1 panliihel erery afteraeoa, sondayi e 7 I . r t 7 ;.ipbn; t. J ASICS, - , .- -asrros in psontraxaa. ' AUESC&OTIOJTS, POSTAGE PAID. 1. yiir.fS 00 8ix months. $160 ; Tatte 3f :ebatha, 51 15 ; One month; 50 cents. ' ' ' the paper will Ve delivered by earrlers, m of charge, In uiy part of the eity, at the TM,orlSeeatiperweel. aarertisiaff ratal low and llharai : Subscribers w&l please report any tad 1 . I il fOIcras to reeeire their paieri regularly. I3TOT7 AdTorticamentB TtiGIlEAI wmmm FOX p -. Ob RIEUHATISH . flour afqia, Sciatica, Lumbaao. Backache, Soreness of the Chest, Gout, Quins, Sore Throat, Swell' ' ings and Sprains, Burns and 1 Scalds, General Bodily V I . Pains, ": Tooth; Ear and Headache Frosted feet and tars, and all other X K Pains and. A chess- KPmrnrtfcq on e&rth qoal Sr. Jacobs Oit a0a ure, rimpla and cheap External ' Kmly. A trial entails tmt the eompaxatire!; trifling outlay of 60 Catat nd ererj one avffen : lag with-pain out 'hare cheap and positive proof 'of itoelaiau. - - f ' , Direction fa Keren Ingge.v I " l-l E0LDBTALLDETOGISTSAITDDILLLES3 : J : TS HEDIODTE. , A. VOGEU3R, & CO., : " : 1 Bmmmore, STd., XT. S. X ; txrtlltiw4aet m m . 1 itE BEING RECEIYED BY EVERY v i- fiteatneraad byIlsil .The prices willbe(as i low Cx lowet' than ever before. .If!-' Respectfully, R; Silw Mclntire ! r:n8; jpi iPEasow's NEVER FAILS, t - . j . . . U ' ' i - '- - - -' 5 igTOIl Cufi .lf Fairly citcd. ItirlTesme much pleasure to .be able, to bodl , , state that I have derived an effectual core, of Bcrofala from the use of Mrs. Joe rerson'a . reinedr . for that .disease. l , nad sxmerea troa Scrofula for more than three years, and had despaired of eyer fettlny well, j I . ' was treated ng that time - by three very ecla?nt physIclans,wtthont any good result. Idea went to the National Surgical Insti; tuts, at Atlanta, Ga., and was treated there tn5re than two months, with no better re .. aa2t than- my family physicians met with. After returning from - the . Institute, I was petsuaSed tot?y MrsPersons remedy,'and I had not toed it more than a week before I discovered its curative and healing . properr iUea,v:My aoresoon began to heai, and the i color" of my sldaCnanged as fast as the sores he? 1 1 !. I had not thought of ever getting well taln, hut my nopes increased, my jow 7 .11 ,r 1 rri'- t enlmdld health and am in HMwCed Deiore in 1 remear, wu i f r' '.ktA The remedv Is mild as spur M Z.Mcr!ri matron? tonic : it win heal tne most stubborn sore in three weeks if taken regularly; It is my opinion that it should betaken some time after the sort is healed, to remove the cause of its effects: It should be taken resrularly by all means, for I have omettmea neglected It, from the pressurooi business;, and In all cases found that the core already made would commence to re trograde, and for this alone it should be taken regularly until an effectual euro Is completed; Nothing should prevent regu larity in the use of the remedy and it should be taken at the proper time. I would re commend to all who are suffering from 2 " Scrptala to try U. It will surely euro you "fc5youglveitafAlrtMt. I speak from expe rience and not from hearsay. I am praic , fol recipient of a cure from the use or it ana - am under many and lasting obligations to Hrs. Person for the-great relief I have ob tained from Its use. Sufferers, try it and be - cured, is my adTicc. I am, respectfully, t Kittrell.N.C JAMES A. MORRIS.- Bend stamp for testimonial of remarkable t rrewtd by Mrs. ; Joe Person, Franklin ion?l?C Sl(T?y WM. n. qRESN, Wilj iagton,N.C. b;Aw-nac Tho Cosmopolitan TS AR 'IS TIIE PEACE 4 WHERE YOU Kcanjret the ceo est, purest and most rli-nv iTd Summer Drinks to be 'Mt-r. The very best Wines Champaes an- Liquors always on hand ithe btWnt Cgar that a ani.ccc2Ioff.!lJOnN CARROLL, r VOL; V WILMINGTON; Ni C WEDNESDAY; SEPTEMBER 288811 229 : - ll . l. . l . . : ' - . L ' . i lV LOCAL NEWS. New . Advertisements. HKixsBS&GKB-Great Economy C W Yates School Books Christinas comes this year on Sunday. John E. Ovens plays in Charlotte to night. Rev. H. Buel, of