- .-. -i ii-i - . r . i . ., , ..: . ' '- ' " "" ' ' - '.' - 1' . ' THIS PAPER , ' t - r. ... I rft- ! iiJiX.4-:. wi i - ' ' ..... ' , - ' - " v . I y . , , , .. i .--... ...., -.. t - --.--.- j n.e Tii jieiTTa Ml - I . E ' . ' .. -- . . ... J. - i 1 ': 1 5M..t . . I . T . T" - , U4et ry afternaoB, j 8aa4ays tc- iOHB. T. J1MOB, - to. tor and KaoPKirriK. s 1 iFW3d.-r eoBBCRirriojrs.posTAQK paid, r f .. yr,t5 00 Bix nontfcs, $250 ; Thra V itia, iX Z& ; Oae month, 50 oe&U Tk paper will ba dolivered by carriers, 4f of sharga, i "7 part of the city, at the fr; "fJ r fcT rujior 13 wcu per wwi. tdrtfrtiaii. ratei low ar,d liberal . - . i ii -- r -r'T1 j Tii "if f i - w'Frfe j litiLi ,Lf a tb,--: i VOL. V WILMlGONfJN:' .,! SATURDAY O V ' SabMribers will please report any mat Yj 11 fallorw to reeeire their papen regularly. - ie ' . V r. ' J;' It 2t : 33 if V - -J. i '" 4 ' I ?? How. Advertisements. RHED1MTISH, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of the Chest, Coat, Quins, Sore Throat,$woIi- ( ings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily - ' Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted -: Foei and Ears, and all other Pafns and Aches. vXJ Preparation on eartla eqval Sr. Jacobs Oik m wre9 aUnple nd cAeaj Xxteraal iUmeOy. A. trUI entaila bt the eompentiTelj triaiar oatley of 50 Ceata, and every one uffr- 1 of ita cUisoa. -if i' Directiou ta Beren Lassnarea. ; - SOLD BT ALL PSTJGKI8T8 AJD DEALEB3 XH MEDIOIIE. ? A. VOGEUBR & COM ; - - . '.:JiaXHtnore,2L,Tr.S.JL s t? . Ri; BEING RECEIVED BX EVERY ' ' Steamer and by Rail The prices will bt as low or lowet than ever before. -? . Respectfully, - . ... i. .. . . -. R. M. fUlclntire. r:ns. joe person's REMEDY.FOR SO R C'P tl L A NEVER FAILS. ' It 7flll Cxtrt if Fairly Teste. tf. mn much Tjleasure to. be able toj state taat l nave aenTcu u cjitchuu cm o -i a.rni . rmm th nse o f .Mrs. - J oe Perf on'a - , . ' , a- t.i I c " iff rii-- oodl U . ii 5 'v. ... AND - remedy for that .disease. I had Buffered from ficrofala for more than three years, and had despaired of ever getting weU. I ' was treated, daring that time by three very eminent physicians, without any good result. ' I then went to the National Surgical InsUJ t tute, at AUanta, Ga., and was treated there more than two months, with no better re ; suit than my family physicians mpt with. jiXttr returning trom the Institute I was ' persuaded to try Mrs. Person's remedy, and ? -jtha4 not used it more than a week before I discovered its curatiTe and healing proper-j i ties. ' My sores soon began to heal , and the i : color of y sWn changed as fast as tbosorea - Veiled: I had not Vrtgbt of -Ter getting " well again, but my I es Incrf ised, my low sWrttednesifled before th. remedy, and I aim now enjoying splendid health and am In rood-rotate The remedy ia mild as a pur JSSifSdaetrongtonic; It will heaJ-the imt ttubborn sore la three weeks If taken , re-nlarjy. It Is my opinion thai -It should beUkeaaome time after the son, U healed, to remove the cause of its effecU: It should be taken regularly by all means, for I have ' . JomeUmea neglected it, from the pressure oi laainesa. and In all cases -found that , the - care, already made would commence to re trograde, and for this alone It should , bt -, taJkea rSrnlariy txhUI an effectual cure is completed; Nothing. should prevent regtx- laxity in the use of the remedy and it should bo taken