7 f i puoiisbed arm aJtarneoa, Saalart pted b f J & vi - - ii... . JO Mil. T...UMBS,. . SUITOR AKD FV-UF RIKTOR. I Ti tun of tUiMWrhriWf SUliaCi:itTIONUOrtTAGE PAID. J 'J 7&r,f& 00 HU tscotfe. S3 50 ; Ttr Bofelketi flUVfOiBO&t?,-&0 casta.' rbe paper vill b delivered by e&rrierk, Vj w ?r-ftf! Hif Mr pn a4 t i t 14 . .-.It - 5 ' '."': J 2 3 rurtoaftlltle nasi b TOid4 -""waraig -2- WILMINGTON V J IV H I V- P ' ii 'i U.l V -i t; I. ii ; 1 N0Trdv6ttiseirioiitrM a; AlSl ii Ad N-J ,j aw JCN X. . J TilLuatAV- it n .4 Wto BadkSeKS; SuSnots ef tit Hint, A f.U n..:m Tkmnn -Cwo. i Willi 4UlliJp WW w W w mmvn I tngs ana sprains, Burns, una i VGOiasf u6nBni-BWHjr- ; y? ""rainS. - . I ' ToofA, trr and Headache, trostea i-T cur, unu ui, vwisi I W - mm.. wsrandxAcndS.! Mm&&&te S-5aJ!Sa5SS:,e r m c . KaWotAWiWWli W. JiPOBspiL' 1 ' TO4 r."." " I j i-.ii. tvt.i : trifliar oatlay cf oO Cents, and erery one inner Ins with pain out hTo cheap and poaitirc proof U iUclaimai-Kr'Ll r;U.'I! s. ! BOLD BXilOiEBnGQISTS ASH DE1LEE3 I wimiiasaaa&t.i vunuva in uvea iauugn i apraiiUir-Bastsl ti'. -ai v. i m j -m it '?? X TPi:f 'V T IA 5 ml ISs. r-3 Li mm Iff II rMnD'inrr'CnvnriJKl08831 wn;M?.-wMiwu Uif3- aiU iTiiKoUkJ'O knd ia now in receiot of the large and mjLm.m.mmm.i itatt tVJl BcrofhTa Tronf S as of Mrs.' J or -rerpon's i ft!lr5SU and bad despaired. of ever, getUrifriWell. I . . r . QM.iytnal TnaM.' I rM.iir-Tnlw.tra.tlherel lute , vcM4jvf7-r-i"--"7r -1 more thaa tro.in1OBaiir.iuc u 1 nit thanmti 4yrirj(Biaaxirme5'w'ixji. i AfjtnBiniff UOmcMBTllWHiHic,' - . il Tl T -rmA m I ' a a 1 1 iki 1 cn w .. tm r'nuadea to try jura, xrersuu icmcuj,u 1 hiii tint used It more than a week before 1 1 " T . T T f awl.t' . . -a p r itr' aaiv v.XVnV itrnorethan a week Deforel diaveTtaSatiTiand'heAli ties. My mi soon began to beal,. and the j.vi-. t I !T-v-tj-. ... in j reiuuuv uiu x i froodknlrfSf- Tb3 rene'djli' tnlld;aa: a burJ traHTATajul a atrocfr'tonldiUt.wlu AeaV thftl woaratttbDornRoreinuireo wca" -oui rr.i "vl t - 'fTi t.at it mnia I - . . - t tiV.. I hiTtaJft'TaoEie fine after thrfcor ls iiealed, . . -1 ..I t-Tr an m on n inr I iiHvr tometlmes neirlectedlt from the, pressure or Iwalneaa. ana m uc - , m jm av.4 a a. calreaaymaae r itSthterah ianty ia we nao oi uo icuicj u commend to air Vho are 'Buffering from Scrorula to try It, , It win utit cure, p w cares. - Proparad by Mra Joe rrvV w 1 torn. lOciBoId.br WnjfTi-W W .aaliurton.N.C. CllCCSO 4intt IJraClierfl' .-m M4 200. Boxes XJKEAittniEZSE, ,-JUAi'. C'lAa,' - ' . i 0CI tTAUOUU wniSl -ir.Vir 1UU '0iS..- tOCAL NEWS. IlOTWiKarB-SometMne EnUreiTST I C W'3T ATM Call and be Conriaced r. - ;TT7i : vxvuaja neeaea u, ay w u. Only 13 carts in market this mbraing. 3 TTh n tluilin. todar and ret tfee are no atmospheric disturbances I hereabouts! ' - day foot up 453 bales. Ricc birds arc fat and saucy. They won't come down for less than 35 cents a dozen. fiticamshin Reaulator; Cant Doane, cleared to-day for New York, and will s&il to-morrow morning. II!- TT I inero was. one case ior a is uuaora wnsideratibn; this ; jnprniog which . . . ..A. mm W- .beCB lliii t,ti,i!.t-jA00ii' t - I . I j.ir.