lc oaoUihadayixiafterieon, Budtyi l pta4 by v. . - - ' ' ' f V .- BOBscBrmoNB, Postage paid.?. rw,$5 CO 8iz months, $360 ; Yhre noatha, $1 13; One month, M eeata, ' flut papr. will. bdaiiverad by wrier, of charga, In any part of th city, at th boT nuv or, 1? jMnt per wort. . . , AdTgagiracs low aid liberal ..; xprabaeribari will pleas report any aa tl fdlnre io'rVeirV3iir papen regularly j 'llcxi- il dvcrticsmcn to. THE CHEAT. FOB Lt J Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, a . V I Backache, Soreness of the Chest, Gout, Quinty, Sore Throat, SweU ings and Sprains, Burns and, . Scalds; General Bodily i ,- Pains;'y':c'r';" Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frostfid Feei and Ears, and all olhor Pains and Aches. Fo Preparation on earth equal St. Jacob Oil aa a smfe, awe, simple and cheap External Remedy. A trial entails but the comparatively trifling ontla of SO Cent, and erory one Buffer ing with pain can have cheap and poaitiTe proof f let cla'ma. Direction! in Beven Xaagaafa. SOLD BTALLSBd'QGIBTS ASD DEALERS , . TS MEDICIBE. A. VOGEU3R. Sc CO., aprfl 11fw-aa taj , ' I n F e w DaYS ! I TN THE COURSE OF, ONE .WEEK, OR X ... .. less, we will be receiving In aU.departments. Inducements Will be offered on any goods now In stock Now on hand will be eold for less than re a valne; the object la to raise theOASB:. , Respectfully, 1 ' , ' W'iinciritire. - WRS. JOE ; PERSON'S T ,r.RSMEDX FOR S O ROPU,L"A NEVER FAILS. 1 X701.Cw llFx TeiteJ, lt rives me much pleasure to be able to sUte that I have derived an effectual cure ofj Scrofula froni the a r Mrs. Jon?rerson s Tmedy for that disease. I had suffered tom acrofula for more than three years J and had dPred of rer g etUng well. J was treated dU!Wg wa wuio uj ' ; tuCe at AtianU, Ga., and was treated theref ulttham my fAUilly physiclana met with aft-wrialnir from the Institute, I wai nad toy Mra. Pn'a remedy, and ftS noftiwdU more than a week before l dSverdits curative and ng proper . a. mm Ki-vnn k?sq w uwi -i color of my akin changed as fast as tb e sore, healed. I had not thought 'of ever getting weJl again, but my hopes lncreasea, mj iuw JSneifled .before thi remedy, and I loenioytngsplendldhealth. and am In DlrS- The remedy U mild as a pur ausSng tonic ; It will heal the l KJiH aore In three weeas u laaen most atubbonl lt should reguiariy. - "Ji7th sort is healed. regularly br.all means, SnaS'ca fouudthat M care already made would commence to re-, troerade. and for this alone It should be, JLSnroruUrly until an effectual cure Is completed. Nothing should prevent regu larity la the use of the remedy and JtshouJd be taken at the proper time. I wouMre commend to all who are suffering from Berorulatotry It.- It will surely cure yon If too give it a fair tst. I speak from expe rienea and. not from hearsay. I am a grata ful recipient of a cure from the use of lt and am under many sod lasting obligations to lira. Person for thA great relief I have ob- - A Ml A Art IT T mill bUD 1J a I talcmd from lta use. Bufferers, try it ana oe cured. U or adrice. I am, respectfully, Send atimp for teitlmonial of lemarkablf. Ctt?rcDarad by Mrs Joe Perton, rrankllm uSTcT Sold by Wtf. H.1REXN, Wfl mimrton.N-C. ll Ww-nae ; your interest. , xou can now by'C'k' Stoves at factory prices x KJ : jOX,Uf ill uuuuiuajLiuiu (airpefis' I I betakes ? ? r ii VOL. V WILMINGTON, -N. C, TUESDAY SEPTEMBER LOCAL NEWS: ,.