r in, t-f edi 71 i c ft I r .ffKr ' I e; f " ) 1 -.i r. J A MSB. JOB" W 8L. tnontks. 83 50 ; Thre One month, SO nti. 7 will delivered by wrier, r: low and libera iberi will please report any and -Vile reeiTeiteir papers regularly. I r gr ew Advertisements frTrT?nri TTT7 EllILl FOR- i MEUI-3ATISI.I, hurafgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Uekachi, Soreness of the chest, foot, Quins, Sore Throat, SweU wp end Sprains, Burns and ' Scalds, General Bodily Pains, ' faoih, Ear and Headache Frosted fat and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. ft PreptrttioD on earth equal 8k Jacobs On. h i $mfe, iMre, simple, .nl cap Extern ! Uij. A trial entails tat the compaetiTaly .,.... mi1m nt KA rt. and avarr ana nffer- I k. ith Min ru ham riiuB n4 txMltrre nroof f;, in claim. " Directkmi is Eeren LaafnafM . tOL3BTALLDETyQOISTSAin)DEALES3 IH MEDIGIHB. A. VOGELER stc CO., jJaitimorcs sz. u a. dsw-oae to. Riliics, N. C, Sjpt.27, 1831. Uki.Joz Fekso.v, Franklinlon, N. O Dm Madams : In reply to your let 'ruk;D what I think of your Remedy, Jwottld uy that the sales hare been very (j tuw very sausiactory to my cus . . - . tom en wno nave nsea it, especially bo an it aw of a little girl of this city, ten jtiri of a$e, who was troubled lor a lrer, time with sores breaking ont oyer 'it face and neck, having the appear ed of Scrofula, and which had resisted it trail alterative treatment for a long tise. She took four bottles of the Bit- ia last Spring, when the sores entirely appeared, and up to this time she has hi no return of them, her skin looking u wx and clear as anyone s. Ticsticar that you may receive the snc 3tMch your Kemedy seems to merit, I am, very respectfully yours, WM. SIMPSON, DrnrgisL Forialein Wilmington by Dr. Wm. fl. Green. Send for circular of testimo ny oet3-dw Bry oods AND JZ BEINO RECEIVED BYi EVERY jiaaer and by Rail. The prices will be as' tov or lowei than ever before. Repectfdlyt R. TJI. r.Tclntire. JptM PUH CELL HOUSE. Wanner N. C. B PEttRY. - . . vriiv U Proyrtet r AUoii3 Hit lvl.U tto t t ta. - " - w r - The Cosmopolitan XM 13 THE PLACE WHERE YOU iiS-1. Pt and moet K-V0":. Tery beet Wines I C r. J "c crj-ueafc nines ' kJJ n ulra always on hand iT.lL"1'0 lhtt 14 Drop " J0HX UARKOLL, rropneuir. Exchange Corner. THE LADIES OF WILMINGTON are on 25? VjcMge Corner, a superb stock v1 Goods, Millinery, Feathers, &c. "Men I win k- ' . . v t j'cu uTe toe in cat . W H I ll 111 II 1 IIII II I I If. r r,ft.. rr.;T-w, i1" tjiea or ran ami Win UwT ?fud .Bott New Stamping Pat- , MI8S X. XARRER, , 1 1 VOL V WILMINGTON, N. C, SATURDAY, OCTOBER LOCAL NEWS. Nzw Advertisement?. S'IIIIaxxin , Sheilff Tax Notice, 18S1 IIeixsbebgee The Marvellous Orgabina C W Yates Photography School Bocks No magisterial reports to-day. Daj's length 11 hours and 13 minutes. No interments in Oakd le Cemetery this week. The receipts of cotton at llit3 port to day foot up G77 LalcF. Sunset to-morrow afternoon at 22 minutes past 5 o'clock. , Two adults and one child interred this week in Bellevue Cemetery. Maj. W. L. Young, Saperintendent of the Daplin Canal, is in the city to-day. '"What has become of the Newbern News ? We haven't had a copy in sev eral days. Study your interest. You can now buy Cook Stoves at factory prices at Jacob fs. f The interments in Pine Forest this week foot up eight one adult and seven children. Ger. barque Prospero, KrenzieD, sail ed from Hamburg for this port on the 11th inst. Steamship Qui Stream, Captain In gram, arrived here this morning from New York. " -Ger. barque Charlotte and Anna, Lewin, from this port, arrived at Stettin on the 11th insf. The Begister of Peeds has issued this week marriage licenses to three white and one colored couples. Rev. Dr. Bernheim has not yet decided as to whether he will accept the position tendered him at