tnxa pipes 4 paollsfced Tfy aftsruooa, Basari - f - s' iU0. T. J AM BB, ".""fl .-sarin r S134!0 eiy aetl all rnSVeli"-; IWUHUWHI cat KbtTOh AMI fkorHltrk Ynt aas of thfwrSr rrl always te f aUal H,lkL Editor. MrtAllKrl- Nl -VfTA viK PAID.. 00 rJU iunil, fSSO ; Thraa tuonttn. 1 1 36 ; Oa tfrubth, SO oefitA. re paper via cm -Jf!ivtrri ty arrters, - tf r V nf ptrto! tb city .attko rati, or 13 9ic wf !!. dtti:Btf r at.-. t.t .dKbcra; viuberluf lai report as y and 'tlirwto rotT iLeir paprsregaily. -4 i k. PsTsonaHlssatrt - Aad Jt laeeesisily aad Bartialart e VOL. V WILMINGTON, N. C, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 30. 1881. I ftoxi tiilh? not always endor7 lataa etortaleoraliaWT ' 5i 7' "Jyr " :S, -1 n , tj rHria bill ivrf ' . I I ' ' --. i . . 4 mi f - f f . j t. j- .- i "1 Hot7 A dyer tieemonts. J y. v iron, jmrnrnm, Iourafgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, . Backache, Soreness of the Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swell ing and Sprains, Burns and . J; iSeaids, General Bodily r.-'u v Pains, Teeth, Bar and Headache, Frosted Fefei and Ears, and-all other t Pains and Aches 4 3Td Preparation on earth qtiali Sr. Jacobs Oil i 'afe,ure, simple aod cheap Xxternal Rjemtlj. A trial entail bat the compantroljr rifiipg oatl7 of M Cent aod every one Buffer ing with pain caa hare cheapt aad pgattire proof f itoclalma. DirecUoa In Eered LaoEoaees. " ' EOLO BY ALLDSTTOQI3T3 AUD DEALEB3 , ,. IH lDIGDr. A. VOGEXER &; CO., april IMaw-om id - -'AND i re: being received by every Steamer and by Rail. The prices will be as , ; , ' ----- - - loirorlowei than evcrVbefore. i. ... - ; - RespeCtfolly, - : - - . " """ - - - R Mclntire. MliS. JOE- PERSON'S ! " REMEDY FOR - t j3 NEVER FAlLSr . It Will Curt if piirly Testei. TttrirM me much oleasure to be able to state tiat I have dexired au effectual cure of Scrofula from the use of Mrs. J oe rerson-s if k f remedy for that disease - I had suffered 'iVX vrofulafor more than three years. getuag well, x j tnree very - good result. Surgical Instlj is treated there than two monthsrrtth no better re sult than ray family physicians met with. fnminop f mm the Institute. 1 was . ' penaaded to try Mrs- Person's remedy, and V s Ihad not used it more than a week before I ? tIeg jjy gores soon began-to heal, and the K SA omr flf mT aEln chanced as fast as the sores i f healed. I had not thought of ever getting A well again. bu my nopes wcraucu, w 'v Epiritednesfled before thv remedy, and I am now enjoying splendid health and am in good spirits- The remedy u mua as pur Liir. a trono' tonic : It will heal the moat stubborn sore in three weeks If taken i 1 regularly. It is my option that n anouia be taken some time after the sor is neaiea, to remote the cause of its effects! It ahouid 1 -'"te takea,regT3larly by all means, ior a naTe flf terAvrt neglected It, from the pressure oi rl 0hl, tSr ' P r.-- fnnnH that thA r v r. eaa', P TM eaSxLiy made would commence to re- and for this alone it anouiu oe v- "T? ntn in pffeGlnal cure Is i?5pletedi NoW Baould PJt regu. 3 ty Ynthe ue of the remedy and It should betaken at the preper rime. I would re- Smmend-to all ' who are suffering from J iSroiulatotrylt. Itwill sure y cure you k If you giTe It a fair est .speaKirom H riince and not from hearsay. I am agrate- fulreclpient.oracure .1 i..Hno- nhllMtiona to Mrs. Person for the great relief -MXtS tained from its use. 8ufferers, try it and be curerisW adricc. I am, respexuuuy, -StoSl, K. C. JAMES