i - - - - - '- - irr 'niTufTTi i -ii i ttllH PAFKB ... . j I i. , ii r i tii - - - i i ii - ' i. m mm i I" l in ! " 1 '" "'JL!.'" "" " " '"' - - mff0m''.Z?LlJ!? .:'."-'. "..'i".". '"".f 1 MM lii l .. TTTV . I - -V- .--jJ f-t? rw - v.- U i 0 V r r . i ,t - 1 O II II 11 I A M E ft , - f - ; f KBXT0R Ab rtbOftUSTOl SUBSCRIPTIONS. POaTAQK PAID." o year, IS 00 8ix Baontha, $250 ;Tfer nosthf, tl 1& ; Ona month &dit. I r fhe paper irill a dallvared bf caxrlara, r of in uj part of the city, ati&a rata, or 13 eeou per week. "' ! -i " Adrertieiaf ratet low and libera ' " ;--aberibera will pleue report any tad ,?r!uree to reeeite thai papan regularly. ; ii i 1H ltd ffeuragia, Sciatica, Lumbctgo, Backache, Soretest of tho Chest,, G cut, Quinsy, Soro Throat, Swell ings and Sprains, Burns and ' l i ' Scalds; General Bodily TV, " u Pun, - Iw-y h ToethEar and Headache, Frosted feef and Ears, and all other. ' I " i r Pains and, Aches. M ' Ki Pnparatlon on earth eqtiftlf St. Jacobs Ort m , we, iml0 and eArp Xxtenial Knedr. -A trial eotails but th eo9ipanttlT!j triflinK outlay of 60 Cents, and every one soffeiw " Ing with pain can hare cheap and positiT proof of it rUlrrwt . - - . C. directions In Zlervn Langnaea. . . - j. 80IJ) BT1LLDBUGGIBT9 AffDPEALESS ; ; r -iJS IDEDIOIaTE. . : : , r A. VOGEIiER 2c CO., t Haltirnore, 2cL, 17. 5. '. C! - V- . . . ' . , . aprill2dw-ea to ' " i- SGH0 PL FOR YOUNG LADIES Drxwlntc aad Painllng tsubt i j Hra, B. H- rttttSelaslo 1t Kri. M. P.' TAYLOR 8ewlon of elitt montlu bejrtoa MONDAY, the 10th day of October. . . - ! - j . .- - i Nunber of paplli Halted. Prompt atten. anoe ImperUnt Thwatif h csorie JVi Natufai cieience. Mathematics, French, Ger man. Lwtoia Voeal Maiie, Hee41ewor,k aad Caluthenlct. yor'particutarf, addreMthe sept l-nnn-thUT-3W i BIN 01 PAW FORECLOSURE 8ALE.By virtue of a decree of'-thd'- Superior Conrt of New Hanover county , made ..at June Terra; 18S1, "In an action bet tweea J. D. Bellamy, Jr., vs. Cornelius Campbell, et al, I will expose lor sale to tbe highest bidder for cash, at the Court House door in the City of Wilmington, oa Iho 24th October, 1SS1, at 12 o'clock, M, that certain lot in: said city, with the buildings therein, .beginning at a point in the Western line of Third' street, W feet South of the South rco..TTi intArMtinri of Bladen wi h Third Btreet. runa thence South with said line of TWra street 4 ieei, menw thenee North 40 feet, thence East 155 feet to the bezinninsr. being a part of Lot 3, Block 277 ( MARSDEN BELLAMx, 8fptSl.law4w ; Commissioner .-V. K ". REf BEING RECEIVED BY EVERY Steamer and by Rail. The p:lce$ will be as low or lowet than ever before. - . 1 RespectfuUy, , v -J .' t ', '! t R ; U3 fl c I nti re. lept SJ I 1 II -" J ' ; I' Ml i v ; AND . j t FERTILIZEDS AtlOTrERTIllZinO sarcTiAI - j; pOTTN AND .F' 4 ' ivTaiir otters canvcet la&'corrcet Truckers "and' others can ge. channel to trade ;adtantsg1e6utr:l)y-OID munlcatlngwlth JAS. T. PETTEWAY, Agent For the celebrated FerUlIzcrsflcoxi Gtttt & Co'a Manipulated Guano and Acid Phoa phate sept 6- For Sale- ' i T70UR NO. 1 MULES, TIMBER WAG- VN AND HARNESS. 1 van oe ncoa I ng at T. J. Southerland'a Stables. I ii . ii . & ii im fi ii ii , ----. - t f --,- ii r ii ' l l it I LOCAL .NEW.S-, NEW ADYEBTI2K1TBXTS. 8e ad HosUtter's Bitters. 