PIXLSB POTIOr. IBM PAP?5 t .7S . Afterneon. Sundays tTi wnlbtfflad to receive tommcnlcmtlcn &aoI oIUQW from ov fries da on aay tad all fahjacts 1 t I I r1 j i - josh. T- JAiwKSr i .HlFT!Oy8.Pp8TAGKPAlJD. ',!- 00 8 montht. $160 ; Three ' "'L 11 tt: One month, 60 eent. 1 lr will DedeUveredbyjarriers, i idT -v -11 nl am report any an i ..MiTfneir paper riv VH GREAT. g 'J or FOtt RHEDI&TISI, i,,mn!mT. Sciatca. Lumbaao,. ' (?(?uf, 5oro Tl,r?a'. $el' wff ffio sprains, uums u cac', General Bodily i Pains, Pains. . ' r nnd Headache. Frosted 100tn,caruriui J , feei and tars, ana aii oinsr Pains and Aches. ? n. mm t Jacom Oit -VsWrffM22S:; iriflbintlM of SO Cent, and eyery one .uffer- I L JutiaeUT. A snsu fjowus. m r-- i vjiu i winnn! . I. ia iMwiJ. I A. VOGELEKs CO.v tpril lMv-Bte tej "r: In a Few Days ! I v THECOURsi OFONE WEEK, OR ' less, wen 111 b reeelvina: -: 'in'-all'departmenta InJno'emervts Will be offtre.l oD'aVy" good' now iu st ck :6 '' - 1 - - - w 6 NowoTthandwnibeoiaiexnau,. vlue; the object is to raise the-OASH. ' j ... ... . . R. Wl.; Wlclntire. Mpt 1J - Pttroopy MRS. JOE. PERSON'S REMEDY FOR SCR OPKLA KKVK.K FAlL3.,v. It Will Cora" if Taiily Tcited. I rri me much Dleasure to" be able to tate that I have derived an effectuarcare oi SrSSlW1. t-om8croraia iorrmore uiau was treated daring that time by, three vary I f,1'ar w . J' yew Advertisements. r. VH GREAT 1 r . - ra mA &a w ar u w ai - n . - waa treated daring that time .T?r1 : : Tffic in this erneiaphyaicw tute, atAtlanta. Ga., andwa. txeated JLhere more man two mua .V t:r ittwtwwmw-v---" AlUr r.tornl irom ttUWW. I rSof wfoSi auiivaaa iuj r-y .,:. T 0. . . . i r.mii nnvnuuii m yviuu. dlTereaiis cuuyou- ue. ait Borca -r. r : T.i r .bin osmcrmiaafastas tne sores S. .rWnotthought of ever tt wellarain.butmy nopeainpreo,uj iei fled bVoth - remedy, and I lnSojl health and am in Koodeplrlta-; The remedy U mild as Pf wttraagXrL Jm it taken STiaTvThl rj?: b tAka refularlf by all mean?, for i navel; . wrneSSB The sale of the ship !i.mcrio teTFfTrWale rvmiun vu ii j - : . - fo.1 recipient or a cure irom vuc uoc taken reeuiariy umu ,T ,TJt rm-1 ( ridav j morning, m iv laniv ta inn uao uf , " . . i , be ' v AA.&. & AAVWaWAlB A an W SSeln? vv. Suffertm, try it and be Mmewhat. They iaterriewad the Jlayor iBvoanc Ccapaay, of New cu:mlB AESbBm5- thismorniai. who fined one 15 jt th y NoT1(tX)d Qflc,, Agent. SV;;timQiilalofieinrtable m -SO- which they paid, Wl Tha Cr was nadmibtedl J of an incen- ialugt9n,N.C.ji :-. . -'iP-JJJ!", . jvi ljfUi'.'-'.'i- .vaiiv'l .-- R , . ... , ; , . - VOL; V WILMINGTON. N. G., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER r; .1-.;. - 3 . -.t . , LOCAL NEWS. .. NBW ADTlEBTIdKHKSTS. . . u i C W Yxtbs Introduction r ' HtissBXBQXK Teachers and Scholar .? iot B. B. 8hort, of Flemington, is in the city to-day. . The receipts of cotUo at this port to day foot up '..720 bale. The British brig T4eM Oct,, which ws asliore near Fort4-ner8out i8 onoi-more 'afloat. . ... You can hsw-iWtn BhovUng- ricft biru in the fields near this city at almost any hour ot tbe day. S rac fine scupperrionc rai H sold in cm: ket this morning a to ct-nts u biuhei 20 cenuTa peck: j,. IT "r r " " i ' Mr. E. Wtscoit, formerly of this city, ibe U. b. Government on papers applying kf of nflhnwi!:ia here on a short! for a Densiob. tor " serv daring the TUit, the firtt in n,ny month..; , ;, uujuim" , Honse. charged rith dlwtai-?lj ,oJact, nai-ftonsiderable raio durinzthe f nignt andUewweathr to 8 0001 and FaUdike.