'.' ' .::' " -- . . , - ' - - , ... - H If? ' a ! - n A -EP .tj r-- -m t " ' . i.iJ..:,..i A. ; . . ' . . 7- - , i - - - irifj aftera. PLEAS3 50TXC2. XTiULra4 tonetivs tm&sxlratlaa . . . n . T. from trcr frleaa ea say aad all rsbiets " caaraiiatemt tel 1.. . r ' . . w T5 ius o'tla wfur cui alvaTi U fa sieladta,ta JEiHox,-' ... , 0?2totloz mart U vrlttea ca only bit ttiSi of dapTpcrw ' ';-?---; - P&nooailtiM avst b avoUad ;.: .... 9 M ?SewBjlS4 jwftraiiui j aadar ttWtat E41tf do nqt'alwaja'ndorf tna-vw!eWrpoaIeat,' utleea 'go rtat ' .1 Hit soai w Three ' ti 15- One month, 60 oeat. -m delivered by carriera, ' P,P ia'any p' the city, at the low and libera rC" ... , . anv anil y- v WILMINTQifN. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 188 wriheri mil pieaaarrK"' iTe their paperi regularly. v f . ... f ... I u 2i V Vb ft Advertisements FOB RHEUMATISM J huralaia, Scictca, Lumbaqa, Sjctacfie, Soreness of iho Chest, Yout, Quins , Sore Throat, Swell ing and Sprains, Burn si and Scalds, Genera Bodily Pains, Ttjik, Ear and Headache, Frosted Fsdi and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. ft PrrrtioD on earth qnali St. Jacobs Oil '. ,. rurt, simple and cheap xtrBtd pc.. A lni eoiaiia mil us cuzupumuveij rtif ctlxfbt 60 Cento, and erery one auffsr m i.th fia cai LaTd cLoap anl poaitira proof 4 m cicrn. DvKtimu ii Eeren Language. KD BT ALL DSUOOISTS AH3 DEALERS 13 MEDICINE. A.V0GELER & CO., Baltimore, HldL, TT. S. JL. erf 11-4. v-ote to MRS. JOE FtRSU'S REMEDY FOR ISCROFULJ3. NEVER TAILS. It Will Cur ii Taijly Teted. ipvesrae much pleasure to be able to catkit I have derired an effectual cure of fcifula from the use of Mn. J oe Person's ksfdy for that disease, f had suffered ha Scrofula for more than three years, nl Lid despaired of eyer getting well. I titttttled during that time by three very aratphr8lcians,without any good result. I'iawenttothe National Surgical Instl c,ititlinta, Ga., and was treated there Bore thu two months, with do better re Kltttia mj family physicians met with. i5r returning from the Institute, I was feratded to try Mrs. Person's remedy, and !ud not used it more than a week before I Tertdlt3 curative and healim? Drooer- My wre soon beean to hea'. and the C&orof JUT stin chanoWl ra faat. ath Krr lIed. I had not thought of ever getting uuw my uupea increaseu, my jow vtfikeanegi. nea belore th i remedy, and I no enjoying splendid health and am In rwipinta- The remedy Is mild as a p ur foe, indistronsr tonic : it will heal the oa itubborn sore in three weeks if taken Jivly. It Is my opinion that It should , -cu me ume atter tne sc rw la Healed, rtmoTe the cuse of its effect: ' It should "Wen regularly bv all mwuis.' frr T hva ' "Jrttaei neglected It. from the pressure of I'ilreidT ana m all fniind that t.h ,yaet and for this alone It should be a regularly until nn ffWfnal Mirfl - wv vvuiuivuvv irfv a v tanlet. T 1 f V I r, - V 1 1 . A. . J l the use of the remedy and it should at the to U who are suffering from H5utotrJit. It will surely cure you ".native it a fair t i ind not from hearsay. I am a grate- u P ent of cure from the use of tt and JiMer many and lasting obligations to from its use. Sufferers, try it and be W,,m7.aJvIce- 1 am respectfully, N. C JAMES AMORRIS. "9Tdby Mrs. Jo "Pprirtn !r c- Sold by WAT. II. REX, Wfl SCHUTTE'8 SA-S!DE PRK MOTEL ! VrisUtaville Sound J1 a'tN FOR TIIE RECEPTION in rr-ttti. &The table fa snpi hed with the pre oftae Sound and 