Asheullc, is in the city. ' . The receipts of cotton at this port to day foot up C28 bales. " ; Sicamship Benefactor t ;apt Tribcb. from New Yorkarrived hcrcto-day. Call at Jacobi's for Garden Docs and Rakes, ShoTclsi Spades, Axes, &c There yon have the lowest prices. t ; At 7 o'clock this morning the mometer at the Signal ' Station ther herc reached 81 degrees. Phew ! New River oysters are not yet ripe but'if this warm weather conttoucs tli3 few in market Eopn will be. The cold driving easterly rain-storms ot this season rarely fail to afflict nearly everybody with Colds. . Use Dr. ' Bull's Cough . "Syrup the surest;, and safest Cough remedy made. Price 25'cents. . The names of the Marshals for the State Fair are announced. There are 42 in all. There is but od& taken from this Congressional district, and that from Harnett ,county. ' Y J ' Df.."fc'6. rGrcen, orSti Louis, ac1 companieacbjT his wile and child, is in the city on a brief visit, only ten days, to his mother and sisters. We are glad to see him looking so well. ' Catarrh of the Bladder. .": Stinging, smarting irritation or the nrinarv nassacres. diseased discharges. cared Buchupaiba. Druggists. Dept Jas. U. Munds. Yesterday 's Newbern News says: The schooner H. L. Mvcrs which came off Howard ways on Saturday morning, is loading lumber at Stimson's mill for the Life Saving Station below Wilmington.) The schooner Elizabeth, which left here last week; carried the frame work, and the Myers will carry the necessary lum ber for the completion of the station. John E& Owens. The second and last performance given by Mr. JonngE. Owens and his excellent company, at the Opera House last even - ing, was lully equal to that on Monday, although - the attendance was much J the present terminal point of the Caro smaller and not at all equivalent to the I lina Central Railway. It was intended merits of the entertainment. The pro - gramme was entirely different and the sat - isfaction of the audience was apparent! throughout. Unmailable- Unmailable matter, addressed as fol lows, remains in the Postofnce in this r city: Wm. Fenderson, No. 301 Dickson Stf , Riles' Pass : Me-srs Wanamaker & jprown, Oak Hall Clothing House, S. E. cor. Sixth and Market streets, Pa.; F. A. Sawyer, No. 4 Cedar st., Room 15 Globe Office; S. A. McQuinn, Lumberton, N. 0.: Messrs. B. Altman & Co.. 19 street and 6th ave., P. O. box 2,2072, N. Y. w Mfidn from harmless materials, and adaDted to the needs of fading and fall .in? nair. l ar&ers xiult xaiBu was . T- 1 TT "O I V.n n ' a . , . .1 taken the nrst ranc as an eiegani anu 1 reliable hair restorative. I The Hirer. fnllnw atac-e of water in iha r;.f rnnfinnps. Cant. Jno. iiarper, 1 who has just returned from FayettevUle I 1 mw - I r,uA car that a rise was expected f ctotr hnt a telegram received v 1 J" I to-day says that'the river is now only ei"ht inches above the lowest low water mark; Capt Harper reports that the Hurt was to have left Fayetteville this morning for this city. Freshwater Perch, Trout and Black .a a M mm a fish Hooks and Lines. A lull assort ment and lowest prices at J acobi's. t Baptist State Convention. Hip. Bantist" State Convention will hnM its next annual session in Winston ia November next. Those expecting to aA i-on-nof prl to forward their . tt -Rrftwn TKinr of I names to Rev. H., A. Brown, 1 astor of .u u-ri-.f rvJinrr.h in Winston, or one I Uig wajiMw. v-. i 4Kflfnllowinff committee: C. J, Wat- w " 1 kins, rr A. .1. Hnnt. Ami T I tf,i,AiMwv, . p 1 W. Durham, as cany pusaiue, ia urueri - i :ui J J I to avoid confusion. : . Study "your-interest. You can now buy Cook Stovta at , factory prices at lUslsirate's Court. aac owautey, cotorea, was arraigned r " ri "!' 