A. MORRIS. -Send stamp for testimonial of remarkable Ctoard bylirs. Joe Perwn, FranWInJ toMTa Sldlby WM. H. aRE3N, Wii: mSrton,N.C. faKVdaw-nae ! ! TORN C. BORNEMAN has his Butcher J Stand on Market StM North aide, right wound the corner from Sceond st. where he will ba ld to supply his friendand toe public generally with the best of Beef, Mut ton,&fl He keeps always on dandta constanUy receiving the oest of Star red and rastur Beeves, uiyc mu v-" LOCAL NEWS. Niw Advertisements. Opeba. Hocse A Child of the State WoCBA;gectT-Notlce W S p E Co 8 VxnAmbikoe Legal Ad C W Yatis School Books II einsbebqeb School Stationery No City Court to-day. Bangs cover a multitude of wrinkles. The excursion season is almost over.- v. : tt : . UWC8t t""ilu"utoua 6 "A creation of "the t fancy" A black eye. - " - " " ' Monday " Criminal Court convenes on the 3rd proximo. The receipts of cotten at this port to- day foot up 589 bales. The heat is intense and the dost intol erable. What shall we do? The thermometer in this office at 3 o'clock this afternoon was nearly 90, degrees. v Time is money: empnaucaiiy so wnen . 1 II Tl Tliill'a flAnith Nvriin fponnontlv enroa I ni,?fl nnn At, inWothon 1 a. Price 25 cents. Sold everywhere. The Ger. barque Lydia Peschau, ciearea irom Antwerp ytcruay iur.u Prtv " I 1 he Eastern Association of Baptist! Churches of North Carolina will convene at the Baptist Church at Magnolia on Tuesdoy next, the 4th proximo. A iew VneauFap o-0 - yonng widow m that city, wuo writes wen, -is training nerseu ior uu no is weeauqr anew iraimug The Wilmington Steam Fire Engine No. 1, (the Little Giant) will join the funeral procession to-morrow of the late Mr. Dawson, who was an honorary mem bcr of that company. 10 Duiiaera aau uiwb-uu w v-wIir,k G-iUMa Tr-fir- r---; ' . - . , , n -ll-' Vn Von not. ftll BIT.P9 RHfl at tH6 lowest prices. . t w 7k ,u 4. itf ' t We wrote yesterday that Jar. Dawson !":.- Voo7 w:" .w11.OTMri ?f Phnt1 it ilt noYected tne proof but it was not corrected. Bishop A. W. Wayman, of the A. M. E. Church, was in the city on Wednes - irsforbasb,lina anaoora, wias3,iIA, w-niWnn in.iRAi" day, as the guest of Rev. J. G. Frye. I General Ress," "Report of General Fer- who make any move that we have heard I George Hoey, Sfr. MarkM. Price, R. J. Dil He preached a verye sermon in St gnson," "Report of General Adas," 0s. This firm, as we have previously joMAjS& btepnens unurcn mat eveuiug, uiicr i iuemoirs oi riras aaaryiana iegimeni, i stated, take tne store on X ront street! rnor,and Miss leva Glenn Haker.. which he left here for Richmond. by General B.;T. Johnson," History of formerly occupied by Mr. T. H. McKoy,! TDES?.A 5,:UV?d',J SthVcTey.poSi! ity of doubt. If it's i Liver or Kidney rem( LlUUUli WUUUiuviwu. ny, reiia jjcttini xkcucnci ao jvjixl uwv. l. uruggisis. xepoi aas. aiuuub. rni.-. TXr:im; PmsKviii will mPAf. . tt.. nt u 4Va r -P;. AUC HUUUUEWU J. ivoy I kvi I n lU UU1UU VilUrUU, IU tUO kunu Ul ahuvum t-v ' i. rni J irw. 4Va I jjnpiin couniy, on j.uuruy ueiuio Second Sundav in October, which will be 41,- c,, friij h thA uu", 24th stated 'session of the Wilmington t Fresbjtery. Mr. Joseph Lahrop. residing at bev - en $ iW.MZ'SSn , . i . itr:ir Del rheumatism in the hip. He suffered so much that he scarcely could walk. Hay- inir purchased a bottle of St. Jacobs Oil, before retiring he bathed his hip-and re- peated the act upon arising next morning mi in ft ri.v or two he was as well as he erer had been. " " 1. Monday next, tne w oaj