r M e summer time! 1 ue Cie from dro a, cU. . th fri-ndahlDC-f the sun; yriuf h.,!fl cV-uin elm and lata.. illdreii homeward run, "'".2 ratar bid lovers wait. ,,ACfc tbe Blngloe and the cent unusatdewy prime; niunfj , fa Bummer tiro.. iSou'"1' William Allingham. i ,oiintt.oD-l''"Cfll,'J 1 practical Kegro Prtblem, , rwretuiAur years the sole rpose ,jnl , f the j epcblican prea bs been .i d elate the uufurtnnate colored lU , influence and us tine to bh( .J brotner. Ii hs d ivoted its best how.: e.iT L&Li "t - .r a aisiauc I' U Uiai h i. ab.i id ".d re d b v i, ickec .... . Evri liOv tbe JvU u l ano iP-ctJiol organs are uvd , !k Mh-"- repudiation causa out of 'se I -r toe negro of V.igiuia, w. ose Cj ib' blie?e would b. ji ipardu d l,u, notorious way by the honesi 'xu- ul of tbe deDU inis anrcuou iot u i owred tn an is touching ami it pay h One dy lat vreex a coiorou ourru ,iob ediurial room and asked (h ' uairy awiitance. Ha was a mjidu-x f.Li Uuioo ruiy dnriug the war, a.v .mi of orlc and out of inoat-y, and. mri (It.powe(l a th quawiea fbil eu a r u.e dl-jred man to tbe ttepunlK-an - d mt ai1 l,je reouireineuta tr ai, ',' .t or rvepjolican. inteiest and ten iej -s :k -d: "Why do you apply to a (Jaj oj-uic piir4for assistance Don'i oii t bi tne wicked Democrat Uil-jal m kiuiiig colored men and are only viu t: lur a chance to enslave them i.giini' Vaort are several papers here that vould Esaist yuu. They love ths colored man bet. tertuaa auy one else, and have made tbeii money by advocating the cause of colored people w-oui they never 'saw; and ' no jju)t when a real live negro and uu ex jiJiir applies to tbj.u hay will e.ig.'iily eiiDrw mm J ib t p vrtairt.y to i n J-frhim practical a 8H'..ct!. :o JJ lo th !ro, and when you leturn' e .wjll.da as much lor you as they shall have done. Tls colored inau appeared aJ.ttle.ernt Urassed, and sa-U; But in tbe inean t.uia 1 ueed something. Tbe calf is liatle to sta ve while the ras is growing." -Ob, nc! They will help you right away. Th-y will regard It as not ouly a duty, bat a pleasure. Your race has furnished u,eu with the means for makiog money and w Ub 'issues' to keep tbeir party in t2ci. You go over to the office ad whn you coma back we will equal to-ir lubscription.' ' Still tbe applicant did not appear eager to try the experiment, and after be-itiug ut tbe bush, blurted out: "I wasn't go Ut to say anything, boss, but I have been Uiers." Well, what did yon g1-; ?" NotbiuiJ ' It is impossible for a woman after a faithful course of treatment with Lydia E-Pinkbam's Vegetable Compound, to continue to Buffer with a weakness of; the uteres. Enclose- a stamp to Mrs. X.ydia E. Piakham, 233 Western Avenue, Lynn, Mass., for her pamphlet ' I InterestlPi DiscoTcries; V Twenty-six cf ih- mummies discovered tear Thebes nava teen identiSad by tbe icientific resur. ectionists to their own sat Wiction, and the Ioi.doi Saturday lie iew says that it would tot be e tsy to x ijeraLethe iaiportanoepf the fiad. These aw principally tbe rtrniius ot loyal fami lifs, raniDg