V 7 r i 7 1 BIB PIPES gandayi c- ti;4?SSl. T. JAMB 5 a u rCiUinoNB. Vostaok paid. -t ys7,$5 00 Six isontba, 3W ; Thre " .moTitiia.Sl 15; Ooe month, 60 cent, e paper will t delivered by carriers, re of charge, in apy part of tbe city, at the bore rt33, or 12 cart? per wei . A ilTertkis rate? low and liberal ,57Sab3eribrB will plane report any and ;l ftilarosto receize Vbeir papers regularly. Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, ycache, Soreness of the Chest, r, uuinsy, oora i nroaz, o wait ings and Sprains, Burns and Scads, Uenerai uoaiiy Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted - Feet and Ears, and all other V.1,. Fains, and A ches. Ki Prrpratlm on earth equals St. Jacobs Oil Sk.fafsttt7-tt.inple tui cheap ExUrnal lUfiiady. A trial entiils but the comporatiTely triding ratly of 69 Cents, and erery on Buffer ing yyith pain can haTO cheap and posititd proof cr iU claims. Directions in Eloren Languages. SOLD BY ALLDRUGCHSTS AM) DEALERS - u . ; EI JEDI0HE. . A; VO GEIiEK, Ss, CO,, april SrVv-cM to; - JOE -..PERSON'S NEVER "FAILS. . It Will: Cara if Fairly Tested. It rfVes me much pleasure to be able to state that I have derived an effectual cure of Scrofala from tne use 01 ars. w " I rfi At-t dUease. I had Buffered t'om Scrofula for more lhati three years, .. rir! of ever erettino: well. 1 was treated during that time by three very JSS ffySclaaf .without j good mjlt. Ithen-went tothe National Surgical InsU tatAtlttto.Ga:rtedjraa treated U.ere mor4 than two months, with no better re- sTtS family itf" Afreturnlnff Irom the Institute, l waa wrsuaded to tfy Mrs. Person'a remeoy, ThS not used it more than a week before I l had not nseu ii. healine proper- discOYereutM.--.-- ; ndthe oomysSn7ha . -. T f..j.,n tVmiffht oi eye: nSoTtnir pVendid healtlx and am ia jratlrc, and rtrong tonic most "rmy opin on that it should " regularly. It to my opi heale. betaken some ItRhOuld i to remore sti means, for I have bctakenregxilarlybyfiimea , .omeUmea n"rfolma that the business. ould commence to re- carcalrcadyjmaae woma com trograder Sii cure Is taken regularly waJl an be taken at ,uw V-,6uffering from commeuu Yttf, fiurclY cure you Scroiuia w j - - j 8pcat from expe- Klttreu; V- .:,-r, remarkable cenu - A A Tl I f 1 I cures. Tin ppr,0n. Tranklin ton.N.C. ow. , . .W-iw-nac mington.N. W - - Ship Potice A cautionea ---- wwr- a , cw -of the Br. StcamshiPBARNl A. . M V V 111 KtUW -v of the Br. Steamsm 1 i Phta ot tneir MORE, Cap contractine . . . - - Hew Advertisement e. v .RHEniilATISM. w X. 7 C ' AND'' Ci r.ECEIYED BY EVERY . " eand by JVil. Tlie prices will be as fow or lowei than ever before. f ' " "Respectfully, , ( Rm M. fyiclntire. p sept 22 -- - r H VOL. V WILMINGTON, N. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER LOCAL NEWS. NEW ADVEBTISE3CEST3. Opxba, House Jobn E Owens W.H. Sterlixo Notice HEiNSBEsa kb Great Economy C W Yates School Books The receipU of cotton at this port to day foot up 1,306 bales, the largest any one day thia season. Freshwater Perch, Trout and Black" fish Hooks and Lines. A full assort ment and lowest prices at Jacobi's. t CoL" A. " Pope, General Passenger Azent for the Associated Railroads of Virginia andihe Carolina, i3 in the city to-day on a brief visit. Call at Jacobi's for Garden Hoes and Kakes, Shovels, Spades, Axes, &c There you have the lowest prices. 