at the proper time. I would re commend to all who are suffering from Scrolulatotry it. It will surely cure you tryon rive it fair last. I epeak from expe rience and not from hearsay. I am a grate ful recipient of a cure from the use of it and am tinder many and lasting obligations to - Urs. Person for the great relief I have ob- - tajned from Its use. Sufferers, try it and be p. cured; Is myUdfice. I am, TespectfuUy, Sttrell, firVC. JAMES A. MORRIS. Send stamp for testimonial of remarkable ' Prcwutd by Mrs. Jce Perwn, FranWinS .v ForX3aIe l - -pblji NO. 1 MULES, TIMBER oKAKD UARN&S3. tan do bccu vj cau ' Ini atT J.jrouttoland f Ublet. ; sep S9f5 1 H. McL. GREEK. LOCAL NEWS. New Advertisements. C W YATES-Schboi Bocka IlEixsBEBGB-chool Stationery i Day's length 11 hoars and 4C minctfiflWHt.rr" r i, 4Avfn ao GattcriDifenls mending tcrnloth mg. A burnt mousteche dreads the short L,5or- ! Ilnw fn L'PPn n von vitK ilia xv-kf-l!- lie Otid ' 1 That beauty is not so bri ght as she Pa,n,cd- Horse thieves in Texas are serenaded by strinff bands. .: . a iuru uuugtr mau wdo aruma wearing tight boots. Sunset .to-morrow afternoon at 42 minutes past 5 o'clock. There's many a slip be tween the jul. rni- iL i a. oa i c ii in inciri I ri nnvi uvn rtRf nrn iva tithi Sundays and fire Mondays. - Speaking of wags; what is more wsg i ii e t . " wuc" " 15 Time is money; emphatically so when Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup frequently cures Sld!'o? !' efciVl" a Price 25 cents. Sold everywhere. In Oakdale there have . been three in terments this week two. children and me adttlt. , There have been two interments Bellevue Cemetery during the week one child and one adult. Study your interest. You can now buy Cook Stoves at factory prices at jACOBl's. t two 'marriage licenses this week, both of which areTor colored couples. There have been 'five intermenis Pirm Fofeat . Cemetery (colored). tUa week Wo children and tnree aaaits. ; . , . . a How time changesl In the good old Testament days it was considered a mir - A . J . , i acle for an ass to speak, and now noth - ing short of a miracle , will keep one Beautify your nemes by using the N Y. EnamelPaint, ready mixed and war ranted.. Sold only at Jacobi's. t 1 ' MM ' -------------- Yesterday's Newbern News says: The v... af win : -Mh VAA. TUmfh Cant TT ill B7 U T Hu l : ::T sailed ten days ago for Smith s Island, . iateW on board; ii in Beaufort Hsrbor.wind bound. - Brain & Kerre Health Renewer. crcalest remedv on earth for impotence, leanness, sexual debility, .fee. 1, at druggists. Depot Jas U.Munds. ramtnrb! cVobs. . , . aP I We learu from a prominent citizen oil Pender couney, who plants largely in the Ca9atuck section, j that the reports of damages to the crops io ;iha IciJUj By the recent storm are very excessive. He has made it his business to inquire into the matter and he assares us that the entire damage to corn, peas, rice and cotton in that section will not exceed $100. Call at Jacobi's for Garden Hoes and Rakes, Shovels, Spades, Axes, fcc There yoa have'the lowest prices. t Sodded reill. v V; Alec Love, one of the oldest draymen in the city, died suddenly this njorning. Alex, stopped work in the early part of the week, and went home; but was at no time, we understand, considered danger ous. .He was up about his house this morninsr. but later in the day was taken very ill and died. In ante bellum days Alec