-n n. a. , wwut,vi.uw - i weii-Known typo nas gone io vmwg i trihn fhfl-nHntP.ra Of that TlllSITe BOW I - i- - I to pldk up 4fat takes." T.-.li Tnr. ti.v I .Mrr;, 7."i ceived the necessary equipments for the Jpito Yorktown next month and say r .inn v i m nr nn iiiiul luiauu w aa4 i w i receiveu ujb uewsaiirjr c4iuFiuv. i l. ' . . . l Mn: to Yorktown next montn ana say i thpxr icnii rirrrv iniriv.nve men. i ley wui carry ".uurfcj'Miw . . r , . Commissioner McQuigg has not yet l 1 r tin rn mt rt T wwi...i.-.- oo I concluded" the hearing in the case of I-1 yr. WalkUt of Onslow county, charged I - Mf 'Gni Rosenthal returned- a few ' r - xt iT Mi.tiV.d. Hre forneWous debility and Weakness f ' w' v' - The new round house of the Carolina Central Railroad at Laurinburg, which tln Mot Vina hMn rnmnlPTPn a. - , - a .-n v it n a nanosome sxruciure auu win ucuao , . . . , , v . , ten -engines. - . - - .- u...'.. i . " t n 1 n.m irr 1 w 1 i 1 iuut i t3v duimk mv ma Uua w.tAbrAw YpatiTal. "Rcah Has- - 7 ' " - tho Wat Hebrew festival. "Bcsh Has- ; to.a jhanah, or new jears aay. Ane Biorya nr-. nitrn reieuniLiuu. -.'. . i : . . r.70r...-.i. j Steamer i. JfurcAiaon arriyed here - ! J VtZV '.m f o. mnofh 1114K IUUUki ttUGt u awswvv . v. uv w t : , . , .. . rJAo Iia bftvinp been workincr on the j . inn ef tttn riVPr triTTtr tllft i riTin i ri. 'J. jaiib. j..uu.& w vw m vu.f v'tt0fMt of wateron the shoals and aa w wm w - . W. tl,!, rir-ria atilirfalUnir. f? V " - " to aiAcc- Doors, Glass, ; Yon can -ret 'all sizes anaia-wiii I Mw t lowest prices. r I 4,ucjr,4- -v Ufal on Frincesa street, near uap. i ...Ma. .ma w so bad.1 , o-o " Jd ibyterisn XOmrcli in this city, I r,nrhia at AumDcrton ia- I f T.,, Pbanired nulpiU for the day -;fh II r-Mar tin. the Pastor of the church i far i.nmDcrion. 4a TJiu 'from Luke XI. 1, "Lord. llus topTay.as JohnaUsotaugn- axi "disciples." .'i: "tad your iateitst. You can now w - bnj'CoattcT prices s t Hand tone Decorations We hate already ipoken of the .ntu ar pepl m draping with the cerements of mourning public buiWiogs and places or buimess. i ney arc au oispiayea viui - .... meaniDff t liitate any iuridioua compaiiscDs, we ma7 w7 fct the ostoffice are rrn2ed with unusual care and taste, so muca so, in lact, as w excite me appro v- Iing comments or rnxmoer oi our peopie. The work was done by Mr. J. AV. Zim- merman. Call at Jacobi's for Garden Hoes and Bakes, Shorels, Spades, Axes, &c. There you hare the lowest prices. t The W- L. I. There hare been some chances recent- lvin the list of onlcers of that veteran os- .; x : iL. tr'lmtnf.lAn T.?rrlf Tn I irauiianou. mo hiiiuujkwu in-fantry. Secoad Lieutenant B. H. Beery m t 4 r A. M . M m v r tri I I I M1 Second enWnnt' v ,ce "enl- TtAorv nrnmAtr-d. The TacaUCV Still CX 1 --.. , I sung win dc uiicu ujr cwv..uu next regular meeting oi ine company. ' . mi i I ..M.r..4ii ir nnntna I fn T)r Ttnll'd tJonorh SvrUD Second tO no similar crenaration. It relieves in5 &Sg c0ldgf etc. W and cures au uo g , ms ' a i Itreheves instant- . , - - -irnninrha. Colds, etc. J