1 Mcssr3. Brown & Koddick's new quar- . a - .1.1, xj-- ; )nJ UUi UaUUOVlUV.su UIJ gwwww State. The large, wide front is almost entirely of glass. The Hickory Press gives the rates on six different classes of goods from that . . w.m; i T:t,,rt noint to Wilmmirton and lticnmond. They are as follows: To Wilmington, $1.04; .85, .73, .61, .51, .40. To Bich mond, $1.04, .85, .73, .61,. 51, .40. We understand that John Campbell, colored, the owner of the horse and cart mentioned in yesterday's Review in con nection with the larceny of a barrel of pork, has given bond for his appearance at the next term of the Criminal Court and been released from jail. Made from harmless materials, and adapted to the needs of fading and fall - :. !,,. PoWa TTnir Rftls&m has Sf Vnfcan tteSrt and reliable hair restorative. Wovu w -o Unmailable. . TTnmn ilnJilfi matter, addressed as fol- TrtTv rmainn in the PostofficO in this ivnof a w city: Fenderson William, No 301 Dickson tj;1o. 'Piss? P A Sawrer. No 4 Ob4w, "", - Cedar street, Boom 15, Globe Omce. City Court. Robert Stevenson and William WiU in, ih fwn rolored bovs whose case was continued from yesterday, were ar - raigned before the Mayor again to-day. Stevenson was discharged but Williams was held for further examination. Mean time the empty bags found in defendant's possession with the mark of Kon them, aro still awaiting identification. Studv vour interest. You cannowj. Above is a Dlate representing a buy Cook Stoves at factory prices at - - . . . Jacobi's. T Retnrned Mr. C.W. Yates has returned to the i 4. ;n York ia the interest of bis business, His description of the displays ormonrn- ms uescripuon u v J 'vlJ. wa awv - a. one mass ways," in W wuaw .wB , of gloomy drapery. Many of the adorn ments were very costly, Tiffany's, for in stance, being shrouded ia crape from the roof td the basement. 1 Misdemeanor. Louis Sheridan, colosgd, was arraigned before a magistrate this morning charged with a violation of the law which is con tained in chapter 70 of Battle's Eevisal, which makes it a misdemeanor for any person to entice aw h any servant or empioje. " 1 CV.Airn 19 r.haredwith prevenUng laborers iromi. . pri(3flY niirht. The defendant was from v n m. working on board of a vessel after tney had contracted to perform service mere. The justice before whom this case wasi brought bound defendant over to next term of the Criminal Court, m accoro- n;r. 4tin aVinrn iir.t. UUCw -tLt MW M.ww. llornoAsain. w.. WprP Plad to meet and welcome back home again this morning, after an absence of two weeks, our townsman, R. t .TnnM. Esa.. who has just returned , r,n amcetinz of the 0ffluVw-r- Soucrcign Grand LoJge or J. u. u. recently held in Cincinnati. Mr. oocea tells us that the pleasure of tne occasicn was marred very much by the deain thc President and that many of tne tiviUes which had been arranged ior u doncd altogcmer;. - Brand banqnet at ne " J MKcar, - . h- we think he looked aa t onga was glaa to gefc uw. fr-v7rfll " . ... x. . n nin iimiiiif & IU Uiva . once more to enjoy i mora to enioy r- . - 3 "" OPERA. HOUSE. Solon JSUln&Ie audience greeted Jttr.nuwe.. the Opera R first .ppcarance after so loog an absence from our city. To seo J no. t. U wens ia inimitable character and liupet-1 ... . it l . :. sonations and not laogn woum uo chuiV u f ot a faner. aient to acting chief mourner at a inner- :.t:.. .t . 