8 bea. 0abl tu4iM- uaruers uth.cn &i F. A. SCHUTTE, Proprietor Cosmopolitan Bin l T?E PLACE ' WHERE -YOU euifl, . e Cool6t, purest -and most iitH mixtiX Summer Drlnka to be CWL ci!iy' The Tei7 test Wines beVtf3 Liquors alwaj a on hand oXLWrtht 18 mde- Drop jcooi off. JOUN UARhOLL, . Proprietor. - ,4 LOCAL NEWS. - - ' - . - - . . . . New Advertisements. C W-Yates Schciol Boolf Depository CKoKpr'& Mokhis FurHitute &c, at Auction K 1 -McIntike New PriuU, Ac ? L II Bo w DE2?For Rent T ' - llmNSBfiKOiiJi Ileadqurters 'f i . - Rice birds pold here to day at 25 cents a dozen, j i " - ' V r - : J ' ' ; r H r- ' i ' There were S0 j carts market this moraiug. Studv , your interest- Yoa can now buy Cook Stoves at factory jric e al Jacobi's. ' 1 A sick tramp was picke i jp a Mul berry street to-day and ta riid to the Citj Uali where he will receive dtteution . f . ,, . . ; . Mayor Smith is better, we are pleased to state. He has so far recovered that hewas able.to preside at toe City Court this morning. , , To clean brass, immerse or wash it sev eral times in sour milk or wliey This will brighten it without scouring. It may then be scoured with a wool n cSoth dipped in ashes. ' " ' ,MrlA,T, Kyle, Signal Observer at Sloop Pdint;is in the' city to day, on a brief visit. We were p' ased to meet him in our office,'. " . The peculiar "appearance of the sun this afternoon attracted much attention The skyVas overcast with clouds through j which the sun broke, showing a beautiful lilac color. 51 ; ' r- ;k ... The followmcr are the readings of the - . ' " . thermometer a the bignal umce to day: . ui " -- - . Maximum to day, 84, agsinst87 lor same I . aaie m xoou . Look not mournfully into the , past; it comes not back again. Wisely improve I the present; it is thine. Go forth to meet I the shadowy future without a, fear and with a manly heart. Steamer North State, Capt. Green, f leaves here to-morrow' morning ' for Walker's Bluff, which is 57: miles above Wilmington. This is about as far astshe I sxpects to go on this water. - J ' -'.."' , '1' I Beautify your homes by usfng the, N,l Y. EnamelPaint ready mixed and? war ranted. Sold only at Jacobi's., ; f David a. Cowan, Esq., of Robeson, Columbus county, has received an ap.jput on the boards last night in good pointment as one of the Commissioners! on behalf of the. State Agricultural So-1 ciety to the Exposition at Atlanta. Mr. Cowan will most probably attend. ir o 1 io : 7iTm rT io- I Mr. S. A, Haney, the Assistant Signal Observer at this point, goes to. Charlotte to-moi ro w,to take temporary charge of the office at that place. We1 commend him to the.careful consideration of the Char-I lottese. He will, be crone about three weeks. . I V.Bough on Rats." Tho thing desired found at last. AsIc druggist for Rough on Rats. It clears I eutrats; mice, roaches, flies, bedbugs. 15c. boxes. Endowment Rank, section 221, K. of P., on , Tuesday received a check for $2,000, the benefit on the life of the late George' Steenken, which was on the same afternoon paid over to Mrs. Frederika A. Steenken, the widow, for whose bene fit it was made payable. , Mr. S. PalraeT, with the Gould Manu- facturing Co., Seneca Falls, N. Y., thus writes: "I have been afflicted with rheu- matism for the last three years, and with- m that time mve tried almost every- thins- without ettino. ftnv relief until St. Jacobs Oil had been used." n m I A Wlimlti ton Rat. w v 4v t 4. We heard this. morning from