T nuu v -b i ' i - . j ". w . .. r, From passengers on the Carolina Cen- tr&1 jrg e learn of a fatal accident " ... j. mi AalirOkll. Ill wjx0,a occurred near Lilesvillo on last . m .ivnn. a to right hand caught inacotton gm and mnt;nn ed and manned it so that imputation arawn in wueaiu ius kcvu nu.v-" ---I"' . . . . , -i j. TT. . utaAa Trtwn iiarmiPHH materials, anu aaaptea xo ine t uu ing hair, Parker's Hair Balsam has taken the brat rant as an eiegant ana reliable hair restorative. jllB 41 CO vruv' Welern,fromono ofthemoSt exten. I mia -nlanterfl on the river, that the in- i - ' , , I inries to the rice crop rearea irom ine i - - . - A nRonta AT THO RTOrTT! H.m 11U II 11 LU UC IUHT x"v,,uw - . . j n:.. . , ; a ... rmna at nrsf lPflrpn. I k,ICt: I cutting is now going on on ootn river- 1 . .1 therefore easy to ascertain the i of the rice was and was scatter- i -" iftdon tneirrouna wmie iuui.uc4 luauvo i i i .t.. ;ntnnnna I rull heads were prostrated in Buch a man- - v- -m tw lt in thecnttinsr. 1 . . , iv:i,. o; I n infnrmant. however, thinks that Id nnr- Lliikb Uiuvu fi 1 I Mint ai11 mTr the loss, and this i pibw iih t-.u UAAAXiu v v mm - I - - The highest price obtained here ui wa a a i..f for lowland rice was about S1.40 r' T ..m m. nf per ousnei u. , $L501iaTe been wJBn' I LUU UiUW.vi- A I lina will, of course, have an effect on the 'ine aisasiera wvwf I ToDsaii: at Bocky Point, ISmithTille . - uw, i--io wilminffton, at Front Street, Uct. 15-lb It Fifth Street. Oct. 15 16 I " ?lv ' . ' Oct. -19 ir.crciu- rrrAr T.f vast .enterprise, n . j--- rered tor a long u war.vV rr-" the knee, at times Ming scarry - more. .1 "n. v . T - - J a asiaavjat nr aa i a 1 1 iiia tat-STSr TnaeXit in a u) UUuK 01 o.. v :i. r.mt n Ann. noiiTer. lh 1 MI ff " " r -rK-tiA that the pain was en. tirelycnred. r.t.4-a.a. fnrnt.hed OnlT OHO " 1 J .. . j . v 1. a v ax m fvn .ill.. w . w . v . . . m t x . tLj.ii 1 r I'll. ebirced wltn tna larcenj e. 1 " r . m.. .f.r..7nti araa committed in < bf 51C0 bail for trial at the next utSfif tte (Xiiairil Court The Fiill tcrm-cT tl o Criminal Court, II is lienor. Judpc Mcarcs, prcsiiiin', convents in this city on Monday next, at 11 o'clock. Several cases will be brought against the city, growing out of what is commonly known zs the "Poor man's bill," in relation -to the disposal of the market carts aud other matters pertinent thereto. Upon the v.ho!e it promises to be an interesting1 term. The Ilaiy & Iliirdie ttmbiiiulioi . were pleased tri receive a call to day, from Mr. 1j. B. Idiow, business Manogor fern ihpr Htvj JL- 1 rr;l. Con bination,fco rdil -pla-y ia this city on Monday r.nd Tuesday, October 3d and 4th. On Monday night they present the Child of the Stale and oa Tuesday Diplomacy and The Corsican. This is re believe, tLe first visit of thi3 Combi- . ;t v-,v-roma to uss . . . . . ' iif n-cn rr sls tr ino ojj oi- very best troupes on U3 that the every parti- ruprtfiimpnts they ,ai give ia sure to please and he brings ample tcsti t t . ..P !,nan IUOIliaio U3 IU IUU VJlltljim-ia tUvi.tu gays. They played at tao Windsor