m la . . r Tina fjlpss ts oiih4 rrary eTUraooa, f Czadayt ' nrni L f JOSH T. J1CIEO, r. ziAoaJLx raoremoa. ' D DSC RI TOOK S. POSTAGE PAID.9 oa yaar,$& 00 . 8Lx montki, $150 r Three Bimth$l IS; One month, 60 penti." foe papor will b delivered by carrier, of charge, in any part of the eity, attha ooto rataajpr IS eoti per wea. ; adTertfsmc rate? low and liberal . .. . .. sS"8ubacribera will please report any and il fcllarwio reeeiVft their papnresiuariy. Uoxtm . Advertisements TTvTO TllEGREAIt'j RHSHIilATISM, ' Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago,1 Backache; Soreness of the Chest,1 Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swell ing and Sprains, Burns and jccuas, general UQQiiy Pains, I .E. Tooth? Ear and Headache, Frosted Ffist and Lars, and ail other - tvs " rv " ,w w-, fe. ,tts Ko JPiwoantida on. e&rth nulj Btl Jacobs On, tofe, rurc, tStnpte and MtjtrtlrJ iUmdr A trial BtJl bat the compaivtiYelT 1 trifling ntly of oO Centa, ad Terjr on roffet- -ing wiUt "rin can ;bara cheap and poattlre proof Directly ia aereoXa&CTaxw I t . c SOLD BY JLLLDBTTQQIBTS LSD DE1LE2S AQ gJTTiTTrfi & CO., aoril 11 da mm te .Jl ll .i." x . - - s MRS. J o jX'Kiispx, ; .? franklin ton,"N,;a DarJJadakv-& FePlj io your teC Itr ftskins what .thiii Of yoarRemedyf I would kat that thrfgaUft liaYe been very fair, and so far at can rearn,K the ,Beme dy has been rery saUsractofy to my cus tomers who hare used it,, especially so in the caaa-of s little girl- of this -city,1 ted yean of aje, Tfho ifas't iroubled lot lonr tirsa with streJ breaking: out .'oxer the lace .and nicfcVT&ir" the appear of crof ala.-and.wliick had resisted the usual alterative treatment .for a long tint. Sha tcoi four bottles or iheit- jr last Snririff.heiTMed'res en disappeared, and up tp.tiustlinie she cad no return oi mem, uhs-buji iwv.iu& u fair and clear as anyone's. ' -; Txosting that you may recei.tre.th ceta which yourjKemedj seems Htb merit; ,- - - Druggist.. For tale in' Wilmington . by ; Dr. Wm. H. Green. Bend for circular of testimo- !al. t t it -OCt 3-dW is r A RI-BEING RECEIVED BYEVERY SteamSr and' by Rail; The prices wUl be ts loworlowei than eTer befoi .1 ili, Reepectfally, R.4rJ3rJ3clhtfre. atptM j FERTILIZERS AFIDrf EBTILIZIflQ 32'KWATEHIAa -T22 ekera andothera wjatoOpCTect channel to trade. adTantageouslyy comj ntmaaUyith Tor Gibbs & Co'b Manipulated GntuOLsnd Acid Phos phata t ept 6- The Cocrriopolitar . i i i t .1 n i nil . ii inn ii - J . JAS..T.-.PXTTE57AY, Agent, - deUlcbraleTertniters;WlIcox, VOL. V LOCAtJNEWS.' j Nrw Advibtisemiuts. Jsco.jJ. Hedrick Ail-Wool CaMimerea ALf affer, Price Sc Co Saeh, Doore anJ BUnds :JJ Otterbouko Interrogation. )t.EMOTAi. HirrU' News Dept W Yate Photoffraphj School Book f Hwssbekokk Second-hand Plno DjThe; receipts of cotton at tliis port to fMafiy people cfllicted with phthisis pulmonaUs (ycDsumpuon) lsq IJr.jliuli a Congh "Syrup "with", very 'great ' benefit an4-relicf. Price 25 cts. a bottle. -l : . ' f Steamship Benrfaclor, Capt. Tribon, arrived Lere last Saturday night from New York. : - ; freshwater Perch, Trout and Black- usn XJooks and Linos. A full assort tntnt and lowest prices at Jacobi's. f f : ,CfIhc State Liquor Dealers' Association ofNortk Carolina is .to mee t i a JSaleigb Tyene8aI inBeautify your nomes by using the N Y. ErainelPaint. jeady mixed and war santeA. Sold only "at Jacobi's. . f i Alex. Sprunt, Esq., British Vice Con- tal.at this port,- who has-been absent from the city for some time past, return ed here on Saturday last. 1 :. The State Fair opens to-day and will continue during the week. AT few have already gone to Raleigh from this city and others will follow to-morrow. .AWetearn'from the Concord Sun that Reri G. D. Bernheim, D. D., of this city, has been elected Financial Secretary of Nortli ''CaroTina College, at Hi. Pleas ant, ; Cabarru3 county. At the same timejEev. L. A. Mann, of Middleton, Md:j was chosen President. 