another p .v wi . u v v t of those Wilmington bovs who have left W ih onnto rh r.n. FW search of fortune elsewhere. This time it is Mr. John O. Miller, son of the lateTC. Miller; "whom many of our readers will remember as one of the most prominent lawyers , in the SUte previous to the war., His son, our old friend, has brought up at Uakersueld,' . Kern county, Califoraia, and is-now; Auditor for that county. Tlut hcias not forgotten old I times and -old associates is evidenced by the factlhat he sends in his subscription to us for the Wn-vrxcTON Jourxau Success -to him. To Builders and others Go to JAqb- jQ Woman Need Snffer bi's for Sash, Blinds and Doors, Glass, when Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver &c You can get all sixes and.at tbi Cure can be so easily obtoined and so Ijwestprices; ; ' : t " t lfelj used. j " . i Cltj Conrt ' Alice Hall, colored, a well-known character, was before the Mayor this morning charged with drunkenness and disorderly conduct aod resisting the po lice. She was sent below to. recuperate for 30 dajg. r Georgs Johnson, Tucker Johnson and Tom Shaver, arrested for sleeping under a houseWere each ordered to be commit ted for SO days . " ! -; J Al.. huw weirdo I remember it was in the IJesJs NoTembri";vbeQ I caught the Cold thai w wearing me surely and swiftly aw.iy bat I heard of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup ; took it, and am as well as ever Pracr lor ttaiH. A union - prayer meeting will be held to morrow (Friday) ; afternoon at 4 o'clock, at the Seamen's Bethel, to peti tion for raia. ' All Ministers of the Gos pel and all Christians, ladies included are invited to attend. " This appointment has been made in compliance with the request made by several Christians, re questing the Editers of the State to announce the request that all Christian people meet in their respective places of worship on Friday, Sept. 9th, to pray especially for rain. Call at Jacobi's for Garden Hoes and Rakes, Shovels, Spades, Axes, fcc There you have the lowest prices. f Pergonal t Mr. R. R. Taylor, of this city and Lumberton, has just returned from a visited to the Adirondacks. He has been absent three, weeks. . , His Honor, the Mayor pro temp, o . t .. Ltumberton. J. McU. French. Jsq.. is in dty tQ dfty We pleased 8M that he has recovered so greatly from his aw. .,, ' recent severe illness. Mr. McLeod, the genial junior in the well-known firm of Pope & McLeod, at Lumberton, is also here to-day and fa vored us with a short visit. At the Of era House The dramatic season has opened very auspiciously in our city. Last night a rery large house was assembled to greet the combination under the management of Messrs. Anthony, Ellis & Hathaway, which gave the first performance here of new season. The entertainment was 'flni , fant itia saM hv manv ir be the best wehave ever bad in Wilmington.Humpty.Dumpty, though fold, is ever fresh and enjoyable and it was style; the dog show was very fine; the Princess appeared as represented and all of the features, in fact, were good. There jwaa a matinee this afternoon, at which there was a good house of ladies and ; , . . m . , vUliUrcU ttUU tUC unci ocaauu nu wvo to-night when we trust that there will be anth - r larg andieDCe- : '' Freshwater Perch, Trout and Black fish Hooks and Lines. A full assort- men t and lowest prices at Jacobi's. f pobable FatalAfftay. From a gentleman resident on Long . , . . .. , w . a aomn