J. j. Uiflcellaneoas. mm,. X if r DR. C. W. BENSOX,of Baltimore, Md We pive above a correct likeness of tbi w-i: known and successful physician ar.l .-.ureon, who has made a' life long study ot Nervous Diseases and the Dis eases of the Skin.and he now stands in the highest rank, as authority on those spe cial and distressing diseases. --In the course of his practice he discovered what now are renowned in medical practice, ti'z: a combination of Oelerv and Chamo mile in the shape of Pills. They are used by the profession at Urge, and constant I v recommended by them. ., I: is not a patent jridicine. If is the resi'lt of his own experience in practice. They are a sure cure for .the-followirig spec'al diseases, and are worthy of atrial by all intelligent sufferers) They are prepared expressly to cure sick headache, nervrus headache, .dyspeptic headache. neuralgia, paralysiv sleeplessness, dys-pej-sia and nervousness, and will cure aDj can. Sold by all druzprists. Price 50 cents a box. Depot, 106 North Kutaw St.. B Itimore, Md. By mail, 'two boxes for $1 cr six boxes fur 2.50 to any addres? 1 1 ( DR. C. W. BENSON'S3 am eons m j Is Warranted to Cure i-jrCZZWA, TETTERS, HUMORS, ' FL AKI M AT! ON, MILK CRUST. I ALL KO'JCH SCALY ERUPTIONS. i ; , ' t-o jr nMiK hnu SCALP, J iCROrULA ULCERS, PIMPLES & ! TLWDER ITCKINCSonaUpartaofth t :Cj. It makes th skin white, soft and amooth vea m ana irecaca, ana is the BEST toilet d-rs- ng ii THZ: WOSLD. EleganUy put tip, tr-f 1c tiles In one paciase, conaistin of both fx ' crr.:J ani r craai trcatracct. All i: si daw dmcrista Iiave It. $1. per package. e jt I-cm-d 3 ir - (A u 14 -4 V ' CiEOIDTl. States vill American: John B. Black well, one of the wealthiest farmers of Caswell, died Tuesday evening, of last week. He was about 70 years old; and leaves a wife and six chudien. The corn crop in Iredell will be short on cp . f A . M. I iaBa, qaiie a iauare in spois, out me bottoms, which are extensive, on the various streams, will be equal, so we learn, with any former year. The wheat crop was a . fair one, ana . gram neary. Winter oats fair; spring oatsa failure. New corn will be in a condition for use by October 1st Already horses may be fed on it. The cotton crop will be larger than ever before, because much more was planted, but less than a full yield by a fourth or a third. - Charlotte Observer: The receipts of new cotton were 30 bales yesterday 54 the day before. -JLt a meeting of the farmers of Davidson-township, in Ire dell conntv, a petition was drawn and extensively signed asking for a discount on notes given for fertilizers, and a re daction on the commission of agents. CitizrnSfOf Steel Creek report that last Saturday some negroes stole a molasses mill and a horse power, brought them to town and sold them for old iron. The Iron machinery aggregated 2.000 pounds. ine remnants of the machinery were found broken op for nse in making cast ings in a machine-shop iu the city. Un successful efforts