-.wjth wuT.frotn the East. War "kills its thousands, bat a Uongn its tens of thousaads i; Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup however, always kills a Cough. vJ ke4nj 25 ceflU a bottle. 7 .. .ric J . Jujff tu ham left t l!!atnn Xf hpr. hB haa been snend- ajchiowu, r : I - , . . uftmo i,:g I . 1 . 1 i... u v.. -KT l iseautny your j I as fodder itrippiag was through with at Y. EnamelPaint, ready mixed ana warr . . - , all ranted. Sold only at Jaoqjiis. t . : 'the Gulf .Stream is expected to leave here to-morrow" for Kew York. The I Benefactor is .the next ehip andahe .wil probably be here on Saturday morning. J Skinny Ken Wells' Health. Renewed A&artute cure for nervous debility afid'WeakntW ofthegeneraUveffnionygl.at gista.,DepotJ,aMnad8.;-, r tfV, u ifque -Qirf iixx cleared to day Col audChes?r Carley & Do. fr' fi'Vfrpooi witn iuu Darreia cruuo bU1 I jjsner;arnyca nere to-aay irom i nua V'utine, 845 do' rosin and 1,200 casks j delphia, consigned to Messrs. Geo. Har "6irits -shipped, by MwsW DeRosst & 1 fjo. The Griffin took last Friday's . .1. r'i a' . v'L' .i.-j'.i,.ldamee bj it. Capt. Fisher reperUI a-a i . . ' Three ounces sweet oil, one ounce: car - 1 ...... - . t -1- cJ til thr' porca-have thoroughly, absorbed .-.. , , .-r :.J . ..ii . " . i 1 . 1 . . . c Geo. Jones-, llenry Baylor ana yv Hazel: all colored; were befere .Justice . , i menvana lowest price w o. MiUisthis atenoon,5 charged with MrBtrMU kfcri Tt wit' them ft3.30 each, which I 7 The Slyer. they paid up and; werenereupon charced from custody.. . .argeu ; :ns Tutj last. At Turtles,' lizards and .beeUes pa bonnets q aierapidly disappearing m; ris,;and r TnlaW miniature roosters, with art.repiacea Dj nuuawto wn . ; blue, green or lmpeyan reatners on we Kwlr I cfiinb of scarlet idis. and real body,acomD or Kriey lois,. an. cock's feather m the taiL 7, ; tt a uaii at i acosi a ior vjaaucu uvm Rakes, ShoTels, Spades, Axes, &c 1 here I iowest prices. T.I . . PnBamible. ; , Unniallable. TTnmniUKlA matter, addressed as fol - . , r t of fire was Bounded last w 36 N. I zz , o. i ... " . m v inhn mam r in i r imi bt v j ffi B ffl Lancwter, Uichsl w.Hine,, Pllnler, EeU, a C; Je-nie Ratcliff, Abbottsburg, N. U. i . . Mr. A. B. Tavlor. of the "Ray & Tay iBr awuumi.uS ..-0 - Mass., U pleased to sayi My aunt, jnubwy. of Mount Clair, N.J., wnile vUiting at our house tried St. Ja- cobs OU for rheumatism and neuralgU andfonndimmediate time tocap. through a windp. with Ti now on Frying ran hoais, togetnerva will ta.e ph I ' . r : ' fwO yOUDg men goviawi u-m.j i . . wti . ai . nvn vnl fraikiia iress the name, at tta w ! PUot boat Robert H. Cowan ia on tie iil way ftr repairs. CtptJ Harper, of the Passport, re- ij-Jrii3 irrtfrA.