was owned by Joan D. .Love, Esq., deceased, and was hired by James Orrell, Esq.", for whpm he drove a dray for a number of years. Of, late he was in the employ of the Carolina Rice Mills, and later of Messrs. E. Peschan& Wester mann, as a drayman. Alec was a polite and industrious colored man and. enjoyed the confidence and respect of those who knew him.j Women that Jtave been given up by theirideartf t fiends asbe yond help; have been permanently cured bj the use or T.ii FL Pinkhara'a Vegetable Com- lpound:c It is n 'positiveinire o 4 all fe-1 f Sale complaints. Send to Mrs. Cydial E. Finknan, cauzin t jzu, Lynn, Uass for pamphlets. Mr.t James UlChadbourn. and Lis Tarn ily, who -hare been ; North i nring the Sainmer, are expected to re tar a home to 3 hiight; VJi'rPsllWlltPT" Trr1i !! mnt infl filar - 1 tnt and lowest prices at J aoobi's. f f Uniniilablrt . Unbailable matter. addressed as fo! I lows, remains-ifr the Postoffice in this I ! . - . - 1 I nlra TJ . f T . : XT f T X.. Cl1! I JVi xvaupuiiei, T Ul' i'hiUdelpbia. Pa: ' F A Sawver. No 4 is Cedar st, Rooms 15. ' Globe Office; Wil- liam Fenderson. No 301 ' bickerson st. Bile8 V' Messrs Wauamaker & Brown ' uaK 11,1,1 . UJotbtnff Honse, S K corner ixtu Market sU, Fba, , Pa; MessiS Aitmiin , Tft ,tK Bffv,1 - waw uiiu j aye no 2, N Y. To Builders and others Go to Ja co- si's for Sash, Blinds and Doors, Glass, I &c- Y0.1? CdU Set aU sizes 'and at the Repaired and Cleared I 'I'L 1 t n i iCUWner . nusseu, I vSDtain oteelman. bonnd from Jar.kann. - 1; Neiir Vnpl. ,tll- ft orfr nf w lumber, and which put ia here leaking and m distress on September 11th, has been thoroughly overhauled, her cargo tiken out and tho vessel hauled upon the Marine RaH way where the bottom was - 1 ciulkei . and "the, seams all made tight agaia.'; She is now ; refoaded and cleared I to-3ar fnr hftr nrJInaT Atiniimv Ki o . "J n I uo consignees. ir.. . rt tt - -i . r. S, Court. The following is the regujar venire drawn for the next session of the U. S. District Court for the District of the I Carje Fear which - - wwa V M Vi J VU Monday, the 31st inst. The parties I named are summoned to appear on Tues- I day, Nov. 1st r New Hanover W. E. N. Sellers. injchas. Mirphy, Jno. M. Clark, A. S. I Winatead-W. .Al Wriirhfc. Jnn a srnr. jirooa, j. iw; juui, SC' tt. I J Littleton, Isham Sweat, D. L. Gore, 1 --. . tT ' , . TTT I HoggiDS,f John Maunder, A. J. Howell, 1 oaynn t. Jflfc R I Chas. TV. Bradley, Jas. H. Taylor, Geo. I M. Crapon, H. H. Gerhardt, Henry Tnr I ner, w. B. Hill, Wm. Dent, C. B I Fatch. I Umwmvta .?.!. A 1 fwrt TI-A-nn I , Duplin O. T.- Waters, James High- iniith, Allen Gillespie, W. C. Carolton 1 . , . !. . L . - , 4. . . P"1 to be a Bhort one, eo t eeed.DR perhaps, fourdays. - Board ol ildermen. At a called meeting of the Board of Aldermen, held at'the City Hall yester J day, the foMowing proceedings were had. Present, Bis Honor, Mayor Smith, and Aldermen Worth, Huggins, Aldermam Bowden, Chadbourn, Telfair, Willis and Sampson : "t .The Mayor stated that he-had called the Board together to announce officially a '. t. 'jl' . Jl.iL ' le ". ir' 10 jaem me ueaui v ci-aiayur uoon Dawson and ask what action they desired to take in the matter. v Alderman Hoggins moved that a Com mittee on Resolutions be appointed, which was carried. . . 