Creek, who is m the city to-day, we learn oi a proDaDie taiai auray wutcu uucurrcu in that town on last Saturday night The difficulty was betwcen two colored men, Hiram Aimstrong and James Lar- kins. The former had drawn a razor on one of the latters relatives, in whose be half Larkins interfered, whereupon Armstrong turned oa Larkins and endeavored to cut him with the razor, failiDg in which he seized a heavy light- wood fence paling and struck nim a terrible blow on the fa d w fc f u d hi Lirkins ia now UCttU' wmv . . , . . . in a low state and it is thought that his skull ha3 been fractured. It is liKeiy . . ... that he will die, but Armstrong, who is sti l at large, does not seem to be aware ' .... ,a m,a of his desperate condition. He has made " , . of A . A- m vA anil Will rX B TTQ T - no aiiempi. -l- ed to-morrow and held to await the result of Larkins injuries A Smasher- Tnfl man kil liner eleDhant. Chief, the mQs fierc0 of hi3 8pccies eTer 0n exhibL . the QId John B0blnSon ghQ Mch cxhibila at Wilmington on s . lgth TM terrible ani gQ&rded ud loaded with over two tons of chains, so arranged as to prevent him from doing any barm to those witnessing him. Kemember, Mon day, the 19th instant. : The atmosphere is cloudy and hazy and looks equinoctial 4ike. . Tbermomrtrical. The following' temperatures to day, at 3 o'clock, are reported or, the weather bulletin issued this afternoon: Puata Russa, 75; Key West, 83 ? Jacksonville, 87; Cedar Keys, 8T ; Sa vannah. 8$ ; CharIestonr 87; Charlotte, 9087 1 Augusta, 92 ; Havana, 81 ; Mont-, gomery, 88 ; Pensacola, 86 ; Wilmington, 31. r ! i Ihe Improemett . " The great improvement 4 In the in terior appearance of the Opera House has been verysgenerally commended by those who were present last night. Ev ery thing was bright and clean and nice, and yet those in front have not seen one- uipfu: .- t ua ui mc luiproTcuieuw. -api.. irenny- packer laid himself out to have, eyery- thing about the house in Excellent trim and he has not only, succeeded but he is determined to keep it up "to the present standard. TUK MAIM. . - t The malls close and arrive at the City Post Office as follows : Northern through mails. . . . ..680 p. m. ISortberQ througa ana way mails......... 5:40 a. m. Raleigh..,.. 6:40 a.m. Mails for the N. C. Railroad, and routes supplied there from, Including A. & N. U. ' Railroad, at.... 6;40 a. m. Southern malls for all points South, daily......:: 7:46 p. m. Western mails (U Utt'y; daily . (except Sunday )........... 9:00 a. m. Mail for Cher aw & Darling- Mails for points between jcio renceand Charleston... ..i.... 7:46pm irayettevilie, and omces on il( CaDe Fear River. Tneedavs. ' and Fridays...M..M ..M l.00 p. m. irayettevilie, via Lumberton, daily, except Sundays 9:00 a. m. I Onslow O. H. and intermedi ate offices, every Monday a 14I in n i . I boat, daily, (except Sun days).. 8 30 a; n Malls for Easy Hill, Town Greek, Shallotte and Little River, 8. O., every Mon day and Thursday at 6:00 a. pi OPKM FOB DELTVSBY-. Northern through and way malls.......... ..7:80 a. m. Southern Mails 7:00 p. m Carolina Central Railway...... 4:00 p. m. Stamp Umce open from 8 a. xo. to 12 41, , and trom 2 to 5:30 p. . m. Money Order and Register .Department open same as stamp omce. General delivery open from 6:30 a. mi to 7:00 p, m., and on Sundays from 8:30 to 9:80 a. m. Malls collected from street boxes every day at 4:00 p. m. Stamps for sale in small quantities at general delivery watn staaap pmce is closed. Porto Bico Molasses. 