1 ' before Justice Millis this morning upon tne charge or burglary an account ot which was published m yesterday's Be- view but the main witness, Carrie ioon, wonia not swear 10 tne aeienaant identity tnis morning in connection with tne onrgiar who entered her premises kst Friday night "Consequently the defendant was promptly discharged by the Magistrate, and so ended the bur glary case. ; : - ' ' , "'. This afternoon about half-past two o'clock, a horse with a light buggy at tached .came dashing up third street from the direction of St. James' Church, and with every jump his speed seemed to be accelerated. Bat on he went up the hill past the City Hall until he reached the entrance to Heston's alley, where he whirled suddcnlv to the left and dashed down that thorouchfare: there the buirirv was capsized and the aiiimal was freed .-'.. from the encumbrance of it. But this did not stop his soeed. lie ran around the Eaaara until he reached Third street ocram and then kent on ud Chestnut street. The animal, we learn, belonged . . . to Mr. Jno. B. Currie, of Laurinburg, and the buggy to Capt. T. J. Souther- land. The horse had iust been sold to Mr. Edward Kidder and Mr. Currie had just driven to Mr. Kidder's residence and gotten out cf the buggy leaving a boy to hold the horse while he went to see Mr. Kidder, when the animal look fright and ran as above reported. The horse we do hot think was injured any but it may cost $20 or more to repair the buggy. Au Excursion Party. We understand that an excursion par ty from Rutherford ton is expected here on the 6th of October. The officials of the Carolina Central, we learn, hare kindly made special arrangements for them, and it is thought probable that an excursion down the river on the Passport will be on the programme, too, tendered possi bly by the merchants of our city. This will enable the excursionists who rest right at the base of the Blue Ridge, al most, when at home, to catch a sight of the broad.expanse oi the old Atlantic, add it is even probable that Captain Harper may be induced to take them out to float on the bosom of the deep blue I sea, for a short while, if they so desire it. 1 Rutherfordton is .about 260 miles from I Wilmington and 27 miles from Shelby, (originally to make Rutherfordton the 1 objective point of this road, as the char ter reads "the Wilmington,Charlotte and i&atneriora i&au iioau," out tne war . m -1 r-a m a changed all their plans and the people of Rutberford are still 27 or 30 miles from a railraod. To Builders and others Go to Jaco bi's for Sash, Blinds and Doors, Glass, fcc You can get all sizes , and at the lowest prices. T City Court. Bart Lander, colored, charged with disorderly conduct and resisting the po lice, was the first case on docket this morning. The evidence proved that de fendant, besides beiner drunk and disor derly, was very violent in his demeanor towards the officer who made the arrest, resisung 10 ine lasi, or uniu ne was suo ... .1. 11 . 1..1 i;i - l- ued by several well-directed blows of the policeman's club. The Mayor passed sen tence of $10 fine or thirty days in the "w "w L a ; 1 iv iu4 1. " j Pa WCUUOBBUlwu WB1CU VUb tt VfcTi a widow vman - mi . j. 11-J it a? I BC" caac wcre lue P"w engaged in the horsewhip scrimmage on Market street, - yesterday. His Honor heard all the testimony in the case and then rendered , his opinion in which he took occasion to say that however much as a citizen or a private individual he might sympathize with one who felt that he had "strong provocation for his course in redressing his . own gricvancein this manner, yet as an omcer 01 tne law . mt mat it was his duty to vindicate the majesty J rtf tTii lt.w An A In fViaf. erA Tia wnnlrl im. finA nf'MS nn 41.. two f,n. A.ntmih u 4. ii-tiir, &Qd the friend who aided and abetted by .t.. T :n vc"",6 K"8"61 WUiBWul Hnf " TT ib TTatiap 41h Ti riafanM moo. I mnrji as uera irera soma 01 ineir wiui much as there were some of their wit . I . , .7 " I neFsca aDsent ne wouia near mem xti.i r:i.r - u nesses absent he would hear them - . m .1 . . morrow in miugauon oi vne seuience jus i . . i imposed. The Court then adjourned Beautify your nomes by using the N Y. Enamel Paint, ready mixed and war ranted. Sold only at Jacosfs. t . V- - . T. , t , ... ' i ui ... II ill I Good's Great Show. I ' 0n the 13th dar of October W. C. Coup's Great Paris' Hippodrome, com- bined with bis new united monster shows, said to be more than