5iT E o Iliscellaneoin- DIt. 0. VV. BKNdON.of Baltimore, Md We eive above a correct likeDCPS of this well known ami successful physician a i and surgeon, who has made a me long a'u-iv ut Nervous Diseases and the His i'.t cs of the Skin.and he now stands in the hiuhest rans. as auihontv on those spe rial and diRtrefthin? diseases. In the course ot his practice be discovered what now are renowned in medical practice, Tiz: a combination of Celery and Chamo mile in the shape of Pills. They are U6ed by the profession at large ana constant Iv recommended by them. It in not ana tent medicine. It is the raalt of his own exjeriencc in practice 'I hey are a sure rare for the fi-llowinjf R;Mt:ia.l disease?, and are worthy of atrial by all intelligent sufferers. 'I hey are prepared expressly to cnre sick neaaacne rwrvous headache, dyspeptic headache n uraliria. naralvsis. sleeDlessness. dvs C . ' lpsia and nervousness, and will cure any cr iRe. " Sold by all drnereisU. Price 50 cents a box. DeDOt. 106 North Kutaw St. lUltimore, Md. By mail, two boxes for -$l..or six boxes for 52.50 to any address DR. C. W. BENSON'S' fl Mm tr P. 9-m C4 o CI a u Is Warranted to Cure ECZEMA, TZTTERS, HUMORS, INFLAMMATION, MILK CRUST, ; ALL ROt'CH CCALY ERUPTION3, ! . J DISEASES OF HAIR AND SCALP, r SCROFULAULCERS, PIMPLES fc j TENDER ITCHINCSonaUpartaofthe 3 I 1. Ij. It makea the akin "white, toft and smooth rr-:3To tan and trcc'klca. and ia tho BEST toilet C.-.'.-s In TH2 WOULD, Elegantly put up, two bottles in one package, wTiifing of both 'niemal and ex -trnil treatment. aUSrstclaaaclruecistshave it. f 1. per paokace. . .1 l-Cm Per the C;:r3 of Coughs, Colds, Hoarsen&r, Bronchitis! Croup, Asthma, Influenza, Whooping Cough, Incipient ConsumpUon- and for the relief of Consumptive Persons in advanced stages of tho Disease. Price 25 Cents. For Sale Xvj all Drug-grists. ept ltbp-nm-dw E31 LYDI& L PIMM?. OF LYHN, UASS., LYDIA E,7PINICHArJlf8 VEGETABLE COMPOUND. Is a Pofflthre Cnre fee all (Ut Palatal Clalt Bm4 WeaVweeeee Miiean teear bee4 fevale palUa. Ilwdenre entirely the worst form of Female Oom-ylP- an ovarian trouble. Inflammation and Ulcera Ilea, ramna and Displacementa. and the consequent Sateal Weakmeea, and U particularly adapted to the Cfcaa et Life. - Xt wtH dlasolr ana expe tnmors from the ntenu In as early atac of development. The tendency to ean erewkvmorsthere la cheeked eryapeedOybyHanee. It i emtiTM falntnaw. flarelency, destroyaall crarbsa feratbaMlanta, and reUeTea weakneae of the atoaaach. II tmrtt Bloatmr, neadachee, Kerrona Proatratlon, Oeneral PebClty, Bleepesneaa, Depreealan and Indi- fwi tamXn bearhiff down, canaixsff rain, weight and backache, la alwaya permanently cured by lta uae. It win at all time a and under allcircumataneea act In fcarmeay wttn the lawa that arern the female ayatem. Ter the cure of Kidney Complalnta of either sex thla Cpeund la unanrpaaaed. X.TBIX X. PIXKnMS TECETAHLE COM 'rOCXBI prepared at 3 and tSS Western Arenae, Lymn,Xaaa. PrteeL Kxbottleafoi t. SantbymaU tm the form of pOK also in the form of loaenves, oa relpt ef price, tl P box for either. Krs.Plnkham f reelranewera all letters of Inquiry. Bend for pempa- Jrldraaa as abore. jrcaitou . If - 1 o r Ve family should be without LTDIa K. PUTtHAlTS LZTX& PILLS. They cure constipation, bfllnnsneas, sa4 torpidity of the llTer. tS cents per