-T aftprnoon on hisarriral w- y . heiikb.afc the.arqne Glacier had been f otte'n off the recks in front of Smith jiliei The Passport and the tag Jas. T. East on polled on "her. .' ( The serkas is slowly making- its way ju this direction. It was at Charlotte yesterday and will get down to Laurin burir cm .Saturday, from which poiut it w:Il com; ilinact. to Wilmington. Next Muiua it nhows here Allied JTi ami Au old man by the name of W. C. -looQoy, of Shidlotte, Brnnttwick county, ms carried before U. S. Commiwioner McTiuiffi yesterday, charged with an ttiimL trt nhtAin. moiiiT illetrallv from tSPWlfc f."! fo - morrow, because of the absence or , , hu .Sifinie. TlTii wtnrm on Hoare's Creek .w. w I Alderman, a venerable citi-1 isea f Pender county, who was at one time Clerk of the Superior Court for oldl - - -r - " - Newtlanarer coumy, was m w vy daJ. He tells ui that the storm was ticnUrly disastrous in hi neighbor- particularly Ul" " .. . haod. on Moore's Creek. The Wind Wbllt led throuehthe fields, tearing the boll. ; - . , A. A, I frnrn thm mtton and orOSlratinB? the COm. I riftlf. Tha corn is not liniured so Dadlyll r r - ---II Lade. The pea crop is badly damagedJ I that they are steadily sinking into their Bui. luo wwp j .B..nlP.wM .n hvnainor Parker's Gincrer j'A very; large mill, the property of Mr. John Costin, on Moore's Creek, and built jclear across ..the creek, about one mile from Mr. Alderman's place, was blown I orei and swept? down the stream, result. ine in a total less. - Tne mm was a very fl 4 w-eit log, to the Tahubleone and Is tt great loss to.the commmuty. ifftHnA Marine News. 1 ciooner.i Vo. A. Griffin, Captain gale off Cape Hatteras, but sustained no k w m m- wnTa n 1 v i i ii m. rm hi'iiihiii- - .'TZZa 77 5L I PVrnn". Cant. Hand, bound to Ba- Vannahj a U well. Capt Hand desired ' "f F to be reporUd. t ' yM.T,atp Krp.h. i rout ana jiaca Hooks and Lines. A full assort - I "f u , - . T . . von-. . . . x Bteamer oVi-aujy-,-.. . led here last evening irom xyc, . that point and the wa- ei tn me. river . . , i rUinir. There is a . todav however, that the reP.rt here 10 dy noeTer Qai' fcU aia,Iallin but this report , - . lft this neeu3 UUUU,UJ4""U . : ' o.nrnoon on tne return iny wiwu o uwu. j ,0ftded UthUtr in t0w. bhe expects to meet' the Murchison and exchange freig66herDdtheotnratothU Inlace. The Fire List light- night; about 12 o'clock. It was -caused I l' iu- k,s. f a frame dweUmir ik- knmm, ftf a frame dwelling ut. uio - uiu uiui w. w 'I, " . rr .a the .corner of Third UM- tie .tree... owned b, Mr. Jdm .0nK ianapccupu ujr ' . , " .Tu r vt f Hrrhard was ab - 1 - . vA ; nrl n aIso was Mr. Vnrthrorj'a familv. This eenUenywas Nortnrop siamuy. A g asleep when he wtu ftror.by.Mrs, Orv caard who in her turn had been awak- enedl)T a colored womati'wto lives near of barely I the lady's three children, to rapidly did Und feUio the floor but soon revived. ' The inmates lost everything. Mrs. Or I vuwu. t "tw. " HUH a - -- BAA m. . rvfl " rep S la ue suss conpMw - - yjjvi in mi THE MAIL. ; The malls close and arrive at the City Poft Office as follows : NorUwro throagh msi's. .....630 p. m. Northern through and way mla ........... ....... 6:40 a. m. Baleigh.... .6.40 a. m. Mails for tbe N. O. Railroad, aud rout supplied there- froti:, including A. &N. O. Railroad, at.'