33I . "Tho steam yacht Passport is to bav La little rest after the hard work of the past summer. She went uu tho ways this morning, and is to be overhauled and fitted up for the severe work of the win" ter, in tcfwiBg,as weU. as carryinx passes gers. Aifon"'crd,the youn'g colored man who lost both of his hands at Mr. Wil son's! steam saw mill on Friday last, bids fair to ytcover Jrom tie.ihock sustained by his system. He Is only about 22 yean Old and is unmarried. We suggest that he jsj an'objecla of ptibUQ sympathyd should receive assistance. i .i "5 Study your, interest. You can now buy CookStoves -at 'factory "prices at Jacobi's. :& Besuiaed Her.TrJpie The little mail steamer Elizabeth, -which has been on the ways undergoing Repairs for some time past, came out on Saturday last after a" thorough verhaul in and refitting. She now dancet the water as pretty as ever, all clothed in white. She resumed her trips to Smith. ville to day, carrying the mails, and will llrrianlyly.!imS Death of a calared Minister, Eev.W. H. Banks, a well known color ed preacher in this city, died last night kHe'was recentlyPastoof Ebeneztr Bap- tist churchTon Seventh, between Orange and Ann s trees, and was at one time an Alderman. He will be buried to-morrow morning from his Ute residence, thence to the church and thence to Fine Forest I Geo. Abbott's Remains, The mortal remains of the late Gen. Jos. C. Abbotts were interred., yesterday aiieinoon in me xiuodm remoter. Theyr were ..followed to the grave, by a large concourse of sorrowing friends. The funeral took place from the First Presby? terian Church ana the services were con dactedby the Pastor of that church, Bev officiated as pall bearers on the sad occa 8 lOn, Tli. vi (u. i'tcuwi mvu SiChadbourn, Mai. Chat. E. Taylor, Tr. F.'W.terGenr S. H. IfAtning and Capt E. J. I'ennypacken I'ia all Played Out," (Sa'Ccmmon'coraplainUj JfjnpUifeeLao ret a package ol Kidney Wort and take it And you will at once feel its tonic pow er iIt?jl!oor ildnej bowels and liver, and thus re- the Wearv body: It can now be had "in either dr or liquid form. and in either jray Si always prompt and emcient in action. Neva Bedford Standard, Cemetery. He was probably about 55 There 4t:i of tbmixsirvlL r was futicifea iri4iaji5?$t vc,-. But the atUnllohTof rthcCourt r'beei a lor me mosiTrr v-w at 3 olJkor ciahosr.ei A4 the iSZzz Bis Honor listened iOTiiotioas;jrot counsel K2r1Kon'ht'UieVotbJl adjourn late this evening (or the 'term this SamaeVCovek lircenv $23j led cost; . Jno.Waddell, larceny,-$25 and costs.' Jno. Curlew, carrying - a concealed weapon, discharged on condition of leav ing the city. " -Jft? a Wmi Hansley, larceny, 5 yeart in Pen itentiary. n T; Richard Beid larceny 5 years in Pen itentiary. Jno Williams, larceny, one penny and co3ts. iUSZ'ttk ? Willey Phillips, larceny, 2 years in Penitentiary. -1 - ; ' Wm.