i r I 1, - ; THIS PAPER . is pblkix every afternoon, Suaiayi r XSXTOS iHD PEOP&lETja. . '. ;B0E30IlIPTI0Kat POSTAGE PAID. aV year,$5 CO Six months, $250 ; Throe Konths, f 1 15 ; One month, 60 cents. Hfhe paper" will, be delivered by carrier, TMQtt!iiz;l any part of the city, at the Tr4tef,06lSoentiperwe. Adrertlsiag rates low and literal 98nbsribers will please report any and H failure to receive their papara regularly, IT0T7 Advorticamenta. TUEGnEAT. . Fon J i . . CmmfaicL, Sciatica. Lumbaqo, ,Milllll Ill BackechsSoreness of the Chest, y. GotitQufnsjtSoro Throat, Swell 9vV trigs and 1 'Sprains, Burns r and1 t Scalds, General. Bodily Pains, ' Tooth, Ear ahf Headache, Frosted 4 jsl jfiaef end. Ears And all other ;t aw fan f pfid-Ach6sz . :&oflrWtian ca earth eqnals Sil Jacobs Oil ''ftlTkiaaV, r, minpl and cleap , External '-VafcUdy.VA trial entails bat the eomparetiTely. !v c stctUnc; eotlay of (0 Cents, and ereiy ooa aoffer- . tag with eala can h&To chep and potlTO proof cf fie claiaw. Pirectioae te Bereri Langtuaa, SOLD BT AILDBXyOOISTS ABP DEALERS & CO., c v trfi lllawaa tal . .' ' . : JIE BE1NO RECEIVED BT EVERT l: 8tctacr AnlJjyRaiU Tae prices will be as - v .- ... 7JL - low cr lowci than crer before Reepcctfullj, pt r:n joe: pbson!s -I M 4 Jj3 O'i? Jt NEVER TAILS. "It rlTCS m6 muca picaauro .wA' Ytite taat I hare dexiTed an effectualraro of Scrofnla from the. u-;s jaf Mrs. 'Joe Fersbn's remedy for that, disease. I ad auffeced trom Scrofula fofnaM- : than . three years, idt.ad despaired of, CTW;CCtt!jt well. I teddurtes:,thaino by three rery VxJldentphyslclans.wSiioul Tgwd result. ISea wo to the ifiUonal Sondcal InsU, tnieratAtlanta, and was treated there mole tnanochsth no better re iaJtthan jay XaCliIlyhysIclana met with. fSaJng rom the Institute, I was persuaded tt llft- Ttoson's remedy, and Lid not need it more than a week before I dlsttralitatfattte and healing proper iiVllTJSorcs soon began to heal, and the JSof52y Sa ehangedw fast asthe acres aWU W not thought of eTergettlng welT'iriln, buVmy-hopes lnereaaed.'mylow TOlStSSes fld' batore- th i - remedy and I -amfSSjotaR "Plendld health and to JSnSSrS- The remedy ia mild aa a pnr S5ktoitilerttwm heal the A 4t stubborn sore in three weeks if taken li . Intun that ft Khonld UUeaio Tt should to rcmoTo J . , i nr for I. hare f S3nSrnf ln.,aU asea,Xonnd that the SSiiVBi would commence to re- imrrade. and for, taia.aione r j SrVly;tinia' n fiectual ,cure.is taken t Wr7 f V. , ,rit tcptv iSkatth., if you riYO u a iair izsw Bt--r-riee and "olfromhearsay I-am f fraT fnldoicat of a cure from the use of It SSamSny and lasUi oblations to Mrs. Person for the" great relief r hare ob Udaed frcmite use, .Sufferers, try it and be mr adrlce . I am, respectfully, N. JAMES A150REIS. IJaap for teatlSSil of remarkable cures. Prepared Tranklln For Halo; or Eschancre sraefts H . . ... 'j5 - - '5 ' i'4 ' '' " . r 1m H VOL. V WILMINGTON, N. C., SATURDAY, SEPTE; LOCAL NEWS. New Axtzstisz3CXHTS. ALex Spkunt & 8ox Ship Notice Mabsden BKLULMTToreclosure Sale , Cbonlt tfc Morris Unclaimed Freight "Wm L 83CITH, Mayor Reconunendations ptiNSBBBGiR-Sometbing Entirely New C W Tatss -Call and be Conrlnced ; Daj's length 12 hours and 3 ml nates. Hice Lirda' still sell at "35 cents per dozen. ' , The receipts of cotton at this port' to day foot up 572 bales. .4 Sunset to-morrow aftercooa at 53 minutes past 5 o'clock. , ' " " " - - T The Mayor disposed of one or two trifling cases Ibis morning. The Nor. barque Gambelta, from Per- nambuco, is reported in below. Only one interment in Bcllevue Ceme tery this week, that of an Infant:' ". . ,1 Steamship Gulf, Stream tied "up at her wharf about S o'clock this morniDg " MMH M There have been - three interments in Pine Forest Cemetery (colored)' this Wek all children. : . ' The Register of Deeds has issued four xairriage licenses during the week, one to a white and three to colored couples. ' ! Ail the public offices will be closed in the city on Monday. The Custom" House will be closed all day and' the Po'stoffice trom iu a.m. to 4 p. m. r . rt;.UV i I The most assiduous parental attention will frequently fail to prevent Coughs, Cold3,r Croup, etc. Dn Bull's Cough Syrup is a most valuable remedy to have convenient when needed. Price 25 cents. In response to the call of the President of the United States there will be a: joint service of the congregations ; of St. James' St. John's and St. Paul's church es at St. James' church at 11 o'clock on Monday morning. ' f Beautify your nemes by using the K Y. EnamelPaint, ready mixed and war ranted. . Sold only at Jacobi's. ; t As is usual at this season of the year silver change is very scarce . and tbo banks cannot ' supply the demand It has all gone into the country to pay cot ton pickers and farm laborers. , Made from harmless - materials, and adapted to the needs of fading and fall in tr hair. ' Parker's Hair . Balsam has taken: the ' first rank as an elegant and reliable hair restorative. y - ? - :CoL S; L. Fremont is in the city to-day and gave us the pleasure of a short visit this forenoon. He will remain here until about the first of the month when he leaves for his new field of labor in the far south. t ' ., : ; ''7 "! '. : " ': ' ' j Another comet was discovered .on Tuesday. - It has the usual appertnce and is readily visible by means of a small telescoped There are now four comets visible by the aid of a glass. The last one is in the northeast. To Builders and others Go to Jxcb- mi's for Sash.-Blinds" and Doors, ; - Glass,1 &c You can get all sizes andjatthe lowest prices. . T i ii , . There will be services held in the First Bantiat Church - on Monday 'morning next, at 11 o'clock,1 in accordance with the proclamation of the President, in which the Baptist, Presbyterian and Methodist congregations will unite: W ' " Mr. Jno..H. Savage, Superintendent of the Poor House, caught a snake -yes terday known W a rattlesnake's pilot, and had him on exhibition at MrJ. H. Strauss' store, on North Water street, this morning. The snake was in a glass cas. " . . . - Freshwater Perch, Trout and Blackr fish Hooks and Lines. A full assort ment and lowest prices at Jacobi's. ,t;v - ' " - . The very handsome pilot boat, called the Grade, sailed up Jo the, city and hauled into the wharf in front or Mr. u. P. Mebane's office on South Water street last mghtT;' This" boat.- we- hear, was hnilt in Boston, is About 90 tons burthen', and was purchased :bj the pilots on Bald HeadlV - V : : CThe handsome building on the North side of Market street, between Front and Second, on which is located Dr. WV.H nm druMtore, was sold this morning at public auction by Dr. W. J. H. Bet i. nnwrmssioner. It wai purchaxed bT Dn Green, the 'surviving partner the firm of Green Planner ana inc ino- :tET i i i - 1 .... . Batltest to be Sntpendcd. The members of the Produce Exchaoge ild a meetinir at the .Rooms of the held a meeting at the Rooms of the Exchange this morning to determine what action will be suitable for them, as a body, to take on Monday, the day of the funeral obsequies of the late President Garfield. 'The meeting1-"" was' xalled-.to order by the President of the Exchange who stated the object of the meetieg. 