throuch tcur dynas'is iroin itWOto 17W Ii if. It is Mated that "fue mummy o. the Pharaoh of Israel is among these, in a p-irfrct sta'e of p es rvatior, ni th ruuiumy .f Thotms iu hose reicn U-e t.UHi-k tht siardi in Ceutral l'aik was fi st erec.ed. Jotus Covers that lonk s if they I ad been plackeda few mo tths igj arefou:id lying hi the wrappings vf kiigs who were dead centuries bMore !br i'ur "h of Israer was hora, and tin? s-uj of uarly 4 OuO ears has not dimm i ths bau'y cf the clor f the in;rip'.iotis and ptic lings, wi ich are m bright and frvsli as if the artt hd touched them bui esterday." be .in scriptions a-fd ppyri when fully read wit', in all probability, throw a Hood of l-ht uon wbit is now a dark place to Egyptol gisu the great middle; period of Jt'sipt iu history, which includes the captivity and exodus of hi J vs. : la ipril Lait, tenty-four members of Arlingtoa's mia strels were taking Warner's Safe Kidney sod Liver Cure. It made them happy. United eutas Eeo- ombt. The Cropi of the Coimtrj. : This is evideutly an off year for crops In this country. There is no teceral fa'Juj e ia the yield of cereals, fruit, cotton or tc bicco, but tbera is a failure in some r -ioas of country while there Is au abund . tut production ia other localities. This may be a wis economy of mature, but the iviom is not apparent to the individuals wn happened to be in the list of thosa whose lands are unproductive. Taking the country as a whole probably the mot y value of the crops will be larger than it vai last year, because the smaller surplus enhances the market prices, and as re ffiras our fore:gi trade, If we receive as much money lor a smal er quantity of pro dues, we will not ba the loser. But -for several prosperity at bom il would be Qach bet'er if there wai more uniformity ia tbe jield ol aIcultaral p-xiuctions. The Li Ae n k-a -ich seem iikely to pre- ?U f r iht i e-,ji;ira and comforts of to ay i,o.i.ii g of the luxuiiea, will toa eri.i.y i i ,v the cost of living and ee:ituaiiy ua -t r-sultia hl:hr wa 5 u t p.Tttves, . that the pr.Hluction ofoiauufic urr j I iM more xpnive d hi-n-ir prk-vs will pit-vil d "arout ''bwsuu tf tLi .g is not favor nit 1 i Vndi;ic ou'- forrigu expoita t f auca R' Msof mxnufiCLure s's corse ia cotupeti tt,i i h thoe of oth x naii ma. The ivjiiAtion buisness, in which there is Me cj-piul invested than in any other In dustry i iiw coontry ontide of agricuU tm, will b-s less fully .em,doyedr to the Uet iu:it of HifMpnftc "uuiry b ever, is in such a good ''iiu ta ti may be able to stand one )'r of induced cr pi i hout its tff ct be cutting very ajpirent upon general busi ft", especially as there is a surplus cf he o-d ciopa of almost everything that ia not frisbable yet on hand. We are likely to hve a good buisaess this coming autumn, and Drcbnljlv fir vp- in i tnouuTi the crops Are comparatively rebL, ...uiiiuuvcr wavj req jrea for .oorm sHc ermuu-p Km ofr.earlv articles of dom.tic produce which we xp -r , and ptobably as laree a surplus as Ujwferei-n markets M rrq'iir