'The Mayor appointed on said commit tee,' Aldermen Huggins, Chadbourn and Bowden. . The committee retiroe and on their return presented, the following resolu tions, which jrere unanimously adopted : Death has removed from our midst one of the most prominent citizens of Wil mington. It was with sorrow that the community received the announcement of the death of ex-Mayor John Dawson,who expired on the 29th of September. He came to the banks of .the Cape Fear in early manhood, and rby- industry and strength of will he became a successful nerchant .and achieved high places ol honor in this city. During the scourge of yellow fever that visited Wilmington in 1862 he remained manfully at his post, and discharged his duty as Magistrate of Police to his afflicted and suffering peo ple; therefore, be it ?. Kcsolved, That we, the Mayor and Al dermen of the city ot Wilmington, in view of the death of this eminent citizen, who, as former Mayor of this city render ed such numerous and efficient services, feel called upon to give this public offi cial expression of. our feelings upon the sid events : V j '- Resolved further, That in the death of ex-Mayor John Dawson the city ol Wilain Ttcn- has lest one of her mostef Cckatand Cavoted friends, and the com nrniity cna . cf 4ts jdosX prominent and tasftri members. .: ' The ceetiag fhea tdjonned. The-LaitRites i The funeral servlce3 erer the lemains of the late John Dawson were performed this morning. J,The .bodyiwasLimveyed to rt. amea- nrcnaUd from tbence to Oakdale Cemetery r folio wed by a large concourse of .mourning friends. j The funeral semces were read, by Rev! Dr. Watson, and the pall-bearers wefcj Dr. Al J. DeRosset, Mr. . E. Baxrusi'Dr. J: DJJellamy, Mr. H. Tollers.MMofc Jas. lilly and Mr.Geo. "-.F. f liamb Steam Fire Kog ne Co , No. l," acd th mwjuum ssociauon accompanied the remains to the grave. The Xew Styles. ! Capt. R. M. Mclntire has returned from New York and the splendid stock bought by him is rapidly following. We glanced through the dress goods depart. ment this morning and can asst ro our ady readers that wc saw there the pret iest gooda and the most becoming styles that have been known to the : world of fashion in many years. Capt. Mclntire bought largely for his new establish ment in Durham well as for that in otitis city and in a few days hopes to have everything here arranged and in order for display. : " Harbor Master's lie port. From Captain Josegh Price, Harbor Master, we have the iollowing list 9f vessels arrived at this port during the month of Septembertogether with ton nage for the same: American, Tonnage. Stealers, Schooners, Brigs, . Total Foreign. Steamers, 9 7 3 19 1 1 3 9 14 . 7,234 . 1,650 . 974 . 9,858 Tonnage. . 1,518 Schooners, . Ill . 894 . 3,333 Brigs, Barqnres, Total . 5;856 Total number of vessels, American and foreign, 33. Total number of ton- Magistrate's Court Before Justice Gaedner this morning, Sam. Larkins, colored, was arraigned up on a peace warrant sworn out' by his wife, Emeline Larkins. Defendant was ordered to give bond in the sum of $100 to keep the peace for three months and pay the costs in the case. Upon the affidavit of Ambrose Moore, colored, the same defendant was arraign ed for making an assault with a deadly weapon upon Emeline Larkins. In this case defendant was bound over in the sum of $50 to the next term of the Criminal Court. In default of furnish' ing surety' to keep the peace and alio bond for his appearance at Court, He fendant was committed. Andrew 