were made to catch the -cotnicaoiAL bet?s. ; 1 r" : ;.lVLLALLHGf ON 7lABKf7I . - ' The storm lo-dy hits Interrupted transao I tlons and there are no quotations and noth ing: doing. liast sales of spirits at 50 cents; of rosin atfl 97 for blralned and-S3 t5 for Good Strained; of tar at t2 Z9iJt crude at S3 M for soft and S3 80 for virsla and of cotton on a basis otl fortoiddUnff. lliRCollancous; t p;-:vtv- mm, i t .. i r-. ; M UN TU LtY ; 8XA'imWi, k j OF STOCKS OB HaSS 8XriXJfS?K 1( 1881 ' Ccttta aatoore.....;. ? r JOSH-; -CL i r JLMSS i aSoaL.;.. 33 47 -! I LDVTOix - x.'jqoT! rr oil 71 'i afloaL..'.M....J.i sxsWeee ssnswa 3 -225 Ui:f lit. 6.I01J J Ift Sosia uborM.NNMM TctalM.MM Tar asherew aSoatM ...... Total Crude askore (456 61,610 1,896 1,403 M03 (Sundays exceptecL) a&osirzs vta xrm mohth or auscsr, 1881. f - Qottflfl T1 liTurmiimn mm 65 I Anirita 14.ikk mieyes. -ninion itowan iifiper, I fcoain . 34.948 whose ante-bellum tame as the author oil iar........M..MM....M.M.M.M;MMMMS.. 4 136 'The Impending Crisis of the South." I Crude m...-........... .lOaTd a Hak.XL.BAB BUHt ID. BUR 1 H SffV 1 I hU.T I n I - Domestio. way" from the Arctic Pole to Patagonia, I ni- ik u . .'I Cotton... p.isrcu iujuuu .uc ciij yeateraay w nisi gpiriU. OCUIm.m., At the following r ratee. postage works and finally crowned by the projec tion of the "The Three America's Rail '..............t. .....,.. ttioit rx lxa 4 TV, .M Lit I wruue... home in St. Louis, lie has been on a . Foreign. m ynoYear,IM',VM ........ $ 5 00 1,761 3,835 -69 Xdxti cf vesssli ; Over 50 texts in Pen sei)t;i, 1881- ; ; ra."O0kV RA HITS J-f I i fer I-dbJse Wichaids,1 Se3 tons, Ihmete, j i yf i . 808 Wcsterznaniuf . Iliccollaiiooiia. Celiool, " " --a . , ...... 77 4 V Am Gaciei,, 360 toiia, Small: ' -J i BDBft A JAJHP Prind D.i. . irn o m it . . -. O ' '. i , Grahssen, r i Jr J n?LUStili:1iSAi Irttraotrcss : i-nt.'ff if je Harder A v i .. .. ,r- - . . , 1- Nor Allegro, Nor Stanley, 800 tons, f, 645. tons. Alex rast &Soi . rTlHB' KIOBTf i.(TH' 'i"'lk6it' ,2Wtoiur,Jobnsen, . J ofthUBehnoic'feii 1; ; OPKebane .OctoUrth,a88i.ai.olfi Heide & Co T?. ej niepd eh ' ; . , miderof the tt waj anUs thelait;"44- irJt1 pro 3wajTirnan;S84 tons, Gadd, Ger kinitracht. S99 tot si Moswick, I J BRiaa 1 ' u H ? tofee,ihereiigtt tod i,seiLatfreelrvtld I . c BBIGS. ; l( ;. receifadiTidalaxtiti f,oaiiLWfiia. fcrnomy, 415 ton; Snltli.J ' 'v : The-ehoolor Ji Sui te eidacieii oV Am Cora Groii748tcnsPuUbKK k, I hoi, wisMr t jurT s branoh i f . -v 1 -jst barker ds Col . 'rw c!. edited ,iih .nit a. -wcruttar. 2co tone Kixic; j i j . o i . , ftnHnnvTTRs. nit 1 a J oe recdirean. ih rami j Witk Viii.' -; ; Am W ilier E Farmer; 128 tons, 'Ellis,' ' Aui Ari iida IrM.ks,332 tons, Nickieson, r h ueo tianiss Co A M v. r fcpray, lb2 toiim HilL - ? - I crr Bo.Mar.ivfWiw tv r 7 V u . -Jf 1U1 U D XJLUg qalrafo.itialatsQ fcjUw U , a.Bn go ; t .. , , . . . " '.ii iil'i. J.f.l Mil I I J . I ii . J Snuft Geo Harriss & Co QpC BarrelsSnuff. . - - -- -- , , . r, - I'.