ben tlej b ve to take supplies at au: increase c st. ..: We kill our rulers when we remove from the human system whatever disor ganizes the nerves. Dr. Benson's Celery and Chamomile Pills relieve from sub jection to the power of headache, sleep lessness and dyspepsia. They contain no opjum orhurtfal drug. - - : . nope For Bald Head. To the EdiUr ofthe Nek York Sun: . .'inroe years ag me Ui ot my bead was 'as. bald as tbv palm ct uy ha d On the reco.umejjd4 i m ol a f'rt nd i ued the folio wiog simple pr-parafjo i, a d now bve a gro.! head tf hai-. i a pi. a of vn ter a'dd a trifle moie fcalt. thu she water wildissohi. In; ot er od, mdke a veiy siroiit hi im.. . At nigh, bet'oi, retir iujf, iub ih.i bald pm bii-kiy rn1l a tmg. iug senati hi- j- p arent, laairg cre n;i, to iuk? tne nead ui&rt Hku tre he&d ts parlec.ly dry there will appear a iLiu cotiua f bali... Ii, j he m. n. n g wash th bead oxrwfuby'wiu; pvi!e wale. , cold, u ap, and aply a in in u q'latn i y of aona -iV'l! ,-i,t 1 usid fc.i.ii.e. I bVf! uev r i.oAu tM i a.iitt vt heie this rruv-dy bc '.'a MiirJ to hair that is falli; g owl bat ib-i-i aa not an iium-rdiat siirnort! inu )( th -growth. W'i'h s ui f;a i head it hi fai ed. UaisoVcH. Dow Literature I'.ijs Milton received $25 for "i'ara i;s.! Losr;' Ppe $40,000 fir bis i rHunlation of io mei;" Edgar llen Toe $10 for -The Ka van) Dr. Hollaud $12 l10 for Bittei iweet: $ ,0X) ior "Katiiua and $5,000 for the MisLr-jss oftb6Mans; Mr. Bonner, of tbe Ledger, paid Tennytou $5 0f0 for a sin le poem: Ai gus a ' i!l7ns Wilton, auihor ol "B-iulah," has made $100,000 in eight yari out of novel; Mr Walter Scott made $250,090 out of hS iir -t Harte re ceived $10,000. tor "tt.ibrit-l : uroy. iic:c $15,000 for the cj y- Ibt on -tiarnah Rudg" fofsix month?; Stanlfvoai aireadv leceived $50,000 for l.is ' 1" r. u b tbe DarkrOoru.njent ; 5hakesnaT g i $J5 for Hamlet; "liouclcault $50,000 ,or 'The Shaughraum.'" f . , When a woman buiuN l- r fi!!2r' she cri's a little over "is, ?id kj- l?r burn iri eood condition tft uli-- ' r I uband wbn he comes bom", ? d pi;hv. Amanm the Cudiul mi rt his digit in his moutb,5 W k over tbe c fiice stool, sTear at tbe bot ana forget all feboul it. One is the effect of love; 'the xAher of-business'.'- ' -' :-. " '" Tormented ttacki' is the exclamation of more thaa one poor hard working man' and woman. Do you know why it aches? It is because jour kidneys are overtasked and ' need strengthening, and your system needa-jto be 'cleansed of bad humors. Kidney Wort is the medicine you need "It acts like a charm,' say s a "well knriwn physi cian, "I never knew it to fail." Liquid or dry sold by. Druggists. Boston Post. THE ONLY MEDICINE Eh IX EITflElt LIQUID OB DEI F0BM , That At:l at tno same eieho oa TEE -LIVER? TEE BOWELS A ED i THE EIDEE7S.L I WHY ARE jWEj SICK? ResmiMirit alloio the st (treat oraantrto I Tmmn elnnntd. Or tOTVld. OTld VOiSOTlOUt j humors are therefore forced into the Uood, that thouldbe expelled. naturauf.. ... . mm WILL SURELY CURE J KIDNEY DISEASES, LIVER