8tablesFor Pent. , . Mrs . Jos Peksok Scrofula Remedy. C W YAtxs ficboel Beoka ' HaursBxaoxB 8cbool Books J Jj BoarwKiOHT Just Received Acrxrna; Parci & Uo S ah oori an J Blinda -. IV J OTTkBBOURa A Brilliant Debut A epirited'j basiDCXi-TaiauiiracturiD whiskey. WhiU specks on th; naili inilicat good lock. - ' , - , "The So' who fills"a "iong feltToid- the dentist. . t . . Brunswick Court convened at Smith villo to dajt. t I Forcpaugh'f circus shows in Augusta on the 20th insU ... - "? t. -Politeness is the just medium between form and rudeness. ! cJToJiye without a purpoeo is to lead an unhappy and restless life. Very little house-moving this October. as compared with former years. c-j 1 The coal dealers look black cow- professionally speaking, of course. . .- f . - The schools will all open ' this week and juTeniledom is in the depths of des pair. : They who talk the most work the least unleps perchance they should be book agents. 1 The Vexcurters'Ure at last weary of listeningto what" the sad sea-waves are saying." I - Milch cows are 'now .in demand, and the sales are of daily occurrence at re inunerative prices. i Steamship BtQulator, OapC Doane, arrived at this port Saturday night from Kew.Yorfc. Study 70ur interests' You can now buy Cook Stoves at factory prices at Jacob i's. ' : T After all, the joy of success does "not equal that which attends the patient working. " . Seeing' 'aitich, iunering macii;rand studying much, are the three pillows learning. Be;always ai liberty to do good; never make business an excuse to decline the offices of humanity. f The oldest friends are to-day the staunchest friends of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup. They have proven its . great worUtiin adl ceases .'of-Coughs, -Colds, Hoarseness. TickRne in the Throat, Irri tation of the Bronchial Tubes and Lungs, jThe old iolks say that we will not have any rain until the full tf the moon, which will occur next Friday. IJBeautify your nomes by using the N Y. EnamelPaint, ready mixed and. war ranted. Sold only at Jjlc oil's t The atmosphere continues oppressive and nnwmfqrtahie. ItPwasltimcst lis wayeUday?in tUlwn'tinii.T It may be right occasionally to take a bulHy the horns, but it is always well to keep in mind mat ine norus oeiong w the bull. ' ' ' t A woman to oe "atter". stylish must be a blonde, is thejatesk decree or fash- i0n something on the jaundice order, yellow hair and pale yellow skin. erereXpTTaIiarec afUrnoorTfromTlir. Bruno Kennicott, the general agent for Leavitt's Gigantean Minstrels, who play here next Monday Call at Jacobi's for Garden Hoes and ltakesi 8hVvSparAxe3;Jcc?Thfcere you have the lowest prices. ,t. jt Leavitt's Gigantean Minstrels are en route for this aty and wUrpjsyite neit week They are in Richmond to day and will beJn.Ptejsx day. tt ,i.ta,, Trt - nllafi.Imich..l JIw. T have last sold to Mr. John Oilw Bs says:'Ioul4 not 1e without it for four times its cost. My wifohas had the rtiCTloJi2)ar.th9 iwfir "vears. 1 have spent hex without 'Kood wha ever; now her leg ii healed up, m aond apparently trcTrrthe;piA fesdiiOTs; and we used only three bottles. three hanarea louan ,M&t--t' iThere were some-, slight sprinkles ofj rain "hereabouts1 lo day but not a gallon of waler in all seems to have fallen. v t-; -.;! i i ' ' ' -c ' - ' ri The Board of Aldermen and the Board oTJudit and Finance are in session this afternoon,, bat too late forj U3 to report preceedmgs in this issuer - . . ViForepaugh's t show will retarn North early 6Y(mbr;anJ.'is expected Uo stop itt Charlotte. s It may conm lo-Wil- H fell V Dap t. BobWi Liil jZ formerly.