'Bowden, colored, upon the affidavit of Ambrose Moore, was arrested and arraigned before the same Justice upon the charge of aiding and abetting Sam Larkins in his assault upon his wife. The case was dismissed at prose cutor's cost. Joe Tucker, colored, was arraigocd in the above named Magistrate's Court up on the affidavit of Mr.,ime3 Fetteway for trespass upon land that was posted. Dismissed at prosecutor's cost. Frank Andrews, colored, upon affida vit cf same plaintiff as foregoing esse, was fined one penny and costs. ' " ' - . Comparative Receipts. A comparision of receipts of cotton aid naval stores at this port for the year 18S0 and 1831, as compiled from the 'books at the Produce Exchange, is as follows; " . j Receipts for Sept. 1880 Cotton, 15,- 329; spirits, 6.525; rosin, 28.926; tar, 2.471: erode turpentine. 6.042. Sep tember, f581 Cotton, 10,932; spirits, 8,592; rosin, 32,166; tir, 3,949; crude tnr- psntine, 6,944. It will be seen by this statement that there has been a' substantial gain for September, 1881, over the same month of the previous year, in everything ex cept cotton, and this article shows avail ing off every where. rT .i I'! The fire alann this forenoon did ! sot amount to much. It caught on a shed at the foot of Castle, street, and a few buckets of water put it out before ; the tnembers of the fire department could arrive at the scene. . ' ,v ? - - - ' Eeer Afreets lbs KIiXceji9 ; ! and it may seriously interfere with : tht I health unless promptly counteracted aad j Uftnd Liver Cure has no equal. f iay foot up 32& bales.' i ?;J lu j .Ge'nritaipSheriffof the cojintr, turned oreyTo the County nreri3,l;fwhich.amouut82L6Gd was" sexiaTfdnl izllzjidt ira ii'-t sbeTcialfand. 2Lirnt9-si Mr.-Joseph talbrop; res'idin at'Sev' enthmndiChitai:ti Del., y lhat he iadfa-fleTera Attack- nH xneumatism lfltMieiajO- Ha Btrf&rtd Ko nucn inat fco.jitf eiyo!dol walk I Irv ing purchased a. :botUof..Sfc Jkcabfl OiL before retiring ho fnfhA di. U ,! 'jJ. peated the ifct nWonariatntrttP-yt mrsiri ever had been., , V " I'i, .'y ... 1 . WiImingtonT'Di3trictMetliidis wuuuitguuu... x'uuriu.ryuuu. . Ik. Topsail," at RockV Pointll'VOo.tl. 8- 91 Smithville . . , ,r,!;.,..: Oct. 2;13j Wilmiogtoii, at Front Street. Oct. 1516 ttr !... ... V l-llK.' r. - . -mm liwiugton, at xawi-oireei, uct.ao.it Brunswick:.;:; - ;?z?::rrxcKi I w WaccamawCypress Preek,1.,Ocfc720-21 Whiteyllle. Slufoh;' ; . f. 00.22-23 auzaoetn, iJiaaen borings. . Oct. .26-27 Bladen', Windsor ,v;Oct29.30 Onslow, Queen's Cre(k.'r;;.;Nov Duplin, Wesley .Chapel, ; ? Nov. ! 5-6 9-10 Clinton, Clinton, . Coharie ; : '" XT to f o UUY. Xr-XO ; Noy. 16 17 Cokesbtiry r ; ' i No vf 19-20 "Let all the Officials be present Lu b. rfUBKHXADL F. E. ' I ljt . ' Made from harmless 'materials,! and adapted to the needs of fading and fall ing hair, Parker's ! Hair Balsam' has taken the first rank as an eleganinnd Ii. DIED. DAN IEL8 Last night, afc half past 11 o'clock, MART B.. daughter af James II. Daniels, aged 6. years, 10 "months .and 10 davs." . ... -. - ? V; The funeral will take place 'to-morrow morning, at 8 o'clock from Justice J. C. MilliV residence; thence to JifthC Street M. E. Churehw and from thence? to: Oakdale Cemetery. Friends; and acquaintances Of tfte ianuiy .aiijirttpfictrttlly invited to at4end. flflUT A rtMNlnima -l?'eremptoiy?8ald.