TUIS PAPER . ;-PLEA8EffbTrCI;. '.w1 to raevlra eomaiKakt t Jroa ow fxfcaSicn iiy iad all aahkwuT gtasraiistsratt bat. , . - j : V7 'ft" ATUtaat t taerilar a ut aliraxi UU slshexl to tit Editor. - . . : - 1 - t , C-i V j i ,w. ' ooaatnytitigas cast be wrttssa oa ot"Jy erne side eftUpApsjr.;- ; . . Persosaliaas mxutbe avoLi4! f H - ? - Aid Itbts?e!allyaad partiosiarlyiader stood that .the Xdiw does not tlwnjt eadoTT ot eorrespondeatsi ualess Ito suT" bitheeUtorialeolv&8s, - : Unman ned evsrc RmmITM I" -eptea or - - JOSH. T. J A SI B Of . KTJIT03 ritorilIKTOIC: ' 6UII3ClUPTI0NS,l0tiTAGKPAlD. ne year,t5 CO Six mouth?, $2 SO Three months, Zl 35 ; Oae motith, 50 cents, f he paper wiH b delivered by carriers, re oithxrge, in any part of the city, at the bore ratet, or 13 cects per week. ?.dTcrtiinjr rtt low and liberal kW-cbscribcrn iU i lease report any and 'aiiuresio reeei?-thMr papers ren!ax!y "TT: H 1 VOL V WILMINGTON;, NT.:C.y TUESDAY, OCTOBER 1 1, 1881. NO 240 rn 0 i mw&mm 3 Nsuralaia. Sciatica. Lumbaao. - Backache, Soreness of -the-Chest. Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat; Swell v J . r . wjs ana op rams, a urns ana Scalds, General Bodily - Pains, r ooth, Ear and Headache Frosted Feet and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. ' No Preparation on earth equals St. Jacobs Oil a a afc, sure, rimple and cheap External iLimody A trial entails bot the comparatively tilling- outlay of 60 Cents, and erery one suffer , - ing vith, pain can hare cheap and poaitfTO proof of its claims. ' - ' Direction In Eleven languages. SOLD BY ALL DBPQQI8T8 LSD DEALES3 A. VOGEXER tfc CO., J2aUimore2Id.,Tr.8.JL. ?ll 11 d v-oia ta ' Rr.iraii. N. C., Sspt. 27,1331. Mrs. Jos Pzrsox, ' . " , Franklinton, N. 0. Dear Madame :In reply to your let ter asking whaJJL think of your Kemedy, I would say that the sales have been very fair; "and so far es I can learn, the Reme dy has been very satisfactory to my cus tomers who have U3ed it, especially so in the case of a little girl of this city, ten years of age, who was troubled for a long time with sores breaking t out over the face and neck; having 'the appear ance of Scrofula, and which had resisted the usual alterative treatment for a long time. She took four bottles of the Bit ters last Spring, when the sores entirely disappeared, and up to this time she has had no. return of them, her skin looking as fair and clear as anyone's. Tmstine that you may receive the suc cess which" your Remedy seems to merit, I am, very respectfully yours, WM. SIMPSON, Druggist. , For sale in "Wilmington by Dr. Wm. II. Green. Seod for circular of testimo nial?. . oct 3-d w AND A KE, BEING RECEIVED BY, EVERY SleAiner and by RU. -Thep Ices will be i low t lowci than ever befcrs. Rwpcctfullr, - RP M. Iiclntire. FERTILIZERS AHD FESTILIZIHQ MATEJJUL. ptOTTON AND CORN PLANTERS " Truckers and others caa get iato correct channel to trade advantageously by comj munlcatiog with J AS. T." Pfc.TTK.VVA Y, Agent For the celebrated Tertflizefs.Wilcox, Gibba & Co'a yaalpulated Guano and Acid Phos phat. 1 ' ept6 The Cosmopolitan BAR 13 THE PLACE WHERE YOU can ffet the coolest, purest and most scientifically mixed 8ammer Drinks to be found la the city. The very best Vlaes Champagnes an d Liquors always oa hand Jthe bStcent.Clgai -that made. ? Drop n and cool off.JOIIN.C AgROLL, jeij . Proprietor. Pre 5oc3s LOCAL NEWS. r . New Advebtisemekts. . IlEixsEEBajR The Marvellous Oratlxi N. Gkeenewald Kimoral "V Sea ad Nev York and Wilmington Steam ship CcmpiBy . CW Yjjces Photography School Book The storm signal is at the mast-head to-day. : ' . " '". ''". : The receipts of cotton at this port to; day foot up 1,167 bales. - - - ' The text steamer from New York, the Regidatqr, Is : expected here to morrow. .'ft- " rw Mil ii mmmmmm "' ' nil - , i - T be Grand Jury at this term of the Criminal Court found 20 true Bill3 and 4 not true bill?.1 ' Call at Jacobi's for Garden II