COMPLAINTS, PItES CONSTIPATION, UKINARY DISEASES, FEMALE WEAKNESSES, AND NERVOUS DISORDERS, fty causing free action' of View org'jnt Zand restoring their power to throw off disease. , IThj suffer Billons pains and aches! ' Why tormented with Piles, Constipation! Why frightened over disordered Kidneys! Why endure nervous or sick headaches! t ft Use KIDNEY-WOBTani rejoice in health. T 9m nfc tin In llrv Wretabl Form. In tla cans one package ot which makes six quarts of medicine. Also In Liquid Ferm. very Concen trated for those that cannot readily prepare it. - frit acta with equal efficiency In either form. arr it of your druggist, trick, ti.ea WELLS, BICHABDS0X A Co., Prop's, - fWlU send the dry post-paid.) BTBIXseTOX, VT. i 37 Court Place, LOUISVILLE, KY., A rro'-r,r dotted &od Wallr qoaU9r4 f hyiicUn aad the nost suootuful, aa bU mcuot will pror. spermararraea anu impsivnvi aathamalt of lf-bue la youth, sexual mien ia ma tarw rear. r Macr eaoaea; aad producia mm f lit foi inriac Scta: MrrouRMa, yrmlnal Kmlwnooa, (aibt tV bf dTHUU). DimiraM of Eight, DefectiTe Htmory, Thy. i-al lccy, Ptmptn on Face, A venioa to SocwtT of Frjmlr, Coafuaoa of Idea. Los of Scxaal Power, Ae- rrnderiag aurrug inpfopar or aahapyr, art tboraaghly mmd pcrma MiUj oorrt. SYPHIXj IS FfV mA "d em tmlr ormdfcoted (ram tko kwo; CrOHOrrneSa, OLEETi etnetara, Orehiua, Haraia. tc aatdi, flka aod atr pritata dioaiea quick If earad. It ! eetr-ortfeat that a phr ncUa who re? pecial ttcetioa to wnaio claat of dlaraaeo. aoa treatuig Uwamad aaaa ally. aoqairea great akiU. Thrtkiaaa knowiag tfcu fact oftea reeommimi pcraooa ta bt care. When H ia iacoevraieBt ta Tiait th cut for traataeat. BMaiciaaa cam tie Mat fciTatc aad My fcj mail r cxprasa aajwaara.. . Cures Gnarswxxteod in sdl Coaea Suut rarraoaaBy or hr Wttar fraf al larltM. A. PRIVATE COUNSELOR . Of'00 ragaa, aret ta o addrrvi, axrarc!r eraied, tor thirty no caaiL Faoald b teal tr alL addi i abra. Office kri truM a. i( w a. S.;u1j, 1 ta 4 1. M. jy 2541 s". . . v i j w j For Sale or Exchamre Y DE3IRaBLE KiisIDFNCK ni-a four tooms and iltcbea ax.d good well of water ana excellent garden, fur tale or exehaogo for prope.t m Wilmiat For parim 1 ar A mam C-x fi I -l fef '"Ka-' K A PERFECT ' u ' BITTERS are highlj recommended.for all diseases requiring certain and efficient tonic; especially IrijiJhInii levenant ofAppetdLoss of Strcngth,Lack of Energy, etc Ennchea tae blood, strengtiiena the muscles,and gives new life to the nerves. They act like A charm on the digestive organs, removing all dyspeptic symptoms, such as Taking the Food, fJVhHeal t the SUmiacIIcaTtburetc Theonly Troti PrepaPatioil ffj not Slacken the teeth op greTifeaolacheoSold by an druggists. Write for the ABC Book (32 pp: of nsefol and'amtishnr read K) sent free. BROWX CmnCAIiXOi, Baltimore, Md. ii iron cuten are toad by Ytnnrvm . - - BEWARE OF a Ai ia An coilip ait y ; ; ai! ION ' AKD aVtBR "May' 16 th, lShl,' si 40 P M, PaMepeer' Traioa on the ' Yy 1' miaeton ' 4 ' WMdon J' Railroad' will ran ii Uowe ';:;:.. .! n . OA Y i&f AIL AND KIPBEHB TRAIN, daliy No. 47 Worth sad 43 Boath. Leave Wlimlntoa, Front St. Depot at . ' ,S 40 A M Arrive at Weldonat.M.MMM.MMa-,' 1 SO P II Leee Weldon... 