......M 6;40 a. m. JVut hern maila for all points Soath, daily :46 p. m Western mails (C O Ry ) daily fexcetit&undav) 9:00 a- m. Mail for Qderaw & Darliog- ! rtdn,4;..::; f..,u.'.. .... ) p. m. ja.AU tor LKiinia ueiwrcu m: tu r " rerce anrf -Ohartesiua -r.-n i'wm 3Hr r ayetteviJie, ' anJ offices cn i : Or1 Fear Rirer, Tues lays, i ' i:V ! Priday.;...!.....;. 1:00 p. ta FayettijviMe.'' via Lomberton, iftliv, except 5m divs...... :ou a. id. jOut C B ana luiermoui- Ath offiet. every Monday r and Thnnday at.......... oa SmithviIle maliBt by steam- hnat. dailv. fexcept Sun- and Thorftday ac.......... 0.00 a. m. rVnSS , 8 80 tt 'p., i n trnrv Mon- ' or.v fob bkutkt. . - IJHortnern wrougn- aou w.y mails...! .............7:30 a in. lUMlltn .......- -T Rnnthfim Maila 7:00 p. m. Carolina Central Railway.... -00 p. m. Stamp Office open frorx i 8 a n .to 12 M., and from 2 to 6:30 p. m. nouej - ii i Order and BegUter Department open game stamp office. General delivery open from 6:30 a. tn. to 7-00 n m. and on Sundays from 8:30 " II . 10 HS.taiierl from street boxes every ' - 1 rlv At 4;6 Ti. m. , I Many miserable people drag them I Wao Jinnt with failinir strenth. feeling IS? - ', TCV would find a care commenc- I fag -fa the first dose, and vitality rand strength surely coming dock w mem. j See other column. To Builders and others Go to J acot for SasVBlinds -and Doors. 'Glass, .y, lowest prices, f 1 Female School. MtaaKa BOSK Jihlss. Prlielptfi rpas EIGHTEENTH ANNUAL Session 1 of thiaSehoolwUl ommsnceonWedaae- d October 6th, 1881. and clow about tte tvtnl ub I, Juki Ififlt. 1 be eharsad only from date f entrance, bvt I expected they will attend school the re- Papila wto enter attar tbe nnt monta wui maivder of the aeation anlea otherwise pr- M h ill ho a. 1th. or rm taI from the city. Dedactioa made in all caaea of pro- " ThVeomraeTof iaatrecUoa will beaahere- tof ere, thoroah and ayatamaue, eacnenua vtooivid eiP.U. . . kra.lt. b.Cashi. Papih, uida efthe i 8 b wuhig to eatw for- thi branch of nciirioo, eane accommodated with anita- We home by early application. A limited number of boarding acholars ean be reeled in the family of ene of thePrin- elnala. ' or farther particulara, tea Principals, or ma tire lor etreaiare. uk m Corn, Flour, Bacon, 8000 . . -a ff( Bbls Flour, ail graues,; gQQ ioxea ooohumiu Coffee, Sugar, &c O P n"81 lJoffoC dinerent grades, Crf Bbla 8ugar, GranuUted, . JXjJ Standard A, Extra C and C 50 Boxes AatOrted Candy, Tube Choice Leaf Lard,! Bbla and Boxes Fresh Cakej, Potasli,8Lye,!Sodat ;100mBlillot"i, 200 Lye - qq Boxes snd.KiK805 . : 50BoM8op? : QQ Half Bbla sad Boxes Snuff, i fyprjoxen Bucaexs, Beams Wrapptog P?er KaHa. Ear. OatalIRaaiolph Tana and flhrctinra. ; . TlAdolrcn- 9 places,! Forsalalow by jj, . r Jy'25 1; VTOXIA ApiUBCfSON 15. 1881. NO. 218 ' . -- New Advertisements. OPERA HOUSE, . . i One HiM 0n;y-samr4 y. Sept. 17. HAVERH'S LAST GREAT SUCCESS Mtyrro: "OKTorKAXiTY axjj Retixemext." Haverlt's 4m Sew Mastodox Mixstrels. J. H. HAVERLT. J. II MACK, Manager. Proprietor. THE PINNACLE REACHED AT LAST I ' An Fntfre Prosramtne of New Features, mmt Hfatorr ' civen bv the Greatest and Most Brilliant Coterie of Talent ever iu One Organization.:,.. Usual Pi ices of AiLnlsfcion, Seats on sale at Dyers' Thursday