f -r- f .- V' ; :-. .-vi-'-. DR. C. V. BENSON, oi Baltimore, Md We give above ft correct likeness of this well known and successful physician and surgeon, who has mado a life lone: study ot Nervous Diseases and the Dis': eases of the Skin,and he now stands in the hi cheat rang, as authority on those spe "iarand distressing diseases. In' the course ot his practice ho discovered what now arc renowned in medical practice. viz: a combination of Celery and Chamo mile in the shape of Pills. They are .used i ? i . oy me proicssion at large ana constant ly recommended by them. It is not a patent medicine. It is the result of his own experience in practice; They axe a sure cure for the following special diseases, and are worthy of a trial by all intelligent ' Bufferers; They are prepared expressly to cure sick headache, nervous headache, dyspeptic headache, neuralgia, paralysis, sleeplessness, ' dys- pepsia ana nervousness, ana vmi cure any case.'- ' ' :'" Jt Sold by all druggists. Price 50 cents a box. Depot, 106 North Eutaw St4 Baltimore, Md. By mail, two boxes for $1, or six boxes for $2.50 to any address. DR. C. W; BEf(SOW:sJ EOT MB Is Warranted to Cure . 54 t IZEttA, TKTTElisr HUMORS, INFLAMMATION, MILK CRUST, S ALL ROUGH SOALY UtUPTlONS, OISSA8KS OF HAIR AND 8CALP, SCROFULA ULCERS, PIMPLES A at 4J TENDER ITCHINQS ea all pertsor the body. It zoakas tha skin whita, soft, and smooth koom taa aad freckles,' and la the 322ST taOat rfr tnx la TILS WOSXiZ. Snag-antly put up, two bottle in on package, eondsti&c of both lateraal aad external ti lit -uent. AnfixBtelMadncsIstsbvrsit. fl. perpadkac. Cwtl-cm-d WONDERFUL VviQlii I CURES I j i BtcimMiftaeU oB tat LIYEB, B01T1XS lad KID5EIS at tat mm tlmu lfj it elM&Ma th yrtmkotthopoLMa onabttmonthfttdaVatep to Kidney and, Vzt nary Pia , BOIonwi JAUBdSo Caootf. MttoLniM. or la TTbMnnitlwn. XmvxmlgU, Hvvoua orftn aadjramals QatppUtats. EZaWXUTZOKJB&iTt . B. Starit. of Tonetfon CItr. E wort csna urn aiHrrcfw rar mb trrifi Zer four rM - - RVri JKb AtmOI, of CTMbinfton, Ohio, mr hmr bmr m clrvn m to ly f otar-jwowJop nTWiTiwm teat h tii MtTWMtti carta MyaboirMBot xpoctod to Uto, blD bloat' btroadUliof. bat Kidaey-Wortcmrwl Ua. aaa . Jarratt of 8ootb SBtom. K. T aar that htm yaan raffadaa' fron hldaay trottble aad other eotapUcatta&a wm aadod by tha o of Xidamy-rfMi. - JohaB.Lawriefack9B, Tn.,;TifPeril for years from lirer and kidney troabtos and after taMnr Mbarrelr other aediolnet," Odaey-Wort nade hist elL Sl4 affcrad elcht years with kldaey dlfflculty and a onaDie o wotk. juaoey-won xoaae sub it PERMANENTLY CURES M KJDMEY DISCACEC v LIVER CCr'PLAITlTO, Constipation and Plies. OT It Is fat to Jry Teaee Femti tta eana. one paehare of which makes atz qaarts of medidaa. Almoin. Uwtd JTarm, fyOaw. saatratsa, for thoaa thaa cannot readily pro- trelt ij 'a twit tut tDiOkevtat tJfUmma titKtr formu GST IT ATT HX DRUGGISTS. PRICE, lfZLLS. 2UCJLLRM03 Ct rr?i- M ra send tha dry poetahU v3CKIbtos, tt. IE H ins vonpip4 CompleriolJLr PO, a Iowness, Bedncsae Piroplc OTtrcomcs ibo'fc2HedPPsar. once of hcitrCittoio tuid'Cx citeacat; It laakes al&aoi THHiTY oppesrinrt-TTTE -TY; ando nstaral, raual, end perfectrcro Its cKocU, thit it la imposaiblo to detect Its cpplicatloxie 5 4- - ot S-lmam PUR CELL HOUSE; CUDEB BSW rULffAOKMKTT. m .J .... WlkMlVvTOX, If. C B. L, PKURY, ; P LaU Propria tor Atlaatia UotaL First Claat la mil ltoTapwoiatSBwatt. Tm tLMDtlpwatr. USeVtt:- ;3 sm I 1 INTO niscaiEF. DaBolng fet And