3 30 P M arrive atUmioptoa, Front St. Depot it 9 45 1 M .i j- 1 1. v ' cTaat Throne b Mail and P awentrer Train .Daily N os. 4t Aorth and 40 8oath, Leare WilminKtoa, Front Ht. Depot at ,mm 6.15 P M Arrive at Weldos ...... 1.25 A M Leave Weldoa......M..MNaMH;M.M.M. 6,15 P li Arrive at Wilmington, front St. . Depot.., ,... ........t..,i .1L25P - J . TralnJfo 40'Bonth will stop1 only at Roeky lioitn Wilson, Goldsboro and Magnolia. . Trana-por Tarooro . .Braaoh ,ttoad leave BookyBatXor,,,parbqroa7.40.P M daily andTtzMd4y,'ThttradayQd datarcay at 6:00 A- M. 1 BeroVninjf leave Tarbofb it 9. 60 A M claIly,i-aadrltonlayr iWednesdaT and Friday afcaJr daii Train, .jo Wefdon for 47fanaket. elosc eonneetinn at orairbolnta Worth daBV. All rail Ha B16hn?ond 'attdrdACy except, 8nday via 4 strain Wo. 43 rnns daily end makes eloee oonnee ion 7ur all pointi North via Rich mond and Waahiajftoti. - All trains run solid between Wilmington and Wasbinfrton, and nave Pvilmaa Palace Sleepers Attaohed. . . Jim F. DIVIHK, GeneralBupU . A. POPS. Gen'l Pass. Agnxt A SPLENDID OPPORTtTNITx TO WIN A-FORTUNE; vNlNTif: 'GRAND'1 DIS TRIBUTION, CLASS 'I, "AT NEW OR LEANS, TUESDAjf.'.'SEP.riSth, 1881 l36th.Monthly Drawing. . Loilsiaiia Stale Lottery Ccmjaiy. Incorporated In 1863 for 25 years by the Legislature for Educational and Charitable purposes with a capital ot $1.000,000 to which a reserve fund of over fi20,000 has since been added. By an overwhelming popular vote its franchise was made a part of the present State Constitution adopted December 2d, A . D. , 1879. Its Grin Stnglb Nchbsk Drawings will take place monthly. It never scales or postpone. Look at the following Distribution: CAPITAL PRIZE $30,000. 100,000 TICKETS AT TWO DOLLARS EACnHALF-TICKETS, ONE Dollar. LIST OF PRIZES. 1 Capital Prize - - 1 Capital Prize - - - 1 Capital Prize 2 Prizes of $2,500 - 5 Prizes of 1 000 - - -20 Prizes of 500 - - 100 Prizes of 100 - tSO 000 in'oTli ilUV 5,000 5,000 i 0,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 1200 Prizes of 50 - 500 Prizes of 20 -000 Prizes of 10 - APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 9 Approximation Prizes of $3002,700 9 Approximation Prizes of 2001,800 9 Approximation Prizes of 100 900 1S57 Prizes, smountlne to - - $110,400 Responsible corresponding agents wanted at all points, to whom liberal compensation will be paid. For further information, write clearly, giving full addess. Send order by express or Registered Letter, or Money Order by mail, addressed only to 31. A. UAUPH1NJ Niw Orleans, ls or M. A. DAUPHIN ,at No. 212 Broadway, New Yora All our Grand Extraordinary Drawings are under the supervision snd management of GENERALS G. T. BEAUREGARD and irrn a t a d i T T ej UiJuU Am XaAiVU A IVotice to the Public. ) The public are hereby cactioxto ag aixst SEDIKO AST MO XT OK OSDXRS TO NUNES & CO., S3 Nassau St., Nstt Yoax