mis FA FES 1 i paalis4edevry'afUraooa, Boadayi t. , . .. JOSH. T. JAMES, B0XT02 A5D PZOPRIJCTOE. a ur?jRirTior-8. postage paid. bb year, S 5 CO His turrath, -12 60 j Three jaonth;, f I 3 ;ne month, 60 eectk - ft paper will ba delivered by earrfer. rw of charge, in any part of the city, at the ' bv rates, or 13 cent per week. i Advertising rater low and liberal' . JBabferibers will please report any and II failure to receive their .papers regularly. ftew Advertisements. TIIECREAI in I FOB EESDHATISH, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, . Backache, Soreness of the Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swell' Jngs and Sprains, Burns and :: . Scalds, General Bodily i :-. Pains, - . rooM ar c?y Headache, Frosted fc. " feef c7f ffars, oao a of for r Aru Aches: ' t No Preparation on earth eqnals St. Jacobs Oil m a afe, re, mimpl and cheap External CmoJj-. - A trial eotiila trat th comparatiTeljr ' trifling outlay of (0 Centx, and rry one offer in j with paia can hT0 cheap and pottttr proof .of It claim. .. - 4 ;: Pirectiona fa ren linages. "f- ' t SOLD BY ALLDBUQQI3T3 UP DEALHE3 - i l if i. UTS MEBIOHTE. - - A; VO GEIiBH Ss CO. , i , j 1 ... Xaltlmvrci JHd., XT. 8. A, : aprll IfcdavHBsa U t , " . " . i 1 i V . ,,. - - ' i: - .. t RxLiiaa,N. C, Sspt27,18Sl . ; ' ' ': ; : ;:. Franklinton, N. G. ' Dulb Madame: In reply to your let ter asking what I think of your Remedy, I would say that the sales have been very fair, and so far as I can learn, the . Reme dy has been very satisfactory to. ,my cms tomers if ho haye used it, especially so in the case of a little girl of this city, ten years of age, who was troubled for a long time with sores breaking ; out over the face 'and "neck, having the appear- ance of Scrofula, and which had resisted the usual alterative treatment for a long ticSa.- She took four bottles of the Bit v ters last Spring, when the sores entirely 'I disappeared,"and up to this time she has . had no return of them, her skin , looking as fair and clear as anyone's. " "t r Tthsting that yon may receive the sue cefs which yflur Remedy seems to merit, - I am, very respectfully ypurt, WM. SIMPSON; . . . . . . Druggists For sale in Wilmington by Dr.iWra. H. Green. Send for circular of testimo nials. v oct 3-dw. s AND I. " " si RE; BEING RECEIVED BYEVERY Steamer and by Rail. Tbe prices will be as Ita"' : ' low or lowei than ever before. . Respectfully, ft TJ3. rJlclntire. eptSS - " - FERTILIZERS AfiD FERTILIZIMQ MATERIAL. porroN aW corn planiers Truckers and others can get into correct Channel to trade, advantageous! ySby-comS municatlng with " J AS. T.1PETTEWAY, Agent j For the celebrated FertflizersWTlcox, Gibbs I & Co'a Ifanipulated Guano and Acid Phos 1 phate. . sept 6- ! :, Pui CELL HOUSE, CHDEK ISW UANAGEMKaT, 1 : ;' Wihhtoji, I. C . ! b. u tfcititir, - pQP . Uto Proprietor. Atotio naltU i irtt 1 lase U aU IU appoiataeatt, TeraS -J.M V S3 per CT.fa I" 1 t . 4 i ; i 1 1 1 1 i r 1 i - M... , ii immmmijiZ2!lZJ!l , " " ,.... .-.77 . .... . , . .'L V-iiv Ji fM.v J. JLv ) H 11 Ji. , Jl Ui JIM. V )( yyMAl: ' ' . --.V ; ' ' -." ' '- -: net ,;' k- ' - ' ' . v1 f ' 7v-'-"r- -7. Kt- - .7771, . tf Jr?. !- . .... !'fft. VOL. V. , .WILMINGTON, N. C; SATURDAY, OCTOBER 8. 