bar flnsen, f. T : , NrrUIUtie whole day tliroDgb. -For ihm little brain froxa dreamland firlnsa them work; enooglx totla, J, I Radaz throDKh t he gorgeous parlor. Uompingoae winding atalr -i Tearing books and breaking Tases- Into mlsehiex ererf where. - Picks the cake and tat lee the Jelly, Kreaks the wlndew. slams the door. Throws the statues from their brackets. scatters playthings on the floor. Tearing little coats and trowsera. Rumpling up his curly hair busy, naughty little Angers, A -A Iuto mischief everywhere. ' " SpIlliDg Ink upon t he carpet. -Dashing pictures from the wall. Breaking mirrors, sioglng, shDatlng, In the attic ami the hall; Tracking mad across, the entries, . Turning over deek and cslr. . Cutting up tha morn log paper Into miachlef every wnere. Bat na look o hate or malice Darkens o'er those laoghtog eyes; Not a thought of harm or sinning In his little bosom lies; For his soul is pore aud guiltless, What'er harm the Angers do Though the little feet are straying Into mischief all day through.- w The Bomanec or Lsce. Th3 mjet receut improve nteut in Iho producliou cf Uce, ssjs the Paris nes. pondenl of the Baltimore "Bulletiu, is the introductiou of tbaded tints in the flowers acd paiteni5, giviug tbein the relief of a picture Thecffsct is produced by varying the spplicitiou cf the two ttitcbes used in making th3 flwers-the 'tolle, which forms I ha close tissue, and the 'grille em ployed iu the more open work of tho pat tern. The system is so gncccsafilly ap plied to the laces cf France that it Las been adop'.ed wiib the greatest succesr. There is a legend regarding the intro duction of this manufacture into Flanders. A poverty stiicken but pious young girl was dyiugof love for a young min whose weal, b precluded all hope of marriage. One night, as she sU weeping at h-;r sad fate, a beautiful lady entered the cottage, sod without saying a word, placed on her knees a green cloth cushion, with its bob bins filled with fine thread, wbicb on "au tumn evenings floats in the air, and which the people call fil de la Vierge. 'J he la dy, though of a . xsmantic!bearingf was a practical manufacturer. : She sal down In silence, and - with her nimble flirgers taught the unhappy maiden how to make all sorts of ' patterns . and complicated stitchev As. daylight appeared the maid en had learned her art, and the mysterious visitor disappeared..,--.-- -J The price of the. . hce soon made the poor sirl rich. She -married the maa of ber choice,. and sutruoded by, a large family, lived happily and rich, for she kept the secret for .herself. "One evening, when the little folks were playing around her knees by the fireside- and her husband sat fondly, watching the happy, group; - the lady -suddenly made her - appearance amerg tbero. Her bearing was distant; she seemed stern and sad, and this time addressed her protege In a trembling voice; "Here," she said, "you eDjoy peace And abundanca, while without are famine and trouble. I helped you. you have not helped your neighbors. The angels weep for you and turn away their faces, oo the next day the woman arose, and gding forth with a green cushion and its bobbins in her hands, went from cottage to cot. tag; ctisriDS to all 'Who? would be taught to instruct them in the art she had herself miraculously learned. So they also be came rich, and Belgium became famous for this manufacture. " Women that hare been iTen up by I ineir aeareBi inenus as oeyouu neip, nave been permanently