three times lanrer than ever, will exhibit in this" city, giv s ing two perfbrniances,t:aib2rnodn and evening. In consequence of the CTcatly increased si2e of his show, and the enor- mous additional expenses attending it, Mr. Coup has been compelled to increase the prfce of. admission. In order that our readers may realize the i mmense dif ference in size, the following facts are famished uy ;Tbedrertisemt depart ment alone is more, than twice as'exten sive, using two fmagnificent palace ad vertising cars, and three separate sets of agents and advertisers. The illuminated material used is the finest and .most ex- pensive erer known, costing $2,500. The enormous tents, covering fully eights acres, are the largest ever known, actually overspreading three circus riniis I J l : j a t. r. r uuu a mpPouroe rac8 .w"' wiae anu Dearl nal a miIe arouna. in uull"n 10 me iour circus ana nippo- drome ccmpanies, there is a grand muse- with animals To operate I 11 1 n irom au Paris 01 me worm the different features of the museum, a dozen or more stesm engines are used. In the great street pageant, the finest ever witnessed in the South, nine differ ent kinds of music are used, including three first-class brass bands and four musical orpheodes, each driven by a powerful steam engine, issuing-meledies equal to a concerto of twelve hundred musicians. Nothing to equal this was ever before known in the show business in any part of the Jworld. Every other department of the show is said to be on a propoitionate scale. In the way of sensations, the wonderful flight of Lu Lut who is hurled from a powerful iron cata pault, high in the air, and describing in transit across the great hippodrome pa vilion the segment of an air circle five hundred feet in diameter, and turning two complete evolutions before alighting, is the most hazardous and astounding ever witnessed, and said to be well worth going five hundred miles to see. Then come the Zulus, the Indians in their ex citing chase for a wife, the hippodrome races, jockey races, hurdle races, steeple chases, flat and standing races, the ele phant and camel race3,Zulus racing with thoroughbred horses, and scores of other novelties which can be seen and enjoyed only in Conn's Great Show. For fall particulars see advertisement in this a. issue. - A Booken Arm that Seeded Setting. A colored man, whose name we could not learn, but who belonged to a gravel train on the C. C. Railroad, and who had just been paid off like his pal, Bart. Lander, the same whose name appears elsewhere in the City Court's proceed in&rs this morning, was taken to the Guard room last night for medical treat ment, owing to the fact that the unknown had his arm broken, which accident oc curred somewhere in Paddy's Hollow. Dr. Walker, City Physician, was sent for, and responded to the call, but found the man in such a beastly state of intoxi cation that he conld do nothing more than bandage the limb.. This morning the Doctor went over to set the broken arm and also put it in place, as it was dislocated, when lo! and behold, the man had gone, his friends having come after him. As the party was not under, arrest the authorities made no attempt to stop him, and the poor devil departed for his home in the up-country. A very interesting description of the Luray Caverns, written for the Review by a lady contributor, will be found on the third page of this issue. j Miss E. Karrer has returned from the North and with a very large and beauti ful assortment of millinery and fancy goods which she will be prepared to ex hibit at the store at Exchange Corner in a ew avs BnS Husted clearcd t0 J: for Port-au-Prince with 2 casks spirits. 15,- shipped by Messrs. Northrop & Cam- o ir , - : Juany miaeraoie peopio oras mem Duica auuui iribu uuuu; Bireutu, uxuilg i3x are steadav sinking into their graves when, by using Parker's Ginger Tonic, they would find a cure commenc ing with the first dose,-and vitality and mr mr strength surely coming back to tfceml See other colann. , .. .i - i dJisr Ills? lutt-1-5 fi Hew AdvertiEombnts. a y y q h THE ONLr.HlHG' CIRCUS" U THE VORLD i v OU ITJ SECOIID TRIUHPHAtit AtlllUAL TOUR TO THE UADIHQ CITIES QF THE 4 j i ... jrx9 ttip , 1 ouus-u a.n lo rtfcif w tto io c .