Mt. Pleasant. We venture the assertion that this is the warmest 15th day of October within the memory of the oldest iohabitant. Tn the absence of the Rector, Rev. Dr. Patterson will preach in St. John's Church to morrow, morning and evening Freshwater Perch, Trout and Black fish Hooks and Lines. A fall assort ment and 1 o west prices at J acobi's. t The promises of rain daring the past twenty-four hours have been abundant, but not one drop has fallen hereabouts cs yet. Forepaugh has made positive arrange meats for bringing his circus to Wil mington. He will appear here on No vember 14th. Beautify your nomes by using the N Y. EnamelPaint, ready mixed and war ranted. Sold only at Jacobi's. t Xhe Grand Lodge No. 2, bfthelnde. pendent Order of Good Samaritans and Daughters ot Samaria (incorporated) wil assemble in Greensboro on Tuesday next, the 18th inst. Sheriff Manning will make the rounds of the county in few days for the collec tor of taxes in the townships. : His first appointment is for Federal Point, at Biddle's Store, on the 26th inst. Wm. T. Fillcv. Esq.. of Pittsfield, - - - a w A " - . Mass.. Attornev at Law and Asst. J udge Police Court, and late County Commis sioner, says that he was restored to per fect health and activity by the use of St. Jacobs Oil. He .had suffered with rheumatism- foi years intensely ; but by the recent use of the remedy he was, as stated, completely cured. - Thanks to CoL Jno. Vf. Gordon for an invitation from'the Commercial Club of Richmond to the hospitalities of that Club during the Yorktown Centennial season. .We will be glad to avail our self of the kind invitation should oppor tunity occur. ' . Files ; Mosquitoes. A 15c box of "Rough on Rats' will keep a house free from flies, mosquitoes, rats and mice, the entire season. Drug- gists- Memorial Address. The Tarboro Southerner speaks in glooming terms of an eulogy delivered in SL Louis on President Garfield, by Rev. Jos. fl. Foy, D. D.f of the Central Christian Church in that city. We also received a copy of the paper containing the address, and read the report with much interest. It is, by far, we think, the most beautiful memorial address we ever read. Dr. J?y is a Wilmingtonian, born in this city, r r Warner's Safe Kidney and Llrer Cure. Confederate bonds are worth in Am' slerdam 12.50 for $1,000. They have been sold recently at $4 in Wall street One small boy was the enly appear ance made before the Mayor at his levee this morning. He was charged with dis orderly conduct and was ordered dis charged from custody. Myriads ot people sacrifice themselres through carelessness. They are attack ed with a Cold, neglect it and die, in stead of taking Dr. Bull's i.ongh Syrap and living on usefully. Price 25 cts. a bottle : -Ttin lintz-wRjitiey.riyoap0. 'Mr. Abe Leavitt, actvance "agent of the Rentz-Santley Combination, is in the city to-day making arrangements for the appearance of his troupe here on Monday night, October 24th. He tells ns that many new and attractive features have been added and that the entertain ment has been greeted with crowded houses everywhere. Unmailable. Unmailable matter, addressed ss fol lows, remains in the Postoffice in this city: Lucy Scott, Kittrell's, N. C; Rev. E. Morton, Lumberton, N. O.j E. Butterick & Co., New York, N. Y.j Alice L. Moore, Arkadelphia, Ark.; P. P. Dough erty, Lynchburg, Ya.; Mrs. Thos. Roach, Philadelphia, Pa.; Mrs, M, A. Southall, Pleasant Hill, N.C. A Legalized Nuisance The greatest nuisance we have encoun tered to day is a legalized one. it was in the sweeping of North Water street this afternoon at inst about the busiest hours. The streets are very dry and the dust raised by the street Jsquad was per fectly fearful, filling the eyes and nose and mouth of all who were abroad at that hour and floating in at the open windows and doors and covering