-of this 3ty tut: who has 1&h i'bsejgjLdiectr ng" la New YorkC City ind SCate fofthe past eight of ten months, , is; here on a VIS41 lO tJUT cuy. i a a . . !A . - - "ThcrTeceipts of cotton f at this port to- day Mtvp 2,01 balasi hisisAby a considerable the largest showing for any one day this season and was surpassed but twice last year, Nov. Oth, when 2,356 bales were received, ana no v. xom, f bales. .. iyTo Builders and others-Go ip; Jacq- bi's for Sash. Blinds and Doors, Glass, Ac --You can rget ; all sizes ' and at the .lowest prices., IV--". 'a r The Statesviile I Landmark says: A gentleman of this place who has just re turned from a business trip to the moun tains, int"Watauga ' county, encountered the surveyors of Gen. Imboden's proposed railroad from Bristol, Tenn., ..to Wil mington.; The road i3 to. be a narrow gauge and this gentleman, was told by the surveyors that it would be built from Lenoir Tia Taylbrsville and:' Statesviile; that the building of the road was assured and that the people along the line would not beasked'forBubscriptipns j , ; Freshwater.Perch ; Trout and Blacks fish Hooks and lines. A full assort ment and lowest prices at Jacobi'sT t Th Dixie Fair. x The Third AnnuaLFair of the Dixie Agricuituraniatra ax ecnamcai Aflaoow- tion will be held rat waaesooro aurmg the third week in . this month, October 17th to 21st. A note from Capt. Pat rick, the Secretary, says that arrange ment haye been made with the C. 0. R. R. which will transport free all articles intended or exhibition. Our business men should make a note of these facts. Wadesboro is in the midst of a splendid agricultural country and the Dixie Fairs heretofore have been well attended. It might pay our people to make exhibits at this fair. . j ACniid of the a taw. :? The prospects at this writing are good for a large audience at the Opera .House this evening, on 'the occasion of the first of the two performances to be given here by the'Hoey and Hardie Combination The troupe is a first-class one and come to us well recommended by the press o the citiesiwhere..; they "have performed. AyChild ofthe State will - be presented this evening and it is said to be one of the most splendid successes qf the season The scenery, much ; of which is carried br tie vCoxnpaf,. and the dresses are Very. ficerTne icast is the same as in the piece vhen recently f presented Tin New York.- . - lr i city court. Bobert Palmer, coloredcharged with disorderly conduct and being abusive to a potfco4of3cerwas arraigned before the Mayor xthis "morning.' Officer3Jafford, who made, the "arrest, testified that a crowd of colored menr congregated, on Front street just;;below Exchange Cor jwayn Saturday night,- and commenced singing; that very soon the crowd became D large on the sidewalk that it was un passable, wiereupon he notified the sing era that ihey.musf disperse, when the dc fendaicame forward and said he knew what a pbHcentan's duty was as well as the omccr, and no u a a wniws mau should arrest him. : The officer then im mediately collared .Palmer and while cn the way to the IGuird House with the prisoner and when in the" vicinity of the old Jaftithe vdefendant' made a leap for freedom sayingV MCatch TncM yon can.V - UO ran aoou av yarua- wucu' 1 Gafiord, who pursued closely after mm 1 grakTaiT apology, but the ofiV cer told him it was too late, i no uayor said 55 fine orlea ays.itt the City Pn j ij. kuWU4UiS feadant escaped, his ten days in the C. P This endeu. iia - cocker anaue uoun aa journed. . Criminal -Coort. 