-' F jrf tins Port .trom foreign f otu Nor Alfen, 375 tons, Pattersen. sailed I from Antwerp, July 15 v. or Atlantic, 4i0 tons, Knudsen, -at Dacsing, Bifle.Deer and mc felrd Powder j x or eaie ai Doxtom prices by , " ''iJ DUPOHT'S POWDER. Six Monthn,., - .2. ro See Here. ; You are sick: well, there is iust one remedy that will cure von bevonrl nnssf. I Qottoa.. bility of doubt. If it's Liver or Kirinev 1 Sptrits....... trouble, Consumption, Dyspepsia, Debif- f-7T ' -.v v.tvr r-. ' 1 W 1 ny, wells' Health Iienewer is your hope. I Cn-d-... ' r ' 1 T lee'-fnthf " . . ' i or Hall & nail. 9 022 1881 THE SM. "'MLMCRE ilSSr PnKit.K r.n. IT - " .'J M. -fv0ti onuj. 3il,J ...... ...... .......b-J- ijI 1 97 .,!- . 3 y t. KAn.WTAJ- A. th. .i t Freshest aod llost 1 bails'? act x y'oraU'lfews papers.; 1C..; Low ia Pries Compact in form Atlanta Tonstitution Cotton Factories and Philanthropy Mr. Charles Estes, of Aucrusta. who is now traveling the continent over as an apostle of manufacturing, says, Evervi .i jj-n . . . . luousauu oonars put into cotton factories will comfortably support five people 1" The statistics show that $1,000 eriven to philanthropic purposes will hardly support frve people one year. It costs $200 per head to support a pauper, or fci.uuu ror nve. But $1,000 put into a cotton factory wm give iu me uye peopie ir supports tne sweetest Dreaa oi earth that earned by honest labor. Put into almshouses, it gives its stipendiaries the bitter bread of charity. . Id the first case it builds np the conn- try, supports scnoois and stores, and The career of f HE SUN, from is sarliei makes idle hands busy. In the last, it I beg-innine, hss been charsctsroed bv a tm stagnates, paralyses, impedes. I gressive spirit and an original and effjetiy: Money pnt into an asylum des ifs l?n'?rpTK6 othwe eharacterisUw it stesd- " I j - - . . . l laauT aaoeres. "U1 jcur uuu is eone. Jfut into a norin. .. t .n n4An A. ii . . . I b Mm .uo nuTJ.D iilU UI DtJWS- 1 laiiiur v, it is au investment mat Piper endeavor, its everv nnmh-r i..., r , . I i . m ... I " -' "" supports its nve people year alter year, Piete rtuex or tne spirit of the times and th m uaa ila r H 1 j - - - w . wm mm vt uv ua us.; v ! u a. v- ' i ...I t ;rf Mnrl h . . to t t Independent in Fzpression, Conservative ii' Tone. - . The : lgefjR ill jhiyeii ikMor". fre rf charge, iE any part Kor pella,294 tons. Holm an." at Dun- ' ii r h iekka, 368 tons, Olsen, sailed frorii J fast, Aug 5 . . x bf. P's lkiesten, S83 tons,' Hadl&nd, at Mmge-, July 20 ' " ' '. Xor -Fraen; r 382 tons, Bessessen, at Koidin?, July 9 Nor Hibet, 401 tons,Terlefseny at Grim stadf, July 15 Nor Jens Kielfien, 854 tons, Hoist at llavre, July 12 , 7 Ger Maria Sophia, 328 tons, Schan, sail- Nor Loveland, 404 tons, Bastrop, at LOflee, Mlffiir ilt . . , , , Bergen, July 15 . V?:w 7-vi.i. I , ' r. Ger Star of Hope. 280 tons. Hamarin. ? OKH'i Bags, UofiVe, aerentWade: ' "u sailed ftomHambunr. AwtVf 'hiUXJ '5 .