every thing. We fail to see the necessity of this. The sweeping should be done early in the morning or late in the afternoon. The complaint to-dav .waa universal and we trust that it may be needed. For Yorktown. The Wilmington Light Infantry! leave here on Monday morning en route for Yorktown. At Weldon they will take the Seaboard road to Portsmouth where they will board an Old Dominion steamer and arrive at Yorktown some time on -Monday night. . On the return they will stop at Norfolk to accept the invitation so kindly extended them to visit that city. The command will move from the Armory at 6 o'clock, sharp, on Monday morning, and those who are going are expected to be there in time to march at that hour. We do not know how many will go. There has been some difficulty. in a quarter least expected, among the em ployers of the young men. It is a busy season and some of them cannot well be spared. But we trust that all who can be possibly spared will be allowed to go. To Builders and others Go to Jaco bi's for Sash, Blinds and Doors, Glass &c Yon can get all sizes and at the lowest prices. T Prof. King's Balloon. Yesterday's New York Sun prints a .. .. e il . . very interesting account oi me asceu sionof Prof. King's balloon at Chicago on Thursday. The only passenger was Mr. J.G. Hashagen, of this city, now in the Signal Service. The ascension was made fron the lake front and in the pres ence of 10,000 people. There was much peril in the start because of a high wind prevailing at the time, there being fears of the balloonlbeing dashed against some of the neighboring buildings before it got well into the air. It, however, got safe ly away, narrowly missing a flagpole in the ascent. The balloon ascended rapidly, and when at the height of a mile it seemed to enter a current of air that was moving toward the west. It remained at that elevation, and moved off gradually to ward St. Louis, at a rate not exceeding twenty miles an hour. At 6 o'clock it was lost to sight. Before starting Prof. King said he intended to make an all- night voyage, and cover not less than 500 miles. Nothing had been heard irom him up to midnight. John McGinness says: Dr. Benson, I will pray for you as long as I live, be cause you took pity on me when I was . . m t Jl . ItARe BVIA sick ana in ine noepiuu, auu kui uc two boxes of your Celery and Chamomile Pills, and they cured me oi ociauca, Neuralgia and Nervous weakness. . I News and Observer Condensed The State Fair. Yesterday, (Thursday) the attendance at the fair was very large, and the grand stand was packed all day, while the other buildings were crowded. There were a number of interesting events. A very large number of ex-Confederate soldiers were present and some 500 participated in the reunion. The ex-Confederates assembled in their hall at 1 o'clock, and were called to order by GenW. R. Cox, who, after Slating the objects of the meeting, called Gen. 'lhos.L. Clingman to fthc chair, as temporary chairmaa, and Col. W F. Beasley was requested , to act, as secreta ry. - .. V-- j Co! iSe&slcyead he following report of a meeting held at the Yarborough House on Wednesday evening : At an informal meeting held at the Yarborough .Hotel, by a number of ex Con federatesoldiers, the following pro ceedings were had : Gen W. R. Cox was called to the chair, and Maj. S. M. Finger made secretary. Gen. Cox explained the objects of the meeting; after which the following reso lations were passed: Resolved, That a permanent organi zation of the ex-Confederate soldiers and sailors of North Carolina be made under the name and style of "The Society of ex-Confederate Soldiers and Sailors of North Carolina." Resolved, That a committee of five be appointed by the chair to suggest a plan for organizing said society, and that said committee report to the meeting to be held at ex-Confederate headquarters to morrow, October 13, 1881. 