cured bj he use of Lydia is. rinitDam s yegetabie uom pound. It is a positive cure for all fe male complaints. Send to Mrs. Lydia E. Pinkham, 233 Western ATenue, Lynn, Mass., for pamphlets.' A Persistent Gimlet Han. . "I should like to-seH you a gimlet," said a careworn-looking man, as he walked into an office the other day, We Lave no use for one," replied the cashier. . . .... ; . Bnt you should always look ' into the misty future," went on the fiend, demure ly. : "Next winter you will want to make boles in your boot-heels, so yon can get your skates on." UI use club skates no straps required' You may want to screw some boards together some time; Tha old-fashion method of driving the screw in with a hammer is pernicious,' as it . deteriorates the tenacity of the fangs of the screw, as it werr.-.'i-: ' "' ' 2---2lotWn to-dsy, tlr" -"This gimlet slso acts as a corkscrew . "It maf t)e tt&ed ai atacki hainmer, a. ci-t garboldertand a tooiblbitub,,.? j& y 'don-want lu"-..-" ;. -t --'-.- Mt has an eraser, a pen, an inkstand, a table for computing compound interest, and a lunch -box attachment, "I can't help it; I .don't want it.; , : "I knowJou.dont;TOu're one of those to ean men that won't buy a gimlet unless It haa a restaurant and a trip to Europe ind in Italian opera company attached Tbu?re the kind of a man w bo would live xeax an eieewe iigot to ht i k And the peoaier waurea out , wuu aa mental ntnm age on the perpendicular. r-Sew York Star. -. u r 'Baiter than pfttting one pplliV"pt a.t uud interest, is the , sending it to Dr. XL W7 BensonJJaltiroore, Md for two boxes of bis Celery and Uhamonuie Pills, Srhicb cure nervous 4isease, quiet tbe mind, bring on refreshing 4 sleep and prevent paralysis. ' a- llTIrslnU Soldier In France. UAmong ie delegates sippointod by the Vi nt war . oenaruneni -10 - aieo tbe York town celebration is uapt, wwrys Mason, a native of, -YirgtnU, and son of tbe late Jon Y. Mason, Who .was at. one time United Statta minister to France . s a boy1 Capt- Maan fought in the Confeder aU army, and a abort time afterwards ob tained w commission in the French army as inb-BrotenanW Ha to V assigned to duty in the foreign legion in Algiers, and serred .there until the beginning of the Franco Pros dsn war, In which be dlslin coiahed himself ' for gallantry, .; rcceifing two wounds. Afterwards he returned- to Alziers. He has abjured his allegiance to the United States, and become a citizen of France.' lie Uuow; capUhrin the mm r thA reonblic. He haa not visited tM iwrmtrr since bis departure fer France, Cant. Mason is said to be the only ztivH Oorn Virginian -woo u bonored In France. Balto. Sun. Port Gibson KeveiUe. Mr. Da Tii' Proposed School History. Soire . wjeeks . ago .two. JiLtle - Mississippi gius, students at the . I oil UiUoa . Colie glste Acadan' who were smartirg under the necessity of reciting certain: school ; h is -tories of tho United States now used in' all our schools,' and ' so lull ' of, slander and misrepresentations, conceived the idea that President Davis could be induced to write a proper and truthful history a a benefaction to the school children cf the ioalh, -and childish simplicity they ve i lured a joint letter to the great patriot aud statesman and to their great joy aiid grati fication they rceived the folio ia: " 1y Dbab Little Ieiekus I ftel very sensibly the compliment iont ioxd i your if quest tnat l .should wri e a hntory of the nited ijlales wbio'i it would i"t pain you to recite. 