ui vv-ww is, according to the uewisn iauu, uu Kippurtbe day 01 Aionemeuu days of penitence" are now being observ ed, occurring from Friday "last, the com, increment of New Year, and continuing thiouzh Monday. On that day the stores of our Jewish citizens will again be closed. Arrested on a Peace Warrant. Laura Ioeraham, colored, was arrested upon a peace warrant sworn out; by Sa rah Cowan, colored, ana carnea Deiore Justice of the Peace for trial. The Court gave sentence against the defend, ant and ordered her to give bond in the sum of $50 .to keep the peace for three months. Suretj was furnished to the amount required by the Court, but the defendant was cbmtaittteU in default of non payment of costs in the case. . Women that have been given up by their dearest friends as beyond help, have been permanently cured by the use or Lvdia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound. It is a positive core lor , all;fe male complaints. 8end to Mrs. Lydia K Pinkham, 233 Western ATeane, Lynn, Mass for pamphlets. The Steamship Benefactor, Captain Tribon, cleared hence this mornicg with foil cargo for New York. ' Call at Jxcoai'a for Garden Uoea and Bakes, Shorela, Spades. Axes, Sec. There yon hare the lowest prices. t Al says the fewer feathers woman has on her bonnet in this world. me more snewui nave on ner wings m the next ; but most prefer them here. . Freshwater Perch, Trout and Black fish Hooka and Lines. A fall assort- I men t and lowest prices at Jacobi's. Th 8tWm fireeniae an' was oat this morning and down at Messrs Fowler & Morrison's coal yard testing tbe qiality of some coal said to be Eng- lish candle coal. We hear the report of the Chief Engineer, Captain Manning, I was satisfactory as to the : good quality of the fuel. MOTtns Into a Fireproof Balidln. Mr. Solicitor Mooro and Major John W. Dunham will, we hear, ocennv con. I - J i s-t-nw , . . aa-. I turn to the Court House. Mr. Stacy YanAmringe, Superior Court Clerk, has already moved into his new quarters in I th9 bagement of tte new jn Thi5f be it remwabered, is entirely fireproof, made so fer the purpose of preserving the many, important documents, records and old wills on file in; fie .' Superior 1 Court Clerk's office, from the daiger of I the devouring element, shoald the Court I House catch on fire. Owing to the pre- utions taken in buUding this new wing, eTen sll0uid the maia building of Coutt Hoasd catchj)n fire, the two I Clerks' offices would remain intart. - The Sonlhcrn Historical Papers, j The last number of the Southern His - 1 torical Papers is an unusually interest - I lQ one- Thc "ble of contents number . . , - . .Jtha following interesting contributions: I wiuuuaiLU, I rtltter from General Early," "The At- I t2mPl t0 Mtcn 0D Resident uavis and 1 0 . T p . , img.;ni. tl0nof Mr' Liacola b Jade deary," I "Operations Around Winchester in 1863, "Report of General Geo. H. I Stewart," "Sherman's Campaign in Mis - 1 sissippi in Winter 1864," Report of Lane's N. C. Brigade," "From Port Re - public to Chickahominv." "Experience ofaN.rthemM.ninthe Confederate -fnny," ''General Sherman Manufactur- il-ling History" "What Confederate Bat if. I in? Historv" "What Confederate Bat - a J r icfy xiruQ tuc Xidei) uun aw 'xi.ppomaiiox pomatto2 i q h This ig a tru valuabIe le periodi- of every i . - I Cal. and Should be in thC hands Of everv I ---J I ex.f!onfP.dArfttA. PrirA nf snhsrrint-nn ia - - -r ..w nnlv S3 AO rwii nnnnm Arlrlma T?Atr "T .w. w.. . I Wilnam Jones, D. D., Richmond. Ya. ... . fV