4-.. ,n d romem. r. . 1 j rri. I ma m a null iha npr nnnariEU. a uc i W . WWW W . W. " first ffil'R'it-SfiCi:'- Xi rJ night " 16 . o 4 v . r n- .n.t.in OweM..Jo3UaBUerbj folljiam- art Vila rpnnf.itmn ft fl. 1 trSt-CIASS lOW.XOU edhis reputation as a first-class low xoni edian. But it was in the second piece tnat nis ccnius, r woicu nevci uico, shown out more- assumed character .' in Citter 0fthe pieces presented; it is . J ... ..... ' r ..i 1116 w lilt I UwkUl D lw4W.vw brings a smile of good hnmor upon the countenances until it spreads into an nn- controllable huge laugh which is kept up until the curtain drops on the last scene. Mr. Owens' autDOrt is cood and eacn Mr.vw8nr nppjn Bu y,nn n!n.m1ti anr W riftrt tft the SatlS wuw w. - r - -- --- faction oitue auaience, j.o-uiftub Owens appears in one of his very be characters Major DeBoots, in Every body's Friend and we advisd all who wish to spend an enjoyable evening to visit the Opra House. Jt is good, for the health to take such recreation occa sionally and even dyspeptics would find an evening with Owens a pretty good antidote for the ills that they suffer. 1 I When We need not be physicians to know we have and how to cure a ioia. We can bare a special physician alwajs 1 1 nnnnoniAltf O bottle of nuar. i j v hccuiu" iuuiwuivuv m r -D.ll'o PahmIi dxrrnn "PrlA 9S r.P.nt. ' j zjr " ut. jjmki a wugu sjj.. - ..w- -w Memorial Tablet. TIT 1 r At XT "VTlj- ni-ytti I we learn iromiuucn man that the tablet to be erected to tne memory of Bishop Atkinson in thechan - eel of St. James' Church, in this city, is , nmo.iA ni1 will ioon be for - uwit vwuii., ' warded by the church lurnisner, Mr. a. Geissler, of New Yoik. It consists of a brass plate on a slab of dove-colored 1 marble, the latter being nearly two and a half feet wide by four feet long. On tne iour corners oi vuc piu with emblems of the lour evangelists in the order of St. Matthew, St. John, St. Mark and St. Luke, the lion being made to symbolize St. Matthew and the angel St. Mark, while ordinarily it is the re-1 I " - - . mitre. The inscription, in lettering of I red and black, is as follows : "To the revered and beloved memory of the Kt. Rev. Thomas Atkinson d. p., ll . p., third BishoD'of North Carolina. Born at MansBeld, VumMa county, Va.( August Cth, a. D. 1807. Consecrated Bishoo f North Carolina, October 17tli, a- . 1853. Fell asleep in Jesus at Wil- mineton, N. C. January 4th, 1881. Hi, I . . . .i ... i 1 r body rests oeneatn tnis cuauwi m ouic hope of a blissful resurrection." Bachupalba." cuick. complete cure 4 days, v;n.J nfl'PAtinna. smarting, freauent or t :-- Ti-f Ta n Unn. XJ i UiOLO. . iSJWK vi w. ueroro a iuagmraie. . -m A Isaac Stanley, colored, was arrested . . n.M upon a warrant swum uui. vj 1 - glary, alleged to Have oeen commuiea m o I mmitted by Justice Milhs for trial un- i til morrow morning at 11 o'ciockv i. search warrant was also issued by I jcg Millis, against same defendant, lte affidavit of Came Boon, and I -lA in iYta Viarxla nf nffir Simm . piiwVl - Kicnardson, wno iauCu nower, w u iowwCr, -m, uui articles named I cover any of the missing articles named in the warrant on Stanley's premises. Through exposure in the war, Mr. Georce 1. Graham, No. 820 Nineteenth street, PhUadelphiacOntracted a variety of ills, and he says a very troublesome x., rheumatism m tke right leg and i foQt wa8 a T