oes and Rakes, Shovels, Spade3, Axes, &c There you have the lowest prices. f teamihip Bciiffaclor, Capf Tribon, sailed hence this morning for New York. Mr. Jcs. S. Williams, of this city, who has been absent during the Summer months, has returned to the city looking, we are -pleased to say, in excellent health. The "VVilmiDgton Light Infantry ex. pectto go to Yorktown 40 strong, rank and file. They will leave next Monday, under command of Col. J no. L. CantwelL It is expected that all of the commission ed officers will go. Mr. "W. B. Giles, who has been very ill at his residence . on Wrightsville Soundis, we are glad to learn, much bet ter to-day. " lie has not yet been pro nounced as entirely out of danger but the improvement is a decided one. Mr.xN. Greenewald his removed his cigar and tobacco business to the store ao. b boutn i?ront street, Delow tux change Corner, where he offers an ex cellent line of goods, among other things a spendid cigar for five cents, which he claims to be the best in the city for the money. - : : Unmailable. Unmailable matter, addressed as fol lows, remains in the PostoEce in this city: M. A, Southall, Pleasant Hill, N. C; W. & J. Slcan, Broadway, N. Y.; H. D. Wade, ink manufacturers, 117 Fulton street. Court Adjourned. The Criminal Court adjourned to-day fjr the term. The only business trans acted was hearing arguments on a mo" tioa for a new trial in the city market cise, which motion was granted and the cise will come up again at the next term of the Court. - Clly Court. Before the Mayor this morning Charles Howard, charged with disorderly con duct, was found guilty bat judgment was suspended.- Charles Howard, for resitting a police officer, was awarded"30 days in the C P, Robert Lee, disorderly, was fined $2 or five days In lhc C. P. Beautify your nomes "by using the N Y. Enamel Paint, ready mixed and war ranted. : Sold only at Jacobi's. t . iM in-ui r News. We learn from the News and Obser. ver that a general order, has. just been issued from the Adjutant General's of fice, forming the seventeen companies of infantry which will go to Yorktown, into one provisional brigade, to consist of two provisional battalions, to be known as the First and Second Yorktown Battal ions. The brigade will be commanded by Gen. Basil C. - Manly. Col. R- D. LI uncock andMaj. IlalcottP. Jones will command the First Yorktown Battalion, and Col. Albert n. Worth and Lt-Col.v John W. Gotten the Second Yorktown Battalion. The First Battalion will consist ot the following companies: Raleigh Light In fantry, Goldsboro Rifles, Edgecombe Guards, Washington Light lniantry, Winston Light Infantry, Albemarle Guards, Durham Light Infantry, Guil ford Grays and Rockingham Guards. The Second Battalion will consist of the following companies: Fayetterille Independent Light Infantry! LaFayetta Light Infantry, Wilmington Light Ipt fantry, "Duplin Rifles, Hornets Nest Riflemen, Anson Veterans, Iredell Blues and Salisbury Rifles. Catarrh or the Bladder. Stinging,, smarting irritation of the urinary passages, diseased discharges, cured by Buchapaibau Druggists. Dept Jas.0. Alunds. - - - Leayltfi MlBitreli. The performance of Leavitt's Gigaa tean Minstrels at the Opera House last night was in manyfeatures a most ex cellentone. In some parts, however, it was marred' by that license of broadness which ia fist being banished (as it should long since have been) from the minstrel stage. The Comrmny;i a strong one, both numerically axd irx point of talent. There wer twenty-six performers upon tbe stage at one time. The Virginia Bercnaders" was a plea? . ant revival of tho originaLfittempU t negro minstrcbiy and a part or the enter tainment which was thoroughly enjoyed by the audience. J The musical : performances of Messrs. WooJ, Beasley & Weston Brothers were of the rarest excellence. In variety and merit we hare never seen them surpassed. The "Golden Quintette" also gave some very choice selections