Wa wmbatfad. tqrecalrs tosteaklstiaa from our grinds oa aay ud ail subjects 5wnu teterer. FBI f nv fW1ti AFP PBOPMXTO- Ti aar-rdf tit writer jsvs alvtyt b fa dix months, z qw ; c . on a mnnth. 60 cents. Ooattffltaftttloasttafl b wrilfta! W enly i aids of tht tint: .h. SI Jd vr ' r will ba delivered by earrfers, i :fss .FarsoaaUtlsfl most fca aveiiei . . or I wbw --,,r?T..rte.lowndUl)rl ( Atd Itli eiialijaBd ajr3lirl7ndr tood that tha E4itv,d act always tadors m eorrjtdfntj,niiI,'ss, so ttat Ph: .: y . r WILMINGTON, N. C TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER G. IS81. Sabriberi will pi" rt "7 " fhair aoersresruiarly. No;:iio ..Jiaraiw "v 1 n ; Y " v W .i U- ...:- Taraa J I I II - II - il U i 7 11 1 1 J f - . - Ys 7ik f - .. r ... . , . i ,- Advertisements, ft I 2' I S3 THE GREAT S". FOB RHEUMATISM J Kiurdqia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of iho Chest, Govt, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swell ings and Sprains, Burns and ! Scalds, General Bodily Pains, forth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feet and Ears, and, all other Pains and Aches. . S Prrptntion on Mrth cqnali St.Jacobs Oil. m ft, turf, simple and cheap Extenn.1 lmly. A trial eotails but the eomparatirelj triiaf ontly of 50 Ceatsf and arery one auffer h with pain can b&Te cheap ana poaltira proof . in cltima Dinctiont in Cotmi Langnaea. ; SOLD BY ALL DE7TGGISTS AITD SEinLEES IS MEDIOUTE. A. V0GIR & CO., Baltimore, MdLt U.S.A. tprOllxIav-Bto to OF arpets IT REDUCED PRICES, will continue un- t!I September 1st, STRICTLY FOR GASH ! lerenl good patterns of BRUSSELS be Iott value. Respectfully, ' R. M. (llclntire. if 9 MRS, JOE PERSON'S KEMEDY FOR - ISCRO FIJLi iL NEVER FAILS. ' - It Will Care if Fairly Tcstei. . - ' i. pres me much pleasure to be able to fwtkit I have derived an effectual cure of ronua from the use of Mrs. Joe Person's "wo for that disease. 'I'had suffered n. Scrofula for more' than three years, uaud despaired of ever getting well. I treated daring that time by three very jnunent physicians, without any good result. ' n went to the National . Surreal Instl IAlltnU Ga- and w&8 treated there ore thin two months, with no better re vjr my famUy.physiclant met with. yt returning lrom the Institute, I was fTOudfd to try Mrs. Person's remedy, and JHT RAPPa iaah twxrAn tn nAA.1' Ann T n A Tr Of av skin chin red as fast as the sores -221,1 had not thought of ever eetUner , but my hopes Increased, my low n flp1 hfrkiA th rpmpdv a.nrl T r uJQjing splendid neaitn and am in iV. The remedy is mild as a p ur N?t7M a strong tonic; it will heal the -oborn sore In three weeHs If tafcen atI j. It is my opinion' that It should Ken some time after the sir is healed, more the cause of Its effect ft It should jLken regularly by all means, for I have Vmetimes neglected it, fro mthe pressure of J usinesa, and in all cases Jfbund that the ore already madev woud-Commence to re Jrogradey and for UiiaaTfne it should be --srularly until art effectual cure, is x' -Nothing should prevent regu l 'ftNSeofthetmedy and It should -'&5J5prir time, il would "re yV&hT "I-who Are suffering from ; r. lybUrj it. It will surely cure you w taaV it a fair tf- I tmeV from ne- fcp.d not from hearsny. I am a grate1 pient of a cure from the use of it and iier many and lasting obligations to rersouiorthe great reiief I havc ob fts use. Sufferers, try it and be 1:77 lTke. 1 m, respectfully. ;i,n,c. James a. morris eur UraP Ior testimonial of remarkable pari ,,y Vfj, pervm, FranWla U Sold by W1L II. HREXN, WU II Hariy Pears. rr?LT -A R 1 LKTT PEARS, Choice iKh i"a.A,Pl Orangeis Lemons and MJdlea, j ust received at lam NORTBROP'S, 31 . Water 81, Store, LOCAL