inheritance that be Had tried in vain w ge. oi ",r;tve yu a t reUef even lea - 1 ftppUcation of the Oil. Be- forc r,otue n0 prpcaasea naa ,. I ,v. j.. hu cntirelT left turn, wlucn uVSbitc. cntu,!, to the . of not Jacobs OU Beaatifr your nomes by using the mu ... . ' i s I v. Eiiataelr aint, ready rnixpi n war . , . . , ou t.t. . -0t' in 4h I an ear loinecauoi aisiress, naYB uireuujf i neipicss conamon ne is uepenucui. upon conspicuously in the ;9trlnr,ft: an a-ed widowed mother, the sight of ;Clolon Shingle 31:' u Uhom cries aloud for help. , Give iome- r 1 7 ! Mr. Sneedcn and His Condition i Mr. John Sneeden. who was wounded so 'grievously at the firing of the minute I Xtoing better; to-day Jthan Was even hoped for: yesterday. .Hi left and.he basloii . A a w j v r m w t v wn w rm 1111 i i i. 1 1 1 wi a .r , . , 7 , - ... isoff inai amDuiaiioa 01 iuxs wwuuci - . - iaft BOt necessary. Uia face is aiso much disfigured by the powder, but he sars that ho can see out of both of nis therefore. $ noir..ferei.. One .of Iho phjPiciansin attendance has expressed to th he mu sm hig oomditionis most deferable, and onr citizens, ever ready as they are to lend iii. i r. i i ri w iii 1 1 1 1 1 mini a u u. 11 a ku. vjui w .i f awf may be made looking to a provision for his future. He has, we understand, a widowed mother and a sister de pendent .upon him for support, soma of his friends are o a petition to Congre53 I ' . , , prayiDg that a pension may be ordered I r L .7 . .. , h3 benefit. The fact that the acci- dent occnrted.rtile firing minute gnnson a solemn public occasion should famish I strontr ffrounds in suDnort of his claims. I sirong grounas in Bnpjwrnw u v I We do notdouDt tnat a monsrarpeuuim i for his relief can been secured with proper enorts made at this time and it can be presented and urged at the meet- :i rn Tk,K. nnrf Tft 1115 ui vuujjicsa iu 6wuw -w secure this it is onlv necessary to striKe no w while the iron is hot. Reduction In Marine Insurance- We are glad to note that the Under- writers Agency has given ear to the pe-1 I J-J 1 If. 1TT?Wli. . uuon lorwarueu uj jut. if ttuiuaasitu, irresiuenii 01 iae aamucr 01 vuuilucjlww, and others some time since, asking a rc-l dmction of the rate on marine insurance i , ... , a f foreitra ports. Mr. 1 yanj3okkeien received a letter this morn- from J Ra vmond Smith, Secretary 1 - TT , v.-.i i. oi tne unuerwritwrs, ia wmcu uc uuuucu Ur VanBokkelen officially that hereaf- ter the rate of marine insurance from Wilmington, by sail, to all European I wiU be reduced one-eighth per cent. List of Letters. . The following Is a list of the letters ie mainine unclaimed in the City Postoffice Wednesday, Sept. 28: A W F Alexander. B Wm Blackville, Laurah Brown, 1 John H Burnett, Bently & Hemslin, A I - - -r. - . ir-ii.- -r i. iowaen, r.isie unse, muu B ijuija. C S P Coalman, Lmoust Clark, Jno Calk Jarrett Chestnutt. D W W Davis, S B Dudley, Rebecca Davis. E W J Ejran. F A Fisher, Victor Fleitcher, Mollie Frizell, Frank Fairs, Laura Frank, Jane Fonville, Susan Foy. G Henry P Gibson, Charles Guyer H Joseph Hawes, care Anthony Howe ; B H Hanskms, Harvey Hmes, Mary Hill, J A Hanlean, Amanda Hill, J Hall, Kate Hawkins, Elder Sylvester Hassel. W S Hindes, T J Herring, Robt H Harriss, G M Hall.O G Hopkins. J Eliza Jackson. Aron Jones. Ben jamin James, Hester Johnson, James r r- T TAV.nnnn Jones, Hyram Joyner, Mary E Johnson, 1. 