-j Kkw ADTrRTisKMEim. ; t C W YiTxaCali nd be Cdhirlnced1 .Hgijf8BKBqM-A Largie Supply. . : d ,' Si O si 1 "' - - . ; . . '. i -aitand in slippery places now j rsCTippernong season. f w -f - -, ," , I The receipt of cotton at this port o day foot np 484 bales. , Kerosene is first class for rheumatism but as a fire starter it is rather lirely. :8teamsEip Benefactor, Gapt. TribonJ cleared and sailed for New York today BDrinir brines the blossoms. Autumn ibrings the fmit and also Colds, ec..Dmittee of three was appointed by thegprobable. The Cabinet.aroused from bed, jfor which nothing superior to Dr. Bull'sg B-;fcVw .,lntions ex lrd WnldlT toElheron. where Attorney- ings the fmit and also C r which no thin jr superior to sSyrup has ever been offered to the public. n al way b cures, irice cents. Early to bed and early to rise, is good for the sleeper, but rough on the flies. The Almanac promises wind and rain for the Friday and Saturday of this week The fashionable fellow -dances with glares fiff, and the young ladies mourn! orer soiled dresses. . - ' e-r -. Made from harmless materials, , and adapted to the nfeeds of fading an,d fall ing hair, . Jf arker a Hair .Balsam, nas taken' the nrst ran k as an elegant and reliable hair restoratire. The steamer John Dawson arrired here yesterday afternoon from Point Cas well with about - fiTty excursionists on board, from the Black River section. She carried them back to-day." Circus! Thpre was but one case before the! Mayor tbi, corning. Scipio Hil..eha,ged - o ... " with drunkenness and disorderly oonduct was found guilty and sentenced to pay a fine of $5 or go below Tor ten days, and below he went. Rer. C. O. Brady, minister in charge( ftfSt. Mark's Church m this city. reH turned here Saturday night from Boston, where he has been spending the, summer, and the regular service were resumed in St. Mark's on Sunday. E. W. Hopkins. Esq.. of the Balti-1 ' Ar Korfolk Steamshio Co.. Boston Mass., says: I have used St. Jacobs Oilj inmr family for a year, and in cases of nenralgia. rheumatism, sprains, 1 a A tlio liVo T ran find nothincr to Druises; equal. it, f My wife was troubled with nenraigia in hershoulderstana limbs tor more tnaa a year, and after two applications of the Ull iounu a suuueu icuci. Mr. LaFayette Pridgen, ot Caintuek'i kq Kmncrht down to us an enonHotis, bush of Cayenne pepper, as a specimen ?of what his section can do in' the cultiya-i Ition of such things. It 'is the largest bush'of .pepper we ever saw and if filled with red pods. : - ' . -: I.' I il hi i f ' To Builders and others Go to Jaco- t' fnr RaxH. Blinds and Doors. Glass, 3cc ; yon can get all sizes andjat the a lowest prices. T The disorder in the alleriea at tht l . .... I i 1 - W-W . - ert A MM Mmething ieariui. it. reminueu uup ui --RanKiiVan WtilcAtion meetimr.vj outdoor Republican ratification meeting.VJ It gaye one of the performers a handle! for - ft pungent pun. He propounded the query: "Why is the ponce ot win '" mt er-a11 mington like electricity?" and. when ev- 'erybody had given it np he gravely gave the answer: "Because it ia an invisible force." Unmallable TJnmailable matter addressed as fol t MLiama iii Ui& rostomcc in uus wty: . . Goyernment stamped envelope, no ad- dress; D. W. Whitehead, Salisbury, s. 0.: James E, King, Charlotte, N. C. Call at Jacobi's for Garden Hoes and Rakes. Shovels, Spades,xes. Ac There kou have the lowest pricts. T Kfttlroadiron. For some time past 404 tons of rail road iron, purchased by the Cape Fear,: V.IW R R have been lying upera uouse on paturuay s"" "n . . , r- , ,T j-j Mr..lxmotion, adjourned. I auatu w -w - -iiKicta - fin bond on Messrs Worth & Worthm made inown. Not only the farm Isteamboot wharf, in front of this office, ft was understood that it was awaiting) w .vA-;t K Wn sold to the Florida) near iiio - a " - - - xvtprn il. R. and is to be shipped tojfo..