box. Said by all Dmsita. "V CABR S C0HU1XD. Af!IHsl Xpvi frora thS Ettue Cf tbO Flzfct In Arizona. Tccsox, Arizona, Sept. 5. The Citi zen hat received the following, aaiea (kmn Thom&a. Sent. 5: Lieut. .Stanton, Sixth Cavalry, with an escort of tkirtv-three men, reached here from Camn Anache last eveniD? at about 7 o'clock, with a despatch as fol lows : - FfiRT Apachk. Sent. 1. Gen. Carr, Colonel ot the Sixth Cavlrj, left here on Aug. 20th, with troops D and b bixtn Cavalry, and a .company of Indian scouts, 105 men and six officers, intending to ar rest an Anache medicine man who had been endeavorinir to cet the Indians lo break out. He reached Cibicu Creek, 4fi milea wMt of here, at 3 P. M. on the 30th They found 600 Indians camped there, and arrested the medicine man without anv resistance. The command then went a few miles from the main In dian village and camped, and the pack train was unloaded, wnen tne inaians oe can arrivinjr from every point, but keep mir aloocr the ranee ol the bluffs, some 300 vards off. ! Some Indian scouts hay ing at this time left their own camn and tame into camp. Capt. Hentig ordered them to leave. While doiug so an Indi an turned and fired, killing Capt. Hen tiir instantly. The fizht tbfeu became pen pruL The troons lormeu a skirmish line, drivine the Indians back some dis tancp. The herders were killed by the first vollpv- and the herd 6tariiDedt d. Ihe fiirht beiran at 4 P. M. and lasted nearly three hours, until darkness, when the In dians drew off toward their own camp It is impossible to iellhow many hostiles were killed. A council was held, and it was decided that it was impossible to hold the position agamst such a large torce There was but one way out of the camp, through a bad canon. The herd was rounded up. and it was found that D troop had lost thirty-three horses and i troop a pack tram ot seven mules, ana several others badly shot. They hastily gathered up the dead and ground 7 men and an officer (Capt. Uentig) killed They buried them inside the tent of Gen. Carr, which, with everything but saddles und ammunition, was left on the field as a blind to cover their retreat. Three badly wounJed soldiers were placed on hordes, aud nt 1 1 o'clock the command started tn its retreat for this post. One of the wounded men died at 4 o'clock next morning. The Indians did not follow, evidently thinking them at Cibicu. Gen. Carr made a forced march, not stopping anywhere until he reached the post at 4 o'clock in the afternoon of the 3 1 st. The troops were badly used up with hunger and fatigue. Hostiles are swarming through the country, and came within a mile of this post this morning burned several buildings, stampeded a large herd of cattle, and then drew off to the mountains. Courier, who started out were killed within twenty miles of here, also several more out on escort duty,' besides four citizens. rJ his is re ported by friendly Indians, who were placed on norses to spy. i ne Mormon settlers north of ns must be suffering heavily. We can do nothing but hold the post until reinforcemeuts reach us. The Indians have cut the telegraph lines. " ! Later. At 2 o'clock the Indians be gan firing into a party at the graveyard who were burying tne dead and drote them into the post, and then fired into the post from the bluffs from every side. The troops formed a skirmish line around the entire camp, keeping them out ot the post. The fight lasted untjl dark, when the Indians drew off. Capt. Gordon, suc cessor to Capt. Hentig, was wounded in the leg. There were no other casualties. The firing during the first hour was very heavy from the hostiles. We believe we can keep them oat of the post, but no more. Later Sept. 2, 10 A. M.