1881. NO. 238 LOCAL NEWS. r New Advektisembnts. See ad W. & W. R. R. Rates to the State Falr r I T C W Y'ATESSchoblBools HEIXSBEBGEBfichOOl Books Day's length 11 hours and 29 minute. Cose 0 foMbBrrar afUniooii7atj32 minutes past 5 o'clock. The receipts of cotton at this port tew Aan fnn ' nri' ft Yn Ten W if There have three interments in Oakdale this week; two adults and one child. The . Wilmington Light Infantry have accepted the invitation to Norfolk. Prevention excels cure every time. Always keep Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup convenient; take it in tfme and you will be free" from Coughs.TColds, etc. Sold ev erywhere. Price 25 eents a bottle. Ger. brig Graf 'Bismarck f Kleist sailed from Havre for this port on the 4th inst. i interments in Pine There were five Forest Cemetery 'this week. Two adults and three children. ; f - Ex.Mayor Fishblate and Mr. J. I, Macks leave' here on Monday morning for Baltimore and the Oriole Festival. The Register of Deeds has issued five marriage licenses during the week; three of which were for white 'and two for col ored couples. ' ! - Study your interesti" s Tori can now buy Cook Stoves at factory prices at. Jacobi's. fj Mr: TEJFAyaidhanf ha been: eleclii Junior Second Lieutenant of the Wil mington Light Infantry, and will be commissioned at once. - 'J- l '' There will be services in the Second Presbyterian Church to-morrow at 11 a. m. and 7:d0 p. m.. conducted bv tho w Rev Stedman Black. Beautify , youi; oomes by usine.the N V. EuamelP-' jj uueil audi rrmw ranted. Sold only at Jacobi's. t Those intending a, visit to the State Fair will find an item of interest in our advertising columns to day relative to the very low rates adopted by the Wil mington & Weldon R. R.;lThe fare to Rileigh and return, from this city, is on ly$5.30. - f Here is Termor for October j entering cold.and wet; heavy rains during the first week, with probably snow-falls in many sections between the 7 th and 10th. Cold and wintry weather on the 14th and 16th. Warmer weather on the 18th, 19th and 20th.5?1Wet everyiother day for the. res of the month. Personal. Rt. Rev. Bishop Grdss'r of Savannah, arrived here this morning and served at Mass in St. Thomas' Cfiurch this morn, ing. He will preach lo-morrow morning and to-morrow evening. He is the guest while in the city oi his brother, Rev Mark S. Gross. 1 criminal Court. H The following cases were disposed of m thisCOtffHodayf y 1 WllUl fl I State vs. Forny Rjan, charged with Urceny. ".Verdict not guilty. State vs. Wm. Nixon, charged with fase pretences. Od'triaU-- - There are a good many cases still on docket and the probability is that this term will not finish with the close of the week, but will In all probability be con tinued on Monday. ; '0- A- . "iJtf - . Uffeir.Yoflt Postollcc. - . Wm H. Warcing.Esq Asst. General Supt. 3rd Division Mailing and Distribu tmg Dept., New York Post Office, in writing concerning St Jacobs Oil, says s The reperts' from the several Superin tendents and clerks who have used the Oil, agree in praising it highly. II -has been found efficacious in cuts, burns, soreness and stiffness of the joints and muscles, and affords a ready relief for rheumatic complaints. w I , Mr. Cobb! Map. , Mr. ComerjCobboXChapel gill, U in the city in the interest of an exeellent school map compiled by m.sr. Cobb is only sixteen years old and is a soa of Prof. Cobb, oXChapel HsTa an admirable one, showing manj things of interest JJJ& i I JgW end" should be found in all of the schools. . l TSCuILIers and oineriofeitU bi's for Sash, Blinds and Doors, Glass, Ac-oa cangerni2i3atU8 . X t .... lowest prices. J : ; ; The nectictae la Blafita. V-- , . . . t ." " - The details of the homicide which oc- curred cer Whitehall, . in Bladen coun ty, tjne week ago to daycare very