- Town Creek, in Brunswick county " I aboard. r T"l a. !a F. & Y. Y. B. PK mr - 1aa.ll iron bat hTe heard it tvAauff r- WI (to too light for their track. Freshwater Perch, Trout andBUck- I . a a. i . TJnet. A foU assor jjment and lowest pricet at Jaooii'i. - 'Jacksonville on the schooner Kuth JJaf- to ilina which is now, in fact, Uking it We haye not learned why the o, "Iathty Besolatioiis of Respect A :joiM ; meeting of the Chamber of. ICommercerand the Produce Exchange! a . . . u . . j J OClOCa, lO anopta resalutiops oi respect to tne memory oi f resident liarneld. t Hon: A. H;"TanBkelenf President of the Chamber of Commerce, , called the meeting to order. Jle : stated that tbejl If meeting had been called by the PreaidenUg mm - . --a . g oi voe two noutes preannv, wiiu iue re.wj of taking aome action witbTegard to thel , The suddeh death of the President!! death of Jame A. Garfield, President of Msttrprised the physicians as much as it a the United feUtes. On motion "of Mr. R. K" Calder, rst4aftenO0n theyhad assared every inqu'r dent of the l'roiiuce Kxcbanee, a cornier that a sudden deAth was rery im- VSaCtia .V IVirui v o a ikm m a - " pre'ssive of the sense ot the meeting. 4Dri(ieneral MacVeagh met fcthem. Ex A. J. DeRoeset and Messrs. Darid Gi tend irie both hands he grasped the hand Worth and Williara Calder were ap.Jof SecreUry Hunt And addressing him as tainted thiir committee. I "My dear fellow :" his voice choked The committee retired and uDon their. retnm submitted, throucrh their Chair-, nianr Dr. DeRoaaet, the following pream ble and rt solutions : ' Whisui. In the' wisdom of" a Divine, Providence it has been decreed that the ffikill of man. -the devotion of friends, the t ' . . , . .it prayers or a people and tne aesire oi au nations could not avail to save from an untimely and cruel death the Chief Mag-I istrate oi these United stales, we aesire i to put upon record, with profound emo-l tions, the grief which fills our hearts, humbly bowing in smbmission to the Will: of that Ruler "which reigneth over the, kings of the earth" and "doeth all things. Iwell." . . Retolved. That in the death oi rresi- fnt fA.rfifitri we recotrnize one ot the Iflrreatest calamities that has befallen our ? .cd reauirinff of our citizens, without regard. to former amliations, tne exercise ui gretj " .. .. ; r frtrhAftranrA and inch a surrender ot individual desires to the public good as may enable us to safely and quietly passl through the ordeal to wnicn we are bud-i i Jiesoivea. inat ms ionic uu uwuiui struggle for life, endured with such manJ ly rorutuce ana unnsuan resiguaituu, has endeared htm to our people as the! nM4fMifWl rtm t n ? t.r.tinn of nnblic Uffaipfl nnnM nt havs done and that in this martvr death the name of James A. Garfield has been enrolled among those whose memory the South will ever hold mostsacrod. I Rsolved. Th&t in respect to his mem ory the rooms of this body be draped in seased Preiident are completed. j The - preamble and resolutions werej (adopted"by a unamiuous vote, on mo Ition of Mr. R. E.Calder, the rooms of the (exchange were ordered to be closed and( business, as far as practicable, saspended luring the day. On motion of Mr. D. McRae, 2nd Vice President of the Chamber of Com-j fmerce. it was I Resolved, That this meeting recom-l mend a general suspension oi Dusiness throughout the city during the hours( appointed lor the iunerai services. oi our , a -r u a ,iate Aresiuvnu I ' After a few remarks from Mr. Wm. f- . 