'The October term of this tribunal convened in the- Court House, ' this morning, with "Hon. O P. Meares "on. thepench Col. B." R Jlqore, Attorney forjfie Staje and MajorohnWiun bainv Clerks General; U Manning,; high, Sheriff of tho county,; was on dqty or the first time after an absence of several months at the North recuperating his health. Tb following named persons .wQre-drawn to serve on the u rand Jury duriognhe term, to wit : Robert5;!. Wood,' Sf.,.Foreman;L. J.Crowley, Thos. :MJriw$IfcO,OrTeI! Maunder, Joshua II. Galley, C. O.Ketch- um; Wm. A. Wright, Richard Beasley I Joseph M. Cronly, Wm. F. Burch, A. A. Dudley, S. U. VonKampcn, Oscar Pear- sail,. Thos. B. Lippitt, Charles Murphy aadO.D. Morrill. The Jury, after being duly sworn and assigned to scats in the jury-box, were regularly charged by Judge Keares in Ui3 Honor's usual vig orous style. After the charge had been delivered, the Jury retired and the Court took a recess at 12 o'clock until half- past 2 o'clock. The Court convened again at half-past 2 o'clock when the trial docket was pro ceeded ?ith. The first case called was Fred Brown, Sarah Brown and Delia Ross, charged with abducting; Mary Frances Jones. The case was contihuedf owing to the non-appearance of Fred Brown, who has fled the city. Several sci fa cases were then disposed of, Marshall Merrick, charged with assault and battery. On triaL Cuuuty Commissioners The Board met in regular monthly session at half-past 2 o'clock; present, Mr. H. A. Bagg, Chairman, and Com missioners Worth, Moore and Pierce License to retail spirituous liquors were granted A. A. McLean & -,0' J. D. DoscHer and F. W. Ortmann. The Treasurer submitted his monthly report. General furld.balance on hand SIR. -4S4.9S: srjecial fund balance flue Treas urer, $265.58 Thirty-seven coupons af j A - - the denomination of $3 each, and thir ty coupons of the denomination of $15 each, which had been redeemed, were burned in the presence of the Board. Re port of school fund showed a balance on hand of $9,399.15. Ordered that the poll tax charged against Edie Avery be re. mitted, as the party taxed is a female. ; Application of Sheriff S, H. Manning for an increase of 5 cents in the price of board for prisoners in jail, on ' account of provisions, was granted - Application ot Thomas D. Murray, for remission of tax on the schooner T D. Murray, as the said vessel was stranded and totally lost on the 2nd day of An gust, was not granted, there being no legal authority for the 'Board to grant the same. Petition of Dr. T. Schonwald was or dered granted. ; Exports Foreign. Hay tien barque Aurelidl cleared to day for Port an -Prince, with . 