NEWS. , ,.....4v' Niw. Adtkbtibimbnts. . L J Ottehboubg Truths Worthr ol Remembrance" ' - ' J H Chakbsbs-Wanted j J T Pbttewat Feniiizers and Fertili- ing Material ? Uubbabu Baoa Agent Wanted J C McCoSdt PracUcalLlfe DbWH Pakkeb Kuw Thyaelf ' See ad Wonderful Discovery Moose's Buelness TJulrersitV i'AriiETi r ukattt organs . C W Yates School Book Depot Itoi j II einsbbbg eb Great Economy j Thire were 36 carts in market this morning. . t Last night was bngiii and beauttfol and hot. Mayor Smith, we are sorry , to say, it not so well to-day. ! The receipts of cotton at this port to, day foot up 216 bales. 1 - - -i "Vox Jpnli" will be h ard from to morrow; AjTxs was too late for to day. . -rt t ' tm a. . -m oieamsnip uuif scream, uapt. In gram, sailed hence this morning for New York. i - I There were no cases docketed by trial this fLorning by the Mayor, and consej quently there was do Court. Call at JACOBi'sfor.(iardi:n Hoes and Bakes, Shovels, Spades, Axes &cT, There yoa haye the lowest prices. - ;t ' i - i j i " A white man, who" was drunk and .... . . j . .. . isorderly, was accommoda'ted with qnar, ten in the Guard Honse this forenoon. Swedish barque Frithiof cleared to day for London, .with 1,200 casks spirits and 3,750 ; barrels rosin, shipped . by Messrs. Alex. Sprunt & Son. A meeting of the Women's Christian Temperance Union will! be held'aHook and Ladder . Hall, on t)ock street, to morrow afternoon, at half-past .5 o'clock. ' 'iii 'i i r - 1 t Simon Jones.'Eliza I.1. Jones, his wife and Dora: Walker, all "colored, charged with assualt and battery .of. a serions nature, were bound over "by a-Justice's Court to day to the next term. -of the P Bea utif y your hanies by using .the N Y. EnamelPaint, ready mixed and'-wax1 ranted, bold only at JAGOBrs.r.t ?t There is an' unmailable letter in the postoffice in- this city addressed to E. J- Carter,- Farmers Turnout, Brunswick Co., N. C. ; . ' .i - - Mr. .Melton' exhibits to day at his meat store, corner Market and Second streets, a magnihcent deer. It was killed at the month of Island Creek, Duplin county, by an old colored man and was brought to this city add sold to -MvMelton: It weighs 162 pounds, dressed. Phoebe Johnson was arraigned before Justice Millis this morning on a peace warrant' sworn out by Emma Wade. Both parties are colored. The defendant was required to give a bond of $25 to keep the peace for sixty days. ' She gave the bond and departed in peace. ' Buchupalba." , New, quick, complete cure 4 days, urinary affections, smarting, frequent or dimcult urination, kidney ' diseases. $1. Druggists. Depot Jaa. U. Munds. i Hainan Meteor Old John fiobloson. it1 It was published in the Rivrcw yes terday afternoon and everybody knows it by this time, that John Robinson's big circus show will exhibit in this city on the 19th inst., one week from Monday next. Those who wil witness the grand street display given on that day, will no tice a monster cannon, and will perhaps wonder what this colossal piece is used for. We will tell them. Tht cannon is " t a part of the big show. At each per formance is brought out in the ring and loaded with powder in the presence f the audience. Then a human- being takes the place of the cannon ball, and at a given signal this human cannon ball is whirled with terrific force a 1 distance of over one hundred feet. ' A most sensa tional and startling piece of artillery practice. ' V T r i The Water Inspector of the District Government, Mr. I). P. Barton,' residing at the Washington Uous, Washington, D. C, was so crippled with rheumatism, so he says, that he could scarcely . walk; the pains would sometimes ailack him on the fctreet,rompelling'him to stop still un til they had left. He tried St. Jacobs Oil and