-We still hold the fort. The fight yesterday was very warm for about two hours. "We have sent messages by carriers Corpo ral Wagccr. on the night of the 12th, and Private Walsh, at 4 o'clock on the 31s1; also by Owens, mail carrier, at noon, on the 31st. Welsh is the only one who has reached Camp Thomas. He started on his re turn on the morning of Sept. 1 and has not been heard from since. The follow ing is a list of the killed and wounded: Killkd CapLO. G. Hentig, Sixth Cavalry. Privates Sanrdagger, Sulli van, Miller, Livingston, Bird and Irian, Co. D, Sixth Cavalry. Wouxdkd Lieut. C. G. Gordon, Sixth Cavalry, in leg, but not seriously; Sergt. T. lIcDonald, Company E, Sixth Cavalry, in right leg, badly. Later. Fort Apache, Sept. 3. C P. M. Nobles and Colville were driven back last night while trying to get through to Camp Thomas, btautons company is to try it to-night, hvery- ung is quiet. Awaiting rccnforcc- ments. Four companies of the Sixth Cavalry are en route, and it is believed three of them must have reached there by this time. Warner'tSafsKlndej and Liver Care 01 SOLUM. j Rutherford ton Banner : A scries of meetings was commenced at the Baptist church on Sunday night by the pastor, assisted by the,Rev. Mr. Dixon. The Rev. Mr. McLoed has been engaged in a protracted meeting at Pleasant Grove, at which several accessions to the church have been made, and many renewals and professions of faith experi enced. ' Raleigh Visitor: One person was bap tized at Swain Street Baptist church yesterday morning. Friday next will be observed as a fast and prayer day by the different churches of the city for rain. Forty three persons were baptized on yesterday, in Ruffaloe Creek, near Hepzibah church, in the eastern E art of the county. All bids for nil ding the Court House were rejected by the county commissioners this morn ing. The lowest bid was $22,000. Charlotte Observer: All the placer mines in this section have either been forced to suspend work entirely on ac count of the drought, or have been much hampered in their operations. - Mr. D. L. Bradford, of New Sterling, Iredell county, writes that he has a two-sided chicken. The leathers on one side are frizzled and on the other smooth. The line of demarcation is distinctly drawn over its head and along' its back, one leg is deep yellow and the other white. News and Observer: In Rutherford' ton choice peaches are selling at 20 cents per bushel. The collections of in ternal revenue ia this district last week were $26,830 07. rapt- t-havasse of the Raleigh and Gaston Railroad, in forms us that he was over the line yester day, and that not a drop of rain has yet fallen The country is literally parched A slight rain fell at Hamlet Sunday evening. A heavy storm raged north and northwest of this city for many hours. The rumble of thunder was con stant. 1 he rain probably extended with in twenty . miles ef Raleigh. Another storm was at the same time in progress southeast ot Raleigh, but many miles dis tant. Saturday night Mrs. G. B. PowelL of New Light township, went from her house to that of a neighbor td attend a prayer meeting. While sitting .a '. 