1 he chair appointed the following committee: Colonel W. J. Green, Cap tain A. M. Noble, Captain E. D. Fox hall, Cnptain James S. Battle Colonel W. t Beasley. The committee met, with Colonel Green in the chair, Colonel Beasley act ing as secretary, and recommended the following as their report : 1st. That the officers of the society consist of a president, ten vice-presidents (one from each Congressional district and two from the State at large), and . a sec retary, who shall be treasurer. 2nd. That the president appoint an ex ecutive committee of five, to manage the affairs of the society during the first year, of which he shall be chairman. 3rd. That the only requisite necessary for admission into the society shall be satisiactory evidence of honorable service mrtne uonieaerare army or navy.. 4th. That no admission fee shall be demanded or required the first year, but each member be left to contribute such aid as he feels able to do towards sus- taming and -matting tne society a suc cess. 5th. That the society meet at least once in each year, and that said meeting be held during lhursday of the week se lected for holding the State fair, and at such other times as the president may select. tb. That the first duty of the execu tive committee be to adopt suitable by laws for the society, and have printed for distribution to applicants an explanatory address, setting forth the objects ot the organization. Wharton J. Geeek, A. M. Noble, E. D FOXHALL, W. F. Beasley, J. S. Battle, Committee. On motion of General Cox the resolu tion was adopted. On motion of Mr. J. S. Battle, of Edgecombe, a committee of three, con ing of Capt. S. B. Alexander, J. J. Laughinghouse and James C. McRae, were appointed to suggest permanent officers. This committee reported the following names: For president of the association, Col. W. J. Green; vice president from the first districtjsecond district, J.E. Porter; third district.C J.Harrii; fourth district, Joseph J. Davis; fifth district, C. B, Watson; sixth district, R. T. Bennett; seventh district, William Overman; eighth dis trict; Theo. Davidson; at large, W. F. Beasley, S. II. Badger; secretary, L. L. Polk. . - - - . The report of the committee was adopted. There were nine contestants in the spelling match for the Worcester Un abridged Dictionary. Henry W. Rice won the prize, spelling one hundred and twenty words, without missing one. In the afternoon was shot, in the pres ence of an immense crowd, the pigeon match between Capt. A. H. Bogardas and Mr. J. T. Pullcn. It was at 30 birds each, 30 yards rise, English rules. Mr. Bogardus killed 28 birds, in seven cases using his second barrel. Mr. Pol len killed 26 birds, using his second barrel in four cases. Capt. Bogardus says Mr. Pullen is entitled to take rank with the best shots in this country. Trotting race for horses that never beat 2:30 purse $250 best three in fire, mile heats. Entries Channcey, by Ben nett; Maud McDonald, by Lassiter; Ru ric Nevine, by Carrow; Nettie, by Bry an. Time 2:40, 2:43, 2:44j, 2:49.1 tie was withdrawn after the second heat. Running race mile and a-half dash purse $100 : Tom Bacon, by Williams; Simon, by Williams; Alice, by Goode. I ime 3:09. Breeders' purse, $25 for horses under four years of age half mile heats, best two in three: Fannie, by Lassiter; Rob ert Medium, by Wynnej Tilden, by Rea Yis. Tipie 137,1:39.' . 15. 