meagre, but it ir runiored tha5the provocation wyery trifiing,ifany at, all. . Gilles pie BuXe who fired the-iatal shot which kill ed his brotner-inawEdwanFKemii. ia said to be a very; excellent man bat oh wis occasion ne was. nnger ine innuence of, jliquor. The sceneron 'the following (Sunday) morning when? the two sisters, thTpne the ; wife.' of 'the slayer and the other the widow of the slayed, met over the dedvbody of the 'Blain man is de. scribed as heartrending in the extreme. .' ii 7,, Freshwater Perch, Trout and Black fish 1 Hooks and . Lines. JL full assort ment and lowest prices at Jacobi's. f. j ' ; 7 - CltirCoarf Ben Moore, colored, was arraigned for being drunk and ' disorderly. The testi- many of Officer. Stone, who made the ar rest, assisted by Captain. Goodman, was to the effect that defendant was drunk and disorderly and when he was arrested resisted most violently, besides cursing and abusing the police. The Mayor or dered the defendant to pay a fine of $10 or go to prison for 30 days. Not hav ing the necessary wherewith to pay the fine, the transgressor was escorted below. A case of an affray was turned over to a Justice of the Peace for triaL Calhoun Williams, colored, was next arraigned upon the charge of acting in decently in the store of Mr. A. McLean, on Market street, the arrest having been made at the investigation of the store proprietor. JThe testimeny given in by Mr. McLean showed the: offence of the prisoner to be quite a grievous one, bJt the prosecuting witness testified. that he thought the man somewhat luny. The Court took this into consideration and told the defendant he must be out of town before sunset. The defendant agreed to return to Florence, S. C,from whence he came here, and was thereupon discharged. . , Y i 'Catarrh of the Bladder. Stinging, smarting irritation of the urinary passages, diseased aiscnarges, cured by JBuchupaiba. Druggists. Dept Jas. O.Munds. . HeaTenly Displays. If the astronomers are correct in their predictions, we will have bright meteoric showers on the 18th, 19th find 20th nights of this month. The best time to observe this interesting phenomena will be between midnight and moon-risiDg. In the east, after nine o'clock in the evening, the planets Jupiter and Saturn, will be conspicuous. Jupiter cannot fail to be recognized, for it is by far the most brilliant object in the sky except the moon. To the right of it and higher up from the horizon, Saturn will be seen, fainter than Jupiter, but with no neigh boring star to rival it in brightness. As these planets are now approaching opposi tion they are coming into the most fa vorable place for observation, giving us the whole night to study them at the time they are nearest us. The "red spot" which has been observed lor sev eral winters in the southern hemisphere of Jupiter still exists, seemingly un changed, and bids fair to be a permanent markinsr. Bv watching its' successive returns any one with a small telescope may determine the time of. rotation of Jupiter on its axis. It will be found to be about nine hours and fifty-five and a half minutes. Mars rises later, and to wards dawn Venus comes upvery bril liantly above the horixon. . One marked event stands prominent on the October planetary annals. This is the ODoosition of Saturn, the most in-, teresting for study during the month. When the fall moon has taken on its waning phase the moonless nights will be glorious with starry and planet ary beauty. Saturn will lead the brother hood that will shine among the clustering