1 Richard Jordan. I K B Kennicutt. Henry Kmc, Jno T - - " I 1J 11CU1 T UlCli Ui IVIQIHU ,1 otiiiw. - Mv ..;,!;. w fnnfftml. Thomas A McKenaie, P O McMillan, I ir.t.;n. UTolTrtw f artha MrITp.nzie- Jane i r.i v, tjTTTm" i cjoy Harriett Merritt, II Z Murray, H P Murray, Neal Mahalia. N Catharine Nixon. P Elizabeth A Pettitt, John H Parker. Mollie Parker. W T Parker Sc Co. R Isaac Rennels, Jennie Rubber, Florence Ransom, D H Russell, C A Russell. 2. Serbie Robeson, Edward Rult. I g Q Smith, Cain Smith, Mollie Soicer. . g icCPf Maggie Steward, Lucy Simmons, I T rtnra Rpnm. .Tnhn Smith. Jeff Star- Lanra Sessum, John Smith, Jeff S tor ff1 Smith. w Mc Willson, Maggie Watgue, Lucv Wallace. H Waker. Harlee Wil- Uza tfcKcdder care J H Wad. i d rs F K Wright, W FP White, Alnand. Worthamf Y William Yorick. ' PeTaODJ caUinS for letters in above lis will please say "advertised"; if not claim- cd in 30 days will be sent to dead letter- officef Washington, D. C. BRINK, T. M. I numiogwn, ITew Hanofer County, St: S. c nttra (Tn th JACO- N I ,fg for Blinds and Doors, Glass, . - ... i . . i i ic. x ou can get; ait sizesj anaai me I lowest nncea. T I IIC UU UUIVCTwl, uak HUO wMWW iui I . . , i ITT- 3.;T '-Bit 27. 1881. NO. 228 Quite a ripple of excitemeivt was .ere ated on Market street about 1 o'clock to-day, by a paterfamilias, who tinder took to horsewhip a young man for al member of his family. Thfr ii', l were oth arrested andcarried to th CityalTwherelthey re regnlzed forlheif appearance to- Lz2L-L vk-U ir.-U- rrm t irriiia iiniriuiiu ir-1 11 r i iin i m v i i . ' ' 1 Aiafar thf fiuffrr.-: . The following is a copy of a subscrip tion lis tin behalf of Mr. Sneeden which has been left at the Pnrcell House: -The case of Mr. John.Sneedcn, who wa3 so terribly hurt on September .26th . . - by the premature discharge of a cannon Jing flPred in honor of w dead Presi- :-, n Mnnl orlir dufMNinir -S.T-toffi ajmpathyofa generous.public . In his F. M. King & Co, 25 ; Jos. Craig, 1 . . , ?uBA Shopmate,. 25. Chas. Frost, J DIED. On the 17th September. 1881, at Rocky Point, little ANNIE BO WDEN, daughter of Andrew aud same uwaen, agea o years and 5 months. Little Annie, tne only aaugater, was a WSJSTLSSU saca a treasure. But,lather ana mother.you must rememoer xnat our mue ones arc loaned to us for some wise purpose, and weh that purpose is accomplished, tne giver of all good gifts takes them back I Dain but eternal ior and pleasure. Then strive, my dear parents, to meet little Annie I liAawon vltapa tViaia will t Tlrt TTinr TaTt. nuW - . ingj no more sorrowing. Fkeend. Hew Advertieements iMotice, mQ TELEPHONIC EXCHANGE SUB- II Please add to you list, C. P. MEBANE. Ship Broker. Vf . H. STERLING, sept27.lt " " "' Manager OPPPA HOUSE. I W a" 1 m aw w wkm FAREWELL APPEARANCE IN WIL MINGTON OF THE EMINENT COMEDIAN, Mr. John E- Owens. THIS (TUESDAY) EVENING, V Mr. Owens will appear in Two of his Most Celebrated Characters, Max. DkBoots, In EVERYBODY'S FRIEND ! And MR. GILMAN, in 1 - HAPPIEST DAY OF MY LIFE! Seqts can be secured to-day at Dyers' sept 27 - . Brick and Shingles. 