1" 4 in the house she coinpiamea oi a suaaen and severe pain in the region of the heart, and then in faint tones, asked for water. A glass of this was handed her, but ere she could take it her head fell for ward slightly, and in a few moments she was dead, never having spoken another word. Her age was about 40 years. TerriDleliOgs of Life Millions of rats, mice, cats, bed buprs, roaches, lose their lives by collision with "Rough on Rats." Sold by druggists, 15c. qSIOP BtiATTY's U (xANc, 14 4i tcti :eed8. Only $90 Address, OA -1&1j HKATiT, Wsj jingion, N J sepi 6 4w Send to MOORE'S BUSINESS UNIVERSITY Atlanta-, Ga. For Illustrated Circular. A live actual Business School. jLttablislied twenty years. WONDERFUL DISCOVERY- METAL TIP LAMP WICK Pat'd Dec. 7, 1880. 1 M k. a. W A k 'Ar MB Girea a Brilliant. White and Steady light, i eq aires no riaiming, a&d laats tor month rfsmole Ick 10 aat$, 3 wicks 25 cents. 12 wie 8 75 ca-ts, pnbta?e aid Hsre three sires A, B aiid D Agents Wanted ddress hBTAL Tlr La. P WltK OO, 70 Cort ndt -t, M k' aept6 4w GOLD MEDAL AWARDED THE AUTHOR. A. new E (Treat MeoicaJ Work, warranted the bast and cheap cat, iodispensnbl to Try idhb, entitled "tha 8ine et Life," bound in fineat French muslin, emboaed,f all (tilt, 300 p&ge8,containsbeutiful steel ngravings, 125 prescriptions, Ti.ijtA Anl 1 QIC i.nf Kv m.il . illustrated sample, 6 e. ; send 1 nn A H A .... P..twl. Xli r vvntWirw cal Institute or lr. W.H.fAB L1QW THYSELF. KXK,No.4Balfincfcst.BoBton. A Book ot Rare Ortelnaliti, entitled PRACTICAL LIFE. Tha treat probl m solved. 0 ha individual car ef all j considered 'rem the ase of respon sibility up to maturity, in regard to Fdnct tlon, Home, social y, Love, Marriage, HuI- nsis, ac. now Bread-ftaters ate to Dr y read-Winder . The volume aboonis In strikine tb 'nU, rare information and in tense conrmon sense. in. I page olorel plates ectt cne a eem. Agents wanted ever jve here, Seed f r clrcala, fall descrlp tl n te mi, 4c , to J U AiOLrany Go, PhilaPa scpt6-4w ARFTS WANTFD it "rf!y ? ar- w aw m m m mm s as i sj HBSl SBW m vmh w - mand tor the onlj Complete, Autheat c snd any liiustratea LIFE OF PRESIDENT GARFIELD just published. It is athn! ing story of bow reroBe by bsreulean straggle from oscari tr tn fama. FsDciarv fnl! rAoarrfirur Ma Cabinet, onflict with Conkliog, Attempted AssiSBiaaiioa, nonae iai nargical Treat ment, Feca far Critioil Cocdition, etc Ably written: embellished with tl rn -trait n' Garfield aiso foil likene ten of theSu ceons, Cabinet. Mrs. G;rfeld etc. Low price. By far th (a t'-t felling bk out ti ealars frtf I ilra,l te-mi On flt KOa kAirm t one , ' CBtiiLkD Publiehers, Atlan ta, ;ii sept e-iw Tho Cosmopolitan BAR 13 THE PLACE "WHERE YOU canrtt the cool cet, purest and most scientiticallynilxcd 8unimer Drinks to be found in the city. The very best Wines Champagnes an d Liquors always on hand ithe best 5-centJ Cigar that Is made. Drop n and cool oil. J(l X CARROLL. Ie8 Proprietor. Fresh -g.'varv Day Freeehand D omes tie. jost raoelTr ar.d for asle. - Tub fPTLY GENUINE DOMADS Candj in tne city, will be foaoa eteri day, fro?b and xroe dtfora 8oath o the iostrtfcce on 8eond itreot. AJwa, Xat Baisina, f rnit. o. r B."JKKftSf an M-wr n- t,Vffle Portx) Rico JHolasses. 