- Conii Flour, , Bacon, ' Of fl ea Smoked an4 P.S gides j.--'V'ii urf' s,io' fcitu ij.u f - ( ,2 -nl r! ity at tfcrbove rates, or Gaiway liomNewry, July 28 1 '7 Hrf vyW Standanl A-, Rxtia rjaridC.i " 7 oiNor Tnrist,806tons, rfl W AstorteavCaadn: oV-o u ; Iian 2daPHir5osen tilled "from J J U(JV - V, Bristol,' July 19 - - ryr'Bbla anr Boxes TreAuCa'k':i' Max, 293 tons, 4 Brudlgan; sailed y .U: . .i.i ,;T from St. Nazaire, July 13 . - - - J w - j 'V .vyyr ra r-J peranza, 207, tons, Klebmanj uat ' ; irQt;J ''-' i77 Ji tif - en s The JDailt iiiiiw is now in the r week. fad M 7.4:'7ii:-T gives its owner s handsome dividend, and .-w. a vu ,um unimpaired. renteven!s.s thevari.a .n ' k tonrth vr nf if " ine man wno invests m cotton facto- DnbUclntere.t. with th L ' " ' .SF- 11 " ' - . . IT - lav. miici unu .. oo nun expreiae. its ojiniom on cnr L'U i.f lj i J . i . 4 I riPB then iaB4rAwU;l.1. " a - . . J . , MW umtauiuiuuisi) iu ci" I 1 wuiu auu cuunerTiDj? toe cen- I icci. ii not m purpose, j ne returns show I or wo"ro J consiateat mteg, itj is thor- ",u'"rj i enjoys a worm wine eonnderee. For the Cure of Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Lronchitis.Croup, Influ enza, AsthmaWhooping Cough, In- apient Consumption and for the re lief of consumptive persons in advan ced stages of the Disease. For Sale by all Druggists. Price, 25 Cents. Files & Mosquitoes. The extent and vtrietv of TRTB httwh LoesI Kip rtV their careful sccuracy and Lji ":1 - t-t aroi slco of prnrieoey, eonctitate a strikinc l na fiWiully A 15c box nf ""RmktK An P 1 Of) Boie8l5a11 Fota5hi u- Seasonable GoodG. : 200.T"L5? 200 Boxes' K2 &9&t 350?"S- 200 ,HalfBbls Ecufl ., 7 w Dozen Buckets, . a- -ri7 . v . 1 1 Ai. RcamsWrapptoi Paper,';' f'.?:1 lams aDd Shcetlnpsi .7; '.f. rsalelow byJ.cf l.M tl :i o. NEYPRKi 0ii7lhe" arriTal of each r'5 r! Steamer? r lncreaeiDg fjmbscrip. rats and mice. tHe entire season. gists. D rug- oreln and domestie. is ceuencs ana iresnness- iJfi. t 1. itm WA.8HINGTON burfau ne.Hst and presents to merchants eoversallthe phases of political Information . i : . ; . ' rri - ft., . 1 . . . - 1 tiauiDirioir ax tne national rr..ti.i i rD"DTlmDer Is "ore than US- proper aote and comment. Unexee! ed in th. - - 1 . Wil be .?onnd my ftloie i fresh M m m W 1. , tii r :; ; VILMIfinT-ftN - . . . w in; i Lj-t77;;fa 'i 7- iU7'i ; P, The Sunday Mar,r,z dc. ept 1 4thp-nxiad4w usually attractive, and affords mrv I oast, it will b'iaiai.Ai uZ Z"CZ.Zt. a , ' vv .:- : r pleasant and edifyine reading We have 1 in the future.- a Oiaers a mosrdesirabla medJ- the first installment of a McdiarlvinterJLMAr,Kl!;T AND STOHK REPORTS esting serial, entitled. "Martha's Vin -ul"vl . r collected ard compiled Cabbas:eG9 ' i i f -.' . --vi -.) m - -v-,-,' ( - . .... . r 1 y ; 1 I 1 vM h .k. 1... r'. " ve, ,ts "." . 