morn-1 ins: 1881. State and County Tax; I hnv hft-.n nlaced in mv hands for col-I lection. All interested are requested to take notice ana govern menieeivca accoruingi. i a. il. MAttlMim, ssnerm i sept 14-3t New Hanover County CAPE FEAR ACADEMY. "l-TTASHINGTON CATLETT, Principal; .ww .Ian w . mijkkim. A. im... vetisiam. Monday. OCTOBER 3d. It of fer8-epecial advantages for young men pre- paring for business ox College: Young Pu- pii8 carefully taught. Discipline firm. Prices moderate. German taught by a competent tAarhtr. Parents wishine to enter their Uona wUl please do so at the ginning of ULC &e&10n. bcpu J.tu Bttt-muiA-J." JEW GOODS? . ' " - - THIS WEEK S DELICIOUS PEACHES AIvD All Tarieties of Choice I'rcEcn es in one and two ponnd Oimr, the best in the market Our elegant Family Flour, - parole d Honour Pig Hams, Breakfast Strips - : ll and Small Shouldere, Parched Java and Laguayrii-Conc . . . - - These goods aie all fre-U this weekj Onr prices arid quality of goods will convince you if you will try us. Try the prepared Soups. For sale at ceo. feb 14 , "Joe. 11 and 13 eoath roct 8u mm -.AND; ' PloOTcrs Wins ! jyj4iDFACTaagD By vr u x.Hu i Wiat Company, Whlwn'C-, 0. Pr .09 .id samplaicn (.piiciUo& 'Hcl; io yourTdera Wtl e tc!:das . . T-44w tf ' ; , . WAMTE3 ! MEM QF ABILITY ! , " TO REP2B6E3TT : ' O HMBEES 3 Dictionary of Universal Knowledge. - aiiaea Coar rra Ctclofxbia ov avaar bat was-a ' TtU ' ih Most DAfml and Oomo.ct Lite riy Aehievameat ef tka Aa. it haa no emaetitCTS . We want competent Solid tcri N Paddlata aed apply - C ireul ara, gi ring- fall aaenpnoB. seat oa appoeauoa. , MfitUls, wctgt , a , sept eJLmd4ff y t - StLoui r Chiciro, 111. t AtlaatayGa f . f '-Vi The nans of the wriitr rwl il v j b fi alsad to ftk tiitor. - OowmirnloaHnnj xamit b written on calj omeiid of th paper FartocaaUof most b aroldod And It is ecpoeUlly and ptrtlod&rly vader itood thxt iha ditdo not always aadora itood UAt la &ut9doa not always aadori tt - New AdvertiReinents, reo cedar packing chests . . . sash, coors akd bunds j brackets, muuld.nq, lumbsr, Ac t ALL PTZKS wr:i)0VGIAS3,- ' r A't ALT a PVKR, f UICE ACO'S. .Fa.Morv: Foot Waluui kU OSce: Kutt, near Ktxi Cro a ILL FIND IT TTLEO- .dTAitfr by nrst ca!Hoc at be ore purelrg thair Bchool Books and T?OR SCHOOL BOOE8 AD PTED BY At HEINaUKROKH'f. pepr u - uitp duoe idu rsusriuv ; -y w to n e M fi- Another fresh shipment of lho ' OF THE Is expected to arrive pernoxt Now York Btoamer. Send in jour -crders eaily in order to C i , t, ,... - ;-"V -' . " Ccurr, vwliilo perfectly . fresh, the finest Family FlOUr , . , EOld in this market, : . -' Join; ! Eoatwriglit? : ' irand 13 North Front St; sept 12 ' ; . . . ,,,..: 'Black Mountain ;". Just receivod the first shipment of tliis celebrated Smoking To b a ceo. It is manufactured in Ajheville, and has the reputation of hcing the FINEST TOBACCO ON THE . MARKET. TBrDAYj At anything . like tho pricrC ' V Smokers would do -well to eend fc t samples. For ea!o only by JNO. L SQATWBiOHTV IVo. 1 1 & i:5 IV. Front St ' epi 12 . : . . : u. . - . . . . -',' Cheese and" Crackers QQ Boxes CKZ Ail CIIEE3Ef J 100 150109 hal 011 9 cracre!8' -; ; also; ' ' Bagging and Ties. 3 Hall & Pearsa!i:i 1 I.