1 1 was then resolved ' unanimously that the Exchange be closed all day om Mon day, the 26th day of September, arid business entirely suspended. It was also further resolved thaj tha; merchants , gn erally be requested to suspend business on that day. Mr. Frank Borden, connected with the office of the American Linen Company, Fall River, Mass.; says: 8t. Jacobs Oil is very highly recommended in our fac tory, and it .would be. out simple jusuce for me to say a few words in its praise. Thn men have nsed for it for rheumatism. neuralgia, spains, burns, cuts, corns and in fact for almost every ailment it ciaius to cure, and it does all that it promised to do, never failing to' cure. 1 Pioneer Steamship- U The advent of a European steamer in our port for the purpose of loading for eign is quite an epoch in the maratime histery of Wilmington; but such is the march of events that -one cannot deter mine what a day may bring forth. The iron screw steamer Barneamore, Captain Trenery,-2,200 tons burthen, from Liver pooli arrived here and anchored off the wharf of Messrs. Alex. Sprunt & Son, con signees, about 7 o'clock last evening. She is a fine large ship with a carrying capacity of between 4,000 and 5,000 bales of compressed cotton. Her su perior build as well as the many and va rious advantages the ship possesses en titles her to rank as first class. For in stance, the ship has a steam steerintr gear, so that the man at the wheel under goes no exertion whatever; he can change the course of, the ateamer wiit his finger' while before him lies a dial showing exactly how far the rudder was moved. The vessel can fbe filled with water for ballast by "displacing a valve and then by means of a steam pump on board, the same water can be as easily removed. At present the only ballast the CapUin has on board is his coal and 600 tons of water: with this ho sailed from Baltimore here, making the time to the bar in .48 hours. The Barnesmore came out from Liverpool to Baltimore with a cargo of iron ore and thence hitherto load foreign, as a sort of experi ment The crew of the ship number 24, officers included. Her draft of water is 14 feet ordinarijy, though when loaded to her fall carrying capacity she will draw 17 feet She was built at Liver pool in 1880, and is consequently not more than a year old. The Barnesmore is one of about fif teen similiarjBhipsCt built . from plans by Mr. Wm. Johnson, of Liverpool, a per sonal friend of the Messrs Sprunt, for the Mediterranean trade and known as the Johnson Line. "They have proven suc cessful in every line of trade comprising Mediterranean, iiiacjc pea, eea 01 azot and Danube,' which has beenowing in a large degree to the extraordinary quali. fications of Mr. Johnson as a steamship manager. He is generally acknowledged among the ship owners in England as the most enterprising and sagacious man of the times,and we trust thathe may deter mine to put some of his fine ships regular ly in our trade? ' There is no doubt that steam leads the van in all mercantile enterprise and that the extraordinary grVwiijDrihe port f Nerfolk 'is vowiog to the push and energy of her cotton merchants, whe were not afraid to take riiks in the beginning which eventually led to .the. extraordinary r prosperity of Trnt ritT. TTiprA in a. line of these shins now ran- hAtween 'Liverrool and I ai a a "ft ip mj www - - 1 - which was established last year and which nasr prpvea. very sue AiMawvv " cessiui. Bed-Bnrs. Bcsc!ies- Rats, mice, ants, flies, vermin, mos quitoes, insects, c,:aearca J "liourn on iwata. idc fwa u gists. . ...i "-nhi.WrwrtTnir "Kl f! "Sent 21. 