was soon perfectly cured and able to 'walk as long and as fax as any man. ; Board of A Idem m The Board of Aldermen met in regular monthly Bessiod yesterday afternoon. present, Aldermen tl oggins, tJowden. AldermBn, Worth, Northrop Chadtntura and Telfair, -.Ui'v 1 His Honor, Mayor Smith, being sick, on motion of AJdennan iorthrop. Alder man' Duggins was requested to aci as Mayor pro m faring the Mayor's siik- nesn, riou . louinii t teea were grauted ; Aidnuun Worlhi rivde application for a us lamp corner of Nat t ndMol berry streets, aud. on recoatnou-ndation of the chairiiiau olthe committeou Lights, the lamp was ordered placed. 1 On motion, the Chief of Police was id- slracted to""advetise, by hand bill, sec tions 12, article 5;Jaud sections 5 and 7, article 12, of the General Ordinances of the city and notify all parties interested that he is instructed to enforce the same : The Chief of Police was allowed to grant permits to vendors of peanuts, ap ples, Ac, under certain restrictions. The Chief of Police was instructed to enforce the ordinance against cattle run ning at large after the 15th of Septem ber. ... Application from George Honnet for the erection of a wooden building corner of Front and Nan streets, was referred to committee on Fire Department. A petition from street hands , for in crerse of pay was referred to the Finance committee, trith power to act upon con currence, of the Board of Audit and Fmance.;;,;';-;1;;:. :: -V Application from Mr.' Loeb, to erect steps on Princess street, was referred to committee on Streets and 'Wharves. Alderm'inV Chadbqurrj i offered the fol lowing resolutions; which were unanf mously adopted : Resolved, That we deem it eminently proper that a time should be set apart for supplications for the recovery of our Chief Magistrate ; the gloom which has pervaded this ! country for the past two months in the critical condition of onr President invokes the deepest contrition of the spirit, as the ultimate recovery Would, be hailed with the intensest 'joy of every Anieric&n .citizen ; and that his Ereaejii ameliorated state, snatched as he as been trom the jaws of death, tis an exceedingly great cause for thankigiving, and an incentive to prayer for his contin ued improvement and final . restoration to health. -- -Resolved. That our-merchants and business men be requested to close their places of business between the hoars of 10 a. m. and 12 m. on tne otn inst., ana that the citizens generally are requested to ' repair to their respective places of worsmp. in accoraance wxiu tuo prvcio- i.'ji .fit- . mauon oi tno vtuvoruur. .- : The Board then adjourned. To Builders and others Go to Jaco bus for Sash, Blinds and Doors, Glass, &c Ton can get ."all' sizes and at the lowest prices. - -' ; . t of Audit and I'ibftnce This Board met in regular session yes terday afternoon'.'" : . r The committee of Conference on the proposition " of the Wilmington Market Company reported, and - submitted the following resolution: . .. Resolved. That this committee- of Conference decline the proposition of the Wilmington Market Company, and are unable to agree upon a counter proposi tion to recommend to their respective bodies. They therefore respectfully re quest to be discharged from further con sideration of the subject 1 The resolution was adopted, and the committee discharged from further con sideration of the matter with the thanks of the Board. A petition from street "hands for in creased pay was received, and considered, and an increase of said pay to bve dol lars per week was authorized. Study your ' interest You can now buy Cook Stoves at factory prices at jACOir8. " . . " t . Tne Prealdemt i The news from the President to-day is encouraging. ". He