stars " throughout the serene October nights. Trooping after him with un swerving step bright Jupiter and ruddy Mars will follow, with unseen Neptune and Uranus to fill in the wavering line. The October moon filled yesterday. To morrow, two days after the foil, she is in conjunction with Saturn and Neptune. The October faQsioonis sometimes called the Hunters' Moon, as her consecutive early rising was supposed to be a help to the sportsman in continuing the light to help bin on his way.. " ' ' Call at Jacosi's for GardenHoes and Rstoy Shovel, Spadat, Ara, Ac Then yea have the lowest prices. w t . - Death ef Gen. Abbott- Gen. Joseph C. Abbott died in this 1 city, at about half-past 12 o'clock te-day His disease is said to have been from softening of the brain. He has been failing' for years past although he has been confined to the house for only a few weeks past. He died at the residence of Rev. T. ,M. Ambler, on Fourth street, where he boarded, with his wife and her mother. , " 'l. V. Gen. Abbott was 56 years of acre. He was born, in Concord, . New Hampshire, and first came to Wilmington with the Federal troops when they.; entered the city on its evacuation by the Coafeder ateson the22d day of February, 1865? His'rank was that of Brevet Brigadier. General of Volunteers and he command ed a brigade. ; He was Adjutant-General of New Hampshire previous to the war and was a man of prominence in his na tive State. During the war he raised a regiment of volunteers, of which he wag made Lieutenant-Colonel, and en the death of the commander of the regiment, Col. Putnam, who was an old army offi. cer, which occurred at Battery Wagner, Gen. Abbott was made full Colonel. He was present at the second fight at Fort Fisher and for gallant and meritorious conduct then was pro" moted to be Brevet Brigadier-General. He was appointed Commandant of this post,and remained here after the close of the war, and when his command was mustered out of service. In 1868 he was the most prominent Republican in the city. He was elected to the Legis lature in that year as a member of the House of Commons, from this county, and not long afterwards was chosen by the Legislature as U. S. Senator, to fill the short term, which then had three years to run. The Democrats coming into power, he was not re-elected. On his return to Wilmington, Gen. Abbott organized the Cape Fear Build ing Company and became President of that organization. ' Abbottsburg,' where the works of the Company were located, was named for him. His business ventures were, however, unsuccessful and it is said that he lost $100,000 at Abbottsburg. These losses seem to have preyed upon his mind and to have been, remotely, the cause of his death. He was twice married, his second wife sur viving him, but he has no childeen. He has been for several years pasta close at tendant on the services in the First Pres byterian Church, and it is from that Church that the funeral will take place to-morrow afternoon at 3.30 o'clock. The remains will be interred in the National Cemetery, Col. Brink having telegraph ed to Washington to-day and received the necessary permit from the War office. Ill MBJUO&IAAl. At a regular meeting of the Wilming ton Steam Fire Engine Company, No. 1, held at the Little Giant Hall, October 4th, the following preamble and resolu tions were unanimously adopted : Whereas, In view of the loss we have sustained by the decease of our friend and associate, Hon. JOHN DAWSON, and of the still heavier loss sustained by those who were