a tr A i a a m a i The new , steamer .Baden. Caotaia William Skinner, made her first trip to ' 1 dav lAiivino. Wa Ahnnt m aV1aa.1t this I -J' . noon for Faille. The Mater. wasboilt by Captain San Skinner at the -Marine Railway in this city especially fftr iliA irar?A rt.wAAn hArA and TAVA.tia. ... , . ron8j!e(3 lhe ihtest ville, and is considered the lightest draft boat ever put upon the Cape Fear I river. Her dimensions are as follows:! Lsngth 100 feet, width 18 feet, depth of hoi.! fAAt ShA.haii a locomntie boiler wita double engines 10 by 36 inches and cm make a: speed of about 6 miles an hour. She draws when light 18 inches aft aad 10 in. forward. She will trim to abount 16 inches on an even keel. Her carrying capacity is about 600 barrels of rosin. She ean carry aboat 300 barrels of rosin and 250 bales of cotton. For the latter, class of freight she has fine carrying room, her decks being very high. The passenger accomodations on board the Bladen are rather limited as the steamer is provided with only four siate tooms. The intention of the owners, we presume, is to make her more particularly a freight Wat. Messrs DeRosset & Co., of this city, are the agents at this end of the line. We wish the new steamer, her , agents and owners all the success imaginable, aad trust that the Bidden may never be snagged while on her perilous journey between here and the npper Cape Fear, that she may always have whole boat loads of freight, and that herowners may realize whols cart, loads of money from their inTCStnenL Th noej.nardie Combination. The Hoey-Hardie Dramatic Combina tfon .Company will open at thd Opera Honse ia this cit on Monday eTenioc; aet inthe; the day entiUed-4A Child o(the State.1 The PhiladelDhia Times. New York a jJerod and other leadi nc nanAra rf the North speak in the. most glowing terms of th'is iece and also of the conmanr: Xh(S fiichmond Dirktch savs th3 tlaV m r j is an intensely tragic melodrama. Gone Fere! cn. The Nor. barque Capella, Captain Holman, cleared from this port to day for Hamburg with a cargo of 2,1 of rosi .vj. b Megarg 80S barrels Paterson Downinff & Co. The Nor. harona Love. fond, Captain Bastrop, was cleared also by Messrg palersonf Downing & Co with 3.659 barrels of rosin for Rot- I terdam. Yesterday the Nor. barque Alfen was cleared by Messrs. DeRosset & Co for Rotterdam, Holland, with a cargo of 3,250 barrels of rosin on board. Holing Bay. To-morrow (the first day of October) I is a day much dreaded by housekeepers, I and tenants generally, for the reason that j ft & moving day.' It has been our ens- ton hitherto to give on each October day I at the beginning of the month, the differ lent changes among the merchants or I business men. But we have less to note I in that way this year than on any previ- j ous occasion 'within our recollection. I The only notable changes that we are aware ef on Water street, among the commission merchants, is that of Messrs Woody & Currie, who, come down from I tTioif omUo ritmn iha .oMn1 their exalted position, on HUVU M.M. lAfBlVWUI WM WWWM floor of the building on the corner of Water and ' Princess streets, and have taken the store in the Navassa Goano 1 Company's building, formerly occu. I pied by Messrs. Lamb k Parmelee. I The other moves have been made by 1 r c. , i r.s I ill COO to X IfcUVClSUU CO UlLiB UUU Messr8 I rr j:- ti.