Citt, as authorized by the LouUiana State Lottery Company to sell its Tickets. They are flooding the country with Bogus Circu lars purporting to be of Tbe Louisiana State Lottery Company, and are rxAUDC lxxtlt representing themselves as its Agents. They hsve no suthority from this Company to sell its Tickets, and are not Its agents for any purpose. II. A. DAUPHIN. Pres. Louisiana 8tate Lottery O. New Orleans, La- July 4, 1L -BgU-ffed-Ml-lwdAW asm r STRENQTHENERLA! SURERtlVER. ChiIcIc al Oo. atiThaa Oct wrapper.' LMITATIONS,. porijl, IBuo'to Office. w-.l LM IWOTO 9 j iO'lLaM BI A AD r A &ftTA! &AlL3tbAJD bb "! ? ! Wilmington, BT. C May 14, 181, OHANGEOF 80HEDULK - ON ND AFT8R May 16th, -Wlj i 1 05 P M, the following Paenre Scbido e will be ran pa this road , ; priH j5XPRBS9JTAIS (Daily ). .:tt Jos. 48 West and 47 East . .. Leave Wllminyton........ ....... M.. 10 05 P ti Leave, Florenee.MMt.M. 1 47 A It Arrive at O 0 and A Jnnotioiu.. 5.45 A k Arrive at Oolnmbia.....,... 6 00AM Leave Oolnmbia.MMMMM...WMMMHlO OOP V Leave O O and A A JnnstlonMmM10 SOP M Leave FloreneeM..M.MMM.M.MMM. 3 00 A M Arrive st Wilmington. 6 30 A M JTisht Mail asd PAsssaesaTaAur, Xilt - Ao. 40 Wmt, abd Dav Mail aha.Pai mesa Taais, &t. 43 Eur. ' Leave Wilmington IU.11 45 P M Arrive st Florence....w..M.... 3 15 A M Leave' Florence............ 1.05 P M Arrive st Wllmington......M....M. 6 05 P K Traift No 43 stops st all Stations. r ' - JTo 40 stops only st Fleminrton, White vUs, Fair Bluff and Marion. Passengers for Colombia, and all points on G. A C. R. R., O., O. A A. R. R. Stations, Aiken Junction, and all points beyond, should take 48 Night Exprew. ' -t Bepsrste Pullman Bleep rs for Ghsrlerton and far Augusta on train 47. . .. .t-. , .AIT trains run solid ..between . Ohtraton sndWilniinflrtonii . . i! "; JOHN F. DITIN.freusrsJ Bnpt, A, POPJtV 11 Creal Psss. AgeaU . BIT .ltT-j u ;.;-. -. -. . .: ' - - CAROLINA CENTRAL ;RAlXROAI COMPACT. ' ' i- Omen GsnaAz. Ssmmimn,1 W&mingtan, N. 0L,r June 4, 1M1, , CajLKQB OF SCHKDUIJC,S., As" AND AFTER Jnne 6, 1M1, ee fbl- ipains; Bbednle will tbisRallrpadj., . ne operated on PASSENGER, MAIL AND R1IW. . EXPRESS . Daily except, jundajs , f Leave Wiler)ington.....M.9.4R A M I Arrive st Charlotte at.... 6. 46 P ii Leave Lharlotte at..... 00 a V Arrive st: Wilmington at.3.25 P M So 1 Ko 2 . Trains Ncs 1 snd 1 rtop at rerij!a.r (tutloni only, snd points dvabrnstfd in lh Compa ny's Time Tabl. ,. . ( 1 ... jt . . These ' trains mile , close connrcrion at Charlotte with train i FTo.' 3 snd 4' for Cleve land springs' snd all points on Shelby Di viion.;, . : ' :tt PAB'NGKIt AND F3EIGH-. .. , ,1 Leaye WUmintrlon at.... 6:30 P K Ne 5 , y Arrive at Hamlet at.w. 1:2a A I " 4tOcarlntteat.... 8.-C0 A H . VLevibarlotte' at....7:30 P fe N 6 V Arrive at Haoaeiat,.... 1:28 A M ii . ,st.WUmingtonst 8t30 A M No. 5 I daily ..except Pondsy, bat no connection f,r Kaleigbon Satordar , fa No. 6 is dafly, except Patarday. , " BflELBY D1VIPIOV. p i SSfcJfGER.MAlL EXPRESS AD FwEIGDT. ar a" i Aeve Charlotte sCV-U7:C0 P k 0 0 ' f Arrive st Bhelby aU...10:30 P . wn t. leave 8helby at..''