1 have lorn ueiiie l lo se a sc-iol h'story wLi-'h w;mU do jas tice to" our people and ances'o'S, tud urged Liie la e Dr BIedsot3 undertak- the work. He U-d'wiubout doing so, ami I know cl no living man as well able to pert rru tl:e Usk, ' 1 should much distrust my own abil ity, but if my life is spared ai ti 1 can g t one of such views a would tuit jou to prepare such a work, I will lemembtr your reqiKst with sincere desire to grant it, but I cannot promise to do so. Many years and bitter tiials leave me bu. lile time or strength for 6o imixrtant a labor.' May God bless you, my dear children, and re ward your patriotic impulses witn long life and happines3 -Very truly your friend. . . JKFFER31H DAVI3. Many miserable people drag them selves ahout with failing strentb, feeling that they arc steadily sinking into their graves when, by using Parker's Ginger Tonic, they, would find a cure commenc ing with the first dose, and vitality and strength surely corning back to them. See other column. A new Cbicaga theatre has two "fash ion boxes,"conuining twenty chairs, each directly in front of the customary prosce nium boxes, and so arranged, with the rails only slightly above the floor and the seats rising sharply, that a clear view of the occupants can be had from the other parts of tbe honse. The idea is to let handsomely dressed women exhibit them selves, and tbe astonishing fact in the mat ter is that they embrace the opportunity. - I)io Popular Demand. t So great has been the popular de mand for the celebrated remedy, Kidney Wort, that it is having an immense sale from Maine to California. Some have found it inconvenient to prepare it from the dry .compound. For such the'pro prietors now prepare it iu liquid form. This can be procured at the druggists. It has precisely the same effect as the dry, but is very concentrated so that the dose is much smaller. Loxoell Mail. ., About S,000 pounds of roses are required to produc one pound of tbe attarof -roses. This delightful perfume is chiefly produced in Bulgaria, where the annual average pro duction of attar between the years 1867 and 1871 was 400,000 m'eticaU; that of 1873, 500,000, valued at $3,500,000. - The pro duce of 1880 was estimated at the value of about $5,000,000. Beer Affects the Kidneys, and it may seriously, interfere with the health ynless promptly counteracted, and for this purpose Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure has no equal. i. ; ' Horatio Ross, one of tbe most noted stalkers in the Scotish Highlands, went out recently on his eightieth birthday and shot two stags . ' Mr. Boss is still hale and hearty and is as keen a sportsman as ever. - e The first vessel in connection with th new Brazilian steamship service has left France en route lor Brazil, and h expect ed to arrive at Halifax toward the end of October. The. second steamer wil shortly follow. The defective heating apparatus and ven 'ilation of the Indianapolis Courthonse caused sciatic rheumatism in a jaror, and he has brought si suit against "the- county for $10,COO damages. A Miiwaukeean proposf s a monnmeu for Garfield on Little Mountain, Ohio1 1,000 feet above Lake Eiie, as a inonu' meht there could be seen ntty miles on tne lake and nearly Jtbirty miles in almost ev ery direction on land. - f f " Taaaessssss" Sjsasamr-ir One-of the choicest fans in the woild is one"tliatr;rIonged to Mme. Pompadour. It is made of lce, was nine years in mak ing and-cost $30,000. Tbe ivory