1 1 mm. a $ 4 la A atrv n a Vg leamnv" uTTirvHN wn in Lun nui iu n iauu i--- ' IrexrrAt. nf nnr teonle. the meeting, on - - " I M7 ' f ; - - Fine T0Uacc- ; ; 1 1 Gapt. R. P. Paddison brought to He t city yesterday on his steamer, the Jotr!! Dau&on, a tobacco stalk,. some of the?, leaves on which would measure thirty. inriiM ' It was raised by Mrs. William Corbett, on the line between Pender and Bladen counties, who Las two acres just hike it. It is not the first time we have heard of fine tobacco raised in this sec-i tion aed we confidently believe that more, money conld be realized en this crep hpreabonU than on co t ton. or corn, or turpentine. . Don't Die in the House Ask drureists. for "Rough on Rats." It clears out rats, mice, bed-bugs, roach- les, vermin, nies, ams, msecis. loc. per ft box. aa. Deatr&ctlen to Fine Forests The reports of the disasters of the storm are not yet all in. The damage in the country in this section was very, I - m A. . 1 La wot f severe more so, in iacs iun vtk, (ing interests have suffered but many ofj Jaw turpentine trees in tbe forests have! 11 tbeen destroyed. One gen tletoan, we unllthe diocese and returned .to -onanesion Lw-tand who traveled a few days sincelin 1871. Be was then stationed at the, a m mm- , - " : Vaw)i vcat nntha rarnlina Central aiVAMA - w aaTS that he is confident that atjfchurch. Father Nothrop has ever been j mm i 'lea Cblown down TWm L i. . 4l,A mltai ibp an Terage w x,wv to. . ? 000 turpentine trees had been J thoroughly efficient and conscientious iiw wn on at route, whjch wouldUhe discharge ef his duties. He is pos-j; have heard an estimate which maxeainial in manner, dui is ot a retiring dis,i tha loss iix trees out of ten in portions oWposition nd more inclined, to continue in Bnntxkand Pender coanties, h,ut thislhis present sphere than to enter into a J fcs taCV i txajgtraUcn. Jj - j r i I j . nv f v - s r THE COCSTEY'f DEAD 4 i iDinei u lionsjjrancn-n.twe many inruua uu uavC u,wJ8 u-. . .. . m- -' n . if s K ariuar taace mouno wasnjiwi-fi Ho Is Now at Lonjc' Brineli An Intopsy to be Made and t!n Body to beCmbdlmKl -(Special to Daily Rktikw.) i ; , 5 , LoNO Branch, N. J., : - oepw. w, w did the people.; . Frequently during the f J T W with emotion and the sentence was Iett unfinished. . The official party turned and passed jfin silence to the cottage where they did what they could to console the. bereaved family and for hours after midnight were engaged in dictating telegrams to Gen. Arthur, Secretaries Blaine and Lincoln, Minister Lowell and others and in mak ing arrangements for the obsequies and for transfer of the Presidency to Arthur Mounted soldiers were quickly substh tated for the infantry guard surrounding Francklyn cottage. All night they rode in pitch darkness upon the soft, grassy lawn that muffled the tread of the horses hoofs nd protected the bereaved family from unwarranted intrusion. There was comparatively little excite ment here last night and none this morn ing. 10:45 A. M. Every train this morn4 ing. brings in prominent persons from large cities. Llberon is crowded with people. It is a scene of bustle and expectant interest pervades the curious crowd. Secretaries Windom, pBLirkwood, Hunt and Postmaster Gener al James have just arrived at the hotel. Secretary MacVeagh has received infor mation that Gen. Arthur has taken the, oath of office and that the train bringing Gen. Arthur, Mr. Blaine, Mr. Lincoln,! fand Gen. Grant, will arrive within the hour. The surgeons from Washington are not expected until 3 P. M., so that the BTitdnav an A embalmincr will not take