...w. 6:00 A M i I Arrive at Charlotte lU. 9:33. A M I "Tveif-nBi fVa-ta K Sam4 il msisVsa lAa aa4 a m. 1 n.mlB ftrs fterl fa.nrm DsiUtK sbove. , . Through 81aeplng Csrs between Rslelgb anl Char loft. : - ' ' ! - Trains No. 1 snd 3 make connection at Charlotte with A., T. A O.K. R., driving at BtatesyiUe same evening, snd connecting tnare wits W. V. O. K. K. for Asheville sod all poinU on W.H O B.R. ' . - Irslcs Wot 3 snd 4 connect cJcsly with Chester A LeiJor at U&oolnton. ft ti. rfOUNSOI.rT Je 7 . Ueaaral Baperintenfer t f LAUFslNBUBQ .ENTERPRISE JQ THE BK3T MET.ITJM thrcogh ahlc to advatbe laH-aad Wizter Goods, among the people of Kcbeeoo, , Eiohmond " and . Aj son eoacti?, ia Soritt Carolina, a&d in the border cvuniici.fj bvath Cax'ciina. The Enterprise has a large ard Isereadng eircn- - ' t-.-,i - " i- ' Ution In the P Lbt aad Cape Fear sections ef this State, having obtained a large efrex s. i '- " ' '-- ... : - Ution in the latter daring the six months it was pnUirted in' FayetieTUle fcefcre Its re Boval to: Laariebarg, and in the former within the last few months. AdysrtissaeaU. wlfl ba . inserted by tbi aostb, quarter and year at leascsshls'ralef " i TAddxees, ' H.1L llcDDFl DS, - - ;' J; ' -Laart'vg O " a-j v l . io J Wi O J JL sJt i ai , fa . I pV"J V A ' 1 Li Ai .( s t mfH L ii ill lir -J lui i , gfji t IIixcol!anfous 1HE fii HI REVIEW, JOSH. X. JAMES KDITOl. M PUBLISHER is ''uLiLsbed .veiT Aiternoor da ye excepted.) At the foiled ipg rato, postage Ua paid One Year, . . . .....$5 Six 2Uouths 2 Thiee Months,... 1 One Month, 3he parer tvlU bo delivered carriera fr-i nf charge, in any p&it Of the city at the tboo rates, 1J ten per, week. jTLhe Daily llmnm ip nt in fourth year"of its existence, is per manently ofltablifihec!, vviilr & large and Bteadiiy increapirg FuLcrip- tisn list, and presents to nisi chants and others a most Oesirable medi um for adyer tieingj ' WILMINGTON JODBNAL. s published EVERY FRIDAY. r' At the following rate : One Year,... .82 Six Months. ..... 1 00 Threa Months. ; . : . . Tm VTaifiararoji aioui ax cirec tea largeiy?in thVsdjo tii g eoan tiea as well as in theWUra per tioria'of the'SCate ans preaenta on. equalled facilities tccerhfre ta'f 01 taaldn j fajown VLattLey have for jsj- xns loiiowing qnoxacons represents wholesale prices generally. Ia mating ap all orders hLzheprieeshsvs fobs sharged. BAGGING Htaoar4.. 3 fi BAUON North Carolina, Hams, 9 v , 03 O e o 13 O 10 o 1X0 Bnotlders, 70 B. Westers Smoaed- biees, V lb. 8boatdrs..M4 Dry aiuJ Bides, f M. 6LaaIis, S alEEFLive weight.MMMM. AlaRELt bi iriu Turpendee Raaond Rartx aah., flew Tort,aaek, newMMM 1 rBKBWAJC ? . BJIICK8 Wilmington, M t Sorthem T,. m,mmi fi UTT ZJih orth Carolina 2 Northern. V lb . . 83 SO 00 0 IS 26 n 10 e? e o u o o u Taiiow, v r ., AOaiiiii.t r, v tot.... Soitharb faab.-rt t 7. Dairy sr. .a.. 1. 