250 DS. 250 STRICTLY PRIME Porto liico Holasssg. For sale by William & ainrcliisoiie ana: 1 "rns state." RICHMOSDYA. CHAMBEKLAYNS 4 BKIR5K, OwLeis aadtditora largest circulation, Cheapest Babsexip tiep. Fiioe, Lowest Advertising Hates. JES Daily cireclation mow orer ,000 f Itoe o&W alter noon paper ia Richmond, i Babeeriptioa priee-rDaily, $3,50 peraa sva; Weeklr, tl per aaaam, i tiend for. spsci a. en )is fur," del BIIe ) 1 . 9 1.1 J, AT C0III1SIL0IAL WlLMLMliTUXi tARCCT. firXJUlVTUnrSZTZINEQuotod .firm at 49 cent. Balaa of 25 casks at tho fig- uraa.'.''; i ., f'"7-- ; ItOSlN -Quoted m at 11 1$ tor Strained aad 12.02 for Good Strainedi anadTana o(ZX cent alnce yesterday. L,i-'- , , TAR UaoUd'flrra at $2 23. Sale at quo tations. . 1 r '. ; ? t-M f CttUDt TDRrENTiaTK footed arat at J3 50 for teoft and -'80 lor Virgin. Sales of receipts at uuotuou. Cut To (Quoted ttrm-at an-edranoe of . Bales of 21 biteaou'si bswis of 11 and 11 for midwtiug.'cioaiiiK at latter hure. Tne follow m MreiUe official u'ut wtioua; it. utrj . OeatS. Urdisarj.;.;M ....... , la Li m itidlia......... - ;.r..i yi aftldlL....N. 14 Din aaoairrs Jottui..M..M'Mi)MMHWMMMtMw'( IT 2 aaiea ipixits TnrpentiaM. w. 236 qs iocs....... ,, 404- "bbii fri.4M,w..w i HUM - 2t Orad Trpeatise.aMM..U.M 77 A k thtUti& fXIJ370. t '- AJLSIYKD. - I Steamer Passport, ilarper, BjoltbTilit-. Alaoter. Bteamer North Btata, Qreaa, Cypress, Worth A Venn bteamer Jotin Dawson, Sherman, Polm GagwelL ft P Paddisoa. "r OLAABED. . Steamer Passport, Harper, fimltavlll, id aster. - - - Steamer North Stats, Green, Cypress. Worm A Worth. Br barque Live Oak, StllwelL, Botter dam, Puterwon, Downing A Uo. x purls " ltBKIOIT. Rotterdam Br barque Live Oak 1,015 cask spirits, 1,495 bbla rosiu. MONTHLY STa iEMSM of stocks o a has i Sf"'r iiB:a 1 81 Z-6 "474 afloat Yotsl .... ... Spiritt f K atic' ...... To''...-.. a 4 xsaasj S tMW 3 22S 2, 1 b s 1 5,803 41,165 .4 455 TOIlM W w.l. ...IHIIHIW.. il,l0 Tar asbere....M. O t s) a ) ) a ase)aS)etfaM e)s) rouiM.M Orode Mhora.M.MM. 1,403 " 4 O i tatsMttStNMS MSMtee 4 esse 1,40s asosrm roa ths mohth or auqust, 1881 653 Spirits. 12166 lOSillM ssaesavws)' 34tt948 a sstsasssssssasesa' a a ssss aeaf aJ tlS& Crude ;M....M.....M.M.M..M...M..M .10,619 sxroais roa ths kohth or acsttst 1881. Doaestio. , oottoiu..;.. Spirits. eaaasaaaasssses4saaaeaessss4asaaf HSlJAaeaaaeeasaseasa - foreisTa. 858 1,787 2,170 2,835 250 Spirits. MMa MtStSSSSSSSStfSSfS esssMS 9.022 tsB3aaeesisaaeeesaaaaaaaataeeaseeeaa ....... 16,461 Tsreasasasjaasjsaaas)aaaaaasaas BV Cmde.... ...... stssssieas es aaa a m aassssssssw 1881 THE SUN. MIME 1881. PablisbAd Dally, Except Banday. r Renowned as the ' Freshest and Most Satisfactory ofaJINewi papers. Low ia Pt ios Compact in Form Iniependsntia xprees!on, ConservatirelB The career of THE RVN, If-" i- riit beginning, has been cbarrrt. . a 17 1 in irreesive spirit and aa o'jn t. ell' tir enterprise. To these tiii. KCi.eris.i it iJf.. fasti j adheres, - UOTertns; as it floes rt? wt-.u . . f i,er- paper endeavor its ertr i m 1m:- i- 1 o-.r plete reflex of tberpirit t b;uoit nvi th activities aad erec s J tbe dar. , TBH SUN exr-ra ifa? -..inioua on enr rent ever a a thr a i tt-i oa sab e of pnbiic interest, with thw view u arriv 2 1. j . ibc: ai rin rawutf .u ttizwer Tlii 2 ttu 811- eral. welfare. )tr