which weie thoroughly appreciated. Lew - Benedict is a deservedly popular Ethiopian come' dian and his oration was very amusing. We must not forget to pay our re 8pects to Dan Emruett. the author of "Dixie" who sang oar Southern national song with a Tim and appreciation we had always accredited to the author. We commend the performance as a whole, and would like to see the troupe here again. A clear head and quick action must be possessed for steady and successful effort; but who can have such while suffering from Cold ? Use Dr. Bull's- Cough Syrup and procure immediate relief. . . If arrow Gauge to Clinton. Capt. Dick Paddison is in the city to day, exhibiting his map of the proposed railway between Point Caswell and Clinton, in Sampson county. It is to be a narrow gauge road, and not a tram" way, as was at first proposed, and as we mentioned some days ago. The map is a handsome one, very carefully drawn, and was executed by Mr. Henry A. Colrin, of Moore's Creek. The distance from Point Caswell to Clinton is just forty miles, and the road will run through a country which has never yet been opened up and which is capable of great development. We know it well, as in years gone by we have been all over that entire country. The road will cross Black River about two mile below Black River Chapel and the Coharie in Sampson county. These are the only water courses of any importance and the bridging will be very light. There are high bluffs .on Black River and the Co harie is a shallow stream. We are glad to know that the prospects are very good. The road, it is estimated will cost about 130,000 and -equipped about $150,000, say $3,250 per mile for construction. Capt. Paddison tells us that he has been over the lontc twice and that everywhere the people are warmly ia favor it. The citizens ot Sampson county will themselves subscribe about $50,000 and it is hopod that the county will add to this. The prospects here, too, are rcry fine and Capt. Paddison thinks that success may be considered now as a mere "question of time and prop, erly directed efforts. I lis Gallery Cods We are again forced to speak of the conduct of the ''lords of the gallery" at the minstrel show last night. The sing- ers on the stage were annoyeu ana me interlocutor tras frequently interrupted by remarks. So great was the annoy. ance to both the performers and the au dience in the lower part of the house that Mr. Benedict was forced to speak once or twice to the ' gallery gods." The crowning act of the bad conduct of seme of these persons was committed "upon tho close of the last act and when the u diencegwere rising to disperse. Three gentlemen who were sitting in the par quette each received a shower of tobacco juice on their faces and clothes. Th s outrage was probably premeditated. In addition to this we understand that there was much noise and disorder in the enclosure in front of the Opera House, daring the performance, some reports be ing to the effect that rocks were thrown against the building. There were no ar rests last night but we understand, that the names of some of the offenders are in the hands of those who will see that the law is enforced the next time there is a disturbance there. Nor. brig Speranza cleared to-day at this port for Liverpool with 978 bales cotton, shipped by- Messrs. Williams '& Mtxrchison. Board or Aldermen. The Board of Aldermen met in special session at the City Hall last night, pres. ent, Mayor Smith 4and Aldermen Worth- Northrop; Bowden, Chadbeurn and Sampson. Alderman Chadbourn offered the fol lowing resolutions, which were adopted: ' Resolved, ?hzt the Treasurer shall be held Sponsible for the amount of the city iax list -for xhe" year 1881, now in his hinds, with interest at the rate of eight per cent per annum from ' Novem ber 1st, 1881, and lhat he be credited OOly with such amounts as he- shall col? feetPovidedytbat on or before the first day of April, 1S82, he