- u n rn,. two firms I UttlUlUK W UUUBWU W. WW. XliOK Most swapping places, Messrs Johnson & Co. taking the store and office formerly ;k.uaM a. nearly opposite the Produce Exchange, while the latter takes the place of the I former just three or four doors above 1 their old stand. Messrs Brown & Rod - dick are the only up town merchants! 1 which has recently been fitted up in very I fino ahTa fnr a first: rla retaU dr, good, store. MisaE. Karrar the lady milliner, has the popular stand 1 . canirA Hnmor this mnTi Ar u JJiluiu a. w w. , - . w v. v.- I iected, however, some weea or so ago, and this sums up all the changes in the commercial world within our citv limits I AAmmAwigl vnrlrl wif.Tiin nnr itv limita I v,viuiubiv i v.. .&u.u aw on l-nnlrro nf bUU b n& uiw wuj wuwii.vvigw v I ' i the MAILS. I icemaiuciuikuuttinvo Hi. wo w.j &"tK .k liTIn. ma . Ai U4 ui u ijuivwgu uiiNim v w v . ayt AU I Northern through and way l mails .. 6:40 a. ca. "KK ' 40 a. m. roatea 8Upplied there- from, including A. & N. O. Railroad, at.................. . 5;40 a.m. Southern mails for all points 3 daify j.AbVm Woatarn miU (G c n d.u A . (except Sunday) 9:00 aau tor goeraw lyarwog- ton M 7:45 p. m. I m Maila for oointa bat ween ifIo I rence aad Charleston 7:45 pn r r . FayetteviUo, and offices on Cape Fear RiTer, laeedays, ; and Fridays..... 1.-00 p. m. Fayetteville, via Lumberton, daily, except Sundays 9:00 a. m. Onslow O. H. and intermedi ate ' offices, every Monday aod Thursday at.......... C. 00 a. ni. Smlthrille mails, by steam-, boat, daily, (except Sun days) - - 8.80 a.-n Malls for Easy Hill, Town '.' A,' Greek, Shailotte and Little River, S. O., every Moa- v. day and Thursday at 6:00 a. m. OPES FOB DXUVXaT. Northern through and way mails... .......7:80 a. m. Southern Mails 7:00 p. m. Carolina Central Railway.... 4:00 p. m. Stamp Office open from 8 a. o. to 12 M., and from 2 to 5:30 p. m. Money Order and Register Department open earns as stamp office. General delivery open from 5:30 a. m. to 7:00 p. m., and on Sundays from 8:30 to 9:30 a, m - : Mails collected from street boxes every day at 4:00 p. m; Btampe for sal a in small quantltiaa at general delivery when stamp office Is dosod, , - u? t , Quarterly Meetlars, Wilmington District, Metho(Jt ; E Church, South., ; Fourth round. k lopsail, at Kocky Point, . Oct.j 8- 9 Smithville . . Oct. 1213 Wilmlngtbn. at Frnt Strcel, Oct. 1516 Wilmington; at F fli Street, Oct. 15 16 Bronswjck-: ... .j : JOcL -19 Wucamawi Cyprus Creeki Oetl20-21 Whiteville. Shiloh. r ... .Oct 22-23 rairaDethrBradeil SpringsT "Oct;-26-27 Bladen Windsor,- c? t--Oct? 29-30 Onalow, Queenia Creek; i!..."Nov.i 5--e Clinton, Clinton, . f . . , . , Nov. ,12-13 Coharler 4 n - .u 'Not. '16 17 Cokesbury ' :: J . ' -Nov.-19 20 Let all the officials baprescnt. c , h, S. BnBKiraPy p. E. M Made from ' harmless tmatertalsV and adapted to the needs Joffadincrand fall- ing iair, Parker's -Hair .Balsam has taken the first rank as an elegant and reuabie hair restorative. . Hew Advortikemeriis. ; CUTE MEMBERS W. F. E. CO. No. 1-You are hereby notified to . appear at Engine Hall, In citizen's dress With "white gloves and badge draped- in mourning, at 8.30 o'clock, sharp, to-morrow morning, j attend ihf faneral of our deceased rm ber JOHN DAWSON. Esq. Honorary members are .respectf all jr re quested to join us in paying this last tribute i i- to the memory of the deceased. ; ' By order of Foreman, sept SO-lt W.C. CRAFT, Sect'y. I OR E RA HOUSE. Jib.J 'jo Two N igfhts Only. r.iuiiUAi a I uc&UAl, uu o a a. I THE GREAT DRAMATIC SENSATION. 