Theatre, New York, on the night of the . ... r l.iLll inSL.. lillU. Ui LUU.L TJliriUl UiUUUt tUU TW -c rtf noitir(W V,-,,! -fnr nr actresa in the entire cast. The lines of a a o ij aaj u m vj4 -4,f f v. ,C iH o.r Lilt: iiiav nciii ii.au j i luiu mui ijiitvu :r- . - i,k; nnti,Q r, oi a season, iuu ( and lhe scenery elements of success K of a season. The costumes were elegant was nerc. V ith such success little more was want- iug to maintain the interest in the story which has already been described in the dramatic, although at times his declama- draught on his vocal powers, but he is ara ! i - j compliment ol a I nerience i . n mav rsecure lor mm an even suuugtr indiv-idualitv than he now enjoys. Senora MiliProni as Gertramde, a "Child of the - , her t with much , Atwiti.oiondinfr p.vident nervousness was one of the central figures oa the stage I i i ' X -"rtooTan. .t, f stn.to." likr.wisft lia utuci v. Till nothing to complain ot m tne manner, ci , ..? ho. r.nflipnpp. MiKaKm- ttin Piprrfi attired her character as Mane UC1 ItAtuwvu"! .:,i Mnif very handsomely, and the Louisa, as per- gon'ated by Mrs. J. J. Prior, was one .of those fine characterizations of a matron that mignt uc eip-cieu num u mu wnS iood drastic w?lfc -A i i 'mm nr mi! oLLiit; nwteu.w uu i ... . , .. . .nwi.Mnfl vri l be retamea onti.e boaras at thc Windsor Theatre during the prest ant week, and next week will bo todowed i . rr . , bv "A Legion 0 nonor. "J oluu U1 - tho City p nrr-a , ffinowa a wui - uvw Northern throngh mails. . . . . .530 p. m Northern thrdnsh and way. mfi?!3 .... 5:40 a. rr. RaTrfb...... ...,.6:40 o.o. I iiitlllO Wt fcUvJ xi. w , andtroutea supplied there- Mails lor tna in. u. rvanrouu, renwaoa taan". .'0 Fayetteville, ana otucr.T c c Cano Fear Kiver. Todays,- and Fridays 1 v an.l ThurEuA? at......... c:UJ u .....T:ani. flo-'i!s. 7:00 r. m ?- r,r ifra, kAilwAV 4.00 . m. r " n a a. o to 12 a a iiAUi tr wijv- " - - - - - " xr nd from 2 to 6:20 t. 1- Order and Renter Diriment cpeu 1 ,r. to 7:00 p. m. End on Vd C;D0 to ft" flfcrt eTiry day at 4:00 r. c. Kf ar-.T frr .-al e !a Etall 03CX.t.l;53 at I I J. I c'c--.r .!:. m - - - j . om I 1 .vr v x t k Col. John C lifaitner, of Atlanta, Ga.. says he owes bis ;uto Warner's Safe Kidney and Luer Cure. 5inw Aavortiomenta. ry oodls AND y s A HE - BEING; Steamer and by Rail. The prices will be a as low or. loyei than ever before. Respectfully, Pwlclntire. Ilk sept 22 lomethmir Entirely New; E ORGANIA ! COME AND HEA.E IT. An nrn iin nltr ft. ThMA intmmanti are so constructed that ao amoant of thikiBg tYon7. B,fPIISJt'1,rvrip'lltlT0-a ,ta EC" UEINSBEBQER'8. S)Pt21 Lire.Book and MasleBtort Gail and be Convinced. VTrTB OPEB EXTRA03DINAEr ir dace men's. Ton will find cn aT connten ail ih? latest Papers, Periodicals, Ac. fo amuse you. Thslataet ia Ladica anl Usfifs Stttioaerjj alo everitMax ia the Blink Book asd Sta ioaery line. Echcol Booki a specialty. R.nt 19 O W YATEB! 