romistiot Svng; m is thor- ongmy uawo and ncderftond, AS A KlfT.0L8d PlKVPaPIR, ruB HUi tt affspteff v the needs of all and enjoys a world aide crnfdar ce. Tho extent and vrjetj ri TOR BDM't Local tit ports tttir cafefni 'Ccaracy and yofranceof prnrienaj, cmtitote aatrttinr leatcre, accepxaoie ootn at nome aad abroad. oreifm and domeiio, is CBsur pasted lo rx eeilence ard freshr.t a . ' ' T ITM WASHINGTON HHKkvU covers all the haaes of tolirical information trsnspirinsr At toe Niotal Capi.al. witb proper note and comment. Unexcelled in the past, it will b maiatsioed. at the highest si.u ru d ue nmra THE MAHKfcT iNO HTOOK REPORTS cf rHK. rt. n are, c Uected sed compiled with the nmnit care, and may be taken sa safe g aides br all who desire to obtain tbe latest and swl trust worth-, information on thr- i pot tsot topics , " . lu ahurt,.TH - UN will eontinve to main tain the LUh reputation it has tcqaired ss an ent-priir-, aeenrate and1 well-edited newspaper, alwajs ready to add to its facili ties for ool crinjr news hraeTer neeeasarv to meet the Increasing; sXemaada ; of the time; and to maintain tbe.bisb eonfideaee of which Its large and steadily Increasing d cmlatioa Eriveseridexce. Terms of t'urcripti-m by' ail f:H in OaTer, pwtv ir,clBder..;. oo Bix Months, ptt-i'dv'-e - 3 oa Three voeths, prtf icd-d -d I 6j Two Mostrs, p.r '4fcded; l &e One Month. ptae uselsded.' . 6D .?.-AddMf?v-, r . A.I8.iIELL A CO., polishers, Han 1m Hatit.. Zttb 28 Ti . : " 'UalUaoreild Lilt of Yezzsli Over 50 tcss In PcrtJVt)M 1881. Ger Louiio Wlchsrds, SC3 tons, I hmetp. . 1650611 & Westermatixi Am Glacier, ZOO toss, Small. ? EG Barker A Co Nor Stanley, 300 tons, Orahsaen, SO Barker v Co Swd Frithiof, 645 tons, Borin, ; , Alex Bprnxt A. on Nor Allegra, 214 tons, JcJinaen, : C PlTebane Br Lire Oak, S32 tons, StillweH, " Paterson, Downlt-g & Co Xior idseTa. 454 tons, Gunderaen. HeldeACo Swd Tarnan. S84 tons, Gadd, Heide & Co Ger Eimrach', 399 toi s, Muawlck, . I i Peechan A Western ann i, ' BBIGS. I Br Economy, 415 tons, Sml h. ' E i. iUilcr J: Co Am Cora rrreii, 248 tone, Mn bixk, - K t iiarker k Co Nor Ottar, 88 tou, Khs'g, CP Mebane I " : . SCHOONERS. : Am Walter K Pa'mer, 128 tons, Ellis, . JflG Barker & Co Ana Matiklt rfk5j332 toos, ickleson, Geo Harriss A Co A Silver Spray, lb2 toii, Hill, , WA WB . Am J J Taylor, 267 tOL8, Hujrg, ; Geo Harriss & Co ;or this Poit Horn Foreign forts BABES. ' Nor Alfen, 375 tons, Petierseu, sailed from Antwerp, Jnly 15 ' Nor Atlantic, 420 tons, Knudsen,- at urlmstvdu j 1 Nor ('spells 294 tons, Holman, at Dun f klik Ju'y 11. N-r Bttekka, 368 tons, Olsen, sailed from H fast, Au 5 iv or Y Ikie8ten, 183 tons, Hadland, at Be ger, Jnly 20 " fi , h ,n Frun, 382 tODs, Bessessen, at Koldint," July 9 ; Nor Haber,401 tons,Terlefsen, at Grim stadi, Ju-y 15 3 - - - : : Nor Jens Nielsen, S54 tons, Hoist, at Havre, July 12 s - : Geridaria Sophia, 328 tous, Schan, sail ed from Lowestoft, Joly 21 . . . Nor Loveland, 404. tons, ' Bastrop, at Bergen, July 15 Ger Star of Hope, 286 tons, Hamkrin, sailed from Hambtug, Aug 17 Aust. 1 igri, 610 tons, Cosulich, failed from Newry, July 28 Nor Tnrist, 806 tons, ,at Newport, ' BRIGS Dan 2d April, borensen, sailed from Bristo l, Juiy 19 ; - v 1 Gor Max, 293 tons, Brndigan sailed from tot. Nazaire, July 13 ' Nor tJperaoza, 267. tons, Riehmann, at Galway . .,- '. BAYARD