ian that was.presented' by the City of Dieppe to ifarie Anoinette, on the occasion of the birth bflhe Daunhin. is still in existence. The Landmark, : " PUBLISHED AT! 8TATEBYILLE, IREDELL CO., N. C. Leading Newspaper in Weitarn North Gar- It la the pnlj Demoeratie Paper pub khed in Iredell- countyc-one-of the larjfeat anc waaltme(t couauea in tne t tale ana nas at tained a larger local circu anon man asj paper ever beretoforepubliibediatbscou itj vIla elroulation in Alexander. Wi kei.Aste. Alleghany, " Yad in," Davie and Iredell, is largerithaa'tbat-tir sriy two pa: era in the state eomuneo; ana lairafliair acquinoe a stronr foothold in FoTaythe)" finrrj. Rowan and waiters Mecklenburg?.. S It U the cnlj paper ia Wettern Noith Car eliaa- that emploja a Regular Caavaasing Ages V and Ij tna kept coaataatly bafaie the pecpiew t.Under .this ayatexaa lapidlv inereaa iasr-xireelation is tbe reault. makisr the Laadmarkr - - a.The Beat Advertiaizg Mediam in West i era North'Oarolina. tJ 'Address, "LAKDMAKlv'', . BUteaviUe,N C The Cosmopolitan BAR ia?THE PLACE WHERE ,XOU can'et the'coOTtst purest and. most sdentifieaDyiixed 8ummer Drinks to he found ia the :dty". The very b2si Wnc4 Ithe besttent;Clgarxhat is made.' ' Drop n and cooU lOff. 1 JOHN CARROLL, J8 Proprietor. I -T - ; tn isdT "t-b A TRUE A PERFECT STRENQTHENrR A SURE REVIVER. A.lJiS BITTEItS arc highly ;ecoramcndod for all disercs requiring a certain and efficient tonic; especially Indlacm on. IhrtnimsuL. Tnierninn. Fevers, Want ofAppctite,Lcss cf Strength,Lac!; cf JJncrrjyfctc Enriches the blood, B strengthens the muscles,and gives newliie to the nerves.' They actlikeadiarm on ine oigesave organs, rcmovin j all dyspeptic STmptoins, such as Ta&hnrj the Food, tBeUMng,Heai in Uce. Storruich JIearuncic. Tlie cmlv Iron "Preparation that will not blacken tho teeth or give'lieadache. Sold br all druggists. Write forthe'X lTC:Book (S2 pp. of useful and amusing fead 5)rp7B50W CmOAI,. CO.rBitltimoreMd. -.ri w sriL' rww apll2-arxEt3 W1LMSH3T0N 'ft' aA.II.B0 AD CO SIP AH f , r.'- . 1 1 Qtnom or Gss'b o&rsatsrsa-caaY WUsinston, - H. 0.4 Mr 1, 1 81. QU.AUQji. OF SCHEDULE. ON AND AiTEa May loth, 1891, at 6.40 P ItJ, Pa3enzer Trams on the Yi! minjrton Weidon Railroad will run is DAY MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAIN, daily Nos. 47 North and 48 South', Leave Wilmington, front St. Depot eeeteeeee u 40 A M Arrive at Weldonat aeaees eeeetf e 12 60 P 11 Leave Weldon.......MM 3 3C P Jtf Arrive at Wilmington, Front Br- i Depot tt .IU.IMU.U.IMII1 . 9 45 P Fast Through Mail and Pawenjrer Trait DailyNos. 43 North, and 40 South. Leave Wilmington, Frost Bt- Dapet at tttitmMMt seaeeeeeeeeeaes) 6.25 P Arrive at Weldoa ...... 1.25 A Leave Weldon aeeeeeeeaaae 6.15 P Arrive at Wiladngtou, front at. D6P0LMMtlintM'MHIMMMM4IM . 1 1.2 ft P Train No 40 South will stop only at Hook? Mount, Wilson, Goldaboro and Magnolia. ' Trains on Tarboro - Branoh Road leave Reeky Mount for Tarboro at 7.40 P M dai lj and Tuasday, Thursday and daturc &y at 5tUC AM. Returning, leave Tarboro at 9. SO A M daily, and Monday, Wednesday ant Friday at 8:30 P Mi Train No. 47 makes close oaonoctioa at Weldon for all points North dailr. All rail via Richmond, and daily except Sunday via Bay Line. Train No 43 runs daily and makes eloie connection for all points North via Rich mond and Washington. AH trains run solid between Wilmington and Washington, and bave Pullman Palace Bleepers Attached. JOHN F. DIVINE, General