14 14 10 33 cute, w v . CO? Fa's; ita,1 Sao, It. ... HHO 18 O COLS i'.l.AL Tf) bnatel. COlTOi TILS j v V bdl 1 60 U o iiiecsd - 1 a DOUE8TI0 feaeeting, 4-4 p yard, Tarn, V hnneh 1 00 FLOUR Fine, bbL. 0 00 Super, Jforthern, V bbL.. 6 fcO Kxtra do V bbh 6 00 t 111 V 4 CO O 6 10 o so O 8 00 O T 3ft OTTS CI 8 3S Family " V bbl T 60 City MiilExBuper f bbU. T 00 " amL'yVhbL T 60 9." Kx- AttiijV bbU. 8 00 . nxv Mackerel, Wo. I, bMaM.)6 00 1, X bbi....... 8 T5 Makrei, Mo. i, bbL... 11 60 h V X ttl C 00 Ksekerel, Ko. 3 V bbL..0C 00 alclleis, bbl... 3 6C B. C. herritr, kg...w 6 60 Dry C.d, b........ f 5 srntian G nano. V lOCOJas .CO 00 Carolina Feraiiaer oo 00 havaua Gnaco, " 00 00 Ooiapleta Mannre " 00 00 G hana's Phoepbate . " 00 00 Wando Phosphate. " CO 00 00 OSS CO &10 60 OOO CO CI 6 60 d 8 3ft 41 3 76 O 6 00 O 0 O70 00 UA0 00 Cf 40 00 0T CG 00 00 fjj40 00 CO 25 60 nipalated Utano .00 00 43 GLCL V 2)-..... s fj GUAI2T Corntore, P tea TJ Corn, cargo, 6.8 hj.. 68 C9 Corn,yeL, iusheL... 00 O Osts, V buib.l..., . oft (J V bf-ttl. 10 0 by Dry, y m.......... 10 o H HAY Eastrn, p 100 as. 1 30 49 1 40 florth Rlycr, V 100 ibsw. 1 1C O i 16 F??0!- 4? 00 8ft oi LARD Korthern lUb... 11 Wo U' 1 1 ?5trK0,Uc V ft "23 II LI11B bbi........M... i u) I 4i LUHBLR-Citvsteamfa'wd 01" or Bhipstuff,retawed,1Mft.l8 00 Roogh edge plank, VM ft. 16 CO West India cargo, accord- lng to quality, M fL..13 00 Dreued floOring,seasoned.lft 00 Qeantlintr and boards, com mon, "W M ft.....w...lj oo HOLABrlKSCnbs.hhdgl 31 Cuba, bbls., gal.. 4 Bngar honse, hLds. 9 crsl. 25 C7J1 00 Cl 00 on CO tf 2ft U) o CI the Orleans Choice bbls, fraL oo V u iaAiLM unt, 0dto4d,wk'g4basls OILS Kerosene, V g saJssss) 11 4-5 80 CI a ci CI 90 CI 60 3 60 CI 18 00 OOO 00 ooo oo Atara, v gai Linseed, V Rsl.M. M.M.M.. Rosin, V sraLM riSAHUTB y buieL... co POTATO8 Sweet, bas. 00 J'ort"n bbL.... 3 3ft PORK Northrn,oity mees.17 60 Thin, V htl. .M.O0 00 Prime, bbl(extrs)..M.Mo0 00 -.J5Pfjl 00 00 OOO 00 tuusi usrouna, lb..w. - Xvyfrty bheL. 76 Ol kauo uountry, a flOPfc--Jw.. iiemi '5, Man: 1Sm... ............. ... .u lXO 4l 10i o SUGAR Cobs, b.9m ; -orto Rlso, V fi A-Coffee, E Ii " y s...M , 10 CO 00 00 00 00 ' 00 1 3ft CO tw 3 Tft lw " v , Lx C T? B...MW Cnuhec V i o a u o o o o 00 TO SALT Alum, y sack.. Liverpool, J? nek.... . American V isck . Marshal's fine, V saek. Cadis V ek.......w. BOAP Northern. "i E 00 CO o BlIIlfOLES Contract, Vytf 00! o BTAVK4 w. O, bbEVlLla W TALLOW-V lb..:.lW 4 TlMBER-finlpplng ? U-.U 00 Mill, extra per h 10 00 wl! ' f1?12- ptr M -10 00 M ill, fair per M 8 00 Common, per 2i....w....ft 00 Inferior to Ordlnary.per M 4 CO WBISKKY-tforth'n.pergl 1 Jft .roJn xl. 3 00 WOOL Lnwaahed, per Ib. 30 Washed. xer 2d 25 Barry wool. ter lb.... 10 OI6 00 O00 00 o 00 Olt 00 014 CO OU00 O 9 00 O T 00 O 5 00 o ft 00 o s to o co O 38 O It inn' AX THE LOWEST PEICESI! 00 ycuh PfilHTIHO CO JOB Salisfaction Guaranteed I phLNTLYG CAS2I0LLY LXkCCTiD cr ; traces reLiltg out cf ttte city sad rea" iLsa by call free of pesters. WARLCCh, Cottar Chestiat sad rTster lccu 0E4y,8adisg 13 13 8 14 4 . t'a CO 1 1 10 0 00 Sk SI A 00 IS 09 13 ltr le 11 S3 - "X Tl tO 00 14 73S 70 to 7s 89 41 00 CO 3 35 T Sft s