-Phinney, assault and' battery, 12 months In County House of Correction. Lou Hoggins, nuisance, 3 months in House of Correction. Sam Larkins,. assault and battery, 3 months in Hbose of Correction. ; C has. Herring, assault with intent to commit rapb 10 years Tn Penitentiary. David" Littleton, .slander of women, $25 and costs. - Isaiah Eastoa, assault and battery, 30 days in. House of Correction. Fred flill,' larceny, $5 and costs. : In addition to the above there were saveral cases of assault and i battery and one et an affray io which the defendants were fined one penny and' costs. , Call at! Jacobi's for pardenHbes - and Bakes Shovels, SpadesAxes, Ac There you have thelowest prices.' t I From liasisfrate s Bow.. . .T!; V Wm. Phinney, colored, a-notorious character and one of the convicts 'at the present term of the -Criminal Court, had a warrant served upon him thia morning chtrring him with perjury committed in a case ; before the Criminal Court thia morning, whtrein the taid Phinney f wore he did; mot ttab ene Lucy Horse, colored. 'Lucy Hone it the prosecutiag wttaees.and T made the afldavit upon which the warrant wat issued. The trial was iH It4 Vcloek ihif afternoon before JuUceH D.HftlL t;.-.-: Henry Statcher, colored, waa arrest- ed upon a peace warrant thia moraine and also upon a warrant for assault and battery. Tho j afidavit was made by George Dieage, coicrta.- xce inai win take place before a Jutlce of the Peace at 6 o'clock thia evening. in Eca-Esri, Boaenei. . Bats, xnlce,; anta, fliet,; vermin, mos quitoes, .insectaV cleared out by 'Rough on Rata." 15c boxes at drug- !Y:.f . ;Clty Goart. . Vr Robert Lee colored, charged with dis orderly conduct, was arraigned before the Hay or this morning, Officer Woeboo, who'madegthe arrest, testified that defen dant was arretted in Paddy's Hollow on Saturday sight and that several of the prisoner'a boon companions threatened at one-time to attempt to reacue the prisoner. Upon hearing this evidence the Mayor continued the trial . until the conspirators in thisScase could ;b. arrest ed. 'The defendant was thereupon re marided to his cell. - Caroline Franks, a good ctzstomef tor the city treasury and an old offender, was called up on the charge of disorderly con duct. His Honor said $3 or six days be low.' The Franks' exchequer seemed to bery on this occasion , "so defendant went fi; In the "case of a'hackster violating the ordinance, j udgment was suspended. In another case against same partyodg ment was, suspend td "upon payment-of cothUfinithed the predings of the Mayor's Court for the day, - it rrui"" " ' ' ' r0 J Enure waUsfacttan Hen do rod. Such is substantially the report of B. TWorland; 1., Ckmcordia; Ky4 who writes: I have been selling St. Jacobs' Oil for some time, and find it givee .en tire satisfaction. In several cases or rheumatism under my. observation . the cure was completed I 4 Brig Eya oiU clsaced 7 to-day Ton Ponce, 1 R with 5 barrels Ur, 5 ITrt i jSTu .t feitetWVpidlbyiUIe Northrop eV Caaaaing oaies or.icr.wiW saugtes-aza ytapt. GJjI- Harrias wUl to-morrow remove his" fiewspeptr and cigar store to the store recently occapied by Messrs SpaYrJje: contemplates adding largely tohis buiinesi. : " f tcrj sfpenor 'goods fauljffthey last too toog. ,They are es pe'cCily suitable for Btbcol suits. , "Leavitt't Glgantean.lSmstrels - made a very, lattractive parade through the streets this forenoon. They play here to night and most likely to a large house. The ATews and Obsever speaks very cor dially of them