left Washington City early this morning for Long Branch, in o car specially prepared, and has been transported safely to Long Branch. There was very little of the movement of the train perceptible and the run, was made at the rata of thirty miles per hour, this fast rate diamishing such of the jar of transit as could not be over come by the appliances used on the coach. There was but little fatigua and the President stood the journey welL The physicians think that the change of scene aad the sea air will . be of much benefit' to hia. ; rantj Commiscloners. The Board met in regular monthly session yesterday 1 afternoon, - at 2:30 o'clock, present; Mr. Bagg, the Cbair m tn, and Commissioners Pearce, Mont gomery and Moore. - - , ' The Treisnrer submitted his report for the month of Angnst, showing a bid ance on hand, as follows: ; (ieoeial fund . . . . $17,900.93 Special fund . v . . . .: 302.43 Kducatioiial fund . . f. 7,947.$3 I he following persons were granted license' to -retail spirituous' liquors for twelve months from the 1st of ScptenV ber: Claus Riditon?. J. C . Loner & Co. It was ordered that R. K. Bryan, Jr., and W. B. Canaday bo allowed ' to list their taxes. , It was ordered that the valuation' of lots parts 4 and 5, block 225, property of J. F. Gilbert, be reduced to $800 to cof. rect clerical error. , Stacy VanAmringe, Clerk, at the sug gestion, and with the endorsement -o( members of the Bar, made application for appointment to arrange and simplify certain records which are in a disordered condition from being removed to one of the adjoining counties during the 'war. Referred to the Finance Committee. r . License was granted John H. Hajper to peddle goods and merchandise in the county upon his paying the State tax to the Sheriff. ; ' - The Board proceeded to revise the jury list, and after completing the same drew the entire venire of jurors for the October term of the Criminal Court, as follows: M. J. Crowley, Charles Murphy, C, D. Morrell, Wm. E. Mayo, Milton Hansley, F. A. Brown, Wm. F. Burch, R. C. Or rell, Jno. M. Clark, Jco. Maunder, J . H. Galley, Stephen Keys, Jos. M. Cronly W, F. Wenzel, C. C. Ketchum,' Wm. A. Wright, James A. Long, Jesse W. Hodges, Isaac Bear, Richard Beasley, Thos. McMillan, F. H. Mitchell, A. A- Dudley, H. C. Evans, Thos. B. Myer, Robt. B. Wood, C. n. -VonKampeni Oscar Pearsall, Elisha Gause, Thos. B. : Linnitt ' v 'i . ,- ' The Board then adjourned. ; xicKiing luuucea laugnier, , eicept tickling ; in the i Throat, which causes m j . l coughing,-at once removed by - Dr. J3uilrs Cough Syrup. . 25 cents a bottle, Uujust Oiscrimtoalton. At a meeting of the Board of Under- writers in the City of New York, held on , i ' the 26th of August, new rates of msur- ance for the Southern cities were adopted and put in force. In these rates there is discrimination against our city, the charges being one-fourth more than they are for Charleston, Port Royal and Sa vannah. An informal meeting was held yesterday by a number of merchants and to-day a meeting of the Chamber of Com- merce was held at which the matter was disrnsspd nnd nrntMtpd nrrainat. ' and a committee, consisting of Hon. A. II. VanBokkelen, President of the QlumArSSSuSSSSS ber of Commerce, Mr. R. E. Calder, President of Produce Exchange, Capt D. R. Murchison, Col. Roger Moore and Messrs . James Sprunt, R.' E. Heide and E. Peechau, was appointed to memorialize the Board of Underwriters for a removal of this un- just ' discrimination. This Committee I will meet to-morrow, at 12 o'clock; at the Produce Exchange. r There is. uiucii fcvllug ciprts&cd lu the matter here. There is no reason in the world why this discrimination should be made, other than an ill-founded preju dice