Ac ALL SIZES '.WINDOW GL A S3,l .'. , "V ' : ALTAPFER, P iil CE . CO i ",. ' . Factory: Foot Walnut st. Xntt, ner Kl Crs!a Great Economy fJIO'BUr TODR B7.'iaL BOUSL : Blatk Uoa Is ad3Utrn ry Of very varietr and stjie at . ' hi SQUARE A7iD UPRlCHf PIANOS- rjVHS BSFLOO.- P:Avd lrj aajerur to all ct ere l !os.e, Dara -I f y aid c'in b. 1 i Iriavi i..s ;.- ., '.' HsiaraBtcokifa 1 gtptS live Book and JUstie ti tort r ...... , rL&iSE sqTiuu.,. - We r hegJai Wrerreiscntnatlcatfcn fros; oar fries 3a V ay aai.,ail rabfU" ral rstere tut ' ' " TI5 naae ttS ta writer rru always befa aishe a ihm Witor..v-r- ' OoRmsafsatlcej tctsi b wrtite' o cal oa ski oc at FrscaIIUs att barld0 - ' Ad it it eruny asi ictialarty msder tirsod that tli Eitn not alwsys wiors th Tiw. eorrecpadnaU' luleas so at At .KTjr r Advertlsrcienia 1: - h LL $ IG , S !:.' til 1 1 ROBIMOPS B . xpQsition 'f 4 OP ERA HOUSE. , r . dncsday an! TliTirsiay TjYeiliffs end I'hnrzd y ffitUej, SfipC.7 & 8 c8. AKIH0NY. ELLIS & HATMAVAY'S , , jpjQ6t:c Lonsoil lated AgjregaUoa ; a y- four trNirEr fiiioTri; i:; ; ru-r-?vrwrjr iiat5&e 'HaxriptjkInrnpty. 3IIa.co's IXiuLle J?peIaliy andik'ovtfiiy Coiiipany. . , The Great Parker-IIoss - IntcraaUonil'3fis-' ,s todon Dofr School. : ' :i i . Gray & Manning's A!uleal CoDCTeKa. Sadwah t - Tae Kst India PrlnOas and Tire ;; ' VoralUppcr 1 ' rl'jili - G rand ' G rotc(ja3! trcet rarade at 1 1 . ti A. 31. ' .;.,. Ji. SeaU at Dyers, S. E. corner Prost and Prfff'j:ft '".' li ke of admission, $1, CO cts. and 2-f cta 4 Foreclosure Galas JN PiniSCANCE OP A DKCIiEE of the ; X Superior Court of New Hanover count r. ' jaaaeat June Term; 1S31, la an action be tween George Darli, as tazrlxixts exetuUyf aai trustee of ;the wiU of Dr. JLoui J. Pgi. md, a plotllT. agslrat Wri. Ii; Grf of the late Jlenry G. llanner, a OcdnU, t will oaUatnrday, tbe 21th day of ant?nx ber, ion. , at the Court House dor la- r?i city of WilnJoton, at 11 o'clock. A.,U erpoee to aa!e to the bl-bcat Udder, at rub lie, auction, for cash, that ralnahln w t premises now occupied by said Wm. II. .lireB, kiruated In said city of . Wflmlojrton on ao nerut si.ie or Market, tetwecn Front ana seeoca airtets, lyiogr between. the low ".'- ' ; ' ' ' ' ' ' . .i . : o ' itoQTs opca ai y; reriorrn aoce at 8 elk. MaUnee at 2 o'clock. UiuraT; V) and 25ceuu to all part of the botue. - O. Wright, and e-rteud in 12 fet to Toom- er'aALey. U.BELLA1IT,

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