Supt, A. POPE, Gen'l Pass. Agent ' mav 8 1881 TEE SDK. BALTIMORE 1881; Published Daily, Except 8anday. Renowned as the Freshest and Most Satisfactory of all News papers. Lew in Price Compact in Form. Independent ia Ex predion, Gcnservative'in Tone. The career of THE SUN, from lis'earliei beginning, has been characterized by a pro gressive spirit and an Original and effective enterprise. To these characteristics it stead fastly adheres. Covering as it does the whole field of news paper endeavor, its every number is a eom plete reflex of the spirit cf the times and the activities and events of the day. TBE SUN expressei its opinions on cur ren t events as they arise and on subjects of public interest, with the view only of arriv ing at riirfct results and conserving the gen eral welfare. Its consistent integrity is thor oughly known and understood. A8 A FIRST-GLASS NEW8PAPER, TBE SDN la adapted to the needs of all and enjoys a world wide confidence. The extent and variety of THE SUN'S Local Reports, their earefel accuracy and avoidance of pruriency, constitute a atriking feature, acceptable both at home and abroad. ITS CORRESPONDENCE, - -Foreign and domestic, is unsurpassed In ex cellonee and freshness - J - ITH WASHINGTON BUREAU - -covers all the phases of political information transpiring at . the Rational Capital, with proper , cots and corrimeaJ. Unexcelled in the past, it will be maintained at the highest standard in the future. - THE MARKET AND STOCK REPORTS cf THE SON-are collected aed compiled with the utmost eare, and may be taken ma ale guiaea dj an wno oeaire to obtain tbe latest and mot trustworthy information 02, these important topics f In abort THB fcUN will eontinue to main tain the high reputation it has acquired as an enterprising, accurate and well-edited newspaper, always ready to add to Us facili ties for collecting nenswshaaever necessary to maetthe increasing demands of the time, and to maintain the high eon fid en ee of which its large and steadily increasing circulation gives evidence. Terms cf Subscription by Mail Adrance - OnYer, postage included $3 Six Months, pottage included............ 3 Three Months, postage included......... 1 Two Montis, postage included.. , 1 One Month, postage included.......... in 06 00 50 50 Address 1 A. B. A BELL A CO., Publishers, Sun Iron Building, fab 16 Baltimore. Md 1 "THE STATE." RICBMOND.SYA. ... r CHAMBERLAYNE A BEIRNE, , Owners and Editors . Largest circuUtinn, Cieapeat " Sabaerip- lien Piije, Lodt AdTsrtising Rates. JSmT Daily ctreslaUnn now over 4,000. The only alter soon paper in Richmond. Babeeriptioa price Daily, fS.bO per an nam; weekly, l per annum. Send for rpeci sen criif free. eUt fWVfIL-, jL 1J1 ir SyS- r- - " TONIC t s rr r r 1 GenfISub?t8' 'Office W.(Lif I3TOTOBT '.tfm;:ift-m. . O., May 14, 1SU1. CHANGE Oif SCHEDULE; UN AND AFTER Mav 15th. 1.M1 at Ml? M foUowing PaaseEger Schedule will be run on this road SIGHT EXPRESS TRAINS (Duly). Noa. 48 West and 47 Emst.2 Leave Wllmlnjrton 10 05 P U Leave Florenee.w. ..... 3 41 A"M Arrive at O O and A Junetion.. 6.46 A M Arrive at ColumbU..WM4w... -6 00 AM 10 00 PM Leave O Cand A A JuntIon....M.M10 20 P M Leave Florenee.........,....s..., 3 00 A M Arrive at Wilminzton....... 20 A U NrflHT Mail akd PissKHGaa TaAru, Dirir, Ho. 40 Wist, asd Day Man, ahd Pas. SBMGKR TrAIS, N O. 43 EAeT. Leave Wilmington at... 1145 P M Arrive at Florence. 