nearest and dearest to him. therefore be it Resolved, That it is but a just tribute to the memory of the departed to say that in regretting his removal from our midst we mourn tor one who was worthy of our respect and regard. Resolved, That in the death of Hon. John Dawson this Company laments the loss of one who was ever ready to proffer the hand of aid and tne voice or sympa thy to the needy and distressed. Resolved, That these resolutions be spread upon the records of this Company and a copy thereof be transmitted to the Wilmington, JN. U. papers. Masttx NawMAX, ) Ed. Wilsox Mankho. J-.'Com. F. W. KxRCMjria. j Star copy OPERA HOUSE. MONDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 10. . . M. B. LEAVITT'S Gierantean LlinfltrelOo A HTJNDREd"nOVJELTD2S: 30 Great Comedians 20 20 In Brass Band 20 10 Vocalists 20 A Superb Orchestra. V ; - A Great Double Company. E7" Don't fall to see DAN EHMSTT, the rounder of Negro Minstrelsy aad tat author ofOIXDI LAND. " Parquette $1 ; Dress Circle 73o Reserve seats at Dyers ect7-fc Cfturcn f services. Worship in the various churches of the city to-morrow as follows ; ."777 v : ST. JAltES FAKISH. I Comer Third and Market street, Rev. A a.. Watson, JJ, Rector. Seventeenth Buuaty alter Tr! - y Vet. lb. Sunday omuuui . j.u . ii i .... norma? trayerat 11 oxiocav- Avernug rayer at 5 o'clock. J f 1-2 sT, THOMAS (CATHOLiby CHTBCH. I on Dock, between Second and Third af .-L liev. Mars o. lircts. Pastor. . If nm In r at t ana it , o CIOCJC. Elmnin Service at 7:80 ' o'clock Rt. Rav Bihon Grcss.of Savannah, will Breach aiMorninr Service at 1 X ; pOao at the evaniog eervicet . Pews open to, visitor, t . Comer Third and; Bed Cross sLa. ; .Rik T. D. Pitts, Rector. Seventeenth Snndav after Trinity-Oct. Cth, : Early-Celebra-i tion at 7:30 a.m. Mornlm? , Praver at 1 T oclodp. j-t -Bvenmg Prayer at' 5 o'clock. , ST. PAUIS ET7AJJ e. LUTIIEIUJl COTTEChJ uorner bixtn and Market streets, Rev. G. D. Bernheim, D. D. nastor. Snndiiv School at 9;30 a. m. Preparatory services (Utoglitb) at 10:30 a. tn. Ensliah aervieQ and Communiou at 11 a. m. Brliah FIBST BAPTIST CHUiCH, . corner of Market and Fifth streets: Rer J. 13. Taylor, Pastor. Sunday School at a. m. Services at 11 a. m. Ifiaefim. acy society will meet at 7:30 d. m.Jn nlaee of the regular nJsrht eervican. HmnMn ounday Scnool at 4 p. m, Tenng Men's Prayer Meeting Tnesdav nb-ht at 7:30 o'clock. Church Prayer Meetias Auunuay mgni at T-av O'Cloca. ST MASK'S CHTJBCH. Corner Sixth and Mulberry streets. Bev. C. O. Brady, Minister. Morninz Praver ac lio'ciocs. jsvening Prayer at 8 o'clock. Un Holy Days services at 9 a. a. and 4:30 p. zn. . ounday School at St. Barna bas Scnoolbeuse at 3.30 p. m. Seats free FIFTH 8TBEST K. K. CHUJBCEt rsOUTB,) on Jtrirtn, between Nun and Church streets. Rev. T.P. Rlcaud, pastor. Services at ii a. m, and 8 p. xn. Sabbath School at 9 a. m. Prayer Meeting Thursday eve- ing at o o'ciocz. FB09T STEEET U. B. CHUBCH, (SOUTH) corner Front and Walnut streets, Rev. E. A. Yates, D D., pastor. Services .at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Sunday School at 3 p. m. , W. M. Parker, supt. . Christian As sociation meets Tuesday evenings after tne first and third Sundays in each month. Prayer Meeting and Preaching Wednesday evenings at o o'cioc&.$ v,.-.')