-V BY CRONLY & MORRIS, ON TUESDAY NEXT, October 4th, 188U commencing at 10 o'clock, r A3 Mf wd will e of Front, between Market and Dock streets, all of the k' '.:'"- ; PARLOR, DINING ROOM, J, I y ; ; ' r V CHAMBER. (30 Suits) Office, Bar, Billiard and Kitchen Furniture, with everything appertaining and belonging to the "Commerclar Hotel'' t j sta. Can be examined on Monday; 3dlnst. 41 Terms Cash.'"2 l! i. fci'-"-1 ' sept 29-oet I, Z, . . vi;.; .-';' .- GAPE FEAR ACADEMY. XTTASHINGTON CATLETT, Princlpaf; YV JAS. W. MORRIS, A. M., Assistant, reopens mujNDAI, , UUIVBEK 3d. it ol; fers special advantages foryottng men pre- paring for business or College; oung pu pus careiuily taugnt. iTiscipilne arm. mete Pr moderate. . German taught by a competent teacher. Parents! wishing- to enter their sons will please do so at the .beginnip oi tncsefision. . ., sept i.ui sawjaon-im OPEftA..:;-HOUSE. Two lights f Only. w. ' I . f FilOJIDAY & TUESDAY OCT- 3 & 4i THE GREAT DRAMATICKSEIfSATION. a i . ELABORATE U Scenic Embellishments Elecraxt Costuming, StxlklntaffiblcauJC. Powerrol Acting. acting. . t n MONDAY. Mr. George HoeyVautuiion. i A CHILD OF THE STATE. - i r.Q One of the taoat eplendld 'successes ever - aehlered at Wallack's Theatre, i " " The most powerful mekvdrania of the day. A nlav which, eleetrifiea the oaaslons lauu fires the eencibilitlea, .Andiencca evlnct George Hoey, Mr. Mark M. Prica, R. ii Dil lon, Mr. H. -Bee Davis, Mr. Frank Will&rd, Madame Majeronl, MJsi Kofna Price, J. J. Prior, and. Miss Kva lena Baker.) ; T ; tuesdax;;K : ir The great sucfcas of the.Prince Of Wale Theatre, London, and Wallack'sNew tcrk, -i - - DIPLOMACY f i -ttcnl j The Greatest Plar of the Darl ! t Notwitb stand lug this - extnordiaary at traction, tho usual seale of pricea will bt adopted. , ,Box Sheet opens Saturday Mcr tngatDyersV ; - ;;?ept SO j4t School Stationery. 9ehelafs Cotapaalcns, J .4 u' i - a 4B9osiaoA Iftoka, J .ns:ilyoa P,Perclj . j-mLk a tti9K4n v?cpoart3 ca riUrttlTaPiiJliiT atta'J?aaf r I a Iivt Book sad XltsltBtcra Jj weir appreciation. Dy , auernate , equics , anr tears.- . ' ?r'T'- I a Characters by Mr.TamcsfHardiei Mr. -1 ' i ?. ' rfcA vdt rr ,lco3tz-jbc9,Si 9d TL. " Ssd n$y rW " " ri I .. a- Hizwnl 1JLJ ettJafei 4 fiaUCjad .a ifrff ices ?cn r.it .t-jxa-ai a:a v!Ki Ja ! i t-5 -t-. ' .. : i: I S ? if tT OiiJai CiiJ wit id tt-Jt-. 4&2i P4!il ?f It . . ( t .! rv. ml . L , . , 7rr SEA-SIDE ' P'dfilL i " 4 .-,( . : 'i . ' t . ,T. - t m -' .... ..... nSss'ftiie Sounds ind'SeaH AC Trmt and':higular; , reasonable rates' 'lfftJ.3M.Al i i l.. . - r jii 5 ill gl .vTbtJdaAtu-' !?S;?T.'.-X r bmiJij tt f OTP,rjewr ,JBI tii i.t'Jr. HOT ft t; plitase ;6bEp'-EiMY. Hi l a SASHj-DOOpS AHD BllHilS, J v lAXiTAFFER PRICE & CO. A.a iq 0 ii .sjF ...w r a?af.f-v in'" : aw auvijlluu TU,,lEp:, Already Sfolliiie of7'Fancimi .Staple 3 JlHeww York Steamerlll ta Imejin 9 J.4 ti dJ .wiy odl Ci. ENGLISH GER WAFPATIDFREfiCFI ltd , t Ji i ; "ril 8ia.' I.Jc. eJJl tiii.oi vj traoIti'fi3:t!5' - 1 l j: 5.r..u. I-;.4i?r fc-Jtt i ''. : iift e!r:o? At't ao .'ie)i;:?fej et: Eoqncfoii,J Tt , "?..' - -Trail . t't Jil lo ILt -ilJ jt JromagoDe-'Br3ci,;ocif.;5:!..'" . ' tu r.i:Tf'Tttjf tl.n-m " fi2f '' ri .'i 4 rroinagO'IJvUBjgiiv. i.ij 1. i a ,.;i-'.5 M -These godds bfelncwft tlx' 0 . - :wj.f.i piarke Icprialy iaTii.elitd c l 54: ;a 0; Mi (3 f.C. ? f tyzv i; mtJi 'J - - ' a iocS9ea Caessd streat. " Alo. if r . iatsiaa. Fralti 4a. a . JETE58. jsaS - - SSsar fee Pcftoieetj Jf