81. Hkm . T n'f t infnns TOO that she KaxsaaV JasV H. Harris, sole survivor ox the schooner .alary a. " m4m at thi .tMrn t WashinstOB. C), was bora and raised here, and has a family living here. His father was a captin.crf-TSiious fesseU which have nt ft- i.;v- Im is now dead. I writ this to dispel tha illcsionscreated k. 4V. tht ka caildd from Philadelphia. He ahipped ca the letter 1L:. T.anm i.. MB! Churcti services. z - 1 Worship in the various chrffchea cf the I dtr to-morrow as follows.: T ; U I :' , dtytoraorrow as. follows "ST. JAKXS' PARISH. Corner Third and Market streets. Rev.! A. A. Watson. Dr- Dr Seetor-c Fifteenth Sooday after Trinity Sept i5tlr. Celebra tion at 7:30 a. m. Sunday School at i0 a. m, Horning Prayer at 11 o'clock. Even log Prayer at 5 o'clock. ST. JOHN'S CHURCH, , t -t fliirn r Third and Red Cross a La. , Rev. T. D. "Pitts, Rector Fifteenth Sunday after Trinity Sept. 25Vh. Early Celebra tion at T30 Tn. tf orning. PraTer at 11 cmocs. v jsvening rrayer. as o ociocav ST. PAUL'S WVXXV. LUTHEHA5 CflUBCH, Corner Sixth and Market streets, Ret. .G D. Bernheim. ' D. D. pastor. Sunday School at 9:20 s. m. English service 11 a. m. and 7:39 p, m Christian Association at 4 p. in. f j FISST PSKSBTTSBIAlf CHUBCIT, ,. eornar Third and Orahoe atreeLs. Rev. J. R. Wilson, D. D., - pastor. Morning services at iio'ciock:, Kizntriervice at o p, m. Thursday night Lecture at S o'clock. 8ZC09D rBESD YTRHTA N BCHUCU, ' Cor Four-h and Campbell streets. Rev. C. M. Payne, Pastor. Services at 11 a. m. and 7-30 p. m. Sabbath School at 4 p. m. rrayer Meeting every weanesaay at 7:30 p. m. Seats free. FIRST BAPTIST CHUBCH, comer of Market and Fifth streets. Rev. J. B. Taylor, Pastor. Sunday School at 9:30 a. m. Services at 11 a. znM and 8 p. m. Rmnklyn Snndar School at 4 d. mi Union services on Monday at 11 a. m., expressive of regard ror tne memory ox President Garfield, and of submission to the will of God in our great bereavement Young Men's Prayer Meeting Tuesday nizht at 8 o'clock. Church Praver Meetins Thursday night at 8 o'clock. ei t Out Little Ones is here in the Octo ber number, It is as charming as ever, full of small talk and pretty pictures for the little ones. The present issue closes the first yearly volume, which covers 350 original illustrations. Every child of from five to ten years should have it Edited by "Oliver Optic" and published at Boston by the Bussell Publishing Company. rmere were fifteen market carts in town this morning. MVMWMBMv-aaaaa--a-mk ' Call at Jacobi's for Garden Hoes and Bakes, Shovelspades, Axes, Ac There yoa have the lowest prices. t saasaavaajaaaawanBaKaasaBHaaaa - To ke Hung. ' Superior Court for Columbus county has been in session this week. The prin cipal case of interest was a murder case, in which defendant, a young colored man some 24 or 25 years of age, was found aruilty of the murder of a comrade, and was sentenced to be hung on the first Friday in No vember, the 4th day of the month. We understand that there is no probability of a reprieve or a respite. The prisoner was ably defended by Capt W. S. Norment and Mr.C. O. Lyon, and the prosecution was conducted by Solic itor Mclver alone. Study your interest. You can now buy Cook Stoves at factory prices at Jacobi's. .. . - . t l5i; Bloom to.Cet the ICOO. We learn from the Charlotte Ohserver that at the annual convention of dele gates, belonging to the Railway Mai Service Mutual Benefit Association, ad iourned at Atlanta yesterday evening, the -Association voted to pay a deatn - . . ... bonefitof $2,000 to Mrs. Mary Bloom, widow of John F. Bloom, formerly of this city, the mail agent who was killed on the Carolina Central Railroad, on the 22d day of last December, at the Indian Creek disaster. She had