against our port which bas long ex-1 isted. It is a fact that the Cape Fear is freer from disasters than any port in the near neighborhood, North or South of us. The whirlwind which recently swept over Charleston and Savannah, inflictiDgl BO mucu ui mjury, patacu us uarmiess uy. It was severe at Hatteras aid severe at I Charleston but we suffered nothing from it here. - It is rare! v the case that the I n -c ;j- . I wpB xearwwmuucrs ujuisasiers iroux i this 'cause and yet the insurance rates I here are one-fourth more than they are at ports many miles to the South of us. I 1 , ; Prayer far tne President. I Except in those churches whose pas- AM WKonf fwvm tin Jfv Va an0.,o1 I serviced prayer ior me recovery 01 ice m 1 il. . : .f il - I rreaiaeni was neia in every cnorcn in i Tiaitv tfuljT PTMnt in th Kniacrw I pal cnurcnes, wnere joini services were i hld &t St. James. th Rectors of SL I Paul and Mark's assiiting. There was I rood attendance everywhere. .; Biisi.?.-ftWJtiV0 w o . . I ii.h:at lira. I.rc!ii . I ntk. u cess was generally suspended, ; ciisy 1 i..K.;ni,;l.il1v1 k.t-n iftfiwvLliral Utuij Oa-ftt?e 'Aldres at T, Tf L ; " " --"wvu " sna A4eci3v : - . . AtJD , FERTILIZjUQ i . MATERfAl. ir.fii! 9TW - COTTON --AND1 CORN -PLANIERS, Truckers ai d others can get into correcil channel to t a!e advantageously by-'co'm-municating with ; ' ' f ,JAS. T. PKTTEWAY, Aget- For tba celebrated FertilizersvWilcoi.'-Gi bbs & Co'8 Manipulate! Guano and cid Parte 1 i .... . .. .1 ;.J-, phate; " - sent'C-tf WAMTE0 ! MEN OF ABILITY ! CHAMBERS' Dictionary of Universal Knowledge. beiks a ! Comp kts Crciopsoia or sytut bat war; s This is: h v Most Useful and 0.np ct Liu" ray Aeci. vfmnt of th Ac. . It has no c, mpetitr . w-nt Cvmpateot Solicitors fmicUe s, re d aply, .lircalara, Aiving full deacfip im sant on apjplicatioa. i , J H OHAMMKR8.' , St Louis, OMcuo. Ill, i Atlanta; Gr. Sfpt6-mdwi -, ... ., , j ) A : Trujlis ortliy ; of; Ee- liiembraiice. ! jpi R3T-OTTERB 0 URG'3 ability to car ry a larger and mora varied stock of Beady afade Clothing and: FurnfsMag Goods thsn any House in the city. 8ecnd The rapid 'and rJernetnal srrowth of Otternoure's trade a fact which is eacit- isg publ e commaat, a&daa aonor worthy of exem pUfioatio a; , , .. , Third That Otterbcursr. belQsr vouncr in years, is better escalated to mska choice se lections as regards style, calor, and finish. tnananciaer person wno n tor ally adheres to Bevolutisnarv time principles. Otter bourg's Clothing ezperiencs, of fifteen yeai h-B mads him sn dept as far as quality and durability are concerned ' 1 -M - , jrourtn Tnat Utterboure bn? analified to pay caeh dowa lor everv dollars worth of goods bought, (see July report from fled to bll Clothing a. Isfs figures end offer SSaniiiS eno I . Piftaotterbourg claias to hAre (ani the icmmumty coincide; tno UrgtEt ana best J Oaro'.iaa. 'Plenty of light, ani an? qaaatitj i - r-' - . ' f- i deceived -i bj - uieless hJe corrmoalj I thrown on goods by ueelefs show Trlndows. Otteroourg's stock stands .he test tf a forty foot open fiont, i . ... Bixt- Utterbosrg is row )n Ntw Toil-: will remain one month a- tfsct of oo:ie qaence in itsslf but of great iocpoitaaos to a scrupulous traae, as ne will covote teat un u.801 ieh of tlm "Jit,eT: I vision ef the manufacture into Clothing cf I his im; o.ted tine Cloths and Casslmerea. ; .fit.-U v.": EV3 en's Wear; Depot 22. 24, 26 and 2a K. Ficnfr t sept e - ;:: V;: 27 TXT-Si oVroo J&Z ikl r. MEATi'T.WasiingtoafIy'J, .. ; 'fep g w -:- - ; 7: .': !mm , . i . . ; '-'v1 ' MOORE'S CUSUTESS UNlVEIU3IlTr Atlnta Ci. ; . fj For Illustrated Circular. A live actual Etslncr' i i WUHUtKrUL UlSUUVtKV BIETAL TIP LAMP WICK ,;Patd Dec. 7, XSSOW Trr'"i ii i , Gives a BnHiant. White and Steady, light, requires no iiaaUrg, aad lv t tr jiontDS rlinui!ct 10 eaaij. 