TAYLOR. Poet & traveller, Said : Ml take great pleasure in r com mending to parents tne Academy of Mr. Swithin C. Sbortlidge.,' : HON. ERHANDO 2V00D M. C Said : I cheerfully consent to the use otmy nsme as reference. My boys jwill return to you (for their lourth year) alter their vacation.7' : . , For. new Blustrated Circular address SWITHI , C SHORTLJDGE, A. M. Harvard University Graduate, Media, Pa. 12miI68 tiom Phila. aug llmddtw RED CEDAR PACKING CHESTS SASH, DOOR? AND BLINDS BRACKETS, MOULDING, LUMBER, Ac ALL SIZES WINDOW GLASS, 1 AJjTAFFER, PRICE & CO'S. Factory: Foot Walnut st. OScs: Nutt, near Red Cross's Corn, Flour, Bacon, 8000 Buahel C0RN 1 GOO Bbls lou, 911 fc146 200 BXea 8mokedandD S.SIdes Coflce, Sugar, &c. 25.0 Cff' different grades, 4 ; "i - w Bbls Siurars, Granulated. sOx J 8tandard A, Extra C and C eoxea Aasorted Candy, 100 TUb" Ch0C8 Lef Nardil fgi Bbls and Boxes Fresh Cakes, rotabh, Lye, Soda, 1 00 Boxea Bal1 poUh 2006ox"IJ"' 100 OX nd Soda, 4 100 HlfBbla BoxMSnofl. Jry Dozen Buckets, 150 Rcama Wrpp!n" papri AOop Iron. Nan. nv nt- p.; Yams and Rh'- J, ' Jfor sale low by jj 25 WTLLlAilS A MURCHISON PUR ftELL HOUSE, C1TDEB SEW UANAGEME5T. Wu.i err C. B. L. PERRY, . . prao' ; Latejrroprietor Atlaatie Botm ' irst Cls ia ail ita?an Mi Rtm.m. 12-W tOT,t3 par d. Vb-tl For Sale or Exchange A DESIRABLE US1INCK wl k tor rooms andai:enea ard food d: of waUr exestiBut sra daa fur U n ...... for prooertr in W , i , appljaat ' TllLi OFini Iliccollarieota HISSES BDSA 4 JUIKp fthI.MboolviSltt1"IrUl miM day, Oetobe- ft,h "Z os wj third wsss ia ,Pgl ah? uwuirwui as ion nu. . as vted by .l.haltN o?7L0W. city. l)eddctHB made US? trseted I'cktess " U a?, J The erases f laktrset'o! wm k tofe, hronfh and jlJilS iceivU,jt individa.Ut(tdTr ; oipsls." v fcl4iiLir. - The ehoel of Mie n, u M sirs. 11 H Ces.l Pm lu br hr I wi.K g vti2r . Z UCatiOu, car. .a. atcoir n 4 itV Tk tf tl. boat.;,, r .pi,,.c,7 be wo iv.d i;. th- u' J V I" a ,f . f Lffav 1,1 ' n. . elpals f - ""-jitk,: Po fW h ,i parti. aUrs , , 1 o ire fo ircnlaia.-, : ' . 'r V f ; t i .. Wherta;-yi.SOl, KWIN0 toil :im -l s?v Tel . hundred u.:e them la ths h ! S.hTe lust triJ latest improved No. 8. So. uiCzi buy the BEST MACHINE ia tlTaSSS 1 low eft possible price.. ; " Lau ana see them or send for mt ..i price lists before buyir any otto Si best Is always the cheapeS. 7 ' ' , WHEELER & .TSTL80N, ManufatnjlngnipaDj,' 1 Evtns' Block, Princewrt, au6r30dw Wilmiugtoaiic. HEW GOODS ' DELICIOUS PriCHKS AKD ' TOMATOES I All varieties d (! i ife 1 rcjenei in one and two ponnd Can1, la best in the merkct Our elegant Faiuily Flour, Parole d' Hnrear PigBaiDp, I'rcakfast Strips ; ' and Small Hhoddai, Parched; Jaya and Lagcayra O fee, These . goods ai e all fresh this week J f Oar prices and qniHtj cf goods 'will convince yon if yo .".! Trythe prepared Sccpi . . ' - in ' 1 f For sale at CEO. dYERB'. HEW YOniC a VILMIHGTOH STEAMSHIP CO. SEai-WEEKLYIIDE . -v. r - tit . v: r ' V steamers ; ; . at 3 e'e oe, Y. K. r Rrnrii'iTO K ' .l8arsrlay, crf O0LP TB15Asf4.Vedtaiy PESEFAOrOB- -3aor4y, ' Throwich Billi La" Threfc lta.tw gnaraattsd to Foistf uv'JTorth aad Bosth Crolisa For Frelf ht Ef t i rT 'T ' THO?. BOS Ls tffco' v t'. - .. - - j f . .r Csa'I i- . -r'- rater lt rthe fir t ' be charted ,xrrto-4.l-ir- tftaj, 1

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