shall be .also credited with such amounts as appear against real estate not collected, but for which a deed "has been made to the ' city in legal form; one copy of which shall be placed among the records of the Treas urer's office, and one copy among the records of the Register of ueeds of New Hanover county. Resolved, That the Treasurer shall not be credited with any uncollected poll or personalty tax, unless he-can "show that proper and diligent effort has been made to collect the same, andthen only by a majority vote of the Board of Al dermen. Resolved, That any balance that may remain charged to the Treasurer after the above credits have been made shall be paid by the Treasurer, and his bond shall not be released until the tax ac count is balanced. Resolved, That all license taxes more than sixty days ia arrears, commencing April 1st 1881, shall also be charged to the Treasurer, and deducted from his pay unless otherwise ordered ' by a majority vote of the Board of Aldermen, and a list of delinquent tax payers shall be presented to the Board by the Treasurer, at every regular, meeting. Resolved, That the Treasurer, having given good and sufficient bond, is hereby permitted to deposit the city funds in whatever bank be may select. Alderman Huggins submmitted a re port of the committee on Fire Depart ment relative to the erection of a belfry on the City Hill building, and the placing of the fire-alarm thereon. Alderman Chadbourn moved that the resolution adopted August 8th,1881, em- poworinir the "committee to erect a belfry oa the City Hall and remove ine mo alarm bell thereto be reconsidered. Adopted. The meeting then adjourned. List of Letters. The following Is a list of the lattera ro malninc; unclaimed In the City rostoffice Wednesday, Oct. 12: A Rebecca Alexander. B Minnie Beaty, Annie Berdaux, Florence Ballard, W H Baker, Rox anna Bryant, Mary M Brown, Mary Ann .Drown, Maggie uoraeaux, John Berry, Joseph Bryant, Hannah Beery, Lewis Bowdeo, A L Brown, Alfred Bunting. C Mattie Carter, John Crawford, Shade Canoe, 2, Ellen Chatman, Eliza beth Chapman, Alice Crow. D Rebecca Dickson, D L Davis, Charles Dennis & Bro, Elias Deens, Lucas Dixon, S B Dodds, Mary Devane. E JV1 ta iiarly. F James Furth, Paul S Felder, Isa bella Farrior, Joseph P H For, Chlcea Fonville, Alexander Flowers. G -Emery Green, John Galloway, M VGoff, S D Ganes, S R Griffian, Wm Grady. , - H Charlotte Hooper, Gilbert Hoi- ling, F Henderson, Gabe Hopkins, Caro line Howe, Hannah Hicks. Jane Howard, J H Henderson, Lill Hill, Mary Howe, Nancy Harrison, Phillip tHarley, W G Harnss, b M Hart. Q J James Johnson, John Jacobi, Jane Jones, Haywood Jones, Frank Johnson, George ft V Jones, Fannie Jackson, Caswell Joyner, C M Johnston, Bettie Jones. K Annie Kelley, Arthur Kirkland. Ii Wash Leary, 2. - j M H G Mwtz, Weldon Mitchell, C C McKinzey, David McLucas, Enike McQuain, Ella Martin, Jnlia McLacuh- lin, Annie Morriss, Capt Jas A Marsh, M A McKnair, Mary S Mott, William Mitchell, Granger Marmands. N NF NixOn. O Carrie Owens. P Anna Parker, Jack Pickett, Gas ton Price. Kendeelier Pearsall, Mary Pater, NT Pate. R Jacob Robertson, Johnnie Rich ardson, John Risenback. S Everett Smith, Andrew Shepard, Harriss Spencer, Amanda Steel, WccH Strickland, Isham Sweet, Rosa Saint- George, Levenia Shannon, I Macon, Smith, Ina Southerland, J W Smith, Thornton Stawart, 12. TT F Toon, W II Taylor, John Thomas, Johnnie Thompson, Catharine Tiedmand, George Taylor, Frank Thompson- V-rLee Venson, G G Volger. W D O Woodall, Jno E Walker, Sarah Whitley, Carrie Walker. Y Firman Young, J G Young, Flora Young. Persona calling for letters in above list will please say "advertised"; if not claim ed in 80 days will be sent to dead letter Office, Washington, D. C iv il muss, P. M. Wilmington, . Ker Hanover County. "I'm all Plajea Out." is a common complaint. If you feel so get a pacKage ot Kidney wort and take it and yoo will at once feel its tonic