50,000 No. 1 HARD BRICK, 1 lyr (ff 4 in. and 5 SHINGLES, O.UUU COAL and WOOD in full supply cept 20 3t J. A. 8PRINGER. Great Economy rpa B JY YOTJlV8TATI02rE&r of eVery yariety and s tjla. ' School Books and Blank Books. A coinpia'e etoolc always, on. hand at lowest prieea. I- Get tha Best -pIASOB AND O ROANS CHEAP FOB JL ; - - ' -' " ' O? so or on the easy i -italment plan, at HEISSBEROiR'a, Lira Book: and Mai!o Htora stpt 28 . THE : - .. ; LAUHIHBURG EllTERPRISE JB IBB.BiST J1ISD1UM tsrevgh. wbia to advertiaa Fall and Wiotor Ooodt aooag the people of Kolwaon, Kichmond and An ton eonatiea, ia North Oarolioa, and in the border conn ties of Bocth - Oarolina ; Th Enterprise has a larso and isereainf eirea lation in tie Paa Daa and Oapa Faaf awetioa f thif BUU, taTinjt obtained a lard eiroa lation ia the Utter duriaz the eix mootha it waa pabUahed ia Fayeuerille before its rt- oaoral to ; Laazinbuxic-, aod ia the Zoraer within the laat few montha. - .;, . , .-" AdTertiwacnta will be inserted by the Bioatb, oxiarter and yar at tetooabl rateJ Addreas U. I. KctiUrJTI, Tirginia Duchess-Pears, s EVEN CRATES ot those Dclicioua Yir. rinia Duchess Peazs received to-day; ' My f: lends and customera have tried them Ijr seven years and anew what they are. .. . .For aaloat i v.- . 8.G.NORTHR0P,S, cept 10 Water and Market at. Stores 1 tri?4 ' M J?l ; til d 1 1 f frca w frtandjca w csi all . rabjjni t .. i faaaral lateral but . f Taa &amt afthiwTli ilViyi bi f tsfir B5Itcrr-'-"- r r; " . . . a l id ,t At' H tUT-' ifTiwniiiiilainMimimn iwlllwi pat sidt of taa papain .-oii'i U;i I - : i u j . ParaonaIUtiCittJilaT0lA4 ,l jul i.iwrt ; ArJ UUepayaadpttrtWiarlyc.;i'i7 rt4 that Cxt Sdltrudoii aota2wayiKrri tha Titwiot orrwpcadeata, tslejt sojialr i I b tae edXtorial eolawea,' . , ...igt i-cmL i New Adycrtifiomont3. School Books. 1 " :. AND - 1 SEC OK HAR3D. 'AT 1 B rices itq 00 rn .r IN ADDITION !?IQ MX Already, , .full Bno of Fancy and Staple a r q STii ;. Goods I havo onihe IS ' .M '.si New York Steaiherl! : - '- To arrive on 'Tuesday "next. 27Ui . . v, r j. , - r. .... . fTv.t - inst,, a fuU .assorfment 9f L ,. EFIGLISHt GERMAN AND FRENCH , LJ iX O .3 O, All Imported. . - - Consisting in part of . Swiss, ' : ,'; Nenfchatel,' ; Sap -Sago, , . ' Comijne Haas, Roqueforf, ' Stilton, : Oheddar. Muenstcd, Fromago De Brie, Hoi i Jt -vt Fromago D'lsigny. These goods being : now in thia market, I cordially invite all to call r..' and examine them. .if ?v JNO, L. BO AT WRIGHT, IVo. 11 & is IV.Tront St ; Bagging and Ties . I . .' 1000 f Whole' and Half Eolls Bagging" 3000 p'cdTljES Bacons Coffee; Sugar.: ' : 200 B0XeS SmolteaniI) fl SidJ -pQ'Ba Coffee eregradej, j Qnn Bbia Sugars, Granulated, '4 AJJ , . - Standard A, Extra C and - : ' I 1G00 !T?rar&!r ' 100 CnoI? f" lAroJ. : . ; rjpL Bbla and Boxes ' Fresh Cake?,' ; ' ' I iO '4-.-.1-M -,!. -Jii f.;r -; -- , ' pn , Boxes Aasorted Candy,. it 1 HA Boxea and Ktgi Sodl, - ' -"It I 50 30x68 -; - Half BdI aad BoxiSnuil, ' rf, '; j ' i ryc? Dozen Boeketey - ' ;fr 1 i ; ?- cr Reams Wrapping Paper t .' I LUU , - f n a .. i p. .ii i? Hoop Iron, Nails, Hay, OaU, CBandoJpar? Tama and Sheeting ' -' ' . .dJ , Foraalelow by Jl t sept 19 WILLIAMS aTMURCIIiaQ?? , The Gosmopolitan NEW SOOBS ! AR IS THE PLACE , WHERE YOU,! 1 ' caneet lhe ceoJeat, ,pureat ana.awiVa intlflcally tnixed ' S ammer vnaks 1 w found in the city. The "rery , best Vices Champagnes an liquors Always on hand' ithe beatJw cent Cirar that ia madeT Drop a and cool olT. JOHN CARROLL, ffie 8 jxfZJZ1. tProprietor.y :t. tain otConsIg ' j. fi0N, r aept 21-St - ; a Consigaeea rail tea. ooiu wuij ww- . -r-- fort..