47 ' GYGLGNt CYCLONE ! WIHD-W.ND ! GrpnP 1VT ! STftRMH . " Water ! Water 2 : GREAT BARGAINS TO BE HAD from the late storm, at , ' Fourth Street Blankets, Bed Spreads, Curtain Laces, Bed Ticking, Dress Goods, : Milline ry Goods, Flowers, Feathers, Bleachings, Canton Flannels. aSicoes-Calicoes. The greatest bargains ever offered in ..... . . 1 the city of Wilmington, at : V.D.GOODMAN'S, Drv Goods Store. Fourth St.. sept 16-m-w-th near the Bridge. TO THINK ABOUT ... ..... - HOT BED SASH. 'PLEASE ORDER EARLY. SASH DOORS AND BUNDS, BRACKETS, MOULDING, LUMBER, &e ALTAFFER, PRICE & CO,. . CPE FEAR ACADEMY , TTA STTTNGTON' CATLETT, Prindpal; V JAS. W. MORK13. A. aCASElatant, rcoiens JIONDAX, OCTOBER 3d. It of fers special advantages Tot jovnz men pre paring for buf ine&a or CoUege. Ymmz pa i.iU tarpfnllvtamrht. Dinlinefirm.-Prices moderate. German taught by a competent teacher. Parents wiihing to enter their tons will pleate do so at the beginning ol the session. aept Lth aat-mon-lm HEW BAR AND OYSUB HOUSE1 TIE UNDERSIGNED bare opened tKa day at No. 22 So. Front - atreet,, a N irw 15AU AND OYSTER HOUSE, which they will be pleased to hare patronized by the general public. -, r - : ThebetonV"ines,Tiquora, Beer and Cl ga'rs on hand and Oysters in eTery style when in season ; : ; - , 'vt; Call and see us and yon win come again. ser 16-lw J. O. LONG & CO. (roe's How Advertisomenisr.'1 zi,a Black :-Tjainm.:s t y-i Just recei7ed---tijSAlijt ehipmentJ ii i. i ; . .. of this celebrated rJt oisa C3i,- it is manuiactnxca in Asherille, h ': , 1 ; ; f !i 1 t!. and has tho reputation . ;; t f d C. of being the H FCIE3T TOBACCO ON THE . . , : . - , .---;. :3r-.' . MARKET TC-D AY, I At anything like the priee iavi' Smokers would do well to Bend for- : sampks. For Bale only by : . . . JNO. 1. BOATlVRIGHTf - Jo8. 11 & 13 IV. Front St If:!'.: i. lept 19 ' .1 rH i.. 1 i ii '.i'.f TO ARRIVE. 4 7 -f .r'; It.:: i Mother fresh, shipment of theri fc OF TEE i.i. St, XX t IT. - .1 Is expected to arrive per next !Ne"W. . . York Bteamer. Sed in yjmr ewer t0' l r ir:; -i '3; f: :. . Jt3liClD3 cure, .j?hilo (perfectly X" tx. , fresh, tho. hie wen c& v.- ! i;4 . viil i&dt lai Finest Family TlQr! John L. Bbatwrightf f " a a anu ao jLturm aijtuuu nu . ? U.-'i Hi, I I sept 19 in-.jf.y'i''. J.l ;n;A t'o ' Bagging and JKe 1 000 Wll(le -w-gEip-f 4 3000 Bundles rrew ana p'ca tiius; i! u Ai.v ri 4 J Bacon, Coffee, Spgar. -v -v Davm MmftVT r!T TT K Pin VIII J.; i.j ..: tt t-i? t!cd6 oit OKf) BCo, dWerejit grades, .;Je JU - SUndard A, Extra, C and.G, ; rl iJDia jriour, au graoes,. Illfl ' V noiiei,Ara 4 jC4j iV: Bbis nd'BoW Fresh Caker-!-'' -KO: ;?i,?.-:r.)'io,i I ' o.ls ol Boxes AjBOitedCandy,, Vt, Kit 7.10 Potash, ' Lye, Sotfaj 1 V1?CS03 Boxes Ball Potash, j QriA BoxeawLyV, . r. ' x'ltcio ? tinn Boxes and Kegs' Soda .? -'" ' llUU la- 4ssh:rtl cs ii rypr "r Bbia sad itoxes casa; r: oa . ft hrn Reaans wrsppinar rsner -,.t.4 1 niaz7 1, .lit w". Haop Iron; JCalls, ' Ilayi Oats, iQdoty!r'a Y arts and eheetins, -'trcrl ei ' sept 17 nLLUMa :VtfTLC3BOl ;j .1 a... .sill For j Sale or. Iteclmiiz&n ;i b Esi sable ItEsiiiiarci wia tSzt1 tootas and kiteben and to4 wall of wattr fi . aatf txeaUaat arAidaarfor aala'or ezehaaf;0 . Ja 4 .4 :iiiia.omcE. J? ,colf