66,200 shingles and 204,101 feet lumber, shipped by Messrs. E. Kidder & Sons, and the British schooner Mabel Darling cleared for Nassau, with 60,000 shingles and 63,916 feet lumber, shipped by the same firm. On Saturday afternoon Norwegian barque Gambeita cleared for London, with 1,120 casks spirits, shipped by Messrs. Williams & Morchisotr. Decline or Maul Impotence of mind, limb, or vital func- tion, nervous weamess, sexuai aeouiiy, &c. cured by Wells' Health Renewer, $1. At Druggists. Depot Jas. C. Munds. Mrs. Person's Remedies We have excellent reasons for believ ing that' the remedies prepared by Mrs. Joe' Person, of Franklin ton, have all of the virtues claimed for them. This lady nas long been skilled in the use of herbs. She possesses many certificates, some from druggists, some from physicians and some from those upon whom the prepara tions have had a curative effect. She has already established the sale of her pre parations on a sure basis in North Caro lina, and we are glad to know that she is now making arrangements for their in troduction elsewhere.. They have but to be seen and tested to be appreciated. 1 Which is tbe best, to "marry in haste and repent at leisure," or to marry at leisure and need no repentance ? 9 , 7.', Rus tic chairs aro pretty objects, and as long as ,a man can resist the inclina tion to sit in them they ars desirable to have about! ' ; , j" r i ir..ji. t J - '- I- KlizabetbrBladen-SprtDgs, Oct. 26-27 Bladen, Windsor .o ?t;X)cL-,29-30 Onslow, Queen's Creek,-: . . v Nov. 6- 6 Duplin; WesleyChapel, X Nov:4 ,9-10 ClintonGlinton; si fitcVt6r 12-13 Coharie:' 1 1 V- Noy. 16 17 Cpkesburj-: ijjitoriJO ' K TLiCt a the dffieialg bapcesenU t.cm ' . .. .. T O T7nn . T " ' . . j : ' - - -' '.3 .-.'C- - SHAWrn 3Wllmineton.J N. C '"at half past one o'clock; ?.. MM on fM6ndayrQctoi ber 3d, 18S1, JULIA, wife rf .MrWnwJL Sh!w and- daughter hf Mr . Stephen D. Wal 1 j t m tUe 45th year of her age. - ' k uneral Tuesday, UctpDcr 4tn. at 4,o'clK, P. M.,from her late residence to Front Street M. E. Church; thence to Oakdale Cemetery.9 Friends andacqua1ntanc.es of ithe family Are uitiicu micuui . , Hew- Advertifiements, WkUMIV0 IWI lVII!l , TARGE, AIRY STABLES, two Stories, modern improvements, with good yard at tached, on Fifth street, between Ann iand Nun Possession given at once Address, -'Ua . P. O. Box 793 , oct3-3i School Books. TS GREAT VABISTY; A , .. , . . : . SOOND-niND T0OKS at half the price of ntw ones. -.'-j 1 'MX SCHOOL BTA.TIONEBY of , every, kiad. I will make, it td your advantage to buy of me. oetS v- s o. W. TATES xx A iJillLiHAJN T UUA1PAIN Y? I A MARVELOUS PR0G3AP.1f.1E I-' 4 WHEREIN rti-ZlXZ OTTRERBOHM JTHB atJLEKOTSK Fifty Thousand, Dollars worth of the Finest Stock of Stylish Made Cloth ing ever introduced into this or r :v any other market f GOVERNS EXCLUSIVELYiTHE DAY. V REPERTOIRE! Part 1st Clothing for " Children ;. 2d . ...... ... . " "'r st: s Clothing for Boys; 3d-Clothing, for MISCELLANEOUS : ': Overcoats, Ulsters, Reversibleshirts, Underwear, Neckties, Umbrellas,Trnnk8, V alises, &c. v;. . e'-.'o'Lf .T i'J"? ariClAJLiTUSSJ 7 W One Thousand Dollars Reward to the Clothier displaying a Handsomer or Larger stock than ours. ' - - -Five Hundred Dollars td any com petitor doing a more extensive Order Business than we; iThe" rapid growth df our particular branch exemplifies plainly the confidence imposed in us by our fel low countrymen, a nends, continue your favors, and oblige, . Yours, Clothingly,' j Mil tvi i; vi ibiiuuuivu) - - s . . TvAn .ifoAttl iflfKM rs oct 3 Wilmingtonf KO. a ; , Ralxiqh, N. O, Sept.27,;18kM ' Mrs. Joe Teesos. V 3 ' Deab Madame :Io reply td your let tcr asking wat I