and says that they are a No. 1 troupe; ' The music, it ; says, is very fiae, tho dancing good and tho witi cisms new and laughable. ; To Builders and otheris Go to Jaco bi's for Sash,, Blinds. -arid Doors, Glass, &c : You can get' all sizes and at the lowest prices. f j Onarterly Meetings. . Wilmington District, Methodist E Church, South. Fourth round. Wilmington, at Front Street, Oct. 15 16 Wilmington, at Fifth Street, Oct. 15 16 Brunswick . . . Oct. -19 Waccamaw, Cypress Creek, Oct. 20-21 Whiteville, Shiloh, . Oct. 22-23 Elizabeth, Bladen springs, Oct. 26-27 Bladen, Windsor, t Oct. 29-30 Onslow, Queen's Creek, . Nov. 5- 6 Duplin, Wesley Chapel, Nov. 9-10 Clinton, Clinton, r. . . Nov. 12-13 Coharie i ' . . . Noy. 16 17 Cokesbury . . . . Nov. 19-20 BLet all the officials be present, i VI , L. S. Burkhead, P. E. The Popular Demand. . .So great has been the popular de mand for the celebrated remedy, Kidney Wort, that it :is. having an immense sale from Maine to California. Some have found it inconvenient to prepare it from the dry compound. For such the pro prietors now prepare it in liquid form. Tfaisan ba procured at the. druggists. It basp?f7ti"--i Ha dry, but is very concentrated so that the dose is much smaller. Lowell Mail. l?6w Advertisements JUST RECEIVED. A fine assortment of For the BREAKFAST d TEATADLE ConsiitiDfir in part of PRIZE UESS r.UCKEDELMU tlHS. i UALIDUT FItJS PICKLED SALUOrJi ROAUOKE fiUE HERDinQ And Largo No, 1 Mackerel In Barrels. -The latter being sold in any quan tity. Also. A VERY FIHE SELECTION OF. Colgate & Charles McKeane fl & Son's and . TAaHaagena STANDARD TOILET S0AP8. " These goods are the finest made in America, andJI am selling them at extremely low prices;. Call and mae yonr purchases. JNO; Li BOATWRIOHfi lVos. II & 13 Fi. Front at' Removala ; ; fK AND ATTER TUESDAY,: October 11th, HARRIS' NEWS DEPOT will be found two doora balow d place, IDyerV fna 8taad), where News spexa, Madne, dec, can be found as usual. Also the beet 5 and 1Q cent Cigars in the nmketT'Cbifeand see mci oc 10-lw AQ?tW(m$ STATE ON Aj$tf EQX . JOT KORTIT CAROU!? A'fi INTERISTi ALL-VODL CASSIMERES I AGAINST THE WORLD '. ", f OR BEAUTY. DURABILITY AND ECOHaMTS I aai now iJuming six grades varioui colori,: ALL-WOOL CA8SIMERES, from the BETHANIA MILLS. Also, the usual varletj of SALEM CA83I MERES, so well and favorably known. I re5pectfally invite the attention of Gen tlemen who de ire a First-Claw Huines Suit to the BETfiANtA CASSIMERES. Sul.s made to order at Yery Low Pilces. I have already had the pleasare of fumlBtlng some of the most stylish gentlemen la tho city vith suits of these Roods. . ' Our SALEM CASSIMERES are especial ly suitable for School Boys, being both Sightly and Sbryicexblb. For the con venience of parents I will undertake to have Suits made to measure for Boys. ' Remem B2B this, there is mora real service in one suit of these goodB than two of any ether1 kind bought ready made, ct 10 JNO. J. REPRICE. " t InterjriVjitatidnsv yOULD TOO DRESS 'WELL T "yOULD you wear Btilish Olothlag 1 WOULD voa buy PaiUrai that kava not basa eold oa th aarkat for the last tan . Jeers T ". ': r ! ; "yyoULD ycu pmrohais Gansaats pot taulBX the vary rtquUIta potats of Fit asd Tlabh, wharaln aitcm work It omV rivalltd, yet withal a sayiif : of fifty Par 0at la eotvf "YyoLD Toaaxas&laatta largMi Hoe of Btrlish Faney OaadsMre Salts tvtr of frsd for sxla la YTUslagtoa 1 T lit . , t f t f . ' TyottLD yoa eatt aai see ef 11M Beoteh Oassistare Salts I Five Xlaa drad DoUats to the OloUkr dllaylax a larger jubartaait of the above pope mlar priaad fimits. s yyoULD yea five as the plaanre ef ex hibitlaf eafore yoa ear Uamxaoth Par- ahajaf U Ilea's Uttdarwaar f x are Kiag la this brtidht Oar alias range la Had and TfhiU Jlaaaal Shirts froatUtoIO. YOULD yea appreciate aeeoaBodatlaf aai polite Balaiaaa flaletxaan who Kaow eut oaa Vciaf o au i tsaa ran L J. 0TTLinCEr.3j .: 'i.uztz .is.