pow er. It renews the health v action or tho kidnejs, bowels and liver, and thus re stores the natural me and strength to ine weary body. 1 1 can now be had in either dry orliquiJ form, and in either way is always prompt and efficient in actisn. New Bedford Standard. , I UeT7 Advorticemoots. Removal. TUT J , TRIEND3 AND ."THE PUBLIC XUL gererally are respectfully notified that lhavev removed my Cigar ; Store to No. 6, South Front streets two doom frnm Sr. change Corner, where I will be pleased to see and accommodate them with a full line of Tobacco and Tobacco Geods. The very best FIYB CENT CIGAR In the cltv. I mean it. N. GRKENETfALD. octll-2w 7 '''' HAVE YOU SEEM The Marvellous Organina JT 13 A LITTLE OKG AN THAT PLAYS all the Foaf s. Jigs, Qalops, Walts , Horx pipes. As., la. A child can play It lhs wcaier of Ut age. O me acd sse and hsar it at HglSSBERQXR'S. est 11 Live Beok asd Kvsie 8ts NEW YORK & WILMINGTON STEAMSHIP CO. SEMI-WEEKLY LINE. 1 1 vim WILL SAIL FROI NEW YORK Every ; WEDNESDAY andSATURDAY. at S'Jo'cIock, P. if. GULP BTRSAM....WedaesdsyJ GciobsraJ BENEf ACTORm. 'Satsriay, October 15 REGULATOR.......Wednotday, Catcher 19 GULF STSEAMM..MM.Satarda7 October 22 BNE?AGTOB.M....Wedaesdy, Octeher 26 REGULATOR.. ...Saturday, October 29 Throagh Bills Ladiag and Lowest Thrmijh Ratss guaranteed to ana frcsa Poiats la North and nouth Carolina. For Freight Engagements apply to THOS. R. BOND, aap't, WilmiafoaN. J THEO. 0'. iSUKU, Frsijcht Aejeat, 35 Hrnadtrajr, Jew Yora HTM o' ' rvr Ge&T Agent. cct ll-tf KIR- ORR, The Photographer, JJAYINa RETURNED frrm his Summer vacation, i now prepared to do work in the Ltest Style. Sw and Seeoad-hand School Bocks very cheap. BOOK STORE. oetlO 0L7 35S -TO THINK ABOUT HOT BED SASH. PLEASE ORDER EARLYJ SASH, DOORS AHD DUUDS, BRACKETS, MOULDING, LUKBERJAc ALTAFFER, PRICE k CO. oct 10 Exchange Corner, THE LADIES OF WILMINGTON are respectfully notified that I have just opened, at Exchange Corner, a superb stock of Ladiea' Goods, Millinery, Feathers, etc wh&hlwill be pleased to have them car and inspect. Latest styles of Fall asd Win ter Hats and Bonnets, New StamplagPat terns. Infanta' Robes and Cloaks. JJJZ2 C ELAE2ER,' octT. Xxchsnge Corner; l?e7 Adverticombnta. 0n AbAVrJxrjji RnIXV old V," Dyers' Old Stand), where Nevtmn. t .r..fN.,' can be found as nul. Ah-o the best 5 arid 10 cent Cigars i . i i rnrkeL Come aad see me. ; . ; : n -.t.f t., t iniw - W ' '" mm TmutY-FISSf AfiriUAl FAI.1 . or rmt'Tr North Oarolina ricultural Gpcictyv at eaeeiqh; ) ' ; : October 10th, llth, 12th, lSUi KUi .&sd . 15th, lwi. ' ;'..' REDUCED RATE QF.FAQE OVER THE Visitors to Balelgh, IT. U., attending 4the Twenty-FirsrAnnnsi Pair of the North Car. ol lna Agricultural Society, cm, the 10th, llth 12th, 13th, 14th and 15th days ot Octoberi 1881, will be transported erer the Wflmlng -ton & Wsldon . RaUroad to Goldsboro sad return at cents per mile each way. i Articles Intended for" exhibition "will b transported at Regular Tariff Bates, and If returned by party exhibiting, '(which fact should be esUblished by 'wrtWcats of Ceo; retary, or by presentation of original ship- . ping receipt,) wlUbe bflled back free and ; amount of freight paid thereon Veturiel by ' Agent at Stater. ' --vi.'i .' ,', 126 Vilmlngton to Raleigh and .return, OUAe : ' - - t, S . - SOL, HAAS, '" iA. POPE, ; ;V Gea'l Frt Ag'u Gen'l Pass. & Ticket Agt . cct 8 St mm A fine assortment oi ' For the . -; BREAKFAST &-TEATADIE CJonsisting in part of ; PRIZE UESS MACKEREL) IfJ TIKS UAiiRHT:ritii - ? ; PICKLED SALMOHr V ROAflCKE ROE HEnSIKQ ; And JLxtge r ; : ' ;-;' ; ,'- . ' The latter being Eoiajiaitiiyqnin- tity.Alo. A VERY FIHE .SELECTICrJ CF3 (lgato&CoV, " 4V - - Charles McKcaao'sI& Son's acd VanHaagen's STfJIDAOD -TOILET CCAPC. The goods era tho fcicci xnado ia Amezica, tsi&JL tan felling tlicra Obll end your pvxchzzte Mil L DOATaniGIITb aisw JUST

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