t j 0 place until late this afternoon. A. Manifestations of Sorrow. The City Hall, Custom House, Courts xiouse, x oatouiuu, iruuuw uaugv rr -r a flf? TJnAA Ir.ihnnnaM and a few private places of business are all iu mourning to-day for President Gar-, field and business at these places has been suspended. The flags everywhere are at half mast and the manifestations of sorrow are numerous and sincere. The sombre decorations of grief will remain until the funeral obsequies are held and. '.. I T1 1 1 Ml? 1 I those on tne x eoerai Duuuicgs pyruaps for thirty days longer. The Yicar.General of North Carolina Father Harry F. Noithrop has, as we announced a few days ago, been appointed Vicar-Apostolic of North Car- olina. Noith Carolina not being a dio- nese. hnt a Vicariate-ADOstolic. the ec clesiastic in charge of it is appointed as, ! Vicar-ADOstolic. but is consecrated as bishop and has that rank in the church Father H. P. Northrop is the son oV the late C. B. Northrop, an eminent! lawyer of the Charleston bar. He was. born in Charleston, S. C, and is in his fortieth year. On his arrival in Charleston from, Rome he was 'vto supply the place oi Dr. Corcoran, at "Wilmington, N. C- Subsequently he was appointed pastor ofj the church at Newbern, N. C. to which! i church were attached several missions.1 North Carolina, which had, until then been attached to the diocese of Charles ton, was at that time made a separate Vicariate, the present Archbishop Gib n - Mbon, of Baltimore, being iU first bishop Father Northrop remained in North j Carolina two years after the division oil 11. - . - . ! r UCathedral as assistant pastor, and was in 1 187 7 aDDOinted Dastor oi ot. i-atricKcj ... . T , Ol ) I ruMrnu nfThinrh intal!Atnal flhllltv ia mal tQrr. fi . . V ?. more public and elevated position. The 54 ' Arthur Tnkr thA flnth In Xew T0rKSaenuvespfcieu mai uu wuuiu ucruisiru 20. ,1881: v . NO.- 22 - UUaVA, V V taw aa aw wav aww -v IfserTes, and which will be gratifying to, At. C-l 3 1 U ..1 C iii . At .a.i a a. . a a. j a-, . . a - to the Episcopate. We gather this from the columns' ofj the Neies and Observer. . List of Letttrs. . The Ti.owmg is a list oi th letters rojri oaaiuing un'c! aned iu tlx C ty I 'osfotlicelfift Wednesday, ' .rot.t: 21: ; , . 3 A Elkanah Allen, Armei y Arthur. 1 i . 1 Tl W" 'I' l , . . il V 1 " W H Burr.R K Brjan, Prircua Boweus,?!:. Slartha Bowens, Lucy BisKop, f L Bur Bradtr. 'Pi C H.H Carter, John Cowan, Jennie ?j Cramble, Laura A 'Cutlar, x'uttie A'c c"lt0?':iSary t?.Per- T 11 rIMmAni 1 1 1 v ..n I nn llu.lraAn Fred J Daniel, Ldward Duke, Uone!.; Daugherty, Amos Davane, Alex DeLong L Antrey bvaus, Julia L?art. F M A Flowers. G An ner Grady, Hamilton Green,' iGeorgia Gardner, Nancy Geayland. W H Ann E !Uall, Mary L IlickP,H Mary Howard, Robert liallett, cJallitd Howard, Laura J idolmes. t J: Abraham Jones, Alice Jennings,' Annie Jones, Lilliaaa K Johnson, Mauer-n vah Jones, Mose - Jacobs, Patience Joy- ner, Sophia Jackson. YYarsack Montr ri JJeffres. t K Ann ah Bella Kelley, Mariah Kel-; lley, Solomon Kinly, M L VV Urooks Long, Charles Lassiter,ji H E Leach, H Lofton. M James Meares. John Moses. Julia D I T 1 L,i I .. .3 1 H1n.0l A More, Melvinah AlcKoy, Maggie "Mil-r ton, Rebecca Mnrphy, Ihomas ?lcKoy,i JThomas H Wangahm, Alice McNeil, V Daniel McLean, Daniel Manly, D Mc-H Koy, George McKay, Ladie iiionk, liHenry Moale, Harry Morrisa. Q N John N icholson, T tl Jsewton. Pr-Saliie Purdie, Capt E L Pearce, Edward Poole, John Piver, Elizabeth AU Pettie. - ' B, Susan Robeson, Mariah Round j: tree, Laura Rice, Kate Richardson 12), J