250 HBDS. 250 STRICTLY PRIME Porto Itico Molasse. IT llliamS MUrcniSOr vr.wB a. -mm -a I ang 1 Fresh Everv Dav FI5B ASSORTMENT OF CA1TDIES, French and Domettw, jart recelvod and for 1UN I THB OSL GENUINE HOME-MAD 1 1 Candy in the city, will be found every I aay, ireaa ana iw uree aoors tsow oi tne roatomoe on seooaa atreeu auo, aoo iinK Noar th PAtir.flat QflV PeQrSs EARLY BARTLETT- PEARS, Choice Pippin Apples," Oranges, Lemons and! Fresh Candies, just received at S, G. NORTHROP'S, . aug31 ' Water St. Store; ' . and; F 16 wc?s XnTine I I f vSOFACTUKKD 3 W HITKV fjLS 1TA - - Wise Compaaj, WbiteviUa, H. C, Prices and aaxBPlea'oa applicatloa. BnA i year cren Scr the telici 1 1 V L Now A d yei t Ueinen ts. For Rent. u-i 4 f u a Ai.fciitA Kesidence oa Fifth, betet-n Maiket and f;jj?l Priucesgr Mnxts, cootaiuing 6ix i ' f t f t . ; . ."' . .. -i rooms, intry pad closet,; double .Utehen,: v ,wv4 nawr ine p realises. -'-eeptS- Apj.l to L. II. ByVVDEN . BY CBONLY '& HOUR S. s THE ENTIRE FURNITURE, FIX fUREit, " AT ArjctiONi; ' " ON, TUFSDAY, September; 13tb, IS commencing at lo o'cloek. A. AU we will sell at the fctores Nos. 18, 20, 23 and Parlor, Wuiog Koom, -At oouuii. r ront, , , all ot the i -. . : , Chamber (SO Sette), OfHce, ' car, t-iiiiara ana ' Kltchtn iTurniture, 'IfcD every thing appertaining to and be- S:i,Wot -a irom tn, Terms' cash Open for inspection ScDtem- . . - ber 10 and U. 1 seit S-3t W E W FR1PJTS ! i, - Bleached Cottons ! i . I '. . . . . Canton Flannels CASSIMERES FOR BOYS. AND VARIOUS OTHER GOODS - JUST received, AH of these goods have: been bought largely, In the belief that the prices ... . WILL ADVANCE. ARE GOING OFF NICELY TOR THE . , PRICES ARE TERY REASONA BLE. sept 8 : ( : ' '! J Head quarters SCHOOL BOOKS AD JPTED-I3T T S STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION. A eomplet stock always on hrn'i - f- Iaberal diicoant taTeachera. t - . HJtIfffBtIiGEIw'3. Art qalwry. i nr . . dhromos.'8tfel EnorraVin rr. ILooking Glaeaes,: Mottles. pIlNOSAITD ORGANS, A oroash orcn the easy initalment plan, At s HEIN8BEBGER'?.; apt 8 Live BooK and 'Muaio 8tore CAPE FEAS ACADtMYJ TTA8HINGTON CATLETT; Principal; YV J AS. W. MORRIS. A. C. Assistant repena.MONDAYr OCTOBER 3d., ,It offers- RIftC.ialarIva.ntatrft fnr vmi-nrr rnfi-ri rirnl paring for business ?or College. - Young pu pils carefully taught. Discipline firm. Prices moderate. German taught by a competent teacher Parents' wishing to entcr their sons will please do so, at-the beginriingof the session. . ' " Vstbt l.th sat-monlai FERTILIZERS. AND v FERTILIZING MATERIAL. "V Truckers and others can intO cc4cct channel to tradeadyantgeOufly by"com municatiog with JAS. T. PETTEWAY, Agent For the celebrated PertrnzersWIIcof , GIbbs & Co's ManioulateJ fimnn and ArM PhJ nhate. sept C-tf tfyi olr wvuuui iiuua jlfc II JltOi V , A LL THS BOOKS ADOPTED B Y, THE Bute Board of Educafwa are n deposit at ,1 mv Stores Teachers and ech-l&r "lil find it - to theiriateretto CAllbj9foreji?thiAnjje9 wnere. Aor?e atocK ci lvhc tni '-cu;id mea's Tine Stationery juitrectircd. PIA ITOSani OliaSf i-i 03 bi! epti . O W Y ATAS. WANTED! MEN OF ABILITY ! to KKrBfasrr ; CHAMBERS ' Dictionary of TTniYers&l Knowledge. CoxPLrra Ciclofjekdia or srear dat wa g Tbia is h M-at Uaefcl and Ocsptct Uts- rary AcDioyemmt of the Ace. it iiaa no ompentcra e wnt ccieteat ooltciora N Peddle 1 Mid a, ply eireoiara, fall deacdp.kn sBt oa applictnoxt. , - . J H UUAHBltB?. EtLoaia, CUcijo, UL Atlanta, Ga sept a.yaow ? : , . . - - -- airpeSs yo w A'd vcrtic g'o man t,' - OF?EAr house. AT cdrief day. an ITliart lay Ivcnln aqiiTJLn? td. y; mty. e, epU 7 & 8. ATH1HY.