already been paid $2,050 by the Knights of Honor. "florrah For Our Bide . a trnv neonle have lost their interest in politics and in amusements because they are so out oi sons ana ruu wu tnat they cannot enjoy ujuuug. such persons would only be wise enough to try that Celebrated remedy, iKidney- wort, ana experience it wmu um5uv rating effects they would soon be hurrah ing with the loudest In either dry or liquid form it is a penect remeay vox torpia uver, aiane jb w wire change. Cheese and Craokero: 200 Boxes CKAM cheese 100 Boxes and Bbls CRACKERS, ALSO, ----- - Bagging said Tieo, .ToTlsaley ; 7 Mali G. Poarcall;; .17 sr33E ii?r!i Y9dl Jvl ?Ir?ow l vera -i n-r tii t n'.-vn. f-T-vr '1 "se;' i - - :Rr 24. a88lJr: NOi-256 1 ITetr dVettisements. i nrVUtSCXLOSURS 8AlVE.-By 'Tlrtne of a . a : aocreo r ox t we - papenor uourc i New -Hanover ounty made at De cember Term, 1880, in an action; be tween J. D. Bellamy, . Jr,vs. Cornelius Campbell, et ali J III expose lor sale to the Her Km V14-r frtr bi at fTio Vinrf. ITnnu door ia the City of Wilmington, on the 24th October, 1S31, at.12 o'clock, M, that certain lot in said dty.riih. the buHdlccs -"therein, hoHnnfno mt. m. Tvtt fn IKa WMtvn Una' rf "Pw fm yv m ya --mm w wv a i , w Third. street, .90..feet 8outh of the South western, intersecuon ,ot nuaen wnn Thira street, runt thence South with said line! of thence Narth 40 feet, thence East 155 feet to but) ucfmuux uanx m pan oi jlui 3, biqcx. 277. MABSDEN BELLAMY, ! spt4.1aw4w Commissioner City ofj Witoinffto HC. : 1 -v, AMAjeiff vzieeY ' September 24th, 18Sli IK ORDER TO THE PROPER OB3ER yance of MONDATNiXT, the. 26th inst., the .day on. which the obsequies of, the late President "Garfield are to; be performed, I make the following recommendations : : . That religious services beheld at 11 o'ctk, - -. r.- - : -.if; .IM : .- . ..J . in ;all the Churches. .'-Cu.'u, -"s rrni:i'.. ', J.-": lo( .istbfJri .. That the Church, bells be polled from 2 .SO ... i to 3.30 o'clock. ' ::- That all places of business be' closed at 12 o'clock, and business suspended for the balance of the day. t t r That the citizens of Wilmington assemble at the Opera House at 2.S0 o'clock", -P'. . Mv to taV Uon m V Awuixia propriate to the occasion; y WM, L.,SMIT3, ; i sept24.lt' Star copy. Mayor ; M. CRONIiX And ioneer. BT CRONLT & MORRIS. . i : .ti OF Unclaimed Freight - - Wilmington & Wei, Ri R. AND" f iliiBiti, CoUia & Anpita R. IL. TDMniT. OOTORBTR 95th. 1881. J KnmiRnMiiir at 10 n'eloer. A 'If., will ell, at oar Sties Rooms, by ordsr and under the inspection of 80L. GA Aw, General rreiH asaat or tne aoove namaa corpora thm fnllnwinar. TJH flLAlliKD Alttl ni.ES. tj(yw In ihm tmrmhanaam of aIdfJom p sales, upon which frelfht aad other charges iia.vnt bun nald. Tin . , 1 box BnndrlM, Pat Haakf, WhlUvIlle, Papar Bags, Tratltr A Slaes, Whiteville, 1 box CartriaVM. H Ammani. Bo baton eo. Aug9,187t ' ' J 1 box Tobaee?, A W Hardy A Bros, B O, ; 1 box, R W Nishols, May, 1878 i 2 box Bacon, 1 bbl flour, W O OUvsrTalr DIBIT, AUgiS, " - ftt - ltbl Yinegar, B A MoKoy, liming 1 8 , Fa 6, 1830 " 2 fiadstaads. A Harwell. rVlImlarton. April it. 1SS9 -c-- i .'. - ! 1 box 8ngar Cans. Bryan lloort, WUmtBg ton. Marchl, 1180 Eapty ahda, J E LIppItt, TrHmisgtosf May 14, 18S9 . 1 box Glass, a Triages, reaeoess 4 1 Gotten Gin, lira. I'anaela - -1 box Mdse, W H Bardia .b . 1 case Gystarsr J R lilaa A Sea- r-r? 1 Fkg Glaar Rib Bides A J Miller Oo ! 1 bbl Mineral Water. J W Clir k.WUaiiar- toa, May 1, 1871 1 box Glass, Rieh&rdaonA W WUmintoa, Sept 27,1180... " '-"I " : - ': .V7 ! 