1 m.r b. Uk.n .. m. iydu l raniH, of urns, mss.; ch.Ptera of 7.1 uJx.aTS7U2s:t: ""i ,or-f wr vunninenam'8"-lTiftl "besidPHnthprl 0 " urriaiopics I short stories, sketches, essays, etc.. by taiViJT tne late i)ean btanley; "The - Trappy t newspaper, always ready to add to its fadli Monks and their Life." "Litchfield liati,. ties for oollaetinz Sews whanaTu? ii.. edral," ."Religious Fairs in India." I j?16 .e iareasinff demands of the time. f3h.iJ.,?f?l,nni?n onndered of which - " -tw m - aau h a m rrm mm w n mm m i . mm. At, .7; .1 '"! - . a Appleo; - r7 j-yyiffi STEAMERS la CV - -V Am "oummer iire on auv; A Missionary Martyr, John rire7.ideVc;: Williams, " are among lle oiher Terms of Bubieription by Mil CmV in noteworthy features of the number -Adyance. mey are all hnely illustrated. Itev. Dr. b.-V 'T PTOce.incinaei .........He 00 And suchoUier goods of: this Mnd : Erfii ) Deems contributes the third of the series Thre ! e88ays. "ODly'and "Tle Home Pul Two iw., posuje - vW 7 P!t" contains a sermon- by Rer. John fne Month, postsjre I: Ptt" Uclnded...... lcciaded. mdarfjuf contains a sermon- by Rev: John I One Month, posts-re Included oiougnton, 11. l)..:on the subject, MA T7n, ,rn . New Commandment." The poems are lA a'.ABKLtf 00V rttb". meritorious, and several of them rfi r.h i : ' ' Bon lro P. t-HHtnfllllo illnMnJ Viii . . I : -..y uiuauoicu. tuere is a large variety of miscellaneous matter, together with those popular features, "Interna- uonai ounday school Lessons," "Notes " PUBLISHED AT 3 00 1 &7 1 5C 50 IS. OOSH, The tanclmark. LYDIA E. PINICHAIYs'S VEQETABLB COHPOUND. Is ft Ttltire Cnre rrall taaaePaUral Cailalat aa4 WmVmmm It will core entirely Uta worst form or Femala Com plaints, an orarlaa troablea. Inflammation and Ulcera tloo, FalUna and NspUcemeata, and th coaaeqvent pplnal Weaknaw, aad is parUcularlr adapted to th Chang of Ufa. It win dlsaolr and expel tumors from th uterus la aa early stag of development. Th tendency to can orous humors there Is checked rery speedily by Its use. It remoTes raJntneea, flatulency, destroys all era Tin i for stimulants. !nd reUeTea weaaneaa of the stomach. 2t cures Bloatlnjt, Headache, Iferroas Prostration, General DebUltj, Qeeplessaess, Depreaslon and ladl CosUoa. " That feUns of bearing down, ranslntf rata, weight and backache, Is always permanently cured by Its us. It will at all times and wulUrancireumstancasactla harmony with th law that govern the f mal system. Tor th rare of Kidney Complaint of atthar x this Compound Is unsurpassed. . i.TDia k. nxKnajra vzcetabije com- rOUXD is prepared at 3 and SS Wastera ATanoe, Lynn, ass. Price $L .Ox bottle for f5- SsntbymaU in th form of pUl also 1 nth form of loceacea, on receipt of price, $1 per box for either. Mrs. Pt&kham f rctiy snitwers ail letter of inquiry. Send for pranh IcV. Address as abore. Xentio tkia Tttptr. by -the Way," "Obituary Notices," etc BrkTRavrt t v The prip of a copy of this excellent T1 L puoncauoH is eniy zb cents. Yearly enkAaaisktiAK si a CO., C. suDScripuon, postpaid. Address Taa,.. w Frank Les He. Pnbliahpr fa ss t,a Wewsj Park Place, New York. Jsthe apr in Western Noith Car- - olio a. Kit: E V El f Y F R S P V ; as pan be broupr eiri ilarkets. 