think of your Remedy, I would say mat tne sales nave been very fair, and so far as I can Isarn, the Remo dy has been very satisfactory to -my cus tomers who have used it, especially so in the case of a little jrl jofjthis; city,:ten years of age, who was, troubled for. a long time with sores breaking :ont over the, face and peck, having. Ahei appear, ance of Scrofula, and whidi bad resisted vuarirrij attunes. . it ,: Wilmington District; Methodist E CJhurch.'South' Fourth rbuha.4- Topsail at Rocfev Point, ; ihkt J S8H Smithville? u ; t-.-tf iOctM213 Wilmmgtonal I'runt Street, Oct. 16-16 Wilmington, at Fifth Street, Oct. 15 16 Brunswick T 7;'. " . Oct." ; -19 WaoawrCypfpss'Creek; Octr20-21 Whiteville. Shiloh, . .'Oct.122-23 the usual alterative treatment: for alongiheir apprccUtloa "by all time. She took four bottles of the Bit-1 tearsr , ec ; . m i c ters last Spring, when the sores entirely disappeared; and tip to tbjs tima she has had no return of them, her EkinL.looxizig as fair and clear as anyonVa. ri-n Trusting that'you may receive te sucz: cess which your'Remedy serai , to mcrU, i ' I am., very reipectfally youri, Lt .77,. 7WM. HIMPOS, mli as . . Dm Plate For wle in' lumliicrion bY Dr-Wa. H.Greenl "Send fomrcu4i of iestinio- nlals: -TIT ' itQ&14&- i . i . urn.. - - - Tie of writer rt.ltr jibe fe llUhedo fia Jfay. 4L rertaaiasael trsxt bearouea .- 7 -Ana lttj espieiallTaM parUcaiarlyc-rler New Adverti8ementafdA School ItM f i 4 t -. taat tte uiei v !c t j vv .-.--.Ir Of everr.i8HlHi, at Hie Very i 6hs r ces,Iat : r .y - j ' r. i. vo . so Ji, tjri 3o RELEASE ORDER EARLY.i RASH, DOORS; A tIDTL!NDSi BRAgBM,lNQrwSS Ac . . AXTAFFER. PRIGE A CO.. t t. vh-it it no : A fine Assortxncait of i ii ts sis ? : -. ; - J r:t a 9itfbccdJl .ill" BREAKFAST-Sr 'TEATABLEf I I-reiisu Ck)nB6tillgpa)f, ,cft. PRIZE MESS MACKEREL) I!J DiMn Pn SAi MfiH.1 : f .a i,,. i It" .3 .. . ,ii . 4M-fciisl ti'j ;RdAf30!CElKOtrftlS8lfii I , R3o. 1 H aclcerel 11 . 1 ii lfjtiw est tiBittqio. 'v; ih Barrela; The latter being tfold in aninaif ' j tHy.Al.il4:"11' A VERY" FK1E SELECTION OF 1 . i lr- .v 25 r.a n ?i ta.w 'j Clikrlea McKc's ScSgn'fl and a: YanHaagens STANDABuitOlLET! w -These goods are the finest tnade injnerica ana JC4 ani jsoUing jthpnjg j at extremely lotv frices.1 ihyl fii Call and make-yoxir purchases, f j r. M ' w.ta:w i;msr . .lMir 71 1 1,& 13 JT.,FrbntSt .-.ic.-l p P E RA''KOUO E fU''Mzt r-sfV. war. e'vctosl ... t-.j . i 4 i-x-t i t:a.ia j il a - i a TjTE GRE , DRAijinC SESAXTONcf i . L T? LAB ORATE , Scealc t EmbelHahmeutn'J jpiiiBiiaiia?, Vitd'J Jus J SOAPS - a 5 v f tiii m iriiaifii Powrfal Acttng1. v-i ft-rjj c6 ,TilM f ,ws5tjt: MONDAY !jssJ id actl - Air, George noey'aadaptailon.-- a,- 'i t - 'A CHILD OTMB STATBy3 One obf the unoet? spleaflld .'axseeeus X7C3r f t . achieved at Wallacka .Theatre.; -r , The toost powemehl-drainidrthe a ay , A plar rwhh'elctfla th 5asC4r- arnJ flW,,Ah 'aenribUUicf, ,-Audlenccf tyjfce$sl. aiiernaie anmes aau.. Characters by Mr. Jame If. Hardie, Mr..!i loo,. IX. Keea Pavis, Mr. Krank WUla?d. . Mattode Majezonl, Mlaa- Emma paeeJlrJ?1 35 f and-Mfr . ,iea Bkiwastii .The great sactbsa of aeTilncoTTfalea 7! 1 The Greatest PtoyfJt theDlyT , 1 J ftraitleju the uauaJ -qJjpewiOiterft; SJoptedC Uoi'Shcet oeas Saturday, Morn-.,' , --' .;' r " '

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