3 15 A M Leave Florence 105PM Arrive at Wilmington 6 05 P M Train No 45 stops at all Stations .J tI-4?P8Jn!"" ' FJemington, Whits vllle, Fair Bluff and Marion. Paasengera for Columbia, and all points on G. A a R. R.. O., O. A A. R. R. gtatlons, Aiken -Junction, and all points bsvond! should take 48 Night Express. Ji Separate Pullman Sleepers for Charleston and for Augusta on train 47. wU? rua BoUd betl"Mn Oharlftiion ana Wilmington . Doi01?? DIIHE,Gsnsral Bapt. : A, POPE, Gen'l Pass. Agent mav 15. i Bt UAUJL1N A CENTRAL RAIL ROAD COMPANY. Orrics GuaaAL Bvnzmmm. ;. 1 Wnmlngton, Xt. Xk, June 4, 1881, . Chakos o? Schedule I k '.ajMi- AJrTJtta June 6, 1881, the fol low in z Schedule will be operated on tt is Railroad: PAB3EXGER, HAIL AND EXPRESS TRAIN. Daily except Sundays: f W TTT.i . Ifo 1 rT9 iinington........9.4R A M Arrive at Charlotte atM.6.46 P Id No 2 lafe Charlotte at..M.e.OO A M Arrive at Wilmington at. 3. 25 P M Trains Noa 1 and 2 stop at regular stations on!T!-and.J?nt8 designated in the Compa ny's Time Table. . u ams m4Ke close connection at Charlotte with trains Nos. 3 and 4 for Cltve- lua nprmgs ana au points on Shelby Di- PASSENGER AND I7BEIGHT. i wave w uminrton eU.. 6:30 P Arrive at Hamlet at.w. l:2 A I t " jj Charlotte aU.. 830 A ) T7 Charlotte at..;.7i30 P V Arrive at HanJetat.. V.2S A H M H No 6 N 6 J " t Wilmington at hZ0 A No. 6 is daily except Bundey, but ' coaneotion ftr Raleigh qn Saturday. 1 No. 6 is daily except Saturday, . II no 8HELBY DTVI8I0N. Pi.88ENGER,MAlL a. l7 unariotte atw...MW7iOO P M j 1 amn ai oneiDy aU...10:30 P M So. 4. V' Shelby aL. 6:00 A 11 - m r "7 " nlott at..M 9:30 A U Trains Nos 5 and 0 make cIom . ionnMHa a Hamlet to and from Raleigh, exoept as Thjroagh' SJeaping Cars between Balelg and Charlotte, . , v , ? a. art eonnecUonat . K !Z?a & O. H. R., arriving KiRWl connecting " . . ior Aaaevilie and all points on W N -O. R. R; - - - Jrairs Nos 3 and 4 conn ect "cJorily ; with vuos-.er wiior at Llocclnton. o: - -o ie 7 Qaaaral Sacsriotei it t BAYARD TAYLOR, lost & Traveller, jiu ; "l wse great p;easure in r com- metuing to paretfts the. 'Academy cf ilr. SwiLhin C. fchorilidge., - HOW. : ERH AND0 WOOD M. C. baid (lb t); i cheerfully consent to the use el m name as -reference ? My. boya wiu reiumia yon (ror. tbelr fGurlh year) after their vacation." ' - - - -: JFor new Illoitrated Circular address SWITHI.i C , SHORTLIDGE, Jl. M., Harvard d iversity Graduate, Media, Pa., 12 miles tm Phila, . . - auz Il2md&w S500 Rewards WE WILL PAY TBE ABOVE reward far any case of Liver Complaiat, Dys pepsia, 8ick Headache. IadigetUon, Consti pation or Costvenesa we eatrnot eurewita West's Yegetsbl Lwer Pilla, when the dl lectlccs are strictly complied with.' They are purely Vegetable, and nerer fail to give aatitfactioau 8avir iwit.it. ;i k-.. containing 33 HUa, 25 , ceats. . Fr sale, bf Mi wi.gfuu. oeware oi oovBierieits, and imitations. Tbe geneine maaafaetared only by JOHN C WEtfT A CO The Pill Ma kers," 1814 13 W Madison St, Chicago. Free-trial paikage sent by mall prepaid on receipt of a 3 cent staap. meh 32-dAwly 1 swiitfma.gcjt I I oraiA OPPORTUNITY TO TVIIT FORTUNE. TENTIf nRAKT'hrl TEIBUnON, CLASS K; KEtTC:! LEANS,' TUESDAY, OCTOBER Iitl3s3l5 jneorporaten in - ISC3 for 25 eara-by. tUaS Lerf6lature for Educational and Charitablci purposes with a capital ol $1.000,000 tol wfcich a reserve fund of over f 120,000 has? since been added. ' JW By an overwhelming popular vote' ls franchise was made a part of the present State Constitution adopted Decenber ,2dl A. D., 1879. !: 1 J&l Gbaxd Srxoj.B NrMBEH Daxwic-sl will take plmonUly.