1881 NO 244 Hew Advertifeaments. Tax Notice, 1881 JpOR THE PURPOSE OF COLLECTING the Public Taxes according to law, I will be at ' Federal Point, Liidle'a Store, October 20th, from 10 A. M to 1 P. M. Masoaboro Voting Place, October 27th, from 10 A. M. to 1 P. li. . Cape Fer, Chadwick'e Stere, October 2Stb, from 10 A. M. to 1 P. M. : Harnett, Macumber's Store, October 29th, from 10 A. M. to 1 P. VI. IHCLW AIVING , advertisement this yean Prompt payment will save csti. ' v S. H, MANNING, oct 15-1 1 8heiiff. Ea?ering and Tie. 1 000 wtole and nif Koiis Baiins 3000 Bundles New aud p'a t123 Bacon, (toffee, 8ugar. QQ Boxesf SmokedandD 9 Sldea 2gQ Ba?B Coffee, different grades, OHfi Bhls Sugars, Granulated, Uls Standard A, Extra U and 1 000 Bbla Flour 8Td0B 100 Tab" QloIce Lcf Lardf IJ Bbl and Boxes FreahCakef , Qq Boxes Assorted Candy, . - Potash, Lye, Soda, 100 Bozes Bil1 TotMh 200 Boxe Lye 100 Boxe ,CesSod, QQ Bo Soap, rypi Half Bbla aad Boxes.Snuff, rjCZ Dorcn Buckets, 1 Fi( i Rcm "VfrappiBg Paper, Hoop Iron, Nails, Hay, Oats, Bantolt-B Yarns and 8heethun. For sale low by sept 19 WILLIAMS A 1CUSCHISON HEW GOODS 2 this ms. I DELICIOUS PEACHES AND i TOMATOES! All varieties of 01.-rice FreFervep in one and two pound O ms, the best in the market. Our elegant Family Flour, Parole d' Honour Pig Hams, Breakfast Strips and Small Shoulders, Parched Java and Lagnayra Coffee, These goods ue all fresh this week Our prices and quality of goods will convince you if you will try us. t. : Try the prepared Soups For sale at CEO. RIYERS'. f eb U Hoc 11 d 1) Boath front Btl WANTED! MEI1 OF ABILITY! TO BKPBKdlST Dictioaary of TJidyertal KnoTriede. Co VLsra Crciomoia ortmT bat waxtb . This is ths Most Csefal and OvBpsetUte rary Aebieveaeat of Ue Ate. It has no competitors w wsmt eozastoat Solid tors Peddlers seed af ply i treuara, griax fall dessripticB, seat om appUeattoa. 0t Lonij, CUeixo, EL AgsatapGa PL2A8S ! OTICi frofa czt frUaSi ca aiy and alt wis, t&r&lL&rat hat . ; . Taerxaacf taewriur.mrt tlyifcra t a5ad is Ct Editor. " Oogrm,leagoas arart be vrtttes oa oc!y eaecilacf&e paper. .... Persrj timw mxt be avoids - Aad II b especially and cni-nlar'y yadtr ftood that ta Editndo arH aJvys vodorT ae views e oorrmiiiittaM. ! stsjT ta A editorial o.jI s. Haw A dverti8emeir s, Aspinull Ban nuts, &c. RECEIVED TO-DAY by SteanuhlpReg ulator, soae very choice Atpinwall Bananas Malaga and atawb Graces, 8weet Juicy Pers, Apples, Lemons, New Flgs,RUins&c.,at . 8-G- NORTH HOP'S, oct 12 Wat-r "id Market Stores QN AND AFTER TUESDAY, October llth, IIARRIS'NEWS DEpfT will be found two doors below old place. Dyers' Old Stand), Newsoapere. Magaiiae'. Ac. can be found as usual. Also the bet 5 and 10 cent Cigars In. the market - Come and aee me. ; :. -.x-:- Oct 104w . oval. MY FRIENDS AND THE PUBLIC gererally are respectfully notified that 1 hare removed my Cigar Store to . No.' 6, Sonth Front street, two doors from Ex cban?e Corner, whur. T r4n K tee aa l accommodate them with a full line ui lunacco ana lODacco uoods. The viry best FIYE CENT CIGAR in the city. I ne&?,I.t-i N- GREENErTALD. ctll-Sw FOR YORKTOWN I Round' "Trip Tickets ! SETWECK wiLmiNcfora AND Y O RKTOWfj I VIA WELDON AND PORTSMOUTH I oa WELDON AND RICHMOND! JOOn TO ItBTUJMTTJUHIi Tuesdays Oct 25;'Bh ARE NOW O SALE AT WILMINGTON l TARE FOR ROUND TRIP, rrr? A. POPE, oet 13-8 1 General Passenger Agent NAVE YOU SEEN The Marvellous Organina I IITTLK 0OAS THAT ' iS pipes. As. c , A child esa pUy It 1 he Wcndsr of tt age. Cmeand6seandhsar It at HEtlf SliKRGKR'S rr 11 jTd Book and Mario Stere SyjR. ORR. The ' - PhotQfirrapher, JJAYING RETURNED from hit Soomer vscatloo, iaow prepared to do work ia tie Latest Syle. New and Seeoad htad Boco I -Books very cheap. orassepjr BOO 8T0RB. ett 10 UJLU OE ISsjGL 353 TO THINK ABOUT H OT B E D GAG H J PLEASE OEDEB EARLY. BASH, DOORS AIID DUllDS, BRACEETSAIOULDrNO, .UlIBER,;&e ALTAFFEB, PBIOE & CO. oet It Freoh E verv Dav roa A302TOU2rr-o7 gauditf sVeaeh aad Domastie, jsxt reeeiTed aaoit? isle. THB C3TLT GEUINS OOME-ttADB Osadj la th city, will be faed mitrr CJ, fresh asd iwoet, three dJbrs tiaib of tbo rosSoSe oa Seeosd street, Abo, at! lsIasrrBit,4e,-t. o. JL J&VLxZ, lit - iear tho Fcstol a 1 .1 1