-. f".: rr 1 With a Kace Track c Toycitucir WILrJllNGTO, THURSD'A'Yt Oct- A S After completing a three weeks', brilliant and successful engagement in the Mad ison S&nare Gardens, formerly known'aVtho GREAT -NEW' YORK'-HIPPO-m?.OMTC WL?W Tfhich Mr. Conn built himself in New Yorkin1874vhe itf- now onhisr way to-tie leading? cities 1 of '.the South witba- MAGNIFICENT NEW CONSOLIDATION, everywhere admitted to be the " i'. imtK-iVf Largest and :Besr-SnoVy iii the ;Worid ! Since exhibiting in this city last season, Mr. Coup has enlarged his exhibitions to fully THREE TIMES THEIR FORMER PROPORTIONS, with the . addition of a MAGNIFICENT' HIPPODROME AND THREE CIRGtJS COMPA NIES, exhibiting simultaneottily in THREE IMMENSE CIRCUS RINGS, em-, ploying nearly TWO HUNDRED ARTLSTS of all nationalities.; Also, a splen--did MUSEUM AND GRAND MENAGERIE. Amongstbe; leading sensational . features are the great and only LUiLU, who is hurled mora thaa one hundred feet through the air from a powerful iron'catapult, performing two complete evolutions before alighting ,in- the net;.' alsbr the Wonderful Dive of .Geraldine, who plunges headforemost sevenly;flve feet downward from the dome of. the Hippodrome; also, exciting Hippodrome Race, t Chariot Races, Jockey ;JJaws, Lady u nrdle JJaces, Flat and Standing Races, Zulu; ands Indian Races, Jthe Wonderful BRONCHO HORSES, the Leaping Horse Nettle; FryerPony and Dog Shows, ,lh,ei Leaping Italian Grey Hounds, &c4 &c, giving a series of the most novel -and intensely in teresting performances ever witnessed in any show in the world, without exception. The NINE KINDS OF. MUSIC used in the - C rand est Street P agean t E ver K n own , are fully equal to the combined' melodies, of TWELYE HUNDRED SKILLFUL ' . MUSICIANS. Suclta startliag array of features as is presented in-the Four Circus and Hippodrome Hinga. was never before known in connection with any exhibition North or South East or West, either in Earope or America. In fact Mr, COUP'S SHOW has grown to such vast proportions, and, the daily. iaggregajed, expenses aresq extraordinarily large, that he is compelled by necessity, not from choice, , to increase the price of admission to 75 cents ror auuits, and pu cenis iorenuflren,oyer nme. years oi age. Choice reserved.seats 25 cents extra. U ,, - , ,'.!Xt, TWO EXHIBITI0NS-iAFTERIO01V & EVENING.1 Cheap excursion trains will run on all wishing to avoid the crowds at the ticket of exhibition at Dyer & Son's Clothing Store at a trifling advance. jl ; :u V sept28,octl,5;10,12-wsept30, oct 7 rr r G reat 1 Economy T9 BJT YOUB 8TATI0H EST ef every variety and style. School Books aad Blank Books. A comple'e stock always s on band at lowest prices. ' 3 mr r i Get Best lit plAN03 AND OBGAN3 CHKAP 10B tlsah. or on the eir almcat Dlaf. St' 'It a iff ' il' sspt25 Jave Boor and Metie Btore School BooIcg. i "it- "i 4.. 1 r:f A Tit -:-ciy SECOfJD HAkJD, AT Reduced iPrices I .a iTks naus Cf tit rrfr cm al-yiji te fa aiihed to the Editor, - , OoxaranrdcxtloajatitbsiwrUt-a ca only flSi-of fcrpxpe Y7;;u F4Wni32drt1!TCr - Aadlt If especially and psruenlarly under stood that ia4itoi4ies ncl al-raya endTT the viswsot ersspoadeats, rales. o ttaQ fa the edibrialcolaasf.: 4 3 .kVJ .3C fc ; Advoraccraoii Xsi SOUTH!' "i '. 19 tisrf- a j j: -j . ia riJMisqit x .)' railroads on the day of exhibition; ' Tboso omce can procure mem tickets on the days -i; bl -nt.l lUiittisSV -- Baffing and Tiest QO fl fl BundlesTfewaud p'cd ',:iyrea yV . f-sl .ifix Bacon, Coffee Sugar. -O Pn O" different grades, i Of fl 5hl Sugars, Granulated, -.JJ , fiUndard A,xlai;and 1 G00 --'WsMv: 10 0 Tllb X'X!a? , .Potash, Lyc,.0m&; ' 'JLULI f iiij :iti ttJLULI5 T.5i3d lOiltrj SlileaW' Vaff ;I5Q Boxes fioap v iCn yd:i "3 rr" EAama"WrTr!Tnr' "Pin.- Hoop ilron, , Ely, Oats, tEandolfli .,. ,ForsaIelow hyr V-. - sept 19 l,TiTliiIAiI3 & MTjnCHIiONi is 4 f ...: .

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