1 box Tobaeoo, Willis Tore, Wlhalngtoai Bpt8.1880 .:, 1 box Can aad Goeds, B, Wllmlogtcm, Sagt IS, 1S80 ...... -i t!Kf ! ; 1 box Glass Ware, f B WQalagtoB , 1 pies Plank, Aav Path, WiimtagtJB, Jase 4,1880 - ' 1 bbl Pis), ML Wilmiagtaa, Vor IV 1880 1 bax, m U array, Wiiingtoa,ag 18,US0 1 box Caady, W P fisher. Gray's Greeks Lot of f lough Points, W.k Ward, Dxplia Road " j '-,--rr'f-' nw f ftai'. fllinTBA a nTArM'fSIaloa Bex Tlx Ware, a A, Harrall, Daplfal Read . lbag OoSae, (W) orH) WQsdngtoa l oaexat uaaay, m j Truxusgmx 10 boxes BUreh ( W) Wllsaltgtea, t VI DoxtldsetB'Carmah, Wilsslsjrtoa 1 box Candy, Hall A Pearsall, VTUmiagtcn 2 Chairs, (o) Wilmlsgtoa " 1 box Mdsa, X Hahn, WilndagKm. 1 box Pefpar Sane, Worth A Worti,Wfl samgtea 1 box, L A BpaH, Old Ferry SbasOoSW,aajn3y,7tresrssoa S mr.aa 1 haxaa GaadY. Gasadv A.Waod. Jacbass Via, carexiau rearsau-wt s? t Jstl exaS; Hall A FaamU X i bU Crscxsra. WRUassS 1 Wttafartoa. irptlist af9tXa-oet721f U k f l i tli a cladli rsciraao.n'salaatlQi 6wa our friaads c aay js4 all; sxrJssU n geaeral xttsrert ' tie atine'eftiewriUf' always bt fa Ksaeuw tat EdUer. 3f t etly oassUeorthapapavw'? J: is. 2?.s;u- I jgalj ifji gimilaveJdaA zt Aa4 it b eQeb-ny and ptrflcalilf uadr the.yisws otjearrspondantsxmleteifo.VaV " in the editorial aolsmaa. . . r :ir r Kot7 Advertiscmisntis. : : I. ... t Ship Woticefi rng oFtroatinff aBro tb6kcAH? Vit Of thft Rr StMm.ll RiK4Vu ' " MORE, CaptvT f(asno. debts, pj their cuuwacuuj wm tt p,-u Dye tin? Will 1 :uld bV Vfthftr th nr tain orConslOTeaiiUiJEl r;.i:uiA 1 . - - - ALEX. SPRUNT tfc SON, pt2fr3t, t .-i COO.CL4 oiiCondgnees.. CP FEAR 1 1IH 7hr7-A8niNGTON OATLETT; Prinelpal; reopens MONDAY, OCTOBER Sd.'J It of fers SDecial adTantsvvir fnr-xmnn tr ) i'4 l & W i paring for business ror! College, i Yoitog pu yuo corciuuy uiugai. uiscipiine urro. . p rices moderatA. ' OrmaTi f anlrht Vitt o tlcheV. f P&MTitjK r.wlsirlnM r an4B.i'KAU. " " - " . ''"0 - v v-u a bull sons will please do so at the beginning of the session. . sept llth sat-mon-lm BrmethihCrtEntirely hi. r Lira Lwi OOME'AND HEAR 'IT. Inr nut bid ttli tt TV... t-... i aresoeoastrsetedthat no amovnt of ihtkiog up will disarrange tha mechanism, which is very simple and always pptiUve in its ae. tion.- lor sale at J t v u - .ort , ' - - - HEiirSBERaER'Sl sept 21 Live Book and Moilo Btore BroKe Jafl251EeTFard. J WILL PAT TWENTT-FITE DOLLARB for the dellrefr'io o of ims BEN BASSiB, eploraaVwho broke Jall la7thU,.eottaty on Sunday nlcht lait. - Said Sasier li 'a'smaU, blaok negro, about i feet 2 Inches hhrh, trong bnilt,with otiof blihsndi ifclj right, I thiak) forafinger off and U" eit eoaaider ably, draws from eeing caught in a cotton aia. I will pay the abore reward f.r bis delivery or confine mnt In" an y jail so "1 c in KvuU. tfiJl oepi IBik, r . T :. c MUttuiLb K&erm CC T " ' r " of Onslow Conaty . sept 23.8t Btar mr, lack Hpuntaxi;,, :x ii r.j'a : ,-i,e acal i' .:'!' -" -a o cweJaicV" ; :gV.oJ' fc.-lLI ?f io ricabasjeii- Jaflt reGoiveatnq first elupment pf tins celebrated-, u flA y it?L"5 r:4 .i e.i.'J .L vt!I;o':j Smoking 'Tobacco, It is manufactored in AelieTille. FINEST . TOBACCO PUdTHE MARKET T0-DAYj- ! : - At anytldiifft like the pHceJ v. h-a wlxl .' '.r:':rmiSUO 4 Smokers would do cll to send for xfw i. - jkJMDUem sept 19 r.- r- : ' a' 1 ri 1 ..-.f Anothei; iresh apniciit of . ftex f ;i ct-'OF THE a ti . . A r. c. 4 C! 43 wayw Is expected to" aie"pciiieit IteW L TorkFpteluner.c Slnd .ir? y our -orders early ill order to go t. i '-r ! f .; ' v f : rri--.isi a - Knesf anul?lyur tVil nd 13 North Front St. sept 18 V V A ccssor to tla tafcess. .7 : : - - -1 . a i v . a." --- it

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