-t -i- CHEIST'8 CHUBCH' (CONQUEQATlOTrAlil oti7JMnn. kstor. PreaAiM Class at Vli p. m. Prayer) and Praise Meeting Wednesday at S p. m. Sunday School at 3 p.m.. . i s.k i SXCONB BAPTIST CrUBCH,' ; f ; on Sixth, between Church and Castle sts. Rev. J. P. King, pastor Services! tomor row at ii a. m. and Km. ounaay School at 9 a. m. There were no interments in Bellevne Cemertery daring the week. j. . Made from harmless materials, and adapted to the needs of fading and fall- mar hair. Tarker's Hair isaisam nas taken the first rank, as an elegant and reliable hair restorative. ; wv 'hd -- ; Hew Advortiaamonta. -f t. I TWENTY-FIRST AnilUAL FAIQ or the ' : , ' l7!du i' " orth Carolina 7 .-'' ' I Agriciiltaral Gociety, AT RALEIGH, - " ' v r ; October 10th, 11th, 12th, 13th Uth' aad 15th, 1811. REDUCED RATE OF FARE OVER THE Tiiitors;to Raleigh, N. C., attending the Twenty-7irstnnual Fair of the Herth Car olina Agricultural Ceciety,oa the 10 th, nth; 12th, ISth, 14th e,nd 15th days of October, 1SS1, win be' transported aver the WflialEg- ton & Weldon BaOroad rtv Croldsboro aad . .... . - v .i,,s,t.s. vJ4 rl '7. f J j return at 2 cents per mQe:each way li 1 1 ' . , . I, Articles Intended for exhihitlea will be transported at Begnlar Tariff Bates, and if returned by party exhibiting, (wkichfact 7. t:-:'' .. ... should be establiahed by certificate of 8e- .... r . . - . .. ... rr I retary, or by preseatatica'cf orlaal sh!p ping receipt,) will be billed back free and amount of freight paid thereon returned by Agent at 8tatIon from whence shipped, i . . E7 WCmiagton to Raleigh and return, EOL, HAA9, . JuiTOZZf Geairr'tAg'U Gcal Paa. AttAgt oetfpt V- PlifiASE 50IICE. tTaVnrtsrlad to rsrclve earmtusicitirt Crlsadi i on say and all JsetTT Tit nxae of the writer cut always be fa aishedto the Effltor. , Ocmragaljattoasicart be; written: ca only oae siie of ta paper. . .PertoaallCei mot be aroLiod And it Is efpeeiallyaad partJclsjrly'cni-r tood that the Editmdoes not always endorT the views "ot ebrrespdtiimless so fST" ia tae editorial eolursna," 17ott AdYerticomciitJ,' Exchange Corner, THE LADIE3 OP WTLMINGTblt are nn.n1?1? noti5Led that I -bare just f i mjit ji h. raer, a superb stock f Ladies' Goods. AHiHn rC . jv.r. which i wm be riM;.Tr v. ana inspect. Latt tvia ntvu a t-. ter Hats and Bo?Yicts,. New 8tampia Pat -terns, Inlants' F and Clotka. ' MI3S E. KARItEU, ' oct 7 ,.'gxrhsr; Comcx!. I K I L fc'.'-i TC!r;E3 A V ' FOR SATURDAra MARKET ? SIX 8A?.lPl0fJ C0linTlf;.C!E5 I Pat,' Tender and Juicy. ... -? ' ALSO; 5 ! FIME, FAT MUTT0M . ' ' AND " .f.;. ; V: . spnirioiAMB. t3 Orders respectfully solicited; Cail eartj. J ' GEO. P. ttLLET, 001 7 ,. No. 10, New Market. 3DST Mra. A fine assortment of 3 For the BREAKFAST & TEATABLE 'Consisting in part of PRIZE MESS f.1ACJfMtL' ,rj T,r,s' UALIBUT FINS1 PICKLED SALMON. ' ROANOKE ROE HERRING : ' 4 . ... . , And Large ... y , ... V . Wo. 1, Mackerel . ;In.Barrela. t i .... . The latter being sold in fl ay quan. tity. Also. A VERY FINE SELECTION QF3 Colgate & Co0, ; Cnark3 McKcano'fl'A Son's and VanHaagen's! STANDARD TOILET GOAPS. These goods are the finest made in America, andj am celling thtm at extremely low prices. - Call and make your purchases.' . , -. 77.V r. Hi-"'!. , , ' it -,t 1,1 I JNO, it. BOATIVRIGHT, SI fir No, ii & io n Front at School Boolio. IB GS2AT TARICTT. (3100HD-HAND BOO ES ; i a 7.) ;s at half1 the price 'jot ntw ones . ' BOHOOL STATIOffEBY. of every llnl. r will aaka It t yoar, adraatsge jto bay f Bje.' oetr C1 School Bcote TSAonsaa :a2td; PA&rjTa wtii rd tiir tlsaspesVpIaee.t) buy ; ScHcol 0upplle3 ,l& '3.7s' : : : t - Ot jwrfjM92if tint at the very hwejt irl ' ett live Seek csd HciaCtei y ... . 4 ,7 4L

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