- ILJSUA lUTUiVAY'S I p. M c?x r !&t AffgregaUvm. . -ii In!'.itbUR rMTKD SHOWS, ; i RaveV'bNrHiyJlA'hei It.itnpty Dumpty. iaco'sixubK" p. i tpy and Novelty ton pa y. " he Great Fi W-Rot listeruatlonal Mas- Unittu IKiUf School. ... Cray A; Maiu.iujr' Mu-lcal Cn Sadwati ! ILe liast India PrIucR .i Fire Oiftud OrotciU9 6trcct Parade atll.M A. M. ' '-. " !'. " ' 7- ''" ' . if. A Seats at Dyers,1 S. E. corner Front an.l Piincesa. . . . , Pilce of admipf Ion, $t, ,0 cf . and 2!i'ct. uoors open at v; rerrorni'inc' at o'clk. Matinee at 2" o'clock Ihurrday; 60 and 25 cents, to all parts of the houfce. , , 1 'e t 3-5t ' 'r . Wheoler & Wiison ' new iMPROvrn . El X' f O TO rrt wt Vt -m tt SKWIXG MACHINE IN THE WORLD. So tl '-V 't " pay " the Judges at .5 Philadelphia Centeu W f fnA? al' also. oyer ,ono nururea laaies wno ue them1 in the city of YY iliui npton . , Wo T; -ir,-T'"-L navo jubt rt-ceiveti larje fhipmeut of latest improved No. 8. Now l the time to buy the BEST MACHINE in the world at lowest possible price. Call and pee them or send for cuts and pice lists before buyiDg any other. 1h best is always the cheapest. WHEELER & WILSON, Manufacturing Company, Evan&'jBIock, Princess st.f . aus:G0-dJtw Wilmington, N. C. WFF v DELicxqbs a VEAcntis axd ' ! OiTATCZS r. . i-) vajietiea of CLcico Prctcnoa in cne and two pound Canp, iLe best in tho market. trr. Onr elegant Fiunily ITlonr,! " ' Plrolod, Ecncnr PiLTcrfiE, VjictMdst Strips ' ': . and Small SLolders, . .. These fiocds fu o "a 11 ' fresh f bis week Our 'pncea . wxd quality cf 1 ' . .... . ! .. ' gocd3 will cprrrinco you ii you toiil try, ua.; f, ; . ,'4l .Try'Uie prepared Sarips. , r f ir Oilo ot j : fcb.li ?oa, 11 as i 13 Sciih .ftnri Sti BAY AD 0 TAX LOR 'Tf & Traveller, bail; uitko gfht pleasure, in rrcctn- raiding u nrects tho Academy cf 'ilr. Swithin a fcbortlid.,' , 1 ' . , H 0 N ; - 5 3 U AH D 0 1 W0 3 M. C. J: ' " - .o. " "- "i" CI. 'J Sid (lirt : ,'I ched;faily consentto the Foreei66ure ale iN.PrjRiUAXCE.OF A DECREE of the Suijeriqr Court of w Hanover county. uiaUe at Jane i erxa, lil, la an action btj tween Geonre Davl3, a eurvivicrr cjcccator ani trustt-e of the win bf Dr. LouU J Puls ion, as pltintifl". ag-aicit Wm. 'H;. Greed, Knana D -Flanner, and other, heirs at la-.r of the late Henry G. Planner, as defendant, I will on Saturday, the JJ4th day. of tiepttm ter.io6t., at the Court House door in tho city of Wilmington, at 11 o'clock, . A. iL, expose to sale to the fclhegt Li J lcr. at nub ile auction, for dah, th it valuable lot. ami prem.ses now occupied by ad Wm. II. Urero,titUAted ia aaad city of WlkniatTton, on the north side of Market, between Proot and Second street. lying between the lot ot thelate W. A. Berry and the late Joshua, O. Wriffht, and extending 13J feet to Toom ! cPa Alley. . W. J, 11. BSLLAM Y, ept5-3w4 iiui - . Cmiaisslontr I. -'- r use -i civ,Doae; a xefdreacc. -Afyt bojts will ruurat joa (for. their. 1'cxth year) after thur'vc41C r' ... r4 . . " i y.r'l!ra:trafj C'ifCtiUr f.dicb ftWITHI ?.' 'MIORTLIpGE, ; Jit, IIsrvartllveriHy Graduate, Mdia, I'k., 1 f v m lb H u N J an -?. 1 l,H?md w "' " - - - r -- , ,,

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