1 ht from th North. X r " - 0' u w .: s y -i :;7j j; . 1. i.: '. , I tilbo rt cdve, each, week a fresh supply of. tlie choicest i . - Family. Supplies I 0TJLF fiTBEAMwtredaeidsy,cigwt afliV; BEirEFA0T0Bw-a8atiirdarr-eDt'r 2d ;t :TlirOTj,vBUliadlBjf Md .XSweri.V .- , - " - ' w-jJ - Thrciihfc Bites uariEteed to f,ana: f rent i:? ;r 'or rFreliEtfeVifeBint Thinking Vpn should take Warner's Safe Kidney and! jjtver ture. Porto Rico Molasses. t'Ji OB, 'oxraio Fapsp pub iehed in Iredeil e twty-ene of ihi laiet and iKr ioca ctren.aticn ha anr r r ' T -w'wivw'waoisotaminjccuaty 250 HHDS. 250 STRICTLY PRIME r . " Porto Eico . Molasses.! For sale by a&SlSftfeH1."?-'- i'kes.ari.e, Throe Montbe : ?J - . isus sua i rede II. is to!r-th' PTers U the At the following rates : Una Year . , ; . . . . . ; ... 2 ( i - ' . 'i 7 , . . . sixMopUw;. . ;; ;v. . .;V.r i bo 60 own coffloiBea; toa is ran dl- av.n;R . I rr.. a.... .l 1 I- o : Si - I . J IJ and weatera Mecklenburg. - --7: 7.n. Tfyt?,: V; v- WilUtiiii !& MurchisoiutXnitMri aar;l n7 Xo family shonld b wlthoat LTDI E. nSXHalTS IJVE3 FiUS. They euro constipation, bllionro and torpidity of th lirer. - ti cacts per box. arr JId by all Iras;itrTs. S.Z t ftjtl-dJkw-arcj - Early Pears- TJARLY. BARTLETT PEAT rn,il JJi Pippin Apples, Oranges, Lemons and xresa vuuuues,insti . . alina f... "i'- -7, " " 068 BVh Vg I sfi ir TP. aiI J7 ytbasaeptcoastaatljbef ratb ia -iTli 7 ..V : 7 . il .tUiSsilaTaliaV Wte .Skrfti i u'ti j u.'0 v " ; les, jnstrecelyee at JLaadaark; - f . - . .iThsBest 7' .rl era North Carolina. ' Lddrxw, LAKDUABX, AdTerdsir keiiai "1 - hAbl? U'-.: .,i ,-7,:L-a - I 7.-I VTirfn - - of all dt scnptionr . rvr. 0 ' m . v iear or ever cfittino. rt Goods), HchTwm'taVe pIe sing to the pubh'cl " I" ' ' V XT - -do?-: v x;, , o. sox-jha:;.,)'.;,'.'' mm - . . P. CLTOI 4 jCXJi; ; i - -4 ..v v.; 1 Gcris7ir' 7j CCi in b 0ED CEDAI. PACKING CI!ESTSri3r: -7 - ' ji' C-7 '-7 7U,: JNO. LrBOATlVlliGHT, & 10 W. Front St SflSH, DOORS; AKD DUKDGi- brackets; M6bro,LUfBEa,r :- i AJX SIZES WINDOW 0IiAS3 V; At iff i 'l1 U L.1 Ofn ja mm 1 -jfty2 oi-tlxl!;. FoOtWslnn . . , 1 AT PRICE 4 CO'rl. ii ?.-65a1!'- . Nutty tjar i4,d rrosaV QHaHBBBLATNC BJK Ub. l iwAtlf - f?J; Uy eirc Is U o now 7 er..yOj. ' P 0 j G ?f l"lV fi ': - ' j ; uwdkbs? i :w aVi,.,ri..vr 7; , I ea' it; ti ths hxva ret -14 e I noi vert Mj rof j Ji edni -oir if pin 3,ai stul .larly ken 1 hot kenj etlme 'neas. : alrea ;rade, en re; 'lete! Jin tl tfckrn a ajmeod - Tula t U jrfT e aod i rrcfple 1 under ' 'is. i'erfcC iued frt irel, ii 11 Kl'.trrJl, ' Sei,d fcU ures. 1'rcpi.m J. N. C. a, O." KOKTHBOFS, SWatcr fit, fitore1 augSl 'i Penny; etetesriiiazr o Uale. , 2S WeeJJr, ii p r.a. jf im iV si.. . ' . 7 7 m'Sf M.CIit Iisa. -.it-13 411 ia t o: L. Vera -. - . wj.jt pex cay. - Jtb 8.11

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