Rosenthal, Hattie Robinson, Edward?! Raine, Jr, J C Robeson. Annie Richard- uu. S--Archie Simmon, A J Sykcs, ' Al bert Stockton, Sarah Scurlock, Christo pher Sanders, Laoey Shines, Roda Sdint George, Robert D Summerheld, .Leviiiah, Shera. TfT ' . . T" . ii.. -T-S 11 llf 1 2 T. v ai j vaiKer. ji fin vv iisiiiniriou.ti a ir:n:- h.jj:. w.ii: , T A Wright, Hannah Wright, Enoch V ilUins ' Fred Williams, F H Wright, Bristol Waddell, James Wallace. c ' r vi. i t a - -i J-t? t-'aaw -nn a pq nnrr t tw i orrara in ruur t ' k - .c tvill please say "advertised"; if not claim - ed in 30 days will be sent to dtad letter Office, Washington, D. C. E. R. BRINK, P. M. L Wilmineton. New Hanover . Orally N. C '.. ' t Beautify your nomea by using the Y. EnamelPaint. ready mixed and tvar II ranted, bold only at jacobi s. t KB5BBCBBS3ESB232 '. New .'Advortlsernenta, . ' , : Call and be i4 Oonvir.ced. ..a W S OFFER IXTRA0jDLA5Y 4uoimens. You will find rn my counters 1 a la a wm ?- a m amnsayon. Ihii&t'Bt in ialiis in! Cent't U tiorery; a!eo ever t' in, ii the Blazk Book ard 3ta iosery 1 ne, f chco1 Dookf a tpecialty. ipt 19 O W 7ATF8j A Large Supply f7 FaBiE'd Lead P nci eNc, 1, 2, 3,ii r 4 and 5, Hixig-n or Eoaid " k Blank Socks f l!t;3 etr'es nzi prk Fch ol Books fal! a:n!s. I l?chol i titijEery a b ci .Iy. Ltdies and Gents' Fare ?iit ery, At ?t 19 Lire Bonk ard ifoaic Ptore ( p Nf oy B?'"nVD STREET ". Ibe p o.rielo i 1 zo rabi Q Stthkg Lnt the bat told. tenia iaaoa. Winff.'UaioM, Beer Lan4 Cirar- , - ! WJl ba pleaied t ie acd ,a: va tU pabL'c Kepictfallj, sept-ld-!inir W. ORTMAay. Hi 'W PL2A8E JOIIOBeis. . . j TDtn"ocMrItii on nay aai - aH S gubjetEt rn&OTUtatarwft bnt t Tk &a of tilt wrl Jix jatrt always bo fa Aaedto tit WtoTtQ ix)AiLll si jCVnxtJonicbsirrlttea a only ; a cilo of the paaj 5 ' - ParsenaUtiM aux ba aroldad i ' ; And It ii eeptwiaDy xd tivenlarly'niii: t itewd tUat the KdiV ot always ecdcn iw0ot oorrespot dtaU, ulaaj ao flat ta edJf"' rtln rh ITew Advertlsocientai. i i! & TO fr&RWEJ t Anotlier fiesli sLipment of tha . FL I 'D H2 or the- 7 . . i 4 j. 'fr-" J?l. TTT" " . ; ,.t rs espcaed to aixive rcrieit liow ; York steamer. Send in your i ' ; k) .. .. orders caily in order to so cur-s vdiile peifcctly ' ' fresb, tho i ami y iour BoIJ iu this market, ..,; Gatwri-rl.t ' 11 and 13 North Front flt, ee;t J9 Jast recc'iTcd tho ilrsf; Bhinmont of tLis celebrated "i " . Smkin Tobacco, It is n: an uf act rirc l in-Aehcville, and has the repuialion of being tho i mmm m m pjrSl - 1 1 UiJ.iUbU Uj THE 1 At any tiling like tho price gSmoker;3 TTould do c!I to send fcr e . i GWAficu,. For sale onlyby ' -HiiffiW$$1t4 i i 1 I W S 1 1 1 J mo, u S3 ft. Troat St ; fV 13 X SI '.S3---'- : TO THINK ABOUT HOT S ED. SASH. PLEA3K ORDER EARLY, ; SASHj D0S33 AKO BUNSS, BRACKETS, MOULDING, LUMBER, Ac ALTFFEE, P2ICE rept I'J CO. ftlcticea - ' jyjY SIGNATURE, which aj-peare.3 to a' uutlce recently publiaLcd ctUbUshing' rates' .for stowing caret's cf TC?1 Wis without mr xnowieilro or cor.cai. Protesting that J tctLeritci were ticcaivi s.ud could not te maintaine l, and tvpu!d dame our port, I or Sizwlorti vg-.- tukam willing Vl,0'r'y fafrrte-i ior taUj'r ar.d do tbe woricl of veela at .th?' lowest inures commensu rate with the times. - -etjtl7-.t bur copy v 020. W. DOYLE HIV:'BAR AND' 0YSTC HCC3E3 HE UN1ERIG:;fj bare cpencd thU dav at No. ?U So. lrnt street, a EW UAlt AS D OYSTER IlOLT3E, which tbey will be pleitd to have patronized by therenpral nnMie. !Je w o i uu , jir ana 1 1- f when In teason.' Call and 6ec us an'l yett wi;l come ar-afn, aprtio-iw j. c. Lic & o,; . a t a .a m