1 TJILABORATE Sceaic Embellishments. I Jui Elegant CMtuinlng, Striking Tableaux, rowenui Acung. , MONDAY. Mr. George Hoey's adaptation. A CHILD OF THE 8TATE. One of the most splendid successes ever L --jJi w!l?ed I fires the sensibilities. Audiences evince 1 appreciation . by . alternate smiles. and characters bT Mr Jam iTTfPWr Theatre, London, and Wallack's, New York, I DIPLOMACY.- ' k' . iuSZ,' traction,tthe usual scale of prices .will be I adopted.; Box Sheet opens Saturday Moni- tn(. IIv.m' i I f North Carolina, K7 Snperior :( Hanover County. . ;!;J Court I " AUObciy, uwr ut ""CilUB . , -. . - if - I ; grj ' Xlaintifi. I 1 - - - t; ,,, -. " Josephine Allen, Defendant THIS IS A PETITION to sell cer- tMi M4a,-, rffi:f ,Wflmi,ii ton. the prqpsrty of 'Adeline. Allen, de: ceased, for the payment of the "debts of said deceased. And it being made to ap pear to the Court that Josephine Allen, the defendant, is a proper party to this j . 1 actian, that she is a non-resident, has property in this State, and cannot .'after due diligence be found in this State, this is therefore to notify the said Josephine Allen thattshe is required to appear at uo vuivc vi bay vtci A. . - - , fJonrt of New Hanover Countv. in the x m mm w - - . mm & mm mi mM 1 1 iin i m.m iaui mimhiii 1 IH 1 or in A'oIvlr A M .An j u- A. . . li r ' -- nemnr in ine comDiuni or venufa wmcn . . n fil . f . - Aa 0i-twill . . -a:-, 'th(l rTonthe iion, S. V anAMRLNGE, a fa, ftf f. . onn.iA- 1 or iSew Hanover county. . J. D. Billamy, Jr .PlaintiflTa Att'y. sept301aw6w Mziz?l -pM For Sale; Xourj Na iMyi2Es;' TIMBER wag- ON ANP. HARNESS Jatf beseen 6y calU lug at T. J. Southerland's Stables, v, sep 294t GREEN. , School Stationery: Schol Uas aad Straps; i cx -. tekolars Compaiuow, j? t : J ,j . i -xs-k- OrayoasV' n xa.-r?; . 'i-i ,-,i::rItkSr: trq-Cir f p '.ijpoajraav a. 1 Zrery ttdar, Whstasrla parson or by mail, will raaeiva PJ&uUrT rrsnrioa a Iltll live Book ks4 llsils CU- HI AND SEOOEU'D HA WD.' Rductbd;Tices:i t aw tl .X-J.atijAfrHaa.e'j a rt SEA-SIDE PARK HOTEL! Wrightsviiic Sound w, TS NOW OPEN FQB-THE RECEPTION 4- f i'vdiiK ,'J. ir:-iS ,n--,tj a ri I f guests. .!tff A .vr-i-'tuld .v .TtotaUe:UgRrfp,UedriUi the : prof ? ' ? -r i,.-' ffj --;!! M J ucss of the Sounds and Sea. t ,r Mfiw Transient 'ahd tregular Lhoarders takea reasonable rates, aaila f u:..5i.j pi. , l .AT. A. BUflUriJli, IJetf v jt,? ?r v..' ti a Arropneior -w I... ,TQ, THJNE AB0JJK j u , HOT BED afiSHj L?r ' H a lf in t:.'fi?A M H'l.j.Ki '-t i j if u.PLEASE ORDER EARLY. ti J HASH, DOORS AliD BLINDS,' BRACKETS, MOULDING, , LUMBER, &c , j t m ALTAFFER, PRICE 400.:. ADDITION ' TO MY Alreaay i I ..:. v . ft" . 1 i .... . .fall, line of i Fancy. and .iStaDlcfti "A- ,H .,oods,I liayo. on tho, t . ,r . . I Hew-York-Steamer: To arrive z ort ; Tueay Ji 3' 7tlia inst,, a fall,.a55ortraeht of, -Jr . All Imported- I;1 j;ia.?;i;:vv. ? Nenfcliatel, , i ) UOJ ... r-.. 4 p4 i. " SaprSago,,.-; t:5 Comijne Kaas, Boqueforf, i I ,r:-..j:5oiji'. , 4 Stilton,! cjil I sMr.f- Ji "T f fSB2 ?0 BrjC ; ,,r i w - I.-js t irM iooJ .?-'r.a raswj . - a- . a BeXcordia acdtowin:tliem di ti 1s Tsiiiea va el ,l 2zdnit:b rJ t9 . JN0.'480OTfllGHTr' taps 16 .tuai ei ccsac eu 10 js-t.ayHf rv;. 11 3 PJac: f?2 5l 9iTi A JTINB AB30IXT2IE!rT vOJ4 G1XDIZ3, frei tsicP9Sas:Jrs: rasirsl and vale. , r r ' TTXSf -XSTLn GlOTtNSOltX-lfAl)!: Caadr a j te f 5ry, wia s be Cssad -everr . J day,'freih aadsiraetj braa doon Bflutho' taafsCoe oa Caeoad-street. 1 Abo.lf ati L IUixin,TrciVo CC JEYEJS. , j)saS alZIaaxiatFcito2af aug O-monnn-im.