-1 fr:z- n suit Ttcdf.q Ic i-m LoXroaitora, oat 10 trilactom If, A .... ii.. . j. :lj bc-'-Ji Jiil trscii e"- TTO THINK ABOUT - HOT BSD SASH. :pleasbobdbbbly. ; sash, boons Antf oii:3& BRACXETS,' MOXIUDINff, WJllBER ALTAFFEB, PBICTB CO. oet 10 E xc han ao Corn er, THE LADIES OF WILMINGTON r are rcepeetfolTy noticed that I i bare just opened, at Exchange Comer, a strperhaiock U lAdie: Good, AlilUBerj, i'cahexv, A"C. which I will be. pleaacd to have them caJ and Inspect . Latest styles drFaU and Win ter Hats and Bonnets; New Stamping Pat' terns, Infants Robes and Cloka.f- 4 MISS E. TARE, Oct? Exchange Corner. w sse wrrtsr szasi ai ways be fa atTJItetbe ' WTfttaa! ea a! - SijljiO .1AUT) -VCSSifee' avel2a4aio1 :r im fill 9t-it:rt?r ttsad that tXdeet nrttlwjic the vlswseiltera fas the Ctorialooiaa'tia,!1 4 eW 77 r u uddoiiaHQiid FiaiiOsj x .' j :-' Trfl ' tlllilir 'il rf allien v.axa 5'u A. ...... I " ' ' '- t iilft:' tit: mHE 0R3ANI3A, 2sojwtdtrfaIa lutiepeat tnr uf into tie marktt 2fr: ,1 SBEBOEE .j,, fetlO Uv Book aad Hario Bkorer . - ,-: fr -i. . 4 t . 1 'iff' ; - .rr, .Tti. Th e P h olograph er;4 ! H.iVlJfa BG TUR H ED f rem h!i enm r ' ,j vaoatloo, la now praparad 'to do w rk in tie . Jt yla , ; "!.'."., - i : ew u1 iBaiKxau' baad ieutol :i t. O-ki TCyjctvAp. 1 .- Ii- f -vr i .5?.E RA'.":KOU:SS;,',,;V T ' ft;-1 v - 1 ..-..- -. .' ,0 i.ati an? 2 H M0DAY'EVNIK0t CCT0BER 10.v - ...... ill dti Vi -AW Gierautean Dlinotrelrj A HUNDRED NOVELTIES: 20 , 20 io Great Comedian . , tJ20 j,f M 9,ll . ' In Brass Band- s 20 r,i LaJna: 1 Vocalists : '' 20' r' U A Buperb Orchestra. A Great Double.' Company,, jr . 3T Don't fair to see DAN 1CMMTCTT; the Founder of Negro Minstrels j aad iUlo It- , I'aHuetuirjW.l5!?.: ,w -orta ' aaa.atiryerar r.;tw flewii ivwku ;- ' 1:- ! A TtENTY;FIBST ANHUALsFAIIl" , ! Kr OFTIiE5 atiaiaoJioU ijti l.:a Worth GaroIItiia? iatad w AT BALEiaB," ' i 1 n .so i i m ntrwrnn .... !.. Oeloher lOth' llth? 12th: l3th,UthceW'9T I. 15th, 18fl -r iLii DEDUCED RATE OF FA0ECVEDTIIt- , jYltUcrs to Weigh, N,, a, e.Ueadiyrihjt ;fr Twenly-FlrttSAssual Fair of the North Car, v olmAi ' ' Wlithe itellihi ltU 11th, Uth and laydays elber, 1631, will be transported ever the WQmingnJ j9-:. ton ft TYtldon 'Sallroad'to GoldJhoro ahof '''' . return at 9 cents per mile each irsy, , , . t -i. . . . t.,i,t a t& tilt , Articles Intended for.exUhltloa wtau ( traatorte4 at Regular1 TarnT Rata, andif cvartta JUoana;r' rAiah. fait should be eatahUshed by eertiflcate ef 8ec-. retory, er by' presentatlea of - origin al ship t i i receipt,) fiaW bffled1acr iVee-Hiiaa,J asjosnt of freight pakl thereon returned by. ,. Agent as Station from whence ehlpped WTlnilngtonto'Balefh antl'rttujf $550"' ...... . :f m:; 40 lVe . fiOL. BAAS, A,0PE5 Geal iy Agt. deal Pats.' A TkkettTr -.etjf -a i t .ic.r,rJI jqj L-cr&d J:t V. i 9 5 1 I XF w tvi .'. mm im mm mm u aagl aa7 ijt ii - It: f,a-. 'a 2

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