3 aicka cnts: 12 wic s 75 csts, p-uta;e at l. Haye tnree 8Jses. a, i aoa i "agent Waited Address MKTAL TIP LA. tP: WlVK f). TJ ton tooiM, i ; v 'i ecpt44r GOLD MEDAL AWARDED THE AUT : . : ), i .... ... ..I , . wirraTivc toe wwtaaaefcel p est, tndi5Perr?f!l.! to mrtry Liie," bonnd in fiaet i rrn-a paicc,cntain Uiant Uui n-l i ffrtoeonir (10"at by mru',; illnstrawd a.irrnle, 6c; b,4 bow. Ad ire fMVHl Idii 1 InttnorlH W T Patl. h I SELF. Kalilacat.KotU.a. A Bookef BAreGrijalnaMi enlltlcd ACTIC AL XI ''' ' Tbe Tet proll9njolr4. 1h iodirUuil eiffkliy eocsidtred !ri hi (h? a;w of. rts?on- a,.. 6rmB. Koeiri . r. Rmi. ' 1 W - 9 , aw now HreeJKatir i tn b- brsad-if iaoe.s.. The v Iu aborn J'h gtrikia tboag&ffrtrs jnf irsiatkii aia common sease.. irii!p?c c4;ie ererywUr-s. eardf eearllessr&' terms, Ae.jr to. J c cwnas a.jv Pa!ia,Pa . v.: srpi64w. ....... - "v" AGENTS WANTED fxti s de- ttaad tOT tb OUlj OoiQb.e. AUhSt O i " - irr nr pBCginrnr, niBFIFI n. jujtpubUiaed.; li i ath-il J story of tew broa by bsrealeaa traral froa v a9ari- Cabinet, . ooCici m.th CoaViir. a tu ranted Ai?ianvt. w ouji rai Karclcat riet- writta : rin a J i.heJ wttn tel ro trait :o t i rttm i riii . .4.1. tar tha fattt sliin ok at li eiai oaea,rjUBSAlH BROS; Patlhhss, Alan- ta,ua - septC-lw FERTILIZERS &PER A HOUSE. Wednesday aji'i ThuraayJETCHf, AfiTHawy; illis a hatu'avaV'S y i,lajest: iOiioli fated AffgregatioriP ; ,v pVitVKifef'1 v Havel's NVwty 'Hatc, itnmpfy Dumrty. S ifaco' Uit)lat p4caltylaad NoTelty The Great Parker-Kos International Mas- . Union Dog School." ' ' firsy & Maimiiift' Mm Jcal CongrptK . fcadiah 2 The East India. Prin- Worshipper f " 4- A iil. "Grand Grotesque Btreet Xarade at 11.15 AJM.: H'-r! ., . .tj Seats , at Dyers', S. EI corner Frbnt'ind Princess. . . , , j, ..... Piice of admission, tl, 5actsl and 25 eta, Doors open at 7: Performance at 8 b'dk. Matinee at 2 . o'clock. Thurfday; 50 and 25 cents to all parts of the house., Groat Economy rpO BUT TOUR BOHOOL BOOK3,',f J ; Blank Booit aadStstitniry of HEI3rSBERGIR8. SQUARE Aim UJPRICHT. PUfiQS rpHE WHEEL004 PIAI03 1 ri superior to all of crtia Tcne, Dux ability rd finish , - ::Fcrea'esi l' -:: I ' HEUfSBEBOiU'S . Pt5 Lire Book and afasio Blora Seasonable Goods. On the arrival of each 1 - JJsw:York Gteamer," I.- f I U Will bo foiu3(l at my Stora a frefih - i i) Sit.'1-. i A Ik J ,7t -JV-i 9fl.;. abfaaeres; 4 I'M'. I i i Potatoes Z1 Andfiuch other gco ls off this JLindi . t ; i- v"AT-lil -i ...... t ...t as can b3 brcii-ht (corA thc-Norih- ern JJarLetiS. -1 i- tii3il"l'i'-Ui'' i. :;il i;Ui : ?:'iiJ-'..ij I oi so rcqjiva each week' a-fre h1 I - Bapplyof thechpcesV 'A.,, r' Famnpplle 1 1 r - ficttiDffrt Stale; v Goods.), Hh I Will bib rSSxq ! in 3iircniing to the pablic.-"' u ; .V -.trad. ,U ''pJl Foreclosure 'Salei5 - PUR3UAXCE OF A DECREE of the jl. i-u("'" vuunwj cw-Manovcr,eottorfc a. tusde at June Termi 1&31 in' iu actlba be tween George Darla. as smrivin and trustee of the will of Dr. Louis J. Pola-i wn.Z a plaintiff, agaicat Wxa. Creen Emma D .I'Ianncr, and others, heirs at Jaw' of the lite Henry G. Planner, as defwid.r.t. I will oa Saturday, the 24 th day of Beoim' br,inL, at the Court Jloaso doot in thA' - cityorWilaic-ton.at 11 o'clock, expose to sale to the highest bidder, at pub- "-ut vjuij, cii, uiu Tuoautf ' iei' sna irml6ea now occupied by said Winv-.JL! . tire-, situated ia said city of, Wilmington, on tie north al.ie of Market; net ween rml aad Second streets, lying between the Jotv of the laie-Tf. A. Berry and the late Ja&'hru. ,0. Wright, and extending 122 i ect to Tdoa- erauey. . U. i. U.UEIJLA1IY. cpt v3wq - CcimsiKiGcfr