-r;rt;-x?.r-ir. It never scales or po:t - Look at the following Distribution: " CAPITA I, PRIZE $30,OOOT. -r 100,000 TTCKl- - Al TWO DOLLARS EACH, HALV- i ICKETS..ONE Dollar. LI3T;OF PRIZES. : ; 1 Capital Prize $30,000 - -10,000 r f 5,000 : 5,000 5,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 -10,000 1 Capital Prize'"." . 2 Prizes of $2,500 5 Prizes of 1 000 20 Prizes of '500 100 Prizes, of 100 200 Prizes of 50 500 Prizes of 20 1000 Prizes of 10 10,000 APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 9 Approxlxnation Prizes of fSCO 2,700 0 Approximation Prizes 01- 2001,800 9 Arproxlmation Prizes of-100 900 1W Prizes, amountinj?. to - - $ll0,400 llf-rponeible corresponding agents wanted at all points, to whom liberal compensation will be paid. For further information, write clearly, giving full address. Send order by express or Registered Letter, or Money Order by mall, addressed oNLrto " M. A. DATJPIllir, New Orleans. La or M. A; DAUPHIN, at - ISo. 212 Broadway, w ew Tora All our Grand Extraordinary. Drawings are under the supervision andnanagement of GENERALS G- T. BEAUREGARD and JURAL A. EARLY. lVotice to the Public. ; The public are hereby CAtmoED ao adist SENDING ANY MONEY OR, 'ObDKBS TO NUNES & CO., S3 NassJlD St., New Yorjc CrTY, as authorized by the Louisiana State Lottery Company to sell its Tickets. They ' are flooding the coimtry with Boors Grace- laks purporting ito be of The Louisiana State Lottery Company, and are fbatjdC- L3SNTLY representing themselves as, its Agents. They have no authority from this , Company to sell its Tickets, and are not its ' agents for any purpose. r M. A: DAUPniN. - Pres. Louisiana State Lottery Co. . , New Orleans, La.r July 4, 1SS1. ; i . . r . sep 14.w'ed-sat-4wdw; . ... . ... ; ' 1 " ' ' ' ' ' ' r i - - MV GOODS SI mmsiti JEldUIOUS PEACHES r AND"' n TOMATOES f All varieties of Choice Preserves? ia one and two pound Cans, the best in the market. Our'elegant Family Flour, ; ; . : Parole d' Honour Pig Hams, .Breakfast Strips and Email ShouIderB, . Parched Jaya and Lnguayra Ooffed,'- These goo da aie all fresh t his week Our pricey and quality ol gooda will convuico yen if. you will - try us. Try the prepared Soupra,". For sale' at V " feb!4 Nor. II and 13 Sosth Front Sti X Female School-, KISSES BURR A J AMfcB.....;Vi5ncJaiS ME8. l!.:.CU3ai5G, Musical fcstraclnti TBK EIGHTEEN TH-AN JnJALvrksafon 7,M .of this Khool will toameces orr Wed fits- r ? day, October 6th-rl8Sl. and ciete-about the inira wees in wuaexsa.v ? -tt f ? 7 ' f t t i Pupils who enter after the flt mcrti wj ' I t ' be Iharsied only from date' of entrance, bt I: ' v . It is expected they will attend school" the i t- ' naiader of the aes ion unless othtraise pre vented by m neaitn, or ramfitar from the city. . Deduction made .ia all cases of rro tracted aletaesa,"? f : V' ri 5.l"i'5i." Li. Tbe courses ofinstrsetlon will be as here tofee. thorough and systematic. 'aich ckJldV njL $ f receiving individoal atttrticf. from iLePrio- II- eipsls. , - .-Citiui 'lAtf Tbe rcnooi or uniie wui do cot due ted by lira. U. 8. CnsUo. FaUaotBtald,"ar thsri eU; . i ; I School, wishing t enter for this branch cf . adnxiO. can tAltemm&MltMl with We hours tj exlj application. ,." A limited nutcber of boar Cine scholars can be received ia the tamOy cf one of the Prin cipals. ror rortner particulars. see PrIneiosIaot aqtire for sircalars. . sag 50 : 4 W y t I